db.c -- redisDb operation functions redis.h -- the redisDb struct defined here config.c -- the new store-path parameter here
Only one database supports. the ‘select’ cmd is only for memory cache now.
- idb-enabled: enable/disable iDB storage. (iDBEnabled)
- idb-path: iDB store path. (iDBPath)
- idb-sync: yes or no, write the iDB sync or async. (iDBSync)
- idb-pagesize: the max page size, pagesize <=0 means allow all keys list once (IDBMaxPageCount)
- rdb-enabled: enable/disable redis database dump file storage. (rdbEnabled)
- idb-type: iDB store type. (iDBType) deprecated.
!deleteKeyOnIDB: is always sync! it should be async too.
!* dbsizeCommand(db.c)
!* renameGenericCommand should be optimal
- delete and add is not enough.
saveDictToIDB: iDelete should ignore error!!
redis string object may be store the int. so u must be care of encoding.
sds s = sdsempty(); if (o->type == REDIS_STRING && o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_RAW) { size_t len = sdslen(o->ptr); len = len > 10 ? 10: len; s = sdscatrepr(s, o->ptr, len); }
aof and replication
startAppendOnly(aof.c) will write all keys in dict to aof file when switching REDIS_AOF_ON
propagate(redis.c) will notify the changes of keys to aof and replication.
aof and replication will notify the changes only when server.dirty != 0 (see call func in redis.c)
- dirtyKeys: dict
- dirtyQueue: dict
db.watched_keys: which clients is watching key. key -> clients
- argc means arguments count
- argv[] from 0 .. argc-1, 0 means self.
- keys a?, argc[0]="keys", argc[1] = "a?"
- dictsize(aDict) : get the count of keys in the dict
- load/save expired info in iDB
- remove expired keys in iDB
- commands
- subkeys keyPath pattern skipCount count
sdsnewlen(NULL, len): mine(idb) means: reserved free space len for NULL string. redis means: alloc a unknown string with length! now restore it, I added a new sdsalloc func for my requirement,
redis data in iDB format(signalModifiedKey/lookupKey in db.c):
- .type=redis
- .value= rio vRedisIO; rioInitWithBuffer(&vRedisIO,sdsempty()); if (expired) { redisAssert(rdbSaveType(&vRedisIO,REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME_MS)); redisAssert(rdbSaveMillisecondTime(&vRedisIO,vExpiredTime)); } redisAssert(rdbSaveObjectType(&vRedisIO,val)); redisAssert(rdbSaveObject(&vRedisIO,val)); iPut(server.storePath, key->ptr, sdslen(key->ptr), vRedisIO.io.buffer.ptr, NULL, server.storeType);
the internal pubsub feature can notify key changed:
- notifyKeyspaceEvent(notify.c)
- howto get key do not triggle the events??? so I can use it as iDB save,
- It seems that it would triggle events on read!!
- howto get key do not triggle the events??? so I can use it as iDB save,
git clone idb.c deps/idb
make persist-settings
One redis server can have many redisDb. from 0 to server.dbnum-1.
maybe I should add a new name defintion in redisDb:
the real storePath = server.storePath + '' + redisDb.name
And I have to add a new command to set the redisDb name:
use 1 as mydb_name
It do not necessary at all for iDB!!