Releases: cujojs/msgs
Releases · cujojs/msgs
- topic based channels using the form 'channelName!topic' anywhere a channel is resolved by name
- STOMP - support for subscribing to remote topics
- exchangeChannel providing basic subscription within a channel for topics
- topicExchangeChannel providing AMQP style topic bindings
- adapters for DOM events
- adapters for Backbone.js events
- removed bus.bridge() use bus.forward() instead
- renamed bus.transform() to bus.transformer()
- renamed WebWorker to MessagePort
- renamed NodeStream to Stream
- moved .inboundGateway() and .outboundGateway() from msgs into msgs/gateways, when.js is now an optional dependency
- bus.on('channel', listener) - syntatic sugar over outboundAdapter
- receive'ing from a queue returns the full message, not just the payload
- update when.js to 3.x, dropping 1.x