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File metadata and controls

506 lines (368 loc) · 20.5 KB


Today we will be working on data from These data are from mouse, looking at the effects of high-fat diet on gene expression (RNA-seq) and histone modifications (H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K27ac). The data are available on GEO, GSE77625.

We will:

  • identify candidate intergenic enhancer regions
  • identify regions with gained H3K27ac at their promoter
  • plot up/down genes with/without gained H3K27ac

By the end of today, you will:

  • Understand what BEDTools is used for and how to find help
  • Recognize that BEDTools is just one command-line software tool and that it has lots of idiosyncracies, but it does have things in common with other tools.
  • Be reminded of how to move data back and forth between helix and laptop: Here we will do all BEDTools ops on helix, all else on laptop.
  • Be able to follow a protocol for performing basic bioinformatics analyses using BEDTools and R
  • Be reminded of how to plot with ggplot2 in R


Download example files

These are data I've prepared ahead of time that we will be using today. You can see how they were prepared here.

tar -xf package.tar.gz

Change to the newly-created data directory:

cd data

While we're in this directory, download the DESeq2 results from GEO into this directory. Note that special characters in GEO URLs need quote around them. We use the -O flag to wget:

wget -O deseq-results.txt.gz ""

Then gunzip:

gunzip deseq-results.txt.gz


Data are from this paper, published last month: They used mm9 coordinates. To save time, I've already lifted them over to mm10 coordinates.

The directory structure looks like this:

├── deseq-results.txt               # file we just downloaded from GEO
├── extra                           # directory of extra files I've created
│   ├── mm10.chromsizes                 # "chromsizes" file for mm10
│   ├── transcripts.bed                 # BED file of transcripts in mm10
│   ├── genes.bed                       # BED file of genes in mm10
│   ├── x.bed                           # example BED file for teaching
│   └── y.bed                           # example BED file for teaching
└── GSE77625                        # directory of files downloaded from GEO
    ├── GSE77625_h3k27ac_chow.bed       # H3K27ac domains in chow
    ├── GSE77625_h3k27ac_hfd.bed        # H3K27ac domains in HFD
    ├── GSE77625_h3k4me1_chow.bed       # H3K4me3 domains in chow
    ├── GSE77625_h3k4me1_hfd.bed        # H3K4me1 domains in HFD
    └── GSE77625_h3k4me3_chow.bed       # H3K4me3 domains in chow

Use head on each file. You can learn more about the BED format on the UCSC page.

If we look closely at the BED files from GEO, they are from the MACS peak caller. Note that peaks (or domains since this is histone mod data) have genomic coordinates but don't have gene IDs:

$ head GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k4me3_chow.bed
chr1    3670401 3672727 MACS_filtered_peak_1    1035.15
chr1    4491528 4493999 MACS_filtered_peak_2    1440.85
chr1    4571176 4572360 MACS_filtered_peak_3    1393.38
chr1    4784173 4786416 MACS_filtered_peak_4    3100.00
chr1    4807096 4809645 MACS_filtered_peak_5    3100.00
chr1    4856979 4858869 MACS_filtered_peak_6    3100.00
chr1    5017846 5021206 MACS_filtered_peak_7    3100.00
chr1    5082648 5084029 MACS_filtered_peak_8    3100.00
chr1    6213756 6215799 MACS_filtered_peak_9    3100.00
chr1    6382408 6383469 MACS_filtered_peak_10   1113.67
Question:How many peaks are there? Which condition and which mark has the most peaks?

Note that DESeq2 results have gene IDs, but don't have genomic coordinates:

$ head deseq-results.txt
          baseMean          log2FoldChange     lfcSE               pvalue                 padj
Serpina6  5895.82500928936  2.48928902278076   0.0545379886307599  0                      0
Rhobtb1   3291.54687137     1.95276508740858   0.0611612877537507  1.08731956604379e-223  9.72389887912965e-220
Saa4      21111.1219005361  2.96047167002528   0.123787400517557   2.09907006812668e-126  1.25146557461712e-122
Asl       42410.5484534983  -1.72142049473088  0.0773954122626814  1.351328300561e-109    6.04246449595849e-106
Bhlhe40   2310.29138629314  1.99643457257362   0.0910106893881505  1.17135999139523e-106  4.190188961219e-103
Aacs      1422.67899510803  3.27241537853794   0.155903781676187   8.10004134319361e-98   2.41462232440602e-94
Got1      14865.1943802654  -2.53245801431311  0.122703727971087   1.23073925012224e-94   3.14471460395519e-91
Ccnd1     1305.62849727339  2.48414252966812   0.12291203459522    7.87666962994332e-91   1.76102641251458e-87
Dact2     579.546268731826  -2.71692983532472  0.136127448792337   1.25892024134677e-88   2.50189415963648e-85
Question:Is this data organized by transcript or gene?
Question:How many lines? How many transcripts/genes?
Question:Why don't we need to lift over DESeq2 results to mm10?

Often we want to know "which genes are bound by a protein", and that's what we'll be figuring out. To do this, we need gene coordinates, or better, transcript coordinates. There are many ways of doing this, none of them straightforward. Most coordinates are provided for Ensembl or RefSeq IDs, but the authors only provided gene symbol which complicates things.

Common sources for coordinates:

  • The UCSC Table Browser (requires navigating the interface, and finding by trial-and-error one of the table that has gene IDs in the right format)
  • GENCODE (data are in GTF format, which can be quite difficult to parse)
  • Ensembl BioMart (requires navigating the interface; download data require reformatting to be useful)
  • BioConductor AnnotationHub (requires quite a bit of R knowledge)

To save time, I've done this in advance (in this file, if you're interested). In fact, the preparation may be about as much effort as the actual analysis! This is not uncommon. The results are in the extra/transcripts.bed file:

$ head extra/transcripts.bed
chr1    3205901 3216344 Xkr4    0       -       ENSMUST00000162897      ENSMUSG00000051951
chr1    3206523 3215632 Xkr4    0       -       ENSMUST00000159265      ENSMUSG00000051951
chr1    3214482 3671498 Xkr4    0       -       ENSMUST00000070533      ENSMUSG00000051951
chr1    4343507 4360314 Rp1     0       -       ENSMUST00000027032      ENSMUSG00000025900
chr1    4490928 4496413 Sox17   0       -       ENSMUST00000027035      ENSMUSG00000025902
chr1    4491713 4496363 Sox17   0       -       ENSMUST00000116652      ENSMUSG00000025902
chr1    4773206 4785710 Mrpl15  0       -       ENSMUST00000130201      ENSMUSG00000033845
chr1    4773211 4785739 Mrpl15  0       -       ENSMUST00000156816      ENSMUSG00000033845
chr1    4774436 4785698 Mrpl15  0       -       ENSMUST00000045689      ENSMUSG00000033845
chr1    4776377 4785739 Mrpl15  0       -       ENSMUST00000115538      ENSMUSG00000033845
Question:What are the columns? Is this a standard BED file?

What is BEDTools?

BEDTools is a "Swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks", especially "genome arithmetic". Anything that has to do with genomic coordinates (peaks, gene regions, genomic regions of any kind) can usually be answered with BEDTools. Using BEDTools is sort of like running a gel. It's a general tool that's commonly used, and can give you some very interesting results -- but you have to put the right information into it and make sure you're getting out what you expect.

BEDTools in context

BEDTools is one example of a command-line bioinformatics program. It runs on Mac and Linux, but not Windows. Only way to use it is on the command line, hence needing to know how to get around in Bash.

Question:Why do you think the only way to use most bioinformatics programs is from the command line?

Other command line tools align reads, extract sequences, count reads in regions. Still others have companion web servers, though such sites often are limited. BLAST, multiple alignment (clusal, muscle), HMMER are examples of this.

Working at the command line puts you in the drivers seat, the same drivers seat that other bioinformaticians and the tool authors themselves use.

Learning a new tool

Learning a new tool is not trivial. You need to read the documentation (which may be poor or non-existent), try to get it to run. Run it on some small test data to get a feel for what it wants as input and what it wants as output.

We saw man as a way of getting help. This is usually for built-in Linux command line tools. Bioinformatics tools rarely integrate into the man system. So instead, try getting help by running the program with no args, or try --help or -h. This is just a convention; some programs do not behave nicely!

We will start learning BEDTools by briefly go through the commands. The point is not for you to remember what command does what, but to get a feel for what kinds of things it can do. Then the next time you run across a problem, you'll think "that seems like something BEDTools could do" and that will give you a starting point for your searches. It may also give you ideas about what you can do with your own data.

On Helix, many tools are installed, but we have to enable them first. They are in "modules", and we need to load the module we want:

module load bedtools

This will be enabled as long as we are still connected to Helix during this session, or we explicitly say module unload bedtools.

See for available programs. For example, here's the page for bedtools.

bedtools: flexible tools for genome arithmetic and DNA sequence analysis.
usage:    bedtools <subcommand> [options]

The bedtools sub-commands include:

[ Genome arithmetic ]
    intersect     Find overlapping intervals in various ways.
    window        Find overlapping intervals within a window around an interval.
    closest       Find the closest, potentially non-overlapping interval.
    coverage      Compute the coverage over defined intervals.
    map           Apply a function to a column for each overlapping interval.
    genomecov     Compute the coverage over an entire genome.
    merge         Combine overlapping/nearby intervals into a single interval.
    cluster       Cluster (but don't merge) overlapping/nearby intervals.
    complement    Extract intervals _not_ represented by an interval file.
    shift         Adjust the position of intervals.
    subtract      Remove intervals based on overlaps b/w two files.
    slop          Adjust the size of intervals.
    flank         Create new intervals from the flanks of existing intervals.
    sort          Order the intervals in a file.
    random        Generate random intervals in a genome.
    shuffle       Randomly redistrubute intervals in a genome.
    sample        Sample random records from file using reservoir sampling.
    spacing       Report the gap lengths between intervals in a file.
    annotate      Annotate coverage of features from multiple files.

[ Multi-way file comparisons ]
    multiinter    Identifies common intervals among multiple interval files.
    unionbedg     Combines coverage intervals from multiple BEDGRAPH files.

[ Paired-end manipulation ]
    pairtobed     Find pairs that overlap intervals in various ways.
    pairtopair    Find pairs that overlap other pairs in various ways.

[ Format conversion ]
    bamtobed      Convert BAM alignments to BED (& other) formats.
    bedtobam      Convert intervals to BAM records.
    bamtofastq    Convert BAM records to FASTQ records.
    bedpetobam    Convert BEDPE intervals to BAM records.
    bed12tobed6   Breaks BED12 intervals into discrete BED6 intervals.

[ Fasta manipulation ]
    getfasta      Use intervals to extract sequences from a FASTA file.
    maskfasta     Use intervals to mask sequences from a FASTA file.
    nuc           Profile the nucleotide content of intervals in a FASTA file.

[ BAM focused tools ]
    multicov      Counts coverage from multiple BAMs at specific intervals.
    tag           Tag BAM alignments based on overlaps with interval files.

[ Statistical relationships ]
    jaccard       Calculate the Jaccard statistic b/w two sets of intervals.
    reldist       Calculate the distribution of relative distances b/w two files.
    fisher        Calculate Fisher statistic b/w two feature files.

[ Miscellaneous tools ]
    overlap       Computes the amount of overlap from two intervals.
    igv           Create an IGV snapshot batch script.
    links         Create a HTML page of links to UCSC locations.
    makewindows   Make interval "windows" across a genome.
    groupby       Group by common cols. & summarize oth. cols. (~ SQL "groupBy")
    expand        Replicate lines based on lists of values in columns.
    split         Split a file into multiple files with equal records or base pairs.

[ General help ]
    --help        Print this help menu.
    --version     What version of bedtools are you using?.
    --contact     Feature requests, bugs, mailing lists, etc.
Exercise:Which command could we use for getting upstream and downstream regions of each gene?
Exercise:Assuming two files tsses.bed and peaks.bed, how would you get promoters with a peak 1kb upstream of TSSes?

Example data

Change to the data/extra directory.

To get a feel for the BEDTools commands we'll be using, we will be using the following example files:

$ cat x.bed
chr1    1       100     feature1
chr1    100     200     feature2
chr1    150     500     feature3
chr1    900     950     feature4
$ cat y.bed
chr1    155     200
chr1    800     901

Intersection is probably the most commonly-used tool. However, note the number of regions we get back in the result.


Question:Why do you think there are two regions returned near the 200 bp mark in the image above?

Using -u keeps things in a that intersect with b. Quoting from the help:

-u      Write the original A entry _once_ if _any_ overlaps found in B.
        - In other words, just report the fact >=1 hit was found.
        - Overlaps restricted by -f and -r.


Using -u is not symmetrical: it matters which file is provided as a and which one as b. Here we've switched them, and you can compare with the previous results:


-v means NOT. Here, "regions in a that do not intersect b". From the help:

-v      Only report those entries in A that have _no overlaps_ with B.
        - Similar to "grep -v" (an homage).


-v is asymmetrical as well:


Here is one we can use for getting promoters. Note that a value of zero (-r 0) does not report anything to the right. This is not actually in the documentation, it is something discovered by experimenting on test files!


Working with real data

When we have files with meaningful information in them, we can get interesting regions.

Question:What does the following code do, in biologically-meaningful terms?
bedtools intersect -a GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k4me1_chow.bed -b GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k27ac_chow.bed

These commands are about to get long. Here's the same command, but wrapped on separate lines with a backslash. It's a way of formatting commands: bash will glue the lines together. It's important to have the spaces right before the backslashes! If you're typing this in, you can put it all in one line and skip using the backslashes. This is mostly formatting for display.

bedtools intersect \
  -a GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k4me1_chow.bed \
  -b GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k27ac_chow.bed

We need to name the output something useful so we can refer to it later. As we will see, naming things can get surpisingly annoying.

Let's name the output enhancer-like_chow.bed;

bedtools intersect \
  -a GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k4me1_chow.bed \
  -b GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k27ac_chow.bed \
  > enhancer-like_chow.bed

If you haven't done so already, you should start a new file somewhere on your laptop using Sublime Text (Mac) or Notepad++ (Windows). Paste these commands into it to keep a record just like we did in R.

Let's do some spot-checks . . .

Question:How many enhancer-like regions are there?
Question:Is this more or less than we expect?
Question:How do we know if we got the commands right?
Exercise:Given the data I've provided and the files we've just created, how do we get intergenic enhancers in chow? (Check ls again for a reminder of what's available)
bedtools intersect \
  -a enhancer-like_chow.bed \
  -b extra/transcripts.bed \
  -v \
  > intergenic_enhancer-like_chow.bed
Question:Compared to our previous results, how many do we expect in the output (and why?)

Get TSSes

We have transcripts, but not TSSes. Here's how to get the single 1-bp position just upstream of TSSes.

bedtools flank \
  -l 1 \
  -r 0 \
  -s \
  -g extra/mm10.chromsizes \
  -i extra/transcripts.bed \
  > tsses.bed
Question:How would you get 1kb upstream?

Find gained H3K27ac

It's not the best way to do it, but a first-pass way of getting differential regions is to do the intersection between conditions.

Question:How would you find the H3K27ac present in HFD but not in chow?
bedtools intersect \
  -a GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k27ac_hfd.bed \
  -b GSE77625/GSE77625_h3k27ac_chow.bed \
  -v \
  > gained_h3k27ac.bed

The paper performed the differential region calling in a more robust way, and found very few differential regions. How many did we get?

Exercise:How would you further restrict gained H3K4me1 sites to only keep those that also have gained H3K27ac sites?
Exercise:How would you get lost H3K4me1 sites? And those that also lost H3K27ac?

TSSes with gained H3K27ac

We have TSSes. We have gained H3K27ac. Now we can figure out which TSSes have gained H3K27ac:

bedtools intersect \
  -a tsses.bed \
  -b gained_h3k27ac.bed \
  -u \
  > tsses_with_gained_h3k27ac.bed

Move to R

To save time, we are skipping how to integrate these results with R. If you want to know how to do that, see the full version. Otherwise, move on to the minimal version to save time.