The goal of this document is to identify checks required to validate Supporting conformance documention. The focus is a subset of the documentation containing evicence of tests ran, these are junit_01.xml and e2e.log conformance.yaml The ticket tracking the current work can be found here #343 the dashboart tracking the epic that this is under is here #project/29
Goal: As part of a pre-submit job we need to automatically review pull requests submitted by a Vendor seeking Kubernetes certification for their product.
There are a few checks that need to be carried out to ensure compliance
- test results in junit_01.xml must include all required tests for the specified release of Kubernetes.
- test result logs in the e2e.log file need to show that all tests present in the junit results file are present in the e2e.log file.
- confirm all listed e2e logs pass
- Tests required for conformance can be found in the kubernetes/kubernetes repo. Starting from release 1.18 these are present in a YAML file.
- Hard code a map called requiredTestsByRelease (this may be built dynamically for the required release and thus not map) which maps k8s releases to the corresponding conformance.yaml file in the k/k repo which contains the names of the conformance tests for that version. (A second pass may make the map construction more dynamic)
- HTTP fetch and parse the requiredTests from the conformance.yaml for the requested release
- HTTP fetch and parse the suppliedTests in the junit_01.xml file
- Diff the two sets of tests from 2 and 3
- report results of diff in the PR
- if the set of supplied tests in the junit file is compliant then check the e2e.log and ensure that its tests correspond to those found in the junit xml file (and by extension the required tests present in the corresponding conformance.yaml)
- if 6 is true then confirm that none of the matched tests failed are not comparable with the tests found in the so-called junit_01.xml file
To get an understanding the challenge, compare the first four tests in the conformance.yaml above and tests they are supposed to name in
The other way to view the situation is to take the “codenames” and search for them in k/k using hound, they simply do not exist
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
head -40 /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
grep -i '[] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook
should execute poststart exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance]' /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/junit_01.xml
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
grep -i '[] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance]' /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/junit_01.xml
Still no result The next step is to try a more targeted lets remove new lines and search for text between [] and [NodeConformance]
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
grep -i 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly' /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/junit_01.xml
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
grep -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly' /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/junit_01.xml
Conclusion, it takes a bit of cleanup, but the data consistantly returns the results for the correct tests in junit if we select the correct criteria for the grep.
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
grep -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly' /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/e2e.log
Important note, the same grep will not work for conformance.yaml, we are building a map for finding content in junit and e2e using conformance.yaml
cat conformance.yaml | grep shell
grep -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly' -e 'Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly' /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml
There was a proposal to open a pr against k/k to address new line added to the codename in conformance.yaml when it gets generated
In parralel with the above we can adjust our parser to use reality of how conformance.yaml is currently formatted.
POC: parse conformance.yaml sort and compare with junit_01.xml to confirm strategy (warning ugly bash to follow)
I know there are 100 ways to do this, the intent is to confirm there are no other issues with the text before we put more effort in to build this out in go.
parse out testname(codename) from conformance.yaml, grep -v results from above against junit and e2e make sure there are no unnacounted tests
cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | head -12
First attempt, extract phrase that matches in e2e and junit from conformance.yaml, I understand this is very hackey, goal is simplicity over elegance, this is just POC
#cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename
# This is really gross, but gets us grep strings
cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//; s/ / /; s/--/ /; s/ /\" -e \"/'| head -12 |tr -d "\n" | sed -r 's/^ */-e \"/; s/ \"/\"/g; s/-e/-e /g; s/ -e \"$//'
#cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | cut -d ']' -f2 | head
#cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | head
#cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | grep -v "\-\-" | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | tr "\n" "|" | head
cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | grep -v "\-\-" | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | perl -00pe 's/\n(?=[ ])/ /g'| sed -r 's/ */ /' | head -4 | sort
What the heck is the shell expansion to redirect output to grep something <()
grep -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly" /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/junit_01.xml | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | sort
grep -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly" /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/e2e.log | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | sort
diff -y <(grep -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly" -e "Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly" /home/ii/k8s-conformance/v1.18/ace/junit_01.xml | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | sort) <(cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | grep -v "\-\-" | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | perl -00pe 's/\n(?=[ ])/ /g'| sed -r 's/ */ /' | head | sort)
diff -y <() <()
#cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | grep -v "\-\-" | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | tr "\n" "|" | head
cat /home/ii/prow-config/prow/external-plugins/verify-conformance-release/conformance.yaml | grep -A 1 codename | grep -v "\-\-" | sed -r 's/^.*io\] //; s/\[Node.*$//' | perl -00pe 's/\n(?=[ ])/ /g'| sed -r 's/ */ /' | sort > /home/ii/foo.txt
Talk with Rob: We have people implementing gingo without understanding it. This means they are not naming the tests consistantly.