Usually incoming requests on server components are handled by a Citrus test case where the tester defines the received request message. Also the test case provides a proper response message to the calling client. There may be times we do not want to handle request/response in the test case. Instead we need to define a static response message that should always be sent from a server component in Citrus.
This sample shows how to setup a Citrus SOAP web service server component that automatically provides response messages to incoming requests.
We want to have a server component that provides a static response message to calling clients. Depending on the requested resource path the server should provide different response messages. we can do this in Citrus with a little bit of Spring bean configuration:
public WebServiceServer todoListServer() throws Exception {
return CitrusEndpoints
public RequestDispatchingEndpointAdapter dispatchingEndpointAdapter() {
RequestDispatchingEndpointAdapter dispatchingEndpointAdapter = new RequestDispatchingEndpointAdapter();
return dispatchingEndpointAdapter;
The todoListServer is a normal server component in Citrus. The endpoint-adapter is different though and defines the way how to automatically respond to calling clients. The server uses a dispatchingEndpointAdapter. This endpoint adapter implementation uses a mapping key extractor and a mapping strategy in order to map incoming requests to response generating adapters.
public HeaderMappingKeyExtractor mappingKeyExtractor() {
return new SoapActionMappingKeyExtractor();
public SimpleMappingStrategy mappingStrategy() {
SimpleMappingStrategy mappingStrategy = new SimpleMappingStrategy();
Map<String, EndpointAdapter> mappings = new HashMap<>();
mappings.put("getTodo", todoResponseAdapter());
mappings.put("getTodoList", todoListResponseAdapter());
return mappingStrategy;
The mapping key extractor implementation evaluates the SOAP action header. Depending on that SOAP action value the mapping strategy maps incoming requests to different response generating adapter implementations. Here in this example we define getTodo and getTodoList actions with response adapters.
public EndpointAdapter todoResponseAdapter() {
StaticResponseEndpointAdapter endpointAdapter = new StaticResponseEndpointAdapter();
endpointAdapter.setMessagePayload("<getTodoResponse xmlns=\"\">" +
"<todoEntry xmlns=\"\">" +
"<id>${todoId}</id>" +
"<title>${todoName}</title>" +
"<description>${todoDescription}</description>" +
"<done>false</done>" +
"</todoEntry>" +
return endpointAdapter;
public EndpointAdapter todoListResponseAdapter() {
StaticResponseEndpointAdapter endpointAdapter = new StaticResponseEndpointAdapter();
endpointAdapter.setMessagePayload("<getTodoListResponse xmlns=\"\">" +
"<list>" +
"<todoEntry>" +
"<id>${todoId}</id>" +
"<title>${todoName}</title>" +
"<description>${todoDescription}</description>" +
"<done>false</done>" +
"</todoEntry>" +
"</list>" +
return endpointAdapter;
The response adapters provide static response messages. In summary we have a small SOAP web service server component that automatically responds to incoming request messages with static message payloads. As usual the SOAP envelope handling is automatically done within the server component.
The sample application uses Maven as build tool. So you can compile, package and test the sample with Maven.
mvn clean verify -Dsystem.under.test.mode=embedded
This executes the complete Maven build lifecycle.
During the build you will see Citrus performing some integration tests.
Execute all Citrus tests by calling
mvn verify
You can also pick a single test by calling
mvn verify -Dit.test=<testname>
You should see Citrus performing several tests with lots of debugging output in your terminal. And of course green tests at the very end of the build.
Of course you can also start the Citrus tests from your favorite IDE. Just start the Citrus test using the TestNG IDE integration in IntelliJ, Eclipse or Netbeans.
For more information on Citrus see, including a complete reference manual.