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Building configuring for the OMP5 backend

cmake \
  -Dalpaka_ACC_ANY_BT_OMP5_ENABLE=on \
  -Dalpaka_BUILD_EXAMPLES=on \

Also set -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS in accordance with compiler and target. Information about this is maintained on readthedocs.

Block-shared Memory

Shared memory is implemented using a small object allocator in BlockSharedMemStOmp5 using a fixed-size buffer allocated by BlockSharedMemDynMember, making these two elements linked.

OpenMP 5 offers the directive omp allocate allocator(omp_pteam_mem_alloc) (used by BlockSharedMemStOmp5BuiltIn) which can in theory be used for static shared memory variables. There is no useful built-in support for dynamic block-shared memory to go with that. Usage of the built-in can be configured using the alpaka_OFFLOAD_USE_BUILTIN_SHARED_MEM flag:

  • alpaka_OFFLOAD_USE_BUILTIN_SHARED_MEM=OFF: Do not use omp allocate (default, only available behavior with OpenMP < 5).
  • alpaka_OFFLOAD_USE_BUILTIN_SHARED_MEM=DYN_FIXED: Use omp allocate, use a fixed size team-shared array for dynamic shared mem (fixed size is alpaka_BLOCK_SHARED_DYN_MEMBER_KIB).
  • alpaka_OFFLOAD_USE_BUILTIN_SHARED_MEM=DYN_ALLOC: Use omp allocate, use a omp_alloc() API call in the target region to allocate dynamic shared memory. The standard appears to allow this, but is not useful for some reasons:
    • In the best case, this would lead to an on-device malloc on GPU, which has bad performance and does not use on-chip memory.
    • At least in clang GPU targets (nvptx64, hsa), the symbols omp_alloc and omp_free are undefined (linker error, code compiles).

Compiler support

blockSharedSharingTest tests correct sharing.

compiler target OFF DYN_FIXED DYN_ALLOC
clang 14 (1.) x86 ✅ (2.) ✅ (2.)
clang 14 (1.) nvptx E (3.)
clang 14 (1.) hsa C C E (3.)
gcc 11 x86 N N
gcc 11 nvptx ✅/❌ (4.) N N
nvhpc 22.1 x86 N (5.) N (5.)
nvhpc 22.3 nvptx N (5.) N (5.)


  • ✅: Test Passes.
  • ❌l: Test fails, shared mem not shared.
  • ❌g: Test fails, shared mem gloal/shared too widely.
  • ❌: Test fails for other reason.
  • C: Test compiles, not run.
  • E: Test does not build.
  • N: Not supported.


  1. git main 95a436f8cca6991dc0f30588d9b1af3223818168
  2. omp allocate does not actually work, the variable being static makes it work, which in itself is non-conforming behavior.
  3. Linker error: no symbols omp_alloc, omp_free for target code.
  4. Apparently gcc's OpenMP runtime will not run more than 8 threads per block on GPU: Pass for blockThreadCount <= 8, fail for more.
  5. NVHPC 22.1 claims to support OpenMP 5.1 (_OPENMP = 202011).


  • No separabel compilation. OpenMP 5 requires functions for which device code should be generated for a not-inlined call in a target region to be marked with pragmas. This cannot be wrapped by macros like ALPAKA_FN_DEVICE because they appear between template parameter list and function name and because OpenMP requires two macros to mark a region around the function. alpaka-group#1126 (comment)

1. Test target

make vectorAdd

If the run is successful, the last output line will be Execution results correct! otherwise it will print items where the result from the offload code disagrees with the expected result and print Execution results incorrect! at the end.

2. Examples compilation status

branch omp4

target compiler compile status target run status
GGC 10 ok host ok
GGC 10 ptxas error (2) nvptx --
AOMP 0.7-4 ok x86 omp_target_alloc() returns 0
AOMP 0.7-4 linker: multiple def. of gpuHeap (1) amdhsa --
AOMP 0.7-5 ok x86 ok
AOMP 0.7-5 ok amdhsa ok
LLVM 10 ok x86 ok
XL 16.1.1-5 (Summit) ok nvptx ok (num_threads workaround) (3)
XL 16.1.1-5 (Summit) ok ppc64le sigsegv (device mem alloc'son GPU)


  1. error: Linking globals named 'gpuHeap': symbol multiply defined!
     /usr/bin/ld: cannot find a.out-openmp-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx900
     /usr/bin/ld: cannot find a.out-openmp-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx900
     clang-9: error: amdgcn-link command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 
     clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 
  2. ptxas:
     Linking CXX executable vectorAdd
     ptxas /tmp/cccKHuiQ.o, line 216; error   : Label expected for argument 0 of instruction 'call'
     ptxas /tmp/cccKHuiQ.o, line 216; error   : Function '_ZN6alpaka3ctx12CtxBlockOaccISt17integral_constantImLm1EEmEC1ERKNS_3vec3VecIS3_mEES9_S9_RKmSB_' not declared in this scope
     ptxas /tmp/cccKHuiQ.o, line 216; fatal   : Call target not recognized
     ptxas fatal   : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors
     nvptx-as: ptxas returned 255 exit status
  3. IBM XL: When setting num_threads, either in #pragma omp parallel or via omp_set_num_threads to any value the runtime only executes one thread per team. Workaround is to not do that with XL, which leads to $OMP_NUM_THREADS being run per team. Minimal example:

3. Integration and Unit Tests

Run make and upon success ctest.

test compiler compile status target run status
LLVM 10 ok x86 pass
LLVM 11 ok x86 pass
AOMP 0.7-5 linker error with static lib (7)x86 --
AOMP 0.7-5 linker error with static lib (8) amdhsa --
GCC 10 mixed(1) host target alloc fail(2)
GCC 11 ok host target alloc fail(2)
XL 16.1.1-5 (Summit) no-halt [6] nvptx --
XL 16.1.1-5 (Summit) no-halt [6] ppc64le --


  1. Targets with multiple compilation units fail to link. alpaka-group#1126 (comment)
  2. omp_target_alloc() allocates memory on GPU while code runs on host and tries access it there => segfault
  3. _
  4. _
  5. _
  6. XL does not appear to terminate when compiling targets like blockShared in which tests are executed through the fixture in ~alpaka/test/common/include/alpaka/test/KernelExecutionFixture.hpp . Removing the call alpaka/test/unit/block/shared/src/BlockSharedMemDyn.cpp:92-94 yields finite compilation time for BlockSharedMemDyn.cpp.o . XL is extremely slow compiling code using the test framework catch2 used in Alpaka.
  7. aomp 0.7-5 x86:
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find libcommon-openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-sm_20.o: No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find libcommon-host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.o: No such file or directory
    clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    test/integ/matMul/CMakeFiles/matMul.dir/build.make:85: recipe for target 'test/integ/matMul/matMul' failed
  8. aomp 0.7-5 HSA:
    /home/kelling/rocm/aomp_0.7-5/bin/clang-build-select-link: libcommon-openmp-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx900.o:1:2: error: expected integer
    /home/kelling/rocm/aomp_0.7-5/bin/clang-build-select-link: error:  loading file 'libcommon-openmp-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx900.o'
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find a.out-openmp-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx900
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find a.out-openmp-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx900
    clang-9: error: amdgcn-link command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)