The MVP (Minimal Viable Product) must implement the following features.
- Web-based
- Make binary (yes/no) forecasts (title, description, probability of being true 0 - 100, datetime, reason for probability, closing date)
- Edit forecast. Modify title, description and closing date
- Update prediction. Allow modifying the probability 0 - 100 and attach a datetime to it. Add a reason for that probability.
- Allow viewing the history of probabilities for a forecast, including datetimes and the reason given at the time.
- Allow resolving a forecast as true, false or N/A. Add a comment when resolving.
- Calculate the Brier score for every probability of a forecast in the past
- Calculate the avg Brier score for the entire forecast
- Calculate the avg Brier score across all forecasts
- For personal usage at home
- Single binary, easy deployment cross platform desktop/server
- High degree of test automation and good documentation to make future development easy for busy and lazy people like myself
- Have an overview page with all forecasts.
- Sortable by:
- Last prediction update
- Creation date
- Last edit
- Resolution date
- Brier score
- Resolution
- Filter by:
- Resolution
- Sortable by:
- Display some statistics, possibly on the home page:
- Current average Brier score and evolution over time
- Forecasts added over time
- Number of updates over time
- Issue #20: It needs to be very easy and fast to add simple forecasts e.g. 'Will I feel better tomorrow?'. These kinds of forecasts are rarely updated and require very little additional data.
- Allow choosing the datetime (default: now) when updating the probability of a prediction
- Have some kind of categories, possibly hierarchical to see Brier score for categories
- Version predictions whenever the title, description or resolution date is updated
- Probabilities always refer to a version
- When displaying a past probability display the version of the question at the time, in particular the resolution date set at the time (which indicates how much uncertainty there was at the time)
- Allow seeing avg Brier score X time before the resolution date (as known at the time) i.e. what is my avg Brier score two months before resolution, even if for one of the questions the resolution came 1 week later initially the resolution was predicted later.
- Multiple users for them to compare scores
- Allow having groups of people e.g. for company prediction tournaments
- Public instance where people can make predictions for other people to see
- ?
- Allow marking predictions as public, private or private within a group of people
- Always maintain self-deployment option for making personal predictions you don't want to share with the Internet (e.g. personal relationships, personal goals, etc.)
- More scoring systems, not only Brier score
- Data import and export to transfers between private and public instances and to analyze with other tools
- Allow exporting/importing predictions as JSON to share with other people so they can predict in their own Cleodora instance. What to do when editing a question? New export that contains version information and can be merged?
- Allow exporting nice reports or graphs to brag and show other people
- Issue #23:
Multi-answer questions. Always have one answer 'other' that has 100 -
sum(others) by default.
- When editing a question and adding new answers then those new answers get 0 probability initially. This can lead to drastic changes in Brier score (if 'other' was rather large before), but that is fine.
- Notification when a forecast needs to be resolved. e.g. e-mail or push message in the browser, toast message in the corner etc.