diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/public/templates/user-partitions.sh b/apps/deepsirius-ui/public/templates/user-partitions.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ee852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/public/templates/user-partitions.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# This script lists the user's available nodes in the cluster and their load using the SLURM CLI.
+# Function to print an error message and exit
+error_exit() {
+ local error_message=$1
+ echo "Error: $error_message"
+ exit 1
+# Function to check if the user exists
+check_user_is_registered() {
+ local username=$1
+ local user_in_sacctmgr
+ user_in_sacctmgr=$(sacctmgr show user "$username" --noheader)
+ if [ -z "$user_in_sacctmgr" ]; then
+ error_exit "User $username does not exist."
+ fi
+# Function to list all partitions QoS limits
+list_partitions_qos_limits() {
+ sacctmgr -P -r show qos format=Name,GrpTRES --noheader || error_exit "Failed to get partitions qos limits."
+# Function to list all partitions load
+list_all_partitions_load() {
+ sinfo --Format="Partition:|,CPUsState:|,NodeList:|,Gres:|,GresUsed:" --noheader || error_exit "Failed to get node load information."
+# Function to list user partitions
+list_user_partitions() {
+ local username=$1
+ sacctmgr show assoc user="$username" format=partition -P --noheader || error_exit "Failed to get user partitions."
+# Function to list all partitions QoS
+list_all_partitions_qos() {
+ scontrol show partition --oneliner || error_exit "Failed to get partitions qos information."
+# Function to format grep list
+format_grep_list() {
+ local list=$1
+ local grep_list=""
+ local partition
+ while IFS= read -r partition; do
+ grep_list+="$partition|"
+ done <<<"$list"
+ # Remove the trailing '|'
+ grep_list=${grep_list%|}
+ echo "$grep_list"
+# Function to format partition qos
+parse_partition_qos() {
+ local partition_qos=$1
+ local partition_name
+ local qos
+ IFS=' ' read -r -a properties <<<"$partition_qos"
+ for property in "${properties[@]}"; do
+ IFS='=' read -r key value <<<"$property"
+ case $key in
+ PartitionName)
+ partition_name=$value
+ ;;
+ QoS)
+ qos=$value
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo "$partition_name|$qos"
+# Function to parse CPU state
+parse_cpus_state() {
+ local cpus_state=$1
+ IFS='/' read -r allocated idle other total <<<"$cpus_state"
+ local json_output
+ json_output="{"
+ json_output+="\"allocated\":\"$allocated\","
+ json_output+="\"idle\":\"$idle\","
+ json_output+="\"other\":\"$other\","
+ json_output+="\"total\":\"$total\""
+ json_output+="}"
+ echo "$json_output"
+parse_qos() {
+ local input_string="$1"
+ local cpu="null"
+ local gpu="null"
+ local mem="null"
+ # Check if the input string is empty
+ if [[ -z "$input_string" ]]; then
+ # Construct the JSON object
+ json_output="{"
+ json_output+="\"cpu\":\"$cpu\","
+ json_output+="\"gpu\":\"$gpu\","
+ json_output+="\"mem\":\"$mem\""
+ json_output+="}"
+ # Print the JSON object
+ echo "$json_output"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Split the string by commas and process each key-value pair
+ IFS=',' read -ra kv_pairs <<<"$input_string"
+ for kv in "${kv_pairs[@]}"; do
+ IFS='=' read -r key value <<<"$kv"
+ case "$key" in
+ "cpu")
+ cpu="$value"
+ ;;
+ "gres/gpu")
+ gpu="$value"
+ ;;
+ "mem")
+ mem="$value"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Construct the JSON object
+ json_output="{"
+ json_output+="\"cpu\":\"$cpu\","
+ json_output+="\"gpu\":\"$gpu\","
+ json_output+="\"mem\":\"$mem\""
+ json_output+="}"
+ # Print the JSON object
+ echo "$json_output"
+# Main function to combine partition data
+combine_partition_data() {
+ local username=$1
+ # Get the data from the functions
+ local qos_limits_list=$(list_partitions_qos_limits)
+ local partitions_load=$(list_all_partitions_load)
+ local user_partitions=$(list_user_partitions "$username")
+ local partitions_qos=$(list_all_partitions_qos)
+ # Convert user_partitions to a grep list
+ local user_partitions_grep_list
+ user_partitions_grep_list=$(format_grep_list "$user_partitions")
+ # Filter partitions_qos by user_partitions
+ local filtered_partitions_qos=$(echo "$partitions_qos" | grep -E "$user_partitions_grep_list")
+ # if user_partitions is empty, set it to all partitions
+ if [ -z "$user_partitions" ]; then
+ user_partitions=$(echo "$partitions_load" | cut -d'|' -f1)
+ fi
+ # format start of the JSON output
+ local json_complete_output=""
+ json_complete_output+="{"
+ json_complete_output+="\"username\":\"$username\","
+ json_complete_output+="\"partitions\":"
+ # Start the partitions array output
+ local partitions_array_output=""
+ partitions_array_output+="["
+ # Process each user partition
+ while IFS= read -r user_partition; do
+ local partition_json_output=""
+ local qos=""
+ local qos_limits=""
+ local load=""
+ local node_list=""
+ local gres_total=""
+ local gres_used=""
+ # Get QoS for the partition
+ while IFS= read -r partition_qos; do
+ parsed_qos=$(parse_partition_qos "$partition_qos")
+ IFS='|' read -r partition qos_name <<<"$parsed_qos"
+ if [[ "$partition" == "$user_partition" ]]; then
+ qos="$qos_name"
+ break
+ fi
+ done <<<"$filtered_partitions_qos"
+ # Get QoS limits for the partition
+ while IFS='|' read -r qos_name limits; do
+ if [[ "$qos_name" == "$qos" ]]; then
+ # formatting limits
+ qos_limits=$(parse_qos "$limits")
+ break
+ fi
+ done <<<"$qos_limits_list"
+ if [[ -z "$qos_limits" ]]; then
+ qos_limits=$(parse_qos "")
+ fi
+ # Get load for the partition
+ while IFS='|' read -r partition cpus_state node_list gres_total gres_used; do
+ if [[ "$partition" == "$user_partition" ]]; then
+ load=$(parse_cpus_state "$cpus_state")
+ break
+ fi
+ done <<<"$partitions_load"
+ # Format and display the combined data
+ local formatted_gres_total
+ local formatted_gres_used
+ if [[ -n "$gres_total" ]]; then
+ formatted_gres_total=$(echo "$gres_total" | sed -e 's/gpu://g')
+ else
+ formatted_gres_total=""
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$gres_used" ]]; then
+ formatted_gres_used=$(echo "$gres_used" | sed -e 's/gpu://g')
+ else
+ formatted_gres_used=""
+ fi
+ # Manually format and display the combined data as JSON
+ partition_json_output="{"
+ partition_json_output+="\"partitionName\":\"$user_partition\","
+ partition_json_output+="\"qos\":\"$qos\","
+ partition_json_output+="\"nodeList\":\"$node_list\","
+ partition_json_output+="\"cpusState\":$load,"
+ partition_json_output+="\"gresTotal\":\"$formatted_gres_total\","
+ partition_json_output+="\"gresUsed\":\"$formatted_gres_used\","
+ partition_json_output+="\"groupQoSLimit\":$qos_limits"
+ partition_json_output+="}"
+ # Add the partition JSON output to the partitions array output with a comma
+ partitions_array_output+="$partition_json_output,"
+ done <<<"$user_partitions"
+ # format end of the JSON output
+ # remove last comma and
+ partitions_array_output="${partitions_array_output%,}"
+ # close the JSON array
+ partitions_array_output+="]"
+ # Add the partitions array output to the complete JSON output
+ json_complete_output+="$partitions_array_output"
+ # close the JSON output
+ json_complete_output+="}"
+ # Print the complete JSON output
+ echo "$json_complete_output"
+# Main function
+main() {
+ local username=${1:-}
+ if [ -z "$username" ]; then
+ echo "Missing username argument."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ check_user_is_registered "$username"
+ combine_partition_data "$username"
+ exit 0
+# Exit on error, undefined variable, or error in pipeline
+set -euo pipefail
+# Execute the main function
+main "$USERNAME"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/augmentation-form.tsx b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/augmentation-form.tsx
index 7f60a1b..58325d4 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/augmentation-form.tsx
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/augmentation-form.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use client';
import * as z from 'zod';
import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod';
-import { slurmGPUOptions, slurmPartitionOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { slurmGPUOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
import {
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ import { Input } from '~/components/ui/input';
import { Button } from '~/components/ui/button';
import { Switch } from '~/components/ui/switch';
import { ScrollArea } from '~/components/ui/scroll-area';
+import { api } from '~/utils/api';
const slurmOptions = z.object({
- partition: z.enum(slurmPartitionOptions),
+ partition: z.string(),
nGPU: z.enum(slurmGPUOptions),
@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ function useAugmentationForm(name: FormProps['name'] = '') {
export function AugmentationForm({ onSubmitHandler, name }: FormProps) {
+ const userPartitions = api.job.userPartitions.useQuery();
const form = useAugmentationForm(name);
const onSubmit = () => {
@@ -796,16 +798,35 @@ export function AugmentationForm({ onSubmitHandler, name }: FormProps) {
render={({ field }) => (
Slurm Partition
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/dataset-form.tsx b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/dataset-form.tsx
index 4fef344..6f06255 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/dataset-form.tsx
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/dataset-form.tsx
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ import {
} from '~/components/ui/select';
-import { slurmPartitionOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { api } from '~/utils/api';
const slurmOptions = z.object({
- partition: z.enum(slurmPartitionOptions),
+ partition: z.string(),
const powerSizes = ['16', '32', '64', '128', '256', '512', '1024'] as const;
const strategies = ['uniform'] as const;
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ function useDatasetForm(
export function DatasetForm({ onSubmitHandler, name, data }: FormProps) {
+ const userPartitions = api.job.userPartitions.useQuery();
const form = useDatasetForm(name, data);
const { fields, append, remove } = useFieldArray({
name: 'data',
@@ -405,16 +406,35 @@ export function DatasetForm({ onSubmitHandler, name, data }: FormProps) {
render={({ field }) => (
Slurm Partition
- {slurmPartitionOptions.map((item) => (
- {item}
+ {userPartitions.data?.partitions.map((option) => (
+ {option.partition}
+ {option.cpus.free}
+ /{option.cpus.max} cpus,{' '}
+ {option.gpus.free}
+ /{option.gpus.max} gpus
@@ -423,7 +443,11 @@ export function DatasetForm({ onSubmitHandler, name, data }: FormProps) {
Please select a slurm partition assigned for your user for
submitting this job.
+ {userPartitions.isError &&
+ `Error loading partitions: ${userPartitions.error.message}`}
+ {userPartitions.isLoading && `Searching user partitions...`}
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/finetune-form.tsx b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/finetune-form.tsx
index 75356cf..6ecaca4 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/finetune-form.tsx
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/finetune-form.tsx
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ import {
} from '~/components/ui/select';
import { Switch } from '~/components/ui/switch';
-import { slurmGPUOptions, slurmPartitionOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { slurmGPUOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { api } from '~/utils/api';
const slurmOptions = z.object({
- partition: z.enum(slurmPartitionOptions),
+ partition: z.string(),
nGPU: z.enum(slurmGPUOptions),
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ const lossOpts: FormFieldItems = [
export function FinetuneForm({ onSubmitHandler }: FormProps) {
+ const userPartitions = api.job.userPartitions.useQuery();
const form = useFinetuneForm();
const onSubmit = () => {
@@ -263,20 +265,35 @@ export function FinetuneForm({ onSubmitHandler }: FormProps) {
render={({ field }) => (
Slurm Partition
- Slurm Partition
- }
- />
- {slurmPartitionOptions.map((item) => (
- {item}
+ {userPartitions.data?.partitions.map((option) => (
+ {option.partition}
+ {option.cpus.free}
+ /{option.cpus.max} cpus,{' '}
+ {option.gpus.free}
+ /{option.gpus.max} gpus
@@ -285,7 +302,11 @@ export function FinetuneForm({ onSubmitHandler }: FormProps) {
Please select a slurm partition assigned for your user for
submitting this job.
+ {userPartitions.isError &&
+ `Error loading partitions: ${userPartitions.error.message}`}
+ {userPartitions.isLoading && `Searching user partitions...`}
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/inference-form.tsx b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/inference-form.tsx
index 75526ee..0b26df8 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/inference-form.tsx
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/inference-form.tsx
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ import {
} from '~/components/ui/select';
import { Switch } from '~/components/ui/switch';
-import { slurmGPUOptions, slurmPartitionOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { slurmGPUOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { api } from '~/utils/api';
const slurmOptions = z.object({
- partition: z.enum(slurmPartitionOptions),
+ partition: z.string(),
nGPU: z.enum(slurmGPUOptions),
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ export function InferenceForm({
}: InferenceFormProps) {
+ const userPartitions = api.job.userPartitions.useQuery();
const form = useInferenceForm(outputDir, inputImages);
const { fields, append, remove } = useFieldArray({
name: 'inputImages',
@@ -296,20 +298,35 @@ export function InferenceForm({
render={({ field }) => (
Slurm Partition
- Slurm Partition
- }
- />
- {slurmPartitionOptions.map((item) => (
- {item}
+ {userPartitions.data?.partitions.map((option) => (
+ {option.partition}
+ {option.cpus.free}
+ /{option.cpus.max} cpus,{' '}
+ {option.gpus.free}
+ /{option.gpus.max} gpus
@@ -318,7 +335,11 @@ export function InferenceForm({
Please select a slurm partition assigned for your user for
submitting this job.
+ {userPartitions.isError &&
+ `Error loading partitions: ${userPartitions.error.message}`}
+ {userPartitions.isLoading && `Searching user partitions...`}
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/network-form.tsx b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/network-form.tsx
index 7d546be..5f76fde 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/network-form.tsx
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/components/workboard/node-component-forms/network-form.tsx
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ import {
} from '~/components/ui/select';
-import { slurmGPUOptions, slurmPartitionOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { slurmGPUOptions } from '~/lib/constants';
+import { api } from '~/utils/api';
const slurmOptions = z.object({
- partition: z.enum(slurmPartitionOptions),
+ partition: z.string(),
nGPU: z.enum(slurmGPUOptions),
@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ export function NetworkForm({
}: NetworkFormProps) {
+ const userPartitions = api.job.userPartitions.useQuery();
const form = useNetworkForm({ networkUserLabel, networkTypeName });
const onSubmit = () => {
@@ -324,20 +326,35 @@ export function NetworkForm({
render={({ field }) => (
Slurm Partition
- Slurm Partition
- }
- />
- {slurmPartitionOptions.map((item) => (
- {item}
+ {userPartitions.data?.partitions.map((option) => (
+ {option.partition}
+ {option.cpus.free}
+ /{option.cpus.max} cpus,{' '}
+ {option.gpus.free}
+ /{option.gpus.max} gpus
@@ -346,7 +363,11 @@ export function NetworkForm({
Please select a slurm partition assigned for your user for
submitting this job.
+ {userPartitions.isError &&
+ `Error loading partitions: ${userPartitions.error.message}`}
+ {userPartitions.isLoading && `Searching user partitions...`}
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/constants.ts b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/constants.ts
index f7649bd..972159f 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/constants.ts
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/constants.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,3 @@
-export const slurmPartitionOptions = [
- 'cpu',
- 'mnc',
- 'imb',
- 'mgn',
- 'mgn-staff',
- 'cnb',
- 'cat',
- 'ipe',
- 'diff',
- 'tepui1',
- 'tepui2',
- 'dev',
- 'power',
- // 'fake',
-] as const;
export const slurmGPUOptions = ['1', '2', '4'] as const;
export const checkStatusRefetchInterval = 30000; // 30 seconds
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/schemas/user-partitions.ts b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/schemas/user-partitions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc9ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/lib/schemas/user-partitions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { z } from "zod";
+const cpusStateSchema = z.object({
+ allocated: z.string(),
+ idle: z.string(),
+ other: z.string(),
+ total: z.string(),
+const groupQoSLimitSchema = z.object({
+ cpu: z.string().optional(),
+ gpu: z.string().optional(),
+ mem: z.string().optional(),
+const partitionSchema = z.object({
+ partitionName: z.string(),
+ qos: z.string(),
+ nodeList: z.string(),
+ cpusState: cpusStateSchema,
+ gresTotal: z.string(),
+ gresUsed: z.string(),
+ groupQoSLimit: groupQoSLimitSchema,
+export const userPartitionsResponseSchema = z.object({
+ username: z.string(),
+ partitions: z.array(partitionSchema),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/server/api/routers/job.ts b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/server/api/routers/job.ts
index a152778..fabcd88 100644
--- a/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/server/api/routers/job.ts
+++ b/apps/deepsirius-ui/src/server/api/routers/job.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,24 @@
import { TRPCError } from '@trpc/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { createTRPCRouter, protectedSSHProcedure } from '~/server/api/trpc';
+import { userPartitionsResponseSchema } from '~/lib/schemas/user-partitions';
+import fs from 'fs/promises';
+// from the query format State,Submit,Start,End,Elapsed,Partition,NodeList,AllocGRES,NCPUS,Reason,ExitCode
+const reportSacctFormatSchema = z.object({
+ state: z.string(),
+ submit: z.string().optional(),
+ start: z.string().optional(),
+ end: z.string().optional(),
+ elapsed: z.string().optional(),
+ partition: z.string().optional(),
+ nodeList: z.string().optional(),
+ allocGRES: z.string().optional(),
+ nCPUS: z.string().optional(),
+ reason: z.string().optional(),
+ exitCode: z.string().optional(),
export const jobRouter = createTRPCRouter({
checkStatus: protectedSSHProcedure
@@ -64,4 +82,155 @@ export const jobRouter = createTRPCRouter({
return { cancelStatus: 'CANCELLED' };
+ report: protectedSSHProcedure
+ .input(
+ z.object({
+ jobId: z.string(),
+ }),
+ )
+ .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
+ const jobId = input.jobId;
+ const connection = ctx.connection;
+ const command = `sacct --format="State,Submit,Start,End,Elapsed,Partition,NodeList,AllocGRES,NCPUS,Reason,ExitCode" --parsable2 --job ${jobId} --noheader`;
+ const { stdout, stderr } = await connection.execCommand(command);
+ if (stderr) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ message: stderr,
+ });
+ }
+ const data = stdout.trim();
+ if (data.length === 0) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ code: "NOT_FOUND",
+ message: "Job data not found",
+ });
+ }
+ const firstline = data.split("\n")[0];
+ if (!firstline) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ message: `Error parsing job data for jobId ${jobId}`,
+ });
+ }
+ const [
+ state,
+ submit,
+ start,
+ end,
+ elapsed,
+ partition,
+ nodeList,
+ allocGRES,
+ nCPUS,
+ reason,
+ exitCode,
+ ] = data.split("|");
+ const report = reportSacctFormatSchema.safeParse({
+ state: state?.split(" ")[0] ?? state, // the state comes with a suffix that we don't need, so we split it and get the first part
+ submit,
+ start,
+ end,
+ elapsed,
+ partition,
+ nodeList,
+ allocGRES,
+ nCPUS,
+ reason,
+ exitCode,
+ });
+ if (report.error) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ message: "Error parsing job data:" + report.error.message,
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ ...report.data
+ };
+ }),
+ userPartitions: protectedSSHProcedure.query(async ({ ctx }) => {
+ const connection = ctx.connection;
+ const templatePath = "public/templates/user-partitions.sh";
+ const scriptTemplate = await fs.readFile(templatePath, "utf-8");
+ const content = scriptTemplate.replace(
+ ctx.username,
+ );
+ const { stdout, stderr } = await connection.execCommand(content);
+ if (stderr) {
+ throw new Error(stderr);
+ }
+ if (stdout.trim().length === 0) {
+ throw new Error("Empty response from user partitions script.");
+ }
+ const parsed = userPartitionsResponseSchema.safeParse(
+ JSON.parse(stdout.trim()),
+ );
+ if (parsed.error) {
+ throw new Error(parsed.error.message);
+ }
+ function parseNumberOrUndefined(value: string | null | undefined) {
+ if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if (value === "null") {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const parsed = parseInt(value, 10);
+ if (isNaN(parsed)) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return parsed;
+ }
+ const partitions = parsed.data.partitions.map((partition) => {
+ // if the groupQoSLimit is set for a limit it overrides the partition limit from cpusState and total gpus from gresTotal
+ const maxGpus =
+ parseNumberOrUndefined(partition.groupQoSLimit?.gpu) ??
+ parseNumberOrUndefined(partition.gresTotal) ??
+ 0;
+ const maxCpus =
+ parseNumberOrUndefined(partition.groupQoSLimit?.cpu) ??
+ parseNumberOrUndefined(partition.cpusState.total) ??
+ 0;
+ const usedCpus =
+ parseNumberOrUndefined(partition.cpusState.allocated) ?? 0;
+ const usedGpus = parseNumberOrUndefined(partition.gresUsed) ?? 0;
+ const freeCpus = maxCpus > 0 ? maxCpus - usedCpus : 0;
+ const freeGpus = maxGpus > 0 ? maxGpus - usedGpus : 0;
+ return {
+ partition: partition.partitionName,
+ nodeList: partition.nodeList,
+ cpus: {
+ free: freeCpus,
+ max: maxCpus,
+ },
+ gpus: {
+ free: freeGpus,
+ max: maxGpus,
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ return { partitions };
+ })