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Image filter (NW.js)

Chung Leong edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 6 revisions

In this example we're going to build a dekstop app that apply a filter on an image. We'll first implement just the user interface and with the image loading/saving functionalities. After getting the basics working, we'll bring in our Zig-powered image filter.

Creating the app

We begin by initializing the project:

mkdir filter
cd filter
npm init -y
npm install node-zigar
mkdir src img zig

Then we add index.html to the src directory:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Image filter</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
    <div class="App">
      <input id="fileOpen" type="file" class="hidden" accept="image/*">
      <input id="fileSave" type="file" class="hidden" accept="image/*" nwsaveas>
      <div class="contents">
        <div class="pane align-right">
          <canvas id="srcCanvas"></canvas>
        <div class="pane align-left">
          <canvas id="dstCanvas"></canvas>
          <div class="controls">
            Intensity: <input id="intensity" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.0001" value="0.3">

Basically, we have two HTML canvases in our app, one for displaying the original image and the other the outcome. There's also a range input for controlling the intensity of the filter's effect. The two hidden file inputs give us a way to open the file open/save dialog boxes when the user chooses these options in the app menu.

Save the app code to index.js:

const { writeFile } = require('fs/promises');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const { pathToFileURL } = require('url');

const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin''./src/index.html', { width: 800, height: 600, x: 10, y: 10 }, (browser) => {
  // handle menu click
  const onOpenClick = () => {
    const { window: { document } } = browser;
  const onSaveClick = () => {
    const { window: { document } } = browser;
  const onCloseClick = () => {
  // create menu bar
  const menuBar = new nw.Menu({ type: 'menubar' });
  const fileMenu = new nw.Menu();
  fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Open', click: onOpenClick }));
  fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Save', click: onSaveClick }));
  fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ type: 'separator' }));
  fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: (isMac) ? 'Close' : 'Quit', click: onCloseClick }));
  menuBar.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'File', submenu: fileMenu })); = menuBar;    

  browser.window.onload = async () => {
    // find page elements
    const { window: { document } } = browser;
    const fileOpen = document.getElementById('fileOpen'); 
    const fileSave = document.getElementById('fileSave');
    const srcCanvas = document.getElementById('srcCanvas');
    const dstCanvas = document.getElementById('dstCanvas');
    const intensity = document.getElementById('intensity');
    const params = { intensity: 0.3 };

    // attach event handlers
    fileOpen.onchange = async (evt) => {
      const { target: { files: [ file ] } } = evt;
      if (file) {
        await loadImage(file.path);
    fileSave.onchange = async (evt) => {
      const { target: { files: [ file ] } } = evt;
      if (file) {
        await saveImage(file.path, file.type);
        // clear value so onchange is fired again when the same file is selected = '';
    intensity.oninput = (evt) => {
      const { target: { value } } = evt;
      params.intensity = parseFloat(value);

    // load sample image
    const path = resolve(__dirname, './img/sample.png');
    await loadImage(path);

    async function loadImage(path) {
      const url = pathToFileURL(path);
      const img = new Image;
      img.src = url;
      // img.decode() doesn't work for some reason
      await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        img.onload = resolve;
        img.onerror = reject; 
      const bitmap = await createImageBitmap(img);
      srcCanvas.width = bitmap.width;
      srcCanvas.height = bitmap.height;
      const ctx = srcCanvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
      ctx.drawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
    function applyFilter() {
      const srcCTX = srcCanvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
      const { width, height } = srcCanvas;
      const params = { intensity: parseFloat(intensity.value) };
      const srcImageData = srcCTX.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
      dstCanvas.width = width;
      dstCanvas.height = height;
      const dstCTX = dstCanvas.getContext('2d');
      dstCTX.putImageData(srcImageData, 0, 0);
    async function saveImage(path, type) {
      const blob = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const callback = (result) => {
          if (result) {
          } else {
            reject(new Error('Unable to encode image'));
        dstCanvas.toBlob(callback, type)
      const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer();
      await writeFile(path, new DataView(buffer)); 

The code above should be largely self-explanatory if you've worked with HTML canvas before.

Replace the content of index.css with the following:

:root {
  font-family: Inter, system-ui, Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  line-height: 1.5;
  font-weight: 400;

  color-scheme: light dark;
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
  background-color: #242424;

  font-synthesis: none;
  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  margin: 0;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  place-items: center;
  min-width: 320px;
  min-height: 100vh;

#root {
  flex: 1 1 100%;
  width: 100%;

.App {
  display: flex;
  position: relative;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.App .nav {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  color: #000000;
  background-color: #999999;
  font-weight: bold;
  flex: 0 0 auto;
  padding: 2px 2px 1px 2px;

.App .nav .button {
  padding: 2px;
  cursor: pointer;

.App .nav .button:hover {
  color: #ffffff;
  background-color: #000000;
  padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;

.App .contents {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  margin-top: 1em;

.App .contents .pane {
  flex: 1 1 50%;
  padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;

.App .contents .pane CANVAS {
  border: 1px dotted rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.10);
  max-width: 100%;
  max-height: 90vh;

.App .contents .pane .controls INPUT {
  vertical-align: middle;
  width: 50%;

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .App .contents {
    flex-direction: column;

  .App .contents .pane {
    padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;

  .App .contents .pane .controls {
    padding-left: 4px;

.hidden {
  position: absolute;
  visibility: hidden;
  z-index: -1;

.align-left {
  text-align: left;

.align-right {
  text-align: right;

We need to adjust main in package.json:

  "main": "src/index.js",

We also need a sample image. Either download the following or choose one of your own:

Sample image

Save it in img.

Now we're ready to go:

[NW.js directory]/nw .

You should see something like this:

Mint Linux

Moving the slider won't do anything but image loading and saving should work.

Okay, we'll now put in the Zig-powered image filter. Save the following code as sepia.zig in the zig directory:

// Pixel Bender kernel "Sepia" (translated using pb2zig)
const std = @import("std");

pub const kernel = struct {
    // kernel information
    pub const namespace = "AIF";
    pub const vendor = "Adobe Systems";
    pub const version = 2;
    pub const description = "a variable sepia filter";
    pub const parameters = .{
        .intensity = .{
            .type = f32,
            .minValue = 0.0,
            .maxValue = 1.0,
            .defaultValue = 0.0,
    pub const inputImages = .{
        .src = .{ .channels = 4 },
    pub const outputImages = .{
        .dst = .{ .channels = 4 },

    // generic kernel instance type
    fn Instance(comptime InputStruct: type, comptime OutputStruct: type, comptime ParameterStruct: type) type {
        return struct {
            params: ParameterStruct,
            input: InputStruct,
            output: OutputStruct,
            outputCoord: @Vector(2, u32) = @splat(0),

            // output pixel
            dst: @Vector(4, f32) = undefined,

            // functions defined in kernel
            pub fn evaluatePixel(self: *@This()) void {
                const intensity = self.params.intensity;
                const src = self.input.src;
                const dst = self.output.dst;
                self.dst = @splat(0.0);

                var rgbaColor: @Vector(4, f32) = undefined;
                var yiqaColor: @Vector(4, f32) = undefined;
                const YIQMatrix: [4]@Vector(4, f32) = .{
                    .{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
                const inverseYIQ: [4]@Vector(4, f32) = .{
                    .{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
                    .{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
                rgbaColor = src.sampleNearest(self.outCoord());
                yiqaColor = @"M * V"(YIQMatrix, rgbaColor);
                yiqaColor[1] = intensity;
                yiqaColor[2] = 0.0;
                self.dst = @"M * V"(inverseYIQ, yiqaColor);

                dst.setPixel(self.outputCoord[0], self.outputCoord[1], self.dst);

            pub fn outCoord(self: *@This()) @Vector(2, f32) {
                return .{ @as(f32, @floatFromInt(self.outputCoord[0])) + 0.5, @as(f32, @floatFromInt(self.outputCoord[1])) + 0.5 };

    // kernel instance creation function
    pub fn create(input: anytype, output: anytype, params: anytype) Instance(@TypeOf(input), @TypeOf(output), @TypeOf(params)) {
        return .{
            .input = input,
            .output = output,
            .params = params,

    // built-in Pixel Bender functions
    fn @"M * V"(m1: anytype, v2: anytype) @TypeOf(v2) {
        const ar = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(m1)).Array;
        var t1: @TypeOf(m1) = undefined;
        inline for (m1, 0..) |column, c| {
            comptime var r = 0;
            inline while (r < ar.len) : (r += 1) {
                t1[r][c] = column[r];
        var result: @TypeOf(v2) = undefined;
        inline for (t1, 0..) |column, c| {
            result[c] = @reduce(.Add, column * v2);
        return result;

pub const Input = KernelInput(u8, kernel);
pub const Output = KernelOutput(u8, kernel);
pub const Parameters = KernelParameters(kernel);

// support both 0.11 and 0.12
const enum_auto = if (@hasField(std.builtin.Type.ContainerLayout, "Auto")) .Auto else .auto;

pub fn createOutput(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, width: u32, height: u32, input: Input, params: Parameters) !Output {
    return createPartialOutput(allocator, width, height, 0, height, input, params);

pub fn createPartialOutput(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, width: u32, height: u32, start: u32, count: u32, input: Input, params: Parameters) !Output {
    var output: Output = undefined;
    inline for (std.meta.fields(Output)) |field| {
        const ImageT = @TypeOf(@field(output,;
        @field(output, = .{
            .data = try allocator.alloc(ImageT.Pixel, count * width),
            .width = width,
            .height = height,
            .offset = start * width,
    var instance = kernel.create(input, output, params);
    if (@hasDecl(@TypeOf(instance), "evaluateDependents")) {
    const end = start + count;
    instance.outputCoord[1] = start;
    while (instance.outputCoord[1] < end) : (instance.outputCoord[1] += 1) {
        instance.outputCoord[0] = 0;
        while (instance.outputCoord[0] < width) : (instance.outputCoord[0] += 1) {
    return output;

const ColorSpace = enum { srgb, @"display-p3" };

pub fn Image(comptime T: type, comptime len: comptime_int, comptime writable: bool) type {
    return struct {
        pub const Pixel = @Vector(4, T);
        pub const FPixel = @Vector(len, f32);
        pub const channels = len;

        data: if (writable) []Pixel else []const Pixel,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        colorSpace: ColorSpace = .srgb,
        offset: usize = 0,

        fn constrain(v: anytype, min: f32, max: f32) @TypeOf(v) {
            const lower: @TypeOf(v) = @splat(min);
            const upper: @TypeOf(v) = @splat(max);
            const v2 = @select(f32, v > lower, v, lower);
            return @select(f32, v2 < upper, v2, upper);

        fn pbPixelFromFloatPixel(pixel: Pixel) FPixel {
            if (len == 4) {
                return pixel;
            const mask: @Vector(len, i32) = switch (len) {
                1 => .{0},
                2 => .{ 0, 3 },
                3 => .{ 0, 1, 2 },
                else => @compileError("Unsupported number of channels: " ++ len),
            return @shuffle(f32, pixel, undefined, mask);

        fn floatPixelFromPBPixel(pixel: FPixel) Pixel {
            if (len == 4) {
                return pixel;
            const alpha: @Vector(1, T) = if (len == 1 or len == 3) .{1} else undefined;
            const mask: @Vector(len, i32) = switch (len) {
                1 => .{ 0, 0, 0, -1 },
                2 => .{ 0, 0, 0, 1 },
                3 => .{ 0, 1, 2, -1 },
                else => @compileError("Unsupported number of channels: " ++ len),
            return @shuffle(T, pixel, alpha, mask);

        fn pbPixelFromIntPixel(pixel: Pixel) FPixel {
            const numerator: FPixel = switch (@hasDecl(std.math, "fabs")) {
                // Zig 0.12.0
                false => switch (len) {
                    1 => @floatFromInt(@shuffle(T, pixel, undefined, @Vector(1, i32){0})),
                    2 => @floatFromInt(@shuffle(T, pixel, undefined, @Vector(2, i32){ 0, 3 })),
                    3 => @floatFromInt(@shuffle(T, pixel, undefined, @Vector(3, i32){ 0, 1, 2 })),
                    4 => @floatFromInt(pixel),
                    else => @compileError("Unsupported number of channels: " ++ len),
                // Zig 0.11.0
                true => switch (len) {
                    1 => .{
                    2 => .{
                    3 => .{
                    4 => .{
                    else => @compileError("Unsupported number of channels: " ++ len),
            const denominator: FPixel = @splat(@floatFromInt(std.math.maxInt(T)));
            return numerator / denominator;

        fn intPixelFromPBPixel(pixel: FPixel) Pixel {
            const max: f32 = @floatFromInt(std.math.maxInt(T));
            const multiplier: FPixel = @splat(max);
            const product: FPixel = constrain(pixel * multiplier, 0, max);
            const maxAlpha: @Vector(1, f32) = .{std.math.maxInt(T)};
            return switch (@hasDecl(std.math, "fabs")) {
                // Zig 0.12.0
                false => switch (len) {
                    1 => @intFromFloat(@shuffle(f32, product, maxAlpha, @Vector(4, i32){ 0, 0, 0, -1 })),
                    2 => @intFromFloat(@shuffle(f32, product, undefined, @Vector(4, i32){ 0, 0, 0, 1 })),
                    3 => @intFromFloat(@shuffle(f32, product, maxAlpha, @Vector(4, i32){ 0, 1, 2, -1 })),
                    4 => @intFromFloat(product),
                    else => @compileError("Unsupported number of channels: " ++ len),
                // Zig 0.11.0
                true => switch (len) {
                    1 => .{
                    2 => .{
                    3 => .{
                    4 => .{
                    else => @compileError("Unsupported number of channels: " ++ len),

        fn getPixel(self: @This(), x: u32, y: u32) FPixel {
            const index = (y * self.width) + x - self.offset;
            const src_pixel =[index];
            const pixel: FPixel = switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
                .Float => pbPixelFromFloatPixel(src_pixel),
                .Int => pbPixelFromIntPixel(src_pixel),
                else => @compileError("Unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)),
            return pixel;

        fn setPixel(self: @This(), x: u32, y: u32, pixel: FPixel) void {
            if (comptime !writable) {
            const index = (y * self.width) + x - self.offset;
            const dst_pixel: Pixel = switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
                .Float => floatPixelFromPBPixel(pixel),
                .Int => intPixelFromPBPixel(pixel),
                else => @compileError("Unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)),
  [index] = dst_pixel;

        fn pixelSize(self: @This()) @Vector(2, f32) {
            _ = self;
            return .{ 1, 1 };

        fn pixelAspectRatio(self: @This()) f32 {
            _ = self;
            return 1;

        inline fn getPixelAt(self: @This(), coord: @Vector(2, f32)) FPixel {
            const left_top: @Vector(2, f32) = .{ 0, 0 };
            const bottom_right: @Vector(2, f32) = .{ @floatFromInt(self.width - 1), @floatFromInt(self.height - 1) };
            if (@reduce(.And, coord >= left_top) and @reduce(.And, coord <= bottom_right)) {
                const ic: @Vector(2, u32) = switch (@hasDecl(std.math, "fabs")) {
                    // Zig 0.12.0
                    false => @intFromFloat(coord),
                    // Zig 0.11.0
                    true => .{ @intFromFloat(coord[0]), @intFromFloat(coord[1]) },
                return self.getPixel(ic[0], ic[1]);
            } else {
                return @splat(0);

        fn sampleNearest(self: @This(), coord: @Vector(2, f32)) FPixel {
            return self.getPixelAt(coord);

        fn sampleLinear(self: @This(), coord: @Vector(2, f32)) FPixel {
            const c = coord - @as(@Vector(2, f32), @splat(0.5));
            const c0 = @floor(c);
            const f0 = c - c0;
            const f1 = @as(@Vector(2, f32), @splat(1)) - f0;
            const w: @Vector(4, f32) = .{
                f1[0] * f1[1],
                f0[0] * f1[1],
                f1[0] * f0[1],
                f0[0] * f0[1],
            const p00 = self.getPixelAt(c0);
            const p01 = self.getPixelAt(c0 + @as(@Vector(2, f32), .{ 0, 1 }));
            const p10 = self.getPixelAt(c0 + @as(@Vector(2, f32), .{ 1, 0 }));
            const p11 = self.getPixelAt(c0 + @as(@Vector(2, f32), .{ 1, 1 }));
            var result: FPixel = undefined;
            comptime var i = 0;
            inline while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
                const p: @Vector(4, f32) = .{ p00[i], p10[i], p01[i], p11[i] };
                result[i] = @reduce(.Add, p * w);
            return result;

pub fn KernelInput(comptime T: type, comptime Kernel: type) type {
    const input_fields = std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(Kernel.inputImages));
    comptime var struct_fields: [input_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
    inline for (input_fields, 0..) |field, index| {
        const input = @field(Kernel.inputImages,;
        const ImageT = Image(T, input.channels, false);
        const default_value: ImageT = undefined;
        struct_fields[index] = .{
            .name =,
            .type = ImageT,
            .default_value = @ptrCast(&default_value),
            .is_comptime = false,
            .alignment = @alignOf(ImageT),
    return @Type(.{
        .Struct = .{
            .layout = enum_auto,
            .fields = &struct_fields,
            .decls = &.{},
            .is_tuple = false,

pub fn KernelOutput(comptime T: type, comptime Kernel: type) type {
    const output_fields = std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(Kernel.outputImages));
    comptime var struct_fields: [output_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
    inline for (output_fields, 0..) |field, index| {
        const output = @field(Kernel.outputImages,;
        const ImageT = Image(T, output.channels, true);
        const default_value: ImageT = undefined;
        struct_fields[index] = .{
            .name =,
            .type = ImageT,
            .default_value = @ptrCast(&default_value),
            .is_comptime = false,
            .alignment = @alignOf(ImageT),
    return @Type(.{
        .Struct = .{
            .layout = enum_auto,
            .fields = &struct_fields,
            .decls = &.{},
            .is_tuple = false,

pub fn KernelParameters(comptime Kernel: type) type {
    const param_fields = std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(Kernel.parameters));
    comptime var struct_fields: [param_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
    inline for (param_fields, 0..) |field, index| {
        const param = @field(Kernel.parameters,;
        const default_value: ?*const anyopaque = get_def: {
            const value: param.type = if (@hasField(@TypeOf(param), "defaultValue"))
            else switch (@typeInfo(param.type)) {
                .Int, .Float => 0,
                .Bool => false,
                .Vector => @splat(0),
                else => @compileError("Unrecognized parameter type: " ++ @typeName(param.type)),
            break :get_def @ptrCast(&value);
        struct_fields[index] = .{
            .name =,
            .type = param.type,
            .default_value = default_value,
            .is_comptime = false,
            .alignment = @alignOf(param.type),
    return @Type(.{
        .Struct = .{
            .layout = enum_auto,
            .fields = &struct_fields,
            .decls = &.{},
            .is_tuple = false,

The above code was translated from a Pixel Bender filter using pb2zig. Consult the intro page for an explanation of how it works.

In index.js, add these require statements at the top:

const { createOutput } = require('../zig/sepia.zig');

Add the following function:

    function createImageData(width, height, source, params) {
      const input = { src: source };
      const output = createOutput(width, height, input, params);
      const ta =;
      const clampedArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(ta.buffer, ta.byteOffset, ta.byteLength);
      return new ImageData(clampedArray, width, height);

The Zig function createOutput() has the follow declaration:

pub fn createOutput(
    allocator: std.mem.Allocator, 
    width: u32, 
    height: u32, 
    input: Input, 
    params: Parameters,
) !Output

allocator is automatically provided by Zigar. We get width and height from the source canvas. params contains a single f32: intensity. We get that from the HTML range input/slider.

Input is a parameterized type:

pub const Input = KernelInput(u8, kernel);

Which expands to:

pub const Input = struct {
    src: Image(u8, 4, false);

Then further to:

pub const Input = struct {
    src: struct {
        pub const Pixel = @Vector(4, u8);
        pub const FPixel = @Vector(4, f32);
        pub const channels = 4;

        data: []const Pixel,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        colorSpace: ColorSpace = .srgb,
        offset: usize = 0,        

Image was purposely defined in a way so that it is compatible with the browser's ImageData. Its data field is []const @Vector(4, u8), a slice pointer that accepts a Uint8ClampedArray as target without casting. We can therefore simply pass { src: source } to createOutput as input.

Like Input, Output is a parameterized type. It too can potentially contain multiple images. In this case (and most cases), there's only one:

pub const Output = struct {
    dst: {
        pub const Pixel = @Vector(4, u8);
        pub const FPixel = @Vector(4, f32);
        pub const channels = 4;

        data: []Pixel,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        colorSpace: ColorSpace = .srgb,
        offset: usize = 0,        

The typedArray property of gives us a Uint8Array. ImageData wants a Uint8ClampedArray so we need to convert it before passing it to the constructor:

  const ta =;
  const clampedArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(ta.buffer, ta.byteOffset, ta.byteLength);
  return new ImageData(clampedArray, width, height);

Now it's just a matter of inserting a call into applyFilter:

      const srcImageData = srcCTX.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
      const dstImageData = createImageData(width, height, srcImageData, params);
      dstCanvas.width = width;
      dstCanvas.height = height;
      const dstCTX = dstCanvas.getContext('2d');
      dstCTX.putImageData(dstImageData, 0, 0);  

That's it! When you start the app again, it'll freeze for a minute or so as the Zig code gets compiled in the background. Then you should see this:

Mint Linux

Configuring the app for deployment

We're going to follow the same steps as described in the hello world tutorial. First, we'll alter the require statement so it references a node-zigar module instead of a Zig file:

const { createOutput } = require('../lib/sepia.zigar');

Then we add node-zigar.config.json to the app's root directory:

  "optimize": "ReleaseFast",
  "sourceFiles": {
    "lib/sha1.zigar": "zig/sepia.zig"
  "targets": [
    { "platform": "win32", "arch": "x64" },
    { "platform": "win32", "arch": "arm64" },
    { "platform": "win32", "arch": "ia32" },
    { "platform": "linux", "arch": "x64" },
    { "platform": "linux", "arch": "arm64" },
    { "platform": "darwin", "arch": "x64" },
    { "platform": "darwin", "arch": "arm64" }

We build the library files:

npx node-zigar build

The app can now be packaged for distribution.

Clone this wiki locally