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Windows Setup Guide

Ben Zhang edited this page Jul 29, 2016 · 11 revisions

This guide assumes you have Visual Studio Community 2015 installed. If not, you may follow this openFrameworks setup guide to install VS2015 first.

Below is a step-by-step guide of setting up ESP project.

  1. Use Git to clone this project. Remember to clone all the submodules (Github client will do a recursive clone automatically; if you are using other clients, please check that you have contents in the third-party folder).
  2. Download openFrameworks and unzip it into third-party folder. By default this will create an of_v0.9.3_vs_release folder. You need to rename it to openFrameworks.
  3. Copy openFrameworks plugin dependencies (third-party/ofxDatGui, third-party/ofxGrt, third-party/ofxParagraph) into openFrameworks add-on folder (third-party/openFrameworks/addons/).
  4. Download the pre-compiled GRT libraries for windows. Links here. Put the binary inside ESP folder Xcode/ESP and rename it as grt.lib.
  5. Navigate to Xcode/ESP/ and open the project by double clicking on ESP.sln.

You can then build the project and run it inside Visual Studio.

GRT binary download link:

Folder structure

├── SpaceInvaders
├── googletest
├── grt
├── ofxDatGui
├── ofxGrt
├── ofxParagraph
└── openFrameworks
    ├── addons
    ├── apps
    ├── docs
    ├── examples
    ├── export
    ├── libs
    ├── other
    ├── projectGenerator-osx
    └── scripts

Build GRT on your own

  1. Download and install CMake
  2. Clone ESP repository recursively.
  3. Use CMake to generate GRT VS project (remember to enable static library) CMake example
  4. Navigate to the generated project (in the above example image, it's under third-party/grt/build/tmp.
  5. Click any project will open the whole GRT solution.
  6. You can now build the project. This will build all GRT libraries, tools and examples.

Most importantly, we need grt.lib (third-party\grt\build\tmp\Debug\grt.lib). Copy this file over to Xcode/ESP folder.