My template for an ESP32 hosting a webapp.
- responsive webapp
- automatic code generation from vue router
- Example implementations of:
Websockets- Server-sent events
- ...more
DORA is the Default Operational Reference Application
All my knowledge and experience was packed with love in this template.
New improvements are made and suggestions are welcome.
I hope it helps you as much as it helps me whenever I need to start a new project on an ESP32.
- VS Code (preferred)
- PlatformIO
- npm
- Volar (extension for VS Code)
git clone *insert repo here*
cd webapp
npm install
Build and upload the project using the platformio build command.
ESP will run in AP mode and create a wifi network called DORA
Connect to the network (standard password is dora1234
Open a browser and navigate to
You should see the webapp.
insert screenshot(s) here
from here you can:
- Do some REST API calls
- Connect to the event source and see the data
- Connect to the websocket and see the data
- view the API documentation
from the webapp
directory run:
npm run dev
This opens a webbrowser with the webapp.
Every api, websocket or events call is redirected to the address specified as proxy_target in the vite.config.js
Using the mdns address was not very fast for me in AP mode, so I prefer using the IP address of the ESP32.
under construction
- Arduino - Framework
- ArduinoJson
- (ESPAsyncWebserver)[]
- [C/C++] - Language
- PlatformIO - Build system
- test other (smaller) js frameworks
- send some random values
- display some data from the ESP32
- do some stuff with api calls
- Write websocket example
- write the swagger.yml
- generate api code from swagger.yml
- generate an api documentation/try-it site from swagger.yml
- loggings
- Captive portal
- WiFiManager or similar
- renaming script for the project (DORA -> your project name)
- improvSerial and improvBLE
- ArduinoJson7 upgrade!?!
- (idea) generate an app that then uses bluetooth serial and the API