- Change title placeholder wording
- Add intent for editor view
- Upgrade cozy-interapp from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1
- Spread the id of the doc created to the service
- Schema version wasn't present on default schema
- Publish to mattermost
- Add atlaskit doc
- Upgrade Cozy-Client to not destroy indexes automatically
- refactor: Remove && and use ? for onClick handlers in order to remove warning in the console
- Open Share modal on recipient click
- Increase note row dots menu hit box on mobile
- Shared note previews are now writable if write access is granted
- Fix: Code line number alignment
- Fix text ellipsis on mobile note name
- Sharing link was broken after refreshing page when you had a lot of shared files
- Open note path into Drive on the current tab
- Share button appears unshared first
- In local, clicking on the "add new note" redirect the user to the page "Application not yet available"
- Activate back the sharing cozy to cozy (behing the flag notes.sharing-cozy-to-cozy)
- Add route to create a note
- Add flag plugin
- Add PR template
- Renew Github Token for CI
- In note list, remove possibility to click on note path on mobile
- Note folder path in HeaderNotePath
- UseFileWithPath can handle file without name prop
- Force sync when exiting the note editor
- Add Outlet component
- Make editor sharing modal a route
- Do not force drive slug when clicking on BackFromEditing button
- Font size on iOS devices
- Update : cozy-bar, cozy-doctypes, react-router-dom, eeslint-cozy-app, react 18, cozy-ui, cozy-client
- Handle sharing modal as route
- Don't open mobile browser on click
- Display AppTitle on mobile
- Improve title styling in mobile
- Sharing note with empty title
- Update cozy-sharing to remove email sharing
- Apply correct documentType on shareModals
Update dependencies : cozy-bar, cozy-intent, cozy-ui, minimist, cozy-scripts, cozy-doctypes, eventsource and cozy-client
- Fix preview for cozy to cozy sharing
- Upgrade cozy-sharing lib
- Add Cozy-to-Cozy sharing
- Update ProseMirror schema to accept Date nodetype which was previously removed
- Add missing French translations for image positioning tools
- Fixed a bug in Firefox where you could make an image disappear by dropping it on the edges of a paragraph
- Fix broken interface import link in cozy-media-options