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1440 lines (890 loc) · 86.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1440 lines (890 loc) · 86.8 KB

10.18.6 (2020-04-16)

🐛 Type: Bug

  • data-table

💅 Type: Enhancement

  • data-table
    • #1322 fix(data-table): add prop to disable header stickiness (@jonnybel)

10.18.5 (2020-04-15)

💅 Type: Enhancement

🐛 Type: Bug

  • data-table

⛑ Type: Refactoring

  • stamp
  • data-table
    • #1314 fix(data-table): remove onClick from column options (@jonnybel)

10.18.4 (2020-04-01)

🐛 Type: Bug

  • components
    • #1304 fix(data-table): normalize z-index of table element (@jonnybel)
    • #1301 fix(data-table): return sortDirection for onSortChange function (@jonnybel)
    • #1299 fix(password-field): adjust alignment of 'show password' button (@jonnybel)

💅 Type: Enhancement

  • components
    • #1310 fix(data-table): background on hover changing color now only for clickable rows (@jonnybel)
    • #1305 fix(data-table): allow disabling text wrap for column header label (@jonnybel)
    • #1309 fix(data-table): move wrapHeaderLabel to become a table prop (@jonnybel)

🔮 Type: Chore

10.18.3 (2020-03-20)

🐛 Type: Bug

  • components
    • #1293 fix(data-table): only clip cells with isTruncated option (@jonnybel)
  • presets

10.18.2 (2020-03-18)

🐛 Type: Bug

  • components
    • #1287 fix(accessible-button): fix no-outline rule for button elements (@jonnybel)

🔮 Type: Chore

  • presets
    • #1288 chore(ui-kit): add new components and hooks to ui-kit preset (@jonnybel)

10.18.1 (2020-03-16)

🐛 Type: Bug

  • components
    • #1285 fix(collapsible-panel): to forward data-attributes (@jonnybel)

10.18.0 (2020-03-16)

🐛 Type: Bug

  • components
    • #1283 fix(collapsible-panel): accessible panel Header element (@jonnybel)

🔮 Type: Chore

🚀 Type: New Feature

  • components, hooks

10.17.0 (2020-03-11)

🚀 Type: New Feature

  • components
    • #1272 feat(accessible-button): exports new function getNormalizedButtonStyles This new utility function removes user-agent styles for a button element, which might be useful for enabling a layout component with the navigational benefits of a button, such as Tab navigation and triggering onClick with the Enter key. (@jonnybel)
    • #1272 fix(collapsible-panel): improve accessibility of panel header (@jonnybel)
    • #1271 feat(accessible-hidden): new component AccessibleHidden This component allows rendering invisible but machine-readable content, for accessibility or testing purposes. (@jonnybel)

10.16.0 (2020-02-14)

🚀 Type: New Feature

  • #1261: add intlMessage prop to ErrorMessage and WarningMessage components (@YahiaElTai)

⛑ Type: Refactoring

  • components
    • #1224 refactor: move components src to corresponding packages folders (@jonnybel)

10.15.1 (2020-02-03)

🐛 Type: Bug

🔮 Type: Chore

10.15.0 (2020-01-24)

🔮 Type: Chore

💅 Type: Enhancement

10.14.2 (2020-01-15)

🤖 Type: Dependencies

  • calendar-utils, components

10.14.1 (2020-01-14)


Please use version 10.14.2 in favour this one, as the date-input components are broken in this release version.

🐛 Type: Bug

  • #1238 fix(select-input): multi select tag missing border when there's no remove button (@jonnybel)

🔮 Type: Chore

10.14.0 (2019-12-12)


Please use version 10.14.2 in favour this one, as the date-input components are broken in this release version.

🐛 Type: Bug

  • #1214 fix(text): proptypes warning when providing an empty string as children to text components (@ahmehri)
  • #1211 fix(flat-button): icon size and position for multi-line anchors (@jonnybel)

🔮 Type: Chore

💅 Type: Enhancement

  • components, i18n
    • #1215 fix(select-input): make the ClearIndicator a button (@jonnybel)

🚀 Type: New Feature

  • #1213 feat(date-input): add min and max value props to date-input and date-field (@jonnybel)

10.13.0 (2019-12-05)

Split codebase into packages

With this release, we start publishing packages for each single component under the NPM scope @commercetools-uikit. The goal with this is for applications using only a bunch of UIKit components to have reduced bundle size by using only packages needed. We also hope that treeshaking works better with this approach. We also have some "preset" packages that just group a bunch of single packages together, such as inputs, spacings, buttons, etc. This is useful in case you use many packages within that "preset" to avoid importing each single one of them.

The main package @commercetools-frontend/ui-kit will continue to exist as a full "preset" package and is currently fully backwards compatible.

🐛 Type: Bug

🚀 Type: New Feature

  • calendar-time-utils, calendar-utils, components, hooks, i18n, localized-utils, utils
    • #1177 feat: split codebase into packages and set up monorepository (@montezume)
  • Other
    • #1200 feat(date-input): add isReadOnly prop to date inputs and fields (@jonnybel)
    • #1192 feat(select): add isReadOnly prop to select inputs and fields (@jonnybel)

🤖 Type: Dependencies

10.12.0 (2019-11-26)

Bug Fixes

  • LocalizedRichTextInput: dropdowns being clipped by the container (#1197) (ab54b57)
  • RadioInput: radio option background color (#1193) (e773f92)
  • Tooltip: do not use native title when tooltip is off (#1196) (04f35e9)


  • SelectInput: add isReadOnly prop to all select inputs and fields (#1192) (cbf0f3e)

10.11.0 (2019-11-21)


10.10.1 (2019-11-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Buttons: make onClick not required if as is passed (#1189) (4ab05dc)
  • Text: fix for when children is not defined (#1188) (b86f5b6)

10.10.0 (2019-11-20)

Bug Fixes


10.9.0 (2019-11-13)

Bug Fixes


10.8.0 (2019-11-01)

Bug Fixes

  • RichTextInput, LocalizedRichTextInput: fix for safari (#1150) (9f99224)


10.7.0 (2019-10-30)


  • RadioInput.Option: adds components.wrapper prop (#1139)

Bug Fixes

  • LocalizedRichTextInput: fix omit empty translations, add readme (#1134) (0b4b7e9)
  • RichTextInput: dropdown focus bug (#1145) (0496f29)

10.6.1 (2019-10-23)

Bug Fixes

  • use SafeHTMLElement (#1126) (d13ef9f)
  • LocalizedRichTextInput, RichTextInput: disabled state fix (#1128)
  • LocalizedRichTextInput: fixes LocalizedRichTextInput.createLocalizedString (#1125) (e645e21)
  • RichTextInput, LocalizedRichTextInput: visual disabled fixes (#1132) (a82ab5b)

10.6.0 (2019-10-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Typography: fix Text.Body to use intlMessage when 'as' prop is present (#1122)


  • SelectInputs: allow inputValue prop (#1121)

10.5.1 (2019-10-21)

Bug Fixes

10.5.0 (2019-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Buttons use not-allowed cursor on disabled (#1114) (2bd07f3)
  • CollapsiblePanel z-index fix when sticky (#1115) (f9c60a5)
  • LocalizedRichTextInput make behavior match localized-multiline-text-input (#1108) (3de26c5)


  • RichTextInput support admin center rich text (#1110) (ec4615a)

10.4.0 (2019-10-16)

Bug Fixes


This release represents the first release that contains the new LocalizedRichTextInput. Keep in mind this component is still in beta and may be subject to upcoming breaking changes. We will not consider breaking changes to LocalizedRichTextInput to be breaking changes to UI-Kit until the component is out of beta status.

  • LocalizedRichTextInput: new component (#1076)
  • CollapsiblePanel: add prop to set alignment of header controls (#1101) (07ad46d)
  • RichTextInput: add expand icon (#1095) (0cb3fac)

10.3.0 (2019-10-08)


This release represents the first release that contains the new RichTextInput. Keep in mind this component is still in beta and may be subject to upcoming breaking changes. We will not consider breaking changes to RichTextInput to be breaking changes to UI-Kit until the component is out of beta status.

  • RichTextInput: new component (#952)

Bug Fixes

  • LocalizedMultilineTextInput: margin fix (#1089)

10.2.1 (2019-09-16)

Bug Fixes

10.2.0 (2019-09-11)

Bug Fixes


10.1.3 (2019-08-27)

Bug Fixes

  • MoneyInput: fix parsing (#1019)
  • MoneyInput: fix high precision tooltip (#1029)

10.1.2 (2019-08-08)

Bug Fixes

  • inputs: do not generate new field id on each render (#999) (cb32dde)

10.1.1 (2019-08-07)

Bug Fixes

10.1.0 (2019-08-02)

New Features

custom-properties: Expose custom-properties.ts (#978) use-toggle-state: New hook (#966

Bug Fixes

  • jest/setup: to show actual error logs on CI when something is logged (#979) (511adad)
  • select-inputs truncate select-input placeholder text is long (#955) (0ae06f5)
  • date-inputs: placeholder i18n fixes (#954) (12737ed)


  • TimeInput: use hooks (#960)
  • PasswordField, select-inputs: use hooks (#957
  • LocalizedTextField: use hooks (#958
  • DateInput: use hooks (#963
  • MultilineTextInput: use hooks (#966
  • PrimaryActionDropdown: use hooks (#965
  • MoneyInput: use hooks (#964
  • LocalizedMoneyInput: use hooks (#974
  • CollapsibleMotion: use hooks (#981
  • Tooltip: use hooks (#983, (#994

10.0.1 (2019-07-19)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: leftovers of theme/color renaming (#942) (1ad3384)
  • date-time-input: today button not highlighting todays date (#927) (4e02963)
  • deps: update dependency lodash to v4.17.13 security (1a2b156)
  • deps: update dependency lodash-es to v4.17.14 security (89cd753)
  • table: sortable header icon color (#943) (3c1ba18)

10.0.0 (2019-06-20)

Breaking Changes

This release introduces breaking changes which may entail some migration steps. We'll go through them now:

  • hocs: withMouseOverState and withMouseDownState have been dropped. Please use CSS properties instead. (#881)

  • Icons: make icons themeable (#726) (9bea3ad)

The prop theme has been renamed to color for Icons. Also, the values of this prop have changed. Please see the table below for the mapping between the old and new values.

old new
black solid
gray neutral60
white surface
blue info
green primary
green-light primary40
orange warning
red error
  • Text: add as prop while deprecating elementType (#631) (4bd6b42)

For Text.Body component, the isInline prop is also being deprecated. The same result is achieved by setting the as prop to span.

The prop elementType has been renamed to as for Text components. The elementType prop still exists, but is deprecated and will be removed in the next major UI-Kit release. Please migrate your components.

The following custom properties were dropped. Please take a look at the tables below to see the dropped properties, and their replacements.


old new
colorGreen colorPrimary
colorGreen25 colorPrimary25
colorGreen40 colorPrimary40
colorGreen85 colorPrimary85
colorGreen95 colorPrimary95
colorBlack colorSolid
colorWhite colorSurface
colorGrey colorNeutral
colorNavy colorInfo
colorNavy30 colorInfo30
colorNavy40 colorInfo40
colorNavy95 colorInfo95
colorNavy98 colorInfo98
colorGray colorNeutral
colorGray60 colorNeutral60
colorGray90 colorNeutral90
colorGray95 colorNeutral95
colorBlue colorInfo
colorBlue85 colorInfo85
colorBlue95 colorInfo95
colorOrange colorWarning
colorRed colorError


old new
spacing-4 spacing-xs
spacing-8 spacing-s
spacing-16 spacing-m
spacing-24 spacing-l
spacing-32 spacing-xl

Design tokens

old new
--border-color-input-pristine --border-color-for-input
--border-color-input-focus --border-color-for-input-when-focused
--border-color-input-disabled --border-color-for-input-when-disabled
--border-color-input-readonly --border-color-for-input-when-readonly
--border-color-input-error --border-color-for-input-when-error
--border-color-input-warning --border-color-for-input-when-warning
--border-color-tag-pristine --border-color-for-tag
--border-color-tag-warning --border-color-for-tag-warning
--border-color-tag-focus --border-color-for-tag-when-focused
--border-color-tag-warning-hover --border-color-for-tag-warning
--border-color-separator --color-neutral
--border-radius-input --border-radius-for-input
--border-radius-tag --border-radius-for-tag


The custom property transition-standard has been changed from having a value of all 0.2s ease to 200ms ease. To continue using this property as below, the following refactor is necessary. However, if possible, you should avoid animating using "all".

transition: all var(--transitionStandard);

The split up shadows (ie, shadow-one-first, shadow-1-second) have been dropped. Instead, simply use shadow-1, etc.

9.11.0 (2019-07-04)

Bug Fixes

  • FieldLabel: do not scale icon when long hint (#878) (1c06bbc)
  • Link: apply underlined styles (#911) (20cd7a4)
  • Storybook: downgrade storybook-readme (#896) (32f9374)


  • DateInputs: add tooltips (#911)
  • Storybook: add context for theme (#876) (c87d581)


9.10.0 (2019-06-19)

Bug Fixes

  • IconButton: hover state fix, and remove HOC (#871) (823a31f)
  • NumberInput: toFormValue should handle both undefined and null (#870) (7db6786)
  • SelectInput multi select disabled bug (#855) (2b68dad)


  • Table: remove hoc
  • SecondaryButton: remove usage of HOC (#872)
  • Various dependency updates (#856)
  • Various dependency updates (#866)
  • Adds missing peer deps (#868)


  • FlatButton: support theming (#869)


  • HorizontalConstraint: update README (#858)
  • Contributing: fix link (#867)

9.9.0 (2019-06-12)

Bug Fixes

  • SelectInput: use first-of-type instead of first-child to remove emotion warning (#850)



  • Various dependency updates (#849)
  • Various dependency updates (#838)

9.8.3 (2019-06-05)

Bug Fixes

  • ToggleInput: disabled style fixes (#832)

9.8.2 (2019-06-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Table: onSortChange being called without being passed (#827) (0c45f89)
  • CollapsiblePanel: remove z-index (#805) (a526942)
  • IconButton: centre icon (#828) (482e824)
  • MultilineInput: expand behaviour not working (#804) (f5d4c4d)
  • RadioInput: do not use htmlFor if no id is passed (#817) (95f2180)


9.8.1 (2019-05-18)

Bug Fixes

  • i18n: build all locales (#800) (670fc46)
  • IconButton: misaligned icon fix (#794) (fd232f1)
  • MoneyInput: add minimumFractionDigits (#795) (98ee547)
  • SelectInput, AsyncSelectInput, CreatableSelectInput, AsyncCreatableSelectInput: localize placeholder (#802) (013f617)

9.8.0 (2019-05-17)

Bug Fixes


9.7.0 (2019-05-17)

Bug Fixes

  • CheckboxInput: hovered state when disabled (#775) (670afe7)
  • CollapsiblePanel: height of panel header while disabled (#767) (549a0b9)
  • CollapsiblePanel: disabled state fix (#777) (944740c)
  • TimeInput: border radius bug (#773) (06e9420)
  • IconButton: add border color (#782) (57499e5)


  • TimeInput: visual improvements on hover and focus (#776)
  • SecondaryIconButton: refactor hover and add theming (#770) (08a6045)
  • PinGearIcon: new component (#778) (1fbb659)


  • Various dependency updates (#780)

9.6.1 (2019-05-13)

Bug Fixes

9.6.0 (2019-05-13)

Bug Fixes



  • Various dependency updates (#762)

9.5.0 (2019-05-08)

Bug Fixes

  • CheckboxInput: make component accessible (#722)
  • RadioInput: make component accessible (#721)
  • SelectInput: cursor when disabled (#709) (57a4f6a)
  • Text: allow theming (#720) (b5f8e44)
  • TimeInput: fix for readonly state (#724) (19ac8c6)


  • CheckboxInput: use design tokens / add theming (#728) (c9604ba)
  • DateRangeInput add isClearable prop (#745) (727ea20)
  • * selects make selects support theming (#727) (65d953f)
  • SubdirectoryArrowIcon: new component (#738

9.4.0 (2019-04-23)


  • * inputs, * fields: add autoComplete prop to most inputs / fields. (#696) (f1274ec)


  • Various dependency updates (#704)

9.3.1 (2019-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • circleci: releasing from master and release (#689) (7a7f8da)
  • replace deprecated and broken package jest-plugin-filename with jest-watch-typeahead (#685) (cd72a2b)
  • SelectInputs, SelectFields, MoneyField, MoneyInput: incorrect prop type (#692) (62e9599)

9.3.0 (2019-04-16)

Bug Fixes

  • circleci: remove branch ignore rule (b8443e1)
  • storybook: fix for selecting French and Chinese locales (#681) (d6163da)


  • SelectInputs, SelectFields: support menuPortalTarget prop (#682) (a8c132b)
  • SelectInputs, SelectFields: support add shouldBlockScroll prop (#686) (60507df)
  • MoneyInput, MoneyField: support menuPortalTarget and shouldBlockScroll (#684) (85d4bd8)
  • i18n: add translations for Simplified Chinese and French (#679) (9e6ca2b)
  • Text: support theming (#671) (1ac8324)

9.2.0 (2019-04-11)

Bug Fixes


  • TextInput: make text-input theme-able (#563) (6b49e33)
  • i18n: support new locales fr-FR and zh-CN (#643) (667fefd)
  • LocalizedMultilineTextInput: support theming (257139f)
  • LocalizedTextInput: support custom theming, use design tokens (#630) (1505fba)
  • MultilineTextInput: support custom theming (#633) (59fec17)
  • NumberInput: support custom theming (#634) (f1129b6)
  • PasswordInput: support theming (#635) (18ea367)
  • Tag: use design tokens, add theming (#641) (b3d5285)
  • custom-properties: tshirt size spacings (#645) (0b3c7a8)
  • text: allow to pass intl message instead of children (#651) (5e108e5)

9.1.2 (2019-03-29)

Bug Fixes

  • CollapsiblePanel: add min-height when not condensed #616 (3dd5856)

9.1.1 (2019-03-19)

Bug Fixes

  • MoneyInput: parse money value in MoneyInput (#597) (6f922d9)
  • Table: to remove jumpy effect on hover (#598) (05cabae)


  • Remove unnecessary lodash map values dep (#572) (b82e3b4)

9.1.0 (2019-02-22)


  • Tooltip: adds new prop TooltipWrapperComponent (#560) (4f5ff38)
  • Inputs: use design tokens for input styling (#562) (8ec02e6)

Bug Fixes

  • MoneyInput: fix for inputting currencies with no fractional digits (bf5fccc)


  • Various dependency updates (#564)

9.0.0 (2019-02-20)


  • RadioInput: the prop scale has been removed. Now you can pass any of the spacing props through the directionProps. The classname prop has also been removed. (#555) (9f420c5)


Bug Fixes

  • Card: do not apply padding to outer flex container. Fixes #554 (#556) (65b150e)
  • Spacings: specificity of margin for children elements (#558) (733408f)


  • Various dependency updates (#549)

8.5.0 (2019-02-15)


8.4.0 (2019-02-12)


  • Tooltip: allow passing in custom BodyComponent (#535)

8.3.1 (2019-02-11)

Bug Fixes

  • SelectInputs and SelectFields: Wrong CSS is applied in case of multi and disabled states (#532)

8.3.0 (2019-02-11)


  • Tooltip: new component (#501)
  • SpeechBubbleIcon: new component (#516)
  • SelectInputs: adds new prop showOptionGroupDivider (#517)


  • Bundling - stop bundling emotion css source maps (#519, #520)

  • Various dependency updates (#529)

8.2.0 (2019-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Tag: Wrong CSS is applied in case linkTo prop is provided (#511) (ba038f0)
  • MoneyInput: Background color fix for single currency MoneyInput (#513)


8.1.1 (2019-01-31)

Bug Fixes

8.1.0 (2019-01-31)


  • Icons: adding new icons for new welcome landing page (#497) (00fa71c)
  • Card: new component (#494)
  • Buttons: support all aria-attributes (#496)

8.0.0 (2019-01-29)

This release mostly includes internal changes and should be quite straightforward to upgrade.


  • We rewrote our components to use Emotion styles (CSS-in-JS) instead of CSS Modules. One of the reasons was to support SSR, which Emotion supports out-of-the-box, to enable using the UI-Kit for static sites (e.g. Gatsby, Next.js). Before, styles were injected after the components will be rendered, causing a FOUC (Flash Of Unstyled Content).

This change does not visually affects the components, thanks to our Visual Regression Testing setup. You can read about it in our techblog.

  • The font sizes of the components have been changed from px to rem, to allow consumers of the UI-Kit to determine the size according to their requirements (e.g. for Merchant Center applications the root size should be 13px, for documentation websites the size can be left to the user's browser). (#482)

The @commercetools-frontend/application-shell package already sets the font size to 13px, so you shouldn't need to change anything.

  • Previously, the customProperties object from the main export was returning a JSON object with keys like --color-black. The JSON export was not really meant to be used from JS code, therefore now the object is formatted with camelCase keys, like colorBlack. The JSON file is still available from @commercetools-frontend/ui-kit/materials/custom-properties.json.

  • The @commercetools-frontend/ui-kit/materials/media-queries.mod.css has been removed and is now available from the package @commercetools-frontend/application-components/materials/media-queries.mod.css.

Bug Fixes

  • Tag: Design fixes for the isDisabled state (#464)

7.0.0 (2019-01-21)


  • Radio: renamed to RadioInput (#428)
  • Checkbox: renamed to CheckboxInput (#428)
  • Toggle: renamed to ToggleInput, now returns an event from onChange (#428)
  • LocalizedMoneyInput: remove 'amount/currencyCode' from event name (#419) (e28d022)
  • (#433) Some unsupported HorizontalConstraint props have been dropped. Please check the PR for more details
  • (#435) The following icons have been renamed:
    • FlagFulfilledIcon -> FlagFilledIcon
    • FlagIcon -> FlagLinearIcon
    • DoneIcon -> CheckThinIcon
    • SuccessIcon -> CheckBoldIcon
    • DeleteIcon -> BinLinearIcon
    • DeleteFilledIcon -> BinFilledIcon
    • AddIcon -> PlusThinIcon
    • AddBoldIcon -> PlusBoldIcon
    • PinActiveIcon -> PinLinearIcon
    • PinIcon -> PinFilled

Bug Fixes

  • ErrorMessage: support data-attributes (#424) (7d35c2e)

  • MoneyField: remove required currencies prop (#422) (c05d9da)

  • MoneyInput: avoid messing with floating point numbers (#446) (f5c6260)

  • RadioInput.Option, CheckboxInput, SwitchInput: move data-attributes to input (#423) (677dc77)

  • TimeInput: call onChange with generated id instead of undefined if no id passed as prop (#427) (7bbc6c6)


  • CollapsiblePanel: add hideExpansionControls (not hidden by default) (#421) (0bd7fa9)

  • Grid: new component (#442) (7469bae)


TextInput, PasswordInput, NumberInput: use design tokens (#443) (792c505)

6.1.1 (2019-01-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Radio: allow boolean and string proptype values (#416)


  • Improve VRT documentation (#417)

6.1.0 (2019-01-08)


  • EyeCrossedIcon: new component (#409)

Bug Fixes

  • MoneyInput: use narrow styling when no currencies are passed (#411)
  • PrimaryActionDropdown: use secondary tone when disabled (#408)
  • Text add missing inverted prop to prop-types (#414)

6.0.0 (2019-01-07)


  • The type prop of FlatButton was renamed to tone. A new type prop was added to FlatButton instead for which possible values are submit, reset and button. (#349)
  • All custom properties in custom-properties.{json,css} no longer use the --token prefix. (#370)
  • Encapsulate typography styles to the Text components (#383)
  • Removed the isDefaultClosed prop. Added defaultExpandMultilineText instead (default flipped!) for MultilineTextInput and MultilineTextField (#389)
  • Renamed the isDefaultExpanded prop to defaultExpandLanguages for LocalizedTextInput and LocalizedTextField (#389)
  • Renamed the hideExpansionControls prop to hideLanguageExpansionControls for LocalizedTextInput and LocalizedTextField (#389)
  • Renamed the isMultilineDefaultExpanded prop to defaultExpandMultilineText for LocalizedMultilineTextInput and LocalizedMultilineTextField (#389)
  • Renamed the areLanguagesDefaultOpened prop to defaultExpandLanguages for LocalizedMultilineTextInput and LocalizedMultilineTextField (#389)
  • Renamed the hideLanguageControls prop to hideLanguageExpansionControls for LocalizedMultilineTextInput and LocalizedMultilineTextField (#389)


  • PasswordField: New component (#342)
  • TimeField: New component (#346)
  • DateTimeField: New component (#347)
  • DateRangeField: New component (#348)
  • FieldErrors: Export component (#371)
  • Add type prop to multiple buttons (FlatButton, IconButton, PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton, SecondaryIconButton) to enable using them as submit/reset buttons in forms. (#349)
  • MoneyInput, MoneyField: Adds support for onFocus (#357), isAutofocussed and isReadOnly (#362)
  • LocalizedMoneyInput: New component (#339)
  • TimeInput: Add default placeholder (#405)

Bug Fixes

  • DateRangeInput: Fixes jumping date when selecting date range outside of current month. Fixes "Invalid date" showing up when pressing Esc. (#345)
  • ContentNotification: Remove margin (#352)
  • MoneyInput: Fixes onBlur being called properly (#357)-
  • CollapsiblePanel: Toggling the CollapsiblePanel can now be trigged from the entire height of the header (#401)
  • DateRangeInput, DateTimeInput, DateInput: fixes z-index issue. (#406)


  • MoneyInput: Wraps SingleValue of react-select with a label pointing at the currencyCode input, so that it can be targeted using RTL (#362)
  • All components now have encapsulated styles #387


  • Consumer of ui-kit will get "prop types" warnings (#372)


  • Document required peer dependencies (#332)
  • Update README, add testing section (#350)
  • Document tokens (#374)

5.0.0 (2018-12-13)


  • DateInput: Previously onChange would be called with the value directly. Now it gets called with an event containing the value. This was done to be in line with how the other inputs work. (#281)
  • DateTimeInput: Previously onChange would be called with the value directly. Now it gets called with an event containing the value. This was done to be in line with how the other inputs work. The mode property was dropped. Property isInvalid has been renamed to hasError. New property hasWarning is now supported. (#282)
  • TimeInput: Previously onChange would be called with the value directly. Now it gets called with an event containing the value. This was done to be in line with how the other inputs work. Property isInvalid has been renamed to hasError. The following properties were dropped: mode and timeZone. (#151)
  • GhostButton: This component has been removed. (#317)
  • All field components: Removes re-export of static method. Use the exports from the respective input component instead. (#321)


  • DateRangeInput: New component (#286)
  • DateField: New component (#309)

Bug Fixes

  • Checkbox, Radio: Fix for disabled and hovered states. (#292)
  • Tag: Adds support for multi lined tags. (#327)

4.0.3 (2018-12-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Rollup config fix - stop inadvertent dependency bundling (#279)


  • Fail fast on Travis (#284)


  • Updated dependencies for some packages (#280)

4.0.2 (2018-11-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Avatar: Add missing Avatar export (#268)

4.0.1 (2018-11-27)

Bug Fixes

  • materials: Fixed exported media-query formatting (#266)

4.0.0 (2018-11-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Icons: invalid names (#262)


  • Removed peerDependencies for some packages (#263)
  • Updated dependencies for some packages (#258)


  • (#262) The following icons got renamed:
Invalid name Icon Correct name
AddressBillingIcon image PaperBillInvertedIcon
AddressShippingIcon image TruckIcon
ArrowGraphDownIcon image ArrowDownIcon
ArrowGraphLeftIcon image ArrowLeftIcon
ArrowGraphRightIcon image ArrowRightIcon
ArrowGraphUpIcon image ArrowUpIcon
ArrowLeftIcon image AngleThinLeftIcon
ArrowRightIcon image AngleThinRightIcon
BoxIcon image CubeIcon
BoxProductIcon image BoxIcon
CategoryTreeIcon image TreeStructureIcon
CustomSettingsIcon image ScreenGearIcon
CustomViewIcon image ScreenUserIcon
CustomerFilledIcon image UserFilledIcon
CustomerIcon image UserLinearIcon
ProjectSettingsIcon image GearIcon
ReturnInfoIcon image BidirectionalArrowIcon
TagDiscountIcon image TagStackedIcon

We recommend to do a simple search/replace for migrating the names. Note that there are a couple of new names that were previously other icons, so be careful when updating those. We recommend doing it in the following order:

  1. ArrowLeftIcon -> AngleThinLeftIcon
  2. ArrowRightIcon -> AngleThinRightIcon
  3. ArrowGraphLeftIcon -> ArrowLeftIcon
  4. ArrowGraphRightIcon -> ArrowRightIcon
  5. BoxIcon -> CubeIcon
  6. BoxProductIcon -> BoxIcon
  • (#263) The following peerDependencies got removed: flatpickr, react-select, react-textarea-autosize, react-virtualized. You don't need to explicitly install them anymore, unless you are using them of course.

3.0.0 (2018-11-23)


  • MoneyInput: dropped support for hasAmountError, hasAmountWarning, hasCurrencyError and hasCurrencyWarning. Use hasError and hasWarning instead. (9e00148), closes #175
  • MoneyInput: isTouched only returns true when both fields were touched from now on. (9e00148), closes #175
  • media-queries: need to be imported differently now #218

Bug Fixes

  • SelectInput, CreatableSelectInput, AsyncSelectInput, AsyncCreatableSelectInput: align indicator icons properly (#190) (b2f0141)
  • MoneyInput: Avoid rounding errors (#229) (b92ede4)
  • LocalizedTextField: expose LocalizedTextField form main exports (#233) (f04256d)
  • styles: Remove overflow: hidden from body style (#189) (a6b4b3b)
  • replace styled-components with react-emotion (#184) (869a036)


  • Media Queries are now exported as custom properties (#220) (5073d2a)
  • MoneyInput: added thousand-separators (#221) (6f58ca8)
  • Our design tokens are now exported as css variables (custom properties) and as a json file (materials/custom-properties.css and materials/custom-properties.json) (#181) (b7c4e85)
  • FieldLabel: it's now possible to pass a theme for the hintIcon (#231) (5ea305e)
  • icons: add several new icons (#247) (67d1810) (#251)
    • ConnectedTriangleIcon, ConnectedSquareIcon, HeartIcon, PaperclipIcon, PluginIcon, RocketIcon, StarIcon
  • ContentNotification: add new notification type (#232) (46fb887)
  • typography: add title prop to all typography components (#191) (acb4e78)

2.0.0-rc.11 (2018-10-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Text: fix Text inline prop (#154)


  • Replace invariant with tiny-invariant (#152)


  • (#152) Consumers must provide tiny-invariant instead of invariant, as the UI-Kit's peer dependency has changed.

2.0.0-rc.10 (2018-10-08)


  • Fix broken DotIcon #149

2.0.0-rc.9 (2018-10-05)

New Components

  • LocalizedTextField #133
  • LocalizedMultilineTextField #132


  • Fix broken checkboxes #139


  • Updated dependencies #137
  • Dropped dependency on reselect #137
  • Fixed "theme" typo #137
  • Dropped outdated warning in CollapsiblePanel #137


  • If you use Formik, ensure you use at least v1.3.1. Otherwise form validation of MoneyInput will not work properly #137

2.0.0-rc.8 (2018-10-04)

New Components

  • CreatableSelectField #128
  • AsyncCreatableSelectField #129


  • Icons Fix SVG compilation so that icons can be properly styled. (#134) (409e9e1)

2.0.0-rc.7 (2018-10-02)

New components


  • Added Form Fields example, complementary to Form Inputs example #76
  • Spanish translations #99
  • Add translation workflow documentation #105


  • FieldErrors: support fractions and negative error types #76
  • TextField: safely check for errors #76
  • LocalizedMultilineTextInput: add warning prop support #77
  • NumberField, TextField: rename isTouched prop to touched for all fields #97
  • SelectInput: drop support of some props #119
  • AsyncSelectInput: drop support of some props #120
  • CreatableSelectInput: drop support of some props #121
  • AsyncCreatableSelectInput: drop support of some props #122


  • HorizontalConstraint: Removed export. Use Constraints.Horizontal instead #94


  • Readd forms example #75
  • Fix Travis CI link in README #89
  • MoneyInput: Fix story and docs #91
  • MoneyField, TextField: Fix automatic id generation #92
  • Use top-level UI Kit export in examples #96
  • MoneyInput: add Formik bug workaround #102 #108
  • SelectInput, AsyncSelectInput, CreatableSelectInput, AsyncCreatableSelectInput: Use same height when in isMulti mode #112
  • SelectInput: show values in selected order #119
  • SelectInput: replace id with containerId and inputId with id #119



Removed export. This is already exported as Constraints.Horizontal.

Use Constraints.Horizontal instead #94.

Renamed isTouched to touched for all Fields

Renamed isTouched prop to touched for all fields. You need to upgrade NumberField and TextField by providing touched instead of isTouched #97. Other fields are using touched already.

Drop support for specific props

Some props were dropped from SelectInput (#119), AsyncSelectInput (#120), CreatableSelectInput (#121) and AsyncCreatableSelectInput (#122).

See the PRs for details. These props were not used in the MC.

SelectInput ids

Changed SelectInputs id to be applied to the input, and removed the inputId prop. Added a containerId to prop to enable still targeting the container.

Upgrade your code like this:

- <SelectInput id="container-id" inputId="input-id" />
+ <SelectInput id="input-id" containerId="container-id" />

2.0.0-rc.6 (2018-09-18)

Bug Fixes


  • select-inputs: let user override customized components (#70) (bc7d2f0)

2.0.0-rc.5 (2018-09-14)


  • add missing german translations (d5fd673)


  • re-export HorizontalConstraint component (f3be957)

2.0.0-rc.4 (2018-09-14)


  • fix deploy setup on travis (a17a3c0)

2.0.0-rc.3 (2018-09-13)

This release is broken from npm, do not use it.


  • add missing dev dependency mc-scripts (0c148d7)

2.0.0-rc.2 (2018-09-13)


  • keep react-select a normal dependency (#44)

2.0.0-rc.1 (2018-09-12)


  • optimize bundle sizes (#40)
  • remove proxy exports (#42)

2.0.0-rc.0 (2018-09-10)

Bug Fixes

  • avoid machine-based paths in generated files (004cd38)
  • select-input: default selectInput to null (635d48e)
  • select-input: fix typo, and update code documentation (5892497)
  • select-input: update code documentation (f1a7e8d)


  • select-input: add posibility of providing custom internal components (8f98678)
  • typography/text: to accept isItalic for text detail and body (df570e9)


The package now exposes all components as named exports, so you can import them without reaching into the internals (see README for more information).

NOTE that we plan to remove those proxy exports in the 2.0.0 release.

1.0.0-beta.30 (2018-09-03)

This is the first release after the code has been moved to this public repository. From now we will update the changelog on every new release.

There isn't an official changelog prior to this version.