title | description | date | image | layout | published | ask |
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do worry, plus be happy... and do it! |
2020-09-29 12:57:00 -0700 |
cregox avatar.jpg |
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search below for anything related to cregox that might entice you. such as "damme", "[ahoxus]" or "[random]", for instance.
still can't find something in specific? got nothing in mind? try going straight to [the duck 🦆 with a random string]({{ page.ask }}{{ site.duck }}).
or perhaps just lay back and "watch" some fas tv.
missing cookies? really?! sorry, [we don't track]! 😁😘
<script> (function() { window.onhashchange = updateAll; window.onpopstate = updateAll; var term = sample([ 'random', 'basiux', 'fuck', 'reason of life', 'trs', 'rfc', 'imrs', 'password', 'faq', 'brain', 'philosophy', 'help', 'data', 'backup', 'science', 'skeptic', 'spam', 'magic', 'ahoxus', 'religion', 'nynphormartisct', 'crazy', 'art', 'wanderful', 'video', 'film', 'rating', 'scale' ]); var linksUpdated = []; var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); // no idea why this doesn't work! but it's worth it to leave it here for reference, i suppose // var urlParams = window.location.searchParams; function updateAll () { updateLinks(); vq.value = urlParams.get("q"); } // use a hidden form to send the query document.searchForm.q.setAttribute("name", "vq"); document.searchForm.hq.setAttribute("name", "q"); var q = document.searchForm.q; var vq = document.searchForm.vq; // because html onsubmit didn't work document.searchForm.onsubmit = function duckFix () { q.value = vq.value; if (q.value.length == 0) { q.value = term; } var ask = new URL('{{ page.ask }}'); q.value += ask.searchParams.get("q").replace("%random", ""); } updateAll(); function updateLinks () { var hashTerm = getHashQueryStringValue('q'); if (hashTerm) term = hashTerm; linksUpdated.forEach(function(original){ original.item.href = original.href.replace('%random', term); }) document.querySelectorAll('a[href*="%random"]').forEach(function(item){ linksUpdated.push({item: item, href: item.href, term: term}); item.href = item.href.replace('%random', term); }) } function sample (items) { return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; } function getHashQueryStringValue (key) { return decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace(new RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\#]" + encodeURIComponent(key).replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$", "i"), "$1")); } })(); </script>