Releases: cid-harvard/classifications
Releases · cid-harvard/classifications
Aeronaves bug fix, forgot to rerun script. MEX-153
v0.0.47 Aeronaves bug fix, forgot to rerun script. MEX-153
Remove unneeded manual edits after timageddon fix in mexico industries
v0.0.46 Remove unneeded manual edits after timageddon fix in mexico industries
Mexico industries with nesting issue fixed!
v0.0.45 Update mexico industry classification.
Update colombia country classification to include regions
v0.0.44 Update tupfile, rerun and bump version.
Data fixes: col occupations update & aeronaves / aircraft fix
v0.0.43 Remove accidental debug shell
Bugfix: misnamed index column
v0.0.42 Bugfix: misnamed index column
Mexico location & occupation data fixes
mexico colonial state names issue
Add new occupations translations for mex
Minor colombia products naming change
"parts of motor vehicles and tractors"
Mexico occupation / industry classification fixes
- Fix broken mexico occupations (SINCO) parent ids: MEX-138
- Timageddon workaround: rename "metals" to "manufacturing industries"
Mexico Industries bugfix: must reindex after dropping some items from index
v0.0.36 Mexico Industries bugfix: must reindex after dropping some items from…