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Econometrics, statistics, and data science: Reinstein notes with a Micro, Behavioural, and Experimental focus

Notes introduction

  • Focus on the practical tools I use and the challenges I (David Reinstein) face

Microeconomics, behavioral economics, focus on charitable giving and 'returns to education' type of straightforward problems. (Limited to no focus on structural approaches.)

  • Where we can add value to real econometric practice??



  • Observational (esp. web-scraped and API data and national surveys/admin data}

  • Experimental: esp. where with multiple crossed arms, and where the 'cleanest design' may not be possible


Assume familiarity with most basic statistical concepts like 'bias', 'consistency', and 'null hypothesis testing.' However, I will focus on some concepts that seem to often be misunderstood and mis-applied.


Bayesian vs. frequentist approaches

Folder: bayesian Notes: bayes_notes

Causal vs. descriptive; 'treatment effects' and the potential outcomes causal model

  • DAGs and Potential outcomes

Theory, restrictions, and 'structural vs reduced form'

Getting, cleaning and using data

Data: What/why/where/how

Good coding practices

  • Organizing a project

  • Dynamic documents (esp Rmd/bookdown)

New tools and approaches to data (esp 'tidyverse')

  • Style and consistency

    • Indenting, snake-case,etc
  • Using functions, variable lists, etc., for clean, concise, readable code

Data sharing and integrity

Control strategies and prediction; Machine Learning approaches

'Identification' of causal effects with a control strategy not credible Identification Essentially a 'control strategy' is "control for all or most of the reasonable determinants of the independent variable so as to make the remaining unobservable component very small, minimizing the potential for bias in the coefficient of interest". All of the controls must still be exogenous, otherwise this itself can lead to a bias. There is some discussion of how to validate this approach; see, e.g., [@oster2019unobservable].

Machine Learning (statistical learning): Lasso, Ridge, and more

Limitations to inference from learning approaches

Basic regression and statistical inference: Common mistakes and issues

Note: These are organized in an Airtable database here. Many of these are also covered in my 'Research and Writing' book

Peer effects: Self-selection, Common environment, simultaneity/reflection (Manski paper) Identification

Random effects estimators show a lack of robustness Specification Clustering SE is more standard practice

OLS/IV estimators not 'mean effect' in presence of heterogeneity

Power calculations/underpowered

Selection bias due to attrition

Selection bias due to missing variables -- impute these as a solution

Signs of p-hacking and specification-hunting

Weak diagnostic/identification tests

Dropping zeroes in a "loglinear" model is problematic Random effects estimators show a lack of robustness

Dropping zeroes in a "loglinear" model is problematic

Random effects estimators show a lack of robustness

With heterogeneity the simple OLS estimator is not the 'mean effect'

P_augmented may overstate type-1 error rate

Impact size from regression of "log 1+gift amount"

Lagged dependent variable and fixed effects --> 'Nickel bias'

Peer effects: Self-selection, Common environment, simultaneity/reflection (Manski paper)

Weak IV bias

Bias from selecting instruments and estimating using the same data

"Bad control" ("colliders")

Endogenous control: Are the control variables you use endogenous? (E.g., because FDI may itself affect GDP per capita)

Choices of lhs and rhs variables

  • Missing data
  • Choice of control variables and interactions
  • Which outcome variable/variables

Functional form

  • Logs and exponentials

  • Nonlinear modeling (and interpreting coefficients)

  • 'Testing for nonlinear terms'

Quadratic regressions are not diagnostic regarding u-shapedness: Simonsohn18

OLS and heterogeneity

  • OLS does not identify the ATE

  • Modeling heterogeneity: the limits of Quantile re regression

"Null effects"

"While the classical statistical framework is not terribly clear about when one should ""accept"" a null hypothesis, we clearly should distinguish strong evidence for a small or zero effect from the evidence and consequent imprecise estimates. If our technique and identification strategy is valid, and we find estimates with confidence intervals closely down around zero, we may have some confidence that any effect, if it exists, is small, at least in this context. To more robustly assert a ""zero or minimal effect"" one would want to find these closely bounded around zero under a variety of conditions for generalizability.

In general it is important to distinguish a lack of statistical power from a “tight” and informative null result; essentially by considering confidence intervals (or Bayesian credible intervals). See, e.g., Harms and Lakens (2018), “Making 'null effects' informative: statistical techniques and inferential frameworks”." Harms-lakens-18

  • Confidence intervals and Bayesian credible intervals

  • Comparing relative parameters

E.g., "the treatment had a heterogeneous effect... we see a statistically significant positive effect for women but not for men". This doesn't cut it: we need to see a statistical test for the difference in these effects. (And also see caveat about multiple hypothesis testing and ex-post fishing).

Multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)

See [@verkaik2016]

Interaction terms and pitfalls

  • 'Moderators' Confusion with nonlinearity

Moderators: Heterogeneity mixed with nonlinearity/corners

In the presence of nonlinearity, e.g., diminishing returns, if outcome 'starts' at a higher level for one group (e.g., women), it is hard to disentangle a heterogeneous response to the treatment from 'the diminishing returns kicking in'. Related to [57] Interactions in Logit Regressions: Why Positive May Mean Negative

  • MHT

Choice of test statistics (including nonparametric)

(Or get to this in the experimetrics section)

How to display and write about regression results and tests

Bayesian interpretations of results

LDV and discrete choice modeling

Robustness and diagnostics, with integrity

(How) can diagnostic tests make sense? Where is the burden of proof?

Where a particular assumption is critical to identification and inference ...Failure to reject the violation of an assumptionis not sufficient to give us confidence that it is satisfied and the results are credible. At several points the authors cite insignificant statistical tests as evidence in support of a substantive model, or of evidence that they do not need to worry about certain confounds. Although the problem of induction is difficult, I find this approach inadequate. Where a negative finding is given as an important result, the authors should also show that their parameter estimate is tightly bounded around zero. Where it is cited as evidence they can ignore a confound, they should provide evidence that they can statistically bound that effect is small enough that it should not reasonably cause an issue (e.g., as using Lee or McNemar bounds for selective attrition/hurdles).

Estimating standard errors

Sensitivity analysis: Interactive presentation

IV and its many issues

Instrument validity

  • Exogeneity vs. exclusion
  • Very hard to 'powerfully test'

IV not credible Identification Note that for an instrument to be valid it needs to both be exogenously determined (i.e., not selected in a way related to the outcome of interest) and to also not have a direct effect on the outcome (only an indirect effect through the endogenous variable

Heterogeneity and LATE

Weak instruments, other issues

Reference to the use of IV in experiments/mediation

Causal pathways: mediation, hurdles, etc.

Mediation modeling

'Corner solution' or hurdle variables and 'Conditional on Positive

"Conditional on positive"/"intensive margin" analysis ignores selection

"Conditional on positive"/"intensive margin" analysis ignores selection Identification See Angrist and Pischke on "Good CoP, bad CoP". See also bounding approaches such as [@Lee2018] AngristJ.D.2008a,

Causal pathways: mediation, hurdles, etc.

Mediation modeling

'Corner solution' or hurdle variables and 'Conditional on Positive'

Causal pathways: mediation, hurdles, etc.

Mediation modeling and its massive limitations

'Corner solution' or hurdle variables and 'Conditional on Positive

  • Bounding approaches (Lee, Manski, etc)

Other paths to observational identification

Fixed effects and differencing


FE/DiD does not rule out a correlated dynamic unobservable, causing a bias


Time-series-ish panel approaches to micro

  • Lagged dependent variable and fixed effects --> 'Nickel bias'

(Ex-ante) Power calculations

What sort of 'power calculations' make sense, and what is the point?

  • The 'harm to science' from running underpowered studies

Power calculations without real data

Power calculations using prior data

(Experimental) Study design: Identifying meaningful and useful (causal) relationships and parameters

Why run an experiment or study?

  • Sugden and Sitzia critique here, give more motivation

Causal channels and identification

  • Ruling out alternative hypotheses, etc

Types of experiments, 'demand effects' and more artifacts of artifical setups

Generalizability (and heterogeneity)

(Experimental) Study design: Background and quantitative issues

Pre-registration and Pre-analysis plans

  • The hazards of specification-searching

Sequential and adaptive designs

Needs to adjust significance tests for augmenting data/sequential analysis/peeking Statistics/econometrics new-statistics sagarin_2014 resubmit_letterJpube.tex,

Yet ...

P_augmented may overstate type-1 error rate Statistics/econometrics response to referees, new-statistics " A process involving stopping ""whenever the nominal $p.0.5$"" and gathering more data otherwise (even rarely) must yield a type-1 error rate above 5%. Even if the subsequent data suggested a ""one in a million chance of arising under the null"" the overall process yields a 5%+ error rate. The NHST frequentist framework can not adjust ex-post to consider the ""likelihood of the null hypothesis"" given the observed data, in light of the shocking one-in-a-million result. While Bayesian approaches can address this, we are not highly familiar with these methods; however, we are willing to pursue this if you feel it is appropriate.

Considering the calculations in \ref{sagarin2014}, it is clear that $p_{augmented}$ should \textit{overstate} the type-1 error of the process if there is a positive probability that after an initial experiment attains p$<0.05$, more data is collected. A headline $p&lt;0.05$ does \textit{not} imply that this result will enter the published record. Referees may be skeptical of other parts of the design or framework or motivation. They may also choose to reject the paper specifically because of this issue; they believe the author would have continued collecting data had the result yielded $p&gt;0.05$, thus they think it is better to demand more evidence or a more stringent critical value. Prompted by the referee, the author may collect more data even though $p&lt;0.05$. Or, she may decide to collect more data even without a referee report/rejection demanding it, for various reasons (as we did after our Valentine's experiment). Thus, we might imagine that there is some probability that after (e.g.) an initial experiment attaining p<0.05, more data is collected, implying that $p_{augmented}$ as calculated above overstates the type I error rate that would arise from these practices. As referees and editors, we should be concerned about the status of knowledge as accepted by the profession, i.e., in published papers. If we recognize the possibility of data augmentation after any paper is rejected, it might be a better practice to require a significance standard substantially below $p=0.05$, in order to attain a type-1 error rate of 5% or less in our published corpus."

Efficient assignment of treatments

(Links back to power analyses)

'Experimetrics' and measurement of treatment effects from RCTs

Which error structure? Random effects?

Randomization inference?

Parametric and nonparametric tests of simple hypotheses

Adjustments for exogenous (but non-random) treatment assignment

IV in an experimental context to get at 'mediators'?

Heterogeneity in an experimental context

Making inferences from previous work; Meta-analysis, combining studies

Publication bias

Combining a few (your own) studies/estimates

Full meta-analyses

  • Models to address publication biases