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KV-Engine Error Handling Best Practices

Date: 2016-04-06

Author: Dave Rigby


KV-Engine is by definition the system of record for user data in Couchbase Server. It is therefore essential that any errors encountered at runtime are handled in such a way that (a) Minimises any potential data loss and (b) Maximises the availability of that data.

This document attempts to outline the different error scenarios which may be encountered by KV-engine and what the best practices are in handling each scenario.

Table of Contents

General Error Handling Guidelines

These guidelines apply to most error scenarios:

  1. Attempt to be as robust as possible. In performing any operation, a good guideline is to be slow and cautious when starting a task (check all input data / preconditions before committing to anything), but once a task has been started go to whatever lengths are required to complete it (e.g. once data is queued to the disk queue try not to terminate without flushing the queue).

  2. Isolate errors from the rest of the system. Related to (1), if an error occurs in one part of the system / for one user, attempt to minimise the effect the error has on the rest of the system / other users. For example: a failure of one user’s request should not affect other users; the failure of one vBucket shouldn’t affect other vBuckets. When using exceptions consider adding catch-all handler(s) at the boundaries of components to ensure that exceptions are not unnecessarily propagated.

  3. Validate any external input before using it. Typically anything outside the immediate component / module should be considered as external and hence untrusted. Ensure that input values are checked for validity, file paths exist and are accessible, pointers are non-null before attempting to access them, etc.

  4. Ensure that non-fatal errors are appropriately recorded. While the general theme of these guidelines is to maintain availability of the system, it is important that unexpected circumstances are appropriately logged, so we have a record of the issues reported by the system. (By default only NOTICE and upwards are printed to memcached.log):

    • Use DEBUG for debugging messages.

    • Use INFO for routine events which are expected to occur in normal use - e.g. client authenticating successfully.

    • Use NOTICE for significant, expected events - e.g. kv-engine clean startup/shutdown

    • Use WARN for unexpected, significant events - e.g. send failure to client connection.

  5. Prefer exceptions / error codes to assert() / abort(). Related to (1) and (2), abort() and similar fatal errors give the rest of the system no say in how an error should be resolved. Exceptions provide much more flexibility; the caller can catch and handle if desired, but if they do not then the exception will propagate up the stack (potentially turning into a fatal error if not caught). Error codes are more efficient if the error is expected to be common (and the only option in C), but require that the caller checks for them, meaning they require much more rigor to ensure that errors are detected.

Possible Error Responses

Before we describe in detail the different types of errors, it is useful to summarise some of the possible error responses code can take when an error is detected. Roughly ordered by severity:

  1. Handled Locally. Current operation can resolve the issue locally, or the error is so benign that no alternative action is required. Depending on the error, it may still be logged.

  2. Return error code. Stop the current operation, and return a non-success code back to the caller. The caller can then decide on what further action to take (if any). Typically used for expected but uncommon situations and/or when the current function does not have the ability to take further action and must be handled at a higher level.

  3. Raise exception. Stop the current operation, and raise an exception for some code at a higher level to (potentially) catch, or terminate the program if not caught. Typically used for unexpected situations and/or when the immediate caller does not have the ability to take further action and must be handled at a higher level. (Note: error codes are preferred to exceptions when "error" is common, as exceptions are more expensive to throw than simply returning an error code).

  4. Clean shutdown. Operation cannot continue, but the system is still in a state where we can (attempt) to flush outstanding disk / DCP queues, and otherwise quiesce the system before exiting.

  5. Immediate shutdown. Operation cannot continue, and the system is in a known-bad or unknown state such that it may be unsafe to flush outstanding disk / replication queue data.

Classes of Errors

Here is a brief taxonomy of some of the classes of errors we might encounter in KV-engine, along with recommended methods of handling them:

‘User’ Input Errors

Any input from "real", external users. In the context of kv-engine this primarily consists of binary protocol messages from both normal connections (SDKs, N1QL, DCP), and privileged connections (ns_server).

How to handle

All external input should be considered untrusted, and SHOULD be validated before being accepted and passed down to other components.

  1. Syntax errors which can be detected without any additional context (e.g. correct number of arguments, valid length, valid options etc) MUST be detected in memcached validator functions. Any errors found SHOULD result in returning an EINVAL response back to the client.

  2. Semantic errors typically require more context than is present in the raw request (e.g. CAS mismatch requires we examine the current CAS value of an item). Errors SHOULD be checked for as early as possible, and return an appropriate status code back to the client (e.g. EEXISTS for a CAS mismatch).

  3. Most binary protocol commands are request-response and are stateless between commands, so it is typically safe to just return an error for the request. For commands which are stateful (e.g DCP), it MAY be appropriate to also close the connection (after sending an appropriate status code) if the connection is in an inconsistent state.

  4. Privileged connections should be treated the same as user connections for the purposes of validation - while we in general do trust ns_server; we cannot preclude bugs in it and so should still validate all commands it sends us.

See protocol_binary.h for the list of available status codes.

Resource Errors

Any errors arising from failure to acquire the resources kv-engine needs. For example: memory allocation failure, insufficient disk space, exhausting available file descriptors, etc.

Resource errors can occur in different places in the system (e.g. frontend memcached, mid-tier HashTable, backend storage). Additionally they may be temporary (e.g. memory allocation failures may resolve once more ejection has completed), or (semi-)permanent - disk space is unlikely to reduce by itself.

How to handle

Resource errors should be handled differently depending on where in the system they are detected, and if they are likely to be temporary or permanent:

For temporary resource errors, try to constrain the error to the client / operation in progress. Where it is possible to explicitly communicate the error upwards (e.g. a client request could not be completed due to not enough memory for result buffer), stop the current operation and return a suitable error code (e.g. ENOMEM). This is particularly suitable if the caller can retry the operation (hopefully after some kind of delay).

Where possible try to reduce the usage of the resource which has been exhausted - for example if no memory could be allocated for a request try to reduce memory usage - for example consider shrinking buffers, freeing temporary resources, closing idle connections etc.

For permanent resource errors, if may be the case that no more forward progress can be made, and hence that we must make use of the larger-scale RAS features built in the product (e.g. failover). Consider what the most graceful way to fail is - instead of abort()ing (and losing all data in any queues), can we instead attempt to shutdown, flushing any existing data to disk / DCP consumer before terminating)?

Data Errors

This category encompass errors which occur when kv-engine attempts to access its data files, such as corrupted / missing data, or failure to read / write. Data files includes:

  1. Actual user data (i.e. couchstore / forestdb files)

  2. Log files (memcached.log, auditd.log)

  3. Configuration files (memcached.json).

Data can also refer to internal, intermediate data stored for example in the HashTable, disk queues or caches.

How to handle

The type of file affected will influence the way the error is handled:

Configuration files: Some configuration files (e.g. memcached.json) are likely to be mandatory, and operation simply cannot proceed if they cannot be opened at startup so it is appropriate to treat them as a fatal error. However once the system is running, failure to later open a changed config file should NOT cause memcached to terminate.

Log files: Handling of log files will typically be similar to config files - while not strictly as essential as configuration files, log files are extremely useful to reason about the behaviour of a system and hence failing to open/create them at startup should result in a fatal error. However as per configuration files, if a log file later becomes inaccessible (e.g. unable to write) then the system SHOULD attempt to continue operation.

User data files: These are the most critical files in the system. Care should be taken to ensure that they remain error-free, however if errors do occur the system should attempt to maximise the data which is available.

  • If a failure occurs when attempting to access data, consider if an alternative version exists. For example, in couchstore document may be locatable using a different (older) checkpoint header - if the seqno of a document is known this would allow access to the document which otherwise would have been lost. Note this shouldn’t replace or prevent notifying ns_server of the data-file issue.

  • Error handling within storage libraries (couchstore, forestdb) should be as thorough as possible. The appropriate response to an error in the storage layer will frequently need to be determined by the user of that (ep-engine, 2i) and hence error conditions should be typically propagated up to the application using them, via error codes or exceptions. It should only be in extreme circumstances that a storage engine should trigger a fatal error (i.e. abort()) itself. Even if the storage layer itself is in a situation which it cannot continue at all, other parts of the system (e.g. DCP) may have the chance to move data off-node.

Internal Data Structures: Errors in the data contained in internal structures like ep-engine HashTables, DCP queues or similar are potentially difficult to handle, as at the point the erroneous data is detected it can be hard to determine how widespread it is. Consider the extent of the error - if only a single entity (e.g. SDK connection, DCP consumer) is affected then it may be possible to only shutdown that one connection. If the problem affects all clients (e.g. a vBucket data in memory is corrupt) then clearly kv-engine cannot continue in a reliable fashion and a termination (immediate or graceful) should be considered.

Logic Errors

A.k.a "The program should never get into this state". This category covers things like (supposedly) unreachable code or exceeding implementation-defined limits.

How to handle

Logic errors vary considerably, and so handling will likely be very instance-specific. Here are a few common examples and suggested ways to handle:

Unhandled switch case errors - where a switch statement encounters an unexpected (default) case. Avoid using a fatal error in the default case, as that gives the caller no choice in how the error should be handled. Raising of an exception (C++) or returning an explicit error code (C) should be preferred.

Suitable exceptions to raise: std::logic_error or std::invalid_argument, or a subclass thereof.

Invalid arguments - Where a function / class is passed invalid values. These should be explicitly checked, raising a suitable exception if invalid.

Suitable exceptions to raise: std::invalid_argument or subclass.

Arithmetic / computational errors: Where the result of a computation is not as expected, for example of out of range / unexpected NaN or zero.

Suitable exceptions to raise: std::range_error, or std::overflow_error, std::underflow_error.

Implementation Guidelines

This section describes specific implementation details (i.e. actual C++ code) on how to implement the recommendations given.

Throwing exceptions

  1. When creating exceptions to throw, ALWAYS inherit from std::exception. This gives a consistent interface to obtain the description (what()), and provides a common base-class for all exceptions used. All exceptions generated by the standard library inherit from std::exception.

  2. The what() message should be sufficiently descriptive to identify the source of the exception. Include the class/method name, or other uniquely identifying information.

The Boost Error and Exception Handling page is a good reference for exception handling best practices.

Catching exceptions

  1. Catch the most explicit exception type you expect. It’s better to propagate an exception your code isn’t expecting (and let a higher level handle it) than incorrectly handle it.


Unhandled switch statement case

bool found = false;
switch (enumVar) {
    found = true;
-    cb_assert(false);
+if (!found) {
+    throw std::invalid_argument("Class::method: enumVar (which is " +
+        std::to_string(int(enumVar)) + " is not a valid EnumType");

Replace the default: assert(false) case with a check if the enum being switch on was found, if not raise a std::invalid_argument exception.

The example above uses an explicit found flag, alternatively if each case sets a variable then check for the variable still being at it’s default value (e.g. -1/nullptr). Another variation (if all useful work is done in the switch statement) is to return at the end of each case statement, then unconditionally throw an exception if control-flow reaches the end of the switch.


Appendix A: Future Enhancements

This section exists to capture potential future improvements to kv-engine error handling. Note these are outside the scope of current kv-engine error-handling.

Automatic bucket-level restart

[JimWalker]: I have an idea which may work for some of these classes, another "error-tool" for us to consider. If the logic error is on the data path of a bucket, we restart the bucket (and warmup). Global to ep-engine is some restart counter and we basically allow a certain amount of restarts, so if the logic error keeps happening we will say "ok enough, fall back to a more heavy-weight error handler". There could also be some time based heuristic which says if 1 sec/min/hour goes by, reset the buckets restart counter.

  • [DJR]: This would likely need additional communication with ns_server for it to decide if it’s better to re-attempt a (potentially long) warmup or just to failover the node and promote a replica.*

Bucket (or vBucket) level failover

[DavidH]: Applying the principle of isolation, If this [data corruption] only affects a single vbucket, perhaps there should be the means to perform a failover at that granularity.

If it implies some greater underlying problem (dodgy RAM / hardware) then agreed best move is to fail the node.

[DJR]: This would require collaboration with ns_server.

Improved Data Availability

[DavidH] (in the context of user data files, and the importance in maximizing what data which is availaible):

This highlights the fact that we need a better recovery tool. If no other version is available we should have the means to repair / make sense of the existing one or recreate it. e.g. in non-DGM scenarios the ability to say "write in-memory vbucket to new couchstore file". Or make compaction more robust to corrupt files. "if I can't read this btree header I'll use the previous one. If I can't read this full document I'll log it but still read the remainder"

[DJR]: Agreed. This is actually an area where we have regressed, as (IIRC) prior to 3.0 one could replace the data files underneath ep-engine without any issue.

Read-only mode

[DavidH] Completely o/t but the thought occurred so I'll jot it here - is there any merit in having a 'read-only' mode for KV engine where it rejects any updates (and possibly new connections) at the front-end but still provides access to the data. e.g. in a scenario where auto-failover is not possible because there are other nodes that are down.

*[DJR] Quite possibly, but that would need a more elaborate / powerful error communication between kv-engine and ns_server. *

For example kv-engine would have to communicate "hey, I can't write any more data", and ns_server could then make the decision of (a) terminating kv-engine (if replicas are available) or (b) telling it "ok, go into read-only mode).