diff --git a/docs/docs/adrs/adr-018-permissionless-ics.md b/docs/docs/adrs/adr-018-permissionless-ics.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8cce4e15e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/docs/adrs/adr-018-permissionless-ics.md @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ +--- +sidebar_position: 19 +title: Permissionless ICS +--- +# ADR 18: Permissionless Interchain Security + +## Changelog +* 27th of June, 2024: Initial draft + +## Status + +Proposed + +## Context +Currently, a consumer chain can join _Interchain Security_ (ICS) only through a [governance proposal](../features/proposals.md). +A governance proposal was needed before the introduction of [Partial Set Security](../features/partial-set-security.md) (PSS) +because validators were required to validate a consumer chain. However, after the introduction of PSS, a consumer chain can +be either _Top N_ or _Opt In_. If a chain is an Opt In chain, then no validator is required to validate this chain unless they choose to. +Because of this, we can launch an Opt In consumer chain without going through a governance proposal. + +This ADR presents _Permissionless_ ICS, a way in which an [_Opt In_](adr-015-partial-set-security.md) consumer chain can join +ICS without needing a governance proposal but by simply issuing a transaction. + +## Decision +In Permissionless ICS, launching an Opt In chain is **only** possible through a transaction and not through a [`MsgConsumerAddition`](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/proto/interchain_security/ccv/provider/v1/tx.proto#L111) +proposal. Naturally, Permissionless ICS does not eliminate governance proposals, as proposals are still necessary for Top N chains. +Because of this, this ADR outlines a solution that also refactors governance proposals (i.e., `MsgConsumerAddition`, `MsgConsumerModification`, and `MsgConsumerRemoval`) +so that Top N and Opt In chains can share as much functionality as possible. +Note, that to make the distinction between governance-proposed versus transaction-launched chains clearer, in Permissionless ICS, +we can only launch, update, or stop Top N chains with governance proposals, and we can only launch, update, or stop Opt In chains with transactions. +Additionally, a Top N chain can transform to an Opt In chain through a gov proposal, but for simplicity, in this first +iteration of Permissionless, an Opt In chain cannot transform to a Top N chain. + +### The Phases of a Consumer Chain + +We first present the notion of an _owner_ of a consumer chain before showing the specific phases of a consumer chain. + +**Owner.** A consumer chain has an _owner_, which is simply an address. Only the owner can interact (i.e., launch, update, or stop) +with the chain. The owner of an Opt In chain is the one who signed the initial transaction to register a consumer chain (more on this later). +Naturally, an Opt In chain can change its owner at any point. The owner of a Top N chain is the account of the governance module. +Therefore, any changes on a Top N chain have to go through governance proposals. + +A consumer chain can reside in four phases: i) _registered_, ii) _initialized_, iii) _launched_, and iv) _stopped_ phase as seen +in the diagram below: +![Phases of a consumer chain](./adr18_phases_of_a_consumer_chain.png) + +**Registered phase.** In the _registered phase_, a consumer chain is assigned a unique identifier that identifies a consumer chain +that can later be used to interact with the specific consumer chain (e.g., when a validator opts in on a chain). +After a chain has been registered, it can later be initialized and then launched. Specifically, Permissionless ICS introduces +a `MsgRegisterConsumer` message that can be used to register **both** Top N and Opt In consumer chains. +In the registered phase, it is not yet known if the consumer chain would end up being a Top N or an Opt In chain and hence +the owner of the consumer chain at this phase is the one that signed the `MsgRegisterConsumer`. +Note that currently, a consumer chain is registered when first proposed through a `MsgConsumerAddition` proposal +message but with Permissionless ICS, the `MsgConsumerAddition` is deprecated and chains have to issue a `MsgRegisterConsumer` message instead. +A consumer chain in the registered phase might not launch, e.g., a later governance proposal might not pass or +the Opt In chain might never be initialized. + +**Initialized phase.** The _initialized phase_ means that the chain has set all the needed parameters to launch but has +not yet launched. To initialize an Opt In chain, the owner of the chain has to issue a `MsgInitializeConsumer` message +and potentially a `MsgUpdateConsumer` if they want to set up specific parameters (e.g., [power-shaping features](https://cosmos.github.io/interchain-security/features/power-shaping)). +Similarly, a Top N chain has to issue the same two messages (i.e, `MsgInitializeConsumer`, `MsgUpdateConsumer`) as part of a +governance proposal and if the governance proposal passes, the consumer chain is considered to be initialized. The moment +a governance proposal is proposed for a Top N chain, the owner changes to be the account of the governance module. +While in the initialized phase, an Opt In chain can choose to change the consumer chain parameters, such as `spawnTime`, etc. +by issuing a new `MsgInitializeConsumer` or `MsgUpdateConsumer` messages. +This is not the case for Top N chains, where a `MsgUpdateConsumer` can only be issued after a consumer +chain [has launched](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/x/ccv/provider/keeper/legacy_proposal.go#L89). + +**Launched phase.** In the _launched phase_ the consumer chain is running and is consuming a subset of the validator set +of the provider. When the [`spawnTime`](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/proto/interchain_security/ccv/provider/v1/provider.proto#L57) +passes and [at least one validator has opted in](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/x/ccv/provider/keeper/proposal.go#L430) +the chain can launch and moves to the launched phase. Note that a Top N chain can launch if and only if the `spawnTime` has passed and +the initialization proposal has successfully passed. While in launched phase, a consumer chain can choose to modify +its parameters through `MsgUpdateConsumer`. Naturally, only the owner of the chain can issue `MsgUpdateConsumer`, thus +for Top N chains, the chain can be updated only through a governance proposal that contains a `MsgUpdateConsumer`. + +**Stopped phase.** Lastly, the owner of a chain can choose to exit ICS by executing a `MsgRemoveConsumer`. +After some period of time (e.g., provider's unbonding period), all state related to the stopped consumer chain can be removed. +We keep track of the state of the consumer chain for some period, so that we are able to punish validators for misbehaviours +that occurred before the consumer chain stopped. + +Note that everything described so far and everything that follows applies to consumer chains that transition from standalone chains as well. + +### From `chainId` to `consumerId` +A hindrance in moving to Permissionless ICS is [chain-id squatting](https://forum.cosmos.network/t/pss-permissionless-vs-premissioned-lite-opt-in-consumer-chains/12984/17). +In a permissionless setting, anyone could issue a transaction to launch a consumer chain with a `chainId` that might already be used by some other consumer chain. This is a problem +because in the current design the majority of stored state for a consumer chain is indexed using the `chainId` as the key (e.g., +see [key used to store client ids](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/x/ccv/provider/types/keys.go#L245)). +To tackle this problem, in Permissionless ICS, we introduce the `consumerId` that defines a consumer chain and is simply +an increasing counter (i.e., `counter`), thus we can support multiple consumer chains with the same `chainId`. +Another way to understand this is with an analogy between consumer chains and IBC clients: Imagine having multiple IBC clients +that each point to different consumer chains, but all share the exact same `chainId`. It is then up to the user to select the +appropriate client (i.e., `clientId`) based on the actual chain they want to communicate with. Similarly, there can be multiple +consumer chains with the exact same `chainId`, and it is the responsibility of the validators to choose the one they wish +to interact with by providing the right `consumerId`. + +Note that with Permissionless ICS, all interactions on a consumer chain have to use the `consumerId` instead of the `chainId`. +For example, if a validator opts in on a chain using `MsgOptIn`, the validator has to provide the `consumerId`. To also +provide the `consumerId` for Top N consumers chains, we store a mapping between `proposalID` to `consumerId`. This storing +takes place in the [`AfterProposalSubmission`](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.50.8/x/gov/types/hooks.go#L19) hook. +Specifically, for the equivocation evidence, we update the `MsgSubmitConsumerMisbehaviour` and `MsgSubmitConsumerDoubleVoting` messages to include the `consumerId`, +and change [Hermes](https://github.com/informalsystems/hermes) to include `consumerId` in those constructed messages as well. +Hermes can find out the `consumerId` by querying the provider's `clientId` for some consumer chain (i.e., `query ccvconsumer provider-info`) +and then asking the provider chain for the `consumerId` that corresponds to this `clientId`. To do this, we need to store +the `clientId` to `consumerId` association on the provider and introduce a query to retrieve the `clientId` +given the `consumerId`. + +#### State +As a result of using `consumerId`, we have to migrate a substantial chunk of state to re-index it using `consumerId` as the key. +Currently, in ICS we have state that is indexed by a multitude of [keys](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/x/ccv/provider/types/keys.go#L40). +In the table below, we see the ones that are associated with a `chainId` and how often state under those keys gets updated. +Additionally, for each key, the table shows whose action can lead to the setting or deletion of the state associated with that key. +An action can stem either from: i) a consumer chain (e.g., through a `MsgUpdateConsumer` message, an IBC packet sent over to the provider, etc.), +ii) a provider chain (e.g., at the end of a block some action is taken), or by iii) a validator (e.g., through a `MsgAssignConsumerKey` message) +or a combination of them. + +| Key | Description | Who can set this? | Who can delete this? | How often are `chainId`-associated keys updated? | +|-----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------:|:--------------------------------:|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `ChainToChannelBytePrefix` | Stores the CCV `channelID` for a specific chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Only once (during set up) | +| `ChannelToChainBytePrefix` | Stores `chainId` for a specific channel | consumer chain | consumer chain | Only once (during set up) | +| `ChainToClientBytePrefix` | Stores the `clientID` for a specific chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Only once (during set up) | +| `PendingCAPBytePrefix` | Stores pending consumer addition proposals | consumer chain | provider chain | Only once (for successful proposal) | +| `PendingCRPBytePrefix` | Stores pending consumer removal proposals | consumer chain | provider chain | Only once (for successful proposal) | +| `ConsumerGenesisBytePrefix` | Stores the consumer genesis for a specific chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Only once (during set up) | +| `SlashAcksBytePrefix` | Stores slash acks for a specific consumer chain | consumer chain | provider chain | Every time we receive a Slash packet | +| `PendingVSCsBytePrefix` | Stores `VSCPacket`s for a specific consumer chain | provider chain | provider chain | Every [epoch](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/docs/docs/adrs/adr-014-epochs.md) | +| `ConsumerValidatorsBytePrefix` | Stores consumer key per validator per consumer chain | validator | consumer chain | Every `MsgAssignConsumerKey` or `MsgOptIn` | +| `ValidatorsByConsumerAddrBytePrefix` | Stores consumer to provider validator address | validator | consumer or provider chain | Every `MsgAssignConsumerKey` or `MsgOptIn` | +| `EquivocationEvidenceMinHeightBytePrefix`| Stores min height for a consumer chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Only once (during set up) | +| `ProposedConsumerChainByteKey` | Stores `proposalID`s for consumer chains with proposals in the voting period | not applicable for Opt In chains | not applicable for Opt In chains | Created when the proposal is submitted and deleted when the proposal's voting period ends | +| `ConsumerValidatorBytePrefix` | Stores consumer validators for a specific chain | validator | validator or consumer chain | Potentially at every epoch | +| `OptedInBytePrefix` | Stores opted-in validators for a specific chain | validator | validator or consumer chain | Potentially at every block | +| `TopNBytePrefix` | Stores whether a consumer chain is Top N or not | not applicable for Opt In chains | not applicable for Opt In chains | Every parameter update | +| `ValidatorsPowerCapPrefix` | Stores the power cap of a chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Every parameter update | +| `ValidatorSetCapPrefix` | Stores the set cap of a chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Every parameter update | +| `AllowlistPrefix` | Stores the allowlist of a chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Every parameter update | +| `DenylistPrefix` | Stores the denylist of a chain | consumer chain | consumer chain | Every parameter update | +| `ConsumerRewardsAllocationBytePrefix` | Stores the ICS rewards per chain | consumer or provider chain | provider chain | Every IBC transfer packet that sends rewards to the provider | +| `ConsumerCommissionRatePrefix` | Commission rate per chain per validator | validator | consumer chain | Every `MsgSetConsumerCommissionRate` message | +| `MinimumPowerInTopNBytePrefix` | Stores the minimum power needed to opt in for a chain | not applicable for Opt In chains | not applicable for Opt In chains | Every epoch | +| `ConsumerAddrsToPruneV2BytePrefix` | Stores consumer addresses to be pruned (as part of `VSCMaturedPacket`s deprecation) | validator or provider chain | provider chain | Every `MsgAssignConsumerKey` or `MsgOptIn` and later during actual pruning | + +Everything stored under one of the above keys is associated with a `chainId` and has to be migrated to new state under a `consumerId`. + +### New Messages +In this section, we describe the new messages (i.e., `MsgRegisterConsumer`, `MsgInitializeConsumer`, `MsgUpdateConsumer` and `MsgRemoveConsumer`) +that Permissionless ICS introduces. +Then, we describe how to utilize these messages with our existing codebase. + +#### Register a Consumer Chain +We first have to register a chain before launching it, irrespectively of whether it is Top N or Opt In. +This is done through the following message: +```protobuf +message MsgRegisterConsumer { + // the registration record that contains information for the registered chain + ConsumerRegistrationRecord registration_record; +} +``` + +where `ConsumerRegistrationRecord` contains information about the to-be-launched consumer chain before it launches. + +```protobuf +message ConsumerRegistrationRecord { + // the title of the chain to-be-launched + string title; + // the description of the chain to-be-launched + string description; + // the chain id of the new consumer chain + string chain_id; +} +``` + +This response of this message contains a single `string`, that is the `consumerId` for this registered consumer chain and sets +a consumer chain in its registered phase. With the returned `consumerId`, validators can already opt in on the consumer +chain to show their potential interest on the chain. + +The owner of the consumer chain is the one that signed the `MsgRegisterConsumer` message. + +To prevent an attacker spamming the system by creating bogus consumer chains, we set a fixed cost for sending a `MsgRegisterConsumer` (configurable via a parameter). + +#### Initialize a Consumer Chain +To move an Opt In consumer chain to its initialized phase, we issue a `MsgInitializeConsumer` message that is as follows: + +```protobuf +message MsgInitializeConsumer { + // consumer id of the to-be-updated consumer chain + string consumer_id; + // the initialization record that contains initialization parameters for the upcoming chain + ConsumerInitializationRecord initialization_record; +} +``` +where `ConsumerInitializationRecord` contains the following: +```protobuf +message ConsumerInitializationRecord { + // ---------- ---------- ---------- + // Following fields are used when the consumer chain launches and are not needed by the provider afterwards. + // ---------- ---------- ---------- + + // the proposed initial height of new consumer chain. + // For a completely new chain, this will be {0,1}. However, it may be + // different if this is a chain that is converting to a consumer chain. + ibc.core.client.v1.Height initial_height; + // The hash of the consumer chain genesis state without the consumer CCV + // module genesis params. It is used for off-chain confirmation of + // genesis.json validity by validators and other parties. + bytes genesis_hash; + // The hash of the consumer chain binary that should be run by validators on + // chain initialization. It is used for off-chain confirmation of binary + // validity by validators and other parties. + bytes binary_hash; + // spawn time is the time on the provider chain at which the consumer chain + // genesis is finalized and all validators will be responsible for starting + // their consumer chain validator node. + google.protobuf.Timestamp spawn_time; + // Unbonding period for the consumer, + // which should be smaller than that of the provider in general. + google.protobuf.Duration unbonding_period; + + + // ---------- ---------- ---------- + // Following fields are used to construct the consumer genesis of the to-be-launched consumer chain + // and are set up as params on the consumer chain. Those params can then be directly modified by the consumer chain. + // ---------- ---------- ---------- + + // Sent CCV related IBC packets will timeout after this duration + google.protobuf.Duration ccv_timeout_period; + // Sent transfer related IBC packets will timeout after this duration + google.protobuf.Duration transfer_timeout_period; + // The fraction of tokens allocated to the consumer redistribution address + // during distribution events. The fraction is a string representing a + // decimal number. For example "0.75" would represent 75%. + string consumer_redistribution_fraction; + // BlocksPerDistributionTransmission is the number of blocks between + // ibc-token-transfers from the consumer chain to the provider chain. On + // sending transmission event, `consumer_redistribution_fraction` of the + // accumulated tokens are sent to the consumer redistribution address. + int64 blocks_per_distribution_transmission; + // The number of historical info entries to persist in store. + // This param is a part of the cosmos sdk staking module. In the case of + // a ccv enabled consumer chain, the ccv module acts as the staking module. + int64 historical_entries; + // The ID of a token transfer channel used for the Reward Distribution + // sub-protocol. If DistributionTransmissionChannel == "", a new transfer + // channel is created on top of the same connection as the CCV channel. + // Note that transfer_channel_id is the ID of the channel end on the consumer + // chain. it is most relevant for chains performing a sovereign to consumer + // changeover in order to maintain the existing ibc transfer channel + string distribution_transmission_channel; +} +``` + +`ConsumerInitializationRecord` contains _almost_ everything that is contained in [`MsgConsumerAddition`](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/proto/interchain_security/ccv/provider/v1/tx.proto#L111). +Note that as part of this work, we deprecate [`ConsumerAdditionProposal`](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/proto/interchain_security/ccv/provider/v1/provider.proto#L30). + +For each `consumerId`, we store its corresponding `ConsumerInitializationRecord`. For Top N chains, we can perform this +store by using the [`AfterProposalVotingPeriodEnded`](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.50.8/x/gov/types/hooks.go#L52). + +Note that we need to extensively check the fields of the provided `ConsumerInitializationRecord` to guarantee that no consumer +chain launches with problematic parameters (e.g., we need to have maximum length for the `chainId`, etc.). +As a starter we look into the [usual validity conditions](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/x/ccv/provider/types/msg.go#L244). + +For all chains in the initialized phase, we keep a mapping between `consumerId` and the underlying `ConsumerInitializationRecord`. +This way, we can respond to queries that ask for all the consumer chain's parameters. For example, retrieving the +`spawn_time` of consumer chain with a given `consumerId`. + +`MsgInitializeConsumer` can be executed multiple times for the same Opt In consumer chain during its initialized phase +to potentially change its to-be-launched parameters (e.g., `spawnTime`). + +A Top N can move to the initialized phase only if the owner of the registered chain issues a governance proposal +with two messages, `MsgInitializeConsumer` and `MsgUpdateConsumer`, and the proposal passes. + +#### Modify a Consumer Chain +We reuse the [MsgConsumerModification](https://github.com/cosmos/interchain-security/blob/v5.1.0/proto/interchain_security/ccv/provider/v1/tx.proto#L294) +message to update parameters of an Opt In chain that is in its initialized or launched phase, but rename the message +to `MsgUpdateConsumer`. This message can only be executed by the owner of a consumer +chain and hence only the owner can change the parameters (e.g., `validators_power_cap`, `allowlist`, etc.) +of the consumer chain. Recall that if the consumer chain is a Top N chain, then the owner is the address of the +governance account. + +We refactor `MsgUpdateConsumer` to be as follows: +```protobuf +message MsgUpdateConsumer { + // consumer id of the to-be-updated consumer chain + string consumer_id; + ConsumerUpdateRecord update_record; +} +``` + +where `ConsumerUpdateRecord` contains the following: +``` +message ConsumerUpdateRecord { + // `owner_address` cannot be modified by a Top N chain, unless it moves to an Opt In chain (i.e., `top_N == 0`) + string owner_address; + uint32 top_N; + uint32 validators_power_cap; + uint32 validator_set_cap; + repeated string allowlist; + repeated string denylist; +} +``` + +Note, that even though a consumer chain is initialized with all the arguments in `ConsumerUpdateRecord`, +the `MsgUpdateConsumer` updates only the `owner_address` and the `consumer_update_record`. This is because +all the other arguments are either useless (e.g., `spawnTime`) after a chain has started, or can be updated directly +by the consumer chain params (e.g., `consumer_redistribution_fraction`). + +#### Remove (Stop) a Consumer Chain +We reuse the `MsgConsumerRemoval` (renamed to `MsgRemoveConsumer`) so we can stop any Opt In chain at any point in time. +Note that all relevant state for this consumer chain remains on the provider's state before getting removed after the time +of an unbonding period (of the provider) has passed. This is to enable potential slashing for any infraction that might have been incurred until now. +Note however that we never recycle previously-used `consumerId`s. Naturally, this message can only be issued by the owner of the consumer chain. + +```protobuf +message MsgRemoveConsumer { + // the consumerId as returned by `MsgRegisterConsumer` + string consumer_id; + // the time on the provider chain at which all validators are responsible to + // stop their consumer chain validator node + google.protobuf.Timestamp stop_time; +} +``` + +#### Examples of Launching a Consumer Chain +The figures below depict some examples of some of the phases a consumer chain resides in to launch. + +![Examples of a launching consumer chain](./adr18_flows_of_launching_a_consumer_chain.png) + + +### Additional Modifications +We need to perform multiple migrations. All state needs to be reindex based on a `consumerId` instead of the `chainId`. +Because we only have two consumer chains at the moment, this is not going to be an expensive migration even if we have some live +consumer chains that are being voted upon. Similarly, all the messages, queries, etc. would need to be changed to operate on a `consumerId` +instead of a `chainId`. + +It is **important** to migrate any ongoing `ConsumerAdditionProposal`s when we upgrade before we actually deprecate `ConsumerAdditionProposal`s. + +## Consequences + +### Positive +- Easier to launch an Opt In consumer chain because no governance is required. + +### Negative +- Extensive migration and overhaul of existing code base (as part of API-breaking changes) that could lead to bugs and more work in auditing this. + + +## References +[CHIPs Discussion phase: Permissionless ICS](https://forum.cosmos.network/t/chips-discussion-phase-permissionless-ics/13955) +[Chain-id squatting](https://forum.cosmos.network/t/pss-permissionless-vs-premissioned-lite-opt-in-consumer-chains/12984/17) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/docs/adrs/adr18_flows_of_launching_a_consumer_chain.excalidraw b/docs/docs/adrs/adr18_flows_of_launching_a_consumer_chain.excalidraw 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