+const RATING_FILES_NAMES = ["1angry.png", "2upset.png", "3neutral.png", "4happy.png", "5overjoyed.png"];
+const PRODUCTIVITY_FILES_NAMES = ["1-icon.svg", "2-icon.svg", "3-icon.svg", "4-icon.svg", "5-icon.svg"];
+// Wait for window to load
+window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
+// Get current date globals
+var currDate = new Date();
+var month = currDate.getMonth();
+var year = currDate.getFullYear();
+// Defines confetti
+const confetti = window.confetti;
+ * Updates the global date variables to the current date.
+ */
+function updateDateGlobals() {
+ month = currDate.getMonth();
+ year = currDate.getFullYear();
+ * Initializes the page when the DOM content is fully loaded.
+ */
+function init() {
+ // Initiaze the jump buttons
+ displayJump(year - 6, year + 5);
+ taskListViewHandler();
+ // Initially display the calendar, calendar header, and task colors
+ calendarHeader();
+ displayCalendar();
+ // Initialize the buttons
+ initButtons();
+ loadTasks();
+ * Initializes the buttons for adding tasks, navigating months, and other functionalities.
+ */
+function initButtons() {
+ const addTaskBtn = document.querySelector(".add-task-btn");
+ addTaskBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ addTask();
+ });
+ // Previous month button
+ let prevBtn = document.querySelector(".prev-date-btn");
+ prevBtn.addEventListener('click', prev);
+ // Next month button
+ let nextBtn = document.querySelector(".next-date-btn");
+ nextBtn.addEventListener('click', next);
+ // Jump header buttons
+ // List of months
+ let monthJumpBtn = document.querySelectorAll(".month-btn");
+ monthJumpBtn.forEach(btn => {
+ btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ let monthValue = btn.getAttribute("value");
+ jump(monthValue, year);
+ });
+ });
+ // List of years
+ let yearJumpBtn = document.querySelectorAll(".year-btn");
+ yearJumpBtn.forEach(btn => {
+ btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ let yearValue = btn.getAttribute("value");
+ jump(month, yearValue);
+ });
+ });
+ // Resize window for responsiveness
+ window.addEventListener('resize', windowWidth);
+ // Add left/right arrows to goto prev/next months
+ window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
+ if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") {
+ prev();
+ } else if (event.key === "ArrowRight") {
+ next();
+ }
+ });
+ * Updates the global currDate to the next date and displays the next month.
+ */
+function next(){
+ // Increment the month
+ currDate.setMonth(currDate.getMonth() + 1);
+ updateDateGlobals();
+ displayCalendar();
+ * Updates the global currDate to the previous month and displays the previous month's calendar.
+ */
+function prev() {
+ // Decrement the month
+ currDate.setMonth(currDate.getMonth() - 1);
+ updateDateGlobals();
+ displayCalendar();
+ * Adds a task to the task list upon "Add Task" button click.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} [loadTask=false] - Indicates whether the task is being loaded from storage.
+ * @returns {HTMLElement} - The newly created task element.
+ */
+function addTask(loadTask = false) {
+ // Add a task to an element of task container
+ const taskList = document.querySelector(".task-container");
+ const task = document.createElement("li");
+ task.className = "task";
+ // Add it at the first row
+ task.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
+ <div class="check-input-wrap">
+ <button id="task1" class="task-checkbox" aria-label="Task Checkbox"></button>
+ <div contenteditable="true" class="task-input" placeholder="Add a task..." onkeypress="return this.innerText.length <= 180;"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="color-buttons">
+ <button id="purple" class="color-button" aria-label="Purle"></button>
+ <button id="green" class="color-button" aria-label="Green"></button>
+ <button id="blue" class="color-button" aria-label="Blue"></button>
+ <button id="pink" class="color-button" aria-label="Pink"></button>
+ <button id="grey" class="color-button" aria-label="Grey"></button>
+ </div>
+ <img class="trash-icon" src="../icons/trash-icon.svg" alt="Remove">
+ `);
+ task.querySelector(".task-input").addEventListener("input", saveTasks);
+ taskList.append(task);
+ // Listener to stop editing when user presses enter
+ const task_name = task.querySelector(".task-input");
+ task_name.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
+ // Shift + Enter pressed, insert a line break
+ if (event.key == 'Enter') {
+ // Enter pressed, end editing
+ if (!event.shiftKey) {
+ // Prevent default behavior of Enter key
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // Remove focus from the element
+ task_name.blur();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Auto click into the task name text box
+ if (loadTask == false){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ task_name.focus();
+ const selection = document.getSelection();
+ if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
+ selection.collapseToEnd();
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ // Add functionality to task buttons
+ taskButtonsFunctionality(task);
+ return task;
+ * Adds button functionality to a task upon creation.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} task - The task element to add functionality to.
+ */
+function taskButtonsFunctionality(task) {
+ // Implement color changing functionality
+ const colorBtns = task.querySelectorAll(".color-button");
+ colorBtns.forEach(btn => {
+ btn.addEventListener('click', function () {
+ let color;
+ switch (btn.id) {
+ case "purple":
+ color = "#C380CC";
+ break;
+ case "green":
+ color = "#91DC79";
+ break;
+ case "blue":
+ color = "#6BB1D9";
+ break;
+ case "pink":
+ color = "#EEBAE9";
+ break;
+ default:
+ color = "var(--main-color)";
+ }
+ task.style['background-color'] = color;
+ saveTasks();
+ });
+ });
+ // Trash icon delete functionality
+ const deleteIcon = task.querySelector(".trash-icon");
+ deleteIcon.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ task.remove();
+ saveTasks();
+ });
+ // Checkbox move to completed tasks functionality
+ const checkbox = task.querySelector(".task-checkbox");
+ checkbox.addEventListener('click', function () {
+ // Add or remove completed from class name
+ if (task.className.includes('complete')) {
+ task.classList.remove('complete');
+ const taskContainer = document.querySelector('.task-container');
+ taskContainer.appendChild(task);
+ task.addEventListener("blur", saveTasks);
+ saveTasks();
+ }
+ else {
+ task.classList.add('complete');
+ saveCompleted(task);
+ task.remove()
+ saveTasks();
+ confetti({
+ particleCount: 100,
+ spread: 70,
+ origin: { y: 0.6 }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ * Expands task list from collapsed state.
+ */
+function taskListViewHandler() {
+ const taskList = document.querySelector('.task-list');
+ const taskWrap = document.querySelector('.task-wrapper');
+ const outSide = document.querySelector('.full-calendar');
+ taskList.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
+ if (event.target === taskList) {
+ if (window.innerWidth <= 800) {
+ taskList.classList.toggle('active');
+ taskWrap.classList.toggle('active');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ outSide.addEventListener('click', function(){
+ if (window.innerWidth <= 800) {
+ taskList.classList.remove('active');
+ taskWrap.classList.remove('active');
+ }
+ });
+ * Saves the completed tasks for a specific day.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} completedTaskElement - The task element that was completed.
+ */
+function saveCompleted(completedTaskElement) {
+ let data = getJournal();
+ let dateText = new Date().toLocaleDateString();
+ let completedTask = loadFromStorage(data, dateText, "completedTasks") || [];
+ let taskName = completedTaskElement.querySelector('.task-input').textContent;
+ let taskColor = completedTaskElement.style['background-color']
+ completedTask.push({
+ text: taskName,
+ color: taskColor,
+ });
+ saveToStorage(data, dateText, "completedTasks", completedTask);
+ localStorage.setItem("journals", JSON.stringify(data));
+ displayCalendar();
+ * Displays the calendar for the current month.
+ */
+function displayCalendar() {
+ // Get body and clear current calendar
+ let tbody = document.getElementById("tbody-calendar");
+ tbody.innerHTML = "";
+ // Initialize list of months
+ let allMonths = [
+ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
+ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
+ ];
+ // Get day of the week of first day in given month
+ let currCalendarMonth = new Date(year, month, 1);
+ let today = new Date();
+ let dayOffset = -(currCalendarMonth.getDay());
+ // Get month and year header
+ let monthHeader = document.getElementById("month");
+ let yearHeader = document.getElementById("year");
+ monthHeader.textContent = allMonths[parseInt(month, 10)];
+ yearHeader.textContent = year;
+ // Build Calendar
+ // Loop through number of rows
+ let currDay;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ // Create rows
+ let row = document.createElement("tr");
+ // Loop through number of columns
+ for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
+ // Create data for each table cell in the row
+ let cellData = document.createElement("td");
+ // Create span for cell number
+ let cellNum = document.createElement('span');
+ // Add offset to first date in calendar
+ if (i === 0 && j === 0) {
+ currCalendarMonth.setDate(currCalendarMonth.getDate() + dayOffset);
+ currDay = currCalendarMonth.getDate();
+ }
+ // Increment date by one
+ else {
+ currCalendarMonth.setDate(currCalendarMonth.getDate() + 1);
+ currDay = currCalendarMonth.getDate();
+ }
+ // Add number and class to cellNum
+ cellNum.textContent = currDay;
+ cellNum.className = "cell-date";
+ let cellDate = new Date(currCalendarMonth);
+ // If current month
+ if (currCalendarMonth.getMonth() === currDate.getMonth()) {
+ cellData.classList.add("curr-month-date-num");
+ }
+ // If other month
+ else {
+ cellData.classList.add("other-month-date-num");
+ }
+ // If cell is today
+ if (currCalendarMonth.toDateString() === today.toDateString()) {
+ cellData.classList.add("current-date");
+ }
+ // If cell is in the past
+ else if (currCalendarMonth < today) {
+ cellData.classList.add("past-date");
+ }
+ // If cell is in the future
+ else {
+ cellData.classList.add("future-date");
+ }
+ // Add cell number to calendar cell
+ cellData.appendChild(cellNum);
+ if (cellDate <= today) {
+ loadCellDataTest(cellData, currCalendarMonth);
+ }
+ // Append new cell to row
+ row.appendChild(cellData);
+ }
+ // Append row to table
+ tbody.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ // Change the header if the window size is too small
+ windowWidth();
+ // Get the width of month and align the year
+ let monthWidth = document.getElementById('month-dropdown').offsetWidth;
+ document.getElementById('year-dropdown').style.left = monthWidth + 5 + 'px';
+ * Loads cell data such as rating, productivity, and tasks for a specific date in the calendar.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} cellData - The table cell element to populate with data.
+ * @param {Date} currCalendarMonth - The current month being displayed in the calendar.
+ */
+function loadCellDataTest(cellData, currCalendarMonth) {
+ let journals = getJournal();
+ let dateText = currCalendarMonth.toLocaleDateString();
+ let rating = loadFromStorage(journals, dateText, "rating");
+ let productivity = loadFromStorage(journals, dateText, "productivity");
+ let tasks = loadFromStorage(journals, dateText, "completedTasks");
+ if (rating != null) {
+ // Add sentiment icon
+ let sentimentIcon = document.createElement("img");
+ sentimentIcon.src = `../icons/${RATING_FILES_NAMES[rating - 1]}`;
+ sentimentIcon.alt = "sentiment icon";
+ sentimentIcon.className = "sentiment-icon";
+ // Append sentiment icon to new cell
+ cellData.appendChild(sentimentIcon);
+ }
+ if (productivity != null) {
+ // Add productivity icon
+ let productivityIcon = document.createElement("img");
+ productivityIcon.src = `../icons/${PRODUCTIVITY_FILES_NAMES[productivity - 1 - 5]}`;
+ productivityIcon.alt = "productivity icon";
+ productivityIcon.className = "productivity-icon";
+ // Append sentiment icon to new cell
+ cellData.appendChild(productivityIcon);
+ }
+ // Add tasklist in calendar cell
+ // Create tasklist div
+ let taskDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ taskDiv.className = "task-div";
+ // Create unordered list
+ let taskList = document.createElement("ul");
+ taskList.className = "task-ul";
+ if (tasks != null) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length && i < DISPLAY_TASK_COUNT; i++) {
+ let taskItem = document.createElement("li");
+ taskItem.textContent = tasks[i]["text"];
+ taskItem.className = "task-item";
+ taskItem.style.setProperty('--task-color', tasks[i]["color"]);
+ taskList.appendChild(taskItem);
+ }
+ if (tasks.length > DISPLAY_TASK_COUNT) {
+ // Handle extra tasks in calendar view
+ let taskExtra = document.createElement("li");
+ taskExtra.textContent = `${tasks.length - DISPLAY_TASK_COUNT} more tasks`;
+ taskExtra.className = "task-indicator";
+ taskList.appendChild(taskExtra);
+ }
+ }
+ // Append taskList to task div;
+ taskDiv.appendChild(taskList);
+ // Append tasklist div to new cell
+ cellData.appendChild(taskDiv);
+ // Create buttons that link to speciic homepage and extract selected date
+ let aLink = document.createElement("a");
+ let dayLink = currCalendarMonth.getDate();
+ let monthLink = currCalendarMonth.getMonth();
+ let yearLink = currCalendarMonth.getFullYear()
+ // Query is in format ?date=month-day-year
+ aLink.href = `../homepage/homepage.html?date=${monthLink}-${dayLink}-${yearLink}`;
+ aLink.className = "a-link";
+ aLink.setAttribute("aria-label", `Link to details for ${monthLink + 1}/${dayLink}/${yearLink}`);
+ cellData.appendChild(aLink);
+ * Generates a dropdown for year and month selection.
+ *
+ * @param {number} startYear - The start year for the dropdown range.
+ * @param {number} endYear - The end year for the dropdown range.
+ */
+function displayJump(startYear, endYear) {
+ // Years
+ let yearDropdown = document.getElementById("year-dropdown")
+ // Loop through year range and append to list
+ for (let yr = startYear; yr < endYear + 1; yr++) {
+ let yearJump = document.createElement("button");
+ yearJump.value = yr;
+ yearJump.textContent = yr;
+ yearJump.className = "year-btn";
+ yearDropdown.appendChild(yearJump);
+ }
+ // Months
+ let allMonths = [
+ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
+ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
+ ];
+ // Loop through months and append to list
+ let monthDropdown = document.getElementById("month-dropdown")
+ for (let mnth = 0; mnth < 12; mnth++) {
+ let monthJump = document.createElement("button");
+ monthJump.value = mnth;
+ monthJump.textContent = allMonths[parseInt(mnth, 10)];
+ monthJump.className = "month-btn";
+ monthDropdown.appendChild(monthJump);
+ }
+ * Function to jump to a specific month and year.
+ *
+ * @param {number} mnth - month to jump to
+ * @param {number} yr - year to jump to
+ */
+function jump(mnth, yr) {
+ currDate = new Date(yr, mnth)
+ updateDateGlobals();
+ displayCalendar();
+ * Creates header of the calendar.
+ */
+function calendarHeader(){
+ // Initialize list of days of the week
+ let allDays = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed","Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
+ // Header of Days of the week
+ let thead = document.getElementById("thead-weekheadings");
+ let headerRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ // Loop through allDays list and append day of week to row
+ for (let dow of allDays) {
+ let headerData = document.createElement("th");
+ headerData.textContent = dow;
+ headerRow.appendChild(headerData);
+ }
+ thead.appendChild(headerRow);
+ * Adjusts the month header text based on the window width.
+ */
+function windowWidth() {
+ if (window.innerWidth < 920) {
+ // Initialize list of abbreviated months
+ let allMonths = [
+ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
+ ];
+ let monthHeader = document.getElementById("month");
+ monthHeader.textContent = allMonths[parseInt(month, 10)];
+ }
+ else {
+ // Initialize list of months
+ let allMonths = [
+ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
+ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
+ ];
+ let monthHeader = document.getElementById("month");
+ monthHeader.textContent = allMonths[parseInt(month, 10)];
+ }
+ // Get the width of month and align the year
+ let monthWidth = document.getElementById('month-dropdown').offsetWidth;
+ document.getElementById('year-dropdown').style.left = monthWidth + 5 + 'px';
+/* ********** Storage and Population ********** */
+// Get the all relevent elements from page
+const tasks = document.querySelector(".task-container");
+// Save journal entry and tasks to local storage on page unload
+window.onbeforeunload = function () {
+ saveTasks()
+ * Save journal entry to local storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} data - Journal entry text in parsed json format.
+ * @param {string} dateText - Date of the journal entry in locale date string format.
+ * @param {string} key - Key to store the value under.
+ * @param {string} value - Value to store.
+ */
+function saveToStorage(data, dateText, key, value) {
+ if (!(dateText in data)) {
+ data[dateText] = {}
+ }
+ data[dateText][key] = value;
+ * Load journal entry from local storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} data - Journal entry text in parsed JSON format.
+ * @param {string} dateText - Date of the journal entry in locale date string format.
+ * @param {string} key - Key to get the value from.
+ * @returns {string|null} - Value of the key in the data or null if not found.
+ */
+function loadFromStorage(data, dateText, key) {
+ if (!(dateText in data)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return data[dateText][key];
+ * Get journal entry from local storage.
+ *
+ * @returns {Object} - Journal entry text in parsed json format.
+ */
+function getJournal() {
+ let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("journals"))
+ if (data == null) {
+ data = {}
+ }
+ return data;
+ * Save tasks to local storage.
+ */
+function saveTasks() {
+ let tasks = [];
+ document.querySelectorAll('.task-container li').forEach(task => {
+ let taskName = task.querySelector('.task-input').textContent;
+ let taskColor = task.style['background-color']
+ tasks.push({
+ text: taskName,
+ color: taskColor,
+ });
+ });
+ localStorage.setItem("tasks", JSON.stringify(tasks));
+ * Get tasks from local storage.
+ *
+ * @returns {string} - Tasks in parsed json format or empty array if no tasks.
+ */
+function getTasks() {
+ let storedTasks = localStorage.getItem("tasks");
+ return storedTasks ? JSON.parse(storedTasks) : [];
+ * Load tasks from local storage.
+ */
+function loadTasks() {
+ let tasks = getTasks();
+ if (tasks.length > 0) {
+ tasks.forEach(task => {
+ let curLi = addTask(true);
+ curLi.querySelector(".task-input").textContent = task['text']
+ curLi.style['background-color'] = task['color']
+ });
+ }
+// Save journal entry and tasks to local storage on events.
+tasks.addEventListener("blur", saveTasks)
+tasks.addEventListener("change", saveTasks)