This is a demo project implementing TodoMVC with the new proposed Vue Composition API. Using the official Vue 2 plugin @vue/composition-api.
Based on the Official Vue 2 TodoMVC originally made by Evan You.
The code was refactored into functional pieces:
A simple implementation of the wrapped ref
concept but persisted in localStorage
. It's used just like the API ref
function. But it will be persisted on localStorage in the provided key.
const todos = useLocalStorage('todos', [])
Basic hook to handle events, it was used in this project to handle the hashchange
// Example usage:
function useMouse() {
const x = ref(0)
const y = ref(0)
useEventListener('mousemove', e => {
x.value = e.pageX
y.value = e.pageY
return { x, y }
This hooks abstracts the filtering of the todos.
Top-most level logic, handles the todo list.