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As much a part of the world as the four material elements of air, earth, fire and water, the fifth element of aether, known commonly as magic, exists in the world as a combination of the ten aetheric winds; Death, Life, Fate, Forces, Matter, Mind, Prime, Space, Spirit, and Time.

From an understanding of the aetheric winds there have arisen seven colleges of magic: Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Restoration, and Transmutation. Each draws predominantly on one of the aetheric winds in particular, along with aspects of the others. Of the ten winds, Prime does not have its own college as its raw power is to be found across all magic; Time is intertwined with Fate; and Spirit neither as it is the domain of entities not of this world.

Five special practices of spellcasting also are known to exist: High Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Enchanting, and Alchemy, though some mages debate the former at great length. It should be noted that the special practices of High Magic, Shamanism, and Sorcery are mutually exclusive; a Sorcerer cannot be a High Mage, nor a Shaman a Sorcerer for example.

Every mage’s casting of spells is powered by internal reserves of arcane power, known as Mana. This mana is drawn from the surrounding environment, and naturally replenishes at the break of dawn and dusk when the aetheric winds settle most upon the world. Units of mana are measured in arcans. The more powerful the spell, the more mana is required. All spells cost 1 mana to cast, unless otherwise specified.

A spellcaster must by default have both hands free for spellcasting. The exceptions to this are if they are holding an object that can fit in their palm, a wand, or if they have a special ability that modifies this requirement. When casting a spell, one hand should at least touch the reagent or pouch that it is stored in for the power of the reagent to be channelled as part of the spell. Speaking is not necessarily required for spellcasting, and mute spellcaster can still cast using calls unless otherwise noted.

Cantrips are first level spells that if a spellcaster possesses at least 3 noncantrip spells in that College, are free in terms of Gnosis Point cost. Any Gnosis Points already spent to obtain these cantrips are refunded.

College of Conjuration

Associated with summoners and hedge wizards, the College of Conjuration is empowered by the Wind of Space. In addition to granting the user the power to translocate, it also can bring or banish other creatures or entities to the caster at their whim, and grants the highly desired ability to dispel lingering magical effects.


Divine Offering [Cantrip]
Ritually commend a valued item to the gods in the hope of gaining their favour. Items may be handed in outside the Quartermaster for the chance to receive a divine boon at a later point. Poor choices of offerings may result in a negative outcome for the caster. This spell can only be used 1/Day.

Rain/Drought [Cantrip]
Increases/decreases the likelihood of rain. Lots of castings from lots of people to make it happen, and counter-castings (casting the opposite version) reduce the chances.

Blink Translocate
Caster may immediately go OOC and with hand on head, promptly walk to an alternate location within line of sight and up to about 100 metres away, then removing their hand from their head and reappearing IC. The caster cannot attack for 2 seconds after reappearing.

Summon a simple weapon or other tool for the rest of the Encounter. OOC the caster should ideally have the prop at hand, perhaps marked normally with a red tie to indicate it is OOC. Requires a common reagent.

Peacebinding [Mental]
Point attack inflciting DOMINATE on target with the specific command that until the end of the Encounter, the target cannot take hostile action unless they are attacked first by another target. Requires a common reagent.

Ward [Ritual]
Caster can lay down a white cord up to 5 metres long to represent an energy wall that lasts until the end of the Watch. No entities can pass over it unless specifically allowed. The caster, if present, may allow passage to a specific individual. Otherwise, the caster may attach a tag to the cord, allowing one or more broad categories of entity passage (Humanoid, Bestial, Demon, Undead etc.). Projectiles are not stopped by a Ward


Astral Beacon [Ritual]
Caster sets a destination point for any Portal spells they cast. A caster may have only one Astral Beacon in effect at any one time. This spell cannot be dispelled. Requires Lotus as a reagent.

Banishment [Warmage]
Touch attack to target to BANISH them if they are a demon or spirit. Requires Briar Heart as a reagent.

Dispel Magic
Touch target to remove the effect of an active spell on them. Caster must specify what type of effect it is that they are dispelling from the target to be successful. Appropriate effects to be dispelled are any lasting call effects or specific effects from a magical source. Requires Faerie Dust as a reagent.

Portal [Ritual]
Caster transports themselves to a pre-set destination point, upon completion of the ritual going OOC and immediately proceeded to that destination point to reappear IC. The caster may as part of the ritual casting lay down a 5 metre white cord in an approximate circle, and upon completion of the ritual, anyone and anything wholly within that circle is transported to the destination point along with the caster.


Phase Shift
Caster becomes Incorporeal until the the end of the Watch and should don a yellow headband. At any time they may swap to a teal headband and become Invisible and visa versa, though once a change is made, the caster cannot make another for at least a minute. Requires Frost Orchid as a reagent.

Raise Astral Force [Ritual]
Summon at a Place of Power, an army of Astral Warriors to do the casters bidding until the end of the Watch. Up to 5 extras may be employed from your faction or the Quartermaster to portray Astral Warriors, each having 5 lives.

College of Divination

Probably the most esoteric of the seven, the College of Divination is empowered by the dual Winds of Fate and Time, granting the gifts of prophecy and comprehension to those that need it. When action is called for, it also can be used to curse and slow the foes of the caster, or grant the caster prenatural accuracy with their attacks.


Chronicity [Cantrip]
Caster can tell the time without need to reference external cues.

Marriage [Cantrip]
Two willing people in love are Fate-bound together.

When rolling dice, can call PAUSE to quickly reroll the dice. Requires a common reagent.

Detect Lies [Mental]
CHARM touched target to specifically ask of them to “Truthfully tell me if you just lied about...”. No other forms of command can be issued or the actual nature of the truth asked as part of this spell’s effect. You need to have the target draw 5 tokens from a Fate Bag, and if they draw the white token they must tell the truth. This spell can only be used on the same target 1/Watch. Requires a common reagent.

Detect Magic Aura
Caster may enquire of a target if they are under the effect of CHARM, DOMINATE, or if they possess a BLIGHTED injury. The caster can also enquire as to whether the target has a spell affecting them, and if they possess any mana. Requires a common reagent.

Exclude Targets [Warmage]
Touched target is not affected by a specified spell of your casting until the end of the Watch. Requires a common reagent.


Comprehend Language
Caster can understand a language that is being spoken to you until the end of the Encounter. The spell doesn’t however allow the caster to read or communicate in the language. Requires Wormwood as a reagent.

Curse [Ritual]
You are allowed to create a curse card in consultation with a GM, and when this spell is used, you may give such a card to a pointed target, rendering them Fate-bound. The reagent(s) required for the Curse will depend on the desired effects.

Identify [Ritual]
This spell can be used by the caster to call “DOMINATE, what magical effects do you have on you at present?” on a touched target. A caster that possesses this spell will also be issued with pages for their OOC guidebook that contain information on properties of Enchanted Artefacts marked by Arcane Reference Codes. They can consult this book each time they cast this spell for each item they wish to identify in this way. Requires Witch Briar as a reagent.

Spirit Sight
Caster can see Invisible things with teal markers (headbands, tags, paper) until the end of the Watch. Requires Lupine Fur as a reagent.


Prophecy [Ritual]
Once the casting of this spell has been completed and the Quartermaster notified of that fact, at some point subsequently during the Watch supernal inspiration is likely to strike the caster to reveal to them what the future may hold (GM update). Requires Heart Rose as a reagent.

Temporal Flux
Call FREEZE and the caster can still move, attack and take other actions during the 10 seconds this call is in effect (no In-Character speaking though). Requires Dahaka Sand as a reagent.

College of Evocation

Common on the field of battle, the Wind of Forces empowers the potent College of Evocation. War mages and other practitioners of this field can blast their foes with arcane bolts and throw them to the ground with a flick of the wrist, or if really determined, can cause the very ground to shatter and split around them.


Freeze Water [Cantrip]
Turns a bucketful volume of water into ice.

Warm Earth [Cantrip]
Gets rid of morning frost on the ground.

Knockback [Warmage]
Spell packet inflicting KNOCKBACK on target. Requires a common reagent.

Can use a flashlight to represent a small beacon of light for the rest of the scene or until dispelled. Requires a common reagent.

Magic Missile [Warmage]
Spell packet inflicting 2 damage to target. Requires a common reagent.

Spell packet inflicting STUN on target. Requires a common reagent.


Force Cage
Point attack inflicting PARALYSE on target. Then the caster can place a white cord in a circle around target that then traps the target within the circle until the end of the Encounter. The target is Immune to all sources of damage while within the circle, and cannot cast any magic, make attacks or use abilities on anything outside of the cord. Until the end of the Encounter, no-one else can enter the circle unless the caster dispels the effect. Requires Faerie Dust as a reagent.

Spell packet inflicting FIRE 5 to target. Requires Blackmoor as a reagent.

Kinetic Blow
Point attack inflicting 3 damage to target. Requires Slender Vine as a reagent.

Wall of Flame [Warmage]
Caster can lay down a yellow cord up to 5 metres long in any shape they want to represent an energy wall that lasts until the end of the Watch. If the caster is present when a target passes over any part of the cord, the caster can call FIRE 3 on that target. Requires Drake Talon as a reagent.


Chain Lightning
Point attack inflicting 5 damage to up to 6 targets (no-one can be targeted twice). Requires Stormweed as a reagent.

Caster calls PAUSE, then promptly specifies that all targets within a 10m radius suffer KNOCKBACK and take 5 damage. Requires Troll Jaw as a reagent.

College of Illusion

Some would say the most insidious and powerful college is that of the College of Illusion, empowered as it is by the Wind of Mind. Used by both diplomats and charlatans alike, the powers of invisibility, charming, fear, and aura manipulation are tremendous indeed.


Beast Tongue [Cantrip]
Talk to wild creatures. Most make lousy conversationalists, but you never know until you try.

Flavour Food [Cantrip]
Makes food taste nicer. A useful trick for disguising poor quality food, or as seasoning.

Charm [Mental]
Spell packet inflicting CHARM on target. Requires a common reagent.

Dread Gaze
Point attack to cause FEAR in the target. Requires a common reagent.

Mental Shield
Caster can RESIST the next mental effect of their choice. Requires a common reagent.

Telepathy [Mental]
With fingers to their head, the caster can communicate with a distant target through a shared sympathetic connection. Requires a common reagent.


Alter Aura
The caster may choose to lie or outright refuse to answer a question about any magical effects they are under, any derangements they possess, or any CHARM, DOMINATE or BLIGHTED injury effects they are affected by. If, however, the caster is specifically asked if their aura is altered, they must respond with a yes. Requires Witch Briar as a reagent.

Alter Memory [Mental] [Ritual]
Touched target has a specific memory permanently changed, and the target character is not aware that this change has occurred. Note that use of this spell requires Welfare Consideration. Requires Demon Tongue as a reagent.

Demon’s Aegis [Mental] [Ritual]
Caster becomes Immune to any CHARM or DOMINATE commands that demand the truth until the end of the Watch. Requires Wormwood as a reagent.

Caster becomes Invisible until end of the Watch, or until the effect is dismissed. Requires Pixie Wing as a reagent.


Control Creature [Mental]
Point attack inflicting DOMINATE on target. Requires Fire Fern as a reagent.

Reprogramming [Mental] [Ritual]
Touched target has a permanent modification made to their behaviour, and unless specified, the target character is unaware that this change has occurred. Note that use of this spell requires Welfare Consideration. Requires Hags Eye as a reagent.

College of Necromancy

Feared by those that do not understand it, the College of Necromancy is empowered by the Wind of Death. It allows those that delve into its study to not only cripple the living and control the dead, but also protect against the dark powers and even in rare cases steal back the dead and return them to life.


Fruit Fall [Cantrip]
Makes all ripe fruit in a small area near you fall off the tree, to be caught or picked up.

Wither Crop [Cantrip]
Destroys weeds.

Drain Essence
Touch attack on target to DRAIN 1 HP or 3 Mana. Restore 1 HP at the end of the Encounter for each unique target you drained in this manner, to a maximum of your Will. Requires a common reagent.

Soul Marks
Caster may OOC ask a target if they are BLIGHTED in any way, or under the influence of a Mental Effect and what that type of effect is, or bound by an Oath of Fate. Requires a common reagent.

Speak with Dead
Ask three questions of a dead person, though they are under no compulsion to tell the truth with this spell. Repeated castings from any source cost +1 mana cumulatively. Requires a common reagent.

Stitched Mouth
Point attack inflicting MUTE on target. Requires a common reagent.


Animate Dead
Touch a corpse to bring it back as a ghoul under your service for the rest of the Watch, until dismissed, or destroyed. Caster can only control one ghoul in this manner at a time. Makeup or some indication of their undead state should be provided to them by the caster as soon as practically possible. Requires Lupine Fur as a reagent.

CRIPPLE target with a Point Attack. Caster can specify a limb or leave it to the target to decide. Requires Arachne Fang as a reagent.

Entropic Guard
Caster is Immune to DRAIN (Health, Mana and/or Soul) until the end of Watch. Requires Grave Dust as a reagent.

Spell packet; PARALYSE target for 5 minutes. Requires Ghoul Bile as a reagent.


Resurrect [Ritual]
Target is resurrected to life and full HP. Target needs to have a soul. Requires Angels Hair and Goliath Tusk as a reagent.

Summon Wraith [Ritual]
Summon a fearsome ghost from the Underworld to do the casters bidding until the end of the Watch. An extra may be employed from your faction or the Quartermaster to play the ghost. Requires Executioners Hood as a reagent.

College of Restoration

Empowered by the Wind of Life, the College of
Restoration grants mages the ability to heal themselves and other, curing disease and grievous injuries. For those not afflicted it can be used to imbue them with increased strength, will or resilience.


Cleanse Hands [Cantrip]
Sterilises the hands of the caster.

Preserve Food [Cantrip]
Renders a loaf of bread or similar sized piece of organic matter more resilient to the effects of decay for several weeks.

Cleansing the Body
Cure the touched target of POISON, and they become Immune to POISON/DISEASE until end of Encounter. Can be used as a component of curing certain Diseases that a target is affected by. Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires a common reagent.

Healing Touch
Heal the touched target by 2 HP (takes effect at the end of the Encounter). Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires a common reagent.

Remove Fear
Touched target is no longer affected by FEAR until end of Encounter. Requires a common reagent.

Touched target has the effects of SLEEP and/or STUN removed from them. Requires a common reagent.


Exorcism [Ritual]
Touched target (creature) has a possessing influence or entity removed from them. Requires Mandrake Root as a reagent.

Lions Roar
Touched target is Immune to FEAR and CHARM until the end of the Watch. Requires Briar Heart as a reagent.

Mage Armour
Spend up to your Will in Mana for equivalent AP that lasts until the end of the Watch (does not stack with normal AP). Note that Mage Armour does not protect against BLEED or POISON effects like mundane armour does. Requires Black Quartz as a reagent.

Restore the touched target to Full HP (takes effect at the end of the Encounter). Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires Moon Lily as a reagent.


Regenerate Limb [Ritual]
Regenerate a lost limb of touched target and/or remove all CRIPPLE injuries on target. Target suffers Aether Sickness. Requires Blood Moss as a reagent.

Valiant Fury
Caster deals +1 damage with melee strikes and becomes Immune to any non-damaging calls the caster chooses that directly target the caster. This is a might bonus and does not stack with any other might bonuses. Requires Satyr Horn as a reagent.

College of Transmutation

Granting a mage the greatest power to manipulate the physical fabric of the world, the College of Transmutation is empowered by the Wind of Matter. Though commonly used for making and destroying items, more subtle uses include the manipulation of locks or the redirection of other magical effects.


Oxen Shoulders [Cantrip]
Target can bear a heavier burden until the end of the Watch.

Polychromatic Shift [Cantrip]
Subtly changes the colour of an object from one tone to another.

Harden Protection [Ritual]
Grant an additional 1 AP until the end of the Watch. Needs to be cast on armour and stacks with the existing armour. Requires a common reagent.

Jury-Rig [Ritual]
Touched object is temporarily repaired until the end of the Encounter. Requires a common reagent.

Lock/Unlock [Ritual]
Caster can with a touch lock a door, container or other appropriate opening with a magical lock, indicated by a purple cord that they should tie to one doorhandle if a door or through the latch if a container or similar item. The caster may also remove such a purple cord unless indicated otherwise. Requires a common reagent.

Sunder Object
Touch attack against an object that breaks it. The object becomes unusable until repaired. Such objects should be marked by the caster with a red cloth-tie. This effect will not break doors, and cannot be used on creatures. Requires a common reagent.


Mighty Striking
Grant +1 Damage on all melee strikes for Encounter. This is a might bonus and does not stack with any other might bonuses. Requires Drake Talon as a reagent.

Repair [Ritual]
Touched object is repaired. Particularly intricate or arcane objects may be resistant to this effect. Requires Lotus as a reagent.

Ignore the next 5 damaging melee hits, ranged hits or damage spells that strike you. Requires Myrmidon Claw as a reagent.

Sunder Shield
Point attack, SHIELD BREAK target’s shield. Requires Myrmidon Claw as a reagent. Requires Grave Dust as a reagent.


Inferno’s Touch
Point attack inflicting DISINTEGRATE on target. Requires Ifrit Heart as a reagent.

Caster cannot take damage from any source until the end of the Encounter. POISON and calls that inflict Injuries therefore do not affect the caster either. Requires Star Diamond as a reagent.