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hyde street

Category: The Magician Relative Difficulty: 4/5 Author: Cromulence

Top of the hill, at the source.

But the sky still beckons.


This is part of an async challenge category, tentatively called "The Magician."

If there are four challenges, they'll get named

  • As Below
  • Leavenworth Street
  • Hyde Street
  • So Above

There's an implied Lombard Street in the middle, the twisty climb in San Francisco.

This particular challenge (Hyde Street) is getting players to build the algebraic solver they'll need for "So Above" but they get to parse very easy C code instead of decompile a thing.

what teams get

The intent is for teams to get the whole challenge docker image. This is an async challenge and we want them to understand how the driver works, what it generates, how to test it locally, etc. I'm not opposed to giving them a big chunk of the solver either; maybe not reverse_operation and the contents of findAnswer but support code that hints at how to debug it.

This shouldn't be the first challenge in the category anyways.