- sudo apt-get install build-essential make
- Install npm/node: sudo apt-get install npm nodejs
- Before running install Mocha and Forever: npm install --global mocha forever
- Install mongodb: see scripts/installmongo.sh
- Run npm install
- Use HTTPS only (set enable_https to true config.json) to prevent JWT or other data stealing in the middle
- Run tests (see below)
Before running - set these env.vars:
- IS_TASK_PROCESSOR - true (example)
- MONGODB_URI - mongodb://heroku_qvmn1bxg:[email protected]:51059/heroku_qvmn1bxg (example)
- ETH_MAIN_ADDRESS - 0x0605bf0970025A6DD604f5fE481Cc307E9d5450e (example)
- ETH_NODE - http://ethnode.chain.cloud:8545 (example)
- ETH_EXPLORER_ADDRESS_LINK - https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/ (example)
To run tests: ./run-tests.sh
To run single test: npm test or mocha --reporter spec -g my_test
To run as a console application: node main.js
To run as a daemon: sudo /etc/init.d/ticketchain start
To check out DB: mongo use 'ticketchain' db.users.find()
git push heroku master