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165 lines (134 loc) · 9.18 KB

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165 lines (134 loc) · 9.18 KB

Changelog for Fluent.Ribbon


  • Bug fixes

    • #163 - ColorGallery produces Binding errors because of Binding of Color on SolidColorBrush in Fill/Background
    • #166 - Type is mismatch for IsCheckedProperty of ToggleButton
    • #170 - Black RibbonWindow title bar
    • #173 - Binding Observable Collection to InRibbonGallery causes Layout Error
    • #178 - Ribbonwindow crashes
  • Enhancements

    • #172 - ToggleButtonHelper.OnIsCheckedChanged() accepts type of "bool?". contributed by (nishy2000)
    • #175 - Add "CloseOnEsc" property to Backstage to disable closing the backstage when ESC is pressed. contributed by Christoph Fink (chrfin)

Commits: c7151027f5...97001b17e9


  • Bug fixes

    • #161 - Window not maximized correctly when MaxHeight and/or MaxWidth are set
    • #160 - Invisible first tab is selected when selected tab becomes invisible
    • #159 - Maximized RibbonWindow state error after long IO operation.
    • #158 - Treat all themes equally by generating their Generic.xaml in the specific theme folder
    • #154 - Removing item (that has DropDown ) from QAT removes items in Ribbon Toolbar
    • #153 - Incorrect rendering with SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight"
    • #151 - RibbonToolBarLayoutDefinition is not compatible with some bindings?
    • #150 - Menu Item Tool tip not appearing when in a datatemplate
    • #147 - Foreground colour backstage items
    • #80 - Window "Not Responding" cut Title

Commits: 9f8c919f1b...175ba6c882


  • Bug fixes

    • #143 "Resizing InRibbonGallery causes content to be narrower than container"
  • Enhancements

    • #141 "Add Lithuanian (lt) language support"
    • #142 "GalleryPanel should inherit from VirtualizingStackPanel instead of Panel"


  • Bug fixes

    • #113 "Ribbon starts with no active tab selected"
    • #122 "The CanAddToQuickAccessToolBar="False" property not work correctly for "MenuItem""
    • #135 "Null pointer exception when trying to bring back QuickAccessItem"
    • #136 "Add translation for TradChinese(Taiwan)"
    • When backstage was open while items were added to quick access the items were not immediately visible after closing backstage
    • Show above/below can't be added to quick access from now on
    • Fixing warning that was caused by an not applied storyboard being removed
    • Removed opacity animation from backstage in Office 2013 theme to align with Office 2013


  • Bug fixes

    • #78 "Minimized but visible ribbon lacks top border in theme 2013"
    • #81 "Invalid typeof in style resolution of RadioButton"
    • #83 "Aligned vertical alignment of dropdownbutton and button."
    • #85 "ComboBox Items don t get a overlay color when mouse over items"
    • #95 "repair nullref combobox combined with focus on winforms control"
    • #97 "Fixed possible InvalidCastException when creating a QAT item of a CheckBox"
    • #102 "Redundant separator in context menu if quick access is hidden"
    • #104 "Non-DWM fullscreen window is not fullscreen"
    • #106 "BackStage should be 1 px higher"
    • #115 "MenuItem: IsSplited="True" gray line issue"
    • #117 "Backstage not shown when Window Content is not a FrameworkElement"
    • #124 "The text in fluent:Spinner cannot be centered vertically."


  • Features

    • #74 "Added DropDownButton.ClosePopupOnMouseDownDelay to allow the end-developer to tweak the delay (sometimes 100 ms is too fast)"
  • Enhancements

    • #67 "Make pin image vector based"
    • #76 "Tabbing between spinners goes via spinner buttons"
  • Bug fixes

    • #34 "A bug in the Menu of DropdownButton"
    • #45 "Little style Bug in Office2013 Style"
    • #61 "Fix for backstage controls in Windows 8 theme"
    • #62 "Review TODO:s in Windows 8 theme"
    • #63 "Office2013 Icon fixing"
    • #65 "Problems when layout is scaled"
    • #66 "RibbonWindow not closed when system menu icon is double clicked"
    • #68 "NullReferenceException is thrown on closing by Alt+Space and C"
    • #69 "Ribbon Title not update its position"
    • #71 "Starting application with backstage menu open causes problems"


  • Reverted changes

    • #28 "Height and FontSize of MenuItem"
    • #31 "System wide font settings."
  • Features

    • #14 Ribbon Button: when passing the same icon file to the properties Icon and LargeIcon, the control doesn't seem to take the good icon frame
    • #52 Windows 8 theme
    • #60 First vector images for Windows 8 theme
  • Bug fixes

    • #45 Little style Bug in Office2013 Style
    • #46 Little Bug in Office2010 style
    • #49 Fluent:RibbonProperties.TitleBarHeight="0" no longer works!
    • #50 Blurred Window Icon in Office 2013 Style
    • #55 Changing menu font size in Windows mess ups ribbon
    • #57 Slimmer arrow on combo box
    • #58 ColorGallery SelectedColor
    • #59 Little style bug in Windows 8 theme


  • Features

    • #31 "System wide font settings."
    • #38 "A simple code to enable RibbonTabControl react to touch manipulation"
  • Misc

    • Ribbon, RibbonTitleBar and RibbonStatusBar now use SystemFonts.MenuFont* as font settings
  • Bug fixes

    • #23 "Drop support for ancient .NET 3.5"
    • #24 "RibbonTitleBar.MeasureOverride should not return the constraint parameter value"
    • #25 "Press Alt key without Backstage raises ArgumentNullException"
    • #28 "Height and FontSize of MenuItem"
    • #30 "Line break in _minimizeButtonScreenTipText"
    • #33 "Fix Issue #24 : measureoverride"
    • #35 "Quick Access Toolbar IsChecked never correctly set"
    • #36 "Fix size of group box controls with large font."
    • #39 "Application menu button has wrong height"
    • #40 "Simplified Chinese translation may be wrong"
    • #41 "Fix issue #30 - Line break in _minimizeButtonScreenTipText"
    • #42 "Set correct height on backstage and application menu button"
    • #43 "Added delay in ClosePopupOnMouseDown feature"
    • #44 "Little Bug in Office2013 style"


  • Features

    • Added DropDownButton.ClosePopupOnMouseDown property which defaults to false. If true, it will close the drop down popup automatically when a mouse down event occurs.
    • #3 "Consider using GitLink to allow users to step through Fluent source code"
  • Misc

    • Renaming InnerBackstageTabCotrolItem to InnerBackstageTabControlItem
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed: #11 "ContextMenu and Popup has 10px space at bottom and right side"
    • Fixed: #13 "Backstage does not open at application start anymore"
    • Fixed: #17 "Problem with Mouse Capture on SplitButton"
    • Fixed: #18 "Tabs are disabled when using datatemplate for viewmodel in window content"
    • Fixed: #19 "Vertical Scrollbar will not hide in Fluent:Combobox"
    • Fixed: 22521 "RibbonWindow is activated when focus is lost after Alt+Tab"
    • Fixed: 22523 "Typo in Generic.xaml"


  • Fixed: 22519 "Normalize button closes application) Thanks to GeertvanHorrik for finding out that the version of Microsoft.Windows.Shell for .NET 4.0 that was used is buggy."


  • Fixed: 22519 "Normalize button closes application"


  • Fixed an issue with closed direct member menus (keytips were always redirected for direct childs)
  • Fixed: 22518 "Faulty white margin on the right and left of the window body"
  • Fixed: 22516 "Issues with backstage content localization using WPF Localization Extension"
