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awb99 committed Sep 3, 2023
1 parent 4bfb5aa commit 4d38d04
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Showing 10 changed files with 122 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/resources/symbollist/futures-kibot.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
{:symbol "BR0" :kibot "BR" :name "CONTINUOUS BRAZILIAN REAL CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "RY0" :kibot "RY" :name "CONTINUOUS EURO FX/JAPANESE YEN CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "SEK0" :kibot "SEK" :name "CONTINUOUS SWEDISH KRONA CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "AJY0" :kibot "AKY" :name "CONTINUOUS AUSTRALIAN $/JAPANESE YEN CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "AJY0" :kibot "AJY" :name "CONTINUOUS AUSTRALIAN $/JAPANESE YEN CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "NOK0" :kibot "NOK" :name "CONTINUOUS NORWEGIAN KRONE CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "PJY0" :kibot "PJY" :name "CONTINUOUS BRITISH PD/JAPANSE YEN CONTRACT" :category :future}
{:symbol "ECD0" :kibot "ECD" :name "CONTINUOUS EURO FX/CANADIAN DOLLAR CONTRACT" :category :future}
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/data/src/ta/data/api/kibot.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@

(defn history [opts]
(let [{:keys [user password]} @api-key]
(info "login user: " user "pwd: " password)
;(info "login user: " user "pwd: " password)
(make-request base-url
{:action "history"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/data/src/ta/data/api_ds/kibot.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
(-> (merge symbol-map
{:interval period
:period 1
:period 1000
:timezone "UTC"
:splitadjusted 1})
Expand Down
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions lib/data/src/ta/data/import.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
[ :as kibot]
[ :as av]
[ta.warehouse :as wh]
[ :refer [determine-wh]]))

[ :refer [determine-wh]]
[ta.warehouse.symbollist :refer [load-list]]

(def dict-provider
{:kibot kibot/get-series
Expand All @@ -25,17 +26,25 @@
(wh/save-symbol w series-ds interval symbol))))

#_(defn init-symbols [w fn-get-history-since-as-ds frequency since symbols]
(defn import-symbols [provider symbols interval range opts]
(let [symbols (if (string? symbols)
(load-list symbols)
(doall (map
(partial init-symbol w fn-get-history-since-as-ds frequency since)
#(import-series provider % interval range opts)

(import-series :alphavantage "MSFT" "D" :full {})
(import-series :alphavantage "EURUSD" "D" :full {})
(import-series :alphavantage "BTCUSD" "D" :full {})

(import-series :kibot "SIL0" "D" :full {})

(import-symbols :kibot ["SIL0" "NG0" "IBM"] "D" :full {})
(import-symbols :kibot "joseph" "D" :full {})

(import-symbols :kibot "futures-kibot" "D" :full {})

13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion lib/data/src/ta/data/settings.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,18 @@
:future :futures

;{:value "Corp" :name "Bonds"}
;{:value "Index" :name "Indices"}
;{:value "Curncy" :name "Currencies"}

(def category-names
{:crypto "Crypto"
:etf "ETF"
:equity "Equity"
:fx "FX"
:future "Future"
:mutualfund "MutualFund"

Expand Down
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions lib/tradingview/src/ta/tradingview/db_instrument.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
(ns ta.tradingview.db-instrument)

(def categories
{:crypto "Crypto"
:etf "ETF"
:mutualfund "MutualFund"
:equity "Equity"})

(ns ta.tradingview.db-instrument
[ :as settings]

(defn reverse-lookup []
(->> categories
(->> settings/category-names
(map (fn [[k v]]
[v k]))
(into {})))
Expand All @@ -19,7 +15,7 @@
(defn inst-type [i]
; this dict has to match above the server-config list of supported categories
(let [c (:category i)]
(or (get categories c) "Equity")))
(or (get settings/category-names c) "Equity")))

(defn category-name->category [c]
Expand All @@ -32,6 +28,8 @@
(category-name->category "Equity")
(category-name->category nil)
(category-name->category "Crypto")
(category-name->category "Future")

Expand Down
71 changes: 38 additions & 33 deletions lib/tradingview/src/ta/tradingview/handler_datasource.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
;[ta.tradingview.db-ts :refer [save-chart-boxed delete-chart load-chart-boxed chart-list now-epoch]]
[ta.warehouse.symbol-db :refer [search instrument-details]]
[ta.tradingview.db-instrument :refer [inst-type category-name->category]]
[ :refer [determine-wh]]
[ :refer [determine-wh category-names]]
;[ta.tradingview.db-marks :refer [load-marks convert-marks]]

(defn server-time []
(-> (now-datetime) datetime->epoch-second))

Expand All @@ -29,21 +30,30 @@

;; CONFIG - Tell TradingView which featurs are supported by server.

(def supported-types
(->> (concat [{:value "" :name "All"}]
(map (fn [[k v]]
{:value k :name v}) category-names))
(into [])

(def server-config
{:supports_time true ; we send our server-time
:supports_search true ;search and individual symbol resolve logic.
:supports_marks true
:supports_timescale_marks false
:supports_group_request false
:supported_resolutions ["15" "D"] ; ["1" "5" "15" "30" "60" "1D" "1W" "1M"]
:symbols_types [{:value "" :name "All"}
:symbols_types supported-types
#_[{:value "" :name "All"}
{:value "Crypto" :name "Crypto"}
{:value "Equity" :name "Equities"}
{:value "Mutualfund" :name "Mutualfund"}
{:value "ETF" :name "ETF"}
;{:value "Corp" :name "Bonds"}
;{:value "Index" :name "Indices"}
;{:value "Curncy" :name "Currencies"}
:exchanges [{:value "" :name "All Exchanges" :desc ""}
{:value "BB" :name "Bybit" :desc ""}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,42 +124,37 @@
;[{"symbol":"BLK","full_name":"BLK","description":"BlackRock, Inc.","exchange":"NYSE","type":"stock"},
; {"symbol":"BA","full_name":"BA","description":"The Boeing Company","exchange":"NYSE","type":"stock"}]

(defn filter-exchange [exchange list]
(if (str/blank? exchange)
(filter #(= exchange (:exchange %)) list)))

(defn filter-category [type list]
(if (str/blank? type)
(let [c (category-name->category type)]
(filter #(= c (:category %)) list))))

(defn symbol-search [query type exchange limit]
(let [sr (->> (search query)
(filter-exchange exchange)
(filter-category type))
sr-limit (take limit sr)
sr-tv (map (fn [{:keys [symbol name] :as i}]
{:ticker symbol
:symbol symbol ; OUR SYMBOL FORMAT. TV uses exchange:symbol
:full_name symbol
:description (:name i)
:exchange (:exchange i)
:type (inst-type i)}) sr-limit)]

(defn instrument->tradingview [{:keys [symbol name] :as i}]
{:ticker symbol
:symbol symbol ; OUR SYMBOL FORMAT. TV uses exchange:symbol
:full_name name
:description (:name i)
:exchange (:exchange i)
:type (inst-type i)})

(defn symbol-search [query category exchange limit]
(info "symbol-search q:" query " category: " category "exchange: " exchange "limit: " limit)
(let [category (if (and type (string? category) (not (str/blank? category)))
(keyword category) nil)
result (search query category exchange)
result (take limit result)
result-tv (map instrument->tradingview result)]

(defn search-handler [{:keys [query-params] :as req}]
(info "tv/search: " query-params)
(let [{:keys [query type exchange limit]} (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys query-params)
limit (Integer/parseInt limit)
sr-tv (symbol-search query type exchange limit)]
(res/response sr-tv)))
result-tv (symbol-search query type exchange limit)
(res/response result-tv)))

(-> (search-handler {:query-params {:query "E"
(-> (search-handler {:query-params {:query "B"
:type ""
:exchange "BB"
:exchange ""
:limit "10"}})
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/warehouse/src/ta/warehouse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@

(defn save-ts [wkw ds name]
(let [dir (get-in-config [:ta :warehouse :series wkw])
_ (do ;(info "creating dir: " dir)
_ (do (debug "creating dir: " dir)
(create-dirs dir))
s (io/gzip-output-stream! (filename-ts wkw name))]
(info "saving series " name " count: " (tc/row-count ds))
(debug "saving series " name " count: " (tc/row-count ds))
(io/put-nippy! s ds)))

(defn load-ts [wkw name]
Expand Down
48 changes: 41 additions & 7 deletions lib/warehouse/src/ta/warehouse/symbol_db.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,19 +93,53 @@

(defn search [q]
(let [l (get-instruments)
q (lower-case q)]
(filter (fn [{:keys [name symbol]}]
(or (includes? (lower-case name) q)
(includes? (lower-case symbol) q)))
(defn q? [q]
(fn [{:keys [name symbol]}]
(or (includes? (lower-case name) q)
(includes? (lower-case symbol) q))))

(defn =exchange? [e]
(fn [{:keys [exchange]}]
(= exchange e)))

(defn =category? [c]
(fn [{:keys [category]}]
(= category c)))

(defn filter-eventually [make-pred target list]
(if target
(filter (make-pred target) list)

(defn search
(search q nil nil))
([q category]
(search q category nil))
([q category exchange]

(let [list-full (get-instruments)
q (if (or (nil? q) (blank? q)) nil (lower-case q))
e (if (or (nil? exchange) (blank? exchange)) nil exchange)
c (if (nil? category) nil category)]
(info "search q: " q "category: " c " exchange: " e)
(->> list-full
(filter-eventually =exchange? e)
(filter-eventually =category? c)
(filter-eventually q? q)))))

;(search "P")
(search "Bitc")
(search "BT")

(search "BT" :crypto)
(search "B" :equity)
(search "B" :equity "SG")
(search "B" nil nil)
(search "B" "" "")

(instrument-details "BTCUSD")
(instrument-details "EURUSD")
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/warehouse/src/ta/warehouse/symbollist.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
(def files (file-seq directory))
(take 10 files)

(load-list "bonds")

(load-list-full "fidelity-select")
(load-lists-full ["crypto"
Expand Down

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