Scala to the rescue
$ scala -cp "lucene*.jar"
scala> import org.apache.lucene.benchmark.utils.ExtractReuters
import org.apache.lucene.benchmark.utils.ExtractReuters
scala> val reutersIn = "/home/saleem/projects/mine/ruby-ml/rubyml/clustering/reuters/reuters-sgm"
scala> val reutersOut = "/home/saleem/projects/mine/ruby-ml/rubyml/clustering/reuters/reuters-out"
scala> ExtractReuters.main(Array(reutersIn, reutersOut))
Deleting all files in /home/saleem/projects/mine/ruby-ml/rubyml/clustering/reuters/reuters-out-tmp
Recommendation via clustering
"You might also like": How would we go about that? To clarify the idea, let's look at a naive solution:
Split the current post title into its individual words
Get all other posts
Sort all other posts by those with the most words in their body in common with our title
Processing images
i =
out_filename = File.join(cropped_dir, File.split(filename).last)
i.quantize(2, Magick::GRAYColorspace) \
.contrast(sharpen=true) \
.negate(grayscale=true) \
.enhance \
.adaptive_blur(radius=0.0, sigma=1.0) \
.despeckle \
.resize_to_fill(28, 28) \