- Initial activities done by the students (instructions in the link below).
- Preparatory session with a tutor (optional attendance).
- Welcome
- What is GIT?
- How to use?
- What can I do with GIT?
- Usage examples
- Read and write data tables
- Work with data tables
- Basic statistics
- Plots with matplotlib
- Regressions and curve fitting
- Examples
- Introduction to HDF5, VTK, and Binary Data Formats
- Reading and handling data from numerical simulations
- Array manipulation, and use of conditionals and loops
- Application to the analysis of 2D simulations of fluid dynamics
- Computation of integrated quantities
- Clump finding techniques
- Visualisation and interpretation of the results
Parallel sessions on advanced topics.
- Explanation about bioimages (i.e. fluorescence microscopy)
- Bioimage analysis example: quantifying cell morphology from 2D fluorescence micrographs
- Importing images and plotting images
- Logical operators (pixel-wise operations)
- Intensity Transformation
- Filters and Fourier transformations
- Segmentation
- Extracting data from segmented images (e.g. cell area, elongation)
- Brief explanation on astrophysics behind galaxies and their neutral hydrogen (HI content).
- Reading in fits data cubes (3D spectral line data - HI data of a galaxy)
- Plotting slices of the 3D data cube and making moment maps
- Downloading astronomical images from a database (for the same galaxy as the HI data)
- Making an overlay of the HI data onto an optical image
- Calculating some basic statistics for the spectra
- Averaging the spectra for the galaxy
- Calculating the HI mass of a galaxy
- Fitting a Gaussian to spectra
- Introduction to Tight binding models in materials
- Magnetism
- Electron microscopy on magnetic materials
- Magnetic simulations
- Brief intro to data analysis for high energy physics
- The exercise requires basic knowledge of LHC physics data.
- How to handle it, how to process it and what to look up to.
- This exercise uses real data from one of the LHC experiments.
- Filter the data, make relevant plots and statistically analyze the results.
Student and final project presentations (12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions)