diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/apply.py b/ctapipe/ml/apply.py
index 2bfd48c5d66..39025683e38 100644
--- a/ctapipe/ml/apply.py
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/apply.py
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class ParticleIdClassifier(ClassificationReconstructor):
     def __call__(self, event: ArrayEventContainer) -> None:
         for tel_id in event.trigger.tels_with_trigger:
             features = self._collect_features(event, tel_id)
-            prediction, valid = self.model.predict(
+            prediction, valid = self.model.predict_score(
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/conftest.py b/ctapipe/ml/conftest.py
index 46ff3a4c012..4145162264b 100644
--- a/ctapipe/ml/conftest.py
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/conftest.py
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
 from ctapipe.utils.datasets import resource_file
 from ctapipe.core import run_tool
 def model_tmp_path(tmp_path_factory):
     return tmp_path_factory.mktemp("models")
 def energy_regressor_path(model_tmp_path):
     from ctapipe.ml.tools.train_energy_regressor import TrainEnergyRegressor
@@ -25,3 +26,24 @@ def energy_regressor_path(model_tmp_path):
     assert ret == 0
     return out_file
+def particle_classifier_path(model_tmp_path):
+    from ctapipe.ml.tools.train_particle_classifier import TrainParticleIdClassifier
+    tool = TrainParticleIdClassifier()
+    config = resource_file("ml-config.yaml")
+    out_file = model_tmp_path / "particle_classifier.pkl"
+    ret = run_tool(
+        tool,
+        argv=[
+            "--input-background=dataset://proton_dl2_train_small.dl2.h5",
+            "--input-signal=dataset://gamma_diffuse_dl2_train_small.dl2.h5",
+            f"--output={out_file}",
+            f"--config={config}",
+            "--log-level=INFO",
+        ],
+    )
+    assert ret == 0
+    return out_file
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/tools/__init__.py b/ctapipe/ml/tools/__init__.py
index 9150e3327eb..46c4f672467 100644
--- a/ctapipe/ml/tools/__init__.py
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/tools/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 from .train_energy_regressor import TrainEnergyRegressor
+from .train_particle_classifier import TrainParticleIdClassifier
-__all__ = ["TrainEnergyRegressor"]
+__all__ = ["TrainEnergyRegressor", "TrainParticleIdClassifier"]
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/tools/apply_particle_classifier.py b/ctapipe/ml/tools/apply_particle_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..136bed0b784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/tools/apply_particle_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+from astropy.table.operations import vstack
+import tables
+from ctapipe.core.tool import Tool
+from ctapipe.core.traits import Bool, Path, flag, create_class_enum_trait
+from ctapipe.io import TableLoader, write_table
+from tqdm.auto import tqdm
+from ctapipe.io.tableio import TelListToMaskTransform
+import numpy as np
+from ..sklearn import Classifier
+from ..apply import ParticleIdClassifier
+from ..stereo_combination import StereoCombiner
+class ApplyParticleIdClassifier(Tool):
+    overwrite = Bool(default_value=False).tag(config=True)
+    input_url = Path(
+        default_value=None,
+        allow_none=False,
+        directory_ok=False,
+        exists=True,
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    model_path = Path(
+        default_value=None, allow_none=False, exists=True, directory_ok=False
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    stereo_combiner_type = create_class_enum_trait(
+        base_class=StereoCombiner, default_value="StereoMeanCombiner"
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    aliases = {
+        ("i", "input"): "ApplyParticleIdClassifier.input_url",
+        ("m", "model"): "ApplyParticleIdClassifier.model_path",
+    }
+    flags = {
+        **flag(
+            "overwrite",
+            "ApplyParticleIdClassifier.overwrite",
+            "Overwrite tables in output file if it exists",
+            "Don't overwrite tables in output file if it exists",
+        ),
+        "f": (
+            {"ApplyParticleIdClassifier": {"overwrite": True}},
+            "Overwrite output file if it exists",
+        ),
+    }
+    classes = [
+        TableLoader,
+        Classifier,
+        StereoCombiner,
+    ]
+    def setup(self):
+        """"""
+        self.h5file = tables.open_file(self.input_url, mode="r+")
+        self.loader = TableLoader(
+            parent=self,
+            h5file=self.h5file,
+            load_dl1_images=False,
+            load_dl1_parameters=True,
+            load_dl2=True,
+            load_simulated=True,
+            load_instrument=True,
+        )
+        self.estimator = ParticleIdClassifier.read(
+            self.model_path,
+            self.loader.subarray,
+            parent=self,
+        )
+        self.combine = StereoCombiner.from_name(
+            self.stereo_combiner_type,
+            combine_property="classification",
+            algorithm=self.estimator.model.model_cls,
+            parent=self,
+        )
+    def start(self):
+        self.log.info("Applying model")
+        tables = []
+        for tel_id, tel in tqdm(self.loader.subarray.tel.items()):
+            if tel not in self.estimator.model.models:
+                self.log.warning(
+                    "No model for telescope type %s, skipping tel %d",
+                    tel,
+                    tel_id,
+                )
+                continue
+            table = self.loader.read_telescope_events([tel_id])
+            if len(table) == 0:
+                self.log.warning("No events for telescope %d", tel_id)
+                continue
+            prediction, valid = self.estimator.predict(tel, table)
+            prefix = self.estimator.model.model_cls
+            class_col = f"{prefix}_prediction"
+            valid_col = f"{prefix}_is_valid"
+            table[class_col] = prediction
+            table[valid_col] = valid
+            write_table(
+                table[["obs_id", "event_id", "tel_id", class_col, valid_col]],
+                self.loader.input_url,
+                f"/dl2/event/telescope/classification/{prefix}/tel_{tel_id:03d}",
+                mode="a",
+                overwrite=self.overwrite,
+            )
+            tables.append(table)
+        if len(tables) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("No predictions made for any telescope")
+        mono_predictions = vstack(tables)
+        stereo_predictions = self.combine.predict(mono_predictions)
+        trafo = TelListToMaskTransform(self.loader.subarray)
+        for c in filter(
+            lambda c: c.name.endswith("tel_ids"), stereo_predictions.columns.values()
+        ):
+            stereo_predictions[c.name] = np.array([trafo(r) for r in c])
+        write_table(
+            stereo_predictions,
+            self.loader.input_url,
+            f"/dl2/event/subarray/classification/{self.estimator.model.model_cls}",
+            mode="a",
+            overwrite=self.overwrite,
+        )
+    def finish(self):
+        self.h5file.close()
+def main():
+    ApplyParticleIdClassifier().run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_apply.py b/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_apply.py
index 63c51c591a6..a966111b54c 100644
--- a/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_apply.py
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_apply.py
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
 import shutil
-def test_apply_energy_regressor(
-    energy_regressor_path, dl2_shower_geometry_file, tmp_path
+def test_apply_energy_regressor(energy_regressor_path, dl1_parameters_file, tmp_path):
     from ctapipe.ml.tools.apply_energy_regressor import ApplyEnergyRegressor
-    input_path = tmp_path / dl2_shower_geometry_file.name
+    input_path = tmp_path / dl1_parameters_file.name
     # create copy to not mutate common test file
-    shutil.copy2(dl2_shower_geometry_file, input_path)
+    shutil.copy2(dl1_parameters_file, input_path)
     ret = run_tool(
@@ -38,3 +36,40 @@ def test_apply_energy_regressor(
     assert "ExtraTreesRegressor_energy_mono" in events.colnames
     assert "ExtraTreesRegressor_is_valid_mono" in events.colnames
+def test_apply_particle_classifier(
+    particle_classifier_path, dl1_parameters_file, tmp_path
+    from ctapipe.ml.tools.apply_particle_classifier import ApplyParticleIdClassifier
+    input_path = tmp_path / dl1_parameters_file.name
+    # create copy to not mutate common test file
+    shutil.copy2(dl1_parameters_file, input_path)
+    ret = run_tool(
+        ApplyParticleIdClassifier(),
+        argv=[
+            f"--input={input_path}",
+            f"--model={particle_classifier_path}",
+            "--ApplyParticleIdClassifier.StereoMeanCombiner.weights=konrad",
+        ],
+    )
+    assert ret == 0
+    loader = TableLoader(input_path, load_dl2=True)
+    events = loader.read_subarray_events()
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_prediction" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_tel_ids" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_is_valid" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_goodness_of_fit" in events.colnames
+    events = loader.read_telescope_events()
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_prediction" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_tel_ids" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_is_valid" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_goodness_of_fit" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_prediction_mono" in events.colnames
+    assert "ExtraTreesClassifier_is_valid_mono" in events.colnames
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_process.py b/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_process.py
index 515db2a9765..4ac9072379b 100644
--- a/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_process.py
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_process.py
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ def test_process_apply_energy(tmp_path, energy_regressor_path):
-        "--write-stereo-shower",
-        "--write-mono-shower",
+        "--write-showers",
@@ -52,3 +51,56 @@ def test_process_apply_energy(tmp_path, energy_regressor_path):
     print(read_table(output, "/dl2/event/telescope/energy/ExtraTreesRegressor/tel_004"))
     print(read_table(output, "/dl2/event/subarray/energy/ExtraTreesRegressor"))
+def test_process_apply_classification(tmp_path, particle_classifier_path):
+    from ctapipe.tools.process import ProcessorTool
+    from ctapipe.io import SimTelEventSource
+    output = tmp_path / "gamma_prod5.dl2_energy.h5"
+    config_path = tmp_path / "config.json"
+    input_url = "dataset://gamma_prod5.simtel.zst"
+    with SimTelEventSource(input_url) as s:
+        subarray = s.subarray
+    allowed_tels = subarray.get_tel_ids_for_type(
+        "LST_LST_LSTCam"
+    ) + subarray.get_tel_ids_for_type("MST_MST_NectarCam")
+    config = {
+        "ProcessorTool": {
+            "EventSource": {
+                "allowed_tels": allowed_tels,
+            },
+            "stereo_combiner_configs": [
+                {
+                    "type": "StereoMeanCombiner",
+                    "combine_property": "classification",
+                    "algorithm": "ExtraTreesClassifier",
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+    }
+    with config_path.open("w") as f:
+        json.dump(config, f)
+    argv = [
+        f"--input={input_url}",
+        f"--output={output}",
+        "--write-images",
+        "--write-showers",
+        f"--particle-classifier={particle_classifier_path}",
+        f"--config={config_path}",
+    ]
+    assert run_tool(ProcessorTool(), argv=argv, cwd=tmp_path) == 0
+    print(
+        read_table(
+            output, "/dl2/event/telescope/classification/ExtraTreesClassifier/tel_004"
+        )
+    )
+    print(read_table(output, "/dl2/event/subarray/classification/ExtraTreesClassifier"))
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_train.py b/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_train.py
index f5b40cf79a8..f63be41cdcf 100644
--- a/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_train.py
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/tools/tests/test_train.py
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
 def test_train_energy_regressor(energy_regressor_path):
     from ctapipe.ml.sklearn import Regressor
+def test_train_particle_classifier(particle_classifier_path):
+    from ctapipe.ml.sklearn import Classifier
+    Classifier.load(particle_classifier_path)
diff --git a/ctapipe/ml/tools/train_particle_classifier.py b/ctapipe/ml/tools/train_particle_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..592a112fa09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctapipe/ml/tools/train_particle_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+import numpy as np
+from ctapipe.core.tool import Tool
+from ctapipe.core.traits import Path, Int
+from ctapipe.io import TableLoader
+from sklearn import metrics
+from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
+from tqdm.auto import tqdm
+from astropy.table import vstack
+from ..preprocessing import check_valid_rows
+from ..sklearn import Classifier
+class TrainParticleIdClassifier(Tool):
+    input_signal_path = Path(
+        default_value=None,
+        allow_none=False,
+        directory_ok=False,
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    input_background_path = Path(
+        default_value=None,
+        allow_none=False,
+        directory_ok=False,
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    output_path = Path(
+        default_value=None,
+        allow_none=False,
+        directory_ok=False,
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    n_cross_validation = Int(default_value=5).tag(config=True)
+    n_signal = Int(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(config=True)
+    n_background = Int(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(config=True)
+    random_seed = Int(default_value=0).tag(config=True)
+    aliases = {
+        ("input-background"): "TrainParticleIdClassifier.input_background_path",
+        ("input-signal"): "TrainParticleIdClassifier.input_signal_path",
+        ("o", "output"): "TrainParticleIdClassifier.output_path",
+    }
+    classes = [
+        TableLoader,
+        Classifier,
+    ]
+    def setup(self):
+        """"""
+        self.signal_loader = TableLoader(
+            parent=self,
+            input_url=self.input_signal_path,
+            load_dl1_images=False,
+            load_dl1_parameters=True,
+            load_dl2=True,
+            load_simulated=True,
+            load_instrument=True,
+        )
+        self.background_loader = TableLoader(
+            parent=self,
+            input_url=self.input_background_path,
+            load_dl1_images=False,
+            load_dl1_parameters=True,
+            load_dl2=True,
+            load_simulated=True,
+            load_instrument=True,
+        )
+        self.model = Classifier(
+            parent=self,
+            target="hadronness",
+        )
+        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.random_seed)
+    def start(self):
+        # By construction both loaders have the same types defined
+        types = self.signal_loader.subarray.telescope_types
+        self.log.info("Signal input-file: %s", self.signal_loader.input_url)
+        self.log.info("Background input-file: %s", self.background_loader.input_url)
+        self.log.info("Training models for %d types", len(types))
+        for tel_type in types:
+            self.log.info("Loading events for %s", tel_type)
+            table = self._read_input_data(tel_type)
+            self._cross_validate(tel_type, table)
+            self.log.info("Performing final fit for %s", tel_type)
+            self.model.fit(tel_type, table)
+            self.log.info("done")
+    def _read_table(self, telescope_type, loader, n_events=None):
+        table = loader.read_telescope_events([telescope_type])
+        table["hadronness"] = (table["true_shower_primary_id"] != 0).astype(np.int8)
+        table = table[self.model.features + ["hadronness"]]
+        valid = check_valid_rows(table)
+        self.log.warning("Dropping non-predictable events.")
+        table = table[valid]
+        if n_events is not None:
+            n_events = min(n_events, len(table))
+            idx = self.rng.choice(len(table), n_events, replace=False)
+            idx.sort()
+            table = table[idx]
+        return table
+    def _read_input_data(self, tel_type):
+        signal = self._read_table(tel_type, self.signal_loader, self.n_signal)
+        background = self._read_table(
+            tel_type, self.background_loader, self.n_background
+        )
+        table = vstack([signal, background])
+        self.log.info(
+            "Train on %s signal and %s background events", len(signal), len(background)
+        )
+        return table
+    def _cross_validate(self, telescope_type, table):
+        n_cv = self.n_cross_validation
+        self.log.info(f"Starting cross-validation with {n_cv} folds.")
+        scores = []
+        kfold = StratifiedKFold(
+            n_splits=n_cv,
+            shuffle=True,
+            # sklearn does not support numpy's new random API yet
+            random_state=self.rng.integers(0, 2**31 - 1),
+        )
+        for (train_indices, test_indices) in tqdm(
+            kfold.split(table, table["hadronness"]), total=n_cv
+        ):
+            train = table[train_indices]
+            test = table[test_indices]
+            self.model.fit(telescope_type, train)
+            prediction, _ = self.model.predict(telescope_type, test)
+            scores.append(metrics.roc_auc_score(test["hadronness"], prediction))
+        scores = np.array(scores)
+        self.log.info(f"Cross validated ROC AUC scores: {scores}")
+        self.log.info(
+            "Mean ROC AUC score from CV: %s ± %s",
+            scores.mean(),
+            scores.std(),
+        )
+    def finish(self):
+        self.log.info("Writing output")
+        self.model.write(self.output_path)
+        self.signal_loader.close()
+        self.background_loader.close()
+def main():
+    TrainParticleIdClassifier().run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/ctapipe/resources/ml-config.yaml b/ctapipe/resources/ml-config.yaml
index 816ed0b90ed..b2e9f78030e 100644
--- a/ctapipe/resources/ml-config.yaml
+++ b/ctapipe/resources/ml-config.yaml
@@ -21,5 +21,30 @@ TrainEnergyRegressor:
       - concentration_cog
       - concentration_core
       - morphology_num_pixels
-      - HillasReconstructor_average_intensity
+      - mirror_area
+  n_cross_validation: 5
+  Classifier:
+    model_cls: ExtraTreesClassifier
+    model_config:
+      n_estimators: 10
+      max_depth: 10
+      n_jobs: -1
+    features:
+      - hillas_intensity
+      - hillas_length
+      - hillas_width
+      - hillas_r
+      - hillas_skewness
+      - timing_slope
+      - leakage_intensity_width_1
+      - leakage_intensity_width_2
+      - leakage_pixels_width_1
+      - leakage_pixels_width_2
+      - concentration_cog
+      - concentration_core
+      - morphology_num_pixels
       - mirror_area
diff --git a/ctapipe/tools/process.py b/ctapipe/tools/process.py
index abfe3d49051..8cb8aff60d9 100644
--- a/ctapipe/tools/process.py
+++ b/ctapipe/tools/process.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 from ..reco import ShowerProcessor
 from ..utils import EventTypeFilter
 from ..io import metadata
-from ..ml import EnergyRegressor, StereoCombiner
+from ..ml import EnergyRegressor, ParticleIdClassifier, StereoCombiner
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ class ProcessorTool(Tool):
         help="Path to a trained energy regression model (see ctapipe-ml-train-energy-regressor)",
+    particle_classifier_path = Path(
+        default_value=None,
+        allow_none=True,
+        exists=True,
+        directory_ok=False,
+        help="Path to a trained particle id classifier model (see ctapipe-ml-train-particle-classifier)",
+    ).tag(config=True)
     force_recompute_dl2 = Bool(
         help="Enforce dl2 recomputation even if already present in the input file",
@@ -86,6 +94,7 @@ class ProcessorTool(Tool):
         ("t", "allowed-tels"): "EventSource.allowed_tels",
         ("m", "max-events"): "EventSource.max_events",
         ("e", "energy-regressor"): "ProcessorTool.energy_regressor_path",
+        ("particle-classifier"): "ProcessorTool.particle_classifier_path",
         "image-cleaner-type": "ImageProcessor.image_cleaner_type",
@@ -198,6 +207,13 @@ def setup(self):
+        self.particle_classifier = None
+        if self.particle_classifier_path is not None:
+            self.particle_classifier = ParticleIdClassifier.read(
+                self.particle_classifier_path,
+                self.event_source.subarray,
+                parent=self,
+            )
         self.stereo_combiners = []
         for stereo_combiner in self.stereo_combiner_configs:
@@ -228,6 +244,7 @@ def should_compute_dl2(self):
         return (
             or self.energy_regressor_path
+            or self.particle_classifier_path
@@ -310,6 +327,8 @@ def start(self):
                 if self.energy_regressor is not None:
+                if self.particle_classifier is not None:
+                    self.particle_classifier(event)
             for combiner in self.stereo_combiners:
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 17ccfa0739d..65d030082b7 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
     "ctapipe-quickstart = ctapipe.tools.quickstart:main",
     "ctapipe-ml-train-energy-regressor = ctapipe.ml.tools.train_energy_regressor:main",
     "ctapipe-ml-apply-energy-regressor = ctapipe.ml.tools.apply_energy_regressor:main",
+    "ctapipe-ml-train-particle-classifier = ctapipe.ml.tools.train_particle_classifier:main",
+    "ctapipe-ml-apply-particle-classifier = ctapipe.ml.tools.apply_particle_classifier:main",
 tests_require = [