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NVIDIA OpenACC Course - Lab 3


In this lab you will build upon the work on a Conjugate Gradient solver from lab 2 to add explicit data management directives, eliminating the need to use CUDA Unified Memory, and optimize the matvec kernel using the OpenACC loop directive.

Step 2 - Optimize Loops - Vector Length

Now that we're running on the GPU and getting correct answers , let's apply our knowledge of the code to help the compiler make better decisions about how to parallelize our loops. We know from the allocate_3d_poisson_matrix routine that the most non-zero elements we'll have per row is 27. By examining the compiler output, as shown below, we know that the compiler chose a vector length of 128 for the matvec loops. This means that with the compiler-selected vector length of 128, 101 vector lanes (threads) will go unused. Let's tell the compiler to choose a better vector length for these loops.

matvec(const matrix &, const vector &, const vector &):
      8, include "matrix_functions.h"
          15, Generating present(row_offsets[:],cols[:],Acoefs[:],xcoefs[:],ycoefs[:])
          16, Loop is parallelizable
              Accelerator kernel generated
              Generating Tesla code
              16, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
          20, Loop is parallelizable

On an NVIDIA GPU the vector length must be a multiple of the warp size of the GPU, which on all NVIDIA GPUs to-date is 32. This means that the closest vector length we can choose is 32. Depending on whether the code uses kernels or parallel loop, we can specify the vector length one of two ways.


When using the kernels directive, the vector length is given by adding vector(32) to the loop we want to use as the vector loop. So for our matvec loops, we'd apply the vector length as shown below.


#pragma acc kernels present(row_offsets,cols,Acoefs,xcoefs,ycoefs)
    for(int i=0;i<num_rows;i++) {
      double sum=0;
      int row_start=row_offsets[i];
      int row_end=row_offsets[i+1];
      #pragma acc loop device_type(nvidia) vector(32)
      for(int j=row_start;j<row_end;j++) {
        unsigned int Acol=cols[j];
        double Acoef=Acoefs[j];
        double xcoef=xcoefs[Acol];


!$acc kernels present(arow_offsets,acols,acoefs,x,y)
do i=1,a%num_rows
  tmpsum = 0.0d0
  row_start = arow_offsets(i)
  row_end   = arow_offsets(i+1)-1
  !$acc loop device_type(nvidia) vector(32)
  do j=row_start,row_end
    acol = acols(j)
    acoef = acoefs(j)
    xcoef = x(acol)
    tmpsum = tmpsum + acoef*xcoef
  y(i) = tmpsum
!$acc end kernels

Parallel Loop

When using parallel loop the vector length is given at the top of the region, as shown below.


#pragma acc parallel loop present(row_offsets,cols,Acoefs,xcoefs,ycoefs) \
        device_type(nvidia) vector_length(32)
  for(int i=0;i<num_rows;i++) {
    double sum=0;
    int row_start=row_offsets[i];
    int row_end=row_offsets[i+1];
#pragma acc loop reduction(+:sum) device_type(nvidia) vector
    for(int j=row_start;j<row_end;j++) {
      unsigned int Acol=cols[j];
      double Acoef=Acoefs[j];
      double xcoef=xcoefs[Acol];


!$acc parallel loop private(tmpsum,row_start,row_end) &
!$acc& present(arow_offsets,acols,acoefs,x,y)         &
!$acc& device_type(nvidia) vector_length(32)
do i=1,a%num_rows
  tmpsum = 0.0d0
  row_start = arow_offsets(i)
  row_end   = arow_offsets(i+1)-1
  !$acc loop reduction(+:tmpsum) device_type(nvidia) vector
  do j=row_start,row_end
    acol = acols(j)
    acoef = acoefs(j)
    xcoef = x(acol)
    tmpsum = tmpsum + acoef*xcoef
  y(i) = tmpsum

Notice that the above code adds the device_type(nvidia) clause to the affected loops. Because we only want this optimization to be applied to NVIDIA GPUs, we've protected that optimization with a device_type clause and allowed the compiler to determine the best value on other platforms. Now that we've adjusted the vector length to fit the problem, let's profile the code again to see how well it's performing. Using Visual Profiler, let's see if we can find a way to further improve performance.

The folders intermediate.kernels and intermediate.parallel contain the correct code for the end of this step. If you have any trouble, use the code in one of these folders to help yourself along.

Step 3 - Optimize Loops - Profile The Application

Just as in the last lab, we'll use the NVIDIA Visual Profiler to profile our application.

  • If you are doing this lab on your own machine, either launch Visual Profiler from its application link or via the nvvp command.

Once Visual Profiler has started, create a new session by selecting File -> New Session. Then select the executable that you built by pressing the Browse button next to File, browse to your working directory, select the cg executable, and then press Next. On the next screen press Finish. Visual Profiler will run for several seconds to collect a GPU timeline and begin its guided analysis.

In the lower left, press the "Examine GPU Usage" button. You may need to enlarge the bottom panel of the screen by grabbing just below the horizontal scroll bar at the middle of the window and dragging it up until the button is visial. After this runs, click on "Examine Individual Kernels" and select the top kernel in the table. After selecting the top kernel, press the "Perform Kernel Analysis" button to gather further performance information about this kernel and wait while Visual Profiler collects additional data (this make take several minutes). When this completes, press "Perform Latency Analysis". The screenshot below shows Visual Profiler at this step.

NVIDIA Visual Profiler Limited By Block Size

Visual Profiler is telling us that the performance of the matvec kernel is limited by the amount of parallelism in each gang (referred to as "block size" in CUDA). Scrolling down in the Results section I see that the Occupancy is 25%. Occupancy is a measure of how much parallelism is running on the GPU versus how much theoretically could be running. 25% occupancy indicates that resources are sitting idle due to the size of the blocks (OpenACC gangs).

(Note: *100% occupancy is not necessary for high performance, but occupancy below 50% is frequently an indicator that optimization is possible)

Scrolling further down in the Results section we reach the Block Limit metric, which will be highlighted in red. This is shown in the screenshot below.

NVIDIA Visual Profiler Occupancy Screenshot

This table is showing us that the GPU streaming multiprocessor (SM) can theoretically run 64 warps (groups of 32 threads), but only has 16 to run. Looking at the Warps/Block and Threads/Block rows of the table, we see that each block contains 1 warp, or 32 threads, although it could run many more. This is because we've told the compiler to use a vector length of 32. As a reminder, in OpenACC many gangs run independently of each other, each gang has 1 or more workers, each of which operates on a vector. With a vector length of 32, we'll need to add workers in order to increase the work per gang. Now we need to inform the compiler to give each gang more work by using worker parallelism.

Step 4 - Optimize Loops - Increase Parallelism

To increase the parallelism in each OpenACC gang, we'll use the worker level of parallelism to operate on multiple vectors within each gang. On an NVIDIA GPU the vector length X number of workers must be a multiple of 32 and no larger than 1024, so let's experiment with increasing the number of workers. From just 1 worker up to 32. We want the outermost loop to be divided among gangs and workers, so we'll specify that it is an gang and worker loop. By only specifying the number of workers, we allow the compiler to generate enough gangs to use up the rest of the loop iterations applying worker parallelism.


When using the kernels directive, use the loop directive to specify that the outer loop should be a gang and worker loop with 32 workers as shown below. Experiment with the number of workers to find the best value.


#pragma acc kernels present(row_offsets,cols,Acoefs,xcoefs,ycoefs)
#pragma acc loop device_type(nvidia) gang worker(32)
    for(int i=0;i<num_rows;i++) {
      double sum=0;
      int row_start=row_offsets[i];
      int row_end=row_offsets[i+1];
      #pragma acc loop device_type(nvidia) vector(32)
      for(int j=row_start;j<row_end;j++) {
        unsigned int Acol=cols[j];
        double Acoef=Acoefs[j];
        double xcoef=xcoefs[Acol];


!$acc kernels present(arow_offsets,acols,acoefs,x,y)
!$acc loop device_type(nvidia) gang worker(32)
do i=1,a%num_rows
  tmpsum = 0.0d0
  row_start = arow_offsets(i)
  row_end   = arow_offsets(i+1)-1
  !$acc loop device_type(nvidia) vector(32)
  do j=row_start,row_end
    acol = acols(j)
    acoef = acoefs(j)
    xcoef = x(acol)
    tmpsum = tmpsum + acoef*xcoef
  y(i) = tmpsum
!$acc end kernels

Parallel Loop

When using the parallel loop directive, use gang and worker to specify that the outer loop should be a gang and worker loop and then add num_workers(32) to specify 32 workers, as shown below. Experiment with the number of workers to find the best value.


#pragma acc parallel loop present(row_offsets,cols,Acoefs,xcoefs,ycoefs) \
        device_type(nvidia) gang worker vector_length(32) num_workers(32)
  for(int i=0;i<num_rows;i++) {
    double sum=0;
    int row_start=row_offsets[i];
    int row_end=row_offsets[i+1];
#pragma acc loop reduction(+:sum) device_type(nvidia) vector
    for(int j=row_start;j<row_end;j++) {
      unsigned int Acol=cols[j];
      double Acoef=Acoefs[j];
      double xcoef=xcoefs[Acol];


!$acc parallel loop private(tmpsum,row_start,row_end) &
!$acc& present(arow_offsets,acols,acoefs,x,y)         &
!$acc& device_type(nvidia) gang worker num_workers(32) vector_length(32)
do i=1,a%num_rows
  tmpsum = 0.0d0
  row_start = arow_offsets(i)
  row_end   = arow_offsets(i+1)-1
  !$acc loop reduction(+:tmpsum) device_type(nvidia) vector
  do j=row_start,row_end
    acol = acols(j)
    acoef = acoefs(j)
    xcoef = x(acol)
    tmpsum = tmpsum + acoef*xcoef
  y(i) = tmpsum

After experimenting with the number of workers, performance should be similar to the table below.

Workers K40 Qwiklab
1 23.818328
2 61.03544 13.19415
4 31.36616 8.834735
8 16.71916 9.030089
16 8.81069 9.464214
32 6.488389 10.400797


In this lab we started with a code that relied on CUDA Unified Memory to handle data movement and added explicit OpenACC data locality directives. This makes the code portable to any OpenACC compiler and accelerators that may not have Unified Memory. We used both the unstructured data directives and the update directive to achieve this.

Next we profiled the code to determine how it could run more efficiently on the GPU we're using. We used our knowledge of both the application and the hardware to find a loop mapping that ran well on the GPU, achieving a 2-4X speed-up over our starting code.

The table below shows runtime for each step of this lab on an NVIDIA Tesla K40 and on the Qwiklabs GPUs.

Step K40 Qwiklab GPU
Unified Memory 8.458172 32.084347
Explicit Memory 8.459754 33.251878
Vector Length 32 11.656281 23.83046
Final Code 4.802727 8.834735