The following examples accept no input images as input. They generate the output image from scratch, based on the parameters given. Processing is performed in multiple web workers, as many as eight if your CPU has that many cores. The code of the demo app can be found here.
by Tom Beddard
Fractal explorer
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by Tom Beddard
Landscape rendering using ray marching
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by Tom Beddard
Mandelbulb Fractal Ray Tracer - the full version
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by Tom Beddard
Mandelbulb Fractal Ray Tracer - the quick version
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by Om Labs
Newton Raphson Fractals
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by Mr.doob
Good old plasma effect
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by Tom Beddard
Quaternion Julia Ray Tracer
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by Newgrounds
Pixel Blender Raytracing
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by Der Schmale
Raytraces a Quaternion Julia set
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