Create a parallel version of a heat equation solver using OpenACC.
Starting from a serial heat equation solver (see below for details), port the code to GPUs using OpenACC in two steps.
- Use OpenACC to parallelize the time evolution loop in the heat equation solver.
- Improve the OpenACC version by adding data movement directives to minimise data transfers between the host CPU and the GPU device.
The heat equation is a partial differential equation that describes the variation of temperature in a given region over time
where u(x, y, z, t) represents temperature variation over space at a given time, and α is a thermal diffusivity constant.
We limit ourselves to two dimensions (plane) and discretize the equation onto a grid. Then the Laplacian can be expressed as finite differences as
Where ∆x and ∆y are the grid spacing of the temperature grid u(i,j). We can study the development of the temperature grid with explicit time evolution over time steps ∆t:
There are a solver for the 2D equation implemented with Fortran (including
some C for printing out the images). You can compile the program by adjusting
the Makefile as needed and typing make
. The solver carries out the time
development of the 2D heat equation over the number of time steps provided by
the user. The default geometry is a flat rectangle (with grid size provided by
the user), but other shapes may be used via input files. Examples on how to
run the binary:
No arguments - the program will run with the default arguments: 200 x 200 grid and 500 time steps./heat bottle.dat
One argument - start from a temperature grid provided in the file bottle.dat for the default number of time steps../heat bottle.dat 1000
Two arguments - will run the program starting from a temperature grid provided in the file bottle.dat for 1000 time steps./heat 1024 2048 1000
Three arguments - will run the program in a 1024x2048 grid for 1000 time steps.
The program will produce a .png
image of the temperature field after every
100 iterations. You can change that from the parameter image_interval
. You
can visualise the images using the command animate: animate heat_*.png
, or
by using eog heat_000.png
and using the arrow-keys to loop backward or
forward through the files.