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SecretFetch Technical Documentation

This document provides an in-depth technical overview of all features and capabilities of the SecretFetch library.

Table of Contents

Core Concepts

The Secret Type

The internal secret type is the core of SecretFetch's functionality:

type secret struct {
    pattern    *regexp.Regexp    // Compiled regex pattern for validation
    isBase64   bool             // Whether value should be base64 decoded
    isJSON     bool             // Whether value should be parsed as JSON
    isYAML     bool             // Whether value should be parsed as YAML
    value      string           // The actual secret value
    ttl        time.Duration    // Cache duration
    fetchedAt  time.Time        // When the value was last fetched
    validation func(string) error // Custom validation function
    transform  func(string) (string, error) // Custom transformation function
    field      reflect.StructField // The struct field this secret belongs to
    envKey     string           // Environment variable key
    fallback   string          // Fallback value
    awsKey     string          // AWS Secrets Manager key
    mu         sync.RWMutex    // Mutex for thread-safe operations
    cache      *cachedValue    // Cached value and expiration

Struct Tags

Available Tags

  • aws: AWS Secrets Manager key
  • env: Environment variable name
  • fallback: Default value if no other source provides one
  • required: Mark field as required
  • pattern: Regex pattern for validation
  • base64: Enable base64 decoding
  • json: Parse value as JSON
  • yaml: Parse value as YAML
  • ttl: Cache duration

Tag Syntax

// Basic usage

// Multiple options

// With validation

// With encoding

// With caching

Value Sources

Priority Order

  1. AWS Secrets Manager (if configured and key exists)
  2. Environment Variables
  3. Fallback Value
  4. Return error if no value found and field is required

AWS Secrets Manager

// Single value
type Config struct {
    APIKey string `secret:"aws=prod/api/key"`

// JSON object
type Config struct {
    Database struct {
        Host string `json:"host"`
        Port int    `json:"port"`
    } `secret:"aws=prod/db/config,json"`

Environment Variables

// Basic usage
type Config struct {
    LogLevel string `secret:"env=LOG_LEVEL"`

// With prefix (via Options)
opts := &secretfetch.Options{
    Prefix: "MYAPP_",  // Will look for MYAPP_LOG_LEVEL

Fallback Values

type Config struct {
    // String fallback
    Host string `secret:"env=HOST,fallback=localhost"`
    // Numeric fallback
    Port int `secret:"env=PORT,fallback=8080"`
    // Duration fallback
    Timeout time.Duration `secret:"env=TIMEOUT,fallback=30s"`
    // Boolean fallback
    Debug bool `secret:"env=DEBUG,fallback=false"`

Type Conversion

Supported Types

  • string
  • bool
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
  • float32, float64
  • time.Duration
  • []byte
  • Any struct that implements json.Unmarshaler or yaml.Unmarshaler

Type Conversion Rules

type Config struct {
    // String to int
    Port int `secret:"env=PORT,fallback=8080"`
    // "8080" -> 8080
    // String to bool
    Debug bool `secret:"env=DEBUG,fallback=true"`
    // "true", "1", "yes", "on" -> true
    // "false", "0", "no", "off" -> false
    // String to duration
    Timeout time.Duration `secret:"env=TIMEOUT,fallback=30s"`
    // "30s", "5m", "2h" -> time.Duration
    // Base64 to []byte
    Cert []byte `secret:"env=TLS_CERT,base64"`
    // "aGVsbG8=" -> []byte("hello")


Pattern Validation

type Config struct {
    // Email validation
    Email string `secret:"env=EMAIL,pattern=^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$"`
    // IP address
    IP string `secret:"env=IP,pattern=^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$"`
    // Semantic version
    Version string `secret:"env=VERSION,pattern=^v\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$"`
    // UUID
    ID string `secret:"env=ID,pattern=[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}"`

Custom Validation

type Config struct {
    Password string `secret:"env=PASSWORD"`

opts := &secretfetch.Options{
    Validators: map[string]secretfetch.ValidatorFunc{
        "PASSWORD": func(value string) error {
            if len(value) < 8 {
                return fmt.Errorf("too short")
            if !strings.ContainsAny(value, "0123456789") {
                return fmt.Errorf("must contain a number")
            return nil

Value Processing

Base64 Decoding

type Config struct {
    // Decode to string
    Token string `secret:"env=TOKEN,base64"`
    // Decode to bytes
    Key []byte `secret:"env=KEY,base64"`

JSON Processing

type Config struct {
    // Parse object
    Database struct {
        Host string `json:"host"`
        Port int    `json:"port"`
    } `secret:"aws=db/config,json"`
    // Parse array
    AllowedIPs []string `secret:"env=ALLOWED_IPS,json"`
    // Parse complex types
    Settings map[string]interface{} `secret:"aws=app/settings,json"`

Custom Transformers

opts := &secretfetch.Options{
    Transformers: map[string]secretfetch.TransformerFunc{
        // Trim whitespace
        "USERNAME": strings.TrimSpace,
        // Convert to lowercase
        "EMAIL": strings.ToLower,
        // Custom transformation
        "API_KEY": func(v string) (string, error) {
            if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "key_") {
                v = "key_" + v
            return v, nil


Cache Configuration

type Config struct {
    // Cache for specific duration
    APIKey string `secret:"aws=api/key,ttl=5m"`
    // Cache forever
    StaticConfig string `secret:"aws=static/config,ttl=-1"`

// Global cache settings
opts := &secretfetch.Options{
    DefaultTTL: 10 * time.Minute,

Cache Behavior

  • Thread-safe access via mutex
  • Lazy loading - only fetches when needed
  • Automatic expiration
  • Memory-efficient storage
  • No persistence across restarts

Error Handling

Error Types

// Validation error
type ValidationError struct {
    Field string
    Err   error

// Pattern match error
type PatternError struct {
    Field   string
    Pattern string
    Value   string

// Required field error
type RequiredError struct {
    Field string

// Type conversion error
type ConversionError struct {
    Field     string
    FromType  string
    ToType    string
    Value     string

Error Handling Examples

err := secretfetch.Fetch(context.Background(), cfg, opts)
switch e := err.(type) {
case *secretfetch.ValidationError:
    log.Printf("Validation failed for %s: %v", e.Field, e.Err)
case *secretfetch.PatternError:
    log.Printf("Pattern match failed for %s: %v", e.Field, e.Value)
case *secretfetch.RequiredError:
    log.Printf("Required field missing: %s", e.Field)
case *secretfetch.ConversionError:
    log.Printf("Type conversion failed for %s: %v to %v", 
        e.Field, e.FromType, e.ToType)
    log.Printf("Unknown error: %v", err)

AWS Integration


opts := &secretfetch.Options{
    AWS: &aws.Config{
        Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
        Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(


  • Uses AWS SDK v2
  • Supports IAM roles
  • Automatic retry with backoff
  • Cross-region access
  • Supports versioned secrets
  • Binary secret values


Thread Safety

  • All operations are thread-safe
  • Uses sync.RWMutex for cache access
  • Safe for concurrent reads and writes
  • No global state

Goroutine Safety

// Safe for concurrent use
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    go func() {
        cfg := &Config{}
        if err := secretfetch.Fetch(context.Background(), cfg, opts); err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error: %v", err)

Performance Considerations


  • In-memory caching reduces AWS API calls
  • Cache hits have near-zero overhead
  • Configurable TTL per field
  • Smart cache invalidation

Memory Usage

  • Only caches actively used values
  • Efficient string interning
  • No unnecessary allocations
  • Garbage collector friendly

AWS Optimization

  • Batches AWS requests when possible
  • Reuses HTTP connections
  • Implements exponential backoff
  • Respects AWS rate limits

Best Practices

  1. Use appropriate TTL values
  2. Group related secrets in JSON
  3. Use fallback values for development
  4. Implement custom validators efficiently
  5. Handle errors gracefully
  6. Monitor AWS API usage
  7. Use IAM roles with minimal permissions
  8. Regularly rotate secrets
  9. Implement proper logging
  10. Follow security best practices