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How to Turn The Legacy Atlas On

Mehmet Ali "Mali" Akmanalp edited this page Sep 26, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • Create a new MariaDB RDS instance from the image (ARN: arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:175502771271:snapshot:decommission-snapshot).
    • Must be at least a t2.medium, otherwise it ends up being slow.
    • The name of the instance should be atlas-db-2014-newindexes-mariadb2 so that the hostname for the instance ends up being the value that the webserver expects.
    • The security group settings should be such that the web server instance should be to connect to it.
  • Turn on the web server instance in EC2: i-078287acf3302aec3. It should be off but ready to go, and the software should load automatically on boot.
    • If it doesn't, you might have to check /var/log/django/debug.log or the nginx logs.
    • If the webserver hostname changed, you might have to go to /srv/atlas/django_files/observatory/ and change the hostname there, then restart the python processes with sudo supervisorctl restart all.
  • Once you're done, don't forget to terminate (not stop) the RDS instance because it'll restart again in 7 days otherwise. And stop the webserver too.
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