- Communication is key
- Treat each other with respect
- Be transparent and make sure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities
- Be empathetic and mindful of other members
- Each person is accountable for their own work
- We will adapt based on obstacles we face
Name | Github | About |
Andrew | Andrewphanguyen | 3rd year CS major from San Diego |
Kevin | radiomediocre | 3rd year Math-CS major from Canada |
Chris | ChEdwards492 | 3rd year CE major from Los Angeles |
Bobby | BobbyYuuu | 3rd year Math-CS major from San Francisco |
Sonya | KimSeongah | 3rd year CS major from South Korea |
Kai | kaiwoessner | 2nd year CE major from San Diego |
Sahana | sahananar | 3rd year Data Science major from the Bay Area |
Derek | dklopstein | 3rd year Math-CS major from Bakersfield, California |
Nathan | NathanD0wd | 2nd year Computer Science major, Philosophy minor from Virginia |
Justin | jjustinyyang | 2nd year Computer Science major from San Diego/Taiwan |