This document explains how to use this library inside your Go code.
The Go dictionary files are generated from the dictionary and the default language into global_settings.GoOutputPath
. They are basically enumeration lists.
Each namespace gets its own directory and file in the format $NamespaceName/TranslationIDs.go
While regeneration is done after any changes to the default language translation text file, the generated go files are only saved when there is a relevant change. A file named NamespaceHashes.json
is kept in global_settings.GoOutputPath
to facilitate this behavior.
The format of the go files looks like the following:
File: global_settings.GoOutputPath
package NameSpaceExample
import ""
//goland:noinspection NonAsciiCharacters,GoSnakeCaseUsage
const (
//TranslationID = TranslationValue
TranslationID translate.TransIndex = iota + 0
//Foo天६_ = 😭Bar {{*TranslationID}} {{*_animalsGroupNames.Cow}}
/*BorrowedNumberOfBooks = You have no books borrowed
VariableOrder = OtherVar[VariableTranslation]*/
/*WelcomeTitle = Welcome to our hotel <b>{{.Name|-10}}</b>.\nYour stay is for {{.NumDay天s|08.2}} days. Your checkout is on {{.CheckoutDay!%x %X}} and your cost will be {{.Cost}}
VariableOrder = Name[String], CheckoutDay[DateTime], Cost[Currency], NumDay天s[IntegerWithSymbols]*/
The commented translations always take the first given Plurality rule.
objects have a combination of Get() functions to compile translations from either a TransIndex or a Translation ID string (with optional namespace).
See here for the full list of Get() translation functions.
- ProcessSettings/ProcessedFile are in the
package - ReturnData/watch.Execute are in the
The ProcessSettings
struct values are taken from global_settings and are used to automatically read translation text files, compiled translation files, and go dictionary files.
Compiled files are read from (and not written to) if their modification timestamps are newer than their translation text files counterpart, unless IgnoreTimestamps=true
The ProcessSettings
struct also contains the following flags:
Name | Type | Description |
OutputGoDictionary | bool | Whether to output go dictionary files |
OutputCompiled | bool | Whether to output compiled .gtr files |
IgnoreTimestamps | bool | Whether to force outputting all files, ignoring timestamps |
Its functions are:
func (settings *ProcessSettings) Directory() (ProcessedFileList, error)
- Processes all files in the
directory. It also returns the resultant languages. - No ProcessedFiles are returned if any of the following errors occur: Directory error, language identity used more than once, default language not found
- Processes all files in the
func (settings *ProcessSettings) File(languageIdentifier string) (loadedLanguages ProcessedFileList, err error)
func (settings *ProcessSettings) FileNoReturn(languageIdentifier string) error
- Processes a single language.
- The default language will also need to be processed for the dictionary, but will only have the dictionary written out for it if it needs updating.
- The languages in the fallback chain will not be processed. Because of this, there will be no Language objects returned.
func (settings *ProcessSettings) FileCompileOnly(languageIdentifier string) error
- Processes a single translation text file. It does not attempt to look at fallbacks, default languages, or already-compiled files.
- This will only work if a compiled dictionary already exists.
func watch.Execute(settings *ProcessSettings) <-chan watch.ReturnData
- Processes all files in the
directory. - It continually watches the directory for relevant changes in its own goroutine, and only processes and updates the necessary files when a change is detected. See watch.ReturnData.
- Processes all files in the
Some ProcessSettings functions return a map
of ProcessedFile
structs keyed to the language identifier, which is the ProcessedFileList
type ProcessedFile struct {
LangIdentifier string
InputFileName string
Warnings []string
Err error
Flags ProcessedFileFlag
Lang *translate.Language //Only filled if Flags.PFF_Language_Success*
is a set of ProcessedFileFlag
, which are:
Flag name | Short | Flag info |
Language object info | ||
PFF_Language_SuccessfullyLoaded | SuLD | If the Language object was successfully loaded and filled into ProcessedFiles and the fallback was set |
PFF_Language_SuccessNoFallbackSet | SuNF | If the Language object was loaded and filled into ProcessedFiles, but the fallback was not set |
PFF_Language_IsDefault | Defa | If this is the default language |
Loading state (mutually exclusive) | ||
PFF_Load_NotAttempted | LoNA | File loading was not attempted because other errors occurred first |
PFF_Load_NotFound | LoNF | File was not loaded because its translation text file was not found |
PFF_Load_YAML | LoYA | If this was loaded from a YAML translation text file |
PFF_Load_JSON | LoJS | If this was loaded from a JSON translation text file |
PFF_Load_Compiled | LoCo | If this was loaded from a .gtr file Note: Compression state is assumed from ProcessSettings.CompressCompiled |
Error information | ||
PFF_Error_DuringProcessing | Er | If errors occurred during processing |
File output success flags | ||
PFF_OutputSuccess_CompiledLanguage | OuCL | If a .gtr file was successfully output Note: Only when ProcessSettings.OutputCompiled Note: Compression state is assumed from ProcessSettings.CompressCompiled |
PFF_OutputSuccess_CompiledDictionary | OuCD | If a .gtr dictionary file was successfully output Note: Only when ProcessSettings.OutputCompiled and PFF_Language_IsDefault Note: Compression state is assumed from ProcessSettings.CompressCompiled |
PFF_OutputSuccess_GoDictionaries | OuGD | If one or more go dictionary files was successfully output Note: Only when ProcessSettings.OutputGoDictionary and PFF_Language_IsDefault |
A function is available, ProcessedFileList.CreateFlagTable() []string
which creates an aligned ascii table that shows which flags are set on which ProcessedFile
s. The row headers are the Short
in the above table, and the column headers are the language identifier.
The watch.Execute()
function (listed under ProcessSettings) returns what’s happening through a channel of watch.ReturnData
package watch
type ReturnData struct {
Type ReturnType
Files execute.ProcessedFileList //Only on ReturnType=WR_ProcessedDirectory
Err error //Only on ReturnType=WR_ProcessedDirectory or WR_ProcessedFile or WR_ErroredOut
Message string //Only on ReturnType=WR_Message or WR_ProcessedFile
type ReturnType int
const (
WR_Message ReturnType //An informative message is being sent
WR_ProcessedDirectory //Directory() was called due to initialization or default language update
WR_ProcessedFile //A single file was updated. Message contains the filename. Error is filled on error.
WR_ErroredOut //The watch could not be started or has closed
func Execute(settings *execute.ProcessSettings) <-chan ReturnData {}
- Translation text files:
- LanguageTextFile:
func (lf LanguageTextFile) Load(r io.Reader, allowBigStrings bool) (retLang *Language, retWarnings []string, retErrors error)
- Loads a text language file (either YAML or JSON).
- The dictionary must be loaded first.
is still returned when there are warnings but no errors.- Note: Fallback language still need to be assigned through Language.SetFallback().
func (lf LanguageTextFile) LoadDefault(r io.Reader, allowBigStrings bool) (retLang *Language, retWarnings []string, retErrors error)
- Loads the default language text file and the dictionary.
is still returned when there are warnings but no errors.
- LanguageTextFile:
- Compiled binary files:
- LanguageBinaryFile:
func (lf LanguageBinaryFile) Load(r io.Reader, isCompressed bool) (*Language, error)
- Loads a .gtr language file.
- The dictionary must be loaded first.
- Note: Fallback language still need to be assigned through Language.SetFallback().
func (lf LanguageBinaryFile) LoadDefault(r io.Reader, isCompressed bool) (*Language, error)
- Loads a .gtr language file.
- This must be the default language.
- The dictionary must be loaded first.
func (lf LanguageBinaryFile) LoadDictionary(r io.Reader, isCompressed bool) (err error, ok bool)
- Loads the dictionary via a compiled dictionary file, which must be done before loading any compiled translation file or non-default translation text file.
- Returns an error if the dictionary was not loaded during this call.
- Returns
if the dictionary was read successfully during this or a previous call to this function.
- LanguageBinaryFile:
- LanguageFile:
- Both LanguageTextFile and LanguageBinaryFile are of type LanguageFile
- Both
require that a dictionary already be loaded. The following 2 functions interact with that stored dictionary.func (LanguageFile) ClearCurrentDictionary() error
- Erases the stored dictionary so a new dictionary can be loaded.
- Returns if dictionary was already loaded.
func (LanguageFile) HasCurrentDictionary() bool
- Returns if there is a stored dictionary already loaded
- Languages that have mismatched dictionaries are incompatible.
Calling Language.SetFallback(fallbackLanguage *Language) error
is required after calling LanguageTextFile.Load()
or LanguageBinaryFile.Load()
- Stores the fallback language.
- If
was given for the parent language, theSettings.LanguageIdentifier
of the given fallbackLanguage must match. If it was not given, fallbackLanguage becomes the default language. - A language cannot have itself set as its fallback. That only occurs naturally for the default language.
- The fallback language being set must already have its fallback language set. This is required so fallback language loops cannot occur.
These functions read in languages from compiled files with just the language identifier given. They are primarily here for when the gol10n_read_compiled_only build tag is specified, as they handle the same kind of shortcut functionality as the automatic functions, which are not included when gol10n_read_compiled_only
build tag is specified.
They are in the translate.load_compiled
LoadDefault(compiledDirectoryPath string, defaultLanguageIdentifier string, isCompressed bool) (*translate.Language, error)
- Loads the compiled dictionary and default language.
Load(compiledDirectoryPath string, langIdentifier string, isCompressed bool, defaultLanguage *translate.Language) (*translate.Language, error)
- Loads the language and its fallbacks. The dictionary must be loaded first (Through
- Loads the language and its fallbacks. The dictionary must be loaded first (Through
func (l *Language) SaveGTR(w io.Writer, isCompressed bool) error
- Saves a .gtr language file
func (l *Language) SaveGTRDict(w io.Writer, isCompressed bool) error
- Saves a .gtr dictionary file
func (l *Language) SaveGTRVarsDict(w io.Writer, isCompressed bool) error
- Saves a .gtr variable dictionary file
func (l *Language) SaveGoDictionaries(outputDirectory string, GoDictHeader string) (err error, numUpdated uint)
- Saves the *.go dictionary files from the language to
- The
is inserted just before theconst
- Saves the *.go dictionary files from the language to
These are the other functions under the Language
NumTranslations() uint32
Name() string
LanguageIdentifier() string
LanguageTag() language.Tag
FallbackName() string
MessagePrinter() *message.Printer
TimeLocalizer() (*lctime.Localizer, error)
TranslationIDLookup(index TransIndex) (val string, ok bool)
- Returns the namespace name and Translation ID name from a TransIndex, separated by a dot.
- As this is only used for debugging purposes, this is not optimized and has to search through all of a namespace’s translations to find a match (only when read from a compiled dictionary file without the variable dictionary loaded).