Creating your own project:
Change db_name:
Backbone.couch_connector.config.db_name = "coconut-sample";
A tiny overview on how this works:
Edit app.js for most of the MVC stuff. If you want to add a new page, first create a new route. Add the new route in
routes: { "newPage" "newPageFunction" //#newPage - how you access the new page }
Create a function for route:
newPageFunction: function () {
In each function you must dispose of this new view. For example, add $("#newView").remove(); to the home function:
home: function (startkey, startkey_docid) {
console.log("home route." + startkey);
Create a view in _attachments/app/views/NewView.js
var NewView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: loadTemplate("newView.template.html"),
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
return this;
render: function() {
var viewHtml = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
console.log("rendering NewView");
return this;
Create template in _attachments/app/templates/newView.template.html
Add a link to NewView.js and div for the new view in _attachments/index.html
in script section add:
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/views/NewView.js"></script>In the views add a div id: newView:
Add a button for the new view in hometemplate.html
<button id='form-client'class="menu-blue" style="width: 55px;">Incident <button id='form-newView'class="menu-blue" style="width: 55px;">NEW Conf
Wire up this new button in HomeView:
events: {
"click #form-search " : "search",
"click #form-client " : "incidentLink",
"click #form-newView " : "newViewLink",
"click #form-config " : "configLink",
"click #form-design " : "designLink",
"click #nextLink" : "nextLink",
"orientationEvent " : "orientation",
incidentLink: function() {
FORMY.router.navigate('incident', true);
newViewLink: function() {
FORMY.router.navigate('newView', true);