This file is used to list changes made in each version of the supermarket-omnibus-cookbook cookbook.
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/libraries/supermarket_server_spec.rb:13:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/libraries/supermarket_server_spec.rb:28:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/libraries/supermarket_server_spec.rb:59:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/libraries/supermarket_server_spec.rb:94:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/libraries/supermarket_server_spec.rb:124:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/libraries/supermarket_server_spec.rb:153:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/unit/test_custom_repo_setup_spec.rb:10:16 warning:
- resolved cookstyle error: metadata.rb:8:1 refactor:
- Require Chef 12.5+ (for custom resources) and remove compat_resource & fancy_execute dependencies
- Upgrade chef-ingredient to use updated mixlib-install (PackageRouter support)
- Convert the LWRP to a custom resource and use compat_resource for Chef 12.1+ compatibility
- Depend on the latest chef-ingredient cookbook
- Add a proper requirements section to the readme
- Fix licensing to correctly state Apache 2.0
- Add chef_version metadata
- Add contributing and testing docs
- Avoid node.set deprecation warnings
- Fix cookstyle warnings
- Add a Rakefile for testing
- Test entirely with ChefDK in Travis and use kitchen-dokken / cookstyle
- Cache chefspec to speed up specs and improve output / mocked OS releases
- Test on additional platforms in Travis