First, clone the repo to your local machine as a sibling folder (parent of your Directus folder):
git clone
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Build the extension to generate the latest output:
npm run build
Finally, to load the extension into your Directus project, we'll set up a symlink. Run the following commands: (adjust your folder names as needed)
cd ../directus-project/extensions/hooks/
ln -s ../../../directus-extension-exif-attacher/dist/ exif-data-models
To confirm the extension was installed correctly, you should be able to run your Directus project successfully:
# from hooks/ directory
cd ../../
npm run start
Output similar to:
> [email protected] start
> directus start
17:43:34 ✨ Loaded extensions: exif-data-models
17:43:34 ✨ Server started at http://localhost:8055
Please note, any time you re-build your extension, you will need to restart your local Directus project to load the latest extension changes. You can actively develop and rebuild the extension with the watch command:
npm run watch