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Quals Challenge: As Below

Category: The Magician Relative Difficulty: 2/5 Author: Cromulence

A whole pile of wasm crackmes, designed to functionally require program analysis to solve them.

Dev Work and Generating Binaries

This challenge ships with a Dockerfile-dev used to enable quickly cycling on C++ dev, including gdb.

DO NOT USE THIS IMAGE TO RUN THE CHALLENGE IN A PUBLICLY VISIBLE WAY. The docker run command it calls removes seccomp protections and adds the SYS_PTRACE capability and that's probably not what you want other people connecting to and hacking lol.

make dev

IMPORTANT: Production / Integration

  • builder generates the challenge binaries provided to teams as static files. Its Dockerfile is under ./challenge
  • runner is the challenge we host on infrastructure that the teams interact with. It requires the binaries from builder to be built. It's Dockerfile is under ./runner This challenge generates new static files every time CI is run that are mated to the newly built runner image. This runner image is retagged as challenge to work with the production infrastructure which expects this tag. If CI runs and that new image is pushed to production, make sure to update the set of static files being provided to the teams (these will be an artifact of the latest CI build).

The teams should only be provided the as-below.tar artifict, NOT hints.json. The hints.json is used by the solver.