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+# Contributing
+Thank you for your interest in contributing to Cobbler-TFTP.
+This guide will show you how to set up your development environment.
+## Getting started
+To get started first you need to
+[fork this repository](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo),
+so you have your very own copy of the Cobbler-TFTP source code in you own GitHub profile.
+After this is done,
+[clone your fork](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository)
+clone your fork to a directory of your choosing and change to that directory.
+Once in there you can add the original repository as a git remote so you can pull the latest changes without extra
+You can do so like this:
+git remote add upstream git@github.com:cobbler/cobbler-tftp.git
+After this step, you can simply pull the latest changes of Cobbler-TFTP with `git pull upstream main`.
+## Setting up the environment
+After you have cloned the source code you need to set up a virtual environment using either
+[virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/) or [pyenv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) to make sure your
+system does not affect the integrity of your changes.
+When this is completed, you then need to install all requirements.
+You can do so by running this command:
+pip install -e .[tests_require,lint_requires,doc]
+Pip will then install Cobbler-TFTP alongside all of the additional dependencies required for contributing.
+Now you can start making changes to Cobbler-TFTP!
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-# cobbler-tftp
+# Cobbler-TFTP
-Experimental - Cobbler stateless TFTP server
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+[![Codacy Badge](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/97c9e642afd646e98b9250e2959aae12)](https://app.codacy.com/gh/cobbler/cobbler-tftp/dashboard?utm_source=gh&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=&utm_campaign=Badge_grade)
+[![Codacy Badge](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Coverage/97c9e642afd646e98b9250e2959aae12)](https://app.codacy.com/gh/cobbler/cobbler-tftp/dashboard?utm_source=gh&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=&utm_campaign=Badge_coverage)
+[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cobbler-tftp/badge/?version=latest)](https://cobbler-tftp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
+Cobbler-TFTP is a lightweight CLI application written in Python that serves as a stateless TFTP server.
+It seamlessly integrates with Cobbler to generate and serve boot configuration files dynamically to managed machines.
+## Features
+- Stateless TFTP server for network booting and provisioning
+- Interoperates with Cobbler for centralized management and configuration deployment
+- Dynamic on-demand generation of boot configuration files for efficient resource use
+- Configurable daemon process
+## Installation (WIP)
+Please note that Cobbler-TFTP is currently still in an early development stage and is not yet ready to be released.
+However, these methods of Installation will be available:
+### Installation Requirements
+To install and use Cobbler-TFTP, please make sure you have *at least Python 3.6* installed.
+### Install via `pip`
+Cobbler-TFTP is published to PyPi.
+To install it, please make sure that your system fulfills the installation requirements listed above and has `pip`,
+the Python package manager, installed.
+To install Cobbler-TFTP you can then simply run:
+pip install cobbler-tftp
+### Install on Linux via Package manager
+Cobbler-TFTP is packaged for a number of Linux distributions.
+Note: The native linux packages do not yet exist.
+These instructions are just representing what we have planned for the near future.
+#### Install on openSUSE
+sudo zypper install cobbler-tftp
+#### Install on Fedora
+sudo dnf install cobbler-tftp
+#### Install on Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint
+sudo apt install cobbler-tftp
+## Usage
+You can use Cobbler-TFTP out of the box when providing it your Cobbler API credentials.
+You can do so with a `settings.yml`configuration file, environment variables and/or command line flags.
+To run Cobbler-TFTP simply run:
+### Configuring Cobbler-TFTP
+The default parameters for Cobbler-TFTP's application settings will be taken, if no configuration file,
+command line argument or environment variable can be found, will be as follows:
+schema: 1.0 # The version of the configuration schema to use
+auto_migrate_settings: false # Automatically migrate to the newest configuration schema
+is_daemon: true # Run Cobbler-TFTP as a daemon
+ uri: "http://localhost/cobbler_api" # uri of your Cobbler API
+ username: "cobbler" # Username for Cobbler
+ password: "cobbler"
+ password_file: "/etc/cobbler-tftp/cobbler_password" # File containing your Cobbler password.
+**Please note** that the `password` and `password_file` settings are mutually exclusive.
+Custom configuration files containing both parameters will not be accepted.
+#### Using a configuration yaml file
+Cobbler-TFTP can be configured using a custom `settings.yml` file.
+Note, that this file must contain at least all parameters listed above.
+To pass the file on you can pass the file location on as a CLI argument using the `-c` or `--config` flag:
+cobbler-tftp -c path/to/your/file.yml
+#### Using environment variables
+You can set certain parameters of Cobbler-TFTP's behavior by using environment variables.
+These will override the configuration from your configuration file.
+Cobbler-TFTP will automatically search for environment variables in this format:
+For example your variables might look like this:
+or, in case of your Cobbler settings:
+#### Using CLI arguments
+You can also provide Cobbler-TFTP with CLI arguments to override some or all of the above parameters.
+These must be given in the format:
+These arguments will override all of the parameters above and will be lost when the service is stopped and restarted.
+We advise you to use this option for testing purposes only.
+## Documentation
+You can find our latest documentation on our [Read the Docs Page](https://cobbler-tftp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
+## Contributing
+If you would like to contribute to this project, you can take a look at our [contributing guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md)
+for a detailed guide on how you can help to make Cobbler-TFTP the best int can be.
+We greatly appreciate any contribution!