Clear the Stash cache whenever any entry is added, updated, or deleted.
While we have incentive to keep this project working because we use it, we are not always available to provide support for Stash Sledgehammer. We therefore offer it to you, free of charge, but with no guarantee of support. Find something that's not working? Or could be improved? By all means, fix it! Submit a pull request, and we'll pull it into the project so everyone can benefit. But please, no hard feelings if we can't help you when it's not working. Go forth and Open Source.
- EE 2.0
- PHP 5 >= 5.3
- Copy the "stash_sledgehammer" folder to ExpressionEngine's third-party add- ons directory. (e.g. /system/expressionengine/third_party/)
Stash Sledgehammer uses the ExpressionEngine hooks delete_entries_start
, and entry_submission_absolute_end
to watch for
changes to entries. When one of these hooks is called, it deletes the entire
stash cache without any sort of rhyme, reason, or logic, like using a
sledgehammer to solve a problem. It does not call Stash's stash_delete