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Step 8: Deployment Techniques: Blue/Green, Canary


Switching over to yourspace as the default since we will be manipulating the Node (mynode) app.

$ kubectl config set-context minikube --namespace=yourspace
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mynode-68b9b9ffcc-4kkg5   1/1       Running   0          15m
mynode-68b9b9ffcc-wspxf   1/1       Running   0          18m

Two pods of mynode based on the example in Step 6 but if you need to get your replicas sorted try

$ kubectl scale deployment/mynode --replicas=2 -n yourspace

and -n yourspace should not be necessary based on the set-context earlier

Poll mynode


while true
  curl $(minikube ip):$(kubectl get service/mynode -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[*].nodePort}")
  sleep .5;
Hello from Node.js! 4 on mynode-68b9b9ffcc-jv4fd
Hello from Node.js! 2 on mynode-68b9b9ffcc-vq9k5
Hello from Node.js! 5 on mynode-68b9b9ffcc-jv4fd
Hello from Node.js! 6 on mynode-68b9b9ffcc-jv4fd

Let’s call this version BLUE (the color does not matter) and we wish to deploy GREEN

Modify hello-http.js to say Bonjour

$ cd hello/nodejs
$ vi hello-http.js
  res.end('Bonjour from Node.js! ' + cnt++ + ' on ' + process.env.HOSTNAME  + '\n');

and build a new Docker image

$ docker build -t 9stepsawesome/mynode:v2 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon   5.12kB
Step 1/7 : FROM node:8
 ---> ed145ef978c4
Step 2/7 : MAINTAINER Burr Sutter "[email protected]"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 16e077cca62b
Step 3/7 : EXPOSE 8000
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 53d9c47ace0d
Step 4/7 : WORKDIR /usr/src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5e74464b9671
Step 5/7 : COPY hello-http.js /usr/src
 ---> 308423270e08
Step 6/7 : COPY package.json /usr/src
 ---> d13548c1332b
Step 7/7 : CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "npm start" ]
 ---> Running in cbf11794596f
Removing intermediate container cbf11794596f
 ---> 73011d539094
Successfully built 73011d539094
Successfully tagged 9stepsawesome/mynode:v2

and check out the image

$ docker images | grep 9steps
9stepsawesome/mynode                       v2                  73011d539094        6 seconds ago       673MB
9stepsawesome/myboot                       v2                  d0c16bffe5f0        38 minutes ago      638MB
9stepsawesome/myboot                       v1                  f66e4bb1f1cf        About an hour ago   638MB
9stepsawesome/mynode                       v1                  26d9e4e9f3b1        2 hours ago         673MB

Run the image to see if you built it correctly

$ docker run -it -p 8000:8000 9stepsawesome/mynode:v2
$ curl $(minikube ip):8000
Bonjour from Node.js! 0 on 001b160eaa82

Now, there is a 2nd deployment yaml for mynodeNew

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    app: mynodenew
  name: mynodenew
  replicas: 1
      app: mynodenew
        app: mynodenew
      - name: mynodenew
        image: 9stepsawesome/mynode:v2
          - containerPort: 8000
$ kubectl create -f kubefiles/mynode-deployment-new.yml

You now have the new pod as well as the old ones

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mynode-68b9b9ffcc-jv4fd      1/1       Running   0          23m
mynode-68b9b9ffcc-vq9k5      1/1       Running   0          23m
mynodenew-5fc946f544-q9ch2   1/1       Running   0          25s

Yet your client/user is still seeing the old one only

$  curl $(minikube ip):$(kubectl get service/mynode -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[*].nodePort}")
Hello from Node.js! 11 on mynode-68b9b9ffcc-jv4fd

You can tell the new pod carries the new code by with an exec

$ kubectl exec -it mynodenew-5fc946f544-q9ch2 /bin/bash
root@mynodenew-5fc946f544-q9ch2:/usr/src# curl localhost:8000
Bonjour from Node.js! 0 on mynodenew-5fc946f544-q9ch2
$ exit

Now update the single Service to point to the new pod and go GREEN

$ kubectl patch svc/mynode -p '{"spec":{"selector":{"app":"mynodenew"}}}'

You have just flipped all users to Bonjour (GREEN) and if you wish to flip back

$ kubectl patch svc/mynode -p '{"spec":{"selector":{"app":"mynode"}}}'

Note: Our deployment yaml did not have a live & ready probe, things worked out OK here because we wanted until long after mynodenew was up and running before flipping the service selector.

Built-In Canary

There are at least two types of deployments that some folks consider "canary deployments" in Kubernetes. The first is simply the rolling update strategy with the health check (liveness probe), if the liveness check fails, it knows to undo the deployment.

Switching back to focusing on myboot and myspace

$ kubectl config set-context minikube --namespace=mypace
$ kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY     STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
myboot-859cbbfb98-4rvl8   1/1       Running       0          55m
myboot-859cbbfb98-rwgp5   1/1       Running       0          55m

Make sure myboot has 2 replicas

$ kubectl scale deployment/myboot --replicas=2

and let’s attempt to put some bad code into production

Go into hello/springboot/ and add a System.exit(1) into the /health logic

   @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/health")
   public ResponseEntity<String> health() {
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK)
            .body("I am fine, thank you\n");

Obviously this sort of thing would never pass through your robust code reviews and automated QA but let’s assume it does.

Build the code

$ mvn clean package

Build the docker image for v3

$ docker build -t 9stepsawesome/myboot:v3 .

Terminal 1: Start a poller

$ ./

Terminal 2: Watch pods

$ kubectl get pods -w

Terminal 3: Watch events

$ kubectl get events -w

Terminal 4: rollout the v3 update

$ kubectl set image deployment/myboot myboot=9stepsawesome/myboot:v3

and watch the fireworks

$ kubectl get pods -w
myboot-5d7fb559dd-qh6fl   0/1       Error     1         11m
myboot-859cbbfb98-rwgp5   0/1       Terminating   0         6h
myboot-859cbbfb98-rwgp5   0/1       Terminating   0         6h
myboot-5d7fb559dd-qh6fl   0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   1         11m
myboot-859cbbfb98-rwgp5   0/1       Terminating   0         6h
$ kubectl get events -w
2018-08-02 19:42:19 -0400 EDT   2018-08-02 19:42:16 -0400 EDT   2         myboot-5d7fb559dd-qh6fl.154735c94d1446ce   Pod       spec.containers{myboot}   Warning   BackOff   kubelet, minikube   Back-off restarting failed container

And yet your polling client, stays with the old code & old pod

Hello from Spring Boot! 133 on myboot-859cbbfb98-4rvl8
Hello from Spring Boot! 134 on myboot-859cbbfb98-4rvl8

If you watch a while, the CrashLoopBackOff will continue and the restart count will increment.

Now, go fix the MyRESTController and also change from Hello to Aloha

No more System.exit()

   @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/health")
   public ResponseEntity<String> health() {
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK)
            .body("I am fine, thank you\n");

and Aloha

   @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/health")
   public ResponseEntity<String> health() {
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK)
            .body("I am fine, thank you\n");


$ mvn clean package

$ docker build -t 9stepsawesome/myboot:v3

and now rollout the change to v3

$ kubectl set image deployment/myboot myboot=9stepsawesome/myboot:v3

Manual Canary with multiple Deployments

Go back to v1

$ kubectl set image deployment/myboot myboot=9stepsawesome/myboot:v1

Next, we will use a 2nd Deployment like we did with Blue/Green.

$ kubectl create -f kubefiles/myboot-deployment-canary.yml

And you can see a new pod being bonjour

$ kubectl get pods

And this is the v3 one with Aloha

$ kubectl exec -it mybootcanary-6ddc5d8d48-ptdjv curl localhost:8080/

Now we add a label to both v1 and v3 Deployments PodTemplate, causing new pods to be born

$ kubectl patch deployment/myboot -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"labels":{"newstuff":"withCanary"}}}}}'
$ kubectl patch deployment/mybootcanary -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"labels":{"newstuff":"withCanary"}}}}}'

Tweak the Service selector for this new label

$ kubectl patch service/myboot -p '{"spec":{"selector":{"newstuff":"withCanary","app": null}}}'

You should see approximately 30% Aloha mixed in with Hello

Hello from Spring Boot! 23 on myboot-d6c8464-ncpn8
Hello from Spring Boot! 22 on myboot-d6c8464-qnxd8
Aloha from Spring Boot! 83 on mybootcanary-74d99754f4-tx6pj
Hello from Spring Boot! 24 on myboot-d6c8464-ncpn8

You can then manipulate the percentages via the replicas associated with each deployment 20% Aloha (Canary)

$ kubectl scale deployment/myboot --replicas=4
$ kubectl scale deployment/mybootcanary --replicas=1

The challenge with this model is that you have to have the right pod count to get the right mix. If you want a 1% canary, you need 99 of the non-canary pods.

Istio Cometh

The concept of the Canary rollout gets a lot smarter and more interesting with Istio. You also get the concept of dark launches which allows you to push a change into the production environment, send traffic to the new pod(s) yet no responses are actual sent back to the end-user/client.