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Programming in Hopac

  1. Introduction
  2. The Hopac Programming Model
  3. Potential Applications for Hopac
  4. A Couple of Introductory Examples
  5. Example: Updatable Storage Cells
  6. Example: Storage Cells Using Alternatives
  7. Example: Kismet
  8. Starting and Waiting for Jobs
  9. Fork-Join Parallelism
  10. Programming with Alternatives
  11. Just what is an alternative?
  12. Primitive Alternatives
  13. Binding an Alternative
  14. Choose and after
  15. Prepare
  16. Negative Acknowledgments
  17. On the Semantics of Alternatives
  18. Channels, Mailboxes, IVars, MVars, ...
  19. Going Further


Hopac provides a programming model that is heavily inspired by John Reppy's Concurrent ML language. Other languages that provide similar or related models include Racket, Clojure core.async, and Go. Racket's model is also inspired by CML. Clojure's core.async and Go can be seen as providing a subset of the functionality provided by CML. In particular, they lack the higher-order events and negative acknowledgments of CML. If you are intimately familiar with core.async or Go, you might find the proof-of-concept implementation of CML style events on top of core.async in the poc.cml project interesting.

The book Concurrent Programming in ML is the most comprehensive introduction to Concurrent ML style programming. It is highly recommended background reading. This document contains some discussion and examples on Hopac programming techniques. In the future, this document might grow to a proper introduction to Hopac. Feedback is welcome!

The Hopac.fsi signature contains documentation comments on the Hopac primitives used in this document. There is also a Hopac Library Reference manual generated from the signature file and this documents links to specific Hopac primitives descriptions in the reference manual. It is recommended that you open the Hopac solution in Visual Studio and start the F# interactive shell so that you can look at the documentation comments and quickly try out examples from this document. You can use the Hopac.fsx script to prepare an environment in which you should be able to directly evaluate example code from this document.

The Hopac Programming Model

There are two central aspects of Hopac that shape the programming model.

The first aspect is that, threads, which are called jobs, represented by the type Job<'x>*, in Hopac are extremely lightweight. On modern machines you can start tens of millions of new jobs in a second. Because a job takes only a very small amount of memory, starting from tens of bytes, a program may have millions of jobs on a modern machine at any moment. (Of course, at any moment, most of those jobs are suspended, because modern machines still only have a few, or at most a few dozen, processor cores.) When programming in Hopac, one can therefore start new jobs in situations where it would simply be unthinkable when using heavyweight threads.

The other aspect is that Hopac provides first-class, higher-order, selective, synchronous, lightweight, message passing primitives in the form of channels, represented by the type Ch<'x>*, and alternatives, represented by the type Alt<'x>*, for coordinating and communicating between jobs. That is a mouthful! Let's open it up a bit.

  • First-class means that channels and alternatives are ordinary values. They can be bound to variables, passed to and returned from functions and can even be sent from one job to another.
  • Higher-order means that primitive alternatives can be combined and extended* with user defined procedures to build* more complex* alternatives that encapsulate concurrent client-server protocols.
  • Selective means that a form of choice* or disjunction between alternatives is supported. An alternative can be constructed that, for example, offers to give* a message to another job or take* a message from another job. The choice of which operation is performed then depends on whichever alternative becomes available at run time.
  • Synchronous means that rather than building up a queue of messages for another job to examine, jobs can communicate via rendezvous. Two jobs can meet so that one job can give a message to another job that takes the message.
  • Lightweight means that creating a new synchronous channel takes very little time (a single memory allocation) and a channel takes very little memory on its own.

What this all boils down to is that Hopac basically provides a kind of language for expressing concurrent control flow.

Potential Applications for Hopac

Hopac is by no means a panacea. As discussed above, the essence of Hopac is lightweight threads, called jobs, and flexible lightweight synchronous message passing via channels (and other messaging primitives). Hopac is designed and optimized to scale as the number of such relatively independent lightweight elements is increased. That can be seen as a form of data parallelism in which the data is the program entities implemented by the jobs and communication primitives.

Problem domains that are more or less naturally expressed in terms of large numbers of threads (one or more threads per program element) and message passing are where Hopac should be able to shine in terms of performance and ease of programming. Parallel build systems, simulations, web servers and GUIs, for example, fit this description.

On the other hand, problem domains that can be conveniently expressed with just a small number of threads are unlikely to benefit from Hopac. For example, if you can conveniently express your system as a kind of fixed pipeline with a few threads that you can afford to be kept spinning waiting for messages, then a system like the LMAX Disruptor might offer better performance than Hopac.

A Couple of Introductory Examples

Rather than meticulously building up the primitives of Hopac let's just first run through a couple of examples. These examples are meant to be read through fairly quickly. We'll look at the primitives used in these examples in detail later.

Example: Updatable Storage Cells

In the book Concurrent Programming in ML, John Reppy presents as the first programming example an implementation of updatable storage cells using Concurrent ML channels and threads. While this example is not exactly something that one would do in practice, because F# already provides ref cells, it does a fairly nice job of illustrating some core aspects of Concurrent ML. So, let's reproduce the same example with Hopac.

Here is the signature for our updatable storage cells:

type Cell<'a>
val cell: 'a -> Job<Cell<'a>>
val get: Cell<'a> -> Job<'a>
val put: Cell<'a> -> 'a -> Job<unit>

The cell function creates a job* that creates a new storage cell. The get function creates a job that returns the contents of the cell and the put function creates a job that updates the contents of the cell.

The basic idea behind the implementation is that the cell is a concurrent server that responds to Get and Put request. We represent the requests using the Request discriminated union type:

type Request<'a> =
 | Get
 | Put of 'a

To communicate with the outside world, the server presents two channels: one channel for requests and another channel for replies required by the get operation. The Cell type is a record of those two channels*:

type Cell<'a> = {
  reqCh: Ch<Request<'a>>
  replyCh: Ch<'a>

The put operation is a job* that simply gives* the Put request to the server via the request channel:

let put (c: Cell<'a>) (x: 'a) : Job<unit> = job {
  return! Ch.give c.reqCh (Put x)

The get operation gives the Get request to the server via the request channel and then takes* the server's reply from the reply channel:

let get (c: Cell<'a>) : Job<'a> = job {
  do! Ch.give c.reqCh Get
  return! Ch.take c.replyCh

Finally, the cell operation actually creates the channels and starts* the concurrent server job:

let cell (x: 'a) : Job<Cell<'a>> = job {
  let c = {reqCh = Ch (); replyCh = Ch ()}
  let rec server x = job {
        let! req = Ch.take c.reqCh
        match req with
         | Get ->
           do! Ch.give c.replyCh x
           return! server x
         | Put x ->
           return! server x
  do! Job.start (server x)
  return c

The concurrent server is a job that loops indefinitely taking requests from the request channel. When the server receives a Get request, it gives the current value of the cell on the reply channel and then loops to take another request. When the server receives a Put request, the server loops with the new value to take another request.

Here is sample output of an interactive session using a cell:

> let c = run (cell 1) ;;
val c : Cell<int> = ...
> run (get c) ;;
val it : int = 1
> run (put c 2) ;;
val it : unit = ()
> run (get c) ;;
val it : int = 2

Garbage Collection

Running through the previous example you may have wondered about what happens to server jobs that run inside those cells. Shouldn't they be killed? Indeed, one aspect that is important to understand is that Hopac jobs and channels are basic simple .Net objects and can be garbage collected. Specifically, jobs and channels do not inherently hold onto disposable system resources. This is unlike the MailboxProcessor, for example, which is disposable. What this means in practice is that most jobs do not necessarily need to implement any special kill protocol. A job that is blocked waiting for communication on a channel that is no longer reachable can (and will) be garbage collected. Only jobs that explicitly hold onto some resource that needs to be disposed must implement a kill protocol to explicitly make sure that the resource gets properly disposed.

Consider the following interaction:

> GC.GetTotalMemory true ;;
val it : int64 = 39784152L
> let cs = ref (List.init 100000 <| fun i -> run (cell i)) ;;
// ...
> GC.GetTotalMemory true ;;
val it : int64 = 66296336L
> cs := [] ;;
val it : unit = ()
> GC.GetTotalMemory true ;;
val it : int64 = 39950064L

The above shows that after the list has become garbage, the cells have been garbage collected. (The above example interaction uses lists to avoid the possibility that the objects would end up in the last generation or the LOH, because when that happens it can be difficult to force .Net runtime to perform a thorough enough GC for the memory estimate to be valid.)

On Memory Usage

Another important property of Hopac jobs and synchronous channels is that a system that consist of m jobs that communicate with each other using synchronous message passing over n channels requires Θ(m + n) space for the jobs and channels.

That may sound obvious, but many concurrent systems, e.g. Erlang and F#'s MailboxProcessor, are built upon asynchronous message passing primitives and in such systems message queues can collect arbitrary numbers of messages when there are differences in speed between producer and consumer threads. Synchronous channels do not work like that. A synchronous channel doesn't hold a buffer of messages. When a producer job tries to give a message to a consumer job using a synchronous channel, the producer is suspended until a consumer job is ready to take the message. A synchronous channel essentially provides a simple rendezvous mechanism that is less like a passive buffer for passing data and more like a control flow mechanism, like a kind of procedure call with no return value. This property can make it easier to understand the behavior of concurrent programs.

Of course, the bound Θ(m + n) does not take into account space that the jobs otherwise accumulate in the form of data structures other than the synchronous channels.

On Notation

There are two ways to write jobs in Hopac. One way is to use the job* workflow builder like we did in the previous section. The other way is to directly use the monadic combinators, result* and bind, >>=*, that the workflow builder abstracts away. I personally mostly prefer using the monadic combinators with an occasional excursion with the workflow notation. I have a number of reasons for this:

  • Using the combinators directly usually leads to more concise code.
  • I often find it easier to understand the code when it is written with the monadic combinators.
  • There are many very commonly used monadic combinators, e.g. >>-* and >>-.*, that do not have a corresponding workflow builder function and notation and use of those combinators leads to faster code.
  • Using the combinators directly I can often avoid some unnecessary delay* operations the workflow notation introduces for safety reasons.

I'm afraid that to fully explain all of these issues would require quite a bit of writing and I think that there are more interesting things to tell about Hopac, so I'll skip it for now. In the reminder of this document I will be writing Hopac code in my preferred way. If you prefer to make more use of the workflow notation, you could consider it as an exercise to convert the examples to use the workflow notation. If you do that, make sure that you properly retain tailcall properties of the original snippets.

Before we continue, I'd just like to show you the below rewrite of the updatable storage cells using those monadic combinators directly.

let put (c: Cell<'a>) (x: 'a) : Job<unit> =
  Ch.give c.reqCh (Put x)

let get (c: Cell<'a>) : Job<'a> = Ch.give c.reqCh Get >>=. Ch.take c.replyCh

let create (x: 'a) : Job<Cell<'a>> = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  let c = {reqCh = Ch (); replyCh = Ch ()}
  let rec server x =
    Ch.take c.reqCh >>= function
     | Get ->
       Ch.give c.replyCh x >>=. server x
     | Put x -> server x       
  Job.start (server x) >>-. c

As you can see above, I've used delay* only once and if you count the number of words and lines, you'll find out that that the code is more concise. I personally find the monadic code roughly as readable as the workflow notation.

In addition to the monadic job combinators, Hopac also provides symbolic operators for some of the message passing operations. Also, many of the operations in Hopac are simple upcasts along the inheritance chain and can either be eliminated completely or replaced by an actual F# upcast operation. Furthermore, Hopac also provides a few shortcut convenience bindings and combined operations for frequently used operations and programming idioms. Using those shortcuts, and dropping unnecessary type ascriptions, we can write the above cell example as:

let put c x = c.reqCh *<- Put x

let get c = c.reqCh *<- Get >>=. c.replyCh

let create x = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  let c = {reqCh = Ch (); replyCh = Ch ()}
  Job.iterateServer x <| fun x ->
        c.reqCh >>= function
          | Get -> c.replyCh *<- x >>-. x
          | Put x -> Job.result x
  >>-. c

In this document, we will use type ascriptions so that one see the types without compiling the code. We will also avoid many of the shortcuts for conceptual and syntactic clarity. So, while you can take a value from a channel just by binding it, and you might want to use that in production code, we will avoid doing that in the examples of this document.

Exercise: As an alternative to having two preallocated channels reqCh and replyCh one could also make it so that a fresh reply channel is allocated and passed to the server by the get operation each time. Change the implementation to use this technique. Explain what performance advantages and disadvantages such an implementation might have?

Example: Storage Cells Using Alternatives

The updatable storage cells in the previous section were built using only channels and jobs. In order to allow for the two different kind of requests, Get and Put, the union type Request and pattern matching were used. In this section we look at an alternative implementation of storage cells using selective communication.

As a reminder, here is the abstract signature that we'd like to implement:

type Cell<'a>
val cell: 'a -> Job<Cell<'a>>
val get: Cell<'a> -> Job<'a>
val put: Cell<'a> -> 'a -> Job<unit>

The idea for this implementation is that the server loop of storage cells creates an alternative that either takes a new value on a channel for put operations or gives the current value on a channel for get operations. The cell type just consists of these channels*:

type Cell<'a> = {
  getCh: Ch<'a>
  putCh: Ch<'a>

The get operation then simply takes* a value on the getCh channel from the server of a cell:

let get (c: Cell<'a>) : Job<'a> = Ch.take c.getCh

And the put operations gives* a value to the server on the putCh channel of the cell server:

let put (c: Cell<'a>) (x: 'a) : Job<unit> = Ch.give c.putCh x

The cell constructor then creates the channels and starts the server loop:

let cell x = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  let c = {getCh = Ch (); putCh = Ch ()}
  let rec server x =
    Alt.choose [Ch.take c.putCh   ^=> fun x -> server x
                Ch.give c.getCh x ^=> fun () -> server x]
  Job.start (server x) >>-. c

In the server loop, the above implementation uses selective* communication. It uses a choice of two primitive alternatives*:

  • The first alternative takes* a value on the putCh channel from a client and then* loops.
  • The second alternative gives* a value on the getCh channel to a client and then* loops.

What this basically means is that the server makes an offer to perform the alternatives. Of the two offered alternatives, the alternative that becomes available first will then be committed to. The other offer will be withdrawn.

This pattern of carrying some value from one iteration of a server loop to the next is common enough that there is a combinator iterate* for that purpose. Using iterate we would write:

let cell x = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  let c = {getCh = Ch (); putCh = Ch ()}
  Job.server << Job.iterate x <| fun x ->
        Alt.choose [Ch.take c.putCh
                    Ch.give c.getCh x ^->. x]
  >>-. c

The above also makes use of the function Job.server* instead of Job.start*. Job.server takes advantage of the fact that the job it is given is known to never return normally and starts it in a little bit lighter-weight form.

At this point you might want to try out the snippets of code from this section in the F# interactive and verify that the alternative implementation of cells works the same way as the previous version.

Inspired by these cell examples there is benchmark program, named Cell, that creates large numbers of cells and large numbers of jobs running in parallel that perform updates on randomly chosen cells. While the benchmark program is not terribly exciting, it nicely substantiates the claims made in the first section about the lightweight nature of Hopac jobs and channels.

Exercise: It may seem odd that two bidirectional channels are needed to implement the protocol. Couldn't we use just a single channel and change the server loop to give and take on that single channel. Note that this is allowed in Hopac and poses no problem. A job cannot send itself a message using a channel in a single synchronous operation. Explain what would go wrong if there was only one channel instead of separate getCh and putCh channels. Hint: Consider a situation with multiple clients.

Example: Kismet

The updatable storage cell example in the previous sections may have seemed rather unrealistic. The server job of a storage cell doesn't do much and it probably doesn't seem like something for which you'd even consider starting a separate thread—no matter how lightweight such a thread would be. In this section we'll sketch an example that might be a bit more compelling, although in a way it is also quite unreal.

UnrealScript is the scripting language of the Unreal Engine and is used for making games. Kismet is a tool that enables artists to create scripts in UnrealScript using a visual interface. Working with Kismet, artists can basically create games by combining building blocks created by programmers. Those building blocks can be seen as black boxes that have some inputs, outputs and have some interesting behavior mapping the inputs to outputs.

On the Wikipedia page on UnrealEd there is a screenshot of a simple system built using Kismet. Take a moment to look at the screenshot: Roboblitz. As you can see, there are basic reusable blocks like Bool, Compare Bool, Delay, and Matinee that have some inputs, outputs and some behavior.

Kismet, UnrealScript and the Unreal Engine, in general, have components and semantics that have been designed for making games. In fact, I've never actually programmed in UnrealScript or used Kismet, but a curious mind might wonder how could black boxes like that be implemented? Could we build something similar using Hopac?

Let's first consider the Compare Bool box. Looking at the screenshot and making an educated guess, it seems to have an input event In and two output events True and False and it also seems to read a Bool variable. It would seem that the idea is that when the box receives the In event, it signals either the True or the False event depending on the current value of the Bool variable. Something like that can be quite concisely expressed as a Hopac job:

let CompareBool (comparand: ref<bool>)
                (input: Alt<'x>)
                (onTrue: 'x -> Job<unit>)
                (onFalse: 'x -> Job<unit>) : Job<unit> =
  input >>= fun x ->
  if !comparand then onTrue x else onFalse x

The CompareBool function creates a job that first binds the input alternative and then performs either the onTrue or the onFalse action depending on the value of comparand. As you can see, the above CompareBool job doesn't care about the type of the alternatives. It just copies the received value x to the chosen output.

Let's then consider the Delay box. Making another educated guess and simplifying a bit, it has two input events Start and Stop (I leave Pause as an exercise for the reader) and two output events Finished and Aborted and also a time value Duration. It would seem that the idea is that when the box receives the Start event, it starts a timer that counts down for the specified Duration after which the Finished event is signaled. Also, if during the countdown, a Stop signal is received then the Aborted signal is signaled instead. Here is how something like that could be expressed as a Hopac job:

let Delay (duration: ref<TimeSpan>)
          (start: Alt<'x>)
          (stop: Alt<'y>)
          (finished: 'x -> Job<unit>)
          (aborted: 'y -> Job<unit>) : Job<unit> =
  start >>= fun x ->
  Alt.choose [stop                ^=> fun y -> aborted y
              timeOut (!duration) ^=> fun () -> finished x]

The Delay function creates a job that first binds the start alternative. It then chooses* from two alternatives. The first one is the given stop alternative and in case that is committed to, the value obtained from stop is given to the aborted action. The second alternative starts a timeOut* alternative for the current value of duration and in case that is committed to, the value received from start is given to the finished action. Whichever of those alternatives becomes enabled first will then be committed to during run time and the other will be discarded.

These building blocks may seem deceptively simple. What is important about these building blocks is that they take advantage of the ability of Hopac's jobs to be blocked waiting for an alternative. Without something like that, those building blocks wouldn't have the kind of abilities, such as being able to wait for a timeout, that are needed here.

Those previous snippets are just two of the necessary building blocks. Assuming we would have all of the building blocks packaged in similar style, what remains is translation of the wiring configuration specified in the screenshot into code. Here is a small snippet of a sketch of what the end result could look like:

let ch_1 = Ch ()
let ch_2 = Ch ()
let ch_3 = Ch ()
// ...
let bMoved = ref false
// ...
do! CompareBool bMoved
                (Ch.take ch_1)
                (Ch.give ch_2)
                (fun _ -> Job.unit ())
    |> Job.forever |> Job.server
do! Delay (ref (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 3.14))
          (Ch.take ch_2)
          (Alt.never ())
          (Ch.give ch_3)
          (fun _ -> Job.unit ())
    |> Job.forever |> Job.server
// ...

The above initialization code sketch first creates shared channels and variables. Then the desired building block jobs are created, passing them appropriate input alternatives and output actions, and started as server jobs that loop indefinitely.

Now, games often have their own specific notion of time, different from wall-clock time, which means that for programming games, the sketched implementation of Delay would not give the desired meaning of time. (But you can certainly implement a notion of time more suitable for games on top of Hopac.) Also, the way variables are represented as mutable ref cells is a bit naive. Unrealistic as it may be, this sketch has hopefully given you something interesting to think about!

Starting and Waiting for Jobs

After running through the introductory examples, let's take a step back and just play a bit with jobs. Here is a simple job that has a loop that first sleeps* for a second and then prints a given message:

let hello what = job {
  for i=1 to 3 do
    do! timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.0)
    do printfn "%s" what

Let's then start two such jobs roughly half a second a part:

> run <| job {
  do! Job.start (hello "Hello, from a job!")
  do! timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.5)
  do! Job.start (hello "Hello, from another job!")
} ;;
val it : unit = ()
> Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!

One unfortunate thing in the above example is that the program returns immediately and the two jobs keep running in the background. The Job.start* primitive doesn't implicitly provide for any way to wait for the started job to finish. This is intentional, because it is quite common to start jobs that don't need to return. A Promise* allows a parent job to wait for a child job:

> run <| job {
  let! j1 = Promise.start (hello "Hello, from a job!")
  do! timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.5)
  let! j2 = Promise.start (hello "Hello, from another job!")
  do! j1
  do! j2
} ;;
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
val it : unit = ()

Now the program explicitly waits for the children to finish and the output is clearer. There is one more unfortunate thing in the above program. The two promises are read in a specific order. In this program it doesn't really matter, but it is a good demonstration of the flexibility of Hopac to show that we can indeed avoid this order dependency by using selective* communication offered by the alternative* mechanism:

> run <| job {
  let! j1 = Promise.start (hello "Hello, from a job!")
  do! timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.5)
  let! j2 = Promise.start (hello "Hello, from another job!")
  do! Alt.choose
       [ j1 ^=> fun () ->
          printfn "First job finished first."
 j2 j2 ^=> fun () ->
          printfn "Second job finished first."
} ;;
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
Hello, from a job!
Hello, from another job!
Hello, from a job!
First job finished first.
Hello, from another job!
val it : unit = ()

When you run the above program, you will notice that the message First job finished first. is printed about half a second before the last Hello, from another job! message after which the program is finished and F# interactive prints the inferred type.

Working with many jobs at this level would be rather burdensome. Hopac also provides functions such as Job.conCollect* and Job.conIgnore* for starting and waiting for a sequence of jobs. In this case we don't care about the results of the jobs, so Job.conIgnore is what we use:

> [timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.0) >>=. hello "Hello, from first job!" ;
   timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.3) >>=. hello "Hello, from second job!" ;
   timeOut (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.6) >>=. hello "Hello, from third job"]
|> Job.conIgnore |> run ;;
Hello, from first job!
Hello, from second job!
Hello, from third job
Hello, from first job!
Hello, from second job!
Hello, from third job
Hello, from first job!
Hello, from second job!
Hello, from third job
val it : unit = ()

The above program starts three concurrent jobs, that print messages roughly 0.3 seconds apart from each other, and waits for all three of the jobs to finish.

Fork-Join Parallelism

Above we saw various ways of starting and waiting for jobs. There isn't really any communication between the individual jobs in these examples. Indeed, the strength of Hopac is in that it provides high-level primitives for such communication among concurrent jobs. Nevertheless, the style of programming that consists of starting and joining with threads is also known as fork-join parallelism and is a convenient paradigm for expressing many parallel algorithms.

One of the goals for Hopac is to be able to achieve speedups on multicore machines. The primitives, such as channels, jobs (threads in CML) and alternatives (events in CML) inspired by Concurrent ML are primarily designed for concurrent programming involving separate threads of execution. For achieving speedups from parallelism, such independent threads of execution may not be essential. Sometimes it may be more efficient to avoid creating a new thread of execution for every individual job, while some jobs are still being executed in parallel.

The Fibonacci Function and Optional Parallelism

Consider the following naive implementation of the Fibonacci function as a job:

let rec fib n = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  if n < 2L then
    Job.result n
    fib (n-2L) <&> fib (n-1L) >>- fun (x, y) ->
    x + y

The above implementation makes use of the combinators <&>* and >>-* whose meanings can be specified in terms of result* and >>=* as follows:

let (<&>) xJ yJ = xJ >>= fun x -> yJ >>= fun y -> result (x, y)
let (>>-) xJ x2y = xJ >>= fun x -> result (x2y x)

Note that the semantics of <&> are entirely sequential and as a whole the above fib job doesn't use any parallelism.

After evaluating the above definition of fib in the F# interactive, we can run it as follows:

> run (fib 38L) ;;
val it : int64 = 39088169L

If you ran the above code, you noticed that it took some time for the result to appear. Indeed, this is an extremely inefficient exponential time algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers.

Let's make a small change, namely, let's change from the sequential pair combinator <&>* to the parallel pair combinator <*>*:

let rec fib n = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  if n < 2L then
    Job.result n
    fib (n-2L) <*> fib (n-1L) >>- fun (x, y) ->
    x + y

The parallel pair combinator <*> makes it so that the two jobs given to it are either executed sequentially, just like <&>, or if it seems like a good thing to do, then the two jobs are executed in two separate jobs that may eventually run in parallel. For this to be safe, the jobs must be safe to run both in parallel and in sequence. In this case those conditions both apply, but, for example, the following job might deadlock:

let notSafe = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  let c = Ch ()
  Ch.take c <*> Ch.give c ()

The problem in the above job is that both the take* and the give* operations are not guaranteed to be executed in two separate jobs and a single job cannot communicate with itself using take and give operations on channels. Whichever operation happens to be executed first will block waiting for the other pair of the communication that never appears.


Did you already try to run the parallel version of the naive Fibonacci function in the F# interactive? If you did, the behavior may have not been what you'd expect—that the parallel version would run about N times faster than the sequential version where N is the number of processor cores your machine has. Now, there are a number of reasons for this and one of the possible reasons is that, by default, .Net uses single-threaded workstation garbage collection. If garbage collection is single-threaded, it becomes a sequential bottleneck and an application cannot possibly scale. So, you need to make sure that you are using multi-threaded server garbage collection. See <gcServer> Element for some details. I have modified the configuration files of the F# tools on my machine to use the server garbage collection. I also use the 64-bit version of F# interactive and run on 64-bit machines. Once you've made the necessary adjustments to the tool configurations, you should see the expected speedup from the parallel version.

About the Fibonacci Example

This example is inspired by the parallel Fibonacci function used traditionally as a Cilk programming example. See The Implementation of the Cilk-5 Multithreaded Language for a representative example. Basically, the naive, recursive, exponential time Fibonacci algorithm is used. Parallelized versions simply run recursive calls in parallel.

Like is often the case with cute programming examples, this is actually an extremely inefficient algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers and that seems to be a recurring source of confusion. Indeed, the naively parallelized version of the Fibonacci function is still hopelessly inefficient, because the amount of work done in each parallel job is an order of magnitude smaller than the overhead costs of starting parallel jobs.

The main reason for using the Fibonacci function as an example is that it is a simple example for introducing the concept of optional parallel execution, which is employed by the <*> combinator. The parallel Fibonacci function is also useful and instructive as a benchmark for measuring the overhead costs of starting, running and retrieving the results of parallel jobs. Indeed, there is a benchmark program based on the parallel Fibonacci function.

Exercise: Write a basic sequential Fibonacci function (not a job) and time it. Then change the parallelized version of the Fibonacci function to call the sequential function when the n is smaller than some constant. Try to find a constant after which the new parallelized version actually gives a speedup on the order of the number of cores on your machine.

Parallel Merge Sort

Let's consider a bit more realistic example of fork-join parallelism: a parallel merge sort. This example is still a bit of toy, because the idea here isn't to show how to make the fastest merge sort, but rather to demonstrate fork-join parallelism.

The two building blocks of merge sort are the functions split and merge. The split function simply splits the given input sequence into two halves. The merge function, on the other hand, merges two sequences into a new sorted sequence containing the elements of both of the given sequences.

Here is a simple implementation of split:

let split xs =
  let rec loop xs ys zs =
    match xs with
     | []    -> (ys, zs)
     | x::xs -> loop xs (x::zs) ys
  loop xs [] []

And here is a simple implementation of merge:

let merge xs ys =
  let rec loop xs ys zs =
    match (xs, ys) with
     | ([], ys)       -> List.rev zs @ ys
     | (xs, [])       -> List.rev zs @ xs
     | (x::xs, y::ys) ->
       if x <= y
       then loop xs (y::ys) (x::zs)
       else loop (x::xs) ys (y::zs)
  loop xs ys []

It is left as an exercise for the reader to implement merge in a more efficient form.

Merge sort then simply recursively splits, sorts and then merges the lists:

let rec mergeSort xs =
  match split xs with
   | ([], ys) -> ys
   | (xs, []) -> xs
   | (xs, ys) -> merge (mergeSort xs) (mergeSort ys)

We can now test that our mergeSort works:

> mergeSort [3; 1; 4; 1; 5; 9; 2] ;;
val it : int list = [1; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 9]

This is not a very good implementation of merge sort, but it should be easy enough to understand—perhaps even without having seen merge sort before. One particular problem with this implementation is that it is not stable. We'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to tune this example into something more realistic.

Let's then write a fork-join parallel version of merge sort:

let rec mergeSortJob xs = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  match split xs with
   | ([], ys) -> Job.result ys
   | (xs, []) -> Job.result xs
   | (xs, ys) ->
     mergeSortJob xs <*> mergeSortJob ys >>- fun (xs, ys) ->
     merge xs ys

We can also test this version:

> run (mergeSortJob [3; 1; 4; 1; 5; 9; 2]) ;;
val it : int list = [1; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 9]

Like suggested in an exercise in the previous section, to actually get speed-ups, the work done in each parallel job needs to be significant compared to the cost of starting a parallel job. One way to do this is to use the sequential version of merge sort when the length of the list becomes shorter than some threshold. That threshold then needs to be chosen in such a way that the work required to sort a list shorter than the threshold is significant compared to the cost of starting parallel jobs. In practice, this often means that you run a few experiments to find a good threshold. Here is a modified version of mergeSortJob that uses a given threshold:

let mergeSortJob threshold xs = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  assert (threshold > 0)
  let rec mergeSortJob n xs = Job.delay <| fun () ->
    if n < threshold then
      Job.result (mergeSort xs)
      let (xs, ys) = split xs
      let n = n/2
      mergeSortJob n xs <*> mergeSortJob n ys >>- fun (xs, ys) ->
      merge xs ys
  mergeSortJob (List.length xs) xs

For simplicity, the above computes the length of the input list just once and then approximates the lengths of the sub-lists resulting from the split. It also assumes that threshold is greater than zero. Using a function like the above you can experiment, perhaps by writing a simple driver program, to find a threshold that gives the best speed-ups.

Programming with Alternatives

The alternative mechanism (events in CML) allows the definition of first-class synchronous operations. In previous sections we have already seen some simple uses of alternatives. In this section we'll take a closer look at alternatives.

Just what is an alternative?

There are many ways to characterize alternatives. Here is one. An alternative, Alt<'x>, represents the possibility of communicating a value of type 'x from one concurrent entity to another. How that value is computed and when that value is available are details encapsulated by the alternative. Alternatives can be created and combined in many ways allowing alternatives to encapsulate complex communication protocols.

Primitive Alternatives

The basic building blocks of alternatives are primitive alternatives provided by message passing primitives like channels. For example, the channel primitive provides the following primitive alternatives:

module Ch =
  val give: Ch<'x> -> 'x -> Alt<unit>
  val take: Ch<'x> -> Alt<'x>

The Ch.give * alternative represents the possibility of giving a value on a channel to another concurrent job and the Ch.take * alternative represents the possibility of taking a value from another concurrent job on a channel.

It is important that primitive alternatives such as these only represent the possibility of performing the operations. As we will see shortly, we can form a disjunction of alternatives, whether primitive or complex, and commit to perform exactly one of those alternatives.

Binding an Alternative

To actually perform an operation made possible by an alternative, one can simply bind the operation. So, for example, to indeed offer to give a value on a channel to another job, a job might run the following code:

do! Ch.give aChannel aValue

Likewise, to offer to take a value from another job, the following code could be run:

let! aValue = Ch.take aChannel

Conceptually, binding an alternative operation instantiates the given alternative, waits until the alternative becomes available and then commits to the alternative and returns the value communicated by the alternative. In the instantiation phase the computation encapsulated by the alternative is started. In the case of the Ch.give operation, for example, it means that the job basically registers an offer to give a value on a channel. If the alternative cannot be performed immediately, e.g. no other job has offered to take a value on the channel, the job is blocked until the alternative becomes available.

Choose and after

If all we had was primitive alternatives there would be no point in the whole mechanism. What makes alternatives useful is that they can be composed in various ways.

Let's motivate the introduction of selective communication with a sketch of a simplistic GUI system. Suppose our GUI framework represents buttons as simple concurrent objects that communicate using alternatives:

type Button =
  val Pressed: Alt<unit>
  // ...

A simple Yes/No -dialog could then contain two such buttons:

type YesNoDialog =
  val Yes: Button
  val No: Button
  val Show: Job<unit>
  // ...

A job could then have a dialogue with the user using a YesNoDialog and code such as:

do! dialog.Show
let! answer = Alt.choose [
       dialog.Yes.Pressed ^=> fun () -> Job.result true
       dialog.No.Pressed  ^=> fun () -> Job.result false
if answer then
  // Perform action on Yes.
  // Perform action on No.

The operations Alt.choose and ^=>, called after, and also known as wrap in Concurrent ML, have the following signatures:

val choose: seq<#Alt<'x>> -> Alt<'x>
val (^=>): Alt<'x> -> ('x -> #Job<'y>) -> Alt<'y>

The Alt.choose * operation forms a disjunction of the sequence of alternatives given to it. When such a disjunction is bound, the alternatives involved in the disjunction are instantiated one-by-one. Assuming no alternative is immediately available, the job is blocked, waiting for any one of the alternatives to become available. When one of the alternatives in the disjunction becomes available, the alternative is committed to and the other alternatives are canceled.

The after ^=> * operation is somewhat similar to the bind >>= * operation on jobs and allows one to extend an alternative so that further operations are performed after the alternative has been committed to. Similarly to corresponding operations on jobs, several commonly useful operators, such as ^-> * and ^->. *, are provided in addition to ^=> on alternatives.

In this case we use the ability to simply map the button messages to a boolean value for further processing. We could also just continue processing in the after operation:

do! Alt.choose [
      dialog.Yes.Pressed ^=> fun () ->
        // Perform action on Yes.
      dialog.No.Pressed  ^=> fun () ->
        // Perform action on No.

Using selective communication in this way feels and works much like using ordinary conditional statements.

A key point in the types of the choose and ^=> operations is that they create new alternatives and those alternatives are first-class values just like the primitive give and take alternatives on channels. For the common case of simply combining just two alternatives the operation <|> * is provided. Its semantics can be described as follows:

let (<|>) a1 a2 = choose [a1; a2]

The binary choice <|> operation can be, and is, implemented internally as a slightly more efficient special case (avoiding the construction of the sequence).

It is also worth pointing out that choose allows synchronizing on a sequence of alternatives that is computed dynamically. Languages that have a special purpose select statement typically only allow the program to synchronize on a set of events that is specified statically in the program text.


The after combinator ^=> * allows post-commit actions to be added to an alternative. Hopac also provides the prepareJob * combinator that allows an alternative to be computed at instantiation time.

val prepareJob: (unit -> #Job<#Alt<'x>>) -> Alt<'x>

The idea of the prepareJob combinator is that it allows one to encapsulate a protocol for interacting with a concurrent server as an abstract selective operation. The way a client and a server typically interact is that the client sends the server a message and then waits for a reply from the server. What is necessary is that the prepare combinator allows one to package the operations of constructing the message, sending it to the server and then waiting for the reply in a form that can then be invoked an arbitrary number of times.

Recall in the Kismet sketch it was mentioned that simulations like games often have their own notion of time and that the wall-clock time provided by timeOut * probably doesn't provide the desired semantics. A simple game might be designed to update the simulation of the game world 60 times per second to match with a 60Hz display devices. Rather than complicate all the calculations done in the simulation with a variable time step, such a simulation could be advanced in fixed length time steps or ticks. Simplifying things to a minimum, the main loop of a game could then look roughly like this:

while !runGame do
  tick ()   // Advance simulation
  render () // Render new view to back buffer
  flip ()   // Wait for display refresh and switch front and back buffers

Now, the idea is that the tick () call runs all the simulation logic for one step and that the simulation is implemented using Hopac jobs. More specifically we don't want any simulation code to run after the tick () call returns. This is so that the render () call has one consistent view of the world.

A clean way to achieve this is to create a local scheduler for running the Hopac jobs that implement the game logic. This way, after we've triggered all the jobs waiting for the next game tick, we can simply wait until the local scheduler becomes idle. This means that all the jobs that run under the local scheduler have become blocked waiting for something—possibly waiting for a future game tick.

Enough with the motivation. We'll represent time using a 64-bit integer type.

type Ticks = int64

And we have a variable that holds the current time.

let mutable currentTime : Ticks = 0L

Now, to integrate this concept of time with Hopac, we'll have a time server with which we communicate through a timer request channel.

let timerReqCh : Ch<Ticks * Ch<unit>> = Ch ()

Via the channel, a client can send a request to the server to send back a message on a channel allocated for the request at the specified time. To send the request and allocate a new channel for the server's reply, we'll use the prepareJob combinator. The following atTime function creates an alternative that encapsulates the whole protocol for interacting with the time server:

let atTime (atTime: Ticks) : Alt<unit> =
  Alt.prepareJob <| fun () ->
  let replyCh : Ch<unit> = Ch ()
  Ch.send timerReqCh (atTime, replyCh) >>-.
  Ch.take replyCh

A detail worth pointing out above is the use of the Ch.send * operation to send requests to the server asynchronously. We already have the client synchronously taking a reply from the server, so there is no need to have the client synchronously waiting for the time server to take the request. Using atTime we can implement the timeOut alternative constructor used in the earlier Kismet example:

let timeOut (afterTicks: Ticks) : Alt<unit> =
  assert (0L <= afterTicks)
  Alt.prepareFun <| fun () ->
  atTime (currentTime + afterTicks)

What remains is to implement the time server itself. Taking advantage of existing data structures, we'll use a simple dictionary that maps ticks to lists of reply channels to represent the queue of pending requests:

let requests = Dictionary<Ticks, ResizeArray<Ch<unit>>> ()

The time request server takes messages from the request channel and deals with them, either responding to them immediately or adding them to the queue of pending requests:

let timeReqServer =
  Ch.take timerReqCh >>= fun (atTime, replyCh) ->
  if currentTime <= atTime then
    Ch.send replyCh ()
    let replyChs =
      match requests.TryGetValue atTime with
       | (true, replyChs) -> replyChs
       | _ ->
         let replyChs = ResizeArray<_>()
         requests.Add (atTime, replyChs)
    replyChs.Add replyCh
    Job.unit ()

The time request server also uses an asynchronous send to reply to requests. This time it is not only an optimization, but required, because it is possible that within a selective communication the timer request is abandoned and there is no client waiting for the request. If the server would try to give the reply synchronously, the server would be blocked indefinitely.

The above only implements a single iteration of the time request server. We need to start the server after we have created the local scheduler:

do! Job.server (Job.forever timeReqServer)

One final part of the implementation of time is a routine to advance time. The following tick job increments the current time and then sends replies to all the requests at that time:

let tick = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  currentTime <- currentTime + 1L
  match requests.TryGetValue currentTime with
   | (true, replyChs) ->
     requests.Remove currentTime |> ignore
     |> Seq.iterJob (fun replyCh -> Ch.send replyCh ())
   | _ ->
     Job.unit ()

That concludes the implementation of the time server itself.

Negative Acknowledgments

In the previous section the prepareJob * combinator was used to encapsulate the protocol for interacting with the custom timer server. This worked because the service provided by the time server is idempotent. If a client makes a request to the time server and later aborts the request, that is, doesn't wait for the server's reply, it causes no harm. Sometimes things are not that simple and a server needs to know whether client actually committed to a transaction. Hopac, like CML, supports this via the withNackJob * combinator:

val withNackJob: (Promise<unit> -> #Job<#Alt<'x>>) -> Alt<'x>

The withNackJob combinator is like prepareJob in that it allows an alternative to be computed at instantiation time. Additionally, withNackJob creates a negative acknowledgment alternative, which is actually represented as a promise, that it gives to the encapsulated alternative constructor. If the constructed alternative is ultimately not committed to, the negative acknowledgment alternative becomes available. Consider the following example:

let verbose alt = Alt.withNackJob <| fun nack ->
  printf "Instantiated and "
  Job.start (nack >>- fun () -> printfn "aborted.") >>-.
  alt ^-> fun x -> printfn "committed to." ; x

The above implements an alternative constructor that simply prints out what happens. Let's consider three interactions using a verbose alternative.

> run <| Alt.choose [verbose <| Alt.always 1; Alt.always 2] ;;
Instantiated and committed to.
val it : int = 1

In the first case above, a verbose alternative is instantiated and committed to. The negative acknowledgment is created, but does not become enabled.

> run <| Alt.choose [verbose <| Alt.never (); Alt.always 2] ;;
Instantiated and aborted.
val it : int = 2

In the second case above, a verbose alternative is instantiated and aborted as the second alternative is committed to.

> run <| Alt.choose [Alt.always 1; verbose <| Alt.always 2] ;;
val it : int = 1

In the third case above, the first alternative is immediately committed to and no verbose alternative is instantiated. No code within the verbose alternative constructor was executed and no negative acknowledgment alternative was created.

Negative acknowledgments can be useful as both as a mechanism that allows one to cancel expensive operations for performance reasons (when the request is idempotent) and also as a mechanism that allows one to encapsulate protocols that otherwise couldn't be properly encapsulated as alternatives.

Example: Lock Server

An example that illustrates how withNackJob * can be used to encapsulate a non-idempotent request as an alternative is the implementation of a lock server. Here is a signature of a lock server:

type Server
type Lock

val start: Job<Server>
val createLock: Server -> Lock
val acquire: Server -> Lock -> Alt<unit>
val release: Server -> Lock -> Job<unit>

The idea is that a lock server allows a client to acquire a lock as an alternative within a selective communication. A client could, for example, try to obtain one of several locks and proceed accordingly:

Alt.choose [acquire server lockA ^=> fun () ->
              (* critical section A *)
              release server lockA
            acquire server lockB ^=> fun () ->
              (* critical section B *)
              release server lockB]

Or a client could use a timeout to avoid waiting indefinitely for a lock:

Alt.choose [acquire server lock ^=> (* critical section *)
            timeOut duration ^=> (* do something else *)]

What is important here is that the acquire alternative must work correctly even in case that the operation is ultimately abandoned by the client.

Let's then describe the lock server example implementation. We represent a lock using a unique integer:

type Lock = Lock of int64

A request for the lock server is either an Acquire or a Release:

type Req =
 | Acquire of lock: int64 * replyCh: Ch<unit> * abortAlt: Alt<unit>
 | Release of lock: int64

An Acquire request passes both a reply channel and an abort alternative for the server. The server record just contains an integer for generating new locks and the request channel:

type Server = {
  mutable unique: int64
  reqCh: Ch<Req>

The release

let release s (Lock lock) = Ch.give s.reqCh (Release lock)

and createLock

let createLock s =
  Lock (Interlocked.Increment &s.unique)

operations are entirely straightforward. Note that in this example we simply use an interlocked increment to allocate locks.

Note that this example implementation is not entirely type safe, because two different lock servers might have locks by the same integer value. The reason for leaving the server exposed like this is that it is now easier to run the code snippets of this example in an interactive session. As this type safety issue is not an essential aspect of the example, we leave it as an exercise for the reader to consider how to plug this typing hole.

The acquire operation is where we'll use withNackJob:

let acquire s (Lock lock) = Alt.withNackJob <| fun abortAlt ->
  let replyCh = Ch ()
  Ch.send s.reqCh (Acquire (lock, replyCh, abortAlt)) >>-.
  Ch.take replyCh

Using withNackJob a negative acknowledgment alternative, abortAlt, is created and then a reply channel, replyCh, is allocated and a request is created and sent to the lock server s. An asynchronous send * operation is used as there is no point in waiting for the server at this point. Finally the alternative of taking the server's reply is returned.

Note that a new pair of a negative acknowledgment alternative and reply channel is created each time an alternative constructed with acquire is instantiated. This means that one can even try to acquire the same lock multiple times with the same alternative and it will work correctly:

let acq = acquire s l
do! Alt.choose [acq ^=> /* ... */
                acq ^=> /* ... */]

What remains is the implementation of the server itself. We again make use of readily available data structures to hold the state, that is pending requests to active locks, of the lock server.

let start = Job.delay <| fun () ->
  let locks = Dictionary<int64, Queue<Ch<unit> * Alt<unit>>>()
  let s = {unique = 0L; reqCh = Ch ()}
  (Job.server << Job.forever)
   (Ch.take s.reqCh >>= function
     | Acquire (lock, replyCh, abortAlt) ->
       match locks.TryGetValue lock with
        | (true, pending) ->
          pending.Enqueue (replyCh, abortAlt)
          Job.unit ()
        | _ ->
          Alt.choose [Ch.give replyCh () ^-> fun () ->
                        locks.Add (lock, Queue<_>())
     | Release lock ->
       match locks.TryGetValue lock with
        | (true, pending) ->
          let rec assign () =
            if 0 = pending.Count then
              locks.Remove lock |> ignore
              Job.unit ()
              let (replyCh, abortAlt) = pending.Dequeue ()
              Alt.choose [Ch.give replyCh ()
                          abortAlt ^=> assign]
          assign ()
        | _ ->
          // We just ignore the erroneous release request
          Job.unit ()) >>-. s

As usual, the above server is implemented as a job that loops indefinitely taking requests from the server's request channel. The crucial bits in the above implementation are the uses of choose. In both cases, the server selects between giving the lock to the client and aborting the transaction using the reply channel and the abort alternative, which was implemented by the client using a negative acknowledgment alternative created by the withNackJob combinator.

You probably noticed the comment in the above server implementation in the case of an unmatched release operation. We could also have a combinator that acquires a lock, executes some job and then releases the lock:

let withLock (s: Server) (l: Lock) (xJ: Job<'x>) : Alt<'x> =
  acquire s l ^=> fun () ->
  Job.tryFinallyJob xJ (release s l)

This ensures that an acquire is properly matched by a release.

On the Semantics of Alternatives

The alternatives of Hopac are heavily inspired by the events of Concurrent ML, but the two are not precisely the same. Whether or not you are familiar with the semantics of CML, it is important to understand how alternatives are evaluated in Hopac. If you are not familiar with CML, you can ignore the comparison made to CML in this section and just concentrate on the description of how alternatives in Hopac behave.

The semantics of Concurrent ML events and Hopac alternatives are slightly different. Concurrent ML emphasizes fairness and non-determinism, while Hopac emphasizes performance and co-operation. In CML, when two or more events are immediately available, the choice between them is made in a non-deterministic fashion. In Hopac, the first alternative that is available will be chosen deterministically. Consider the following expression:

 [Alt.always 1
  Alt.always 2]

In Hopac, the above alternative will deterministically evaluate to 1, because it is the first available alternative. In CML, the similar event would non-deterministically choose between the two events. In this case, we could get the same behavior in Hopac given a function shuffle that would reorder the elements of a sequence randomly:

Alt.prepareFun <| fun () ->
    [Alt.always 1
     Alt.always 2])

The choice of the simpler deterministic semantics in the case of multiple immediately available alternatives is motivated by performance considerations. In order to provide the non-determinism, considerably more processing would need to be performed. Consider the following example:

 [Alt.prepareFun <| fun () -> printfn "A" ; Alt.always 1
  Alt.prepareFun <| fun () -> printfn "B" ; Alt.always 2]

In Hopac, binding the above alternative prints A and nothing else. In CML, the similar event would print both A and B. In other words, in the initial phase, Hopac evaluates alternatives lazily, while CML evaluates events eagerly. Hopac can therefore run more efficiently in cases where an alternative happens to be immediately available.

The above examples are contrived. In real programs, choices are made over communications between separate jobs that may run in parallel. This means that in many cases the initial lazy and deterministic evaluation of alternatives makes no difference except for performance. In cases where none of the alternatives is immediately available, the behavior of Hopac and CML is essentially the same. However, it is obviously possible to write programs that rely on either the Hopac style lazy and deterministic or the CML style eager and non-deterministic initial choice.

Channels, Mailboxes, IVars, MVars, ...

In this document we have mostly used channels in our examples. The Hopac library, like CML, also directly provides other communication primitives such as Mailbox*, IVar*, MVar* and Lock*. These other primitives are optimized for the particular communication patterns they support, but most of them could be implemented using only jobs and channels as shown in the book Concurrent Programming in ML, for example. When programming with Hopac, it, of course, makes sense to use the optimized primitives where possible. So, for example, rather than allocating a channel and starting a job for a one-shot communication, it makes sense to use an IVar*, which implements the desired semantics more efficiently. On the other hand, it is reassuring that these optimized primitives, and many others, can be implemented using only jobs and channels. This means that there is no need for the Hopac library to be continuously extended with new communication primitives.

Going Further

For learning more about Concurrent ML style programming, I highly recommend John Reppy's book Concurrent Programming in ML.