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File metadata and controls

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API Documentation for Document

NoPoDoFo Document

The NoPoDoFo Document class is a wrapper around PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument. This is the core class for reading and manipulating pdf documents. This class was designed to allow easy access to the pdf object structure and should be used whenever you want to change the structure of the pdf document. If you are only creating a pdf file use the StreamDocument class.

Document utilizes PoDoFo's load on demand policy. When a PDF is loaded through Document.load, document objects are read into memory at their first point of access. If an object is never used, it will never be loaded into memory, allowing for the ingestion and modification of large documents with a small memory footprint.

abstract class Base {
    readonly form: Form
    readonly body: Object[]
    readonly version: NPDFVersion
    pageMode: NPDFPageMode
    pageLayout: NPDFPageLayout
    printingScale: string
    baseUri: string
    language: string
    readonly info: NPDFInfo

    getPageCount(): number

    getPage(n: number): Page

    hideToolbar(): void

    hideMenubar(): void

    hideWindowUI(): void

    fitWindow(): void

    centerWindow(): void

    displayDocTitle(): void

    useFullScreen(): void

    attachFile(file: string): void

    insertPage(rect: Rect, index: number): Page

    isLinearized(): boolean

    getWriteMode(): NPDFWriteMode

    isAllowed(perm: ProtectionOption): boolean

    createFont(opts: NPDFCreateFontOpts): Font

    createFontSubset(opts: NPDFCreateFontOpts): Font

     * Get an existing outline or create a new outline and new root node
     * @param {boolean} [create] - Create a new outline if one does not already exist
     * @param {string} [root] - Create a Root node with the provided name
    getOutlines(create?: boolean, root?: string): null | Outline

    getObject(ref: Ref): Object

    getNames(create: boolean): Object | null

    createXObject(rect: Rect): XObject

    createPage(rect: Rect): Page

    createPages(rects: Rect[]): number

    getAttachment(fileName: string): FileSpec

    addNamedDestination(page: Page, destination: NPDFDestinationFit, name: string): void
class Document extends Base {

    encrypt: Encrypt
    readonly trailer: Object
    readonly catalog: Object

    setPassword(pwd:string): void
    load(file: string | Buffer,
        opts: {
        forUpdate?: boolean,
        password?: string
        cb: Callback<void>): void
    load(file: string | Buffer, cb: Callback<void>): void
    splicePages(startIndex: number, count: number): void
    insertPages(fromDoc: Document, startIndex: number, count: number): number
    write(destination: Callback<Buffer> | string, cb?: Callback<string>): void
    getFont(name: string): Font
    listFonts(): { id: string, name: string }[]
    gc(file: string, pwd: string, output: string, cb: Callback<string | Buffer>): void
    hasSignatures(): boolean
    getSignatures(): SignatureField[]
    insertExistingPage(memDoc: Document, index: number, insertIndex: number): number
    append(doc: Document|Document[]): void
export class StreamDocument extends Base {

        constructor(file?: string, opts?: { version: NPDFVersion, writer: NPDFWriteMode, encrypt?: Encrypt })

         * Closing a stream document will prevent any further writes to the document.
         * If the object was instantiated with a file path, close will write to this file.
         * If "new" was called without any args, the document is written to a nodejs buffer, close
         *   will return the buffer.
        close(): string | Buffer



Readonly property returning an Object. The catalog is the root of the documents object tree; every object in a document is reachable from the catalog.


Readonly property returning an Object. The trailer resides at the end of the document, containing document level information necessary to parse the document.


If the document is encrypted an Encrypt object is returned otherwise null.


Readonly NPDFInfo.


Set the Document viewer preference. Set the language of the Document.


The page scaling option displayed in the print dialog, valid values are: 'None', and 'AppDefault'


Specifies the page layout as NPDFPageLayout when the document is opened.


Specifies the page mode as NPDFPageMode when the document is opened.


Pdf specification version as NPDFVersion.


The Document body (readonly) is an array of all Objects accessible from the Document catalog(#catalog).


Form is a readonly property that will either return Form or null if the Document does not have an AcroForm dictionary.



Set the password for the document.


getPageCount(): number

Get the number of pages in the Document. A Document must have at least one page.


getPage(n: number): IPage

Get the Page. If n is < 0 or greater than page count a RangeError will be thrown.


hideToolbar(): void

Toggle view option hideToolbar.


hideMenubar(): void

Toggle view option hideMenubar.


hideWindowUI(): void

Toggle view option hideWindowUI.


fitWindow(): void

Toggle view option fitWindow.


centerWindow(): void

Toggle view option centerWindow.


displayDocTitle(): void

Toggle view option displayDocTitle.


useFullScreen(): void

Toggle view option useFullScreen.


attachFile(file: string): void

Attach a file, as a FileSpec to the Document. Files are by default embedded into instances of Document, StreamDocument by default does not embed file attachments.


insertExistingPage(memDoc: Document, index: number, insertIndex: number): number

Insert the page of one Document into another. The document accepting the new page may be a Document or StreamDocument. However the Document that the page originates from must be a Document.


insertPage(rect: Rect, index: number): Page

Insert a new page into the Document pages tree. Returns the new page. Note pages are 0-based index. If the index is < 0 the page will be insert at index 0, or as the first page in the document. If the index is greater than the current page count a RangeError is thrown.


append(doc: Document): void

Append a Document to another Document. The Document to be appended to must be a Document, StreamDocument's are not supported for this operation.


isLinearized(): boolean

Check if the Document is linearized, returns a boolean.


getWriteMode(): NPDFWriteMode

Get the write mode as NPDFWriteMode for the Document.


isAllowed(perm: ProtectionOption): boolean

Check if a PDF protection permission ProtectionOption is allowed, returns a boolean.


createFont(opts: NPDFCreateFontOpts): Font

Create / Get a PDF Font object. If the build you have does not include fontconfig (Windows users) you must include the fontFile (path to font file on disk) in NPDFCreateFontOpts.


createFontSubset(opts: NPDFCreateFontOpts): Font

Create a new PDF Font object. This font class will write only the characters used during painting operations. You can check if the Font instance is a subset by invoking Font.isSubsetting


getObject(ref: Ref): Obj

Get an object by Ref (indirect object reference). NoPoDoFo will always try to resolve a reference, some methods may however return a Ref instead of an nopodofo.Obj, this happens when the Obj in question is not available by the parent object, or parent vector. This is primarily seen in a nested array structure.


const ar: nopodofo.Array = someObject.getArray()
if( instanceof nopodofo.Object) {
    // do something with the object
} else {
    let ref =
    let obj = doc.getObject(ref)
    // do something with the object


getNames(create: boolean): nopodofo.Object|null

Get the document names tree, if a names tree does not exist null is returned.


getOutlines(create?:boolean, root?:string): Outline

Get a Document Outlines tree root object if one exists. To create an Outline use the create and root parameters with values true and a name for the new root node. An Outline is typically used in conjunction with Destination and Action objects to create Bookmarks on a document. For a complete example see the Bookmark Cookbook


createXObject(rect: Rect): XObject

Creates a new XObject, returns the newly created XObject.


createPage(rect: Rect): Page

Create a new PDF Page, returns the newly created page.


createPages(rects: Rect[]): number

Creates as many pages as rects provided, returns the new page count of the document.


getAttachment(filename: string): FileSpec

Get an embedded file as an instance of FileSpec. File lookup is done off the embedded file object's UF key. The UF key value is the name of the file in utf-8. If no file is found with the filename provided, null is returned.


load(file: string | Buffer,
    opts: {
        forUpdate?: boolean,
        password?: string
    cb: Callback<void>): void

load(file: string | Buffer, cb: Callback<void>): void

Load a PDF document into memory, remember Document loads objects on demand. This method accepts document in the form of a buffer or as a file path. If the document requires a password, the password may be provided in the opts object. If the document is password protected and a password is not provided a Password Required error will be thrown. If forUpdate is set to true, updates to the document will be written as an incremental update. An incremental update appends the changes to the end of the document instead of re-writing the document.


Loading a document from disk

import {npdf} from 'nopodofo'
const doc = new npdf.Document()
doc.load('/file/path.pdf', e => {
    if(e) {
        // Load password on error
        if(e.message.includes('Password required')) {
            // handle error or set password if password is known
            doc.password = 'secret'
    // do something with the document

Loading a document from Buffer

import {npdf} from 'nopodofo'
import {S3} from 'aws-sdk'
const doc = new npdf.Document()
// getting a document from S3
const {Body: buffer} = await new S3().getObject({Bucket, Key}).promise()
doc.load(buffer, e => {
    if(e) {/* handle error */}
    // do something with document


splicePages(startIndex: number, count: number): void

Deletes one or more pages from the document by removing the pages reference from the pages tree. This does NOT remove the page object as the page object may be used by other objects in the document. Parameter startIndex is the index of the page to start at, pages are 0-based indexed, and parameter count is the number of pages from the startIndex to delete.


insertPages(fromDoc: Document, startIndex: number, count: number): number

Copies one or more pages from another pdf to this document. This function copies the entire document to the target document and then deletes pages that are not of interest. This is a much faster process, but without object garbage collection the document may result in a much larger than necessary document.


write(destination: Callback<Buffer> | string, cb?: Callback<string>): void

Write the file and any modifications made to the file to disk or a nodejs buffer. If destination is a string (file path), write will write the document to this path, if destination is not provided a buffer will be returned in the callback.


hasSignatures(): boolean

Iterate each page of the document for signature fields, returns true if signature field is found.


getSignatures(): ISignatureField[]

Iterates each page of the document for signature fields and returns an array of all signature fields found.

See ISignatureField


gc(file: string, pwd: string, output: string, cb: Callback<string|Buffer>): void

gc is a static method on the Document class. This method reads the document into memory, and re-writes the document in NPDFWriteMode Compact removing any objects that are not touched from the document catalog. Parameters file is required, if the document is password protected you may pass the password as the second parameter, otherwise null. If an output is provided the new document will be written to the output location, otherwise a nodejs buffer will be returned in the callback.