- Must have at least 2 players
- Basically follow reversi game play rules(ie alternating players, bracketting a color with another flips that color.
- Player-selected gameboard size between 3 or at least 5 size game board
- Players must be displayed. The turn of the player must be displayed
- Win condition determined when all available playable spaces are taken
- Current winner must be displayed. Ie if black has more, black is showing as "Winning"
- MUST use Trello for task management
- Mystery Requirement - Coming Thursday
- Intiutiveness / Ease of Use
- Attractiveness / Appeal
- Code quality (comments, naming conventions, etc)
- Live Presentation
- Task Management (Must add [email protected] to your project's meistertask)
- Pick a project lead to fork the repo.
- Add other team members as participants on your repo (click on the + in the top right corner, then "add collaborators". Team members must accept the collaboration email.
- Other team members clone the repo from the project lead's fork
- Chris Kim
- Marie Terrado
- Edmund Park
- Oscar Anguino
- Michael Esfahani
- Kyle Umbarger
- Sasha Dykun
- Julian So
- Andrew Oautu
- Michael Chu
- Sridhar Madala
- Andrew Moser
- Brandon Park
- Yulia Chekan
- Erin Tait
- Andy Park
- Vienna Tran
- Tiffany Kim
- Andrew Mirshafiee
- Collin Stewart
- Jacob Taylor
- extra requirement: must make game multiplayer between different computers.
- Live copy link to gh-pages:
- must put code on gh-pages (copy the code to a branch called gh-pages, then access the live code via .github.io//)
- Pull request link to code for commenting
- Access to group's trello (trello.com) for daniel.paschal.com (name your trello board c9.18_team)