Data structures and specifications that fulfill various software maturity models.
We welcome contributions with GitHub issues and pull requests.
Before embarking on a significant change, please follow these guidelines:
Create an issue—e.g., a defect ("bug") report or a feature request—to propose changes.
If you're working on documentation and fixing something simple like a typo or an easy bug, go ahead and make a pull request.
Follow the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.
Standards and guidelines make communication easier. If you're willing and able to program—or want to learn how— following the guidelines will increase the likelihood of having your changes added to
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Make a pull request when you're ready for other to review your changes (or you get stuck somewhere).
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No problem: this free online training covers most of the conventions in the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.)
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
MIT © 2018 commonality