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How to install the last nightly version

alemuntoni edited this page Mar 23, 2022 · 6 revisions

Follow these steps if you want to download and install the last nightly build of MeshLab:

  1. Go to the Actions tab in the MeshLab Repo page;

  2. Click on your operative system (Linux, MacOS or Windows) in the left bar: 1

  3. Click on the name of the first workflow having master as branch in the table of the workflows: 2

  4. In the bottom of the page, in the table of the artifacts, download the artifact named meshlab_<OS>_<releasetype>: 3 where releasetype could be:

    • portable
    • appimage on Linux
    • dmg on MacOS
    • installer on Windows
  5. A zip archive will be downlaoded. Unzip the archive and you can now run the nightly build of MeshLab!

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