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[{"_id": 1, "cause": "1 exist Medicare exist benefit exist copay exist cost-sharing exist deductibles exist medication exist part exist reason exist (is,part) and exist (is,offer) and exist (certain,medications) and exist (cost-sharing,medications) and exist (generous,benefits) and exist (limited,cost-sharing) and exist (offer,Medicare) and exist (offer,benefits) and exist (offer,cost-sharing) and exist (offer,copays) and exist (offer,deductibles) and exist (part,reason) and exist (no,copays)"}, {"_id": 2, "cause": "2 exist deal exist it exist (complete,it) and exist (complete,deal) and exist (deal,canada) and exist (works,it) and exist (works,complete) "}, {"_id": 3, "cause": "3 exist Air_Canada exist its exist operator exist takeover exist (complete,operator) and exist (complete,takeover) and exist (complete,Air_Canada) and exist (takeover,its) and exist (tour,operator) and exist (worked,operator) and exist (worked,complete) "}, {"_id": 4, "cause": "4 exist $_14_million exist third_quarter exist $_6_million exist $_7.7_million exist Transat exist Air_Canada exist compensation exist cost exist executive exist fee exist its exist push exist sale exist (close,push) and exist (close,sale) and exist (close,Air_Canada) and exist (compensation,executives) and exist ($_6_million,$_7.7_million) and exist (extra,$_14_million) and exist (heaped,push) and exist (heaped,$_14_million) and exist (third_quarter,its) and exist ($_14_million,costs) and exist ($_14_million,third_quarter) and exist ($_6_million,fees) and exist ($_7.7_million,compensation) and exist ($_14_million,$_6_million) and exist (professional,fees) and exist (sale,Transat) and exist (stock-based,compensation) "}, {"_id": 5, "cause": "5 exist $_698.9_million exist boost exist help exist revenue exist year exist (boost,help) and exist (boost,revenue) and exist (boost,million) and exist (boost,$_698.9_million) and exist (earlier,million) and exist (earlier,year) "}, {"_id": 6, "cause": "6 exist 's exist 206 exist bitcoin exist Long_Blockchain_Corp. exist blockchain exist company exist cryptocurrency exist end exist it exist its exist name exist story exist technology exist their exist (announced,changing) and exist (announced,end) and exist (begin,'s) and exist (begin,story) and exist (beverage,company) and exist (buzziest,company) and exist (buzziest,their) and exist (changing,it) and exist (changing,name) and exist (changing,Long_Blockchain_Corp.) and exist (end,206) and exist (end,technology) and exist (island,company) and exist (let,begin) and exist (let,announced) and exist (name,its) and exist (new,technology) and exist (publicly,traded) and exist (small,company) and exist (tea,company) and exist (technology,company) and exist (technology,bitcoin) and exist (technology,ethereum) and exist (technology,cryptocurrency) and exist (technology,blockchain) and exist (traded,company) and exist (very,buzziest) "}, {"_id": 7, "cause": "7 exist attention exist business exist company exist company exist name exist nothing exist press exist shareholder exist signal exist value exist (attracted,attention) and exist (attracted,press) and exist (attracted,value) and exist (attracted,company) and exist (attracted,shareholders) and exist (changed,nothing) and exist (changed,signal) and exist (changed,name) and exist (many,shareholders) and exist (market,value) and exist (name,company) and exist (new,shareholders) and exist (now,tech-integrated) and exist (real,value) and exist (really,changed) and exist (signal,tech-integrated) and exist (tech-integrated,business) "}, {"_id": 8, "cause": "8 exist Naspers exist Mike_Novogratz exist Sept._8 exist company exist post exist startup exist (announced,company) and exist (announced,completed) and exist (announced,post) and exist (announced,Sept._8) and exist (blockchain,startup) and exist (blog,post) and exist (completed,startup) and exist (digital,crypto) and exist (gaming,startup) and exist (immutable,startup) and exist (led,Naspers) and exist (digital,Mike_Novogratz) and exist (sydney-based,startup) "}, {"_id": 9, "cause": "9 exist artifact exist blockchain exist game exist tcg exist (blockchain,ethereum) and exist (card,game) and exist (game,blockchain) and exist (other,tcgs) and exist (overtaken,game) and exist (overtaken,stated) and exist (popular,tcgs) and exist (reportedly,overtaken) and exist (stated,tcgs) and exist (tcgs,artifact) and exist (tcgs,faeria) and exist (tcgs,kards) and exist (trading,game) "}, {"_id": 10, "cause": "10 exist investment exist (new,investment) "}, {"_id": 11, "cause": "11 exist engineering exist (financial,engineering) "}, {"_id": 12, "cause": "12 exist ability exist equity exist i exist investment exist its exist its exist leverage exist (ability,its) and exist (believe,i) and exist (believe,investment) and exist (compelling,investment) and exist (equity,its) and exist (existing,equity) and exist (investment,tii) and exist (investment,ability) and exist (leverage,ability) and exist (leverage,equity) "}, {"_id": 13, "cause": "13 exist TII exist engineering exist return exist risk exist (able,TII) and exist (able,engineering) and exist (able,obtain) and exist (debt-like,risks) and exist (equity-like,returns) and exist (exposed,risks) and exist (financial,engineering) and exist (obtain,exposed) and exist (obtain,TII) and exist (obtain,returns) "}, {"_id": 14, "cause": "14 exist 1 exist company exist irr exist its exist lever exist loan exist syndications exist (has,company) and exist (has,levers) and exist (increase,levers) and exist (increase,irr) and exist (irr,its) and exist (levers,loan) and exist (loan,syndications) and exist (loan,1) and exist (primary,levers) and exist (project,irr) and exist (senior,loan) "}, {"_id": 15, "cause": "15 exist syndication exist (private,syndications) "}, {"_id": 16, "cause": "16 exist 2001 exist bond exist credit exist introduction exist (available,credit) and exist (became,credit) and exist (became,introduction) and exist (became,available) and exist (bond,canada) and exist (bond,mortgage) and exist (bond,2001) and exist (cmb,bond) and exist (introduction,bond) and exist (more,available) and exist (widely,available) "}, {"_id": 17, "cause": "17 exist crisis exist (financial,crisis) and exist (post,crisis) "}, {"_id": 18, "cause": "18 exist 17.6_% exist ebitda exist #_19.3_m exist 12_months exist 30_June_2019 exist #_21.5_m exist profit exist (adjusted,ebitda) and exist (adjusted,profit) and exist (margins,ebita) and exist (fell,fell) and exist (fell,profit) and exist (fell,ebitda) and exist (fell,17.6_%) and exist (fell,12_months) and exist (fell,#_19.3_m) and exist (fell,#_21.5_m) and exist (fell,ebita) and exist (margins,ebita) and exist (12_months,30_June_2019) and exist (pre-tax,profit) "}, {"_id": 19, "cause": "19 exist business exist division exist firm exist growth exist growth exist this exist year exist (%,growth) and exist (achieve,division) and exist (achieve,growth) and exist (business,firm) and exist (challenging,year) and exist (compliance,business) and exist (double-digit,growth) and exist (driven,recovered) and exist (driven,this) and exist (driven,growth) and exist (growth,business) and exist (healthcare,division) and exist (recovered,division) and exist (recovered,year) and exist (recovered,achieve) "}, {"_id": 20, "cause": "20 exist climate exist momentum exist uncertainties exist we exist (built,having) and exist (built,we) and exist (built,momentum) and exist (current,uncertainty) and exist (deal,uncertainty) and exist (economic,climate) and exist (having,deal) and exist (political,climate) and exist (uncertainty,climate) "}, {"_id": 21, "cause": "21 QUESTION(when) exist thing exist wall exist when exist (came,when) and exist (came,wall) and exist (down,came) and exist (got,came) and exist (got,things) and exist (got,worse) and exist (worse,things) "}, {"_id": 22, "cause": "22 QUESTION(when) exist thing exist wall exist when exist (came,when) and exist (came,wall) and exist (down,came) and exist (got,came) and exist (got,things) and exist (got,worse) and exist (worse,things) "}, {"_id": 23, "cause": "23 exist Gy\u00f6rgy_Matolcsy exist he exist his exist policies exist time exist (bold,Gy\u00f6rgy_Matolcsy) and exist (decried,policy) and exist (decried,time) and exist (economics,Gy\u00f6rgy_Matolcsy) and exist (instead,pursued) and exist (minister,Gy\u00f6rgy_Matolcsy) and exist (Gy\u00f6rgy_Matolcsy,his) and exist (pursued,working) and exist (pursued,he) and exist (pursued,policy) and exist (working,Gy\u00f6rgy_Matolcsy) "}, {"_id": 24, "cause": "24 exist Communism exist enterprise exist fall exist he exist (began,he) and exist (began,surrendered) and exist (fall,Communism) and exist (gullibly,surrendered) and exist (industrial,enterprises) and exist (so,surrendered) and exist (surrendered,fall) "}, {"_id": 25, "cause": "25 exist Orban exist program exist gamble exist success exist (denounced,program) and exist (denounced,gamble) and exist (program,Orban) and exist (staggering,success) and exist (universally,denounced) "}, {"_id": 26, "cause": "26 exist Orban exist program exist gamble exist success exist (denounced,program) and exist (denounced,gamble) and exist (program,Orban) and exist (staggering,success) and exist (universally,denounced) "}, {"_id": 27, "cause": "27 exist labor exist (is,hungary) and exist (short,labor) and exist (so,short) "}, {"_id": 28, "cause": "28 exist plan exist (drawn,orban) and exist (drawn,plan) "}, {"_id": 29, "cause": "29 exist Soros exist Europe exist Merkel exist countries exist invitation exist migrant exist refugee exist settlement exist them exist wake exist year exist (bring,year) and exist (bring,refugees) and exist (distribute,them) and exist (distribute,refugees) and exist (distribute,country) and exist (distribute,settlement) and exist (invitation,Merkel) and exist (invitation,migrants) and exist (neighboring,country) and exist (published,wake) and exist (rapidly,distribute) and exist (wake,Soros) and exist (wake,invitation) and exist (year,Europe) "}, {"_id": 30, "cause": "30 QUESTION(what) exist case exist its exist its exist parliament exist power exist they exist vote exist what exist (circumscribed,powers) and exist (disregarded,powers) and exist (disregarded,votes) and exist (disregarded,cases) and exist (know,they) and exist (not,know) and exist (legally,disregarded) and exist (legislative,powers) and exist (many,cases) and exist (narrowly,circumscribed) and exist (narrowly,disregarded) and exist (powers,its) and exist (votes,its) "}, {"_id": 31, "cause": "31 exist value exist (com,value) and exist (declined,value) and exist (nvidia,value) and exist (stock,value) "}, {"_id": 32, "cause": "32 exist platform exist (boosts,nvidia) and exist (computing,platform) and exist (deep,platform) and exist (leading,platform) and exist (learning,platform) and exist (platform,nvidia) and exist (world,nvidia) "}, {"_id": 33, "cause": "33 exist amount exist 52 exist 2013 exist articles exist claim exist condition exist context exist creditor exist creditor exist hand exist law exist privilege exist procedure exist reorganization exist they exist whose exist (amounts,conditions) and exist (amounts,creditors) and exist (articles,52) and exist (claims,whose) and exist (collect,privileges) and exist (collect,they) and exist (collect,amounts) and exist (context,reorganization) and exist (context,procedures) and exist (creditors,context) and exist (dismissed,creditors) and exist (dismissed,claims) and exist (favorable,conditions) and exist (have,creditors) and exist (have,privileges) and exist (law,2013) and exist (liquidation,procedures) and exist (more,conditions) and exist (52,law) and exist (other,hand) and exist (other,creditors) and exist (provide,articles) and exist (provide,have) and exist (provide,hand) and exist (secured,creditors) and exist (special,privileges) and exist (unpaid,amounts) and exist (not,dimissed)"}, {"_id": 34, "cause": "34 exist Initialized_Capital exist Fidelity exist BetaKit exist Sept._24 exist inovia exist participation exist round exist service exist (canadian,BetaKit) and exist (capital,Initialized_Capital) and exist (financial,services) and exist (firm,inovia) and exist (firm,Initialized_Capital) and exist (francisco-based,Initialized_Capital) and exist (funding,round) and exist (giant,Fidelity) and exist (led,round) and exist (led,Initialized_Capital) and exist (led,participation) and exist (news,BetaKit) and exist (outlet,BetaKit) and exist (participation,services) and exist (reported,Fidelity) and exist (reported,inovia) and exist (reported,BetaKit) and exist (reported,services) and exist (reported,Sept._24) and exist (technology-focused,BetaKit) and exist (venture,Initialized_Capital) "}, {"_id": 35, "cause": "35 exist $_3.3-billion exist Dream_Global exist Cooper exist cash exist company exist contract exist deal exist giant exist part exist reit exist (asset,contract) and exist (buying,inc.) and exist (buying,corp.) and exist (buying,reit) and exist (buying,part) and exist (buying,$_3.3-billion) and exist (company,Cooper) and exist (contract,Dream_Global) and exist (end,contract) and exist (end,company) and exist (equity,giant) and exist (global,reit) and exist (holding,company) and exist (management,contract) and exist (mr.,Cooper) and exist ($_3.3-billion,cash) and exist (part,deal) and exist (paying,deal) and exist (paying,end) and exist (paying,giant) and exist (paying,395-million) and exist (private,giant) "}, {"_id": 36, "cause": "36 exist competitiveness exist he exist its exist money exist money exist term exist we exist (beating,money) and exist (beating,money) and exist (beating,terms) and exist (competitiveness,its) and exist (now,beating) and exist (private,money) and exist (public,money) and exist (right,beating) and exist (said,he) and exist (said,think) and exist (terms,competitiveness) and exist (think,we) and exist (think,beating) "}, {"_id": 37, "cause": "37 exist companies exist fund exist lot exist opportunity exist properties exist them exist (better,opportunity) and exist (buy,opportunity) and exist (buy,property) and exist (equity,funds) and exist (have,funds) and exist (have,lot) and exist (have,opportunity) and exist (high-net-worth,funds) and exist (investors,funds) and exist (investors,funds) and exist (lot,they) and exist (much,opportunity) and exist (pension,funds) and exist (private,funds) and exist (property,company) and exist (public,company) "}, {"_id": 38, "cause": "38 exist Cooper exist assets exist companies exist equity exist issue exist price exist today exist (buy,equity) and exist (buy,assets) and exist (buy,prices) and exist (enough,trading) and exist (issue,company) and exist (issue,equity) and exist (issue,buy) and exist (market,prices) and exist (mr.,Cooper) and exist (prices,today) and exist (public,company) and exist (said,Cooper) and exist (said,trading) and exist (trading,company) and exist (trading,issue) and exist (trading,issue) and exist (well,trading) and exist (not,well)"}, {"_id": 39, "cause": "39 exist cryptocurrency exist interest exist (citing,interest) and exist (increased,interest) and exist (interest,cryptocurrency) "}, {"_id": 40, "cause": "40 exist 0.12 exist Friday_,_September_13th exist Wednesday_,_September exist dividend exist record exist share exist shareholder exist (dividend,0.12) and exist (dividend,share) and exist (paid,shareholders) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,4th) and exist (paid,Wednesday_,_September) and exist (share,Friday_,_September_13th) and exist (shareholders,record) "}, {"_id": 41, "cause": "41 exist ancr exist Animalcare_Group_Plc exist dividend exist dividend exist gbx exist (announced,plc) and exist (announces,Animalcare_Group_Plc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,announced) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,gbx) and exist (Animalcare_Group_Plc,ancr) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,Animalcare_Group_Plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,ancr) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,24th) "}, {"_id": 42, "cause": "42 exist ancr exist Animalcare_Group_Plc exist dividend exist dividend exist gbx exist (announced,plc) and exist (announces,Animalcare_Group_Plc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,announced) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,gbx) and exist (Animalcare_Group_Plc,ancr) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,Animalcare_Group_Plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,ancr) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,24th) "}, {"_id": 43, "cause": "43 exist Tuesday exist LON_ANCR exist share exist trading exist (gbx,0.06) and exist (gbx,0.06) and exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (shares,LON_ANCR) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,0.06) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 44, "cause": "44 exist improvement exist (road,improvements) "}, {"_id": 45, "cause": "45 exist 90_% exist dividend exist exemption exist income exist shareholder exist their exist they exist (income,their) and exist (keep,exemption) and exist (90_%,income) and exist (pay,keep) and exist (pay,they) and exist (pay,90_%) and exist (pay,shareholders) and exist (shareholders,dividends) and exist (tax,exemption) and exist (taxable,income) "}, {"_id": 46, "cause": "46 QUESTION(what) exist 11 exist quarter exist 12th_quarter exist expectations exist expectations exist its exist result exist revenue exist what exist (quarter,11) and exist (based,results) and exist (beaten,results) and exist (beaten,expectations) and exist (beaten,11) and exist (earnings,results) and exist (last,quarter) and exist (met,expectations) and exist (met,12th_quarter) and exist (more,what) and exist (revenues,its) and exist (rising,more) and exist (rising,revenues) and exist (still,rising) "}, {"_id": 47, "cause": "47 exist US exist diversification exist gnl exist properties exist (geographic,diversification) and exist (has,gnl) and exist (has,diversification) and exist (has,property) and exist (property,US) and exist (property,europe) "}, {"_id": 48, "cause": "48 exist three exist reit exist (three,reits) and exist (put,three) and exist (together,put) "}, {"_id": 49, "cause": "49 exist adoption exist August exist consumer exist exemptions exist incentive exist manufacturers exist raft exist state exist (adoption,ev) and exist (adoption,state) and exist (encourage,year) and exist (encourage,adoption) and exist (incentives,consumers) and exist (incentives,manufacturers) and exist (period,year) and exist (period,year) and exist (planning,nadu) and exist (planning,raft) and exist (planning,year) and exist (raft,incentives) and exist (raft,exemptions) and exist (reported,planning) and exist (reported,et) and exist (reported,August) and exist (validity,year) "}, {"_id": 50, "cause": "50 QUESTION(where) exist case exist refund exist where exist (applicable,where) and exist (applicable,refund) and exist (applicable,case) and exist (refund,sgst) and exist (not,applicable)"}, {"_id": 51, "cause": "51 exist district exist manufacturer exist plant exist policy exist (go,manufacturer) and exist (go,plant) and exist (plant,districts) and exist (said,policy) and exist (said,go) and exist (southern,districts) "}, {"_id": 52, "cause": "52 exist fpd exist dividend exist dividend exist fpd exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declares,fpd) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declares,declared) and exist (declared,6th) and exist (dividend,5) and exist (dowg,fpd) and exist (dowg,fpd) and exist (fpd,0.001) and exist (gbx,5) and exist (lon,5) and exist (lon,0.001) and exist (lon,5) and exist (lon,0.001) and exist (lon,fpd) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (thre/par,fpd) and exist (thre/par,fpd) and exist (tweet,fpd) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,6th) and exist (vtg,fpd) and exist (vtg,fpd) "}, {"_id": 53, "cause": "53 exist fpd exist dividend exist dividend exist fpd exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declares,fpd) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declares,declared) and exist (declared,6th) and exist (dividend,5) and exist (dowg,fpd) and exist (dowg,fpd) and exist (fpd,0.001) and exist (gbx,5) and exist (lon,5) and exist (lon,0.001) and exist (lon,5) and exist (lon,0.001) and exist (lon,fpd) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (thre/par,fpd) and exist (thre/par,fpd) and exist (tweet,fpd) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,6th) and exist (vtg,fpd) and exist (vtg,fpd) "}, {"_id": 54, "cause": "54 exist $_19.00 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,financial) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_19.00) "}, {"_id": 55, "cause": "55 exist stock exist (single,stock) "}, {"_id": 56, "cause": "56 exist acquisition exist Florida exist (acquisitions,Florida) and exist (more,acquisitions) and exist (successful,acquisitions) "}, {"_id": 57, "cause": "57 exist dollar exist stock exist (few,dollars) and exist (plunking,dollars) and exist (plunking,stock) and exist (profitable,stock) and exist (wildly,stock) "}, {"_id": 58, "cause": "58 exist it exist stock exist them exist (did,stock) and exist (did,they) "}, {"_id": 59, "cause": "59 exist it exist stock exist them exist (did,stock) and exist (did,they) "}, {"_id": 60, "cause": "60 exist $_1.50 exist it exist scene exist share exist (came,it) and exist (came,scene) and exist ($_1.50,share) and exist (scene,$_1.50) and exist (split-adjusted,$_1.50) "}, {"_id": 61, "cause": "61 exist stock exist they exist (company,stock) and exist (own,they) and exist (own,stock) "}, {"_id": 62, "cause": "62 exist 1997 exist Joanie exist Buffalo exist their exist (Joanie,miller) and exist (back,plan) and exist (back,apple) and exist (back,their) and exist (back,1997) and exist (decided,Joanie) and exist (decided,miller) and exist (decided,make) and exist (grandparents,Joanie) and exist (grandparents,miller) and exist (make,Joanie) and exist (make,miller) and exist (make,plan) and exist (Joanie,Buffalo) and exist (york,Buffalo) "}, {"_id": 63, "cause": "63 exist 1997 exist Joanie exist Buffalo exist their exist (Joanie,miller) and exist (back,plan) and exist (back,apple) and exist (back,their) and exist (back,1997) and exist (decided,Joanie) and exist (decided,miller) and exist (decided,make) and exist (grandparents,Joanie) and exist (grandparents,miller) and exist (make,Joanie) and exist (make,miller) and exist (make,plan) and exist (Joanie,Buffalo) and exist (york,Buffalo) "}, {"_id": 64, "cause": "64 exist stock exist they exist (put,they) and exist (put,stock) and exist (stock,apple) "}, {"_id": 65, "cause": "65 exist area exist Eastern_Seaboard exist prescription exist they exist they exist year exist year exist (areas,Eastern_Seaboard) and exist (close,prescriptions) and exist (dense,areas) and exist (expand,they) and exist (expand,areas) and exist (few,years) and exist (filling,expand) and exist (filling,they) and exist (filling,years) and exist (likely,filling) and exist (million,prescriptions) and exist (population,areas) and exist (prescriptions,year) "}, {"_id": 66, "cause": "66 exist Thursday_,_August_1st exist dividend exist report exist (plc,renishaw) and exist (declared,renishaw) and exist (declared,reports) and exist (plc,rsw) and exist (dividend,Thursday_,_August_1st) and exist (lon,renishaw) and exist (plc,renishaw) and exist (reports,dividend) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,reports) "}, {"_id": 67, "cause": "67 exist Thursday_,_August_1st exist dividend exist report exist (plc,renishaw) and exist (declared,renishaw) and exist (declared,reports) and exist (plc,rsw) and exist (dividend,Thursday_,_August_1st) and exist (lon,renishaw) and exist (plc,renishaw) and exist (reports,dividend) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,reports) "}, {"_id": 68, "cause": "68 exist Friday_,_July_12th exist note exist rating exist share exist (finally,reaffirmed) and exist (note,Friday_,_July_12th) and exist (rating,note) and exist (rating,shares) and exist (reaffirmed,bank) and exist (reaffirmed,rating) and exist (research,note) "}, {"_id": 69, "cause": "69 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (equities,analysts) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 70, "cause": "70 exist apparatus exist 45 exist bully exist business exist cabal exist feeling exist folk exist hold exist loser exist media exist state exist vote exist (apparatus,state) and exist (became,losers) and exist (became,styled) and exist (british,state) and exist (cabal,business) and exist (cabal,media) and exist (cabal,apparatus) and exist (cheated,scotland) and exist (combined,state) and exist (combined,bully) and exist (even,apparatus) and exist (frighten,voting) and exist (frighten,folk) and exist (powerful,cabal) and exist (quickly,became) and exist (security,apparatus) and exist (styled,losers) and exist (taken,became) and exist (taken,feeling) and exist (taken,hold) and exist (taken,cheated) "}, {"_id": 71, "cause": "71 exist 400 exist contribution exist head exist (400,-SPL-) and exist (head,contributions) and exist (more,head) and exist (400,head) "}, {"_id": 72, "cause": "72 exist inspire exist 2016 exist Roark_Capital exist Jimmy_John exist $_3_billion exist 65_% exist business exist company exist deal exist (atlanta-based,Roark_Capital) and exist (around,$_3_billion) and exist (company,inspire) and exist (equity,Roark_Capital) and exist (estimated,65_%) and exist (firm,Roark_Capital) and exist (Jimmy_John,$_3_billion) and exist (Roark_Capital,deal) and exist (65_%,business) and exist (parent,company) and exist (private,Roark_Capital) and exist (sold,liautaud) and exist (sold,Roark_Capital) and exist (sold,65_%) and exist (sold,2016) and exist (sold,company) and exist (valued,deal) and exist (valued,Jimmy_John) "}, {"_id": 73, "cause": "73 exist Jimmy_John exist deal exist end exist month exist (close,end) and exist (deal,Jimmy_John) and exist (end,month) and exist (expected,deal) and exist (expected,close) "}, {"_id": 74, "cause": "74 exist activity exist flurry exist sector exist (activity,sector) and exist (flurry,activity) and exist (gold,sector) "}, {"_id": 75, "cause": "75 exist dividend exist (declared,nysearca) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,20th) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,fidelity) and exist (etf,msci) and exist (etf,fncl) and exist (financials,nysearca) and exist (index,nysearca) and exist (journal,20th) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) "}, {"_id": 76, "cause": "76 exist dividend exist (declared,nysearca) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,20th) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,fidelity) and exist (etf,msci) and exist (etf,fncl) and exist (financials,nysearca) and exist (index,nysearca) and exist (journal,20th) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) "}, {"_id": 77, "cause": "77 exist fncl exist Friday exist (nysearca,fncl) and exist (traded,fncl) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 78, "cause": "78 exist $_75.00 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,medical) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_75.00) "}, {"_id": 79, "cause": "79 exist condition exist fall exist group exist it exist it exist its exist money exist project exist (able,it) and exist (able,issue) and exist (able,citing) and exist (bond,conditions) and exist (citing,it) and exist (citing,conditions) and exist (comes,said) and exist (comes,fall) and exist (conditions,money) and exist (continue,it) and exist (continue,projects) and exist (issue,it) and exist (market,conditions) and exist (needed,it) and exist (needed,money) and exist (needed,continue) and exist (poor,conditions) and exist (projects,its) and exist (said,group) and exist (said,able) and exist (not,able)"}, {"_id": 80, "cause": "80 exist agreement exist (european,agreements) and exist (new,agreements) and exist (supply,agreements) "}, {"_id": 81, "cause": "81 exist fertiliser exist polyhalite exist programme exist strength exist (agronomy,programme) and exist (continued,programme) and exist (continued,expand) and exist (established,fertilisers) and exist (expand,programme) and exist (find,strengths) and exist (looks,programme) and exist (looks,find) and exist (strengths,polyhalite) and exist (strengths,fertilisers) "}, {"_id": 82, "cause": "82 exist Vietnam exist coast exist Spain exist Repsol_SA exist project exist year exist (halt,Repsol_SA) and exist (halt,project) and exist (last,year) and exist (coast,Vietnam) and exist (Repsol_SA,Spain) and exist (ordered,petrovietnam) and exist (ordered,Repsol_SA) and exist (ordered,year) and exist (ordered,halt) and exist (project,coast) and exist (southern,coast) "}, {"_id": 83, "cause": "83 exist Papua_New_Guinea exist Texas exist cash exist fund exist project exist suite exist (fund,cash) and exist (fund,suite) and exist (higher-growth,projects) and exist (projects,Papua_New_Guinea) and exist (projects,Texas) and exist (projects,brazil) and exist (raise,cash) and exist (raise,fund) and exist (raise,fund) and exist (suite,projects) "}, {"_id": 84, "cause": "84 exist oil exist success exist (crude,oil) and exist (little,success) and exist (searching,oil) and exist (searching,success) "}, {"_id": 85, "cause": "85 exist Law_on_Water_Resources exist example exist (Law_on_Water_Resources,example) "}, {"_id": 86, "cause": "86 exist NASDAQ exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist dividend exist mrvl exist mrvl exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,20th) and exist (NASDAQ,mrvl) and exist ($_0.06,NASDAQ) and exist ($_0.06,mrvl) and exist (dividend,$_0.06) and exist (nasdaq,$_0.06) and exist (news,20th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) "}, {"_id": 87, "cause": "87 exist NASDAQ exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist dividend exist mrvl exist mrvl exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,20th) and exist (NASDAQ,mrvl) and exist ($_0.06,NASDAQ) and exist ($_0.06,mrvl) and exist (dividend,$_0.06) and exist (nasdaq,$_0.06) and exist (news,20th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) "}, {"_id": 88, "cause": "88 exist analyst exist Marvell_Technology_Group exist $_0.76 exist share exist year exist (earn,Marvell_Technology_Group) and exist (earn,$_0.76) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Marvell_Technology_Group) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_0.76,share) "}, {"_id": 89, "cause": "89 exist Friday exist trading exist (traded,mrvl) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 90, "cause": "90 exist $_0.16 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist share exist (company,semiconductor) and exist ($_0.16,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.16) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 91, "cause": "91 exist Matthew_J._Murphy exist company exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (news,group) and exist (ceo,Matthew_J._Murphy) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,5th) and exist (news,group) and exist (other,group) and exist (sold,Matthew_J._Murphy) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,group) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 92, "cause": "92 exist Andrew_Micallef exist company exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (also,sold) and exist (coo,Andrew_Micallef) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,4th) and exist (sold,Andrew_Micallef) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 93, "cause": "93 exist $_12,546,682 exist last_90_days exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (sold,insiders) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (valued,stock) and exist (valued,$_12,546,682) and exist (valued,last_90_days) "}, {"_id": 94, "cause": "94 exist Marvell_Technology_Group exist Monday_,_August_26th exist rating exist report exist stock exist exist (28.00,) and exist (finally,set) and exist (gave,markets) and exist (gave,rating) and exist (gave,stock) and exist (price,) and exist (rating,report) and exist (report,Monday_,_August_26th) and exist (set,markets) and exist (set,) and exist (set,Marvell_Technology_Group) "}, {"_id": 95, "cause": "95 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (assigned,twenty-two) and exist (assigned,stock) and exist (given,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,given) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,rating) "}, {"_id": 96, "cause": "96 exist dollar exist rate exist (appreciated,dollar) and exist (appreciated,%) and exist (broad,dollar) and exist (dollar,us) and exist (dollar,dollar) and exist (exchange,rate) and exist (index,dollar) and exist (panel,%) and exist (panel,%) and exist (rate,dollar) and exist (right-hand,%) and exist (trade-weighted,rate) "}, {"_id": 97, "cause": "97 exist goods exist growth exist it exist trade exist (also,remarkable) and exist (global,trade) and exist (growth,global) and exist (growth,global) and exist (growth,gdp) and exist (growth,goods) and exist (growth,trade) and exist (remarkable,it) and exist (replaces,one) and exist (replaces,global) and exist (replaces,growth) "}, {"_id": 98, "cause": "98 exist advertisement exist Singapore exist S$_5,410 exist Ministry_of_Manpower exist contribution exist earning exist tax exist (S$_5,410,deducting) and exist (advertisement,Ministry_of_Manpower) and exist (S$_5,410,earning) and exist (S$_5,410,Ministry_of_Manpower) and exist (average,earning) and exist (central,contributions) and exist (cpf,contributions) and exist (deducting,contributions) and exist (deducting,tax) and exist (earning,Singapore) and exist (fund,contributions) and exist (income,tax) and exist (monthly,earning) and exist (personal,tax) and exist (provident,contributions) "}, {"_id": 99, "cause": "99 exist S$_1,649 exist pro exist release exist (gb,pro) and exist (priced,pro) and exist (priced,S$_1,649) and exist (priced,release) and exist (pro,iphone) "}, {"_id": 100, "cause": "100 exist pro exist (afford,pro) and exist (pro,iphone) "}, {"_id": 101, "cause": "101 exist hand exist pro exist their exist (get,hands) and exist (get,pro) and exist (hands,their) and exist (pro,iphone) "}, {"_id": 102, "cause": "102 exist 11 exist cash exist (11,iphone) and exist (earn,cash) and exist (earn,11) and exist (enough,cash) "}, {"_id": 103, "cause": "103 exist share exist volume exist (average,volume) and exist (trading,volume) and exist (volume,shares) "}, {"_id": 104, "cause": "104 exist $_309,583 exist ninety_days exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (last,ninety_days) and exist ($_309,583,ninety_days) and exist (sold,insiders) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (shares,$_309,583) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (worth,shares) "}, {"_id": 105, "cause": "105 exist 200.0_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Kforce exist its exist position exist (lifted,lp) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,200.0_%) and exist (lifted,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,Kforce) "}, {"_id": 106, "cause": "106 exist 2nd_quarter exist Kforce exist 9.7_% exist holding exist its exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,Kforce) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,holdings) and exist (raised,9.7_%) and exist (raised,2nd_quarter) "}, {"_id": 107, "cause": "107 exist 16.5_% exist 1st_quarter exist Kforce exist holding exist its exist (finally,raised) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (16.5_%,1st_quarter) and exist (raised,de) and exist (raised,holdings) and exist (raised,16.5_%) and exist (raised,Kforce) "}, {"_id": 108, "cause": "108 exist Friday exist stock exist (stock,kforce) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 109, "cause": "109 exist $_0.66 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist (business,provider) and exist ($_0.66,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_0.66) and exist (services,provider) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 110, "cause": "110 exist Friday_,_September_20th exist business exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,business) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Friday_,_September_20th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 111, "cause": "111 exist 485 exist percent exist gold exist period exist (20-year,period) and exist (more,485) and exist (percent,485) and exist (returned,gold) and exist (returned,percent) and exist (returned,period) "}, {"_id": 112, "cause": "112 exist 78 exist etf exist tonne exist (american,etfs) and exist (gold,etfs) and exist (nearly,78) and exist (ounces,tonnes) and exist (rose,etfs) and exist (rose,month) and exist (rose,tonnes) and exist (tonnes,78) "}, {"_id": 113, "cause": "113 exist China exist bank exist dollar exist metal exist those exist (central,banks) and exist (continue,banks) and exist (continue,load) and exist (diversify,dollar) and exist (dollar,u.s.) and exist (led,banks) and exist (led,those) and exist (load,banks) and exist (load,metal) and exist (load,diversify) and exist (those,China) and exist (those,russia) and exist (yellow,metal) "}, {"_id": 114, "cause": "114 exist Bank_of_Russia exist Vladimir_Miklashevsky exist Danske_Bank exist asset exist billion exist dollar exist gold exist month exist strategy exist substitution exist there exist (assets,u.s.) and exist (is,substitution) and exist (is,there) and exist (billions,dollars) and exist (comments,Vladimir_Miklashevsky) and exist (dollar,assets) and exist (earned,strategy) and exist (earned,billions) and exist (earned,Bank_of_Russia) and exist (earned,months) and exist (gold,strategy) and exist (gold,Vladimir_Miklashevsky) and exist (gold,Danske_Bank) and exist (just,months) and exist (massive,substitution) and exist (several,months) and exist (strategist,gold) and exist (substitution,gold) and exist (substitution,assets) "}, {"_id": 115, "cause": "115 exist U.S. exist hedge exist war exist (hedge,war) and exist (trade,war) and exist (war,U.S.) "}, {"_id": 116, "cause": "116 exist Trump exist January_2017 exist inauguration exist (inauguration,Trump) and exist (inauguration,January_2017) "}, {"_id": 117, "cause": "117 exist $_18.85 exist $_1,487.86 exist gold exist ounce exist (closed,gold) and exist (closed,$_18.85) and exist (closed,$_1,487.86) and exist ($_18.85,ounce) and exist (spot,gold) and exist (week,gold) "}, {"_id": 118, "cause": "118 exist price exist (higher,prices) "}, {"_id": 119, "cause": "119 exist two_days exist Friday exist high exist low exist metal exist (fell,hitting) and exist (fell,metal) and exist (fell,two_days) and exist (fell,Friday) and exist (fell,low) and exist (hitting,high) and exist (just,two_days) and exist (last,Friday) and exist (six-year,high) and exist (two-week,low) and exist (yellow,metal) "}, {"_id": 120, "cause": "120 exist company exist investor exist it exist stake exist (activist,investor) and exist (automobile,company) and exist (disclosed,investor) and exist (disclosed,taken) and exist (parts,company) and exist (stake,company) and exist (substantial,stake) and exist (taken,it) and exist (taken,stake) "}, {"_id": 121, "cause": "121 exist government exist impact exist war exist (impact,war) and exist (lessen,government) and exist (lessen,impact) and exist (seeks,government) and exist (seeks,lessen) and exist (trade,war) "}, {"_id": 122, "cause": "122 exist amount exist 2007 exist People_'s_Bank_of_China exist bank exist it exist level exist reserve exist (amount,banks) and exist (cash,banks) and exist (cut,it) and exist (cut,amount) and exist (hold,reserves) and exist (hold,2007) and exist (lowest,level) and exist (reserves,level) and exist (says,People_'s_Bank_of_China) and exist (says,hold) "}, {"_id": 123, "cause": "123 exist Trump exist one exist his exist (advisor,bolton) and exist (advisors,bolton) and exist (advisors,his) and exist (advisors,bolton) and exist (fired,Trump) and exist (fired,one) and exist (hawkish,bolton) and exist (most,advisors) and exist (national,bolton) and exist (one,bolton) and exist (president,Trump) and exist (security,bolton) "}, {"_id": 124, "cause": "124 exist China exist Bloomberg exist beating exist demand exist metal exist subsidies exist vehicle exist (battery,metal) and exist (Bloomberg,taking) and exist (demand,vehicles) and exist (demand,China) and exist (electrics,vehicles) and exist (removed,subsidies) and exist (reports,Bloomberg) and exist (slowed,removed) and exist (taking,slowed) and exist (taking,metal) and exist (taking,beating) and exist (taking,demand) "}, {"_id": 125, "cause": "125 exist it exist mine exist output exist plan exist price exist response exist world exist (announced,it) and exist (announced,plans) and exist (biggest,mine) and exist (curb,plans) and exist (curb,output) and exist (curb,response) and exist (graphite,mine) and exist (lower,prices) and exist (mine,world) and exist (output,mine) and exist (response,prices) "}, {"_id": 126, "cause": "126 exist Bloomberg exist Justina_Vasquez exist entry exist gain exist gold exist haven exist investors exist platinum exist rally exist silver exist week exist (cheaper,entry) and exist (entry,havens) and exist (few,weeks) and exist (gains,gold) and exist (helped,widen) and exist (looking,investors) and exist (looking,helped) and exist (looking,entry) and exist (Justina_Vasquez,Bloomberg) and exist (past,weeks) and exist (rally,silver) and exist (rally,platinum) and exist (surged,rally) and exist (surged,weeks) and exist (surpass,gains) and exist (widen,rally) and exist (writes,Justina_Vasquez) and exist (writes,looking) "}, {"_id": 127, "cause": "127 exist China exist crop exist demand exist farmers exist their exist (crops,their) and exist (hurt,slowed) and exist (hurt,farmers) and exist (slowed,demand) and exist (slowed,crops) and exist (slowed,China) "}, {"_id": 128, "cause": "128 exist activity exist 2.1_percent exist July exist production exist slowdown exist (declined,production) and exist (declined,2.1_percent) and exist (declined,suggesting) and exist (economic,activity) and exist (industrial,production) and exist (2.1_percent,July) and exist (slowdown,activity) and exist (suggesting,production) and exist (suggesting,slowdown) "}, {"_id": 129, "cause": "129 exist October exist election exist plan exist wages exist (ahead,elections) and exist (announced,polish) and exist (announced,plan) and exist (double,wages) and exist (elections,October) and exist (government,polish) and exist (government,polish) and exist (minimum,wages) and exist (nearly,wages) and exist (plan,wages) "}, {"_id": 130, "cause": "130 exist 2018 exist Kerch_Strait exist mainland exist ship exist their exist (crimea,mainland) and exist (russian,mainland) and exist (seized,ships) and exist (seized,2018) and exist (seized,Kerch_Strait) and exist (ships,their) "}, {"_id": 131, "cause": "131 exist 0.5_percent exist ECB exist point exist (basis,points) and exist (cut,ECB) and exist (cut,points) and exist (negative,0.5_percent) and exist (points,0.5_percent) "}, {"_id": 132, "cause": "132 exist Income_Trust_PLC exist dividend exist (american,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (declared,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (Income_Trust_PLC,nait) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (lon,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (north,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,24th) "}, {"_id": 133, "cause": "133 exist Income_Trust_PLC exist dividend exist (american,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (declared,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (Income_Trust_PLC,nait) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (lon,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (north,Income_Trust_PLC) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,24th) "}, {"_id": 134, "cause": "134 exist Tuesday exist lon exist share exist trading exist (gbx,0.04) and exist (gbx,0.04) and exist (midday,trading) and exist (shares,lon) and exist (traded,nait) and exist (traded,0.04) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (trading,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 135, "cause": "135 exist part exist restructuring exist (part,restructuring) "}, {"_id": 136, "cause": "136 exist $_1.8_billion_dollars exist corporation exist debt exist (had,corporation) and exist (had,$_1.8_billion_dollars) and exist ($_1.8_billion_dollars,debt) "}, {"_id": 137, "cause": "137 exist Trump exist board exist director exist his exist plan exist (able,Trump) and exist (able,agree) and exist (agree,Trump) and exist (agree,plan) and exist (agree,board) and exist (board,his) and exist (board,directors) and exist (repayment,plan) and exist (not,able)"}, {"_id": 138, "cause": "138 exist business exist it exist its exist (business,its) and exist (energy,business) and exist (expand,it) and exist (expand,business) and exist (looks,it) and exist (looks,expand) "}, {"_id": 139, "cause": "139 exist bar exist card exist merchandising exist part exist point exist sale exist support exist table exist your exist (bar,cards) and exist (easy,support) and exist (effective,support) and exist (merchandising,your) and exist (on-premise,merchandising) and exist (part,merchandising) and exist (point,sale) and exist (point,provide) and exist (provide,bar) and exist (provide,table) and exist (provide,support) and exist (provide,part) and exist (simple,bar) and exist (tent,cards) "}, {"_id": 140, "cause": "140 exist $_17.89 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,services) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_17.89) "}, {"_id": 141, "cause": "141 exist $_12.64 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,conduent) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_12.64) "}, {"_id": 142, "cause": "142 exist March_29th exist inc/adr exist its exist offering exist share exist (initial,offering) and exist (issued,inc/adr) and exist (issued,shares) and exist (issued,offering) and exist (offering,its) and exist (offering,March_29th) and exist (public,offering) and exist (puyi,inc/adr) "}, {"_id": 143, "cause": "143 exist Twitter exist Civil_Aviation_Authority exist Britain exist booking exist company exist effect exist flight exist post exist trading exist vacations exist we exist (announce,we) and exist (announce,ceased) and exist (bookings,flights) and exist (bookings,vacations) and exist (canceled,bookings) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (immediate,effect) and exist (Civil_Aviation_Authority,Britain) and exist (post,Twitter) and exist (said,company) and exist (said,Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (said,sorry) and exist (said,canceled) and exist (said,post) and exist (sorry,we) and exist (sorry,announce) and exist (trading,effect) "}, {"_id": 144, "cause": "144 exist Twitter exist Civil_Aviation_Authority exist Britain exist booking exist company exist effect exist flight exist post exist trading exist vacations exist we exist (announce,we) and exist (announce,ceased) and exist (bookings,flights) and exist (bookings,vacations) and exist (canceled,bookings) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (immediate,effect) and exist (Civil_Aviation_Authority,Britain) and exist (post,Twitter) and exist (said,company) and exist (said,Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (said,sorry) and exist (said,canceled) and exist (said,post) and exist (sorry,we) and exist (sorry,announce) and exist (trading,effect) "}, {"_id": 145, "cause": "145 "}, {"_id": 146, "cause": "146 exist $_2.5_billion exist 2_billion_pounds exist company exist debt exist (approaching,debts) and exist (approaching,2_billion_pounds) and exist (2_billion_pounds,$_2.5_billion) and exist (nearly,$_2.5_billion) and exist (struggling,company) and exist (struggling,debts) "}, {"_id": 147, "cause": "147 exist automation exist company exist design exist it exist its exist partner exist (engaged,company) and exist (engaged,partners) and exist (went,engaged) and exist (went,design) and exist (went,automation) and exist (how,engaged) and exist (needed,it) and exist (needed,design) and exist (new,design) and exist (partners,its) and exist (technology,partners) and exist (transaction,automation) "}, {"_id": 148, "cause": "148 exist momentum exist year exist (already,contributed) and exist (contributed,momentum) and exist (contributed,year) and exist (last,year) "}, {"_id": 149, "cause": "149 exist momentum exist year exist (already,contributed) and exist (contributed,momentum) and exist (contributed,year) and exist (last,year) "}, {"_id": 150, "cause": "150 exist Games_Workshop_Group_PLC exist dividend exist dividend exist gaw exist report exist (18th,reports) and exist (announced,Games_Workshop_Group_PLC) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (dividend,reports) and exist (gaw,Games_Workshop_Group_PLC) and exist (lon,november) and exist (lon,november) and exist (lon,gaw) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (Games_Workshop_Group_PLC,november) and exist (Games_Workshop_Group_PLC,dividend) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,reports) "}, {"_id": 151, "cause": "151 exist Games_Workshop_Group_PLC exist dividend exist dividend exist gaw exist report exist (18th,reports) and exist (announced,Games_Workshop_Group_PLC) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (dividend,reports) and exist (gaw,Games_Workshop_Group_PLC) and exist (lon,november) and exist (lon,november) and exist (lon,gaw) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (Games_Workshop_Group_PLC,november) and exist (Games_Workshop_Group_PLC,dividend) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,reports) "}, {"_id": 152, "cause": "152 exist $_0.45 exist dividend exist etf exist issue exist ryt exist (declared,$_0.45) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.45,etf) and exist (dividend,etf) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (equal,etf) and exist (equal,nysearca) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,ryt) and exist (etf,ryt) and exist (issue,nysearca) and exist (issue,declared) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (technology,etf) and exist (technology,nysearca) and exist (tweet,etf) and exist (weight,etf) and exist (weight,nysearca) "}, {"_id": 153, "cause": "153 exist $_0.45 exist dividend exist etf exist issue exist ryt exist (declared,$_0.45) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.45,etf) and exist (dividend,etf) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (equal,etf) and exist (equal,nysearca) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,ryt) and exist (etf,ryt) and exist (issue,nysearca) and exist (issue,declared) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (technology,etf) and exist (technology,nysearca) and exist (tweet,etf) and exist (weight,etf) and exist (weight,nysearca) "}, {"_id": 154, "cause": "154 exist Monday exist ryt exist share exist trading exist (nysearca,ryt) and exist (shares,ryt) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 155, "cause": "155 exist amount exist Llc exist cost exist cover exist expense exist fg-phl exist fund exist investments exist time exist (clarification,investments) and exist (cover,cost) and exist (cover,fund) and exist (fg-phl,investments) and exist (fixed,cost) and exist (forge,investments) and exist (fund,expenses) and exist (fund,fg-phl) and exist (investments,Llc) and exist (represents,amount) and exist (represents,fg-phl) and exist (represents,time) and exist (series,fg-phl) and exist (time,cost) "}, {"_id": 156, "cause": "156 exist apparel exist Tuesday exist Nike_Inc exist consumer exist expectation exist its exist pace exist profit exist push exist retailer exist revenue exist sneakers exist store exist (apparels,consumers) and exist (beat,revenue) and exist (beat,profit) and exist (beat,expectations) and exist (beat,push) and exist (beat,Tuesday) and exist (gained,pace) and exist (nke.n,revenue) and exist (online,retailers) and exist (own,stores) and exist (quarterly,revenue) and exist (retailers,its) and exist (revenue,Nike_Inc) and exist (sell,push) and exist (sell,sneakers) and exist (sell,apparels) and exist (sell,stores) and exist (sell,retailers) and exist (stores,its) and exist (street,expectations) and exist (wall,expectations) "}, {"_id": 157, "cause": "157 exist it exist price exist product exist (full,price) and exist (more,products) and exist (sold,it) and exist (sold,products) and exist (sold,price) "}, {"_id": 158, "cause": "158 QUESTION(when) exist business exist exist part exist that exist that exist their exist they exist website exist when exist (becoming,part) and exist (becoming,part) and exist (bigger,part) and exist (bigger,part) and exist (growing,that) and exist (,becoming) and exist (,sell) and exist (,that) and exist (own,website) and exist (part,business) and exist (rapidly,growing) and exist (sell,when) and exist (sell,they) and exist (sell,website) and exist (strong,) and exist (very,) and exist (very,growing) and exist (website,their) "}, {"_id": 159, "cause": "159 QUESTION(when) exist business exist exist part exist that exist that exist their exist they exist website exist when exist (becoming,part) and exist (becoming,part) and exist (bigger,part) and exist (bigger,part) and exist (growing,that) and exist (,becoming) and exist (,sell) and exist (,that) and exist (own,website) and exist (part,business) and exist (rapidly,growing) and exist (sell,when) and exist (sell,they) and exist (sell,website) and exist (strong,) and exist (very,) and exist (very,growing) and exist (website,their) "}, {"_id": 160, "cause": "160 exist Elliott_Management exist it exist level exist potential exist refiner exist stock exist (activist,Elliott_Management) and exist (current,levels) and exist (investor,Elliott_Management) and exist (oil,refiner) and exist (potential,stock) and exist (rise,potential) and exist (rise,levels) and exist (said,Elliott_Management) and exist (said,sees) and exist (sees,it) and exist (sees,potential) and exist (sees,rise) and exist (stock,refiner) "}, {"_id": 161, "cause": "161 exist potential exist (achieving,potential) and exist (full,potential) and exist (operating,potential) "}, {"_id": 162, "cause": "162 exist $_0.05 exist PJT_Partners_Inc exist dividend exist pjt exist (announced,$_0.05) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,24th) and exist ($_0.05,inc) and exist (dividend,inc) and exist (issue,PJT_Partners_Inc) and exist (issue,announced) and exist (nasdaq,24th) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,PJT_Partners_Inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,pjt) and exist (quarterly,inc) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 163, "cause": "163 exist $_0.05 exist PJT_Partners_Inc exist dividend exist pjt exist (announced,$_0.05) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,24th) and exist ($_0.05,inc) and exist (dividend,inc) and exist (issue,PJT_Partners_Inc) and exist (issue,announced) and exist (nasdaq,24th) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,PJT_Partners_Inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,pjt) and exist (quarterly,inc) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 164, "cause": "164 exist Monday exist (traded,pjt) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 165, "cause": "165 exist $_0.51 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist share exist ($_0.51,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (financial,provider) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_0.51) and exist (services,provider) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 166, "cause": "166 exist PJT_Partners exist $_49.00 exist $_42.00 exist Thursday_,_July_11th exist rating exist report exist share exist stock exist exist their exist (cut,research) and exist (cut,) and exist (cut,$_49.00) and exist (cut,shares) and exist (finally,cut) and exist (neutral,rating) and exist ($_49.00,$_42.00) and exist (price,) and exist (report,Thursday_,_July_11th) and exist (set,research) and exist (set,rating) and exist (set,report) and exist (set,stock) and exist (shares,PJT_Partners) and exist (,their) "}, {"_id": 167, "cause": "167 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (assigned,stock) and exist (given,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (research,analyst) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 168, "cause": "168 exist $_12.82 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,cloudera) and exist (has,price) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,$_12.82) "}, {"_id": 169, "cause": "169 exist $_334.16 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,shopify) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_334.16) "}, {"_id": 170, "cause": "170 exist amount exist $_5,000 exist take exist (amount,$_5,000) and exist (take,amount) and exist (try,take) "}, {"_id": 171, "cause": "171 exist pressure exist step exist (easing,step) and exist (easing,pressure) and exist (liquidity,pressure) and exist (major,step) "}, {"_id": 172, "cause": "172 exist Dutoit_Group exist Christmas_in_2017 exist company exist company exist option exist share exist their exist week exist workers exist (belongs,company) and exist (belongs,Dutoit_Group) and exist (few,weeks) and exist (gave,company) and exist (gave,option) and exist (gave,workers) and exist (gave,weeks) and exist (sell,option) and exist (sell,shares) and exist (sell,company) and exist (shares,their) and exist (weeks,Christmas_in_2017) "}, {"_id": 173, "cause": "173 QUESTION(when) exist drain exist etf exist it exist itself exist liquidity exist liquidity exist market exist track exist when exist (drained,when) and exist (drained,liquidity) and exist (drained,market) and exist (drain,liquidity) and exist (etf,itself) and exist (had,drain) and exist (had,it) and exist (had,track) and exist (had,track) and exist (partially,responsible) and exist (responsible,drained) and exist (responsible,etf) and exist (responsible,drain) and exist (same,drain) "}, {"_id": 174, "cause": "174 exist array exist equipment exist server exist system exist tax exist that exist users exist (array,servers) and exist (array,systems) and exist (array,equipment) and exist (cooling,systems) and exist (exempt,users) and exist (exempt,taxes) and exist (need,array) and exist (need,that) and exist (new,servers) and exist (sales,taxes) and exist (taxes,array) and exist (wide,array) "}, {"_id": 175, "cause": "175 exist aid exist Ireland exist 1991 exist 2007 exist Apple exist August_2016 exist Commission exist burden exist decade exist it exist ruling exist (aid,it) and exist (artificially,reduced) and exist (burden,Apple) and exist (1991,2007) and exist (effectively,making) and exist (illegal,aid) and exist (making,aid) and exist (making,aid) and exist (reduced,making) and exist (reduced,rulings) and exist (reduced,burden) and exist (reduced,decades) and exist (rulings,Ireland) and exist (rulings,1991) and exist (said,Commission) and exist (said,reduced) and exist (said,August_2016) and exist (state,aid) and exist (tax,burden) and exist (tax,rulings) "}, {"_id": 176, "cause": "176 exist countryside exist discontent exist growth exist investment exist loss exist low exist (caused,low) and exist (caused,losses) and exist (discontent,countryside) and exist (fueled,low) and exist (fueled,discontent) and exist (job,losses) and exist (lifting,growth) and exist (private,investment) and exist (reviving,investment) and exist (reviving,growth) and exist (reviving,low) and exist (six-year,low) "}, {"_id": 177, "cause": "177 exist March_2023 exist production exist they exist (begin,they) and exist (begin,production) and exist (begin,March_2023) "}, {"_id": 178, "cause": "178 exist step exist tax exist (corporate,tax) and exist (cut,step) and exist (cut,tax) and exist (historic,step) "}, {"_id": 179, "cause": "179 exist Asia exist cut exist economy exist government exist growth exist (announced,government) and exist (announced,cuts) and exist (economy,Asia) and exist (flagging,growth) and exist (growth,economy) and exist (largest,economy) and exist (revive,cuts) and exist (revive,growth) and exist (tax,cuts) and exist (third,economy) "}, {"_id": 180, "cause": "180 exist shares exist (soared,shares) "}, {"_id": 181, "cause": "181 exist growth exist (already,weak) and exist (revenue,growth) and exist (tax,growth) and exist (weak,growth) "}, {"_id": 182, "cause": "182 exist Republic_of_Congo exist duties exist employee exist period exist (foreign,employees) and exist (limited,periods) and exist (performed,duty) and exist (performed,employees) and exist (seconded,duty) and exist (seconded,work) and exist (work,duty) and exist (work,periods) and exist (work,Republic_of_Congo) "}, {"_id": 183, "cause": "183 exist stock exist trade exist week exist (hard,hit) and exist (hit,seized) and exist (hit,stocks) and exist (momentum,trade) and exist (particularly,hit) and exist (past,week) and exist (seized,trade) and exist (seized,week) and exist (software,stocks) "}, {"_id": 184, "cause": "184 exist Adobe exist 20 exist quarter exist FactSet exist earnings exist estimate exist (ahead,estimates) and exist (come,earnings) and exist (come,FactSet) and exist (come,estimates) and exist (consensus,estimates) and exist (earnings,Adobe) and exist (estimates,20) and exist (20,quarter) and exist (past,quarter) and exist (per-share,earnings) "}, {"_id": 185, "cause": "185 exist March_quarter exist gain exist (%,gain) and exist (a,gain) and exist (gain,March_quarter) "}, {"_id": 186, "cause": "186 exist North_America exist count exist it exist it exist landfill exist outfit exist plant exist station exist truck exist (disposal,outfit) and exist (garbage,trucks) and exist (largest,outfit) and exist (last,count) and exist (making,outfit) and exist (making,outfit) and exist (operated,it) and exist (operated,landfills) and exist (outfit,it) and exist (outfit,North_America) and exist (owned,making) and exist (owned,it) and exist (owned,stations) and exist (owned,plants) and exist (owned,trucks) and exist (owned,count) and exist (recycling,plants) and exist (transfer,stations) "}, {"_id": 187, "cause": "187 exist analyst exist Waste_Management exist cost exist exist recommendation exist your exist (achieve,) and exist (based,instill) and exist (better,) and exist (buy,Waste_Management) and exist (buy,recommendation) and exist (discipline,cost) and exist (drive,your) and exist (instill,achieve) and exist (instill,cost) and exist (issued,analyst) and exist (issued,Waste_Management) and exist (recently,issued) and exist (stock,analyst) "}, {"_id": 188, "cause": "188 exist administration exist Federal_Government exist deal exist firm exist probe exist (ahead,go) and exist (limited,Federal_Government) and exist (gas,deal) and exist (go,Federal_Government) and exist (go,probe) and exist (irish,firm) and exist (pipeline,deal) and exist (previous,administration) and exist (probe,deal) and exist (probe,administration) and exist (probe,firm) and exist (reported,post) and exist (reported,vowed) and exist (vowed,Federal_Government) and exist (vowed,go) and exist (vowed,limited) "}, {"_id": 189, "cause": "189 exist Thursday exist contract exist firm exist (arraigned,commission) and exist (arraigned,firms) and exist (controversial,contract) and exist (efcc,commission) and exist (efcc,commission) and exist (efcc,Thursday) and exist (linked,firms) and exist (linked,contract) and exist (oil,contract) and exist (p&id,contract) "}, {"_id": 190, "cause": "190 exist guideline exist tender exist (cvc,guidelines) and exist (however,re-negotiated) and exist (re-negotiated,tender) and exist (re-negotiated,guidelines) "}, {"_id": 191, "cause": "191 exist -0.051_% exist it exist rate exist (auctioned,it) and exist (auctioned,rate) and exist (rate,-0.051_%) "}, {"_id": 192, "cause": "192 exist auction exist bid exist offer exist paper exist value exist (as,bids) and exist (bids,value) and exist (many,bids) and exist (received,auction) and exist (received,bids) and exist (received,offer) and exist (twice,bids) and exist (value,paper) "}, {"_id": 193, "cause": "193 exist NASDAQ exist dividend exist mfnc exist report exist (18th,reports) and exist (announced,NASDAQ) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (NASDAQ,mfnc) and exist (journal,reports) "}, {"_id": 194, "cause": "194 exist NASDAQ exist dividend exist mfnc exist report exist (18th,reports) and exist (announced,NASDAQ) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (NASDAQ,mfnc) and exist (journal,reports) "}, {"_id": 195, "cause": "195 exist analyst exist $_1.46 exist share exist year exist (earn,$_1.46) and exist (earn,year) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_1.46,share) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 196, "cause": "196 exist $_0.34 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist ($_0.34,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (financial,provider) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_0.34) and exist (services,provider) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 197, "cause": "197 exist bankruptcy exist (prevent,bankruptcy) "}, {"_id": 198, "cause": "198 exist compensation exist debt exist employee exist issue exist passengers exist (compensation,employees) and exist (cover,debt) and exist (cover,passengers) and exist (cover,issue) and exist (issue,compensation) and exist (possibly,issue) "}, {"_id": 199, "cause": "199 exist result exist this exist (result,this) "}, {"_id": 200, "cause": "200 "}, {"_id": 201, "cause": "201 exist Turkey exist drop exist income exist tourism exist (being,income) and exist (desired,being) and exist (desired,drop) and exist (drop,tourism) and exist (income,Turkey) and exist (major,income) and exist (not,desired)"}, {"_id": 202, "cause": "202 exist holder exist (atol,holder) "}, {"_id": 203, "cause": "203 exist aim exist Mengniu exist 100 exist Bellamy exist arrangement exist cent exist scheme exist share exist (acquire,Mengniu) and exist (acquire,100) and exist (acquire,scheme) and exist (aims,Mengniu) and exist (aims,acquire) and exist (cent,shares) and exist (100,cent) and exist (scheme,arrangement) and exist (shares,Bellamy) "}, {"_id": 204, "cause": "204 exist 2015 exist $_32.5_million exist 2017 exist $_1.25_million exist W._McKinley_St. exist complex exist instance exist (apartment,complex) and exist (assessed,complex) and exist (assessed,$_1.25_million) and exist (assessed,instance) and exist (assessed,2017) and exist (complex,university) and exist (complex,W._McKinley_St.) and exist (edge,complex) and exist (sold,instance) and exist (sold,$_32.5_million) and exist (sold,2015) "}, {"_id": 205, "cause": "205 exist W._Chimes_St. exist $_108.5_million exist 2015 exist $_3.3_million exist 2017 exist complex exist (assessed,complex) and exist (assessed,$_3.3_million) and exist (assessed,2017) and exist (complex,house) and exist (complex,W._Chimes_St.) and exist (sold,W._Chimes_St.) and exist (sold,$_108.5_million) and exist (sold,2015) and exist (similarly,assessed) "}, {"_id": 206, "cause": "206 exist deal exist (brand,deals) and exist (doing,deals) and exist (endorsement,deals) "}, {"_id": 207, "cause": "207 exist package exist unlock exist (bank,package) and exist (billion,package) and exist (financing,package) and exist (unlock,package) "}, {"_id": 208, "cause": "208 QUESTION(who) exist WeWork exist board exist ceo exist concern exist governance exist investor exist its exist meet exist oust exist overhaul exist player exist who exist (board,WeWork) and exist (concerns,investors) and exist (discuss,board) and exist (discuss,ousting) and exist (failed,overhaul) and exist (failed,relieve) and exist (governance,its) and exist (here,failed) and exist (key,players) and exist (meeting,board) and exist (meeting,discuss) and exist (more,meeting) and exist (ousting,neumann) and exist (ousting,ceo) and exist (overhaul,players) and exist (overhaul,who) and exist (overhaul,governance) and exist (relieve,overhaul) and exist (relieve,concerns) and exist (reportedly,meeting) and exist (see,meeting) "}, {"_id": 209, "cause": "209 exist $_8.00 exist price exist (acci/s,aval) and exist (acci/s,aval) and exist (consensus,price) and exist (grupo,aval) and exist (has,aval) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_8.00) "}, {"_id": 210, "cause": "210 exist company exist it exist trading exist (announced,company) and exist (announced,ceased) and exist (ceased,it) and exist (ceased,trading) "}, {"_id": 211, "cause": "211 exist hawk exist moan exist boom exist debt exist deficit exist (annual,deficits) and exist (moan,hawk) and exist (deficit,hawk) and exist (economic,boom) and exist (even,moan) and exist (exploding,debt) and exist (goosing,boom) and exist (keep,goosing) and exist (lopsided,boom) and exist (national,debt) and exist (moan,debt) and exist (moan,deficits) and exist (topping,deficits) "}, {"_id": 212, "cause": "212 exist $_2.4_million exist $_32_million exist 0.1_percent exist household exist income exist wealth exist (households,$_2.4_million) and exist (households,incomes) and exist (includes,0.1_percent) and exist (includes,wealth) and exist (includes,households) and exist (starting,households) and exist (starting,$_32_million) "}, {"_id": 213, "cause": "213 exist way exist (ensure,way) and exist (first,pay) "}, {"_id": 214, "cause": "214 exist dividends exist gain exist income exist income exist salaries exist surtax exist wages exist wealth exist work exist (apply,surtax) and exist (apply,income) and exist (apply,income) and exist (capital,gains) and exist (earned,income) and exist (earned,work) and exist (gained,income) and exist (gained,wealth) and exist (investment,income) and exist (wealth,gains) and exist (wealth,dividends) and exist (work,wages) and exist (work,salaries) "}, {"_id": 215, "cause": "215 exist DeVos exist February_2017 exist freedom exist fund exist level exist office exist policies exist state exist urge exist who exist (education,freedom) and exist (education,fund) and exist (establish,states) and exist (establish,level) and exist (establish,policy) and exist (establish,fund) and exist (establish,provide) and exist (federal,level) and exist (freedom,fund) and exist (more,freedom) and exist (provide,policy) and exist (provide,freedom) and exist (provide,level) and exist (took,DeVos) and exist (took,who) and exist (took,office) and exist (took,February_2017) and exist (urging,DeVos) and exist (urging,states) and exist (urging,establish) "}, {"_id": 216, "cause": "216 exist last_20_years exist she exist work exist (last_20_years,work) and exist (done,she) and exist (here,done) and exist (work,done) "}, {"_id": 217, "cause": "217 exist abuse exist Larry_Nassar exist decade exist its exist mishandle exist (decades,Larry_Nassar) and exist (decades,abuse) and exist (mishandling,its) and exist (mishandling,decades) and exist (sexual,abuse) "}, {"_id": 218, "cause": "218 exist boss exist their exist their exist (bosses,their) and exist (bosses,their) and exist (positions,bosses) and exist (not,position)"}, {"_id": 219, "cause": "219 exist $_130.94 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,okta) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_130.94) "}, {"_id": 220, "cause": "220 exist $_9.33 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,mobileiron) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_9.33) "}, {"_id": 221, "cause": "221 exist Perspecta_Inc exist Perspecta_Inc exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist plan exist (announced,$_0.06) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,13th) and exist (Perspecta_Inc,prsp) and exist (Perspecta_Inc,prsp) and exist ($_0.06,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (dividend,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (nasdaq,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (nasdaq,13th) and exist (nasdaq,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (plans,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (plans,announced) and exist (quarterly,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,13th) and exist (reports,13th) "}, {"_id": 222, "cause": "222 exist Perspecta_Inc exist Perspecta_Inc exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist plan exist (announced,$_0.06) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,13th) and exist (Perspecta_Inc,prsp) and exist (Perspecta_Inc,prsp) and exist ($_0.06,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (dividend,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (nasdaq,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (nasdaq,13th) and exist (nasdaq,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (plans,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (plans,announced) and exist (quarterly,Perspecta_Inc) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,13th) and exist (reports,13th) "}, {"_id": 223, "cause": "223 exist $_0.52 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist ($_0.52,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.52) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 224, "cause": "224 exist Perspecta exist Monday_,_June_17th exist rating exist report exist stock exist exist (21.00,) and exist (finally,set) and exist (gave,rating) and exist (gave,stock) and exist (price,) and exist (rating,report) and exist (report,Monday_,_June_17th) and exist (set,) and exist (,Perspecta) "}, {"_id": 225, "cause": "225 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (assigned,rating) and exist (given,stock) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,given) and exist (rated,rating) "}, {"_id": 226, "cause": "226 exist 3.0_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist company exist filing exist its exist its exist position exist share exist (13f.filing,filing) and exist (company,filing) and exist (dividend,nasdaq) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (form,filing) and exist (most,filing) and exist (3.0_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (recent,filing) and exist (select,nasdaq) and exist (shares,nasdaq) and exist (trimmed,llc) and exist (trimmed,position) and exist (trimmed,company) and exist (trimmed,3.0_%) "}, {"_id": 227, "cause": "227 exist Vivaldi_Capital_Management_LLC exist 0.8_% exist etf exist its exist portfolio exist stock exist (approximately,0.8_%) and exist (biggest,29th) and exist (comprises,making) and exist (comprises,etf) and exist (comprises,0.8_%) and exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,ishares) and exist (holding,29th) and exist (holding,29th) and exist (holding,stock) and exist (holding,its) and exist (making,29th) and exist (making,holding) and exist (0.8_%,portfolio) and exist (portfolio,Vivaldi_Capital_Management_LLC) "}, {"_id": 228, "cause": "228 exist 1.2_% exist second_quarter exist etf exist its exist position exist share exist (dividend,etf) and exist (grew,corp) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,1.2_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (select,etf) and exist (shares,etf) "}, {"_id": 229, "cause": "229 exist 119.0_% exist first_quarter exist etf exist its exist position exist share exist (dividend,etf) and exist (grew,advisors) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,119.0_%) and exist (grew,first_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (select,etf) and exist (shares,etf) "}, {"_id": 230, "cause": "230 exist 132.4_% exist second_quarter exist etf exist its exist position exist share exist (dividend,etf) and exist (grew,advisors) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,132.4_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (select,etf) and exist (shares,etf) "}, {"_id": 231, "cause": "231 exist 7.4_% exist first_quarter exist etf exist its exist position exist share exist (dividend,etf) and exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,7.4_%) and exist (grew,first_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (select,etf) and exist (shares,etf) "}, {"_id": 232, "cause": "232 exist 6.7_% exist first_quarter exist etf exist its exist position exist share exist (dividend,etf) and exist (finally,grew) and exist (grew,inc.) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,6.7_%) and exist (grew,first_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (select,etf) and exist (shares,etf) "}, {"_id": 233, "cause": "233 exist Friday exist NASDAQ exist share exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (shares,NASDAQ) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 234, "cause": "234 exist India exist our exist part exist strategy exist (is,part) and exist (global,strategy) and exist (integral,part) and exist (investment,strategy) and exist (overall,strategy) and exist (part,strategy) and exist (strategy,our) "}, {"_id": 235, "cause": "235 exist innovation exist it exist operation exist our exist our exist portfolio exist talent exist (drive,innovation) and exist (drive,portfolio) and exist (engineering,talent) and exist (entire,portfolio) and exist (global,operations) and exist (helping,operations) and exist (helping,drive) and exist (home,it) and exist (home,talent) and exist (operations,our) and exist (outstanding,talent) and exist (portfolio,our) and exist (product,portfolio) and exist (r&d,operations) and exist (talent,operations) "}, {"_id": 236, "cause": "236 exist .9_% exist second_quarter exist BlackRock exist report exist share exist (.9_%,dividend) and exist (enhanced,shares) and exist (enhanced,.9_%) and exist (enhanced,second_quarter) and exist (global,.9_%) and exist (llc,shares) and exist (nyse,boe) and exist (purchases,shares) and exist (reports,enhanced) and exist (reports,holdings) and exist (reports,channel.com) and exist (shares,BlackRock) and exist (trust,.9_%) "}, {"_id": 237, "cause": "237 exist 93.1_% exist first_quarter exist BlackRock exist holding exist its exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,93.1_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (93.1_%,first_quarter) and exist (raised,enhanced) and exist (raised,ltd.) and exist (raised,holdings) and exist (raised,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 238, "cause": "238 exist BlackRock exist 21.4_% exist holding exist its exist quarter exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,21.4_%) and exist (enhanced,quarter) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,llc) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,shares) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 239, "cause": "239 exist 58.7_% exist second_quarter exist BlackRock exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,58.7_%) and exist (enhanced,second_quarter) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,llc) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,shares) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 240, "cause": "240 exist BlackRock exist 2.6_% exist second_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,2.6_%) and exist (enhanced,second_quarter) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (increased,enhanced) and exist (increased,mn) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 241, "cause": "241 exist BlackRock exist 17.2_% exist second_quarter exist Seizert_Capital_Partners_LLC exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,Seizert_Capital_Partners_LLC) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,17.2_%) and exist (enhanced,second_quarter) and exist (finally,enhanced) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,Seizert_Capital_Partners_LLC) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,shares) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 242, "cause": "242 exist Monday exist nyse exist share exist (shares,nyse) and exist (traded,boe) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 243, "cause": "243 exist $_0.063 exist Monday_,_September_16th exist dividend exist record exist share exist stockholder exist (dividend,$_0.063) and exist (issued,stockholders) and exist (issued,dividend) and exist (issued,Monday_,_September_16th) and exist ($_0.063,share) and exist (stockholders,record) "}, {"_id": 244, "cause": "244 exist $_0.59 exist twelve_months exist pak exist dividend exist (%,pak) and exist (dividends,$_0.59) and exist (last,twelve_months) and exist (paid,dividends) and exist (paid,twelve_months) and exist (yield,pak) and exist (yield,pak) "}, {"_id": 245, "cause": "245 exist $_0.5 exist one_year exist dividend exist etf exist share exist we exist (dividend,$_0.5) and exist (etf,share) and exist (expect,etf) and exist (however,expect) and exist (next,one_year) and exist (pay,etf) and exist (pay,dividend) and exist (share,one_year) "}, {"_id": 246, "cause": "246 exist $_221.28 exist July_19 exist share exist stock exist (close,stock) and exist (close,$_221.28) and exist (has,stock) and exist (has,shares) and exist (has,close) and exist (shares,July_19) "}, {"_id": 247, "cause": "247 exist $_1.007_trillion exist Wednesday exist close exist (closing,$_1.007_trillion) and exist (closing,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 248, "cause": "248 exist Aug._2_,_2018 exist Nov._1 exist session exist (65-straight,sessions) and exist (cap,1) and exist (cap,1) and exist (cap,sessions) and exist (held,apple) and exist (held,1) and exist (held,Aug._2_,_2018) and exist (held,Nov._1) and exist (market,1) "}, {"_id": 249, "cause": "249 exist Apple exist giant exist its exist program exist session exist stock exist territory exist (13-digit,territory) and exist (73rd-straight,session) and exist (approved,program) and exist (billion,stock) and exist (dividend,its) and exist (effectively,lifting) and exist (mark,program) and exist (mark,session) and exist (mark,territory) and exist (program,stock) and exist (raised,lifting) and exist (raised,giant) and exist (repurchase,program) and exist (software,giant) and exist (yield,Apple) "}, {"_id": 250, "cause": "250 exist agreement exist cost exist (overnight,agreements) and exist (repurchase,agreements) and exist (securing,costs) and exist (securing,spiked) and exist (spiked,agreements) "}, {"_id": 251, "cause": "251 exist rate exist (cut,rate) and exist (rate,wednesday) "}, {"_id": 252, "cause": "252 exist Tuesday exist blow-up exist injection exist its exist line exist market exist measure exist rate exist (adding,brought) and exist (blow-up,Tuesday) and exist (blow-up,market) and exist (brought,measures) and exist (brought,rate) and exist (brought,line) and exist (injection,its) and exist (injection,wednesday) and exist (liquidity,injection) and exist (probably,brought) and exist (repo,market) and exist (then,injection) "}, {"_id": 253, "cause": "253 QUESTION(when) exist October_2017 exist when exist (went,when) and exist (went,airlines) and exist (went,October_2017) "}, {"_id": 254, "cause": "254 exist (more,read) and exist (read,collapses) "}, {"_id": 255, "cause": "255 exist approval exist budget exist (initial,approval) and exist (k-12,budget) and exist (won,budget) and exist (won,approval) "}, {"_id": 256, "cause": "256 exist appointment exist Shaktikanta_Das exist Raghuram_Rajan exist bank exist chief exist government exist reserve exist that exist (appointment,chief) and exist (appointment,Shaktikanta_Das) and exist (Raghuram_Rajan,patel) and exist (changed,patel) and exist (changed,that) and exist (changed,Raghuram_Rajan) and exist (changed,appointment) and exist (changed,transfer) and exist (chief,rbi) and exist (excess,reserves) and exist (governors,patel) and exist (governors,Raghuram_Rajan) and exist (previous,patel) and exist (previous,Raghuram_Rajan) and exist (rbi,patel) and exist (rbi,Raghuram_Rajan) and exist (refused,patel) and exist (refused,Raghuram_Rajan) and exist (refused,transfer) and exist (reserves,bank) and exist (transfer,patel) and exist (transfer,Raghuram_Rajan) and exist (transfer,reserves) and exist (transfer,government) "}, {"_id": 257, "cause": "257 exist bank exist companies exist stock exist surge exist weakness exist (done,stocks) and exist (energy,company) and exist (paired,weakness) and exist (paired,banks) and exist (paired,company) and exist (paired,surge) and exist (so-called,stocks) and exist (surge,stocks) and exist (value,stocks) "}, {"_id": 258, "cause": "258 exist ai-c exist date exist schedule exist that exist (ex-dividend,dates) and exist (happens,has) and exist (happens,that) and exist (has,ai-c) and exist (has,schedule) and exist (schedule,dates) and exist (unusual,schedule) "}, {"_id": 259, "cause": "259 exist twenty_years exist inflation exist rate exist you exist (followed,you) and exist (followed,rate) and exist (followed,twenty_years) and exist (rate,inflation) "}, {"_id": 260, "cause": "260 exist twenty_years exist i exist i exist inflation exist power exist thanks exist this exist today exist what exist (is,this) and exist (is,thanks) and exist (is,need) and exist (have,i) and exist (have,power) and exist (have,power) and exist (have,today) and exist (need,have) and exist (need,i) and exist (need,what) and exist (same,power) and exist (thanks,twenty_years) and exist (thanks,inflation) "}, {"_id": 261, "cause": "261 exist 3_% exist norm exist rate exist (close,3_%) and exist (close,norms) and exist (historical,norms) and exist (inflation,rate) and exist (rate,3_%) "}, {"_id": 262, "cause": "262 exist inflation exist (%,inflation) "}, {"_id": 263, "cause": "263 exist 12.4_% exist highlight exist revenue exist yoy exist (highlights,revenues) and exist (increased,yoy) and exist (increased,12.4_%) and exist (quarterly,revenues) and exist (revenues,yoy) "}, {"_id": 264, "cause": "264 exist 13.7_% exist increase exist (increase,13.7_%) and exist (yoy,increase) "}, {"_id": 265, "cause": "265 exist 20bp exist exist (declined,) and exist (declined,20bps) and exist (non-gaap,) and exist (operating,) "}, {"_id": 266, "cause": "266 exist Hamriya_Free_Zone exist benefit exist business exist (business,Hamriya_Free_Zone) and exist (starting,benefits) and exist (starting,business) "}, {"_id": 267, "cause": "267 exist titan exist offer exist share exist share exist (common,share) and exist (gold,share) and exist (held,shares) and exist (includes,offer) and exist (includes,shares) and exist (offer,titan) and exist (shares,share) and exist (titan,shares) "}, {"_id": 268, "cause": "268 exist asset exist its exist success exist (assets,its) and exist (ensure,success) and exist (long-term,success) and exist (success,assets) "}, {"_id": 269, "cause": "269 exist $_100,000 exist hole exist (hole,$_100,000) and exist (last,hole) and exist (worth,$_100,000) "}, {"_id": 270, "cause": "270 exist purse exist (360-SPL-000,purse) "}, {"_id": 271, "cause": "271 exist Chile exist energy exist use exist (energy,Chile) and exist (greater,use) and exist (renewable,energy) and exist (use,energy) "}, {"_id": 272, "cause": "272 exist Australia exist December exist death exist employee exist mine exist problem exist (coal,mine) and exist (death,mine) and exist (death,employee) and exist (mine,Australia) and exist (mine,December) and exist (operational,problems) "}, {"_id": 273, "cause": "273 exist digression exist ease exist economy exist entities exist government exist liquidity exist loans exist spur exist (bolstering,liquidity) and exist (cheaper,loans) and exist (digression,loans) and exist (financial-sector,entity) and exist (fiscal,digression) and exist (hazardous,digression) and exist (lethargic,economy) and exist (liquidity,entity) and exist (making,government) and exist (making,cheaper) and exist (making,digression) and exist (potentially,digression) and exist (spur,easing) and exist (spur,government) and exist (spur,economy) and exist (trying,government) and exist (trying,spur) and exist (trying,hitherto) and exist (trying,making) and exist (trying,spur) "}, {"_id": 274, "cause": "274 exist analysts exist Nirmala_Sitharaman exist three exist cut exist decade exist (announced,cuts) and exist (announced,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (corporate,cuts) and exist (cuts,decades) and exist (decades,three) and exist (estimate,analysts) and exist (estimate,cuts) and exist (finance,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (here,announced) and exist (minister,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (nearly,three) and exist (steepest,cuts) and exist (tax,cuts) "}, {"_id": 275, "cause": "275 exist 17_% exist investment exist manufacturing exist rate exist those exist (announced,rate) and exist (benign,rate) and exist (effective,rate) and exist (fresh,investments) and exist (investments,manufacturing) and exist (making,those) and exist (making,investments) and exist (new,rate) and exist (rate,17_%) and exist (using,announced) "}, {"_id": 276, "cause": "276 exist meet exist chart exist demand exist industry exist exist peer exist rate exist (meet,) and exist (meet,demand) and exist (asian,peers) and exist (corporate,rate) and exist (headline,rate) and exist (industry,rate) and exist (long-standing,demand) and exist (meet,industry) and exist (meet,see) and exist (rate,peers) and exist (see,chart) and exist (tax,rate) "}, {"_id": 277, "cause": "277 exist cycle exist investment exist step exist (aimed,creating) and exist (aimed,steps) and exist (creating,cycle) and exist (cycle,investments) and exist (virtuous,cycle) "}, {"_id": 278, "cause": "278 exist stimulus "}, {"_id": 279, "cause": "279 exist RBI exist transfer exist (counted,transfers) and exist (extra,transfers) and exist (transfers,RBI) "}, {"_id": 280, "cause": "280 exist incidence exist (actual,incidence) and exist (reduce,incidence) and exist (tax,incidence) "}, {"_id": 281, "cause": "281 exist 2008 exist recession exist (great,recession) and exist (only,recession) and exist (recession,2008) "}, {"_id": 282, "cause": "282 exist 27.91 exist 10_years exist course exist everything exist p/e exist (were,p/e) and exist (were,course) and exist (were,revert) and exist (were,held) and exist (course,10_years) and exist (held,p/e) and exist (held,everything) and exist (held,27.91) and exist (next,10_years) and exist (revert,p/e) and exist (revert,27.91) "}, {"_id": 283, "cause": "283 exist Starbucks exist $ exist ychart exist business exist data exist i exist i exist this exist way exist (is,datum) and exist (business,Starbucks) and exist (buy,i) and exist (buy,business) and exist (buy,$) and exist (datum,way) and exist (datum,ychart) and exist (theoretically,buy) and exist (think,i) and exist (think,way) and exist (think,this) "}, {"_id": 284, "cause": "284 exist 4_% exist it exist money exist period exist shares exist their exist they exist (about,4_%) and exist (averaged,4_%) and exist (averaged,period) and exist (borrowing,buy) and exist (borrowing,they) and exist (borrowing,money) and exist (buy,shares) and exist (clear,averaged) and exist (clear,it) and exist (clear,borrowing) and exist (only,averaged) and exist (pretty,clear) and exist (yield,their) "}, {"_id": 285, "cause": "285 exist next_10_years exist cycle exist mean exist revert exist sentiment exist we exist (assume,we) and exist (assume,reverts) and exist (cycle,next_10_years) and exist (last,cycle) and exist (market,sentiment) and exist (mean,cycle) and exist (reverts,sentiment) and exist (reverts,mean) "}, {"_id": 286, "cause": "286 exist cycle exist growth exist (last,cycle) and exist (similar,cycle) and exist (yield,growth) "}, {"_id": 287, "cause": "287 exist its exist mean exist point exist price exist revert exist (mean,its) and exist (price,point) and exist (reverts,price) and exist (reverts,mean) and exist (stock,price) "}, {"_id": 288, "cause": "288 exist p/e exist recession exist recession exist stock exist this exist we exist (actual,recession) and exist (were,we) and exist (were,have) and exist (have,we) and exist (have,recession) and exist (last,recession) and exist (nearly,p/e) and exist (stock,were) and exist (stock,this) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,p/e) and exist (traded,recession) "}, {"_id": 289, "cause": "289 exist money exist spend exist strategy exist (additional,money) and exist (spending,money) and exist (using,spending) and exist (using,strategy) "}, {"_id": 290, "cause": "290 exist $_0.08 exist dividend exist dividend exist fd exist mlp exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,fd) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,announced) and exist (announced,22nd) and exist ($_0.08,fpl) and exist ($_0.08,mlp) and exist ($_0.08,fd) and exist (dividend,$_0.08) and exist (engy,fd) and exist (fd,mlp) and exist (fd,fpl) and exist (first,mlp) and exist (mlp,fd) and exist (mlp,fpl) and exist (nasdaq,22nd) and exist (new,mlp) and exist (nyse,$_0.08) and exist (nyse,mlp) and exist (nyse,fd) and exist (opprtnts,mlp) and exist (reports,22nd) and exist (reports,22nd) "}, {"_id": 291, "cause": "291 exist this_morning exist deal exist hour exist trading exist (ceased,failing) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (early,hours) and exist (failing,secure) and exist (hours,this_morning) and exist (last-ditch,deal) and exist (rescue,deal) and exist (secure,deal) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 292, "cause": "292 exist (afloat,stay) "}, {"_id": 293, "cause": "293 exist booking exist flight exist holidays exist (bookings,flights) and exist (bookings,holidays) and exist (cancelled,bookings) and exist (now,cancelled) "}, {"_id": 294, "cause": "294 exist booking exist flight exist holidays exist (bookings,flights) and exist (bookings,holidays) and exist (cancelled,bookings) and exist (now,cancelled) "}, {"_id": 295, "cause": "295 exist culmination exist schoolgirl exist (bear,war) and exist (bond,war) and exist (culmination,knows) and exist (culmination,war) and exist (knows,schoolgirl) and exist (market,war) and exist (market,war) "}, {"_id": 296, "cause": "296 exist Treasury exist 11_% exist 30_years exist 2011 exist its exist maturity exist return exist (annual,return) and exist (compound,return) and exist (generated,maturity) and exist (generated,Treasury) and exist (generated,return) and exist (long-dated,Treasury) and exist (maturity,its) and exist (maturity,2011) and exist (30_years,maturity) and exist (return,11_%) "}, {"_id": 297, "cause": "297 exist result exist (drill,results) and exist (positive,results) "}, {"_id": 298, "cause": "298 exist March_26_,_2019 exist b2gold exist mine exist pea exist result exist study exist update exist (announced,update) and exist (announced,b2gold) and exist (announced,results) and exist (expansion,study) and exist (expansion,update) and exist (fekola,mine) and exist (mine,update) and exist (pea,mine) and exist (positive,results) and exist (results,study) and exist (study,pea) and exist (update,fekola) and exist (update,March_26_,_2019) "}, {"_id": 299, "cause": "299 exist growth exist measure exist (economic,growth) and exist (revive,measures) and exist (revive,growth) and exist (slowing,growth) and exist (stimulus,measures) "}, {"_id": 300, "cause": "300 exist summer_in_2018 exist booking exist competition exist destination exist its exist level exist (bookings,its) and exist (competition,levels) and exist (competition,destinations) and exist (debt,levels) and exist (destinations,summer_in_2018) and exist (high,levels) and exist (hot,summer_in_2018) and exist (intense,competition) and exist (last-minute,bookings) and exist (levels,summer_in_2018) and exist (popular,destinations) and exist (reduced,competition) and exist (reduced,bookings) and exist (struggled,competition) and exist (unusually,summer_in_2018) "}, {"_id": 301, "cause": "301 exist million_pounds exist bank exist bondholders exist debt exist equity exist their exist (450,million_pounds) and exist (convert,banks) and exist (convert,bondholders) and exist (convert,debt) and exist (convert,equity) and exist (debt,their) and exist (existing,debt) and exist (further,million_pounds) and exist (stump,banks) and exist (stump,bondholders) and exist (stump,million_pounds) "}, {"_id": 302, "cause": "302 exist Barber_Steel_Foundry exist year exist Rothbury exist end exist news exist week exist (bad,news) and exist (close,Barber_Steel_Foundry) and exist (close,Rothbury) and exist (close,end) and exist (comes,news) and exist (comes,Rothbury) and exist (end,year) and exist (michigan,Rothbury) and exist (news,week) and exist (where,close) "}, {"_id": 303, "cause": "303 exist U.S._Steel exist 75_percent exist $_45 exist $_10.50 exist Tuesday_morning exist March_2018 exist day exist effect exist share exist stock exist tariff exist tariff exist value exist (announced,tariffs) and exist (announced,Tuesday_morning) and exist (announced,value) and exist (fallen,took) and exist (fallen,stock) and exist (fallen,75_percent) and exist (high,announced) and exist (high,days) and exist (high,$_45) and exist (just,$_10.50) and exist ($_10.50,share) and exist (steel,tariffs) and exist (steel,tariffs) and exist (stock,U.S._Steel) and exist (took,tariffs) and exist (took,effect) and exist (took,March_2018) and exist (value,$_10.50) and exist (whopping,75_percent) "}, {"_id": 304, "cause": "304 exist aluminum exist Trump exist tariff exist (imported,aluminum) and exist (tariffs,Trump) and exist (tariffs,aluminum) "}, {"_id": 305, "cause": "305 exist Antigua exist claim exist government exist hmb exist (claim,hmb) and exist (failed,government) and exist (failed,respond) and exist (government,Antigua) and exist (respond,government) and exist (respond,claim) "}, {"_id": 306, "cause": "306 exist accomplishment exist number exist (number,accomplishments) and exist (significant,accomplishments) "}, {"_id": 307, "cause": "307 exist cheese exist companies exist equipment exist growth exist growth exist order exist (cannabis,company) and exist (fueled,growth) and exist (fueled,growth) and exist (fueled,orders) and exist (growth,cheese) and exist (increased,orders) and exist (moon,cheese) and exist (ongoing,growth) and exist (orders,company) and exist (orders,equipment) and exist (rev,equipment) and exist (revenue,growth) "}, {"_id": 308, "cause": "308 exist cheese exist companies exist equipment exist growth exist growth exist order exist (cannabis,company) and exist (fueled,growth) and exist (fueled,growth) and exist (fueled,orders) and exist (growth,cheese) and exist (increased,orders) and exist (moon,cheese) and exist (ongoing,growth) and exist (orders,company) and exist (orders,equipment) and exist (rev,equipment) and exist (revenue,growth) "}, {"_id": 309, "cause": "309 exist 50 exist batteries exist crore exist infrastructure exist job exist manufacturer exist producer exist vehicle exist who exist (charging,producers) and exist (charging,infrastructure) and exist (components,manufacturers) and exist (create,who) and exist (create,jobs) and exist (electric,manufacturers) and exist (invest,who) and exist (invest,infrastructure) and exist (invest,crore) and exist (jobs,50) and exist (manufacturers,producers) and exist (manufacturers,vehicles) and exist (manufacturers,batteries) and exist (rs,crore) and exist (vehicle,manufacturers) "}, {"_id": 310, "cause": "310 QUESTION(where) exist case exist refund exist where exist (applicable,where) and exist (applicable,refund) and exist (applicable,case) and exist (refund,sgst) and exist (not,applicable)"}, {"_id": 311, "cause": "311 exist district exist manufacturer exist plant exist policy exist (go,manufacturer) and exist (go,plant) and exist (plant,districts) and exist (said,policy) and exist (said,go) and exist (southern,districts) "}, {"_id": 312, "cause": "312 exist Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd exist dividend exist dividend exist gbx exist plans exist (announced,Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,6th) and exist (Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd,smif) and exist (dividend,gbx) and exist (gbx,smif) and exist (lon,gbx) and exist (lon,Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd) and exist (plans,ltd) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,6th) "}, {"_id": 313, "cause": "313 exist Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd exist dividend exist dividend exist gbx exist plans exist (announced,Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,6th) and exist (Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd,smif) and exist (dividend,gbx) and exist (gbx,smif) and exist (lon,gbx) and exist (lon,Tweet_Twentyfour_Select_Monthly_Incm_Fd_Ltd) and exist (plans,ltd) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (reports,6th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,6th) "}, {"_id": 314, "cause": "314 exist $_24.66 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,data) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_24.66) "}, {"_id": 315, "cause": "315 exist cents-per-gallon exist deal exist part exist tax exist (gas,tax) and exist (part,deal) and exist (raise,deal) and exist (raise,tax) and exist (raise,cents-per-gallon) "}, {"_id": 316, "cause": "316 exist amendment exist government exist country exist economy exist move exist (economy,country) and exist (move,government) and exist (said,amendment) and exist (said,move) and exist (said,move) and exist (slowing,economy) and exist (uplift,move) and exist (uplift,economy) "}, {"_id": 317, "cause": "317 exist company exist crore exist crores exist excess exist income exist (excess,income) and exist (excess,crores) and exist (excess,crore) and exist (income,company) and exist (inr,crore) and exist (total,income) "}, {"_id": 318, "cause": "318 exist crore exist income exist (exceeded,income) and exist (exceeded,crores) and exist (inr,crores) "}, {"_id": 319, "cause": "319 exist 115baa exist companies exist option exist (claim,company) and exist (claim,option) and exist (forward,going) and exist (going,claim) and exist (however,going) and exist (option,115baa) and exist (section,115baa) "}, {"_id": 320, "cause": "320 exist 115baa exist 115baa exist 115bab exist 115bab exist avail exist companies exist companies exist mat exist option exist ordinance exist there exist (115baa,115bab) and exist (also,provides) and exist (avail,company) and exist (benefit,115baa) and exist (benefit,115bab) and exist (claiming,company) and exist (claiming,option) and exist (encourage,company) and exist (encourage,avail) and exist (encourage,avail) and exist (levied,mat) and exist (levied,company) and exist (mat,there) and exist (option,115baa) and exist (provides,encourage) and exist (provides,ordinance) and exist (provides,mat) and exist (section,115baa) and exist (section,115bab) and exist (sections,115baa) and exist (no,MAT)"}, {"_id": 321, "cause": "321 exist Ordinance exist government exist move exist (bold,move) and exist (move,government) and exist (seen,Ordinance) and exist (seen,move) "}, {"_id": 322, "cause": "322 exist SEC exist Wednesday exist 10_% exist company exist purchases exist sale exist share exist shareholder exist shares exist stock exist their exist (disclose,sales) and exist (disclose,purchases) and exist (disclose,SEC) and exist (major,shareholders) and exist (10_%,shares) and exist (own,shareholders) and exist (own,10_%) and exist (required,shareholders) and exist (required,traded) and exist (required,disclose) and exist (sales,their) and exist (shares,company) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 323, "cause": "323 exist $_0.64 exist eps exist quarter exist retailer exist (eps,$_0.64) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,retailer) and exist (reported,eps) and exist (specialty,retailer) "}, {"_id": 324, "cause": "324 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 108.5_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,sa) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,108.5_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (grew,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 325, "cause": "325 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 40.2_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,40.2_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 326, "cause": "326 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 154.4_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,system) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,154.4_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (grew,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 327, "cause": "327 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 27,914.9_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,co.) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,27,914.9_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 328, "cause": "328 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 92.2_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (finally,grew) and exist (grew,p) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,92.2_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (grew,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 329, "cause": "329 exist bid exist crisis exist default exist government exist market exist them exist (crisis,bid) and exist (effectively,nationalized) and exist (housing,market) and exist (mortgage,defaults) and exist (mounted,defaults) and exist (nationalized,government) and exist (nationalized,them) and exist (nationalized,crisis) and exist (stabilize,mounted) and exist (stabilize,bid) and exist (stabilize,market) "}, {"_id": 330, "cause": "330 exist department exist support exist their exist (ongoing,support) and exist (support,their) and exist (support,department) "}, {"_id": 331, "cause": "331 exist $_30.25 exist decline exist session exist (%,decline) and exist (close,decline) and exist (close,$_30.25) and exist (decline,session) and exist (regular,session) "}, {"_id": 332, "cause": "332 exist Atlantic exist one exist irma exist land exist storm exist (ever,recorded) and exist (hit,land) and exist (hurricane,irma) and exist (most,storm) and exist (powerful,storm) and exist (recorded,one) and exist (recorded,Atlantic) and exist (said,bonasia) and exist (said,storm) and exist (storm,irma) "}, {"_id": 333, "cause": "333 QUESTION(when) exist Pine_Island_Road exist flagman exist he exist injury exist vehicle exist when exist (ago,working) and exist (brain,injury) and exist (flagman,Pine_Island_Road) and exist (struck,working) and exist (struck,when) and exist (struck,he) and exist (struck,vehicle) and exist (suffered,struck) and exist (suffered,injury) and exist (working,flagman) "}, {"_id": 334, "cause": "334 exist allegation exist her exist her exist (allegation,her) and exist (keep,quiet) and exist (quiet,her) and exist (quiet,allegation) "}, {"_id": 335, "cause": "335 exist account-hdil exist action exist administrator exist Tuesday exist six_months exist crisis exist it exist its exist its exist loan exist management exist management exist reason exist (action,Tuesday) and exist (admitted,asserting) and exist (admitted,management) and exist (admitted,reason) and exist (asserting,secured) and exist (fully,secured) and exist (large,account-hdil) and exist (leading,crisis) and exist (leading,action) and exist (loans,its) and exist (management,its) and exist (next,six_months) and exist (placed,Tuesday) and exist (placed,rbi) and exist (placed,it) and exist (placed,six_months) and exist (placed,administrator) and exist (present,crisis) and exist (reason,account-hdil) and exist (reason,crisis) and exist (regulatory,action) and exist (secured,loans) and exist (sole,reason) and exist (superseded,Tuesday) and exist (superseded,rbi) and exist (superseded,management) and exist (when,superseded) "}, {"_id": 336, "cause": "336 exist bank exist (cooperative,bank) "}, {"_id": 337, "cause": "337 exist Thursday exist funds exist plan exist program exist security exist tax exist variety exist who exist (already,proposed) and exist (d-mass,warren) and exist (expand,plan) and exist (expand,security) and exist (government,programs) and exist (new,programs) and exist (proposed,warren) and exist (proposed,who) and exist (proposed,tax) and exist (proposed,Thursday) and exist (raise,tax) and exist (raise,funds) and exist (raise,variety) and exist (social,security) and exist (unveiled,plan) and exist (variety,programs) and exist (wealth,tax) "}, {"_id": 338, "cause": "338 exist 70_% exist decade exist its exist stock exist (drop,its) and exist (fast,decade) and exist (fast,stock) and exist (forward,decade) and exist (forward,stock) and exist (nearly,decade) and exist (nearly,stock) and exist (seen,70_%) and exist (stock,ivac) "}, {"_id": 339, "cause": "339 exist account exist LONDON exist Monday exist Mike_Ashley exist centres exist it exist it exist month exist offer exist operator exist retail exist (5-pence-a-share,offer) and exist (football,operator) and exist (goals,centres) and exist (group,retail) and exist (historical,accounts) and exist (last,month) and exist (made,it) and exist (made,offer) and exist (made,operator) and exist (misstated,it) and exist (misstated,accounts) and exist (international,Mike_Ashley) and exist (offer,centres) and exist (pitch,operator) and exist (reuters,LONDON) and exist (said,retail) and exist (said,operator) and exist (said,made) and exist (said,misstated) and exist (said,month) and exist (said,Monday) and exist (soccer,centres) and exist (struggling,operator) "}, {"_id": 340, "cause": "340 exist product exist company exist it exist management exist processor exist producer exist profits exist (chased,it) and exist (chased,profits) and exist (dairy,product) and exist (milk,processor) and exist (previous,management) and exist (producer,product) and exist (sought,management) and exist (sought,transform) and exist (simple,processor) and exist (transform,chased) and exist (transform,management) and exist (transform,company) and exist (transform,processor) and exist (transform,producer) and exist (value-added,product) "}, {"_id": 341, "cause": "341 exist revenue exist % exist q2 exist record exist reports exist result exist (revenue,results) and exist (revenue,q2) and exist (revenue,%) and exist (record,reports) and exist (record,revenue) "}, {"_id": 342, "cause": "342 exist Fourth_Quarter_2018 exist 4/17/19 exist 15_% exist $_3.15 exist 1st_quarter exist 5/13/19 exist cannabis exist company exist growth exist growth exist release exist result exist result exist revenue exist source exist stock exist (%,ebitda) and exist (118,%) and exist (adjusted,ebitda) and exist (adjusted,release) and exist (company,release) and exist (Fourth_Quarter_2018,%) and exist (drifted,stock) and exist (drifted,release) and exist (drifted,15_%) and exist (dynamic,growth) and exist (ebitda,growth) and exist (follows,Fourth_Quarter_2018) and exist (growth,%) and exist (growth,ebitda) and exist (growth,%) and exist (growth,cannabis) and exist (hemp,source) and exist (impressive,results) and exist (marimed,source) and exist (marimed,growth) and exist (press,release) and exist (release,results) and exist (reported,follows) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,mrmd) and exist (reported,revenue) and exist (reported,growth) and exist (reported,results) and exist (reported,4/17/19) and exist (results,1st_quarter) and exist (results,5/13/19) and exist (revenue,ebitda) and exist (revenue,%) and exist (strong,revenue) and exist (strong,1st_quarter) and exist (traded,reported) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,release) and exist (traded,15_%) and exist (traded,$_3.15) and exist (when,reported) and exist (year-over-year,%) and exist (year-over-year,ebitda) "}, {"_id": 343, "cause": "343 exist company exist improvement exist management exist operation exist percentage exist performance exist revenue exist (gross,percentage) and exist (improvement,revenue) and exist (improvement,percentage) and exist (management,company) and exist (performance,operations) and exist (performance,management) and exist (profit,percentage) and exist (reflect,improvement) and exist (reflect,performance) and exist (strong,performance) and exist (underlying,operations) "}, {"_id": 344, "cause": "344 exist company exist improvement exist management exist operation exist percentage exist performance exist revenue exist (gross,percentage) and exist (improvement,revenue) and exist (improvement,percentage) and exist (management,company) and exist (performance,operations) and exist (performance,management) and exist (profit,percentage) and exist (reflect,improvement) and exist (reflect,performance) and exist (strong,performance) and exist (underlying,operations) "}, {"_id": 345, "cause": "345 exist gencanna exist 40 exist decline exist exist parties exist reason exist sale exist sale exist (%,sales) and exist (%,sales) and exist (gencanna,sales) and exist (due,40) and exist (due,decline) and exist (due,sales) and exist (lower,) and exist (,reason) and exist (,sales) and exist (much,) and exist (non-related,party) and exist (reason,decline) and exist (sales,f) and exist (sales,q2) and exist (sales,party) and exist (~,sales) and exist (~,sales) "}, {"_id": 346, "cause": "346 exist it exist payment exist q4 exist (expects,it) and exist (expects,payment) and exist (full,payment) and exist (payment,q4) and exist (said,mrmd) and exist (said,expects) "}, {"_id": 347, "cause": "347 exist crisis exist (economic,crisis) "}, {"_id": 348, "cause": "348 exist policy exist sign exist struggle exist (came,sign) and exist (came,thursday) and exist (further,sign) and exist (growing,struggles) and exist (monetary,policy) and exist (sign,struggles) and exist (struggles,policy) "}, {"_id": 349, "cause": "349 exist Germany exist change exist commitment exist countries exist dynamics exist market exist response exist spending exist their exist (bond,market) and exist (change,ready) and exist (change,dynamics) and exist (commitment,spending) and exist (dynamics,market) and exist (even,ready) and exist (more,spending) and exist (overall,dynamics) and exist (own,response) and exist (ready,country) and exist (ready,response) and exist (response,their) and exist (smaller,country) and exist (spending,Germany) and exist (unlikely,dynamics) and exist (unlikely,change) and exist (unlikely,commitment) and exist (unlikely,change) "}, {"_id": 350, "cause": "350 exist $_500,000 exist Town_XYZ exist assessment exist asset exist belongings exist city exist he exist her exist home exist home exist percentage exist proprietor exist ratio exist reality exist their exist value exist what exist (assessment,her) and exist (assessment,home) and exist (average,ratio) and exist (belongings,their) and exist (classified,home) and exist (classified,$_500,000) and exist (determine,ratio) and exist (determine,value) and exist (divide,classified) and exist (divide,proprietor) and exist (divide,his) and exist (divide,assessment) and exist (divide,ratio) and exist (genuinely,worth) and exist (home,Town_XYZ) and exist (honest,value) and exist (market,value) and exist (property,proprietor) and exist (ratio,percentage) and exist (ratio,reality) and exist (really,worth) and exist (thinks,ratio) and exist (thinks,city) and exist (thinks,what) and exist (thinks,worth) and exist (value,belongings) and exist (worth,assets) "}, {"_id": 351, "cause": "351 exist 15.5_% exist increase exist share exist total exist (31st.total,total) and exist (increase,total) and exist (increase,15.5_%) and exist (total,shares) "}, {"_id": 352, "cause": "352 exist share exist volume exist (average,volume) and exist (daily,volume) and exist (volume,shares) "}, {"_id": 353, "cause": "353 exist Friday exist NYSE_TKR exist share exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (shares,NYSE_TKR) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 354, "cause": "354 exist eps exist company exist quarter exist (1.27,eps) and exist (industrial,company) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (products,company) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,eps) "}, {"_id": 355, "cause": "355 exist company exist revenue exist year exist (was,revenue) and exist (was,year) and exist (last,year) and exist (revenue,company) "}, {"_id": 356, "cause": "356 exist $_0.28 exist Wednesday_,_August_21st exist dividend exist record exist share exist stockholder exist (dividend,$_0.28) and exist (issued,stockholders) and exist (issued,dividend) and exist ($_0.28,share) and exist (stockholders,record) and exist (stockholders,Wednesday_,_August_21st) "}, {"_id": 357, "cause": "357 exist news exist (other,news) "}, {"_id": 358, "cause": "358 exist 17.7_% exist its exist position exist quarter exist share exist (boosted,position) and exist (boosted,17.7_%) and exist (boosted,quarter) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) "}, {"_id": 359, "cause": "359 QUESTION(when) exist Australia exist Philip_Morris_tobacco_company exist case exist court exist go exist government exist it exist its exist law exist provision exist tribunal exist when exist (able,lost) and exist (able,it) and exist (able,have) and exist (treaty,kong) and exist (australian,government) and exist (case,its) and exist (court,Australia) and exist (go,tribunal) and exist (government,laws) and exist (have,it) and exist (have,go) and exist (have,using) and exist (high,court) and exist (international,tribunal) and exist (investment,kong) and exist (laws,court) and exist (lost,when) and exist (lost,Philip_Morris_tobacco_company) and exist (lost,case) and exist (lost,government) and exist (packaging,laws) and exist (plain,laws) and exist (provisions,isds) and exist (provisions,kong) and exist (second,go) and exist (treaty,kong) and exist (using,go) and exist (using,provisions) "}, {"_id": 360, "cause": "360 exist community exist its exist officials exist priorities exist programs exist project exist service exist (delivering,services) and exist (fast-growing,community) and exist (high,services) and exist (intended,projects) and exist (intended,meet) and exist (meet,priority) and exist (meet,community) and exist (priority,its) and exist (said,delivering) and exist (said,officials) and exist (said,projects) and exist (strategic,priority) and exist (value,services) "}, {"_id": 361, "cause": "361 exist agnd exist WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund exist dividend exist (announced,WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund,agnd) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nasdaq,WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 362, "cause": "362 exist agnd exist WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund exist dividend exist (announced,WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund,agnd) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nasdaq,WisdomTree_Negative_Duration_U.S._Aggregate_Bond_Fund) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 363, "cause": "363 exist agnd exist Tuesday exist share exist trading exist (shares,agnd) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 364, "cause": "364 "}, {"_id": 365, "cause": "365 exist Piyush_Goyal exist Sitharaman exist commerce exist credit exist initiative exist part exist presentation exist (24-slide,presentation) and exist (also,part) and exist (cheaper,credit) and exist (Piyush_Goyal,credit) and exist (commerce,credit) and exist (easier,credit) and exist (industry,Piyush_Goyal) and exist (key,initiative) and exist (minister,Piyush_Goyal) and exist (part,initiative) and exist (part,presentation) and exist (piloted,initiative) and exist (piloted,Piyush_Goyal) and exist (piloted,commerce) and exist (presentation,Sitharaman) "}, {"_id": 366, "cause": "366 exist credit exist effort exist exporter exist government exist grievance exist norm exist there exist (announcing,government) and exist (announcing,norms) and exist (export,credit) and exist (grievance,exporters) and exist (lending,norms) and exist (long-pending,grievance) and exist (norms,credit) and exist (priority,norms) and exist (revamped,norms) and exist (sector,norms) and exist (seemed,effort) and exist (seemed,there) and exist (seemed,effort) and exist (tackle,effort) and exist (tackle,grievance) and exist (tackle,government) "}, {"_id": 367, "cause": "367 exist capital exist capital exist capital exist catalyst exist decision exist it exist job exist return exist sector exist shareholder exist their exist (allocate,decisions) and exist (allocate,capital) and exist (allocate,sector) and exist (capital,their) and exist (certainly,collapse) and exist (collapse,catalyst) and exist (demonstrating,return) and exist (done,sector) and exist (done,job) and exist (good,job) and exist (invested,capital) and exist (investor,decisions) and exist (just,demonstrating) and exist (more,it) and exist (more,decisions) and exist (really,demonstrating) and exist (returning,job) and exist (returning,capital) and exist (return,capital) and exist (returning,shareholders) and exist (very,job) and exist (not,good) "}, {"_id": 368, "cause": "368 exist reform exist 2_% exist taxpayer exist category exist deduction exist deduction exist deductions exist expense exist expense exist fall exist income exist taxpayer exist year exist (adjusted,income) and exist (allowed,expenses) and exist (allowed,suspended) and exist (category,income) and exist (due,reform) and exist (fall,expenses) and exist (fall,category) and exist (gross,income) and exist (hobby,expenses) and exist (income,taxpayer) and exist (itemizing,taxpayer) and exist (itemizing,deductions) and exist (itemizing,years) and exist (itemized,deductions) and exist (miscellaneous,deductions) and exist (2_%,income) and exist (only,allowed) and exist (reduced,deductions) and exist (reduced,2_%) and exist (standard,deduction) and exist (suspended,itemizing) and exist (suspended,taking) and exist (suspended,deductions) and exist (taking,taxpayer) and exist (taking,deduction) and exist (tax,reform) and exist (tax,years) and exist (thus,allowed) and exist (no,deductible)"}, {"_id": 369, "cause": "369 exist deduction exist (currently,suspended) and exist (itemized,deductions) and exist (miscellaneous,deductions) and exist (suspended,deductions) "}, {"_id": 370, "cause": "370 exist return exist there exist your exist (is,there) and exist (even,is) and exist (filed,is) and exist (filed,return) and exist (return,your) and exist (no,tax)"}, {"_id": 371, "cause": "371 exist 3_months exist penalties exist (additional,penalty) and exist (charged,follows) and exist (charged,penalty) and exist (follows,3_months) "}, {"_id": 372, "cause": "372 exist 6_months "}, {"_id": 373, "cause": "373 exist 12_months exist (late,12_months) "}, {"_id": 374, "cause": "374 exist case exist (particularly,cases) and exist (serious,cases) "}, {"_id": 375, "cause": "375 exist account exist you exist (new,account) and exist (open,you) and exist (open,account) "}, {"_id": 376, "cause": "376 exist account exist account exist account exist account exist account exist $_20_million exist $_5,000 exist three_months exist six_months exist 30_days exist 5 exist $_10_million exist balance exist balance exist balance exist business exist cycle exist debit exist estatement exist minimum exist minimum exist offer exist opening exist requirement exist transaction exist transaction exist you exist (account,balance) and exist (account,balance) and exist (account,minimum) and exist (aggregate,balance) and exist (aggregate,balance) and exist (also,complete) and exist (average,balance) and exist (balance,$_5,000) and exist (business,balance) and exist (card,transactions) and exist (comes,whichever) and exist (comes,$_20_million) and exist (complete,you) and exist (complete,requirements) and exist ($_20_million,accounts) and exist ($_10_million,accounts) and exist (credit,transaction) and exist (cycles,business) and exist (daily,balance) and exist (debit,transactions) and exist (discontinue,reaches) and exist (enroll,estatements) and exist (enroll,30_days) and exist (first,comes) and exist (first,business) and exist (first,cycles) and exist (following,requirements) and exist (maintain,balance) and exist (make,account) and exist (make,opening) and exist (make,transactions) and exist (make,minimum) and exist (make,three_months) and exist (minimum,balance) and exist (minimum,six_months) and exist (minimum,debit) and exist (minimum,transaction) and exist (30_days,account) and exist (personal,balance) and exist (reaches,balance) and exist (reaches,balance) and exist (reaches,$_20_million) and exist (reaches,$_10_million) and exist (regular,balance) and exist (regular,balance) and exist (statement,business) and exist (statement,cycles) and exist (subject,offer) and exist (subject,cycles) and exist (transactions,5) and exist (when,reaches) "}, {"_id": 377, "cause": "377 exist account exist business exist money exist offer exist who exist (account,business) and exist (customers,business) and exist (new,money) and exist (new,business) and exist (open,business) and exist (open,who) and exist (open,account) and exist (open,money) and exist (regular,business) and exist (valid,offer) and exist (valid,business) "}, {"_id": 378, "cause": "378 exist UK exist competition exist group exist pressure exist (also,come) and exist (come,group) and exist (come,pressure) and exist (fierce,competition) and exist (has,group) and exist (online,competition) and exist (pressure,competition) and exist (stores,UK) "}, {"_id": 379, "cause": "379 exist action exist years exist 60_million_pounds exist Monarch_Airlines exist collapse exist government exist passenger exist planes exist taxpayers exist (british,government) and exist (collapse,Monarch_Airlines) and exist (costing,hiring) and exist (costing,government) and exist (costing,60_million_pounds) and exist (costing,taxpayers) and exist (emergency,action) and exist (hiring,planes) and exist (prompted,collapse) and exist (prompted,government) and exist (prompted,years) and exist (prompted,take) and exist (prompted,costing) and exist (return,passengers) and exist (stranded,passengers) and exist (take,return) and exist (take,government) and exist (take,action) "}, {"_id": 380, "cause": "380 exist million_pounds exist Fosun exist business exist month exist shareholder exist (450,million_pounds) and exist (agreed,Fosun) and exist (agreed,month) and exist (agreed,inject) and exist (already,shareholder) and exist (biggest,shareholder) and exist (chinese,Fosun) and exist (inject,Fosun) and exist (inject,million_pounds) and exist (inject,business) and exist (last,month) and exist (peer,Fosun) and exist (shareholder,Fosun) "}, {"_id": 381, "cause": "381 exist August exist million_pound exist banks exist creditor exist plan exist (450,million_pound) and exist (agreed,creditors) and exist (agreed,banks) and exist (agreed,inject) and exist (announced,plan) and exist (announced,August) and exist (inject,creditors) and exist (inject,million_pound) and exist (inject,plan) and exist (recapitalisation,plan) "}, {"_id": 382, "cause": "382 exist $_20.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,international) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_20.00) "}, {"_id": 383, "cause": "383 exist $_85.12 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,international) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_85.12) "}, {"_id": 384, "cause": "384 exist March_2017 exist $_14 exist complaint exist investors exist ipo exist its exist offering exist propetro exist pump exist share exist share exist (accused,pump) and exist (accused,ipo) and exist (accused,investors) and exist (common,shares) and exist (held,offering) and exist (held,propetro) and exist (held,offering) and exist (held,complaint) and exist (held,March_2017) and exist (initial,offering) and exist (misleading,investors) and exist ($_14,share) and exist (offering,shares) and exist (offering,$_14) and exist (offering,its) and exist (public,offering) "}, {"_id": 385, "cause": "385 exist $_4.59 exist 26_% exist ProPetro exist news exist price exist share exist ($_4.59,26_%) and exist (fell,price) and exist (fell,$_4.59) and exist (fell,news) and exist ($_4.59,share) and exist (over,26_%) and exist (price,ProPetro) and exist (share,price) "}, {"_id": 386, "cause": "386 exist its exist price exist (almost,decline) and exist (decline,%) and exist (decline,%) and exist (decline,price) and exist (ipo,price) and exist (price,its) "}, {"_id": 387, "cause": "387 exist $_0.80 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist (earnings,eps) and exist ($_0.80,earnings) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.80) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 388, "cause": "388 exist $_74.00 exist Aerie_Pharmaceuticals exist Thursday_,_August_8th exist note exist objective exist share exist (54.00,objective) and exist (finally,reissued) and exist (issued,llc) and exist (issued,objective) and exist (note,Thursday_,_August_8th) and exist (objective,shares) and exist (price,objective) and exist (reissued,llc) and exist (research,note) and exist (shares,$_74.00) and exist (shares,note) and exist (shares,Aerie_Pharmaceuticals) "}, {"_id": 389, "cause": "389 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist (assigned,given) and exist (assigned,rating) and exist (assigned,ten) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (investment,analysts) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rating,company) "}, {"_id": 390, "cause": "390 exist Aerie_Pharmaceuticals exist 4.9_% exist 4th_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (lifted,llc) and exist (lifted,holdings) and exist (lifted,4.9_%) and exist (lifted,4th_quarter) and exist (shares,Aerie_Pharmaceuticals) "}, {"_id": 391, "cause": "391 exist Aerie_Pharmaceuticals exist 711.7_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (finally,lifted) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (lifted,sa) and exist (lifted,holdings) and exist (lifted,711.7_%) and exist (lifted,1st_quarter) and exist (lifted,shares) and exist (shares,Aerie_Pharmaceuticals) "}, {"_id": 392, "cause": "392 exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist nysearca exist nysearca exist plan exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.06,nysearca) and exist ($_0.06,nysearca) and exist (dividend,$_0.06) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (etf,plans) and exist (ex-rate,etf) and exist (ex-rate,plans) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (low,etf) and exist (low,plans) and exist ($_0.06,etf) and exist (nysearca,xrlv) and exist (plans,s&p) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (s&p,etf) and exist (sensitive,etf) and exist (sensitive,plans) and exist (volatility,etf) and exist (volatility,plans) "}, {"_id": 393, "cause": "393 exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist nysearca exist nysearca exist plan exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.06,nysearca) and exist ($_0.06,nysearca) and exist (dividend,$_0.06) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (etf,plans) and exist (ex-rate,etf) and exist (ex-rate,plans) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (low,etf) and exist (low,plans) and exist ($_0.06,etf) and exist (nysearca,xrlv) and exist (plans,s&p) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (s&p,etf) and exist (sensitive,etf) and exist (sensitive,plans) and exist (volatility,etf) and exist (volatility,plans) "}, {"_id": 394, "cause": "394 exist Monday exist stock exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (stock,xrlv) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 395, "cause": "395 exist allowance exist 2019/20 exist maintenance exist taxpayer exist you exist (60,2019/20) and exist (2019/20,taxpayer) and exist (allowance,maintenance) and exist (2019/20,allowance) and exist (basic-rate,taxpayer) and exist (expense,allowance) and exist (flat-rate,allowance) and exist (standard,allowance) and exist (taxpayer,you) and exist (uniform,maintenance) "}, {"_id": 396, "cause": "396 exist limit exist occupation exist staff exist uniform exist (ambulance,staff) and exist (do,uniforms) and exist (have,occupations) and exist (have,limits) and exist (have,do) and exist (more,limits) and exist (often,do) and exist (specialist,uniforms) and exist (specific,limits) and exist (uniforms,staff) "}, {"_id": 397, "cause": "397 exist Fleischer exist one exist community exist portfolio exist time exist you exist (buying,you) and exist (buying,portfolio) and exist (buying,community) and exist (buying,Fleischer) and exist (community,time) and exist (community,one) and exist (just,one) and exist (large,portfolio) "}, {"_id": 398, "cause": "398 exist UC exist portfolio exist return exist risk exist they exist (diversified,portfolios) and exist (generating,risk) and exist (generating,returns) and exist (long-term,risk) and exist (portfolios,UC) and exist (posed,they) and exist (posed,risk) and exist (returns,portfolios) and exist (strong,returns) "}, {"_id": 399, "cause": "399 exist $_0.28 exist Thursday_,_September_19th exist dividend exist dividend exist ht exist ht exist nyse exist plan exist report exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,reports) and exist (declared,Thursday_,_September_19th) and exist (dividend,ht) and exist (dividend,$_0.28) and exist (nyse,dividend) and exist (nyse,ht) and exist (plans,declared) and exist (plans,nyse) and exist (reports,fidelity) "}, {"_id": 400, "cause": "400 exist analysts exist Hersha_Hospitality_Trust exist $_2.00 exist share exist year exist (earn,Hersha_Hospitality_Trust) and exist (earn,$_2.00) and exist (earn,year) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Hersha_Hospitality_Trust) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_2.00,share) "}, {"_id": 401, "cause": "401 exist Friday exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) and exist (trust,stock) "}, {"_id": 402, "cause": "402 exist $_0.02 exist earnings exist quarter exist trust exist (earnings,eps) and exist (estate,trust) and exist (investment,trust) and exist ($_0.02,earnings) and exist (real,trust) and exist (reported,trust) and exist (reported,$_0.02) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 403, "cause": "403 exist Tuesday_,_August_6th exist Jay_H._Shah exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (also,bought) and exist (bought,Jay_H._Shah) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (bought,transaction) and exist (ceo,Jay_H._Shah) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Tuesday_,_August_6th) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 404, "cause": "404 exist ninety_days exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (bought,insiders) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (bought,ninety_days) and exist (company,stock) and exist (last,ninety_days) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (worth,shares) "}, {"_id": 405, "cause": "405 exist Thursday_,_August_1st exist rating exist rating exist report exist (downgraded,valuengine) and exist (downgraded,trust) and exist (downgraded,rating) and exist (finally,downgraded) and exist (rating,report) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (report,Thursday_,_August_1st) and exist (research,report) and exist (strong,rating) "}, {"_id": 406, "cause": "406 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (assigned,one) and exist (assigned,stock) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (investment,analysts) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 407, "cause": "407 exist companies exist he exist work exist (different,company) and exist (taken,he) and exist (taken,company) and exist (taken,work) "}, {"_id": 408, "cause": "408 exist figure exist importance exist its exist people exist team exist (having,team) and exist (home,sydney) and exist (home,sydney) and exist (home,people) and exist (importance,sydney) and exist (own,its) and exist (strategic,importance) and exist (undersells,having) and exist (undersells,figure) and exist (undersells,importance) and exist (western,sydney) "}, {"_id": 409, "cause": "409 exist claim exist their exist (holdings,btc) and exist (claims,btc) and exist (holdings,btc) and exist (holdings,their) and exist (take,claims) "}, {"_id": 410, "cause": "410 exist 0.34 exist Wednesday_,_September exist dividend exist investor exist record exist share exist (dividend,0.34) and exist (dividend,share) and exist (given,investors) and exist (given,dividend) and exist (given,4th) and exist (given,Wednesday_,_September) and exist (investors,record) "}, {"_id": 411, "cause": "411 exist analyst exist Cinemark exist $_2.44 exist share exist year exist (earn,Cinemark) and exist (earn,$_2.44) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Cinemark) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_2.44,share) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 412, "cause": "412 exist Monday exist hour exist stock exist (stock,cinemark) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Monday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 413, "cause": "413 exist eps exist company exist quarter exist (0.86,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,eps) "}, {"_id": 414, "cause": "414 exist Friday_,_August_2nd exist firm exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (news,cinemark) and exist (news,cinemark) and exist (other,cinemark) and exist (sold,gamble) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,cinemark) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,firm) and exist (transaction,Friday_,_August_2nd) "}, {"_id": 415, "cause": "415 exist Wednesday_,_July_3rd exist price exist rating exist rating exist report exist stock exist (44.00,price) and exist (finally,upgraded) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (report,Wednesday_,_July_3rd) and exist (research,report) and exist (set,capital) and exist (set,price) and exist (set,report) and exist (set,stock) and exist (upgraded,capital) and exist (upgraded,cinemark) and exist (upgraded,rating) "}, {"_id": 416, "cause": "416 exist analyst exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 417, "cause": "417 exist April_1 exist its exist tax exist (carbon,tax) and exist (strengthened,b.c.) and exist (strengthened,tax) and exist (strengthened,April_1) and exist (tax,its) "}, {"_id": 418, "cause": "418 exist 4.9 exist cent exist job exist majority exist year exist (about,4.9) and exist (cent,year) and exist (earlier,year) and exist (majority,jobs) and exist (new,jobs) and exist (4.9,cent) and exist (up,4.9) and exist (up,majority) "}, {"_id": 419, "cause": "419 exist deficit exist price exist receipt exist scheme exist spending exist thank exist (all,spending) and exist (all,receipts) and exist (all,prices) and exist (disability,scheme) and exist (higher,receipts) and exist (income,receipts) and exist (iron,prices) and exist (lower-than-expected,spending) and exist (ore,prices) and exist (personal,receipts) and exist (reduced,deficit) and exist (spending,scheme) and exist (strong,prices) and exist (tax,receipts) and exist (thank,deficit) "}, {"_id": 420, "cause": "420 exist Labor exist demand exist take exist (shorten,Labor) and exist (said,take) and exist (said,there) and exist (slower-than-expected,take) and exist (there,demand) "}, {"_id": 421, "cause": "421 exist Board_of_Directors exist December_2013 exist act exist 1940 exist code exist distribution exist distributions exist fund exist income exist m exist policy exist requirement exist source exist (accumulated,income) and exist (amended,m) and exist (approved,policy) and exist (approved,Board_of_Directors) and exist (approved,December_2013) and exist (based,distribution) and exist (based,policy) and exist (was,December_2013) and exist (was,pay) and exist (company,act) and exist (income,fund) and exist (internal,code) and exist (investment,act) and exist (investment,income) and exist (m,code) and exist (net,income) and exist (act,1940) and exist (other,sources) and exist (pay,distributions) and exist (pay,income) and exist (pay,sources) and exist (requirements,act) and exist (revenue,code) and exist (sources,fund) and exist (sources,requirements) and exist (sub-chapter,m) "}, {"_id": 422, "cause": "422 exist Friday exist share exist trading exist (splp,nyse) and exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (shares,nyse) and exist (splp,nyse) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 423, "cause": "423 exist 52.4_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Steel_Partners exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,52.4_%) and exist (grew,2nd_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (shares,Steel_Partners) "}, {"_id": 424, "cause": "424 exist Steel_Partners exist 33.7_% exist first_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist (boosted,l.p.) and exist (boosted,position) and exist (boosted,33.7_%) and exist (33.7_%,first_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Steel_Partners) "}, {"_id": 425, "cause": "425 exist Steel_Partners exist 100.0_% exist first_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist (boosted,inc.) and exist (boosted,position) and exist (boosted,100.0_%) and exist (100.0_%,first_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Steel_Partners) "}, {"_id": 426, "cause": "426 exist Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average exist drop exist strike exist (%,drop) and exist (began,strike) and exist (began,drop) and exist (drop,Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average) and exist (strike,uaw) "}, {"_id": 427, "cause": "427 exist July_24_through_Aug._30 exist $_19.93 exist $_21.55 exist figure exist range exist share exist (includes,figure) and exist (includes,shares) and exist (price,range) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,range) and exist (purchased,July_24_through_Aug._30) and exist (range,$_19.93) and exist (range,$_21.55) "}, {"_id": 428, "cause": "428 exist $_9.97 exist July_8 exist Sept._6 exist $_5.98 exist count exist period exist share exist that exist (counts,that) and exist (counts,shares) and exist (counts,Sept._6) and exist (period,July_8) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,$_5.98) and exist (purchased,period) and exist (purchased,$_9.97) "}, {"_id": 429, "cause": "429 exist investment exist it exist it exist share exist (acquired,investment) and exist (acquired,it) and exist (acquired,shares) and exist (attractive,investment) and exist (investment,it) and exist (said,acquired) "}, {"_id": 430, "cause": "430 exist explorer exist July_15_to_Aug._14 exist Paulson exist Sept._9 exist period exist position exist share exist (cpe,Paulson) and exist (Sept._9,position) and exist (disclosed,Paulson) and exist (disclosed,Sept._9) and exist (independent,explorer) and exist (new,position) and exist (explorer,shares) and exist (oil-and-gas,explorer) and exist (period,July_15_to_Aug._14) and exist (petroleum,Paulson) and exist (position,explorer) and exist (purchased,position) and exist (purchased,period) "}, {"_id": 431, "cause": "431 exist Sept._11 exist $_14.78 exist $_15.50 exist Aug._20 exist price exist share exist stake exist (acquired,shares) and exist (acquired,prices) and exist (acquired,Aug._20) and exist (acquired,Sept._11) and exist (acquired,$_15.50) and exist (includes,stake) and exist (includes,shares) and exist (prices,$_14.78) "}, {"_id": 432, "cause": "432 exist agreement exist $_3.13 exist cerecor exist count exist price exist share exist that exist (4,agreement) and exist (agreement,price) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (bought,cerecor) and exist (bought,agreement) and exist (counts,that) and exist (counts,bought) and exist (directly,bought) and exist (price,$_3.13) and exist (purchase,agreement) and exist (securities,agreement) "}, {"_id": 433, "cause": "433 exist company exist share exist stake exist (biopharmaceutical,company) and exist (cerc,capital) and exist (cerecor,capital) and exist (cerecor,capital) and exist (company,shares) and exist (disclosed,capital) and exist (disclosed,stake) and exist (higher,stake) and exist (stake,company) "}, {"_id": 434, "cause": "434 exist apiece exist $_3.70 exist $_3.90 exist range exist share exist that exist (price,range) and exist (range,$_3.70) and exist (sold,partners) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,range) and exist (sold,that) and exist (sold,$_3.90) "}, {"_id": 435, "cause": "435 exist change exist company exist (made,company) and exist (made,changes) and exist (requested,changes) "}, {"_id": 436, "cause": "436 exist dividend exist dividend exist gaw exist report exist (18th,reports) and exist (announced,plc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (games,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,gaw) and exist (lon,gaw) and exist (raises,plc) and exist (raises,dividend) and exist (share,plc) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,reports) "}, {"_id": 437, "cause": "437 exist dividend exist dividend exist gaw exist report exist (18th,reports) and exist (announced,plc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (games,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,gaw) and exist (lon,gaw) and exist (raises,plc) and exist (raises,dividend) and exist (share,plc) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,reports) "}, {"_id": 438, "cause": "438 exist division exist divorce exist husband exist husband exist judgment exist pension exist position exist that exist wife exist (asset,division) and exist (excluding,pension) and exist (far,position) and exist (financial,position) and exist (however,placed) and exist (judgment,divorce) and exist (pension,husband) and exist (pension,division) and exist (placed,excluding) and exist (placed,judgment) and exist (placed,husband) and exist (placed,position) and exist (superior,position) and exist (that,position) and exist (that,wife) and exist (ultimately,placed) "}, {"_id": 439, "cause": "439 exist 2017 exist wantedly exist Tokyo_Stock_Exchange exist board exist list exist price exist startup exist (board,Tokyo_Stock_Exchange) and exist (board,startups) and exist (late,2017) and exist (listing,2017) and exist (listing,board) and exist (mothers,board) and exist (price,wantedly) and exist (share,price) and exist (tripled,listing) and exist (tripled,price) "}, {"_id": 440, "cause": "440 exist production exist (back,production) and exist (saudi,production) "}, {"_id": 441, "cause": "441 exist three_weeks exist production exist production exist (back,online) and exist (close,production) and exist (close,restored) and exist (fully,online) and exist (lost,production) and exist (next,three_weeks) and exist (oil,production) and exist (online,production) and exist (online,three_weeks) and exist (production,arabia) and exist (reported,reuters) and exist (reported,close) and exist (restored,production) and exist (two,three_weeks) "}, {"_id": 442, "cause": "442 exist ChexSystems exist $ exist bonus exist debit exist deposit exist fee exist fee exist funding exist limit exist none exist pull exist purchase exist requirement exist (account,fee) and exist (additional,requirements) and exist (bonus,$) and exist (card,funding) and exist (card,purchases) and exist (contents,2019) and exist (credit,funding) and exist (date,limit) and exist (ChexSystems,funding) and exist (deposit,va) and exist (direct,deposit) and exist (direct,2019) and exist (early,fee) and exist (expiration,limit) and exist (fees,fee) and exist (fee,none) and exist (fee,limit) and exist (funding,fees) and exist (hard/soft,pull) and exist (household,limit) and exist (link,2019) and exist (link,2019) and exist (listed,limit) and exist (listed,limit) and exist (monthly,fees) and exist (none,limit) and exist (none,limit) and exist (offering,limit) and exist (offer,2019) and exist (offering,2019) and exist (offer,union) and exist (offering,bonus) and exist (pull,purchases) and exist (pull,debit) and exist (pull,ChexSystems) and exist (required,requirements) and exist (requirements,pull) and exist (termination,fee) "}, {"_id": 443, "cause": "443 exist $_500,000 exist $_70,000 exist it exist property exist rent exist word exist year exist you exist (commercial,property) and exist (generates,it) and exist (generates,$_70,000) and exist (generates,year) and exist (gross,rents) and exist ($_70,000,rents) and exist (other,words) and exist (purchased,you) and exist (purchased,property) and exist (purchased,$_500,000) and exist (purchased,words) "}, {"_id": 444, "cause": "444 exist Facebook exist he exist hit exist (gets,he) and exist (gets,hit) and exist (hit,Facebook) "}, {"_id": 445, "cause": "445 exist Draper_Oakwood_Technology_Acquisition exist NASDAQ exist 2018 exist end exist our exist partner exist share exist we exist (end,2018) and exist (forward,end) and exist (listed,shares) and exist (officially,listed) and exist (partner,Draper_Oakwood_Technology_Acquisition) and exist (partner,dota) and exist (pleased,we) and exist (pleased,partner) and exist (pleased,end) and exist (shares,our) and exist (shares,NASDAQ) "}, {"_id": 446, "cause": "446 exist buyer exist decline exist gmv exist inventory exist investment exist marketing exist number exist orders exist reason exist scale exist we exist (was,had) and exist (was,reason) and exist (continue,we) and exist (continue,scale) and exist (continue,scale) and exist (decline,number) and exist (had,we) and exist (had,continue) and exist (investments,marketing) and exist (investments,inventory) and exist (low,gmv) and exist (main,reason) and exist (number,buyers) and exist (number,orders) and exist (reason,gmv) and exist (resulted,marketing) and exist (resulted,decline) and exist (scale,investments) "}, {"_id": 447, "cause": "447 exist 27_% exist 40_% exist buyer exist decline exist inventory exist order exist revenues exist scale exist spending exist we exist we exist (back,cut) and exist (was,cut) and exist (was,orders) and exist (was,revenues) and exist (believe,we) and exist (believe,was) and exist (27_%,scale) and exist (cut,we) and exist (cut,inventory) and exist (cut,27_%) and exist (cut,spending) and exist (declines,buyers) and exist (factor,orders) and exist (factor,revenues) and exist (inventory,40_%) and exist (main,orders) and exist (main,revenues) and exist (marketing,spending) and exist (new,inventory) and exist (orders,revenues) and exist (orders,declines) "}, {"_id": 448, "cause": "448 exist $_23_million exist $_8_million exist cost exist increase exist marketplace exist merchant exist our exist our exist our exist profit exist revenue exist volume exist (adding,increase) and exist (adding,merchants) and exist (adding,decreased) and exist (adding,marketplace) and exist (b2c.marketplace,marketplace) and exist ($_23_million,profit) and exist (cost,our) and exist (cost,revenue) and exist (declining,volume) and exist (decreased,cost) and exist (decreased,volume) and exist (decreased,$_23_million) and exist (decreased,$_8_million) and exist (gross,profit) and exist (marketplace,our) and exist (merchants,marketplace) and exist (primarily,adding) and exist (profit,our) and exist (quality,merchants) and exist (sales,volume) "}, {"_id": 449, "cause": "449 exist cash exist decline exist inventory exist exist our exist profit exist provision exist we exist (clearing,inventory) and exist (clearing,provisioning) and exist (decline,) and exist (decline,profit) and exist (gross,profit) and exist (gross,) and exist (increased,provisioning) and exist (,our) and exist (primarily,worked) and exist (profit,) and exist (profit,our) and exist (recover,inventory) and exist (recover,cash) and exist (staff,provisioning) and exist (worked,clearing) and exist (worked,we) and exist (worked,decline) "}, {"_id": 450, "cause": "450 exist headcount exist that exist volume exist we exist (able,we) and exist (able,lower) and exist (also,able) and exist (lower,volume) and exist (lower,we) and exist (lower,that) and exist (reduce,headcount) and exist (sales,volume) "}, {"_id": 451, "cause": "451 exist activities exist channel exist headcount exist its exist re exist we exist (able,we) and exist (able,lowered) and exist (able,reduce) and exist (able,branding) and exist (acquisition,re) and exist (activity,its) and exist (also,lowered) and exist (branding,we) and exist (branding,activity) and exist (branding,channels) and exist (customer,re) and exist (lowered,we) and exist (lowered,headcount) and exist (reduce,we) and exist (reduce,re) "}, {"_id": 452, "cause": "452 exist decline exist depreciation exist expense exist fee exist fees exist headcount exist host exist licensing exist we exist (amortization,expenses) and exist (contractor,fees) and exist (decline,headcount) and exist (decline,fees) and exist (development,headcount) and exist (had,we) and exist (had,depreciation) and exist (had,expenses) and exist (had,hosting) and exist (had,licensing) and exist (had,decline) and exist (hosting,fees) and exist (lower,depreciation) "}, {"_id": 453, "cause": "453 exist $_2.1_million exist combination exist deal exist fee exist rise exist we exist year exist (business,combination) and exist (capitalization,deals) and exist (do,we) and exist (do,year) and exist (fees,$_2.1_million) and exist (had,we) and exist (had,rise) and exist (had,do) and exist (incurred,$_2.1_million) and exist (incurred,combination) and exist (incurred,deals) and exist (one-time,fees) and exist (professional,fees) and exist (rise,fees) "}, {"_id": 454, "cause": "454 exist decrease exist expense exist revenue exist (decrease,revenue) and exist (decrease,expenses) and exist (g&a,expenses) and exist (higher,expenses) "}, {"_id": 455, "cause": "455 exist six_months_ended_30_,_June_2019 exist exclusion exist share exist this exist (convertible,shares) and exist (due,this) and exist (due,exclusion) and exist (exclusion,six_months_ended_30_,_June_2019) and exist (exclusion,shares) and exist (preference,shares) "}, {"_id": 456, "cause": "456 exist app exist card.try exist code exist i exist it exist money exist my exist (cash,app) and exist (cash,card.try) and exist (code,my) and exist (just,started) and exist (send,money) and exist (spend,using) and exist (started,i) and exist (started,using) and exist (using,spend) and exist (using,send) and exist (using,it) and exist (using,i) and exist (using,card.try) and exist (using,code) and exist (using,app) and exist (using,using) "}, {"_id": 457, "cause": "457 exist 12_months exist driver exist driver exist experience exist experience exist history exist history exist mvr exist plus exist requirement exist (accident,history) and exist (bus,experience) and exist (driver,requirements) and exist (exceptions,experience) and exist (fulfill,have) and exist (fulfill,have) and exist (good,mvr) and exist (good,history) and exist (have,driver) and exist (have,driver) and exist (have,history) and exist (have,12_months) and exist (have,requirements) and exist (have,experience) and exist (have,history) and exist (history,mvr) and exist (history,history) and exist (last,experience) and exist (12_months,experience) and exist (requirement,driver) and exist (straight,experience) and exist (truck,experience) and exist (work,history) and exist (years-no,experience) and exist (not,fulfill) "}, {"_id": 458, "cause": "458 exist #_618m exist asset exist firm exist income exist year exist year exist (assets,firm) and exist (generated,assets) and exist (generated,income) and exist (generated,7m) and exist (generated,year) and exist (income,#_618m) and exist (last,year) and exist (more,7m) and exist (more,year) and exist (net,income) and exist (previous,year) and exist (property,assets) and exist (rental,income) "}, {"_id": 459, "cause": "459 QUESTION(why) exist 830p exist i exist i exist today exist why exist (buy,why) and exist (buy,i) and exist (buy,today) and exist (buy,trading) and exist (stock,landsec) and exist (stock,landsec) and exist (trading,write) and exist (trading,landsec) and exist (trading,830p) and exist (write,i) "}, {"_id": 460, "cause": "460 exist company exist share exist split exist stock exist (4-SPL-1,stock) and exist (combined,company) and exist (went,shares) and exist (went,split) and exist (went,stock) and exist (ordinary,shares) and exist (shares,company) "}, {"_id": 461, "cause": "461 exist agreement exist term exist (terms,agreement) and exist (transaction,agreement) "}, {"_id": 462, "cause": "462 exist closing exist company exist share exist split exist stock exist transaction exist (closing,transaction) and exist (combined,company) and exist (consolidated,split) and exist (consolidated,shares) and exist (consolidated,closing) and exist (consolidated,stock) and exist (ordinary,shares) and exist (reverse,stock) and exist (shares,company) "}, {"_id": 463, "cause": "463 exist agreement exist Company exist capacity exist closing exist conjunction exist facility exist group exist its exist its exist termination exist transaction exist (agreement,group) and exist (banking,group) and exist (closing,transaction) and exist (conjunction,termination) and exist (conjunction,closing) and exist (credit,revolving) and exist (credit,facility) and exist (executed,Company) and exist (executed,agreement) and exist (executed,conjunction) and exist (facilities,revolving) and exist (facilities,revolving) and exist (facilities,rowan) and exist (facility,its) and exist (group,its) and exist (increase,agreement) and exist (increase,capacity) and exist (increase,facility) and exist (revolving,facility) and exist (termination,revolving) and exist (termination,transaction) "}, {"_id": 464, "cause": "464 exist decline exist slowdown exist war exist worry exist (due,decline) and exist (due,worry) and exist (due,slowdown) and exist (economic,slowdown) and exist (global,slowdown) and exist (said,commerce) and exist (said,due) and exist (slowdown,war) and exist (trade,war) and exist (war,u.s.-china) and exist (worry,war) "}, {"_id": 465, "cause": "465 exist Laos exist pp exist (fully,operate) and exist (hydro,pp) and exist (operate,pp) and exist (pp,Laos) "}, {"_id": 466, "cause": "466 exist company exist technology exist (develop,technology) and exist (establish,develop) and exist (technology,company) "}, {"_id": 467, "cause": "467 exist $_0.02 exist dividend exist dividend exist homebuilders exist nail exist nail exist nysearca exist plans exist shares exist (3x.plans,plans) and exist (3x.shares,shares) and exist (bull,shares) and exist (daily,homebuilders) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.02,nysearca) and exist ($_0.02,homebuilders) and exist ($_0.02,shares) and exist (direxion,homebuilders) and exist (dividend,$_0.02) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (homebuilders,shares) and exist (homebuilders,nail) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nysearca,homebuilders) and exist (nysearca,shares) and exist (nysearca,nail) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (shares,homebuilders) and exist (shares,nail) and exist (shares,plans) and exist (supplies,shares) and exist (tweet,homebuilders) "}, {"_id": 468, "cause": "468 exist $_0.02 exist dividend exist dividend exist homebuilders exist nail exist nail exist nysearca exist plans exist shares exist (3x.plans,plans) and exist (3x.shares,shares) and exist (bull,shares) and exist (daily,homebuilders) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.02,nysearca) and exist ($_0.02,homebuilders) and exist ($_0.02,shares) and exist (direxion,homebuilders) and exist (dividend,$_0.02) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (homebuilders,shares) and exist (homebuilders,nail) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nysearca,homebuilders) and exist (nysearca,shares) and exist (nysearca,nail) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (shares,homebuilders) and exist (shares,nail) and exist (shares,plans) and exist (supplies,shares) and exist (tweet,homebuilders) "}, {"_id": 469, "cause": "469 exist Tuesday exist nail exist trading exist (traded,nail) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 470, "cause": "470 exist Internal_Revenue_Service exist 2019 exist Sept._16 exist April_15_,_June_17 exist percent exist year.if exist business?you exist deadline exist deadline exist deadline exist deadline exist income exist it.paying exist liability exist payment exist quarter exist return exist taxes?sept.is exist their exist today.here exist today.individuals exist who exist year exist year exist you exist your exist (adjusted,income) and exist (April_15_,_June_17,deadlines) and exist (is,today.here) and exist (is,deadline) and exist (botch,you) and exist (botch,it.paying) and exist (botch,it.paying) and exist (April_15_,_June_17,percent) and exist (deadline,today.individuals) and exist (deadlines,year) and exist (exceeded,year.if) and exist (exceeded,income) and exist (facing,business?you) and exist (facing,deadline) and exist (gross,income) and exist (how,make) and exist (income,your) and exist (income,return) and exist (it.paying,you) and exist (it.paying,taxes?sept.is) and exist (key,deadline) and exist (make,quarter) and exist (make,payment) and exist (make,Sept._16) and exist (percent,year.if) and exist (percent,liability) and exist (other,deadlines) and exist (pay,today.individuals) and exist (pay,who) and exist (pay,Internal_Revenue_Service) and exist (pay,make) and exist (payment,their) and exist (payment,2019) and exist (prior,year.if) and exist (quarterly,taxes?sept.is) and exist (return,year) and exist (sure,botch) and exist (tax,deadline) and exist (tax,deadline) and exist (taxes?sept.is,deadline) and exist (third,deadline) and exist (third,payment) and exist (today.here,make) and exist (not,botch) "}, {"_id": 471, "cause": "471 exist 60_years exist he exist ideology exist minister exist (first,minister) and exist (minister,he) and exist (minister,60_years) and exist (prime,minister) and exist (subscribe,minister) and exist (subscribe,ideology) and exist (not,subscribe) "}, {"_id": 472, "cause": "472 exist reform exist Bildt exist change exist place exist policies exist year exist (done,years) and exist (few,years) and exist (just,years) and exist (kept,seeing) and exist (kept,carlsson) and exist (kept,policy) and exist (policy,Bildt) and exist (policy,place) and exist (seeing,changes) and exist (seeing,years) and exist (wonderful,changes) and exist (worth,reform) "}, {"_id": 473, "cause": "473 exist Malaysia exist MIDF_Investment_Bank exist need exist our exist us exist we exist (bank,Malaysia) and exist (biogas,needs) and exist (come,Malaysia) and exist (come,MIDF_Investment_Bank) and exist (come,help) and exist (financing,needs) and exist (help,MIDF_Investment_Bank) and exist (help,meet) and exist (meet,us) and exist (meet,needs) and exist (needs,our) and exist (pleased,we) and exist (pleased,come) and exist (together,come) "}, {"_id": 474, "cause": "474 QUESTION(when) exist account exist ChexSystems exist $_6 exist $_7 exist $ exist bonus exist date exist deposit exist fee exist fee exist funding exist link exist none exist pull exist requirement exist when exist you exist (account,fee) and exist (additional,requirements) and exist (bonus,months) and exist (bonus,$) and exist (card,funding) and exist (contents,link) and exist (credit,funding) and exist (date,none) and exist (date,offering) and exist (ChexSystems,funding) and exist ($_6,$_7) and exist ($_6,months) and exist (deposit,requirements) and exist (direct,deposit) and exist (direct,link) and exist (early,fee) and exist (expiration,date) and exist (fees,$_6) and exist (forfeit,months) and exist (funding,fees) and exist (hard/soft,pull) and exist (household,months) and exist (limit,months) and exist (limit,months) and exist (limit,date) and exist (listed,date) and exist (listed,link) and exist (monthly,fees) and exist (new,account) and exist ($_7,fee) and exist (none,link) and exist (offering,open) and exist (offer,link) and exist (offering,link) and exist (offer,hanmi) and exist (offering,bonus) and exist (open,when) and exist (open,you) and exist (open,account) and exist (required,deposit) and exist (see,ChexSystems) and exist (see,pull) and exist (termination,fee) "}, {"_id": 475, "cause": "475 exist tribunal exist facilities exist it exist it exist land exist processing exist project exist (acquired,it) and exist (acquired,land) and exist (built,facility) and exist (claimed,p&id) and exist (claimed,invested) and exist (claimed,tribunal) and exist (even,acquired) and exist (facility,processing) and exist (gas,processing) and exist (invested,acquired) and exist (invested,it) and exist (invested,project) and exist (not,acquired)"}, {"_id": 476, "cause": "476 exist Aug._16 exist court exist delay exist government exist order exist (delays,government) and exist (made,court) and exist (made,order) and exist (made,delays) and exist (made,Aug._16) and exist (nigerian,government) "}, {"_id": 477, "cause": "477 exist company exist crisis exist crisis exist (crisis,crisis) and exist (rocked,company) and exist (rocked,crisis) "}, {"_id": 478, "cause": "478 exist Andrew_Davies exist effort exist fruit exist start exist (bear,efforts) and exist (bear,fruit) and exist (chief,Andrew_Davies) and exist (claimed,Andrew_Davies) and exist (claimed,starting) and exist (executive,Andrew_Davies) and exist (starting,efforts) and exist (starting,bear) and exist (turnaround,efforts) "}, {"_id": 479, "cause": "479 exist addition exist year exist Bahamas exist communications exist customer exist end exist its exist its exist member exist premium exist travel exist website exist (%,premium) and exist (addition,website) and exist (addition,communications) and exist (card,members) and exist (end,year) and exist (international,premium) and exist (jet,members) and exist (premium,its) and exist (premium,members) and exist (promoting,addition) and exist (promoting,travel) and exist (travel,Bahamas) and exist (waving,jets) and exist (waving,premium) and exist (waving,addition) and exist (waving,end) and exist (website,its) and exist (website,customers) "}, {"_id": 480, "cause": "480 exist dividend exist involvement exist its exist scheme exist (dividend,scheme) and exist (involvement,its) and exist (involvement,dividend) and exist (stripping,scheme) "}, {"_id": 481, "cause": "481 exist Europe exist Germany exist countries exist scandal exist (hit,scandal) and exist (hit,country) and exist (hit,Europe) and exist (Europe,Germany) and exist (Europe,belgium) and exist (Europe,austria) and exist (several,country) and exist (so-called,scandal) and exist (stripping,scandal) and exist (tax,scandal) "}, {"_id": 482, "cause": "482 exist 1.1_billion_crowns exist bank exist payment exist plan exist prosecutor exist (danish,prosecutor) and exist (dividend,payments) and exist (facilitated,bank) and exist (facilitated,payments) and exist (fraudulent,payments) and exist (1.1_billion_crowns,plans) and exist (payments,1.1_billion_crowns) and exist (plans,u.s.) and exist (plans,pension) and exist (said,prosecutor) and exist (said,facilitated) and exist (state,prosecutor) and exist (tax,payments) "}, {"_id": 483, "cause": "483 exist May exist authority exist it exist plan exist settlement exist (danish,authority) and exist (pension,plans) and exist (plans,u.s.) and exist (reached,it) and exist (reached,settlements) and exist (said,authority) and exist (said,reached) and exist (said,May) and exist (settlements,plans) and exist (tax,authority) "}, {"_id": 484, "cause": "484 exist VICTORIA exist Doug_Donaldson exist worker exist (announced,VICTORIA) and exist (announced,Doug_Donaldson) and exist (announced,69-million) and exist (cabinet,Doug_Donaldson) and exist (displaced,workers) and exist (forest,workers) and exist (minister,Doug_Donaldson) and exist (package,69-million) and exist (package,69-million) and exist (package,workers) and exist (support,69-million) and exist (when,announced) "}, {"_id": 485, "cause": "485 exist attraction exist infrastructure exist plan exist (build,infrastructure) and exist (business,plans) and exist (develop,plans) and exist (develop,attractions) and exist (local,infrastructure) and exist (tourist,attractions) "}, {"_id": 486, "cause": "486 exist day exist Thursday exist funding exist letter exist news exist paragraph exist program exist programming exist trade-off exist we exist worker exist (announcing,trade-off) and exist (around,got) and exist (dividend,program) and exist (essential,programming) and exist (finally,got) and exist (funding,program) and exist (got,announcing) and exist (got,donaldson) and exist (got,paragraph) and exist (impacted,workers) and exist (letter,Thursday) and exist (news,trade-off) and exist (news,day) and exist (paragraph,letter) and exist (programming,workers) and exist (real,news) and exist (reallocate,we) and exist (reallocate,funding) and exist (required,programming) and exist (required,reallocate) and exist (rural,program) and exist (sixth,paragraph) and exist (temporarily,reallocate) "}, {"_id": 487, "cause": "487 exist day exist Thursday exist funding exist letter exist news exist paragraph exist program exist programming exist trade-off exist we exist worker exist (announcing,trade-off) and exist (around,got) and exist (dividend,program) and exist (essential,programming) and exist (finally,got) and exist (funding,program) and exist (got,announcing) and exist (got,donaldson) and exist (got,paragraph) and exist (impacted,workers) and exist (letter,Thursday) and exist (news,trade-off) and exist (news,day) and exist (paragraph,letter) and exist (programming,workers) and exist (real,news) and exist (reallocate,we) and exist (reallocate,funding) and exist (required,programming) and exist (required,reallocate) and exist (rural,program) and exist (sixth,paragraph) and exist (temporarily,reallocate) "}, {"_id": 488, "cause": "488 exist company exist share exist stock exist (bought,declined) and exist (bought,corp) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (declined,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 489, "cause": "489 exist 0.39_% exist session exist stock exist (increased,stock) and exist (increased,0.39_%) and exist (increased,session) and exist (last,session) and exist (trading,session) "}, {"_id": 490, "cause": "490 exist CSX exist 0.14_% exist SEC exist Address_Bank_of_America_Merrill_Lynch_Transportation_Conference exist CSX exist technical exist 100 exist ex-employee exist sue exist CSX_News exist Hunter_Harrison exist average exist boost exist ceo exist company exist cuts exist estimate exist filing exist income exist its exist its exist officer exist profit exist profit exist share exist stake exist steam exist stock exist tomorrow exist (1.04,ltd) and exist (1q.income,income) and exist (2019q2.filing,filing) and exist (30/05/2018,schwichtenberg) and exist (50-day,average) and exist (913.8,ltd) and exist (sue,fired) and exist (sue,suspended) and exist (officer,corp) and exist (officer,schwichtenberg) and exist (sue,ex-employee) and exist (sue,csx) and exist (b,ltd) and exist (b,ltd) and exist (based,0.14_%) and exist (based,filing) and exist (was,Hunter_Harrison) and exist (was,estimates) and exist (boost,CSX) and exist (bought,income) and exist (bought,rose) and exist (bought,ltd) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (ceo,tomorrow) and exist (chief,corp) and exist (chief,schwichtenberg) and exist (chief,Hunter_Harrison) and exist (chief,officer) and exist (closes,CSX) and exist (closes,Address_Bank_of_America_Merrill_Lynch_Transportation_Conference) and exist (closes,average) and exist (conference,tomorrow) and exist (cost-cutting,boost) and exist (csx,schwichtenberg) and exist (csx,Hunter_Harrison) and exist (csx,profit) and exist (deceased,Hunter_Harrison) and exist (decisions,tomorrow) and exist (technical,sue) and exist (CSX_News,officer) and exist (officer,schwichtenberg) and exist (doubles,profit) and exist (est.,ltd) and exist (estimates,profit) and exist (estimates,ceos) and exist (estimates,boost) and exist (family,medical) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,SEC) and exist (financial,officer) and exist (fired,taking) and exist (historical,CSX_News) and exist (income,csx) and exist (increased,income) and exist (increased,ltd) and exist (increased,stake) and exist (increased,0.14_%) and exist (latest,filing) and exist (m,ltd) and exist (more,100) and exist (moving,average) and exist (names,corp) and exist (names,schwichtenberg) and exist (CSX,tomorrow) and exist (ex-employee,100) and exist (officer,corp) and exist (officer,schwichtenberg) and exist (officer,corporation) and exist (officer,technical) and exist (officer,Address_Bank_of_America_Merrill_Lynch_Transportation_Conference) and exist (operator,profit) and exist (pick,cuts) and exist (pick,steam) and exist (pick,corp) and exist (profit,pick) and exist (profit,csx) and exist (rail,profit) and exist (regulatory,filing) and exist (rose,stock) and exist (rtn,company) and exist (rtn,company) and exist (safety,corp) and exist (safety,schwichtenberg) and exist (schwichtenberg,corp) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,company) and exist (stock,company) and exist (suspended,taking) and exist (taking,medical) and exist (taking,profit) and exist (tomorrow,bernstein) and exist (tomorrow,strategic) and exist (tomorrow,income) and exist (top-paid,ceos) "}, {"_id": 491, "cause": "491 exist 0.89_% exist session exist stock exist (increased,stock) and exist (increased,0.89_%) and exist (increased,session) and exist (last,session) and exist (trading,session) "}, {"_id": 492, "cause": "492 exist quarter exist Autozone_Inc exist holding exist it exist its exist share exist (also,reduced) and exist (holding,its) and exist (holding,Autozone_Inc) and exist (nyse,Autozone_Inc) and exist (reduced,it) and exist (reduced,holding) and exist (reduced,shares) and exist (shares,quarter) "}, {"_id": 493, "cause": "493 exist Medicare exist Department_of_Human_Services exist 90,000 exist fraud exist investigation exist public exist tip exist welfare exist year exist (child,fraud) and exist (financial,year) and exist (fraud,year) and exist (led,year) and exist (led,investigations) and exist (more,90,000) and exist (Medicare,year) and exist (offs,tip) and exist (public,welfare) and exist (received,Department_of_Human_Services) and exist (received,tip) and exist (received,Medicare) and exist (received,fraud) and exist (support,fraud) and exist (tip,public) and exist (tip,90,000) "}, {"_id": 494, "cause": "494 exist Lebanon exist 1990s exist bond exist discount exist (government,bonds) and exist (Lebanon,1990s) and exist (substantial,discount) and exist (traded,bonds) and exist (traded,discount) and exist (traded,Lebanon) "}, {"_id": 495, "cause": "495 exist banks exist fund exist instrument exist liquid exist them exist (benefited,using) and exist (benefited,consolidating) and exist (benefited,banks) and exist (buy,they) and exist (buy,instruments) and exist (consolidating,funds) and exist (debt,instruments) and exist (deposits,liquid) and exist (funds,liquid) and exist (government,instruments) and exist (less-liquid,instruments) and exist (therefore,benefited) and exist (using,they) and exist (using,buy) "}, {"_id": 496, "cause": "496 exist Thursday exist bkd exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (traded,bkd) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Thursday) "}, {"_id": 497, "cause": "497 exist 583.2_% exist second_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (senior,brookdale) and exist (grew,co.) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (living,brookdale) and exist (living,583.2_%) and exist (senior,brookdale) and exist (shares,brookdale) "}, {"_id": 498, "cause": "498 exist 441.2_% exist second_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (senior,brookdale) and exist (grew,ltd.) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (living,brookdale) and exist (living,441.2_%) and exist (senior,brookdale) and exist (shares,brookdale) "}, {"_id": 499, "cause": "499 exist 54.6_% exist second_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (senior,brookdale) and exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (living,brookdale) and exist (living,54.6_%) and exist (senior,brookdale) and exist (shares,brookdale) "}, {"_id": 500, "cause": "500 exist approach exist rejection exist (blistering,rejection) and exist (branded,rejection) and exist (branded,approach) "}, {"_id": 501, "cause": "501 exist CNBC exist Sept._1 exist $ exist billion exist import exist optimism exist peace exist request exist rise exist tariff exist (%,tariff) and exist (112,billion) and exist (28,peace) and exist (chinese,imports) and exist (CNBC,peace) and exist (CNBC,rises) and exist (Sept._1,peace) and exist (hold,imposing) and exist (hold,request) and exist (imposing,tariff) and exist (imposing,$) and exist (market,rises) and exist ($,imports) and exist ($,billion) and exist (rejects,trump) and exist (rejects,request) and exist (rises,optimism) "}, {"_id": 502, "cause": "502 exist Warren exist $_250,000 exist $_400,000 exist $ exist earn exist earn exist families exist income exist individual exist it exist month exist that exist ($_250,000,families) and exist (earning,individuals) and exist (earning,$_250,000) and exist (earning,$_250,000) and exist (earning,$_400,000) and exist (income,individuals) and exist (increase,Warren) and exist (increase,that) and exist (increase,$) and exist (increase,paying) and exist (investment,income) and exist (more,$_250,000) and exist (more,$_400,000) and exist (net,income) and exist ($,month) and exist (paying,that) and exist (paying,it) and exist (paying,percent) and exist (proposes,Warren) and exist (proposes,increase) and exist (tax,percent) and exist (tax,percent) and exist (tax,income) "}, {"_id": 503, "cause": "503 exist $_0.23 exist TJX_Companies_Inc exist TJX_Companies_Inc exist dividend exist (declared,$_0.23) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.23,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (TJX_Companies_Inc,tjx) and exist (TJX_Companies_Inc,tjx) and exist (dividend,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (dividend,16th) and exist (issue,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (issue,declared) and exist (journal,16th) and exist (nyse,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (nyse,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (tweet,TJX_Companies_Inc) "}, {"_id": 504, "cause": "504 exist $_0.23 exist TJX_Companies_Inc exist TJX_Companies_Inc exist dividend exist (declared,$_0.23) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.23,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (TJX_Companies_Inc,tjx) and exist (TJX_Companies_Inc,tjx) and exist (dividend,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (dividend,16th) and exist (issue,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (issue,declared) and exist (journal,16th) and exist (nyse,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (nyse,TJX_Companies_Inc) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (tweet,TJX_Companies_Inc) "}, {"_id": 505, "cause": "505 exist analyst exist TJX_Companies exist $_2.82 exist share exist year exist (earn,TJX_Companies) and exist (earn,$_2.82) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,TJX_Companies) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_2.82,share) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 506, "cause": "506 exist apparel exist $_0.62 exist earnings exist quarter exist retailer exist share exist ($_0.62,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (fashions,retailer) and exist (home,retailer) and exist (reported,apparel) and exist (reported,retailer) and exist (reported,$_0.62) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 507, "cause": "507 exist scheme exist she exist (alleged,scheme) and exist (estimated,brorhilker) and exist (prosecuting,she) and exist (prosecuting,scheme) "}, {"_id": 508, "cause": "508 exist age exist 21 exist effort exist expert exist it exist measure exist parent exist push exist step exist teens exist themselves exist these exist they exist youth exist (agree,experts) and exist (assume,it) and exist (assume,initiated) and exist (assume,much) and exist (assume,efforts) and exist (concerned,parents) and exist (easy,it) and exist (easy,assume) and exist (efforts,they) and exist (efforts,parents) and exist (efforts,teens) and exist (efforts,push) and exist (good,steps) and exist (health,experts) and exist (help,steps) and exist (help,curb) and exist (initiated,they) and exist (initiated,parents) and exist (local,experts) and exist (measures,these) and exist (mostly,efforts) and exist (much,they) and exist (much,parents) and exist (much,teens) and exist (much,push) and exist (public,experts) and exist (purchase,age) and exist (raise,efforts) and exist (raise,age) and exist (raise,21) and exist (steps,measures) and exist (successful,efforts) and exist (teens,themselves) and exist (tobacco,age) and exist (use,tobacco) and exist (use,youths) "}, {"_id": 509, "cause": "509 exist age exist 21 exist effort exist expert exist it exist measure exist parent exist push exist step exist teens exist themselves exist these exist they exist youth exist (agree,experts) and exist (assume,it) and exist (assume,initiated) and exist (assume,much) and exist (assume,efforts) and exist (concerned,parents) and exist (easy,it) and exist (easy,assume) and exist (efforts,they) and exist (efforts,parents) and exist (efforts,teens) and exist (efforts,push) and exist (good,steps) and exist (health,experts) and exist (help,steps) and exist (help,curb) and exist (initiated,they) and exist (initiated,parents) and exist (local,experts) and exist (measures,these) and exist (mostly,efforts) and exist (much,they) and exist (much,parents) and exist (much,teens) and exist (much,push) and exist (public,experts) and exist (purchase,age) and exist (raise,efforts) and exist (raise,age) and exist (raise,21) and exist (steps,measures) and exist (successful,efforts) and exist (teens,themselves) and exist (tobacco,age) and exist (use,tobacco) and exist (use,youths) "}, {"_id": 510, "cause": "510 exist cigarette exist price exist studies exist (increase,percent) and exist (increase,percent) and exist (increase,price) and exist (price,cigarettes) and exist (shown,studies) "}, {"_id": 511, "cause": "511 exist countryside exist discontent exist growth exist investment exist loss exist low exist (caused,low) and exist (caused,losses) and exist (discontent,countryside) and exist (fueled,low) and exist (fueled,discontent) and exist (job,losses) and exist (lifting,growth) and exist (private,investment) and exist (reviving,investment) and exist (reviving,growth) and exist (reviving,low) and exist (six-year,low) "}, {"_id": 512, "cause": "512 exist March_2023 exist production exist they exist (begin,they) and exist (begin,production) and exist (begin,March_2023) "}, {"_id": 513, "cause": "513 exist Asia exist cut exist economy exist government exist growth exist (announced,government) and exist (announced,cuts) and exist (economy,Asia) and exist (flagging,growth) and exist (growth,economy) and exist (largest,economy) and exist (revive,cuts) and exist (revive,growth) and exist (tax,cuts) and exist (third,economy) "}, {"_id": 514, "cause": "514 exist Rana_Huzefa exist Facebook_Twitter_Google exist Hammer_Capital exist $_16 exist Holdings_Ltd exist jd exist bid exist share exist shareholder exist (backing,jd) and exist (backing,Rana_Huzefa) and exist (bids,bitauto) and exist (bitauto,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (buy,shareholders) and exist (buy,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (car,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (car,bitauto) and exist (chinese,bitauto) and exist (chinese,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (comparison,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (Rana_Huzefa,Facebook_Twitter_Google) and exist (Rana_Huzefa,ltd) and exist (Rana_Huzefa,Hammer_Capital) and exist (equity,Hammer_Capital) and exist ($_16,share) and exist (offered,buy) and exist (offered,bids) and exist (offered,$_16) and exist (other,shareholders) and exist (partner,Hammer_Capital) and exist (pinterest,ltd) and exist (private,Hammer_Capital) and exist (reuters,ltd) and exist (site,bitauto) and exist (site,bitauto) and exist (tencent,bids) and exist (website,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (whatsapp,ltd) and exist (whatsapp,ltd) "}, {"_id": 515, "cause": "515 exist collaboration exist its exist number exist partner exist team exist (building,team) and exist (collaborations,number) and exist (global,partners) and exist (gradually,building) and exist (industrial,partners) and exist (management,team) and exist (number,partners) and exist (strategic,collaborations) and exist (team,its) "}, {"_id": 516, "cause": "516 exist Adarga exist round exist shareholder exist (115m,round) and exist (funding,round) and exist (minority,shareholder) and exist (shareholder,round) and exist (shareholder,Adarga) "}, {"_id": 517, "cause": "517 exist plan exist (finalise,plan) and exist (restructuring,plan) "}, {"_id": 518, "cause": "518 exist million_pounds exist ft exist people exist situation exist (200,million_pounds) and exist (additional,million_pounds) and exist (briefed,people) and exist (briefed,situation) and exist (citing,ft) and exist (citing,people) and exist (provide,million_pounds) and exist (reported,provide) and exist (reported,ft) and exist (reported,citing) "}, {"_id": 519, "cause": "519 exist demand exist funding exist (additional,funding) and exist (demand,funding) and exist (last-minute,demand) "}, {"_id": 520, "cause": "520 exist company exist filing exist information exist (disclosed,company) and exist (disclosed,information) and exist (disclosed,filing) and exist (filing,sec) and exist (filing,reverb) and exist (marketplace,reverb) and exist (marketplace,reverb) and exist (music,reverb) "}, {"_id": 521, "cause": "521 exist Advisor_Group_Inc. exist 5.1_% exist second_quarter exist BlackRock exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist company exist filing exist holding exist its exist its exist nyse exist share exist share exist (13f.filing,filing) and exist (company,filing) and exist (Advisor_Group_Inc.,dividend) and exist (enhanced,shares) and exist (enhanced,lowered) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (form,filing) and exist (global,Advisor_Group_Inc.) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (lowered,Advisor_Group_Inc.) and exist (lowered,holdings) and exist (lowered,shares) and exist (most,filing) and exist (nyse,company) and exist (nyse,5.1_%) and exist (nyse,second_quarter) and exist (recent,filing) and exist (sec,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (shares,nyse) and exist (shares,BlackRock) and exist (trust,Advisor_Group_Inc.) "}, {"_id": 522, "cause": "522 exist Advisor_Group_Inc. exist 5.1_% exist second_quarter exist BlackRock exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist company exist filing exist holding exist its exist its exist nyse exist share exist share exist (13f.filing,filing) and exist (company,filing) and exist (Advisor_Group_Inc.,dividend) and exist (enhanced,shares) and exist (enhanced,lowered) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (form,filing) and exist (global,Advisor_Group_Inc.) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (lowered,Advisor_Group_Inc.) and exist (lowered,holdings) and exist (lowered,shares) and exist (most,filing) and exist (nyse,company) and exist (nyse,5.1_%) and exist (nyse,second_quarter) and exist (recent,filing) and exist (sec,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (shares,nyse) and exist (shares,BlackRock) and exist (trust,Advisor_Group_Inc.) "}, {"_id": 523, "cause": "523 exist 252.1_% exist 1st_quarter exist BlackRock exist its exist position exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,position) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,252.1_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (252.1_%,1st_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,BlackRock) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,enhanced) "}, {"_id": 524, "cause": "524 exist 11.9_% exist 2nd_quarter exist BlackRock exist its exist position exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,position) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,11.9_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (11.9_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,BlackRock) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,enhanced) "}, {"_id": 525, "cause": "525 exist 7.9_% exist 2nd_quarter exist BlackRock exist its exist position exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,position) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,7.9_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (7.9_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,BlackRock) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,enhanced) "}, {"_id": 526, "cause": "526 exist 21.4_% exist 1st_quarter exist BlackRock exist its exist position exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,position) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,21.4_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (21.4_%,1st_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,BlackRock) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,enhanced) "}, {"_id": 527, "cause": "527 exist Friday exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (stock,boe) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 528, "cause": "528 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist business exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,business) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 529, "cause": "529 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist business exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,business) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 530, "cause": "530 exist $_0.10 exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist etf exist iq exist iq exist nysearca exist percent exist percent exist (declared,iq) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,percent) and exist ($_0.10,iq) and exist (dividend,$_0.10) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (etf,europe) and exist (etf,europe) and exist (etf,hfxe) and exist (etf,dividend) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (ftse,etf) and exist (ftse,etf) and exist (iq,tweet) and exist (iq,percent) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (percent,etf) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 531, "cause": "531 exist $_0.10 exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist etf exist iq exist iq exist nysearca exist percent exist percent exist (declared,iq) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,percent) and exist ($_0.10,iq) and exist (dividend,$_0.10) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (etf,europe) and exist (etf,europe) and exist (etf,hfxe) and exist (etf,dividend) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (ftse,etf) and exist (ftse,etf) and exist (iq,tweet) and exist (iq,percent) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (percent,etf) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 532, "cause": "532 exist nysearca exist Tuesday exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,hfxe) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 533, "cause": "533 exist Josh_Frydenberg exist government exist payment exist receipt exist (handed,government) and exist (handed,billion) and exist (less,billion) and exist (less,payments) and exist (more,billion) and exist (more,receipts) and exist (pulled,government) and exist (pulled,billion) and exist (said,Josh_Frydenberg) and exist (said,handed) and exist (said,pulled) and exist (treasurer,Josh_Frydenberg) "}, {"_id": 534, "cause": "534 exist ndis exist back exist result exist spending exist (back,spending) and exist (built,result) and exist (built,back) and exist (lower-than-expected,spending) and exist (spending,ndis) "}, {"_id": 535, "cause": "535 exist NDIS exist Mathias_Cormann exist coalition exist it exist spending exist (doubled,coalition) and exist (doubled,spending) and exist (finance,Mathias_Cormann) and exist (forecast,it) and exist (forecast,do) and exist (minister,Mathias_Cormann) and exist (revealed,Mathias_Cormann) and exist (revealed,doubled) and exist (spending,NDIS) and exist (tripled,forecast) and exist (not,tripled) "}, {"_id": 536, "cause": "536 QUESTION(how) exist Frydenberg exist demand exist how exist profit exist (due,how) and exist (due,demand) and exist (iron,demand) and exist (mining,profits) and exist (mr,Frydenberg) and exist (ore,demand) and exist (say,Frydenberg) and exist (say,due) and exist (strong,demand) and exist (can,not) and exist (can,say)"}, {"_id": 537, "cause": "537 exist \u00b9 exist art exist art exist deduction exist rule exist (complex,rules) and exist (complex,\u00b9) and exist (deduction,art) and exist (donating,\u00b9) and exist (donating,art) and exist (surrounding,rules) and exist (surrounding,deduction) and exist (tax,deduction) and exist (tax,rules) and exist (when,donating) "}, {"_id": 538, "cause": "538 exist Tuesday exist nysearca exist share exist trading exist (shares,nysearca) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 539, "cause": "539 exist $_0.29 exist nysearca exist dividend exist plan exist (nysearca,plans) and exist (dividend,$_0.29) and exist (materials,fund) and exist (plans,xlb) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (sector,fund) and exist (select,fund) and exist (select,nysearca) and exist (spdr,fund) "}, {"_id": 540, "cause": "540 exist $_0.29 exist nysearca exist dividend exist plan exist (nysearca,plans) and exist (dividend,$_0.29) and exist (materials,fund) and exist (plans,xlb) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (sector,fund) and exist (select,fund) and exist (select,nysearca) and exist (spdr,fund) "}, {"_id": 541, "cause": "541 exist nysearca exist Friday exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,xlb) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 542, "cause": "542 exist apartment exist i exist my exist (apartment,my) and exist (refinanced,i) and exist (refinanced,apartment) "}, {"_id": 543, "cause": "543 QUESTION(what) exist annuity exist balance exist i exist loan exist this exist this exist what exist (annuity,loan) and exist (automatically,balance) and exist (is,annuity) and exist (is,this) and exist (is,this) and exist (is,paying) and exist (is,is) and exist (paying,i) and exist (paying,what) and exist (paying,balance) and exist (simple,annuity) "}, {"_id": 544, "cause": "544 exist New_York_City exist morning exist NASDAQ exist ipo exist (opened,NASDAQ) and exist (opened,morning) and exist (opened,New_York_City) and exist (skyrocketed,ipo) and exist (skyrocketed,morning) and exist (when,opened) "}, {"_id": 545, "cause": "545 exist confidence exist cost exist face exist retailer exist shop exist (closed,retailer) and exist (closed,shops) and exist (closed,face) and exist (consumer,confidence) and exist (face,costs) and exist (face,confidence) and exist (property,costs) and exist (rising,costs) and exist (under-performing,shops) and exist (volatile,confidence) "}, {"_id": 546, "cause": "546 exist chain exist hand exist its exist lender exist (department,chain) and exist (fell,chain) and exist (fell,hands) and exist (hands,lenders) and exist (lenders,its) and exist (store,chain) "}, {"_id": 547, "cause": "547 exist agreement exist goal exist (agreement,paris) and exist (agreement,years) and exist (climate,agreement) and exist (committed,amazon) and exist (committed,meet) and exist (goals,agreement) and exist (meet,goals) and exist (says,bezos) and exist (says,committed) "}, {"_id": 548, "cause": "548 exist companies exist issue exist limit exist mandate exist overhead exist profit exist provision exist refunds exist (comes,mandate) and exist (comes,provision) and exist (how,company) and exist (issue,mandate) and exist (issue,refunds) and exist (keep,company) and exist (keep,overhead) and exist (keep,profit) and exist (limits,provision) and exist (limits,keep) and exist (much,company) "}, {"_id": 549, "cause": "549 exist companies exist issue exist limit exist mandate exist overhead exist profit exist provision exist refunds exist (comes,mandate) and exist (comes,provision) and exist (how,company) and exist (issue,mandate) and exist (issue,refunds) and exist (keep,company) and exist (keep,overhead) and exist (keep,profit) and exist (limits,provision) and exist (limits,keep) and exist (much,company) "}, {"_id": 550, "cause": "550 exist companies exist issue exist limit exist mandate exist overhead exist profit exist provision exist refunds exist (comes,mandate) and exist (comes,provision) and exist (how,company) and exist (issue,mandate) and exist (issue,refunds) and exist (keep,company) and exist (keep,overhead) and exist (keep,profit) and exist (limits,provision) and exist (limits,keep) and exist (much,company) "}, {"_id": 551, "cause": "551 exist number exist people exist (affected,number) and exist (number,people) "}, {"_id": 552, "cause": "552 exist 20-20-hindsight exist Kaiser_Family_Foundation exist benefit exist premium exist year exist (benefit,20-20-hindsight) and exist (indeed,overpriced) and exist (last,year) and exist (overpriced,premiums) and exist (overpriced,benefit) and exist (premiums,year) and exist (president,cox) and exist (president,cox) and exist (president,Kaiser_Family_Foundation) and exist (said,cox) and exist (said,overpriced) and exist (vice,cox) "}, {"_id": 553, "cause": "553 exist age exist withdrawal exist (made,withdrawal) and exist (made,age) "}, {"_id": 554, "cause": "554 exist you exist (register,you) "}, {"_id": 555, "cause": "555 exist UK_Civil_Aviation_Authority exist collapse exist company exist customers exist employee exist news exist (chief,moriarty) and exist (deeply,saddening) and exist (employees,company) and exist (executive,moriarty) and exist (executive,moriarty) and exist (executive,UK_Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (news,collapse) and exist (saddening,news) and exist (saddening,employees) and exist (saddening,customers) and exist (said,moriarty) and exist (said,saddening) "}, {"_id": 556, "cause": "556 QUESTION(when) exist October_2017 exist when exist (went,when) and exist (went,airlines) and exist (went,October_2017) "}, {"_id": 557, "cause": "557 QUESTION(when) exist October_2017 exist when exist (went,when) and exist (went,airlines) and exist (went,October_2017) "}, {"_id": 558, "cause": "558 exist Organization_for_Economic_Cooperation_and_Development exist OECD exist United_States exist decade exist forecast exist growth exist it exist its exist level exist war exist (economics,war) and exist (global,growth) and exist (global,forecasts) and exist (growth,forecasts) and exist (levels,its) and exist (lowest,levels) and exist (plunged,war) and exist (plunged,growth) and exist (plunged,decade) and exist (plunged,levels) and exist (said,slashed) and exist (said,Organization_for_Economic_Cooperation_and_Development) and exist (said,OECD) and exist (said,plunged) and exist (slashed,it) and exist (slashed,forecasts) and exist (trade,war) and exist (war,United_States) and exist (war,china) "}, {"_id": 559, "cause": "559 exist backdrop exist base exist it exist (complicated,backdrop) and exist (high,base) and exist (international,backdrop) and exist (starting,it) and exist (starting,base) and exist (starting,backdrop) "}, {"_id": 560, "cause": "560 exist August exist goods exist machinery exist output exist production exist surge exist (boosted,surge) and exist (jumped,boosted) and exist (jumped,output) and exist (jumped,August) and exist (other,goods) and exist (output,us) and exist (production,machinery) and exist (production,goods) and exist (surge,production) "}, {"_id": 561, "cause": "561 exist 22_% exist 30_% exist Nirmala_Sitharaman exist rate exist (base,rate) and exist (corporate,rate) and exist (finance,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (lowered,rate) and exist (lowered,30_%) and exist (lowered,22_%) and exist (minister,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (said,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (said,lowered) and exist (tax,rate) "}, {"_id": 562, "cause": "562 exist 14_% exist KKR exist capital exist group exist investor exist investor exist share exist (capital,group) and exist (equity,KKR) and exist (group,KKR) and exist (institutional,investors) and exist (14_%,capital) and exist (other,investors) and exist (private,KKR) and exist (sold,investors) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,investors) and exist (share,capital) and exist (shares,14_%) "}, {"_id": 563, "cause": "563 exist flotation "}, {"_id": 564, "cause": "564 exist #_20m exist contract exist it exist its exist profit exist slowdown exist (annual,profit) and exist (business,contracts) and exist (fall,profit) and exist (fall,#_20m) and exist (new,contracts) and exist (operating,profit) and exist (profit,its) and exist (see,contracts) and exist (see,fall) and exist (slowdown,contracts) and exist (warned,it) and exist (warned,slowdown) "}, {"_id": 565, "cause": "565 exist outlook exist customer exist guidance exist tension exist (blamed,losing) and exist (cut,guidance) and exist (earnings,guidance) and exist (economic,outlook) and exist (global,tensions) and exist (global,outlook) and exist (large,customer) and exist (losing,customer) and exist (losing,tensions) and exist (losing,outlook) and exist (trade,tensions) and exist (weakening,outlook) "}, {"_id": 566, "cause": "566 exist Abqaiq exist damage exist drones exist energy exist missile exist plant exist price exist world exist (cruise,missiles) and exist (damage,plant) and exist (inflicted,drones) and exist (inflicted,damage) and exist (inflicted,Abqaiq) and exist (largest,plant) and exist (oil,plant) and exist (oil,price) and exist (plant,world) and exist (processing,plant) and exist (spiked,price) and exist (spiked,energy) and exist (spiked,missiles) and exist (substantial,damage) "}, {"_id": 567, "cause": "567 exist agreement exist JP_Morgan exist its exist term exist year exist (agreement,its) and exist (earlier,year) and exist (funding,agreement) and exist (signed,agreement) and exist (signed,year) and exist (signed,JP_Morgan) and exist (terms,agreement) "}, {"_id": 568, "cause": "568 exist August exist July exist expectations exist goods exist sale exist shopper exist (british,shoppers) and exist (bought,shoppers) and exist (bought,goods) and exist (bought,July) and exist (defied,bought) and exist (defied,sales) and exist (defied,expectations) and exist (fell,sales) and exist (fell,August) and exist (fewer,goods) and exist (other,sales) and exist (retail,sales) and exist (retail,sales) and exist (sales,uk) "}, {"_id": 569, "cause": "569 exist #_200m exist Friday exist banker exist company exist company exist day exist group exist its exist report exist they exist (bankers,group) and exist (find,secure) and exist (find,company) and exist (find,#_200m) and exist (go,said) and exist (go,company) and exist (go,days) and exist (however,suggested) and exist (lifeline,its) and exist (needed,company) and exist (needed,find) and exist (press,reports) and exist (reports,Friday) and exist (said,bankers) and exist (said,needed) and exist (secure,they) and exist (suggested,reports) and exist (suggested,go) "}, {"_id": 570, "cause": "570 exist business exist challenge exist fall exist half exist its exist profit exist saga exist tourism exist year exist (business,its) and exist (challenges,business) and exist (dragged,tourism) and exist (dragged,challenges) and exist (fall,profits) and exist (first,half) and exist (half,year) and exist (over-50s,tourism) and exist (posted,saga) and exist (posted,fall) and exist (posted,half) and exist (sharp,fall) and exist (travel,business) "}, {"_id": 571, "cause": "571 exist derivative exist trading exist (crude,derivatives) and exist (oil,derivatives) and exist (trading,derivatives) and exist (unauthorised,trading) "}, {"_id": 572, "cause": "572 exist dividend exist etf exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,20th) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,xhb) and exist (homebuilders,etf) and exist (journal,20th) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) "}, {"_id": 573, "cause": "573 exist dividend exist etf exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,20th) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,xhb) and exist (homebuilders,etf) and exist (journal,20th) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) "}, {"_id": 574, "cause": "574 exist nysearca exist Friday exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,xhb) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 575, "cause": "575 exist rate exist (new,rate) "}, {"_id": 576, "cause": "576 exist 1_October exist option exist (is,option) and exist (is,move) and exist (move,option) and exist (move,1_October) "}, {"_id": 577, "cause": "577 exist 's exist $_10,000 exist $_15,000 exist $_165,000 exist asset exist expense exist gift exist her exist her exist (assets,her) and exist (assets,$_165,000) and exist (expenses,her) and exist (funeral,expenses) and exist (gift,$_10,000) and exist (let,say) and exist (pre-paying,shirley) and exist (pre-paying,expenses) and exist (pre-paying,$_15,000) and exist (reduced,shirley) and exist (reduced,assets) and exist (reduced,gift) and exist (say,'s) and exist (say,pre-paying) and exist (say,reduced) "}, {"_id": 578, "cause": "578 exist 's exist $_10,000 exist $_15,000 exist $_165,000 exist asset exist expense exist gift exist her exist her exist (assets,her) and exist (assets,$_165,000) and exist (expenses,her) and exist (funeral,expenses) and exist (gift,$_10,000) and exist (let,say) and exist (pre-paying,shirley) and exist (pre-paying,expenses) and exist (pre-paying,$_15,000) and exist (reduced,shirley) and exist (reduced,assets) and exist (reduced,gift) and exist (say,'s) and exist (say,pre-paying) and exist (say,reduced) "}, {"_id": 579, "cause": "579 exist day exist Seth_Golden exist articles exist bombing exist production exist slowdown exist (bombings,arabia) and exist (daily,articles) and exist (Seth_Golden,bombings) and exist (Seth_Golden,production) and exist (Seth_Golden,articles) and exist (field,bombings) and exist (first,day) and exist (oil,bombings) and exist (post,day) and exist (slowdown,Seth_Golden) and exist (speculative,production) and exist (trading,day) "}, {"_id": 580, "cause": "580 exist consumer exist fear exist headwind exist outline exist slowdown exist (economic,slowdown) and exist (fears,slowdown) and exist (outlines,outperformed) and exist (outperformed,consumer) and exist (outperformed,fears) and exist (outperformed,headwinds) and exist (several,headwinds) "}, {"_id": 581, "cause": "581 QUESTION(when) exist duties exist he exist his exist insurer exist poach exist when exist (alleges,prudential) and exist (alleges,breached) and exist (being,insurer) and exist (breached,carried) and exist (breached,tan) and exist (breached,duty) and exist (carried,being) and exist (carried,when) and exist (carried,he) and exist (carried,poaching) and exist (contractual,duty) and exist (duty,his) and exist (fiduciary,duty) and exist (still,being) "}, {"_id": 582, "cause": "582 exist account exist Help_to_Buy_ISA exist buyer exist help exist home exist savings exist (account,buyers) and exist (buy,Help_to_Buy_ISA) and exist (first,buyers) and exist (help,buy) and exist (provides,Help_to_Buy_ISA) and exist (provides,savings) and exist (provides,account) and exist (save,home) and exist (tax-free,savings) and exist (time,buyers) and exist (wishing,buyers) and exist (wishing,save) "}, {"_id": 583, "cause": "583 exist account exist (first,opened) and exist (opened,account) "}, {"_id": 584, "cause": "584 QUESTION(when) exist bonus exist home exist when exist (first,home) and exist (paid,purchased) and exist (paid,bonus) and exist (purchased,when) and exist (purchased,home) "}, {"_id": 585, "cause": "585 exist UK exist #_450,000 exist London exist UK exist bonus exist home exist rest exist value exist (first,home) and exist (located,home) and exist (located,UK) and exist (located,value) and exist (#_450,000,London) and exist (only,put) and exist (purchase,value) and exist (put,bonus) and exist (put,home) and exist (rest,UK) and exist (value,rest) and exist (value,#_450,000) "}, {"_id": 586, "cause": "586 exist she exist trust exist (discounted,trust) and exist (discretionary,trust) and exist (gift,trust) and exist (set,she) and exist (set,trust) and exist (set,years) and exist (significantly,set) "}, {"_id": 587, "cause": "587 exist upturn exist Japan exist change exist hope exist industry exist number exist pressure exist rate exist (banking,industry) and exist (customer,numbers) and exist (demographic,changes) and exist (dwindling,hopes) and exist (hopes,upturn) and exist (industry,Japan) and exist (interest,rates) and exist (upturn,industry) and exist (pressure,upturn) and exist (pressure,rates) and exist (pressure,changes) and exist (shrinking,changes) and exist (shrinking,numbers) and exist (ultra-low,rates) "}, {"_id": 588, "cause": "588 exist Europe exist bank exist business exist fall exist it exist market exist (bank,Europe) and exist (big,fall) and exist (customer,business) and exist (due,it) and exist (due,markets) and exist (fall,Europe) and exist (said,fall) and exist (said,bank) and exist (said,struggled) and exist (sluggish,markets) and exist (struggled,it) and exist (struggled,business) and exist (struggled,due) "}, {"_id": 589, "cause": "589 exist Japan exist mufg exist countries exist its exist problem exist products exist (expanding,mufg) and exist (expanding,products) and exist (expanding,country) and exist (expanding,offset) and exist (offset,mufg) and exist (offset,problems) and exist (other,country) and exist (problems,its) and exist (problems,Japan) and exist (still,expanding) "}, {"_id": 590, "cause": "590 QUESTION(where) exist country exist he exist index exist loss exist policy exist resource exist tide exist vision exist where exist (asked,where) and exist (asked,surjewala) and exist (choppy,index) and exist (come,loss) and exist (compensate,resources) and exist (compensate,come) and exist (economic,vision) and exist (fiscal,policy) and exist (laying,tide) and exist (laying,vision) and exist (laying,policy) and exist (policy,country) and exist (revenue,loss) and exist (said,he) and exist (said,tide) and exist (said,asked) and exist (sensex,index) and exist (sound,vision) and exist (tide,index) and exist (vision,country) "}, {"_id": 591, "cause": "591 exist Jan._4_,_2016 exist marijuana exist official exist tax exist (%,tax) and exist (levied,officials) and exist (levied,tax) and exist (levied,Jan._4_,_2016) and exist (officials,oregon) and exist (recreational,marijuana) and exist (starting,levied) and exist (tax,marijuana) "}, {"_id": 592, "cause": "592 exist its exist plan exist (pay,plan) and exist (plan,its) and exist (starting,plan) and exist (starting,pay) and exist (turnaround,plan) "}, {"_id": 593, "cause": "593 exist company exist engineer exist its exist stake exist strategy exist turnaround exist year exist (bought,management) and exist (bought,stake) and exist (controlling,stake) and exist (engineer,turnaround) and exist (help,stake) and exist (help,engineer) and exist (help,engineer) and exist (just,started) and exist (last,year) and exist (started,company) and exist (started,working) and exist (strategy,its) and exist (working,bought) and exist (working,company) and exist (working,year) and exist (working,strategy) "}, {"_id": 594, "cause": "594 exist Alberta exist trajectory exist film exist numbers exist production exist volume exist year exist year exist (trajectory,vary) and exist (trajectory,volume) and exist (television,production) and exist (total,volume) and exist (upward,trajectory) and exist (vary,numbers) and exist (vary,year) and exist (vary,year) and exist (volume,Alberta) and exist (volume,film) and exist (volume,production) "}, {"_id": 595, "cause": "595 exist area exist exist season exist year exist (filmed,year) and exist (filmed,area) and exist (first,season) and exist (fx,) and exist (season,) and exist (series,) and exist (year,season) "}, {"_id": 596, "cause": "596 exist community exist credits exist grant exist that exist uncertainty exist (due,that) and exist (due,uncertainty) and exist (film,community) and exist (partly,due) and exist (present,grants) and exist (said,westby) and exist (said,due) and exist (surrounding,grants) and exist (uncertainty,grants) and exist (uncertainty,credits) and exist (uncertainty,community) "}, {"_id": 597, "cause": "597 exist airline exist million exist 150,000 exist citizen exist collapse exist (-SPL-,million) and exist (150,million) and exist (abroad,stranded) and exist (approximately,150,000) and exist (citizens,uk) and exist (citizens,150,000) and exist (collapse,airline) and exist (criticized,left) and exist (criticized,giving) and exist (criticized,johnson) and exist (giving,million) and exist (left,collapse) and exist (left,citizens) and exist (left,stranded) and exist (stranded,citizens) and exist (not,giving)"}, {"_id": 598, "cause": "598 exist PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc exist dividend exist isd exist (0.11,inc) and exist (announces,PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc) and exist (announced,inc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,announced) and exist (announced,26th) and exist (PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc,isd) and exist (dividend,inc) and exist (monthly,inc) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (nasdaq,26th) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,isd) and exist (reports,26th) and exist (reports,26th) "}, {"_id": 599, "cause": "599 exist PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc exist dividend exist isd exist (0.11,inc) and exist (announces,PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc) and exist (announced,inc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,announced) and exist (announced,26th) and exist (PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc,isd) and exist (dividend,inc) and exist (monthly,inc) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (nasdaq,26th) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,PGIM_High_Yield_Bond_Fund_Inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,isd) and exist (reports,26th) and exist (reports,26th) "}, {"_id": 600, "cause": "600 exist deduction exist thinking exist (changed,deduction) and exist (changed,thinking) and exist (deduction,qbi) "}, {"_id": 601, "cause": "601 exist deduction exist thinking exist (changed,deduction) and exist (changed,thinking) and exist (deduction,qbi) "}, {"_id": 602, "cause": "602 exist Calabar exist city exist plant exist project exist (build,project) and exist (build,plant) and exist (build,city) and exist (city,Calabar) and exist (failed,project) and exist (gas,plant) and exist (nigerian,city) and exist (processing,plant) and exist (southern,city) "}, {"_id": 603, "cause": "603 exist award exist decision exist judge exist judgment exist (arbitration,award) and exist (converted,decision) and exist (converted,award) and exist (converted,judgment) and exist (decision,judge) and exist (legal,judgment) "}, {"_id": 604, "cause": "604 exist Fortune_India "}, {"_id": 605, "cause": "605 exist October_1 exist 15_% exist boost exist companies exist government exist income-tax exist initiative exist investment exist manufacturing exist option exist rate exist (announced,government) and exist (announced,initiative) and exist (announced,incorporated) and exist (attract,investment) and exist (boost,initiative) and exist (fresh,investment) and exist (have,attract) and exist (have,provide) and exist (have,option) and exist (incorporated,company) and exist (incorporated,October_1) and exist (investment,manufacturing) and exist (make-in-india,initiative) and exist (manufacturing,company) and exist (paying,option) and exist (paying,income-tax) and exist (paying,rate) and exist (provide,boost) and exist (rate,15_%) "}, {"_id": 606, "cause": "606 exist recommendations exist (committee,jalan) and exist (committee,jalan) and exist (committee,recommendations) "}, {"_id": 607, "cause": "607 exist change exist example exist (climate,change) and exist (change,example) "}, {"_id": 608, "cause": "608 exist sea exist storm exist surge exist (greater,storm) and exist (rising,seas) and exist (surges,seas) and exist (surges,storm) "}, {"_id": 609, "cause": "609 exist change exist cost exist economy exist people exist (clear,costs) and exist (climate,change) and exist (costs,change) and exist (costs,people) and exist (costs,economy) "}, {"_id": 610, "cause": "610 exist area exist 2020_to_2030 exist $_1.8_trillion exist our exist research exist that exist (areas,2020_to_2030) and exist (finds,research) and exist (finds,that) and exist (globally,areas) and exist (investing,$_1.8_trillion) and exist ($_1.8_trillion,areas) and exist (research,our) and exist (specifically,finds) "}, {"_id": 611, "cause": "611 exist absence exist action exist (absence,action) and exist (ambitious,action) and exist (climate,action) "}, {"_id": 612, "cause": "612 exist profit exist reserve exist tax exist (corporation,tax) and exist (made,reserves) and exist (made,profits) and exist (paid,tax) and exist (paid,profits) and exist (retained,profits) "}, {"_id": 613, "cause": "613 QUESTION(when) exist October_2017 exist when exist (went,when) and exist (went,airlines) and exist (went,October_2017) "}, {"_id": 614, "cause": "614 exist Saudi_Arabia exist Saturday exist attack exist half exist supply exist (attacks,Saturday) and exist (crude,supply) and exist (drone,attacks) and exist (half,supply) and exist (more,half) and exist (supply,Saudi_Arabia) and exist (twin,attacks) and exist (wiped,attacks) and exist (wiped,half) "}, {"_id": 615, "cause": "615 exist depreciation exist dollar exist it exist price exist result exist (dollar,us) and exist (further,noted) and exist (higher,prices) and exist (noted,it) and exist (oil,prices) and exist (result,prices) and exist (result,dollar) and exist (result,depreciation) and exist (rupee,depreciation) "}, {"_id": 616, "cause": "616 exist 0.4 exist 1973 exist cent exist family exist income exist its exist (annually,grow) and exist (grow,income) and exist (grow,0.4) and exist (income,its) and exist (median,family) and exist (0.4,cent) and exist (only,0.4) and exist (real,income) and exist (seen,family) and exist (seen,grow) and exist (seen,1973) "}, {"_id": 617, "cause": "617 exist acquisition exist JMMB_Group exist JMMBGL exist companies exist diversification exist entities exist expansion exist investment exist investment exist its exist offer exist strategy exist (consistent,offer) and exist (consistent,investment) and exist (consistent,strategy) and exist (continue,JMMB_Group) and exist (continue,expansion) and exist (continue,diversification) and exist (expansion,its) and exist (growth,strategy) and exist (investment,entity) and exist (JMMB_Group,company) and exist (organic,expansion) and exist (other,entity) and exist (permit,JMMB_Group) and exist (permit,continue) and exist (proposed,offer) and exist (strategic,investments) and exist (strategy,JMMBGL) "}, {"_id": 618, "cause": "618 exist age exist withdrawal exist (made,withdrawal) and exist (made,age) "}, {"_id": 619, "cause": "619 exist $_0.04 exist nysearca exist building exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist plans exist (building,pkb) and exist (building,pkb) and exist (building,invesco) and exist (building,dividend) and exist (construction,plans) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.04,nysearca) and exist (dividend,$_0.04) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (dynamic,pkb) and exist (dynamic,building) and exist (etf,pkb) and exist (etf,construction) and exist (etf,pkb) and exist (etf,plans) and exist (invesco,pkb) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) "}, {"_id": 620, "cause": "620 exist $_0.04 exist nysearca exist building exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist plans exist (building,pkb) and exist (building,pkb) and exist (building,invesco) and exist (building,dividend) and exist (construction,plans) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.04,nysearca) and exist (dividend,$_0.04) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (dynamic,pkb) and exist (dynamic,building) and exist (etf,pkb) and exist (etf,construction) and exist (etf,pkb) and exist (etf,plans) and exist (invesco,pkb) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) "}, {"_id": 621, "cause": "621 exist Tuesday exist stock exist trading exist (stock,pkb) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 622, "cause": "622 exist clothing exist expense exist food exist housing exist portfolio exist their exist transportation exist utilities exist (covers,portfolio) and exist (covers,expenses) and exist (expenses,utilities) and exist (expenses,food) and exist (expenses,clothing) and exist (expenses,transportation) and exist (expenses,housing) and exist (fixed,expenses) and exist (portfolio,their) and exist (primarily,covers) "}, {"_id": 623, "cause": "623 exist 0.01 exist Tuesday_,_October_15th exist Monday_,_September exist company exist dividend exist record exist share exist shareholder exist (basic,company) and exist (company,Tuesday_,_October_15th) and exist (dividend,0.01) and exist (dividend,share) and exist (given,shareholders) and exist (given,dividend) and exist (given,30th) and exist (given,company) and exist (given,Monday_,_September) and exist (materials,company) and exist (shareholders,record) "}, {"_id": 624, "cause": "624 exist analyst exist Yamana_Gold exist $_0.10 exist share exist year exist (earn,Yamana_Gold) and exist (earn,$_0.10) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Yamana_Gold) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_0.10,share) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 625, "cause": "625 exist NYSE exist Wednesday exist hour exist (traded,auy) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Wednesday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 626, "cause": "626 exist $_0.02 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist share exist (basic,company) and exist ($_0.02,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (materials,company) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.02) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 627, "cause": "627 exist $_448.19_million exist $_463.50_million exist company exist estimate exist quarter exist revenue exist (consensus,estimate) and exist (estimate,$_448.19_million) and exist (had,estimate) and exist (had,company) and exist (had,revenue) and exist (had,quarter) and exist (revenue,$_463.50_million) "}, {"_id": 628, "cause": "628 exist $_0.23 exist September_30th exist Olympia_Financial_Group_Inc exist dividend exist (dividend,$_0.23) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist ($_0.23,September_30th) and exist (Olympia_Financial_Group_Inc,dividend) and exist (oly,Olympia_Financial_Group_Inc) "}, {"_id": 629, "cause": "629 exist $_0.23 exist September_30th exist Olympia_Financial_Group_Inc exist dividend exist (dividend,$_0.23) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist ($_0.23,September_30th) and exist (Olympia_Financial_Group_Inc,dividend) and exist (oly,Olympia_Financial_Group_Inc) "}, {"_id": 630, "cause": "630 exist Tuesday exist share exist stock exist (group,stock) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 631, "cause": "631 exist Brian_Ross_Newman exist Friday_,_July_5th exist business exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (news,group) and exist (bought,Brian_Ross_Newman) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (bought,transaction) and exist (bought,group) and exist (director,Brian_Ross_Newman) and exist (news,group) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Friday_,_July_5th) and exist (other,group) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,business) "}, {"_id": 632, "cause": "632 exist Invesco_Emerging_Markets_Ultra_Dividend_Revenue_ETF exist 9.4_% exist second_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist wealth exist (increased,wealth) and exist (increased,position) and exist (increased,9.4_%) and exist (increased,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Invesco_Emerging_Markets_Ultra_Dividend_Revenue_ETF) "}, {"_id": 633, "cause": "633 exist Invesco_Emerging_Markets_Ultra_Dividend_Revenue_ETF exist 8.7_% exist second_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist (finally,increased) and exist (increased,inc.) and exist (increased,position) and exist (increased,8.7_%) and exist (increased,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Invesco_Emerging_Markets_Ultra_Dividend_Revenue_ETF) "}, {"_id": 634, "cause": "634 exist 2014 exist FHFA exist Fannie exist business exist cap exist capital exist effort exist freddie exist liquidity exist market exist (also,working) and exist (began,FHFA) and exist (began,setting) and exist (businesses,freddie) and exist (caps,businesses) and exist (caps,Fannie) and exist (multifamily,businesses) and exist (multifamily,market) and exist (prevent,capital) and exist (private,capital) and exist (setting,FHFA) and exist (setting,caps) and exist (setting,2014) and exist (setting,effort) and exist (support,working) and exist (support,effort) and exist (support,liquidity) and exist (support,market) and exist (working,prevent) "}, {"_id": 635, "cause": "635 exist 2014 exist FHFA exist Fannie exist business exist cap exist capital exist effort exist freddie exist liquidity exist market exist (also,working) and exist (began,FHFA) and exist (began,setting) and exist (businesses,freddie) and exist (caps,businesses) and exist (caps,Fannie) and exist (multifamily,businesses) and exist (multifamily,market) and exist (prevent,capital) and exist (private,capital) and exist (setting,FHFA) and exist (setting,caps) and exist (setting,2014) and exist (setting,effort) and exist (support,working) and exist (support,effort) and exist (support,liquidity) and exist (support,market) and exist (working,prevent) "}, {"_id": 636, "cause": "636 exist dividend exist fund exist (declared,fund) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,fund) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,dgrw) and exist (growth,fund) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nasdaq,fund) and exist (quality,fund) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 637, "cause": "637 exist dividend exist fund exist (declared,fund) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,fund) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,dgrw) and exist (growth,fund) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (nasdaq,fund) and exist (quality,fund) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 638, "cause": "638 exist Wednesday exist hour exist nasdaq exist (traded,dgrw) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Wednesday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 639, "cause": "639 exist $_0.03 exist October_31st exist dividend exist dividend exist (declared,group) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (October_31st,asx) and exist (dividend,$_0.03) and exist (dividend,13th) and exist (funds,asx) and exist (group,asx) and exist (group,asx) and exist (group,rff) and exist (interim,dividend) and exist (interim,dividend) and exist ($_0.03,October_31st) and exist (reports,13th) and exist (reports,marketindexau) and exist (reports,13th) and exist (rff,group) and exist (rff,group) and exist (rff,dividend) and exist (rural,asx) and exist (tweet,asx) "}, {"_id": 640, "cause": "640 exist $_0.03 exist October_31st exist dividend exist dividend exist (declared,group) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (October_31st,asx) and exist (dividend,$_0.03) and exist (dividend,13th) and exist (funds,asx) and exist (group,asx) and exist (group,asx) and exist (group,rff) and exist (interim,dividend) and exist (interim,dividend) and exist ($_0.03,October_31st) and exist (reports,13th) and exist (reports,marketindexau) and exist (reports,13th) and exist (rff,group) and exist (rff,group) and exist (rff,dividend) and exist (rural,asx) and exist (tweet,asx) "}, {"_id": 641, "cause": "641 exist Wednesday exist A$_0.02 exist share exist (0.01,A$_0.02) and exist (shares,group) and exist (stock,group) and exist (stock,group) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,A$_0.02) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 642, "cause": "642 exist affordability exist one exist destination exist it exist retiree exist tax exist (one,it) and exist (consistently,one) and exist (destinations,retirees) and exist (low,taxes) and exist (most,destinations) and exist (one,destinations) and exist (popular,destinations) and exist (retirees,affordability) and exist (retirees,taxes) "}, {"_id": 643, "cause": "643 exist affordability exist one exist destination exist it exist retiree exist tax exist (one,it) and exist (consistently,one) and exist (destinations,retirees) and exist (low,taxes) and exist (most,destinations) and exist (one,destinations) and exist (popular,destinations) and exist (retirees,affordability) and exist (retirees,taxes) "}, {"_id": 644, "cause": "644 exist individual exist it exist proportion exist (also,draws) and exist (draws,it) and exist (draws,proportion) and exist (higher,individuals) and exist (large,proportion) and exist (net-worth,individuals) and exist (proportion,individuals) and exist (unique,draws) and exist (unique,florida) "}, {"_id": 645, "cause": "645 "}, {"_id": 646, "cause": "646 exist U.S._Census_Bureau exist data exist mover exist state exist (app,data) and exist (business,data) and exist (click,get) and exist (data,fox) and exist (get,data) and exist (get,U.S._Census_Bureau) and exist (here,click) and exist (more,movers) and exist (movers,state) and exist (other,state) and exist (received,florida) and exist (received,movers) and exist (received,year) "}, {"_id": 647, "cause": "647 exist New_York exist Florida exist $_69,700 exist earn exist individual exist tax exist year exist (earning,individuals) and exist (more,$_69,700) and exist (moving,New_York) and exist (moving,Florida) and exist ($_69,700,taxes) and exist (save,moving) and exist (save,individuals) and exist (save,$_69,700) and exist (save,year) "}, {"_id": 648, "cause": "648 exist 1.02_% exist session exist stock exist (increased,stock) and exist (increased,1.02_%) and exist (increased,session) and exist (last,session) and exist (trading,session) "}, {"_id": 649, "cause": "649 exist 1.62_% exist S&P exist it exist (1.62_%,S&P) and exist (underperformed,it) and exist (underperformed,1.62_%) "}, {"_id": 650, "cause": "650 exist 0.54_% exist session exist stock exist (decreased,stock) and exist (decreased,0.54_%) and exist (decreased,session) and exist (last,session) and exist (trading,session) "}, {"_id": 651, "cause": "651 exist 25.53_% exist S&P exist it exist (25.53_%,S&P) and exist (underperformed,it) and exist (underperformed,25.53_%) "}, {"_id": 652, "cause": "652 exist $_0.46 exist ep exist quarter exist (actual,eps) and exist (reit,care) and exist ($_0.46,eps) and exist (inc.,care) and exist (reit,quarter) and exist (previous,quarter) and exist (reit,care) and exist (reported,eps) and exist (reported,care) "}, {"_id": 653, "cause": "653 exist 1.25 exist q2 exist sentiment exist (increased,sentiment) and exist (increased,q2) and exist (increased,1.25) and exist (investors,sentiment) "}, {"_id": 654, "cause": "654 exist 1.02 exist q2 exist sentiment exist (decreased,sentiment) and exist (decreased,q2) and exist (decreased,1.02) and exist (investors,sentiment) "}, {"_id": 655, "cause": "655 exist administration exist Sunday exist Simon_Goodley exist 2am exist boss exist it exist talk exist (avert,administration) and exist (bust,2am) and exist (declared,it) and exist (declared,bust) and exist (held,avert) and exist (held,declared) and exist (held,bosses) and exist (held,Simon_Goodley) and exist (held,makortoff) and exist (held,talks) and exist (talks,Sunday) "}, {"_id": 656, "cause": "656 exist company exist photograph exist talk exist trading exist (ailing,company) and exist (ceased,failed) and exist (failed,trading) and exist (failed,produce) and exist (lifeline,company) and exist (produce,trading) and exist (trading,talks) and exist (travel,company) "}, {"_id": 657, "cause": "657 exist company exist (bust,company) and exist (gone,company) and exist (gone,bust) "}, {"_id": 658, "cause": "658 exist Loughborough exist he exist meeting exist meeting exist movement exist supporter exist train exist (addressing,meeting) and exist (carry,supporters) and exist (carry,meeting) and exist (hired,train) and exist (hired,carry) and exist (meeting,Loughborough) and exist (next,meeting) and exist (suggested,addressing) and exist (suggested,he) and exist (suggested,hired) and exist (supporters,movement) and exist (temperance,meeting) "}, {"_id": 659, "cause": "659 exist era exist holiday exist sales exist war exist (again,took) and exist (era,holidays) and exist (package,holidays) and exist (took,sales) and exist (took,war) and exist (took,era) "}, {"_id": 660, "cause": "660 exist Airtours exist 2011 exist 2007 exist bank exist it exist its exist owner exist (bailed,Airtours) and exist (bailed,banks) and exist (bailed,2011) and exist (banks,its) and exist (collapsed,Airtours) and exist (collapsed,2011) and exist (group,Airtours) and exist (merged,it) and exist (merged,2007) and exist (merged,owner) and exist (nearly,collapsed) and exist (nearly,bailed) and exist (owner,Airtours) and exist (uk-listed,owner) "}, {"_id": 661, "cause": "661 exist Security_National_Bank_of_Sioux_City_Iowa_IA exist 2nd_quarter exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist PFF exist company exist filing exist its exist nasdaq exist (13f.filing,filing) and exist (bought,PFF) and exist (bought,Security_National_Bank_of_Sioux_City_Iowa_IA) and exist (bought,2nd_quarter) and exist (company,filing) and exist (etf,us) and exist (etf,us) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (most,filing) and exist (nasdaq,company) and exist (recent,filing) and exist (stock,us) "}, {"_id": 662, "cause": "662 exist 75.0_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist (etf,us) and exist (etf,us) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,us) and exist (increased,llc) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,75.0_%) and exist (75.0_%,1st_quarter) and exist (stock,us) "}, {"_id": 663, "cause": "663 exist 175.2_% exist 2nd_quarter exist holding exist its exist (etf,us) and exist (etf,us) and exist (finally,increased) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,bank) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,175.2_%) and exist (increased,us) and exist (175.2_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (stock,us) "}, {"_id": 664, "cause": "664 exist Monday exist nasdaq exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (traded,pff) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 665, "cause": "665 exist company exist decision exist he exist track exist train exist (attaining,track) and exist (attaining,decision) and exist (decision,train) and exist (fid,decision) and exist (final,decision) and exist (investment,decision) and exist (said,he) and exist (said,track) and exist (track,company) and exist (well,track) "}, {"_id": 666, "cause": "666 exist dividend exist etf exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (etf,ishares) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,ijj) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (mid-cap,etf) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (value,etf) "}, {"_id": 667, "cause": "667 exist dividend exist etf exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (etf,ishares) and exist (etf,s&p) and exist (etf,ijj) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (mid-cap,etf) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (value,etf) "}, {"_id": 668, "cause": "668 exist Tuesday exist trading exist (traded,ijj) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 669, "cause": "669 exist 2003_and_2012 exist (financial,illicit) and exist (flows,2003_and_2012) "}, {"_id": 670, "cause": "670 exist countries exist enterprise exist profit exist taxes exist they exist (made,country) and exist (made,they) and exist (made,profit) and exist (multinational,enterprises) and exist (pay,enterprises) and exist (pay,taxes) and exist (pay,country) and exist (where,made) and exist (not,pay)"}, {"_id": 671, "cause": "671 exist structure exist this exist we exist (get,we) and exist (get,structure) and exist (right,get) and exist (tax,structure) "}, {"_id": 672, "cause": "672 exist casino exist flow exist fund exist lion exist service exist share exist (benefit,services) and exist (benefit,casino) and exist (bldc,council) and exist (bldc,council) and exist (cash,flow) and exist (chiefly,benefit) and exist (city,services) and exist (gone,flow) and exist (gone,council) and exist (gone,share) and exist (only,flow) and exist (paying,funds) and exist (paying,services) and exist (share,lion) and exist (share,funds) and exist (sizable,flow) "}, {"_id": 673, "cause": "673 exist Windsor exist '90s exist casino exist river exist those exist (built,detroit) and exist (built,casinos) and exist (built,'90s) and exist (built,compete) and exist (canada,Windsor) and exist (compete,casinos) and exist (compete,those) and exist (river,Windsor) and exist (those,river) "}, {"_id": 674, "cause": "674 exist city exist money exist pension exist police exist receipts exist total exist wagerer exist (doled,money) and exist (earned,doled) and exist (earned,total) and exist (earned,wagerers) and exist (fire,pensions) and exist (gross,receipts) and exist (pay,percent) and exist (pay,police) and exist (pay,pensions) and exist (prize,money) and exist (tax,percent) and exist (tax,percent) and exist (tax,receipts) and exist (wants,city) and exist (wants,percent) "}, {"_id": 675, "cause": "675 exist 19.1_million_pounds exist its exist loss exist segment exist (car,segment) and exist (losses,segment) and exist (segment,its) and exist (store,segment) and exist (widened,losses) and exist (widened,19.1_million_pounds) "}, {"_id": 676, "cause": "676 exist January_15_,_2015 exist SNB exist floor exist its exist release exist (abandoned,SNB) and exist (abandoned,floor) and exist (abandoned,January_15_,_2015) and exist (abandoned,release) and exist (floor,its) and exist (gmt,January_15_,_2015) and exist (press,release) and exist (rate,eur/chf) and exist (rate,eur/chf) and exist (rate,exchange) and exist (rate,euro) and exist (rate,exchange) and exist (surprise,release) "}, {"_id": 677, "cause": "677 exist leave exist (win,leave) "}, {"_id": 678, "cause": "678 exist victory exist (unexpected,victory) and exist (victory,trump) "}, {"_id": 679, "cause": "679 QUESTION(whom) exist Abdelkarim_Zbidi exist Islamist_Ennahda exist Abdelfattah_Mourou exist Tunisia exist country exist cow exist decline exist whom exist (chahed,technocrat) and exist (chahed,prime) and exist (chahed,minister) and exist (cows,Tunisia) and exist (decline,country) and exist (defense,Abdelkarim_Zbidi) and exist (fallen,perceived) and exist (gradual,decline) and exist (many,cows) and exist (minister,Abdelkarim_Zbidi) and exist (moderate,Islamist_Ennahda) and exist (Abdelfattah_Mourou,Islamist_Ennahda) and exist (chahed,Abdelkarim_Zbidi) and exist (chahed,Abdelfattah_Mourou) and exist (perceived,presided) and exist (presided,decline) and exist (presided,fall) and exist (sacred,cows) "}, {"_id": 680, "cause": "680 exist Iceland exist 300 exist years exist Icelandic_Meteorological_Office exist forecast exist glaciers exist (forecasts,sigur\u00f0sson) and exist (forecasts,melt) and exist (glaciologist,sigur\u00f0sson) and exist (glaciologist,sigur\u00f0sson) and exist (glaciologist,Icelandic_Meteorological_Office) and exist (melt,years) and exist (named,300) and exist (named,glaciers) and exist (300,Iceland) "}, {"_id": 681, "cause": "681 exist billion exist ice exist ton exist (390,billion) and exist (annually,melts) and exist (glacial,ice) and exist (melts,tons) and exist (tons,ice) and exist (tons,billion) and exist (worldwide,tons) "}, {"_id": 682, "cause": "682 exist Iceland exist one exist change exist government exist priorities exist (one,change) and exist (climate,change) and exist (environment,gu\u00f0brandsson) and exist (minister,gu\u00f0brandsson) and exist (minister,gu\u00f0brandsson) and exist (minister,Iceland) and exist (mitigating,change) and exist (one,priority) and exist (priority,government) and exist (told,priority) and exist (told,gu\u00f0brandsson) and exist (told,news) and exist (top,priority) "}, {"_id": 683, "cause": "683 exist Cosco_Shipping_Tanker_Dalian exist Cosco_Shipping_Tanker exist Dalian exist Washington exist Tehran exist curb exist it exist these exist (Cosco_Shipping_Tanker_Dalian,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker) and exist (Cosco_Shipping_Tanker,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker_Dalian) and exist (corporation,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker_Dalian) and exist (corporation,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker) and exist (curbs,Washington) and exist (curbs,Tehran) and exist (Cosco_Shipping_Tanker,Dalian) and exist (Dalian,ltd.) and exist (included,these) and exist (included,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker_Dalian) and exist (included,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker) and exist (included,said) and exist (said,it) and exist (said,violated) and exist (subsidiaries,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker_Dalian) and exist (subsidiaries,Cosco_Shipping_Tanker) and exist (unilateral,curbs) and exist (violated,curbs) "}, {"_id": 684, "cause": "684 exist $_0.45 exist dividend exist nyse exist pk exist plan exist (dividend,$_0.45) and exist (nyse,pk) and exist (plans,inc) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (plans,nyse) and exist (quarterly,dividend) "}, {"_id": 685, "cause": "685 exist $_0.45 exist dividend exist nyse exist pk exist plan exist (dividend,$_0.45) and exist (nyse,pk) and exist (plans,inc) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (plans,nyse) and exist (quarterly,dividend) "}, {"_id": 686, "cause": "686 exist analysts exist Park_Hotels_&_Resorts exist $_2.89 exist share exist year exist (earn,Park_Hotels_&_Resorts) and exist (earn,$_2.89) and exist (earn,year) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Park_Hotels_&_Resorts) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_2.89,share) "}, {"_id": 687, "cause": "687 exist Wednesday exist share exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (pk,stock) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 688, "cause": "688 exist $_0.40 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist ($_0.40,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (financial,provider) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_0.40) and exist (services,provider) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 689, "cause": "689 exist Park_Hotels_&_Resorts exist Wednesday_,_July_31st exist objective exist rating exist report exist stock exist (33.00,objective) and exist (finally,set) and exist (gave,bank) and exist (gave,rating) and exist (gave,stock) and exist (objective,Park_Hotels_&_Resorts) and exist (price,objective) and exist (rating,report) and exist (report,Wednesday_,_July_31st) and exist (set,bank) and exist (set,objective) "}, {"_id": 690, "cause": "690 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (assigned,stock) and exist (given,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) "}, {"_id": 691, "cause": "691 exist line exist shock exist split exist there exist way exist (back,get) and exist (is,way) and exist (is,there) and exist (get,way) and exist (get,treasury) and exist (get,line) and exist (great,split) and exist (great,shock) and exist (now,great) and exist (shock,nixon) and exist (too,great) and exist (no,way)"}, {"_id": 692, "cause": "692 exist $_0.08 exist dividend exist dividend exist fc exist (declared,corp) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.08,corp) and exist (dividend,$_0.08) and exist (dividend,27th) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (reports,27th) and exist (reports,27th) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,fc) and exist (tse,dividend) "}, {"_id": 693, "cause": "693 exist $_0.08 exist dividend exist dividend exist fc exist (declared,corp) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.08,corp) and exist (dividend,$_0.08) and exist (dividend,27th) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (reports,27th) and exist (reports,27th) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,fc) and exist (tse,dividend) "}, {"_id": 694, "cause": "694 exist Wednesday exist share exist stock exist (capital,stock) and exist (firm,stock) and exist (investment,stock) and exist (mortgage,stock) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 695, "cause": "695 exist C$_0.24 exist eps exist company exist quarter exist (C$_0.24,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,C$_0.24) "}, {"_id": 696, "cause": "696 exist $_6.25 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,resources) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_6.25) "}, {"_id": 697, "cause": "697 exist $_15.00 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_15.00) "}, {"_id": 698, "cause": "698 exist bank exist Thursday exist effort exist money exist rate exist system exist (added,rate) and exist (added,bank) and exist (added,money) and exist (added,system) and exist (added,Thursday) and exist (central,bank) and exist (federal,rate) and exist (fund,rate) and exist (further,bank) and exist (more,money) and exist (prevent,effort) and exist (prevent,rate) and exist (rising,bank) "}, {"_id": 699, "cause": "699 exist $_75_billion exist plan exist system exist update exist (financial,system) and exist (inject,$_75_billion) and exist (inject,system) and exist (inject,friday) and exist (planning,inject) and exist (tomorrow,friday) and exist (tomorrow,friday) and exist (update,planning) "}, {"_id": 700, "cause": "700 exist NASDAQ exist dividend exist jcs exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NASDAQ) and exist (NASDAQ,jcs) and exist (dividend,19th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,19th) and exist (reports,19th) and exist (zacks,19th) "}, {"_id": 701, "cause": "701 exist NASDAQ exist dividend exist jcs exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NASDAQ) and exist (NASDAQ,jcs) and exist (dividend,19th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,19th) and exist (reports,19th) and exist (zacks,19th) "}, {"_id": 702, "cause": "702 exist Wednesday exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (systems,stock) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 703, "cause": "703 exist $_0.30 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist (communications,provider) and exist ($_0.30,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (equipment,provider) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_0.30) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 704, "cause": "704 exist $_0.14 exist NYSE exist dividend exist renaiss/com exist report exist (3rd,reports) and exist (cushing,renaiss/com) and exist (declared,nyse) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,cushing) and exist (declared,renaiss/com) and exist ($_0.14,NYSE) and exist (dividend,nyse) and exist (dividend,nyse) and exist (dividend,szc) and exist (dividend,$_0.14) and exist (dividend,reports) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (monthly,nyse) and exist (nasdaq,reports) and exist ($_0.14,renaiss/com) "}, {"_id": 705, "cause": "705 exist $_0.14 exist NYSE exist dividend exist renaiss/com exist report exist (3rd,reports) and exist (cushing,renaiss/com) and exist (declared,nyse) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,cushing) and exist (declared,renaiss/com) and exist ($_0.14,NYSE) and exist (dividend,nyse) and exist (dividend,nyse) and exist (dividend,szc) and exist (dividend,$_0.14) and exist (dividend,reports) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (monthly,nyse) and exist (nasdaq,reports) and exist ($_0.14,renaiss/com) "}, {"_id": 706, "cause": "706 exist Wednesday exist NYSE_SZC exist share exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (shares,NYSE_SZC) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 707, "cause": "707 exist dividend exist (declared,nysearca) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,nysearca) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (ex-financials,nysearca) and exist (fund,nysearca) and exist (fund,nysearca) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,dtn) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 708, "cause": "708 exist dividend exist (declared,nysearca) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (dividend,nysearca) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (ex-financials,nysearca) and exist (fund,nysearca) and exist (fund,nysearca) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,dtn) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 709, "cause": "709 exist Tuesday exist share exist stock exist (dividend,stock) and exist (fund,stock) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,wisdomtree) and exist (stock,u.s.) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 710, "cause": "710 exist 51.0_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist filing exist holding exist its exist its exist position exist share exist (dividend,nasdaq) and exist (dividend,nasdaq) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (etf,nasdaq) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (increased,llc) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,position) and exist (increased,filing) and exist (increased,51.0_%) and exist (increased,2nd_quarter) and exist (increased,nasdaq) and exist (most,filing) and exist (raises,llc) and exist (raises,increased) and exist (recent,filing) and exist (select,nasdaq) and exist (select,nasdaq) and exist (shares,nasdaq) "}, {"_id": 711, "cause": "711 exist 1.0_% exist etf exist its exist position exist quarter exist (dividend,etf) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (lifted,inc.) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,1.0_%) and exist (lifted,quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,etf) and exist (select,etf) "}, {"_id": 712, "cause": "712 exist 1.8_% exist etf exist its exist position exist quarter exist (dividend,etf) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,etf) and exist (raised,co.) and exist (raised,position) and exist (raised,1.8_%) and exist (raised,quarter) and exist (select,etf) "}, {"_id": 713, "cause": "713 exist 13.3_% exist etf exist its exist position exist quarter exist (dividend,etf) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,etf) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,position) and exist (raised,13.3_%) and exist (raised,quarter) and exist (select,etf) "}, {"_id": 714, "cause": "714 exist 6.8_% exist second_quarter exist etf exist its exist position exist (dividend,etf) and exist (finally,raised) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,etf) and exist (raised,inc.) and exist (raised,position) and exist (raised,6.8_%) and exist (raised,second_quarter) and exist (select,etf) "}, {"_id": 715, "cause": "715 exist Tuesday exist share exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 716, "cause": "716 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist dividend exist firm exist (also,disclosed) and exist (disclosed,firm) and exist (disclosed,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (recently,disclosed) "}, {"_id": 717, "cause": "717 exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist dividend exist mrg exist mrg exist tse exist tse exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,16th) and exist ($_0.06,tse) and exist ($_0.06,tse) and exist (dividend,american) and exist (dividend,$_0.06) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist ($_0.06,american) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (tse,mrg) and exist (tse,mrg) and exist (zacks,16th) "}, {"_id": 718, "cause": "718 exist $_0.06 exist dividend exist dividend exist mrg exist mrg exist tse exist tse exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,16th) and exist ($_0.06,tse) and exist ($_0.06,tse) and exist (dividend,american) and exist (dividend,$_0.06) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist ($_0.06,american) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (tse,mrg) and exist (tse,mrg) and exist (zacks,16th) "}, {"_id": 719, "cause": "719 exist Social_Security exist employer exist portion exist tax exist tax exist (basically,covers) and exist (covers,tax) and exist (covers,employer) and exist (covers,portion) and exist (employee,portion) and exist (employer,Social_Security) and exist (employer,taxes) and exist (medicare,taxes) and exist (portion,Social_Security) and exist (portion,taxes) "}, {"_id": 720, "cause": "720 exist average exist equities exist outperform exist return exist (%,returns) and exist (annualised,returns) and exist (average,returns) and exist (european,equity) and exist (general,equity) and exist (outperforms,equity) and exist (outperforms,average) "}, {"_id": 721, "cause": "721 exist Association exist legislation exist (been,Association) and exist (continue,Association) and exist (continue,involved) and exist (highly,involved) and exist (involved,legislation) and exist (legislation,eu) "}, {"_id": 722, "cause": "722 exist healthcare exist investment exist investor exist sector exist self-storage exist (accelerating,investment) and exist (alternative,sectors) and exist (attracting,investment) and exist (attracting,investors) and exist (flows,sectors) and exist (institutional,investors) and exist (large,investment) and exist (property,sectors) and exist (sectors,healthcare) and exist (sectors,self-storage) "}, {"_id": 723, "cause": "723 exist 275 exist member exist (members,275) and exist (more,275) "}, {"_id": 724, "cause": "724 exist cohesion exist debate exist industry exist information exist investor exist involvement exist practice exist provision exist stakeholders exist this exist we exist (achieve,we) and exist (achieve,involvement) and exist (achieve,this) and exist (achieve,provision) and exist (active,involvement) and exist (best,practices) and exist (better,information) and exist (debate,practices) and exist (debate,cohesion) and exist (information,investors) and exist (information,stakeholders) and exist (involvement,debate) and exist (political,debate) and exist (promotion,debate) and exist (provision,information) and exist (public,debate) and exist (strengthening,industry) "}, {"_id": 725, "cause": "725 exist Domain_CEO exist July_1 exist Alex_Waislitz exist Catalano exist control exist group exist his exist it exist move exist (asx-listed,group) and exist (first,move) and exist (former,Domain_CEO) and exist (group,his) and exist (investment,group) and exist (move,took) and exist (move,it) and exist (move,Catalano) and exist (move,partnering) and exist (mr,Catalano) and exist (partnering,Alex_Waislitz) and exist (partnering,group) and exist (strategic,move) and exist (took,Domain_CEO) and exist (took,control) and exist (took,July_1) and exist (thorney,group) "}, {"_id": 726, "cause": "726 exist Federal_Reserve exist Tuesday exist direction exist its exist meeting exist price exist rate exist stocks exist (began,Federal_Reserve) and exist (began,meeting) and exist (climbed,began) and exist (climbed,fell) and exist (climbed,stocks) and exist (climbed,Tuesday) and exist (determine,meeting) and exist (determine,direction) and exist (direction,rates) and exist (fell,prices) and exist (interest,rates) and exist (meeting,its) and exist (oil,prices) and exist (two-day,meeting) "}, {"_id": 727, "cause": "727 exist company exist option exist (announced,company) and exist (announced,option) and exist (asada,option) and exist (carne,option) and exist (meat,option) and exist (new,option) "}, {"_id": 728, "cause": "728 exist 9_% exist 3G_Capital_Partners exist company exist its exist share exist stake exist (about,9_%) and exist (brazilian,3G_Capital_Partners) and exist (cutting,stake) and exist (cutting,9_%) and exist (cutting,company) and exist (equity,3G_Capital_Partners) and exist (firm,3G_Capital_Partners) and exist (private,3G_Capital_Partners) and exist (sold,cutting) and exist (sold,3G_Capital_Partners) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (stake,its) "}, {"_id": 729, "cause": "729 exist business exist (launch,business) and exist (new,business) "}, {"_id": 730, "cause": "730 exist energy exist (efficient,energy) "}, {"_id": 731, "cause": "731 exist 2030 exist 60_% exist goal exist level exist (cut,goals) and exist (cut,levels) and exist (cut,2030) and exist (cut,60_%) and exist (emission-level,goals) and exist (federal,goals) "}, {"_id": 732, "cause": "732 exist $_79.51 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,square) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_79.51) "}, {"_id": 733, "cause": "733 exist $ exist million exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist firm exist shareholder exist (187,million) and exist (charged,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (charged,firms) and exist (charged,shareholders) and exist (combined,$) and exist (fund,shareholders) and exist (misleading,shareholders) and exist ($,million) and exist (paid,charged) and exist (paid,investments) and exist (paid,services) and exist (paid,$) and exist (sec,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (subsidiaries,investments) and exist (subsidiaries,prudential) "}, {"_id": 734, "cause": "734 exist NASDAQ exist dividend exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NASDAQ) and exist (dividend,26th) and exist (nasdaq,26th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,26th) and exist (reports,26th) "}, {"_id": 735, "cause": "735 exist NASDAQ exist dividend exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NASDAQ) and exist (dividend,26th) and exist (nasdaq,26th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,26th) and exist (reports,26th) "}, {"_id": 736, "cause": "736 exist analyst exist $_4.18 exist share exist year exist (earn,$_4.18) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_4.18,share) "}, {"_id": 737, "cause": "737 exist eps exist company exist quarter exist (0.79,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,eps) and exist (technology,company) "}, {"_id": 738, "cause": "738 exist Wesley_A._Brown exist company exist news exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,21st) and exist (director,Wesley_A._Brown) and exist (other,news) and exist (sold,Wesley_A._Brown) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,news) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 739, "cause": "739 exist company exist price exist rating exist they exist (147.00,price) and exist (neutral,rating) and exist (price,company) and exist (set,they) and exist (set,price) and exist (set,rating) and exist (target,price) "}, {"_id": 740, "cause": "740 exist analyst exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 741, "cause": "741 exist vibe exist (brexit,vibe) and exist (continuing,vibe) and exist (positive,vibe) "}, {"_id": 742, "cause": "742 exist BoJ exist combination exist hint exist policy exist strength exist weakness exist (combination,weakness) and exist (combination,hint) and exist (hint,kept) and exist (hint,strength) and exist (kept,BoJ) and exist (kept,unchanged) and exist (unchanged,policy) and exist (usd,weakness) "}, {"_id": 743, "cause": "743 exist finalist exist horse exist (paired,finalist) and exist (paired,horse) and exist (winning,horse) "}, {"_id": 744, "cause": "744 exist twelve_years exist group exist individual exist number exist operation exist (currently,forming) and exist (forming,number) and exist (group,number) and exist (groups,twelve) and exist (individuals,twelve_years) and exist (individuals,number) and exist (involved,individuals) and exist (involved,groups) and exist (twelve_years,operation) and exist (ownership,groups) and exist (several,individuals) "}, {"_id": 745, "cause": "745 exist Woodbine_Mohawk_Park exist event exist landmark exist mare exist race exist who exist (condition,events) and exist (events,Woodbine_Mohawk_Park) and exist (four-year-old,mare) and exist (pacing,mare) and exist (races,who) and exist (racing,landmark) and exist (racing,mare) and exist (races,events) and exist (top,events) "}, {"_id": 746, "cause": "746 QUESTION(who) exist Bonn exist million_euros exist Bonn exist September_24_,_2019 exist REUTERS/Wolfgang_Rattay_Nicholas_Diable exist one exist attorney exist bank exist banker exist banker exist bench exist court exist involvement exist prosecutor exist reclaim exist scheme exist state exist tag exist tax exist who exist (38,REUTERS/Wolfgang_Rattay_Nicholas_Diable) and exist (440,million_euros) and exist (accused,Bonn) and exist (accused,bankers) and exist (accused,involvement) and exist (allege,prosecutors) and exist (one,REUTERS/Wolfgang_Rattay_Nicholas_Diable) and exist (bankers,who) and exist (bench,banks) and exist (bench,attorneys) and exist (bogus,tax) and exist (british,bankers) and exist (british,bankers) and exist (September_24_,_2019,germany) and exist (court,Bonn) and exist (cum-ex,tax) and exist (german,state) and exist (german,prosecutors) and exist (international,banks) and exist (involvement,tax) and exist (name,tags) and exist (one,bankers) and exist (orchestrated,scheme) and exist (pictured,tags) and exist (pictured,reclaims) and exist (pictured,bench) and exist (pictured,court) and exist (pictured,one) and exist (pictured,reclaims) and exist (reclaims,September_24_,_2019) and exist (reclaims,state) and exist (reclaims,Bonn) and exist (reclaims,million_euros) and exist (regional,court) and exist (sham,scheme) and exist (tags,banks) and exist (trading,scheme) and exist (various,banks) and exist (where,accused) and exist (who,prosecutors) "}, {"_id": 747, "cause": "747 exist credit exist dividend exist owner exist player exist prosecutors exist scheme exist state exist stock exist who exist (allege,prosecutors) and exist (allege,misled) and exist (had,stock) and exist (had,owners) and exist (misled,thinking) and exist (misled,players) and exist (misled,state) and exist (multiple,owners) and exist (owed,owners) and exist (owed,who) and exist (owed,dividend) and exist (owed,credit) and exist (players,scheme) and exist (tax,credit) and exist (thinking,had) "}, {"_id": 748, "cause": "748 exist BMW exist Lufthansa exist 30 exist companies exist double-tax exist instance exist man exist (airline,Lufthansa) and exist (carmaker,BMW) and exist (company,BMW) and exist (company,Lufthansa) and exist (instances,double-tax) and exist (instances,30) and exist (more,30) and exist (outlining,instances) and exist (said,brorhilker) and exist (said,reclaims) and exist (said,targeted) and exist (targeted,outlining) and exist (targeted,men) and exist (targeted,company) "}, {"_id": 749, "cause": "749 exist 14 exist c exist council exist proposal exist (far,voted) and exist (have,councils) and exist (have,voted) and exist (increase,14) and exist (increase,c) and exist (property,proposals) and exist (so,voted) and exist (tax,proposals) and exist (voted,14) and exist (voted,proposals) and exist (voted,voted) and exist (voted,increase) "}, {"_id": 750, "cause": "750 exist Cavan exist council exist communities exist funding exist projects exist (allow,projects) and exist (allow,funding) and exist (executive,Cavan) and exist (executive,council) and exist (funding,community) and exist (more,funding) and exist (warned,council) and exist (warned,doyle) "}, {"_id": 751, "cause": "751 exist bank exist cryptocurrency exist interest exist market exist (digital,markets) and exist (heightened,interest) and exist (interest,banks) and exist (interest,markets) and exist (interest,cryptocurrency) and exist (securities,markets) and exist (signaling,interest) "}, {"_id": 752, "cause": "752 exist Spain-headquartered_Santander exist Nomura exist bank exist interest exist market exist (japan-based,Nomura) and exist (banks,Spain-headquartered_Santander) and exist (banks,Nomura) and exist (cryptocurrency,market) and exist (increasing,interest) and exist (indeed,showing) and exist (interest,market) and exist (showing,banks) and exist (showing,interest) "}, {"_id": 753, "cause": "753 exist Rothmans exist cigarette exist factory exist maker exist money exist tax exist (accused,avoiding) and exist (accused,maker) and exist (brands,camel) and exist (avoiding,tax) and exist (avoiding,money) and exist (brands,camel) and exist (channelled,money) and exist (channelled,factory) and exist (channelled,cigarettes) and exist (maker,Rothmans) and exist (maker,camel) and exist (strike,cigarettes) "}, {"_id": 754, "cause": "754 exist Netherlands exist Rothmans exist cigarette exist maker exist money exist tax exist (accused,avoiding) and exist (accused,maker) and exist (avoiding,tax) and exist (avoiding,money) and exist (channelled,money) and exist (channelled,Netherlands) and exist (lucky,cigarette) and exist (maker,Rothmans) and exist (maker,camel) and exist (maker,cigarette) and exist (strike,cigarette) "}, {"_id": 755, "cause": "755 exist page exist assessment exist authority exist issue exist number exist relation exist transaction exist year exist (assessments,issues) and exist (dutch,authority) and exist (intra-group,transactions) and exist (issued,authority) and exist (issued,number) and exist (issued,years) and exist (number,assessments) and exist (relation,transactions) and exist (tax,authority) and exist (various,issues) and exist (various,transactions) and exist (years,relation) "}, {"_id": 756, "cause": "756 exist ban exist e-cigarette exist he exist (ban,e-cigarettes) and exist (considering,he) and exist (considering,ban) and exist (flavoured,e-cigarettes) and exist (said,trump) and exist (said,considering) "}, {"_id": 757, "cause": "757 exist geography exist countries exist countries exist growth exist sale exist share exist vehicle exist volume exist (exhaust,automotive) and exist (hold,countries) and exist (hold,share) and exist (hold,geography) and exist (hold,china) and exist (hold,japan) and exist (major,share) and exist (market,automotive) and exist (market,automotive) and exist (owing,share) and exist (owing,volume) and exist (owing,growth) and exist (passenger,vehicles) and exist (sale,country) and exist (sale,vehicles) and exist (share,automotive) and exist (system,automotive) and exist (volume,sale) "}, {"_id": 758, "cause": "758 exist USA exist emission exist frame exist rate exist regulation exist (expected,USA) and exist (expected,eu) and exist (expected,showcase) and exist (forecast,frame) and exist (frame,regulations) and exist (growth,rate) and exist (rate,frame) and exist (regulations,emissions) and exist (showcase,rate) and exist (stringent,regulations) and exist (substantial,rate) and exist (time,frame) "}, {"_id": 759, "cause": "759 exist instance exist interest exist savings exist we exist you exist (ajo,instance) and exist (getting,you) and exist (getting,interest) and exist (have,we) and exist (have,savings) and exist (have,instance) and exist (maximum,interest) and exist (targeted,getting) and exist (targeted,instance) and exist (target,savings) "}, {"_id": 760, "cause": "760 exist micro exist company exist our exist space exist their exist you exist (micro,micro) and exist (clients,micro) and exist (clients,micro) and exist (company,our) and exist (discover,you) and exist (discover,find) and exist (find,micro) and exist (find,micro) and exist (find,space) and exist (find,company) and exist (space,their) "}, {"_id": 761, "cause": "761 exist micro exist company exist our exist space exist their exist you exist (micro,micro) and exist (clients,micro) and exist (clients,micro) and exist (company,our) and exist (discover,you) and exist (discover,find) and exist (find,micro) and exist (find,micro) and exist (find,space) and exist (find,company) and exist (space,their) "}, {"_id": 762, "cause": "762 exist N100_million exist end exist extent exist we exist year exist (end,year) and exist (extent,we) and exist (extent,N100_million) and exist (happen,extent) and exist (happen,end) and exist (now,trying) and exist (this,N100_million) and exist (trying,we) and exist (trying,extent) and exist (trying,extent) "}, {"_id": 763, "cause": "763 exist customer exist loan exist performance exist renewal exist system exist we exist your exist your exist (automatic,renewal) and exist (based,system) and exist (based,performance) and exist (gets,loan) and exist (gets,customer) and exist (gets,renewal) and exist (gets,percent) and exist (increase,percent) and exist (increase,percent) and exist (loan,your) and exist (performance,your) and exist (performance,loan) and exist (previous,loan) and exist (scoring,system) "}, {"_id": 764, "cause": "764 exist $_5.75 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_5.75) "}, {"_id": 765, "cause": "765 exist 2016 exist data exist number exist (available,data) and exist (available,numbers) and exist (fiscal-year,2016) and exist (most,numbers) and exist (numbers,2016) and exist (recent,numbers) and exist (year,numbers) "}, {"_id": 766, "cause": "766 exist Durkan exist uber exist center exist companies exist country exist deactivation exist driver exist representation exist them exist (also,proposed) and exist (center,country) and exist (driving,company) and exist (driver,center) and exist (drivers,uber) and exist (drivers,lyft) and exist (establishing,Durkan) and exist (establishing,center) and exist (first,center) and exist (give,center) and exist (give,representation) and exist (give,drivers) and exist (independent,representation) and exist (prevent,driving) and exist (prevent,deactivation) and exist (prevent,them) and exist (proposed,Durkan) and exist (proposed,establishing) and exist (resolution,center) and exist (settling,representation) and exist (settling,deactivation) and exist (unwarranted,deactivation) "}, {"_id": 767, "cause": "767 exist 51_cents exist fares exist plan exist ride exist (fare,plan) and exist (increased,51_cents) and exist (increased,fares) and exist (increased,plan) and exist (51_cents,ride) and exist (share,plan) "}, {"_id": 768, "cause": "768 exist benefits exist earnings exist industry exist issue exist level exist official exist protections exist regulation exist taxi exist they exist (driver,earnings) and exist (fund,taxis) and exist (issues,earnings) and exist (issues,benefits) and exist (issues,protections) and exist (prefer,they) and exist (prefer,resolved) and exist (regulation,industry) and exist (resolved,issues) and exist (resolved,level) and exist (said,officials) and exist (said,taxis) and exist (said,regulation) and exist (said,prefer) and exist (state,level) and exist (uber,officials) and exist (wheelchair-accessible,taxis) "}, {"_id": 769, "cause": "769 exist Annual_General_Meeting_of_the_Company exist resolution exist shareholder exist (announces,cadence) and exist (announces,held) and exist (duly,passed) and exist (held,today) and exist (held,Annual_General_Meeting_of_the_Company) and exist (held,passed) and exist (put,resolutions) and exist (put,shareholders) "}, {"_id": 770, "cause": "770 exist share exist there exist treasury exist (are,shares) and exist (are,there) and exist (held,shares) and exist (held,treasury) and exist (no,shares) "}, {"_id": 771, "cause": "771 QUESTION(how) exist horizon exist 20_years exist how exist investment exist they exist yes exist ('s,turned) and exist (actually,held) and exist (answered,'s) and exist (answered,they) and exist (answered,yes) and exist (full,horizon) and exist (here,'s) and exist (held,20_years) and exist (investment,horizon) and exist (horizon,year) and exist (past,20_years) and exist (then,held) and exist (time,horizon) and exist (turned,how) and exist (turned,investment) and exist (yes,horizon) "}, {"_id": 772, "cause": "772 exist share "}, {"_id": 773, "cause": "773 exist 2.12 exist datapoint exist $_16.76 exist cost exist dividend exist price exist we exist we exist word exist (annualized,dividend) and exist (cost,words) and exist (current,dividend) and exist (dividend,$_16.76) and exist (dividend,2.12) and exist (examine,we) and exist (examine,datapoint) and exist (express,yield) and exist (express,we) and exist (express,dividend) and exist (express,price) and exist (interesting,datapoint) and exist (original,$_16.76) and exist (other,words) and exist (purchase,price) and exist (share,price) and exist (yield,datapoint) and exist (yield,cost) "}, {"_id": 774, "cause": "774 exist September exist dividend exist rwr exist (23rd,etf) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,September) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (dow,spdr) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (go,declared) and exist (go,spdr) and exist (jones,spdr) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (nysearca,rwr) and exist (reit,spdr) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (rwr,spdr) and exist (tweet,etf) "}, {"_id": 775, "cause": "775 exist September exist dividend exist rwr exist (23rd,etf) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,September) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (dow,spdr) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (go,declared) and exist (go,spdr) and exist (jones,spdr) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (nysearca,rwr) and exist (reit,spdr) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (rwr,spdr) and exist (tweet,etf) "}, {"_id": 776, "cause": "776 exist Wednesday exist (traded,rwr) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 777, "cause": "777 exist b exist business exist prospects exist their exist (businesses,b) and exist (prospects,their) and exist (underlying,businesses) "}, {"_id": 778, "cause": "778 exist contribution exist it exist period exist spread exist (five-year,period) and exist (spread,it) and exist (spread,period) and exist (treated,spread) and exist (treated,contribution) "}, {"_id": 779, "cause": "779 exist cost exist money exist purpose exist you exist (education,costs) and exist (other,purpose) and exist (qualified,costs) and exist (withdraw,you) and exist (withdraw,money) and exist (withdraw,purpose) "}, {"_id": 780, "cause": "780 exist availability exist flexibility exist plan exist popularity exist their exist their exist (attributable,plans) and exist (attributable,popularity) and exist (attributable,availability) and exist (attributable,flexibility) and exist (flexibility,their) and exist (lower,popularity) and exist (lower,flexibility) and exist (popularity,their) and exist (savings,plans) "}, {"_id": 781, "cause": "781 exist earnings exist education exist purpose exist (purposes,education) and exist (withdrawn,earnings) and exist (withdrawn,purposes) "}, {"_id": 782, "cause": "782 exist analysis exist placementtracker exist atm exist b.riley exist data exist placement exist q2 exist source exist (datum,placements) and exist (leading,source) and exist (led,b.riley) and exist (led,source) and exist (led,atms) and exist (led,placementtracker) and exist (led,q2) and exist (private,placements) and exist (source,analysis) and exist (source,datum) "}, {"_id": 783, "cause": "783 exist B._Riley exist investors exist story exist (catching,investors) and exist (catching,story) and exist (growth,story) and exist (story,B._Riley) "}, {"_id": 784, "cause": "784 exist acquisition exist B._Riley exist stock exist (appreciate,stock) and exist (continues,B._Riley) and exist (continues,make) and exist (make,B._Riley) and exist (make,acquisitions) and exist (strategic,acquisitions) "}, {"_id": 785, "cause": "785 exist agent exist (active,agent) and exist (listed,agent) and exist (listed,placementtracker) and exist (listed,cowen) and exist (listed,agent) and exist (most,agent) and exist (placement,agent) and exist (publicly,listed) "}, {"_id": 786, "cause": "786 exist revenue exist (banking,revenues) and exist (investment,revenues) and exist (second-quarter,revenues) and exist (totaled,revenues) "}, {"_id": 787, "cause": "787 exist Oppenheimer exist 1_% exist S&P exist stock exist (edged,stock) and exist (edged,S&P) and exist (edged,1_%) and exist (slightly,edged) and exist (stock,Oppenheimer) "}, {"_id": 788, "cause": "788 exist $ exist million exist companies exist lts exist q2 exist team exist (322,million) and exist (banking,team) and exist (busy,team) and exist (busy,q2) and exist (investment,team) and exist (kept,team) and exist (kept,busy) and exist (kept,raising) and exist (more,$) and exist ($,company) and exist ($,million) and exist (nysemkt,services) and exist (nysemkt,services) and exist (nysemkt,lts) and exist (raising,team) and exist (raising,$) and exist (team,services) "}, {"_id": 789, "cause": "789 exist assessor exist issue exist office exist (decided,office) and exist (decided,study) and exist (office,assessor) and exist (study,office) and exist (study,issue) "}, {"_id": 790, "cause": "790 exist reassessment exist year exist (arrived,reassessment) and exist (proposed,reassessment) and exist (reassessment,year) and exist (then,reassessment) "}, {"_id": 791, "cause": "791 exist Arop_Trading_and_Investment_Company_Ltd exist hilux exist $_24,000 exist Ministry_of_Finance exist $_40,000 exist Al-Cardinal exist cost exist cruiser exist deal exist offer exist partner exist unit exist (accepted,Ministry_of_Finance) and exist (accepted,offer) and exist (accepted,Arop_Trading_and_Investment_Company_Ltd) and exist (approximately,$_24,000) and exist ($_24,000,$_40,000) and exist (cost,hilux) and exist (cost,cruisers) and exist (inflated,Arop_Trading_and_Investment_Company_Ltd) and exist (inflated,cost) and exist (inflated,$_24,000) and exist (land,cruisers) and exist ($_40,000,unit) and exist (offer,partner) and exist (offer,deal) and exist (partner,Al-Cardinal) and exist (reported,partner) and exist (respectively,Arop_Trading_and_Investment_Company_Ltd) "}, {"_id": 792, "cause": "792 exist goods exist he exist (delivered,he) and exist (delivered,goods) and exist (never,delivered) "}, {"_id": 793, "cause": "793 exist 2012 exist Khartoum exist Sudan exist dispute exist dollar exist goods exist government exist production exist shortfall exist (dispute,Khartoum) and exist (dollars,us) and exist (government,Sudan) and exist (halted,government) and exist (halted,production) and exist (halted,dispute) and exist (halted,2012) and exist (importing,shortfalls) and exist (importing,goods) and exist (made,shortfalls) and exist (made,Khartoum) and exist (made,importing) and exist (oil,production) and exist (shortfalls,dollars) and exist (south,Sudan) "}, {"_id": 794, "cause": "794 exist Gebre exist 21 exist audit exist companies exist credit exist letter exist report exist (identified,credit) and exist (identified,audit) and exist (letters,credit) and exist (21,letters) and exist (owned,company) and exist (owned,Gebre) and exist (received,company) and exist (received,report) and exist (report,21) "}, {"_id": 795, "cause": "795 exist management exist equipment exist payment exist radar exist system exist (aviation,management) and exist (mobile,system) and exist (other,equipment) and exist (payment,system) and exist (payment,radar) and exist (payment,equipment) and exist (system,central) and exist (system,management) and exist (unit,central) and exist (unit,central) and exist (unit,monitoring) "}, {"_id": 796, "cause": "796 exist profit exist reserve exist tax exist (corporation,tax) and exist (made,reserves) and exist (made,profits) and exist (paid,tax) and exist (paid,profits) and exist (retained,profits) "}, {"_id": 797, "cause": "797 exist June_23_this_year exist 171 exist 92 exist day exist #_4,728 exist driver exist park exist people exist (-SPL-,171) and exist (20,day) and exist (busiest,day) and exist (car,park) and exist (just,92) and exist (parked,people) and exist (parked,park) and exist (parked,June_23_this_year) and exist (paid,#_4,728) and exist (paid,drivers) and exist (people,92) and exist (saw,day) and exist (saw,#_4,728) and exist (taking,saw) and exist (taking,171) "}, {"_id": 798, "cause": "798 exist #_12,000 exist August_2018 exist average exist business exist income exist park exist start exist week exist (around,#_12,000) and exist (car,park) and exist (generating,park) and exist (generating,income) and exist (generating,week) and exist (generating,start) and exist (generating,average) and exist (income,#_12,000) and exist (net,income) and exist (now,generating) and exist (slow,start) and exist (start,August_2018) and exist (start,business) and exist (still,generating) and exist (weekly,target) "}, {"_id": 799, "cause": "799 exist -2.13_% exist Global_Investment_House exist KAMCO_Investment_Company exist 18_September_2019 exist board exist its exist its exist matter exist meeting exist merger exist mubasher exist recommendation exist (accepted,global) and exist (accepted,recommendation) and exist (accepted,discussed) and exist (board,its) and exist (-2.13_%,kamco) and exist (-2.13_%,mubasher) and exist (discussed,egm) and exist (discussed,matters) and exist (discussed,meeting) and exist (draft,merger) and exist (extraordinary,egm) and exist (general,egm) and exist (meeting,egm) and exist (meeting,egm) and exist (meeting,its) and exist (meeting,Global_Investment_House) and exist (meeting,18_September_2019) and exist (merge,recommendation) and exist (merge,-2.13_%) and exist (merger,KAMCO_Investment_Company) and exist (pertaining,matters) and exist (pertaining,merger) and exist (recommendation,board) "}, {"_id": 800, "cause": "800 exist $_0.37 exist bmv exist declare exist dividend exist dividend exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (bmv,us) and exist (declares,us) and exist ($_0.37,us) and exist ($_0.37,bmv) and exist (dividend,$_0.37) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (ftse,us) and exist (ftse,us) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (portfolio,us) and exist (portfolio,us) and exist (portfolio,us) and exist (powershares,us) and exist (powershares,us) and exist (rafi,us) and exist (rafi,prfz) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (small-mid,us) and exist (small-mid,us) "}, {"_id": 801, "cause": "801 exist $_0.37 exist bmv exist declare exist dividend exist dividend exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (bmv,us) and exist (declares,us) and exist ($_0.37,us) and exist ($_0.37,bmv) and exist (dividend,$_0.37) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (ftse,us) and exist (ftse,us) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (portfolio,us) and exist (portfolio,us) and exist (portfolio,us) and exist (powershares,us) and exist (powershares,us) and exist (rafi,us) and exist (rafi,prfz) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (small-mid,us) and exist (small-mid,us) "}, {"_id": 802, "cause": "802 exist 5.2 exist RBA exist cent exist decision exist month exist rate exist (based,decision) and exist (part,rate) and exist (said,RBA) and exist (said,based) and exist (several,months) and exist (stayed,5.2) and exist (stayed,months) and exist (stayed,cent) and exist (unemployment,rate) "}, {"_id": 803, "cause": "803 exist Sydney exist Bruce_Hockman exist Melbourne exist dwelling exist dwelling exist fall exist fall exist (abs,Bruce_Hockman) and exist (attached,dwellings) and exist (chief,Bruce_Hockman) and exist (detached,dwellings) and exist (drove,dwellings) and exist (drove,fall) and exist (driven,falls) and exist (driven,dwellings) and exist (drove,Sydney) and exist (driven,said) and exist (economist,Bruce_Hockman) and exist (falls,Melbourne) and exist (said,Bruce_Hockman) and exist (said,drove) "}, {"_id": 804, "cause": "804 exist outlook exist Felicity_Emmett exist economy exist finances exist household exist situation exist their exist their exist they exist (anz,Felicity_Emmett) and exist (clearly,worried) and exist (current,situation) and exist (economist,Felicity_Emmett) and exist (economy,their) and exist (feel,households) and exist (feel,okay) and exist (finances,their) and exist (financial,situation) and exist (okay,households) and exist (okay,situation) and exist (own,finances) and exist (quite,worried) and exist (said,Felicity_Emmett) and exist (said,finances) and exist (situation,their) and exist (worried,feel) and exist (worried,they) and exist (worried,outlook) and exist (worried,finances) and exist (worried,economy) "}, {"_id": 805, "cause": "805 exist middle_east exist US exist price exist price exist tension exist (crude,price) and exist (dollar,price) and exist (economic,tensions) and exist (fluctuated,price) and exist (fluctuated,price) and exist (fluctuated,tensions) and exist (similarly,fluctuated) and exist (tensions,iran) and exist (tensions,US) and exist (tensions,middle_east) "}, {"_id": 806, "cause": "806 exist companies exist (afraid,company) "}, {"_id": 807, "cause": "807 exist profits exist record exist rise exist (had,hotel) and exist (had,record) and exist (record,rose) and exist (rose,profits) "}, {"_id": 808, "cause": "808 exist accounts exist revenue exist (show,accounts) and exist (show,revenues) "}, {"_id": 809, "cause": "809 exist level exist rate exist (average,rates) and exist (occupancy,levels) and exist (room,rates) and exist (strong,rates) "}, {"_id": 810, "cause": "810 exist account exist 10 exist Hotel_Merrion_Ltd exist cent exist revenue exist (accounts,Hotel_Merrion_Ltd) and exist (also,show) and exist (increased,revenues) and exist (increased,10) and exist (increased,cent) and exist (new,accounts) and exist (show,accounts) "}, {"_id": 811, "cause": "811 exist accommodation "}, {"_id": 812, "cause": "812 exist beverage exist food "}, {"_id": 813, "cause": "813 exist income exist (other,income) "}, {"_id": 814, "cause": "814 exist centre exist (leisure,centre) "}, {"_id": 815, "cause": "815 exist $_2.74_million exist firm exist profit exist year exist (accumulated,profits) and exist (increased,year) and exist (increased,$_2.74_million) and exist (last,year) and exist (profits,year) and exist (profits,firm) "}, {"_id": 816, "cause": "816 exist age exist income exist ira exist (ordinary,income) and exist (taken,administration) and exist (taken,income) and exist (taken,age) and exist (taxed,administration) and exist (taxed,income) and exist (traditional,iras) and exist (withdrawals,administration) and exist (withdrawals,iras) and exist (withdrawals,administration) "}, {"_id": 817, "cause": "817 exist caption exist launch exist routemaster exist (caption,launch) and exist (image,caption) and exist (launch,routemaster) and exist (new,routemaster) "}, {"_id": 818, "cause": "818 exist #_2.9_bn exist budget exist dip exist event exist plant exist profit exist (advertisement,plant) and exist (c,plant) and exist (car,plant) and exist (crash,plant) and exist (dip,run) and exist (dip,profit) and exist (dip,plant) and exist (event,st) and exist (event,andrews) and exist (golf,event) and exist (hinkley,plant) and exist (#_2.9_bn,budget) and exist (nuclear,plant) and exist (point,plant) and exist (report,plant) and exist (run,#_2.9_bn) and exist (set,profit) and exist (set,murray) and exist (set,dip) and exist (set,event) and exist (set,dip) "}, {"_id": 819, "cause": "819 exist buy-out exist life exist scheme exist scheme exist telent exist (agreed,life) and exist (agreed,buy-out) and exist (annuity,buy-out) and exist (buy-out,scheme) and exist (defined,schemes) and exist (insurance,buy-out) and exist (insurer,life) and exist (life,schemes) and exist (rothesay,life) and exist (schemes,benefit) and exist (schemes,pension) and exist (scheme,pension) and exist (scheme,telent) and exist (specialist,life) "}, {"_id": 820, "cause": "820 exist 770,000 exist company exist individual exist pension exist (currently,insures) and exist (individuals,770,000) and exist (insures,company) and exist (insures,pensions) and exist (over,770,000) and exist (pensions,individuals) "}, {"_id": 821, "cause": "821 exist board exist cost exist frequency exist popularise exist production exist tap exist tap exist technique exist to exist upward exist week exist (also,popularising) and exist (bringing,cost) and exist (controlled,tapping) and exist (improve,production) and exist (low,frequency) and exist (popularising,board) and exist (popularising,techniques) and exist (tapping,frequency) and exist (tapping,techniques) and exist (tapping,week) and exist (tapping,to) and exist (tapping,tapping) "}, {"_id": 822, "cause": "822 exist rain-guarding exist (timely,rain-guarding) "}, {"_id": 823, "cause": "823 exist adhesive exist July_2018 exist July exist companies exist grower exist it exist material exist production exist production exist reduction exist sheet exist tonne exist tonne exist year exist (board,company) and exist (confronted,years) and exist (confronted,reduction) and exist (distributed,company) and exist (distributed,growers) and exist (drastic,reduction) and exist (few,years) and exist (last,years) and exist (materials,sheets) and exist (materials,adhesive) and exist (polythene,sheets) and exist (procured,confronted) and exist (procured,company) and exist (procured,materials) and exist (rain-guard,materials) and exist (recorded,production) and exist (recorded,July) and exist (reduction,production) and exist (small,growers) and exist (tonne,tonne) and exist (tonne,it) and exist (tonne,production) and exist (tonne,July_2018) and exist (tonne,procured) and exist (tonne,distributed) "}, {"_id": 824, "cause": "824 exist Rubber_Board exist Board exist association exist companies exist farmer exist holding exist issue exist its exist maintenance exist marketing exist plantation exist processing exist programme exist tap exist (addressing,issue) and exist (adopt,programme) and exist (adopt,Board) and exist (adopt,holdings) and exist (arrange,programme) and exist (arrange,Board) and exist (arrange,maintenance) and exist (association,company) and exist (association,societies) and exist (company,its) and exist (holding,farmers) and exist (holdings,farmers) and exist (introduced,addressing) and exist (introduced,Rubber_Board) and exist (introduced,programme) and exist (issue,plantations) and exist (Board,association) and exist (own,company) and exist (programme,tapping) and exist (programme,processing) and exist (programme,marketing) and exist (recently,introduced) and exist (small,farmers) and exist (such,holdings) and exist (unharvested,plantations) and exist (untapped,holdings) "}, {"_id": 825, "cause": "825 exist China exist chain exist change exist countries exist countries exist demand exist factor exist goods exist growth exist impact exist import exist reliance exist rest exist technologies exist their exist they exist what exist world exist (comprehensive,chains) and exist (consume,country) and exist (demand,China) and exist (developing,world) and exist (domestic,chains) and exist (enables,demand) and exist (enables,country) and exist (enables,consume) and exist (explain,factors) and exist (explain,changes) and exist (explain,rest) and exist (explain,demand) and exist (growing,demand) and exist (growth,country) and exist (growth,chains) and exist (impact,technology) and exist (imports,goods) and exist (intermediate,goods) and exist (more,chains) and exist (more,produce) and exist (new,technology) and exist (produce,they) and exist (produce,what) and exist (produce,growth) and exist (reduced,reliance) and exist (reduced,impact) and exist (reliance,their) and exist (reliance,imports) and exist (rest,China) and exist (rest,world) and exist (supply,chains) "}, {"_id": 826, "cause": "826 exist 60_percent exist decade exist service exist trade exist trade exist (exhibit,decade) and exist (goods,trade) and exist (grown,trade) and exist (grown,60_percent) and exist (grown,decade) and exist (grown,trade) and exist (more,60_percent) and exist (past,decade) and exist (trade,services) "}, {"_id": 827, "cause": "827 exist billion_hours exist YouTube exist day exist Facebook exist billion exist content exist month exist people exist users exist (billions,content) and exist (billions,people) and exist (content,YouTube) and exist (more,billion_hours) and exist (more,billions) and exist (billion_hours,content) and exist (use,billion_hours) and exist (use,billions) and exist (use,Facebook) and exist (use,wechat) and exist (use,month) and exist (video,content) and exist (watch,users) and exist (watch,use) and exist (watch,day) and exist (worldwide,watch) "}, {"_id": 828, "cause": "828 exist 2_to_10 exist gdp exist capita exist exporter exist importer exist ratio exist we exist (capita,exporter) and exist (importer,2_to_10) and exist (gdp,capita) and exist (ratio,gdp) and exist (vary,we) and exist (vary,ratio) and exist (vary,importer) "}, {"_id": 829, "cause": "829 exist countries exist this exist wages exist (developing,country) and exist (mainly,reflects) and exist (reflects,this) and exist (reflects,wages) and exist (rising,wages) and exist (wages,country) "}, {"_id": 830, "cause": "830 exist consumption exist rise exist (emerging-market,consumption) and exist (rise,consumption) "}, {"_id": 831, "cause": "831 exist China exist one exist population exist research exist segment exist (consumer,segments) and exist (global,segments) and exist (highlighted,research) and exist (highlighted,population) and exist (highlighted,one) and exist (key,segments) and exist (mgi,research) and exist (one,segments) and exist (population,China) and exist (previous,research) and exist (working-age,population) "}, {"_id": 832, "cause": "832 exist third exist country exist goods exist it exist market exist millionaire exist point exist world exist (country,world) and exist (global,market) and exist (having,point) and exist (having,millionaires) and exist (luxury,goods) and exist (market,goods) and exist (millionaires,country) and exist (more,millionaires) and exist (third,market) and exist (now,represents) and exist (other,country) and exist (reaches,it) and exist (reaches,point) and exist (represents,reaches) and exist (represents,china) and exist (represents,third) and exist (roughly,third) and exist (tipping,point) "}, {"_id": 833, "cause": "833 exist country exist exports exist imports exist output exist shift exist term exist (absolute,terms) and exist (dramatically,rising) and exist (largely,obscured) and exist (obscured,rising) and exist (obscured,shift) and exist (output,country) and exist (rising,output) and exist (rising,imports) and exist (rising,exports) and exist (rising,terms) and exist (so,rising) "}, {"_id": 834, "cause": "834 exist consumer exist purchases exist (indian,consumers) and exist (stepped,consumers) and exist (stepped,purchases) "}, {"_id": 835, "cause": "835 exist apparel exist Vietnam exist countries exist instance exist network exist stage exist textile exist (consolidating,networks) and exist (consolidating,instance) and exist (consolidating,textiles) and exist (consolidating,apparel) and exist (consolidating,country) and exist (country,Vietnam) and exist (country,bangladesh) and exist (country,malaysia) and exist (country,india) and exist (country,indonesia) and exist (individual,country) and exist (multiple,stages) and exist (production,networks) and exist (spanning,networks) and exist (spanning,stages) "}, {"_id": 836, "cause": "836 exist communication exist companies exist content exist customers exist operation exist pathway exist suppliers exist torrent exist traffic exist travels exist (digital,pathways) and exist (foreign,operations) and exist (interacting,company) and exist (interacting,operations) and exist (interacting,suppliers) and exist (interacting,customers) and exist (reflects,company) and exist (torrent,communications) and exist (torrent,content) and exist (travels,torrent) and exist (travels,pathways) "}, {"_id": 837, "cause": "837 exist $_1.3_trillion exist $_2.1_trillion exist 2030 exist e-commerce exist flow exist spur exist trade exist transaction exist (incremental,trade) and exist (many,transactions) and exist ($_1.3_trillion,$_2.1_trillion) and exist (offline,flows) and exist (spur,substitute) and exist (spur,e-commerce) and exist (spur,$_1.3_trillion) and exist (spur,2030) and exist (spur,trade) and exist (still,spur) and exist (substitute,flows) and exist (trade,flows) and exist (traditional,flows) "}, {"_id": 838, "cause": "838 exist payment exist solution exist time exist (blockchain,solutions) and exist (reduce,solutions) and exist (reduce,times) and exist (reduce,payments) and exist (shipping,solutions) and exist (speed,payments) and exist (transit,times) "}, {"_id": 839, "cause": "839 exist payment exist solution exist time exist (blockchain,solutions) and exist (reduce,solutions) and exist (reduce,times) and exist (reduce,payments) and exist (shipping,solutions) and exist (speed,payments) and exist (transit,times) "}, {"_id": 840, "cause": "840 exist cost exist literature exist (academic,literature) and exist (finds,literature) and exist (reduction,percent) and exist (reduction,percent) and exist (reduction,costs) and exist (trade,costs) "}, {"_id": 841, "cause": "841 exist companies exist economies exist offshor exist service exist them exist (advanced,economy) and exist (already,automating) and exist (automating,company) and exist (automating,services) and exist (automating,offshoring) and exist (company,economy) and exist (customer,services) and exist (offshoring,them) and exist (support,services) "}, {"_id": 842, "cause": "842 exist automation exist manufacturing exist we exist (additive,manufacturing) and exist (estimate,we) and exist (overall,estimate) "}, {"_id": 843, "cause": "843 exist 17_percent exist 1_percent exist 2017 exist McKinsey exist estimate exist example exist sale exist vehicle exist (car,sales) and exist (17_percent,2030) and exist (electric,vehicles) and exist (estimates,automotive) and exist (estimates,make) and exist (estimates,example) and exist (globally,up) and exist (make,vehicles) and exist (make,17_percent) and exist (1_percent,2017) and exist (17_percent,sales) and exist (practice,automotive) and exist (practice,automotive) and exist (practice,McKinsey) and exist (total,sales) and exist (up,2030) and exist (up,1_percent) "}, {"_id": 844, "cause": "844 exist Coventry exist 2021 exist city exist help exist year exist (city,Coventry) and exist (city,year) and exist (culture,year) and exist (fund,Coventry) and exist (help,city) and exist (help,2021) "}, {"_id": 845, "cause": "845 exist 2021 exist work exist city exist help exist improvement exist lighting exist road exist station exist time exist (bus,station) and exist (cycle,improvements) and exist (help,city) and exist (help,lighting) and exist (help,work) and exist (lighting,road) and exist (lighting,improvements) and exist (lighting,station) and exist (lighting,2021) and exist (lighting,time) and exist (new,lighting) and exist (work,road) and exist (work,improvements) and exist (work,station) and exist (station,meadow) "}, {"_id": 846, "cause": "846 exist city exist culture exist (city,culture) "}, {"_id": 847, "cause": "847 exist bill exist minister exist (bill,ministers) and exist (tax,bill) "}, {"_id": 848, "cause": "848 exist Sirius exist implosion exist its exist loser exist shareholder exist (biggest,losers) and exist (implosion,Sirius) and exist (losers,implosion) and exist (major,shareholders) and exist (price,implosion) and exist (share,implosion) and exist (shareholders,its) "}, {"_id": 849, "cause": "849 exist Sirius exist implosion exist its exist loser exist shareholder exist (biggest,losers) and exist (implosion,Sirius) and exist (losers,implosion) and exist (major,shareholders) and exist (price,implosion) and exist (share,implosion) and exist (shareholders,its) "}, {"_id": 850, "cause": "850 exist boost exist economy exist fortune exist (boost,fortunes) and exist (fortunes,economy) and exist (local,economy) "}, {"_id": 851, "cause": "851 exist account exist 5_percent exist Saudi_Arabia exist attack exist facility exist plant exist supplies exist (accounts,attack) and exist (accounts,5_percent) and exist (attack,plant) and exist (facility,plant) and exist (global,supplies) and exist (nearby,facility) and exist (5_percent,supplies) and exist (oil,supplies) and exist (plant,abqaiq) and exist (plant,Saudi_Arabia) "}, {"_id": 852, "cause": "852 exist $_60 exist Thummel exist barrel exist United_States exist price exist (between,$_60) and exist (mr.,Thummel) and exist ($_60,barrel) and exist (oil,prices) and exist (prices,United_States) and exist (projected,Thummel) and exist (projected,settle) and exist (settle,prices) and exist (settle,$_60) "}, {"_id": 853, "cause": "853 exist million_gallons exist day exist gasoline exist (400,million_gallons) and exist (about,million_gallons) and exist (burn,americans) and exist (burn,million_gallons) and exist (million_gallons,day) and exist (million_gallons,gasoline) "}, {"_id": 854, "cause": "854 exist companies exist companies exist debts exist month exist price exist workers exist (also,help) and exist (help,prices) and exist (help,company) and exist (help,company) and exist (higher,prices) and exist (laying,company) and exist (laying,workers) and exist (oil,company) and exist (oil,company) and exist (pay,debts) and exist (pay,months) and exist (recent,months) and exist (service,company) and exist (smaller,company) and exist (struggling,company) and exist (struggling,pay) "}, {"_id": 855, "cause": "855 exist acre exist crop exist her exist plot exist sale exist (grown,crops) and exist (grown,plot) and exist (plot,her) and exist (plot,acres) and exist (rain-fed,crops) and exist (sale,crops) "}, {"_id": 856, "cause": "856 exist access exist Viola exist 99_% exist Malawi exist electricity exist her exist population exist requirement exist wood exist (access,electricity) and exist (biomass,wood) and exist (cooking,requirement) and exist (daily,requirement) and exist (dependent,wood) and exist (entirely,dependent) and exist (have,Viola) and exist (have,access) and exist (have,requirement) and exist (Viola,99_%) and exist (99_%,population) and exist (population,Malawi) and exist (requirement,her) and exist (rural,population) and exist (not,have) "}, {"_id": 857, "cause": "857 exist 30_% exist four exist one exist Africa exist biomass exist cover exist decade exist deforestation exist deforestation exist dependence exist fuel exist rate exist reduction exist (contributed,dependence) and exist (contributed,decades) and exist (contributed,deforestation) and exist (cover,30_%) and exist (decades,one) and exist (decades,four) and exist (deforestation,Africa) and exist (deforestation,reduction) and exist (dependence,fuel) and exist (dependence,biomass) and exist (forest,cover) and exist (highest,rates) and exist (less,four) and exist (more,30_%) and exist (one,rates) and exist (rapid,deforestation) and exist (rates,deforestation) and exist (reduction,cover) "}, {"_id": 858, "cause": "858 exist scheme exist (catchment,scheme) and exist (community-led,scheme) and exist (management,scheme) "}, {"_id": 859, "cause": "859 exist $_58.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,group) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_58.00) "}, {"_id": 860, "cause": "860 exist $_38.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,value) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_38.00) "}, {"_id": 861, "cause": "861 exist accordance exist agreement exist NGL exist NGL_Energy_Partners_LP exist board exist director exist distribution exist holder exist its exist ngl exist partner exist partnership exist quarter exist term exist today exist unit exist units exist wire exist (%,units) and exist (accordance,terms) and exist (agreement,NGL) and exist (announced,NGL_Energy_Partners_LP) and exist (announced,declared) and exist (announced,wire) and exist (announced,today) and exist (b,units) and exist (b,units) and exist (board,directors) and exist (business,wire) and exist (c,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (cumulative,units) and exist (cumulative,units) and exist (declared,paid) and exist (declared,board) and exist (declared,distribution) and exist (NGL_Energy_Partners_LP,ngl) and exist (directors,partner) and exist (distribution,quarter) and exist (ending,quarter) and exist (fixed-to-floating,units) and exist (fixed-to-floating,units) and exist (general,partner) and exist (holders,units) and exist (holders,units) and exist (nyse,NGL_Energy_Partners_LP) and exist (outlined,terms) and exist (outlined,agreement) and exist (partner,its) and exist (partnership,agreement) and exist (paid,holders) and exist (perpetual,units) and exist (perpetual,units) and exist (preferred,units) and exist (rate,units) and exist (redeemable,units) and exist (redeemable,units) and exist (units,partnership) and exist (units,units) and exist (units,units) and exist (units,c) and exist (units,partnership) and exist (units,accordance) "}, {"_id": 862, "cause": "862 exist bank exist goal exist market exist model exist term exist (is,goal) and exist (is,model) and exist (is,have) and exist (business,model) and exist (capital,markets) and exist (have,goal) and exist (have,bank) and exist (less,model) and exist (long,term) and exist (model,term) and exist (model,markets) and exist (more,model) and exist (smaller,bank) and exist (sustainable,model) "}, {"_id": 863, "cause": "863 exist asset exist bank exist goal exist its exist sheet exist source exist year exist (balance,sheet) and exist (few,years) and exist (goal,bank) and exist (goal,its) and exist (sheet,bank) and exist (sheet,years) and exist (source,goal) and exist (source,assets) and exist (source,sheet) "}, {"_id": 864, "cause": "864 exist $_25_billion exist $_27.5_billion exist 2022 exist $_17_billion exist $_18.7_billion exist 8_% exist equity exist return exist revenue exist exist (adjusted,revenue) and exist ($_17_billion,return) and exist (core,revenue) and exist (costs,revenue) and exist ($_25_billion,$_27.5_billion) and exist ($_17_billion,$_18.7_billion) and exist (equity,8_%) and exist (financial,) and exist (key,) and exist ($_25_billion,2022) and exist (other,) and exist (return,equity) and exist (revenue,) and exist (revenue,$_25_billion) and exist (revenue,$_17_billion) and exist (rote,equity) and exist (tangible,equity) "}, {"_id": 865, "cause": "865 exist program exist term exist (program,term) and exist (restructuring,program) and exist (short,term) "}, {"_id": 866, "cause": "866 exist its exist profile exist (business,profile) and exist (forward,going) and exist (going,profile) and exist (less,profile) and exist (profile,its) and exist (risky,profile) "}, {"_id": 867, "cause": "867 exist one exist bank exist banking exist exposure exist industry exist its exist its exist position exist strategy exist year exist (one,trying) and exist (one,strategy) and exist (defend,years) and exist (defend,position) and exist (exposure,its) and exist (exposure,banking) and exist (investment,banking) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,industry) and exist (reducing,strategy) and exist (reducing,exposure) and exist (right,one) and exist (several,years) and exist (strategy,bank) and exist (trying,years) and exist (trying,defend) "}, {"_id": 868, "cause": "868 exist $_6_billion exist $_6.6_billion exist expense exist growth exist its exist key exist exist term exist (annual,expenses) and exist (cutting,$_6_billion) and exist (cutting,growth) and exist (cutting,expenses) and exist ($_6_billion,$_6.6_billion) and exist (key,growth) and exist (medium,term) and exist (profitability,) and exist (reach,key) and exist (reach,) and exist (reach,term) and exist (revenue,growth) and exist (,its) "}, {"_id": 869, "cause": "869 exist $_2_billion exist $_2.2_billion exist past_quarter exist impairment exist (assets,dta) and exist (assets,impairment) and exist (assets,dta) and exist (deferred,dta) and exist ($_2_billion,$_2.2_billion) and exist (impairment,past_quarter) and exist (impairment,$_2_billion) and exist (one-off,assets) and exist (tax,dta) "}, {"_id": 870, "cause": "870 exist Europe exist environment exist expectation exist its exist plan exist rate exist risk exist there exist (is,deteriorated) and exist (is,there) and exist (business,plan) and exist (deteriorated,risk) and exist (deteriorated,months) and exist (due,increasing) and exist (due,months) and exist (environment,its) and exist (execution,risk) and exist (expectations,rates) and exist (further,deteriorated) and exist (however,is) and exist (increasing,expectations) and exist (longer,Europe) and exist (lower,rates) and exist (macroeconomic,environment) and exist (past,months) and exist (plan,its) and exist (risk,plan) and exist (risk,environment) and exist (significant,risk) "}, {"_id": 871, "cause": "871 exist developer exist tariff exist (avoid,developers) and exist (avoid,tariffs) and exist (frantically,importing) and exist (importing,developers) and exist (importing,avoid) and exist (pending,tariffs) and exist (section,tariffs) "}, {"_id": 872, "cause": "872 exist California exist change exist (blamed,mackenzie) and exist (blamed,changes) and exist (changes,minnesota) and exist (changes,California) and exist (changes,massachusetts) and exist (policy,changes) "}, {"_id": 873, "cause": "873 exist completion exist project exist year exist (completion,projects) and exist (many,projects) and exist (next,year) and exist (pushed,completion) and exist (pushed,year) "}, {"_id": 874, "cause": "874 exist Zamparo exist warning exist (warning,Zamparo) "}, {"_id": 875, "cause": "875 exist Tuesday exist loss exist (losses,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 876, "cause": "876 exist bankruptcy exist plan exist (bankruptcy,plan) and exist (facilitate,plan) "}, {"_id": 877, "cause": "877 exist Central_New_York_Business_Journal exist Potsdam exist complex exist (apartment,complex) and exist (complex,Potsdam) and exist (Potsdam,Central_New_York_Business_Journal) "}, {"_id": 878, "cause": "878 exist business exist challenge exist fall exist half exist its exist profit exist saga exist tourism exist year exist (business,its) and exist (challenges,business) and exist (dragged,tourism) and exist (dragged,challenges) and exist (fall,profits) and exist (first,half) and exist (half,year) and exist (over-50s,tourism) and exist (posted,dragged) and exist (posted,saga) and exist (posted,fall) and exist (posted,am) and exist (posted,half) and exist (share,saga) and exist (sharp,fall) and exist (travel,business) "}, {"_id": 879, "cause": "879 exist $_72.59 exist brands exist (brands,$_72.59) and exist (restaurant,brands) "}, {"_id": 880, "cause": "880 exist Customers_Bancorp exist rating exist report exist share exist (hold,rating) and exist (lowered,o'neill) and exist (lowered,shares) and exist (rating,report) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (research,report) and exist (shares,Customers_Bancorp) "}, {"_id": 881, "cause": "881 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (assigned,stock) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,assigned) "}, {"_id": 882, "cause": "882 exist $_0.38 exist bank exist earnings exist quarter exist ($_0.38,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (reported,bank) and exist (reported,$_0.38) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 883, "cause": "883 exist 3.9_% exist firm exist revenue exist year exist (3.9_%,quarter) and exist (3.9_%,revenue) and exist (last,year) and exist (quarter,year) and exist (quarterly,revenue) and exist (revenue,firm) "}, {"_id": 884, "cause": "884 exist Customers_Bancorp exist 75,462.5_% exist its exist quarter exist share exist stake exist (first,quarter) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,75,462.5_%) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,quarter) and exist (raised,sa) and exist (raised,stake) and exist (shares,Customers_Bancorp) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 885, "cause": "885 exist Customers_Bancorp exist 10.9_% exist its exist quarter exist share exist stake exist (first,quarter) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,10.9_%) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,quarter) and exist (raised,inc.) and exist (raised,stake) and exist (shares,Customers_Bancorp) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 886, "cause": "886 exist Customers_Bancorp exist 1,274.4_% exist its exist quarter exist share exist stake exist (first,quarter) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,1,274.4_%) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,quarter) and exist (raised,co.) and exist (raised,stake) and exist (shares,Customers_Bancorp) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 887, "cause": "887 exist Customers_Bancorp exist 1,061.8_% exist its exist quarter exist share exist stake exist (first,quarter) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,1,061.8_%) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,quarter) and exist (raised,lp) and exist (raised,stake) and exist (shares,Customers_Bancorp) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 888, "cause": "888 exist Customers_Bancorp exist 16.0_% exist its exist quarter exist share exist stake exist (finally,raised) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,16.0_%) and exist (Customers_Bancorp,quarter) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,stake) and exist (shares,Customers_Bancorp) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 889, "cause": "889 exist boost exist coffer exist their exist (boost,coffers) and exist (coffers,their) "}, {"_id": 890, "cause": "890 exist bumper exist councillors exist rate exist service exist sum exist (%,rate) and exist (back,pumped) and exist (front-line,services) and exist (interest,rate) and exist (pumped,sum) and exist (pumped,services) and exist (told,bumper) and exist (told,rate) and exist (told,councillors) and exist (told,pumped) "}, {"_id": 891, "cause": "891 exist 18.8m-worth exist #_910,000 exist 2018/19 exist council exist loan exist offer exist property exist (-SPL-.18.8m-worth,18.8m-worth) and exist (18.8m-worth,property) and exist (also,held) and exist (directly,owned) and exist (held,council) and exist (held,offering) and exist (held,18.8m-worth) and exist (loans,2018/19) and exist (#_910,000,loans) and exist (offering,#_910,000) and exist (offering,property) and exist (owned,property) "}, {"_id": 892, "cause": "892 exist er exist rule exist shareholder exist (%,rule) and exist (company,shareholders) and exist (qualify,rule) and exist (qualify,er) and exist (rule,shareholders) "}, {"_id": 893, "cause": "893 exist fund exist issue exist means exist purpose exist raise exist share exist (commercial,purposes) and exist (funds,purposes) and exist (issue,shares) and exist (means,issue) and exist (new,shares) and exist (obtain,er) and exist (obtain,raising) and exist (raising,funds) and exist (raising,means) and exist (still,obtain) "}, {"_id": 894, "cause": "894 exist three_years exist company exist company exist company exist consideration exist disposal exist group exist period exist shares exist (company,group) and exist (continuously,held) and exist (held,period) and exist (holding,company) and exist (issued,held) and exist (issued,company) and exist (issued,shares) and exist (issued,company) and exist (issued,company) and exist (new,consideration) and exist (newly,issued) and exist (period,disposal) and exist (period,three_years) and exist (subscribed,consideration) and exist (trading,company) and exist (trading,group) and exist (unlisted,company) and exist (unlisted,company) "}, {"_id": 895, "cause": "895 exist 1000 exist January_1990_1500 exist March_2001_1500 exist July_2005 exist 15_April_2019 exist change exist example exist he exist his exist holding exist market exist plc exist share exist share exist (acquired,follows) and exist (acquired,he) and exist (acquired,shares) and exist (changes,1000) and exist (holding,his) and exist (holding,shares) and exist (1000,market) and exist (1000,January_1990_1500) and exist (1000,March_2001_1500) and exist (1000,July_2005) and exist (plc,holding) and exist (sold,jeff) and exist (sold,changes) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,example) and exist (sold,plc) and exist (sold,15_April_2019) and exist (significant,market) and exist (stock,market) "}, {"_id": 896, "cause": "896 exist $_31.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,cbtx) and exist (has,price) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,$_31.00) "}, {"_id": 897, "cause": "897 exist $_23.98 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,keycorp) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_23.98) "}, {"_id": 898, "cause": "898 exist chaos exist (holiday,chaos) "}, {"_id": 899, "cause": "899 exist deal exist giant exist trading exist (ceased,giant) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (failing,trading) and exist (failing,secure) and exist (last-ditch,deal) and exist (rescue,deal) and exist (secure,deal) and exist (travel,giant) "}, {"_id": 900, "cause": "900 exist expansion exist (boost,expansion) and exist (international,expansion) "}, {"_id": 901, "cause": "901 exist capabilities exist effectiveness exist expansion exist its exist (advance,capability) and exist (analytics,capability) and exist (boost,expansion) and exist (capability,its) and exist (classroom,effectiveness) and exist (data,capability) and exist (enhance,expansion) and exist (enhance,effectiveness) and exist (international,expansion) and exist (teaching,effectiveness) "}, {"_id": 902, "cause": "902 exist #_22.9_m exist return exist shareholder exist (adjusting,return) and exist (cash,return) and exist (post-period,return) and exist (return,#_22.9_m) and exist (return,shareholders) "}, {"_id": 903, "cause": "903 exist NAIROBI exist Mohammed_Yusuf_Share exist Facebook_Share exist comment exist countries exist development exist email exist fund exist platform exist share exist transfer exist (african,country) and exist (comments,NAIROBI) and exist (digital,platforms) and exist (economic,development) and exist (email,print) and exist (fund,development) and exist (mobile,transfers) and exist (money,transfers) and exist (more,country) and exist (more,country) and exist (Mohammed_Yusuf_Share,Facebook_Share) and exist (Facebook_Share,share) and exist (page,comments) and exist (print,comments) and exist (taxing,fund) and exist (taxing,country) and exist (taxing,platforms) and exist (taxing,transfers) and exist (taxing,kenya) and exist (twitter,share) "}, {"_id": 904, "cause": "904 exist Tema exist terminal exist tpep exist (container,terminal) and exist (ghana,Tema) and exist (new,terminal) and exist (result,tpep) and exist (result,terminal) and exist (state-of-the-art,terminal) and exist (terminal,Tema) "}, {"_id": 905, "cause": "905 exist Tesla exist Tesla exist board exist capitalization exist it exist musk exist package exist statement exist (2018,statement) and exist (board,Tesla) and exist (capitalization,Tesla) and exist (created,incentivize) and exist (created,it) and exist (created,package) and exist (grow,capitalization) and exist (incentivize,grow) and exist (incentivize,musk) and exist (market,capitalization) and exist (statement,proxy) and exist (this,package) and exist (wrote,board) and exist (wrote,created) and exist (wrote,statement) "}, {"_id": 906, "cause": "906 exist Tesla exist plan exist value exist (ballooned,value) and exist (market,value) and exist (payment,plan) and exist (predicted,ballooned) and exist (predicted,plan) and exist (value,Tesla) "}, {"_id": 907, "cause": "907 exist company exist its exist milestone exist profit exist report exist year exist (annual,profit) and exist (earnings,reports) and exist (has,company) and exist (has,post) and exist (last,year) and exist (meet,company) and exist (meet,year) and exist (milestones,its) and exist (performance,milestones) and exist (post,profit) and exist (post,reports) and exist (yet,has) and exist (not,meet) "}, {"_id": 908, "cause": "908 exist $_9.50 exist Jerash_Holdings exist exist (consensus,) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,Jerash_Holdings) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_9.50) and exist (us,Jerash_Holdings) "}, {"_id": 909, "cause": "909 QUESTION(what) exist 2014 exist maa exist share exist today exist today exist we exist what exist you exist (buy,you) and exist (buy,shares) and exist (decided,you) and exist (decided,examine) and exist (decided,2014) and exist (decided,buy) and exist (decided,hold) and exist (examine,we) and exist (examine,happened) and exist (examine,today) and exist (happened,what) and exist (happened,year) and exist (hold,you) and exist (hold,today) and exist (holding,year) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,maa) and exist (period,year) and exist (period,year) and exist (shares,inc) and exist (simply,hold) "}, {"_id": 910, "cause": "910 exist China exist compliance exist growth exist market exist (attributed,growth) and exist (developing,compliance) and exist (developing,markets) and exist (markets,China) and exist (markets,india) and exist (markets,europe) and exist (need,compliance) and exist (regulatory,compliance) "}, {"_id": 911, "cause": "911 exist rate exist (adoption,rate) and exist (high,rate) "}, {"_id": 912, "cause": "912 exist demand exist inclination exist market exist organization exist software exist visibility exist workflow exist (customized,software) and exist (data,organization) and exist (data,visibility) and exist (demand,organization) and exist (escalating,demand) and exist (fuel,workflows) and exist (fuel,visibility) and exist (fuel,market) and exist (improved,demand) and exist (improved,inclination) and exist (improved,fuel) and exist (inclination,organization) and exist (inclination,software) and exist (rising,inclination) and exist (software,market) "}, {"_id": 913, "cause": "913 exist market exist (fueled,increasing) and exist (fueled,market) and exist (healthcare,market) and exist (income,disposable) and exist (income,disposable) and exist (increasing,disposable) and exist (informatics,market) and exist (market,china) and exist (market,laboratory) and exist (systems,market) "}, {"_id": 914, "cause": "914 exist shortfall exist (blamed,muchow) and exist (blamed,shortfall) and exist (budget,shortfall) and exist (current,shortfall) and exist (million,shortfall) "}, {"_id": 915, "cause": "915 exist job exist downturn exist he exist (construction,job) and exist (downturn,job) and exist (high-paying,job) and exist (said,he) and exist (said,downturn) "}, {"_id": 916, "cause": "916 exist Saturday exist 31st exist day exist issue exist lot exist month exist revenue exist tax exist (falling,day) and exist (falling,Saturday) and exist (issue,day) and exist (last,day) and exist (lot,taxes) and exist (lot,31st) and exist (meaning,issue) and exist (meaning,show) and exist (day,month) and exist (revenue,september) and exist (show,lot) and exist (show,revenue) and exist (timing,issue) "}, {"_id": 917, "cause": "917 exist account exist 5_percent exist $_62.7_million exist average exist benefit exist contribution exist cost exist increase exist personnel exist teacher exist year exist (account,increase) and exist (account,benefits) and exist ($_62.7_million,cost) and exist (fund,contributions) and exist (future,benefits) and exist (higher,benefits) and exist (increase,contributions) and exist (largest,cost) and exist (million-a-year,increase) and exist ($_62.7_million,5_percent) and exist ($_62.7_million,average) and exist ($_62.7_million,year) and exist (pension,contributions) and exist (raises,increase) and exist (raises,teachers) and exist (raises,personnel) and exist (retirement,benefits) and exist (school,personnel) and exist (service,personnel) "}, {"_id": 918, "cause": "918 exist $_8.50 exist exist technology exist (consensus,) and exist (gty,technology) and exist (has,technology) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_8.50) "}, {"_id": 919, "cause": "919 exist Qatar_Investment_Authority exist $ exist million exist year exist (500,million) and exist (closed,sofi) and exist (closed,$) and exist (closed,year) and exist (earlier,year) and exist (funding,$) and exist (led,$) and exist (led,Qatar_Investment_Authority) and exist ($,million) and exist (round,$) "}, {"_id": 920, "cause": "920 exist 1.3_million exist Kathleen_Kraninger exist National_Consumer_Empowerment_Conference exist bureau exist companies exist complaint exist database exist reply exist speech exist (cfpb,Kathleen_Kraninger) and exist (director,Kathleen_Kraninger) and exist (forwarded,bureau) and exist (forwarded,1.3_million) and exist (forwarded,reply) and exist (handled,launching) and exist (handled,bureau) and exist (handled,complaints) and exist (launching,database) and exist (more,1.3_million) and exist (1.3_million,company) and exist (recent,speech) and exist (said,Kathleen_Kraninger) and exist (said,forwarded) and exist (said,handled) and exist (said,speech) and exist (speech,National_Consumer_Empowerment_Conference) "}, {"_id": 921, "cause": "921 exist court exist decision exist (decision,court) "}, {"_id": 922, "cause": "922 exist analyst exist rating exist stock exist (equities,analysts) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 923, "cause": "923 exist $_0.39 exist company exist eps exist quarter exist (eps,$_0.39) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,eps) "}, {"_id": 924, "cause": "924 exist 7.5_% exist second_quarter exist biosciences exist holding exist its exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,biosciences) and exist (7.5_%,second_quarter) and exist (precision,biosciences) and exist (raised,inc.) and exist (raised,holdings) and exist (raised,7.5_%) "}, {"_id": 925, "cause": "925 exist 474.9_% exist second_quarter exist biosciences exist holding exist its exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,biosciences) and exist (precision,biosciences) and exist (raised,inc.) and exist (raised,holdings) and exist (raised,474.9_%) and exist (raised,second_quarter) "}, {"_id": 926, "cause": "926 exist 44.7_% exist second_quarter exist biosciences exist holding exist its exist (finally,raised) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,biosciences) and exist (precision,biosciences) and exist (raised,llc) and exist (raised,holdings) and exist (raised,44.7_%) and exist (raised,second_quarter) "}, {"_id": 927, "cause": "927 exist return exist (failing,file) and exist (file,returns) and exist (income,returns) and exist (state,returns) and exist (tax,returns) "}, {"_id": 928, "cause": "928 exist age "}, {"_id": 929, "cause": "929 exist anything exist 65 exist cost exist fund exist (health-care,costs) and exist (hsa,funds) and exist (used,funds) and exist (used,anything) and exist (used,costs) and exist (used,65) "}, {"_id": 930, "cause": "930 exist inflation exist limit exist year exist (adjust,limits) and exist (adjust,inflation) and exist (contribution,limits) and exist (rise,limits) and exist (rise,year) and exist (rise,adjust) and exist (usually,rise) "}, {"_id": 931, "cause": "931 exist age exist those exist (those,age) "}, {"_id": 932, "cause": "932 exist age exist HSA exist $ exist contribution exist couple exist return exist rise exist (%,return) and exist (40-year-old,couple) and exist (7-SPL-000,contribution) and exist (annual,return) and exist (annually,rises) and exist (assuming,rises) and exist (average,return) and exist (have,age) and exist (invested,return) and exist (maximum,contribution) and exist (now,started) and exist (rises,contribution) and exist (rises,$) and exist (says,garvey) and exist (says,have) and exist (started,return) and exist (started,couple) and exist (started,HSA) "}, {"_id": 933, "cause": "933 exist age exist anything exist expense exist health-care exist (money,expenses) and exist (taken,expenses) and exist (taken,age) and exist (used,expenses) and exist (used,anything) and exist (used,health-care) and exist (used,age) "}, {"_id": 934, "cause": "934 exist October_11th exist Concurrent_Technologies_PLC exist dividend exist dividend exist (announced,plc) and exist (announced,Concurrent_Technologies_PLC) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,October_11th) and exist (announced,10th) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (cnc,Concurrent_Technologies_PLC) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,cnc) and exist (reports,10th) and exist (reports,10th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,10th) "}, {"_id": 935, "cause": "935 exist October_11th exist Concurrent_Technologies_PLC exist dividend exist dividend exist (announced,plc) and exist (announced,Concurrent_Technologies_PLC) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,October_11th) and exist (announced,10th) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (cnc,Concurrent_Technologies_PLC) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,cnc) and exist (reports,10th) and exist (reports,10th) and exist (upcoming.co.uk,10th) "}, {"_id": 936, "cause": "936 exist giant exist iphone exist slate exist store exist (available,slate) and exist (available,stores) and exist (became,slate) and exist (became,available) and exist (giant,tech) and exist (latest,slate) and exist (slate,giant) and exist (slate,iphones) "}, {"_id": 937, "cause": "937 exist 8_% exist company exist dividend exist it exist its exist (dividend,its) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (raise,it) and exist (raise,dividend) and exist (raise,8_%) and exist (said,company) and exist (said,raise) "}, {"_id": 938, "cause": "938 exist bill exist he exist his exist it exist year exist (help,pay) and exist (lived,he) and exist (lived,year) and exist (lived,it) and exist (own,his) and exist (pay,bills) and exist (then,lived) "}, {"_id": 939, "cause": "939 exist three_years exist flat exist her exist home exist it exist residence exist she exist she exist (buys,she) and exist (buys,home) and exist (lets,selling) and exist (lets,flat) and exist (lets,three_years) and exist (lives,she) and exist (lives,home) and exist (lives,residence) and exist (main,residence) and exist (new,home) and exist (residence,her) and exist (selling,it) and exist (then,buys) "}, {"_id": 940, "cause": "940 exist 6_April_2020 exist it exist she exist (sells,she) and exist (sells,it) and exist (sells,6_April_2020) "}, {"_id": 941, "cause": "941 exist 12_months exist flat exist her exist residence exist she exist (lived,she) and exist (lived,residence) and exist (lived,12_months) and exist (lived,flat) and exist (main,residence) and exist (residence,her) "}, {"_id": 942, "cause": "942 exist 6_April_2020 exist property exist she exist (sells,she) and exist (sells,property) and exist (sells,6_April_2020) "}, {"_id": 943, "cause": "943 exist 2040 exist Jeff_Bezos exist Thursday exist company exist neutral exist (carbon,neutral) and exist (chief,Jeff_Bezos) and exist (committed,neutral) and exist (committed,Jeff_Bezos) and exist (committed,company) and exist (executive,Jeff_Bezos) and exist (neutral,2040) and exist (Jeff_Bezos,Thursday) "}, {"_id": 944, "cause": "944 exist accord exist goal exist schedule exist (accord,climate) and exist (accord,paris) and exist (accord,years) and exist (accord,schedule) and exist (goals,accord) and exist (meet,amazon) and exist (meet,goals) and exist (said,bezos) and exist (said,meet) "}, {"_id": 945, "cause": "945 exist Bezos exist company exist contribution exist forest exist it exist look exist politician exist science exist that exist wetlands exist (adding,Bezos) and exist (adding,company) and exist (campaign,contributions) and exist (careful,look) and exist (climate,science) and exist (deny,politicians) and exist (deny,science) and exist (going,that) and exist (going,politicians) and exist (makes,it) and exist (makes,look) and exist (makes,going) and exist (makes,contributions) and exist (political,contributions) and exist (restore,forests) and exist (restore,wetlands) and exist (said,restore) and exist (said,take) and exist (take,Bezos) and exist (take,look) "}, {"_id": 946, "cause": "946 QUESTION(when) exist fleet exist when exist (added,rivian) and exist (added,deployed) and exist (deployed,when) and exist (deployed,fleet) and exist (fully,deployed) "}, {"_id": 947, "cause": "947 exist collection exist councillors exist week exist (heard,councillors) and exist (moving,week) and exist (moving,collection) and exist (second,week) "}, {"_id": 948, "cause": "948 exist 50_percent exist 50_years exist New_York_Times exist cities exist growth exist regulation exist they exist wage exist web exist (american,city) and exist (creeping,web) and exist (domestic,growth) and exist (gross,growth) and exist (growth,city) and exist (past,50_years) and exist (product,growth) and exist (smothered,web) and exist (smothered,wage) and exist (smothered,growth) and exist (smothered,50_percent) and exist (smothered,50_years) and exist (stunning,50_percent) and exist (wage,city) and exist (web,regulations) and exist (wrote,they) and exist (wrote,New_York_Times) and exist (wrote,smothered) "}, {"_id": 949, "cause": "949 exist renewal exist (regulations,zoning) and exist (regulations,zoning) and exist (urban,renewal) "}, {"_id": 950, "cause": "950 QUESTION(when) exist occur exist when exist (occurs,when) "}, {"_id": 951, "cause": "951 exist recession exist (great,recession) "}, {"_id": 952, "cause": "952 exist company exist expansion exist opportunities exist there exist (are,company) and exist (are,opportunity) and exist (are,there) and exist (further,expansion) and exist (growing,company) and exist (opportunity,expansion) and exist (significant,opportunity) "}, {"_id": 953, "cause": "953 exist fat exist (most,fat) "}, {"_id": 954, "cause": "954 exist figure exist growth exist week exist (half-year,figures) and exist (last,week) and exist (released,figures) and exist (released,week) and exist (showed,figures) and exist (showed,growth) and exist (strong,growth) "}, {"_id": 955, "cause": "955 exist 2020 exist cost exist deal exist growth exist (anticipated,costs) and exist (anticipated,growth) and exist (anticipated,2020) and exist (associated,costs) and exist (associated,deal) and exist (deal,watbio) and exist (strong,growth) "}, {"_id": 956, "cause": "956 exist concern exist disillusion exist firm exist integration exist (concerns,taken) and exist (disillusion,firms) and exist (integration,watbio) and exist (market,disillusion) and exist (partly,reflecting) and exist (reflecting,concerns) and exist (smaller,firms) and exist (taken,expected) and exist (taken,integration) "}, {"_id": 957, "cause": "957 exist Zhejiang exist attempt exist boost exist directive exist economy exist manufacturing exist media exist part exist plan exist province exist (government,hangzhou) and exist (attempt,directive) and exist (bolster,economy) and exist (bolster,province) and exist (boost,attempt) and exist (boost,manufacturing) and exist (eastern,province) and exist (government,hangzhou) and exist (local,economy) and exist (manufacturing,plan) and exist (new,plan) and exist (part,plan) and exist (plan,hangzhou) and exist (province,Zhejiang) and exist (reportedly,attempt) and exist (said,media) and exist (said,directive) and exist (said,part) "}, {"_id": 958, "cause": "958 exist budget exist claim exist diocese exist its exist its exist liabilities exist obligation exist review exist (carefully,budgets) and exist (forecast,claims) and exist (future,claims) and exist (liability,its) and exist (meet,budgets) and exist (meet,obligations) and exist (obligations,its) and exist (regularly,reviews) and exist (reviews,diocese) and exist (reviews,liability) and exist (reviews,said) and exist (said,o'regan) and exist (then,budgets) "}, {"_id": 959, "cause": "959 exist activity exist Greeks exist element exist form exist nation exist occupation exist shipping exist time exist tradition exist (ancient,times) and exist (arguably,form) and exist (arguably,element) and exist (economic,activity) and exist (element,nation) and exist (element,occupation) and exist (element,activity) and exist (element,times) and exist (form,nation) and exist (form,occupation) and exist (greek,activity) and exist (key,element) and exist (maritime,nation) and exist (nation,greece) and exist (nation,tradition) and exist (occupation,Greeks) and exist (oldest,form) and exist (tradition,shipping) "}, {"_id": 960, "cause": "960 exist '50s exist '40s exist majority exist there exist tug exist (are,there) and exist (built,are) and exist (built,majority) and exist (built,'50s) and exist (built,'70s) and exist (commissioned,'40s) and exist (early,'50s) and exist (majority,tugs) and exist (mid,'40s) "}, {"_id": 961, "cause": "961 exist Sonoma_County_Community_Development_Commission exist (benefit,Sonoma_County_Community_Development_Commission) and exist (cdc,Sonoma_County_Community_Development_Commission) "}, {"_id": 962, "cause": "962 exist field exist it exist its exist price exist refinery exist they exist track exist trader exist (accept,traders) and exist (accept,claims) and exist (also,simmered) and exist (attacked,they) and exist (attacked,weekend) and exist (claims,arabia) and exist (claims,track) and exist (field,its) and exist (getting,attacked) and exist (getting,track) and exist (getting,field) and exist (getting,refinery) and exist (oil,field) and exist (oil,prices) and exist (online,getting) and exist (seemed,traders) and exist (seemed,accept) and exist (simmered,seemed) and exist (simmered,prices) and exist (track,it) "}, {"_id": 963, "cause": "963 exist attempt exist collapse exist it exist (attempts,it) and exist (attempts,prevent) and exist (prevent,it) and exist (prevent,collapse) "}, {"_id": 964, "cause": "964 exist One exist bank exist its exist its exist news exist officer exist (also,had) and exist (rose,bank) and exist (chief,officer) and exist (executive,officer) and exist (had,rose) and exist (had,One) and exist (had,news) and exist (lenders,scotland) and exist (lenders,scotland) and exist (new,officer) and exist (rose,officer) and exist (One,scotland) and exist (officer,its) and exist (own,its) "}, {"_id": 965, "cause": "965 exist million exist 435p exist KKR exist business exist investor exist its exist share exist worth exist (-SPL-,million) and exist (285,million) and exist (equity,KKR) and exist (former,KKR) and exist (KKR,its) and exist (other,investors) and exist (owner,KKR) and exist (private,KKR) and exist (sold,investors) and exist (sold,worth) and exist (sold,435p) and exist (sold,business) and exist (worth,shares) and exist (worth,million) "}, {"_id": 966, "cause": "966 exist Friday exist Simba exist exchange exist expectation exist merger exist say exist (ahead,go) and exist (aim,exchange) and exist (exchange,Friday) and exist (go,merger) and exist (go,expectations) and exist (junior,exchange) and exist (merger,Simba) and exist (planned,merger) and exist (returned,saying) and exist (returned,exchange) and exist (rival,Simba) and exist (saying,go) and exist (sleep,eve) and exist (stock,exchange) and exist (not,go) "}, {"_id": 967, "cause": "967 exist Singapore_Exchange exist DLF exist offeror exist status exist (intends,offeror) and exist (intends,maintain) and exist (listing,status) and exist (maintain,offeror) and exist (maintain,status) and exist (status,DLF) and exist (status,Singapore_Exchange) "}, {"_id": 968, "cause": "968 exist agreement exist S$_5.6_million exist S$_0.0809 exist Friday exist company exist offer exist share exist stake exist (acquire,agreement) and exist (cent,stake) and exist (S$_5.6_million,S$_0.0809) and exist (entered,qrc) and exist (entered,agreement) and exist (S$_0.0809,share) and exist (stake,S$_5.6_million) and exist (stake,company) and exist (triggered,entered) and exist (triggered,offer) and exist (triggered,Friday) "}, {"_id": 969, "cause": "969 exist agreement "}, {"_id": 970, "cause": "970 exist $_0.03 exist September_30th exist MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust exist dividend exist issue exist (MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust,dividend) and exist (dividend,$_0.03) and exist (dividend,September_30th) and exist (mfm,MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust) and exist (MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust,issue) "}, {"_id": 971, "cause": "971 exist $_0.03 exist September_30th exist MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust exist dividend exist issue exist (MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust,dividend) and exist (dividend,$_0.03) and exist (dividend,September_30th) and exist (mfm,MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust) and exist (MFS_Municipal_Income_Trust,issue) "}, {"_id": 972, "cause": "972 exist $_3_billion exist contingent exist deal exist equity exist it exist part exist we exist (agreed,we) and exist (agreed,part) and exist (agreed,make) and exist (facility,contingent) and exist (make,we) and exist (make,contingent) and exist (make,it) and exist ($_3_billion,equity) and exist (part,deal) and exist (raising,it) and exist (raising,$_3_billion) "}, {"_id": 973, "cause": "973 exist all exist deal exist it exist nothing exist proposition exist we exist (comes,raises) and exist (comes,it) and exist (debt,deal) and exist (only,comes) and exist (proposition,deal) and exist (proposition,all) and exist (proposition,nothing) and exist (proposition,comes) and exist (raises,we) and exist (successfully,raises) "}, {"_id": 974, "cause": "974 exist ipo exist (happens,ipo) "}, {"_id": 975, "cause": "975 exist fall exist valuation exist we exist (falls,valuation) and exist (valuation,we) "}, {"_id": 976, "cause": "976 exist company exist drive exist its exist network exist programme exist (advice,network) and exist (continued,network) and exist (continued,drive) and exist (continued,programme) and exist (drive,its) and exist (programme,academy) and exist (programme,company) and exist (recruitment,drive) "}, {"_id": 977, "cause": "977 exist advice exist demand exist network exist (demand,advice) and exist (growing,demand) and exist (reported,network) and exist (reported,demand) "}, {"_id": 978, "cause": "978 exist #_22.6_m exist 2018 exist 18.3 exist growth exist increase exist its exist profit exist profit exist year exist (cent,increase) and exist (growth,year) and exist (increase,growth) and exist (increase,2018) and exist (increase,profits) and exist (increase,#_22.6_m) and exist (18.3,increase) and exist (pre-tax,profits) and exist (reported,openwork) and exist (reported,18.3) and exist (seventh,year) and exist (year,its) and exist (year,profit) "}, {"_id": 979, "cause": "979 exist crowdstreet exist investor exist speed exist exist (amazing,speed) and exist (committed,investors) and exist (committed,speed) and exist (committed,) and exist (funding,) and exist (investors,crowdstreet) and exist (pretty,amazing) "}, {"_id": 980, "cause": "980 exist NYSE exist ceo exist company exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (bought,ceo) and exist (bought,farrell) and exist (bought,shares) and exist (bought,transaction) and exist (ceo,NYSE) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,16th) and exist (NYSE,chd) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 981, "cause": "981 exist Monday_,_September_16th exist Kraft_Heinz_Co exist NASDAQ exist director exist khc exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (Kraft_Heinz_Co,director) and exist (NASDAQ,khc) and exist (director,NASDAQ) and exist (more,Kraft_Heinz_Co) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Monday_,_September_16th) and exist (purchased,director) and exist (purchased,lemann) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,transaction) and exist (read,Kraft_Heinz_Co) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 982, "cause": "982 exist Damme_Alexandre_Van exist NASDAQ exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (co,Damme_Alexandre_Van) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (Damme_Alexandre_Van,NASDAQ) and exist (NASDAQ,khc) and exist (director,Damme_Alexandre_Van) and exist (more,Damme_Alexandre_Van) and exist (purchased,Damme_Alexandre_Van) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,transaction) and exist (read,purchased) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,heinz) "}, {"_id": 983, "cause": "983 exist readmore exist Michael_E._Szymanczyk exist Friday_,_September_13th exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (-SPL-d,inc) and exist (-SPL-d,inc) and exist (-SPL-d,nyse) and exist (director,Michael_E._Szymanczyk) and exist (purchased,readmore) and exist (purchased,Michael_E._Szymanczyk) and exist (purchased,inc) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,energy) and exist (transaction,Friday_,_September_13th) "}, {"_id": 984, "cause": "984 exist Laura_J._Schumacher exist NYSE exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (chairman,Laura_J._Schumacher) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,16th) and exist (Laura_J._Schumacher,NYSE) and exist (inc,Laura_J._Schumacher) and exist (more,Laura_J._Schumacher) and exist (purchased,Laura_J._Schumacher) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (vice,Laura_J._Schumacher) "}, {"_id": 985, "cause": "985 exist NYSE exist Ken_D._Semelsberger exist company exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,13th) and exist (Ken_D._Semelsberger,NYSE) and exist (insider,Ken_D._Semelsberger) and exist (plc,Ken_D._Semelsberger) and exist (sold,Ken_D._Semelsberger) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 986, "cause": "986 exist Wesley_D._Kremer exist Friday_,_September_13th exist NYSE exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (Wesley_D._Kremer,NYSE) and exist (more,Wesley_D._Kremer) and exist (raytheon,Wesley_D._Kremer) and exist (read,sold) and exist (sold,Wesley_D._Kremer) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (transaction,Friday_,_September_13th) and exist (vp,Wesley_D._Kremer) "}, {"_id": 987, "cause": "987 exist NYSE exist Monday_,_September_16th exist Jennifer_L._Weber exist firm exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (Monday_,_September_16th,sold) and exist (evp,Jennifer_L._Weber) and exist (sold,Jennifer_L._Weber) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,NYSE) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,firm) "}, {"_id": 988, "cause": "988 exist NYSE exist Monday_,_September_16th exist director exist firm exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (director,NYSE) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Monday_,_September_16th) and exist (sold,director) and exist (sold,cassaday) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,firm) "}, {"_id": 989, "cause": "989 exist NYSE exist Monday_,_September_16th exist ceo exist leg exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (ceo,NYSE) and exist (NYSE,leg) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Monday_,_September_16th) and exist (sold,ceo) and exist (sold,glassman) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 990, "cause": "990 exist Monday_,_September_16th exist NYSE exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (cook,chairman) and exist (cook,NYSE) and exist (NYSE,cl) and exist (read,sold) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,Monday_,_September_16th) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 991, "cause": "991 exist NASDAQ exist SVP_Irving_Tan exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (csco,SVP_Irving_Tan) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,17th) and exist (NASDAQ,sold) and exist (sold,SVP_Irving_Tan) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,systems) "}, {"_id": 992, "cause": "992 exist couple exist you exist (file,you) and exist (file,couple) and exist (jointly,file) and exist (married,couple) "}, {"_id": 993, "cause": "993 exist $_32,000 exist $_25,000 exist income exist income exist individual exist you exist you exist (file,you) and exist (have,you) and exist (have,income) and exist (income,$_32,000) and exist (income,$_25,000) and exist (individual,you) and exist (individual,income) and exist (jointly,file) "}, {"_id": 994, "cause": "994 exist $_44,000 exist $_34,000 exist you exist you exist (earn,you) and exist (earn,$_44,000) and exist (earn,$_34,000) and exist (married,you) and exist (more,$_44,000) and exist (more,$_34,000) and exist (single,you) "}, {"_id": 995, "cause": "995 exist pension exist position exist tax exist you exist (government,position) and exist (receive,you) and exist (receive,pension) and exist (security,taxes) and exist (work,you) and exist (work,position) and exist (work,taxes) and exist (not,subject)"}, {"_id": 996, "cause": "996 exist $_1,200 exist Social_Security exist $ exist example exist month exist pension exist you exist (also,receive) and exist (eligible,you) and exist (eligible,receive) and exist (government,pension) and exist ($_1,200,Social_Security) and exist ($,month) and exist (receive,you) and exist (receive,$) and exist (receive,$_1,200) and exist (receive,pension) "}, {"_id": 997, "cause": "997 exist age exist those exist (early,retiring) and exist (retiring,those) and exist (retiring,age) "}, {"_id": 998, "cause": "998 exist age exist you exist (defer,you) and exist (wait,age) "}, {"_id": 999, "cause": "999 exist Hammer_Capital exist $_16 exist U.S. exist September_13_,_2019 exist information exist share exist shareholder exist (bitauto,nyse) and exist ($_16,U.S.) and exist (auto,information) and exist (automotive,September_13_,_2019) and exist (bitauto,nyse) and exist (buy,shareholders) and exist (chinese,information) and exist (September_13_,_2019,marling) and exist (bitauto,bita) and exist (September_13_,_2019,Hammer_Capital) and exist (equity,Hammer_Capital) and exist (financials,September_13_,_2019) and exist (U.S.,share) and exist (offered,buy) and exist (offered,September_13_,_2019) and exist (offered,$_16) and exist (other,shareholders) and exist (partner,Hammer_Capital) and exist (private,Hammer_Capital) and exist (provider,nyse) and exist (shareholders,information) and exist (shareholders,nyse) and exist (transaction,nyse) and exist (|,September_13_,_2019) "}, {"_id": 1000, "cause": "1000 exist q2 exist 8.9_% exist company exist revenue exist turbulence exist (sector,chinese) and exist (autos,chinese) and exist (buffered,company) and exist (buffered,turbulence) and exist (buffered,chinese) and exist (buffered,revenues) and exist (just,8.9_%) and exist (sector,q2) and exist (revenues,8.9_%) and exist (sector,chinese) and exist (total,revenues) and exist (weak,chinese) "}, {"_id": 1001, "cause": "1001 exist $_12.00 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,bancorp) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_12.00) "}, {"_id": 1002, "cause": "1002 exist approval exist reform exist May exist (approval,May) and exist (approval,reform) and exist (corporate,reform) and exist (swiss,reform) and exist (tax,reform) "}, {"_id": 1003, "cause": "1003 exist company exist company exist company exist regime exist (abolished,regimes) and exist (cantonal,regimes) and exist (domicile,company) and exist (holding,company) and exist (mixed,company) and exist (regimes,company) and exist (regimes,company) and exist (regimes,company) and exist (tax,regimes) "}, {"_id": 1004, "cause": "1004 exist 8_% exist 7_% exist January_1_,_2021 exist rate exist (corporate,rate) and exist (income,rate) and exist (8_%,7_%) and exist (reduced,rate) and exist (reduced,January_1_,_2021) and exist (tax,rate) "}, {"_id": 1005, "cause": "1005 exist 70_% exist equity exist intangible exist investment exist loan exist patents exist relief exist tax exist (also,reduced) and exist (reform,zurich) and exist (cantonal,relief) and exist (capital,tax) and exist (intercompany,loans) and exist (maximum,relief) and exist (reduced,intangibles) and exist (reduced,loans) and exist (reduced,zurich) and exist (reform,zurich) and exist (relating,equity) and exist (relating,tax) and exist (relating,investments) and exist (relating,patents) and exist (set,tax) and exist (set,relief) and exist (set,70_%) and exist (similar,intangibles) and exist (tax,zurich) and exist (tax,relief) and exist (therefore,set) "}, {"_id": 1006, "cause": "1006 exist September exist Saudi_Arabia exist Tuesday exist two exist three_weeks exist Abdulaziz_bin_Salman exist kingdom exist attack exist barrel exist development exist end exist facilities exist inventories exist month exist output exist output exist source exist supplies exist tap exist (also,said) and exist (attacks,facility) and exist (barrels,day) and exist (bpd,day) and exist (bpd,day) and exist (briefed,sources) and exist (briefed,developments) and exist (September,output) and exist (end,September) and exist (energy,Abdulaziz_bin_Salman) and exist (fully,restored) and exist (initially,expected) and exist (lost,output) and exist (minister,Abdulaziz_bin_Salman) and exist (months,expected) and exist (three_weeks,two) and exist (oil,output) and exist (oil,output) and exist (output,Saudi_Arabia) and exist (output,end) and exist (output,barrels) and exist (prince,Abdulaziz_bin_Salman) and exist (production,facility) and exist (recovered,tapping) and exist (recovered,kingdom) and exist (recovered,supplies) and exist (restored,thought) and exist (restored,Abdulaziz_bin_Salman) and exist (restored,output) and exist (restored,recovered) and exist (restored,said) and exist (saudi,Abdulaziz_bin_Salman) and exist (said,sources) and exist (said,Abdulaziz_bin_Salman) and exist (said,recovered) and exist (said,said) and exist (said,Tuesday) and exist (said,taking) and exist (taking,sources) and exist (taking,three_weeks) and exist (taking,months) and exist (tapping,inventories) and exist (thought,attacks) and exist (weekend,attacks) and exist (not,months) "}, {"_id": 1007, "cause": "1007 exist factor exist payment exist supply exist tax exist (bond,supply) and exist (factors,payments) and exist (huge,payments) and exist (payments,supply) and exist (payments,taxes) and exist (seasonal,factors) "}, {"_id": 1008, "cause": "1008 exist Germany exist day exist confidence exist reading exist survey exist (better-than-expected,readings) and exist (gain,day) and exist (investor,confidence) and exist (day,confidence) and exist (day,readings) and exist (previous,day) and exist (readings,survey) and exist (survey,zew) and exist (survey,Germany) "}, {"_id": 1009, "cause": "1009 exist bet exist brexit exist currency exist end exist fear exist investors exist month exist their exist (bets,their) and exist (bets,currency) and exist (end,month) and exist (fear,end) and exist (fear,brexit) and exist (next,month) and exist (no-deal,brexit) and exist (reversed,investors) and exist (reversed,bets) and exist (reversed,fear) "}, {"_id": 1010, "cause": "1010 exist announcement exist 6.05 exist India exist backdrop exist cent exist export exist (backdrop,exports) and exist (comes,announcement) and exist (comes,backdrop) and exist (declining,exports) and exist (declining,6.05) and exist (declining,cent) and exist (exports,India) and exist (merchandise,exports) "}, {"_id": 1011, "cause": "1011 exist exporter exist scheme exist scheme exist she exist (adequately,exporters) and exist (existing,schemes) and exist (existing,schemes) and exist (incentive,schemes) and exist (incentivise,exporters) and exist (put,schemes) and exist (put,rodtep) and exist (replace,rodtep) and exist (replace,schemes) and exist (said,she) and exist (said,put) and exist (said,replace) and exist (schemes,exporters) and exist (together,put) "}, {"_id": 1012, "cause": "1012 exist $_10.89 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,group) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_10.89) "}, {"_id": 1013, "cause": "1013 exist $_6.00 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,vehicles) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_6.00) "}, {"_id": 1014, "cause": "1014 exist sale exist (housing,sales) and exist (weaker,sales) "}, {"_id": 1015, "cause": "1015 QUESTION(where) exist 2019 exist owners exist rate exist residency exist speculation exist tax exist where exist (depending,speculation) and exist (depending,residency) and exist (income,tax) and exist (pay,where) and exist (pay,owners) and exist (pay,tax) and exist (tax,rate) and exist (vacancy,rate) and exist (vary,rate) and exist (vary,speculation) and exist (vary,2019) and exist (vary,depending) "}, {"_id": 1016, "cause": "1016 exist 0.5 exist British_Columbians exist two exist cent exist cent exist citizen exist families exist family exist member exist owner exist rate exist resident exist who exist (two,rates) and exist (canadian,citizens) and exist (cent,0.5) and exist (cent,family) and exist (cent,owners) and exist (foreign,owners) and exist (members,who) and exist (members,citizens) and exist (members,family) and exist (0.5,British_Columbians) and exist (0.5,citizens) and exist (0.5,residents) and exist (0.5,cent) and exist (two,cent) and exist (other,citizens) and exist (permanent,residents) and exist (satellite,family) and exist (satellite,family) and exist (not,members) "}, {"_id": 1017, "cause": "1017 exist Reserve_Bank_of_India exist he exist norm exist (added,he) and exist (added,reviewed) and exist (priority,norms) and exist (reviewed,norms) and exist (reviewed,Reserve_Bank_of_India) and exist (sector,norms) "}, {"_id": 1018, "cause": "1018 exist crisis exist (help,stop) and exist (stop,crisis) "}, {"_id": 1019, "cause": "1019 exist bureaucracy exist citizenship exist collector exist conflict exist everyone exist her exist interest exist property exist rate exist tax exist there exist this exist value exist website exist you exist your exist (address,website) and exist (address,conflict) and exist (annual,rate) and exist (appraise,collectors) and exist (appraise,value) and exist (audit,rate) and exist (bureaucracy,irs) and exist (citizenship,your) and exist (conflict,there) and exist (conflict,interest) and exist (dare,you) and exist (expanding,bureaucracy) and exist (having,this) and exist (having,rate) and exist (implemented,address) and exist (implemented,expanding) and exist (implemented,this) and exist (make,rate) and exist (make,pays) and exist (make,dare) and exist (mandatory,rate) and exist (pays,everyone) and exist (renounce,citizenship) and exist (tax,collectors) and exist (try,tax) and exist (try,renounce) and exist (value,property) and exist (website,her) and exist (not,address)"}, {"_id": 1020, "cause": "1020 exist economist exist household exist plan exist tax exist who exist (estimate,plan) and exist (estimate,pay) and exist (pay,households) and exist (pay,tax) and exist (wrote,who) and exist (wrote,economists) and exist (wrote,estimate) "}, {"_id": 1021, "cause": "1021 exist arbitrage exist 10_% exist entity exist investment exist reason exist there exist (about,10_%) and exist (arbitrage,investing) and exist (arbitrage,there) and exist (arbitrage,10_%) and exist (being,reason) and exist (being,arbitrage) and exist (directly,investing) and exist (formed,entity) and exist (formed,investment) and exist (investing,formed) and exist (same,investment) and exist (separate,entity) and exist (tax,arbitrage) "}, {"_id": 1022, "cause": "1022 exist company exist company exist customer exist entity exist entity exist expenditure exist money exist restructuring exist they exist this exist (borrowed,company) and exist (borrowed,money) and exist (borrowed,entity) and exist (capital,expenditure) and exist (even,company) and exist (even,customers) and exist (existing,entity) and exist (have,making) and exist (have,they) and exist (have,mindful) and exist (legal,entity) and exist (making,expenditure) and exist (making,entity) and exist (mindful,they) and exist (mindful,restructuring) and exist (moved,customers) and exist (moved,company) and exist (new,company) and exist (new,company) and exist (new,entity) and exist (restructuring,this) and exist (not,restructuring) and exist (not,move) "}, {"_id": 1023, "cause": "1023 exist future exist multi-nationals exist steer exist (low-carbon,future) and exist (steer,multi-nationals) and exist (steer,future) "}, {"_id": 1024, "cause": "1024 exist business exist companies exist we exist (involved,company) and exist (mean,business) and exist (now,involved) and exist (said,we) and exist (said,business) and exist (said,involved) "}, {"_id": 1025, "cause": "1025 exist Knight exist $_63.09 exist exist (black,Knight) and exist (consensus,) and exist (has,Knight) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_63.09) "}, {"_id": 1026, "cause": "1026 exist Wednesday exist $_35_million exist 2020 exist St._Paul_City_Council exist limit exist task exist tax exist (add,limit) and exist (add,$_35_million) and exist (add,2020) and exist (add,taxes) and exist (approving,task) and exist (approving,limit) and exist (have,St._Paul_City_Council) and exist (have,task) and exist (levy,limit) and exist (maximum,limit) and exist (nearly,$_35_million) and exist (property,taxes) and exist (task,Wednesday) and exist (tax,limit) and exist (unenviable,task) "}, {"_id": 1027, "cause": "1027 exist Paul exist ballot exist it exist residents exist system exist year exist (5,ballot) and exist (collection,system) and exist (determine,residents) and exist (determine,ballot) and exist (determine,support) and exist (do,ballot) and exist (has,do) and exist (much,it) and exist (new,system) and exist (rolled,system) and exist (rolled,Paul) and exist (rolled,year) and exist (st.,Paul) and exist (support,system) and exist (trash,system) and exist (when,determine) "}, {"_id": 1028, "cause": "1028 exist St._Paul exist district exist levies exist top exist (combining,authority) and exist (combining,county) and exist (combining,levy) and exist (combining,St._Paul) and exist (levy,district) and exist (other,districts) and exist (proposed,St._Paul) and exist (special,districts) and exist (top,combining) and exist (top,districts) "}, {"_id": 1029, "cause": "1029 exist $_58.08 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,destinations) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_58.08) "}, {"_id": 1030, "cause": "1030 exist Jeff_Bezos exist 2040 exist change exist company exist inaction exist plan exist their exist (ceo,Jeff_Bezos) and exist (climate,change) and exist (company,their) and exist (inaction,company) and exist (inaction,plan) and exist (inaction,change) and exist (make,plan) and exist (make,2040) and exist (make,neutral) and exist (neutral,amazon) and exist (new,plan) and exist (plan,Jeff_Bezos) "}, {"_id": 1031, "cause": "1031 exist (climate,change) and exist (combat,change) "}, {"_id": 1032, "cause": "1032 exist companies exist economy exist its exist taxes exist (economy,its) and exist (rescue,economy) and exist (slashing,try) and exist (slashing,rescue) and exist (slashing,india) and exist (slashing,taxes) and exist (slashing,company) and exist (struggling,economy) and exist (try,economy) "}, {"_id": 1033, "cause": "1033 exist announcement exist (government,announcement) "}, {"_id": 1034, "cause": "1034 exist arrears exist it exist (paid,it) and exist (paid,arrears) "}, {"_id": 1035, "cause": "1035 QUESTION(which) exist allowance exist amount exist money exist payment exist which exist work exist you exist you exist you exist your exist (affected,payment) and exist (amount,which) and exist (amount,money) and exist (benefit,payment) and exist (earn,affected) and exist (earn,you) and exist (earn,money) and exist (entitled,work) and exist (entitled,you) and exist (entitled,allowance) and exist (payment,your) and exist (work,you) and exist (work,amount) "}, {"_id": 1036, "cause": "1036 exist $_0.20 exist MSCI_USA_Equal_Weighted_ETF exist dividend exist nysearca exist plan exist (MSCI_USA_Equal_Weighted_ETF,ishares) and exist ($_0.20,dividend) and exist (nysearca,eusa) and exist (plans,MSCI_USA_Equal_Weighted_ETF) and exist (plans,$_0.20) and exist (plans,nysearca) "}, {"_id": 1037, "cause": "1037 exist $_0.20 exist MSCI_USA_Equal_Weighted_ETF exist dividend exist nysearca exist plan exist (MSCI_USA_Equal_Weighted_ETF,ishares) and exist ($_0.20,dividend) and exist (nysearca,eusa) and exist (plans,MSCI_USA_Equal_Weighted_ETF) and exist (plans,$_0.20) and exist (plans,nysearca) "}, {"_id": 1038, "cause": "1038 exist nysearca exist Tuesday exist hour exist (traded,eusa) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Tuesday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 1039, "cause": "1039 exist end exist income exist spectrum exist your exist (end,spectrum) and exist (falls,income) and exist (falls,end) and exist (income,your) and exist (lower,end) "}, {"_id": 1040, "cause": "1040 exist age exist 401 exist IRA exist cash exist it exist you exist you exist you exist (cash,help) and exist (help,withdraw) and exist (help,you) and exist (help,it) and exist (hit,you) and exist (hit,age) and exist (k,401) and exist (IRA,401) and exist (withdraw,hit) and exist (withdraw,you) and exist (withdraw,IRA) and exist (no,cash_out)"}, {"_id": 1041, "cause": "1041 exist company exist decade exist profitability exist (also,improved) and exist (efficient,company) and exist (got,company) and exist (got,efficient) and exist (improved,got) and exist (improved,profitability) and exist (improved,decade) and exist (past,decade) "}, {"_id": 1042, "cause": "1042 exist disposal "}, {"_id": 1043, "cause": "1043 exist asset exist business exist its exist need exist (business,its) and exist (business,need) and exist (fixed,assets) and exist (low,need) and exist (need,assets) and exist (tech-oriented,business) "}, {"_id": 1044, "cause": "1044 exist the_first_quarter_of_2019 exist decline exist its exist profitability exist unit exist (decline,unit) and exist (decline,the_first_quarter_of_2019) and exist (decline,profitability) and exist (payments,unit) and exist (unit,its) "}, {"_id": 1045, "cause": "1045 exist Fiserv exist $_22_billion exist January exist transaction exist (about,$_22_billion) and exist (agreed,Fiserv) and exist (agreed,January) and exist (agreed,buy) and exist (all-stock,transaction) and exist (back,agreed) and exist (buy,Fiserv) and exist (buy,data) and exist (buy,$_22_billion) and exist (electronic,data) and exist ($_22_billion,transaction) and exist (payments,data) and exist (processor,data) and exist (processor,data) "}, {"_id": 1046, "cause": "1046 exist risk exist this exist (high,risk) and exist (integration,risk) and exist (means,this) and exist (means,high) "}, {"_id": 1047, "cause": "1047 exist asset exist combination exist companies exist sense exist (assets,company) and exist (believes,fiserv) and exist (believes,makes) and exist (business,combination) and exist (complementary,assets) and exist (makes,combination) and exist (makes,sense) and exist (sense,assets) "}, {"_id": 1048, "cause": "1048 exist business exist data exist merger exist merit exist (business,merger) and exist (financial,merits) and exist (first,data) and exist (fully,integrated) and exist (integrated,data) and exist (integrated,showing) and exist (merits,merger) and exist (showing,merits) and exist (showing,business) and exist (strong,business) "}, {"_id": 1049, "cause": "1049 exist nysearca exist vym exist Planning_Solutions_Group_LLC exist 1.4_% exist second_quarter exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist Planning_Solutions_Group_LLC_Boosts_Stake_in_Vanguard exist filing exist its exist its exist position exist share exist (Planning_Solutions_Group_LLC,vym) and exist (dividend,vanguard) and exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (filing,its) and exist (filing,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (high,vanguard) and exist (high,etf) and exist (increased,Planning_Solutions_Group_LLC) and exist (increased,position) and exist (increased,1.4_%) and exist (increased,second_quarter) and exist (most,filing) and exist (Planning_Solutions_Group_LLC_Boosts_Stake_in_Vanguard,etf) and exist (nysearca,filing) and exist (nysearca,vanguard) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (recent,filing) and exist (shares,vanguard) and exist (yield,etf) and exist (yield,vanguard) and exist (yield,nysearca) and exist (yield,vym) "}, {"_id": 1050, "cause": "1050 exist company exist firm exist period exist share exist share exist stock exist (acquiring,shares) and exist (acquiring,period) and exist (additional,shares) and exist (owned,acquiring) and exist (owned,firm) and exist (owned,shares) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 1051, "cause": "1051 exist 0.7_% exist 2nd_quarter exist etf exist its exist stake exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (grew,de) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,0.7_%) and exist (high,etf) and exist (0.7_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,etf) "}, {"_id": 1052, "cause": "1052 exist 4.2_% exist 2nd_quarter exist etf exist its exist stake exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,4.2_%) and exist (high,etf) and exist (4.2_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,etf) "}, {"_id": 1053, "cause": "1053 exist 9.7_% exist 2nd_quarter exist etf exist its exist stake exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,9.7_%) and exist (high,etf) and exist (9.7_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,etf) "}, {"_id": 1054, "cause": "1054 exist 12.4_% exist 2nd_quarter exist etf exist its exist stake exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (grew,inc.) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,12.4_%) and exist (high,etf) and exist (12.4_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,etf) "}, {"_id": 1055, "cause": "1055 exist 0.9_% exist 2nd_quarter exist etf exist its exist stake exist (dividend,etf) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (finally,grew) and exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,0.9_%) and exist (grew,2nd_quarter) and exist (high,etf) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,etf) "}, {"_id": 1056, "cause": "1056 exist Friday exist stock exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (stock,vym) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 1057, "cause": "1057 QUESTION(who) exist anonymity exist two exist condition exist its exist operation exist source exist who exist (condition,anonymity) and exist (mobile,operations) and exist (two,sources) and exist (operations,its) and exist (selling,operations) and exist (selling,two) and exist (spoke,who) and exist (spoke,condition) "}, {"_id": 1058, "cause": "1058 exist administration exist Carige exist million_euro exist $ exist million exist December exist European_Central_Bank exist bank exist call exist effort exist investor exist it exist power exist stake exist (%,stake) and exist (400,million_euro) and exist (442,million) and exist (again,derail) and exist (family,malacalza) and exist (billionaire,malacalza) and exist (blocking,call) and exist (blocking,December) and exist (call,million_euro) and exist (cash,call) and exist (million_euro,$) and exist (derail,power) and exist (derail,efforts) and exist (family,malacalza) and exist (has,investor) and exist (has,blocking) and exist (has,prompting) and exist (has,malacalza) and exist (has,power) and exist (has,Carige) and exist (investor,it) and exist (largest,investor) and exist (makes,stake) and exist (makes,investor) and exist (makes,investor) and exist ($,million) and exist (place,European_Central_Bank) and exist (place,bank) and exist (place,administration) and exist (prompting,European_Central_Bank) and exist (prompting,place) and exist (rescue,efforts) and exist (single,investor) and exist (special,administration) "}, {"_id": 1059, "cause": "1059 exist loan exist (bad,loans) "}, {"_id": 1060, "cause": "1060 exist department exist discussion exist he exist officer exist oil exist price exist rate exist they exist this exist this.in exist (added,he) and exist (added,fallen) and exist (crude,oil) and exist (discussion,officers) and exist (fallen,rate) and exist (fallen,this.in) and exist (fallen,pointed) and exist (growth,rate) and exist (ongc,officers) and exist (pointed,they) and exist (pointed,price) and exist (price,this) and exist (price,oil) and exist (rate,department) and exist (this.in,discussion) "}, {"_id": 1061, "cause": "1061 exist his exist (anonymous,fluffaypenguin) and exist (blueprint,his) and exist (illustrate,fluffaypenguin) and exist (name,fluffaypenguin) and exist (thirtysomething,fluffaypenguin) and exist (thirtysomething,fluffaypenguin) and exist (using,fluffaypenguin) "}, {"_id": 1062, "cause": "1062 exist choice exist cost exist half exist he exist millennial exist starter exist time exist (half,time) and exist (home,half) and exist (housing,costs) and exist (lived,he) and exist (lived,choice) and exist (lived,half) and exist (lived,starters) and exist (making,skyrocket) and exist (making,millennials) and exist (making,choice) and exist (many,millennials) and exist (skyrocket,costs) "}, {"_id": 1063, "cause": "1063 exist he exist price exist (drop,prices) and exist (housing,prices) and exist (wrote,he) and exist (wrote,drop) "}, {"_id": 1064, "cause": "1064 exist home exist live exist stigma exist there exist (is,stigma) and exist (is,there) and exist (huge,stigma) and exist (living,stigma) and exist (living,home) "}, {"_id": 1065, "cause": "1065 exist bite exist crunch exist (bites,crunch) and exist (casual,crunch) and exist (dining,crunch) "}, {"_id": 1066, "cause": "1066 exist administrator exist May exist business exist (called,business) and exist (called,administrators) and exist (called,May) "}, {"_id": 1067, "cause": "1067 exist Byron exist Jamie_Oliver exist back exist chain exist crunch exist customer exist empire exist their exist (backs,their) and exist (casual,crunch) and exist (chains,Byron) and exist (chains,strada) and exist (chains,kitchen) and exist (chains,empire) and exist (dining,crunch) and exist (empire,Jamie_Oliver) and exist (led,crunch) and exist (led,customers) and exist (restaurant,empire) and exist (so-called,crunch) and exist (turning,customers) and exist (turning,backs) and exist (turning,chains) "}, {"_id": 1068, "cause": "1068 exist crisis exist growth exist mid-market exist sector exist shakeout exist (causal-dining,sector) and exist (dramatic,shakeout) and exist (financial,crisis) and exist (going,mid-market) and exist (going,shakeout) and exist (growth,sector) and exist (oversaturated,mid-market) and exist (rapid,growth) and exist (resulted,crisis) and exist (resulted,growth) and exist (resulted,mid-market) and exist (said,growth) and exist (still,going) "}, {"_id": 1069, "cause": "1069 exist board exist company exist director exist dividend exist its exist plan exist (approved,board) and exist (approved,plan) and exist (billion,plan) and exist (board,company) and exist (board,directors) and exist (buyback,plan) and exist (dividend,its) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (raised,board) and exist (raised,dividend) and exist (stock,plan) and exist (technology,company) "}, {"_id": 1070, "cause": "1070 exist day exist United_Auto_Workers exist factories exist halt exist its exist strike exist (brought,strike) and exist (brought,factory) and exist (brought,halt) and exist (continued,halt) and exist (continued,day) and exist (day,its) and exist (strike,United_Auto_Workers) and exist (third,day) "}, {"_id": 1071, "cause": "1071 exist company exist investors exist its exist price exist (anticipated,prices) and exist (loss,quarter) and exist (loss,quarter) and exist (loss,its) and exist (lower,prices) and exist (steel,company) and exist (told,company) and exist (told,wider) and exist (told,investors) and exist (wider,anticipated) and exist (wider,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1072, "cause": "1072 exist forecast exist maker exist profit exist revenue exist (beat,profit) and exist (beat,revenue) and exist (beat,forecasts) and exist (first,profit) and exist (fiscal,profit) and exist (furniture,maker) and exist (profit,maker) and exist (quarter,profit) and exist (street,forecasts) and exist (wall,forecasts) "}, {"_id": 1073, "cause": "1073 exist Olive_Garden exist chain exist owner exist (other,chains) and exist (owner,Olive_Garden) and exist (owner,chains) and exist (reported,owner) and exist (reported,quarter) and exist (restaurant,chains) and exist (sales,quarter) and exist (sales,quarter) and exist (weak,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1074, "cause": "1074 exist buyer exist company exist group exist it exist offer exist (biotechnology,company) and exist (group,buyers) and exist (looking,buyers) and exist (looking,take) and exist (offer,group) and exist (potential,buyers) and exist (private,it) and exist (received,company) and exist (received,offer) and exist (take,private) "}, {"_id": 1075, "cause": "1075 exist August exist National_Association_of_Realtors exist rise exist sale exist (home,sales) and exist (reported,National_Association_of_Realtors) and exist (reported,rose) and exist (rose,sales) and exist (rose,August) and exist (sales,u.s.) "}, {"_id": 1076, "cause": "1076 exist CEO exist company exist company exist founder exist his exist holding exist (byrne,founder) and exist (byrne,CEO) and exist (former,CEO) and exist (founder,company) and exist (holdings,his) and exist (CEO,company) and exist (sold,founder) and exist (sold,CEO) and exist (sold,holdings) and exist (sold,company) "}, {"_id": 1077, "cause": "1077 exist sale exist (aborted,sale) "}, {"_id": 1078, "cause": "1078 exist stake exist (however,selling) and exist (selling,stake) "}, {"_id": 1079, "cause": "1079 exist deal exist its exist response exist rival exist series exist that exist (hobbled,series) and exist (hobbled,that) and exist (hobbled,response) and exist (ill-fated,deals) and exist (nimble,rivals) and exist (online,rivals) and exist (response,its) and exist (response,rivals) and exist (series,deals) "}, {"_id": 1080, "cause": "1080 exist cut exist point exist she exist (basis,point) and exist (cut,point) and exist (expects,she) and exist (expects,cut) "}, {"_id": 1081, "cause": "1081 exist illiquidity exist market exist period exist storm exist (created,storm) and exist (created,period) and exist (perfect,storm) and exist (period,markets) and exist (period,illiquidity) "}, {"_id": 1082, "cause": "1082 exist Monday exist cash exist corporation exist issuance exist liquidity exist payment exist strategists exist there exist (was,issuance) and exist (was,there) and exist (cash,payments) and exist (drains,issuance) and exist (drains,liquidity) and exist (heavy,issuance) and exist (payments,Monday) and exist (same,corporations) and exist (said,strategists) and exist (said,was) and exist (seeking,cash) and exist (seeking,corporations) and exist (tax,payments) and exist (time,corporations) and exist (treasury,issuance) "}, {"_id": 1083, "cause": "1083 exist Monday exist cash exist corporation exist issuance exist liquidity exist payment exist strategists exist there exist (was,issuance) and exist (was,there) and exist (cash,payments) and exist (drains,issuance) and exist (drains,liquidity) and exist (heavy,issuance) and exist (payments,Monday) and exist (same,corporations) and exist (said,strategists) and exist (said,was) and exist (seeking,cash) and exist (seeking,corporations) and exist (tax,payments) and exist (time,corporations) and exist (treasury,issuance) "}, {"_id": 1084, "cause": "1084 exist $_19.55 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,bilibili) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_19.55) "}, {"_id": 1085, "cause": "1085 exist $_100.12 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,autohome) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_100.12) "}, {"_id": 1086, "cause": "1086 "}, {"_id": 1087, "cause": "1087 exist Nike exist campaign exist day exist stock exist (stock,Nike) and exist (surged,stock) and exist (surged,campaign) and exist (surged,days) "}, {"_id": 1088, "cause": "1088 exist ad exist two_years exist one exist 5.5_percent exist company exist company exist frame exist television exist tv exist (one,ad) and exist (best-performing,company) and exist (best-performing,frame) and exist (crazy,television) and exist (5.5_percent,tv) and exist (past,two_years) and exist (representing,5.5_percent) and exist (representing,one) and exist (representing,spend) and exist (spend,5.5_percent) and exist (spend,two_years) and exist (time,frame) and exist (tv,company) "}, {"_id": 1089, "cause": "1089 exist Kaepernick "}, {"_id": 1090, "cause": "1090 exist companies exist issue exist limit exist mandate exist overhead exist profit exist provision exist refunds exist (comes,mandate) and exist (comes,provision) and exist (how,company) and exist (issue,mandate) and exist (issue,refunds) and exist (keep,company) and exist (keep,overhead) and exist (keep,profit) and exist (limits,provision) and exist (limits,keep) and exist (much,company) "}, {"_id": 1091, "cause": "1091 exist companies exist issue exist limit exist mandate exist overhead exist profit exist provision exist refunds exist (comes,mandate) and exist (comes,provision) and exist (how,company) and exist (issue,mandate) and exist (issue,refunds) and exist (keep,company) and exist (keep,overhead) and exist (keep,profit) and exist (limits,provision) and exist (limits,keep) and exist (much,company) "}, {"_id": 1092, "cause": "1092 exist number exist people exist (affected,number) and exist (number,people) "}, {"_id": 1093, "cause": "1093 exist 20-20-hindsight exist Kaiser_Family_Foundation exist benefit exist premium exist year exist (benefit,20-20-hindsight) and exist (indeed,overpriced) and exist (last,year) and exist (overpriced,premiums) and exist (overpriced,benefit) and exist (premiums,year) and exist (president,cox) and exist (president,cox) and exist (president,Kaiser_Family_Foundation) and exist (said,cox) and exist (said,overpriced) and exist (vice,cox) "}, {"_id": 1094, "cause": "1094 exist General_Motors_Co. exist base exist impact exist ripple exist strike exist (strike,uaw) and exist (economic,impact) and exist (expected,impact) and exist (expected,rise) and exist (five-day,uaw) and exist (impact,uaw) and exist (long,uaw) and exist (mounting,impact) and exist (strike,General_Motors_Co.) and exist (now,strike) and exist (ripples,strike) and exist (ripples,base) and exist (rise,ripples) and exist (strike,uaw) and exist (supply,base) "}, {"_id": 1095, "cause": "1095 exist wages exist (forgone,wages) "}, {"_id": 1096, "cause": "1096 exist midnight exist Monday exist strike exist (began,strike) and exist (began,midnight) and exist (began,Monday) "}, {"_id": 1097, "cause": "1097 exist $_13_million exist day exist earnings exist estimate exist strike exist supplier exist week exist worker exist (climb,lay) and exist (climb,earnings) and exist (climb,$_13_million) and exist (climb,week) and exist (estimates,group) and exist (estimates,earnings) and exist (lay,suppliers) and exist (lay,workers) and exist (lost,earnings) and exist (more,suppliers) and exist (next,week) and exist ($_13_million,day) and exist (workers,strike) "}, {"_id": 1098, "cause": "1098 exist blowup exist crash exist freezing exist fund exist market exist (crash,funds) and exist (crash,markets) and exist (followed,blowup) and exist (followed,crash) and exist (followed,freezing) and exist (freezing,markets) and exist (hedge,funds) and exist (money,markets) and exist (quantitative,funds) and exist (subprime,blowup) "}, {"_id": 1099, "cause": "1099 exist attack exist (attack,arabian) and exist (installation,arabian) and exist (installation,arabian) and exist (prepared,attack) and exist (single,attack) "}, {"_id": 1100, "cause": "1100 exist 2017 exist (failed,airlines) and exist (failed,2017) "}, {"_id": 1101, "cause": "1101 exist collapse exist news exist (c,news) and exist (news,collapse) and exist (sky,news) "}, {"_id": 1102, "cause": "1102 exist you exist (affected,you) "}, {"_id": 1103, "cause": "1103 exist you exist (affected,you) "}, {"_id": 1104, "cause": "1104 exist UK exist customer exist home exist (bring,customers) and exist (bring,home) and exist (bring,home) and exist (home,customers) and exist (home,UK) "}, {"_id": 1105, "cause": "1105 exist its exist news exist share exist surge exist (firm,tui) and exist (holiday,tui) and exist (rival,tui) and exist (saw,tui) and exist (saw,surge) and exist (shares,its) and exist (surge,shares) and exist (surge,news) "}, {"_id": 1106, "cause": "1106 exist business exist (save,business) "}, {"_id": 1107, "cause": "1107 exist $_89.6_million exist second_quarter_2019 exist discount exist issue exist loss exist period exist promotional exist reason exist retailer exist (%,2019) and exist (became,issues) and exist (became,2019) and exist (became,citing) and exist (became,evident) and exist (citing,issues) and exist (citing,promotional) and exist (compete,discounts) and exist (discounting,compete) and exist (evident,issues) and exist (heavy,discounts) and exist (increase,2019) and exist (increase,2019) and exist (increase,period) and exist (large,retailers) and exist (larger-than-expected,loss) and exist (loss,second_quarter_2019) and exist (loss,$_89.6_million) and exist (offered,discounts) and exist (offered,reason) and exist (offered,retailers) and exist (online,retailers) and exist (prior,period) and exist (reported,2019) and exist (reported,farfetch) and exist (reported,loss) and exist (when,reported) "}, {"_id": 1108, "cause": "1108 exist shares exist year exist (past,year) and exist (risen,shares) and exist (risen,percent) and exist (risen,year) "}, {"_id": 1109, "cause": "1109 exist 51_percent exist dividend exist return exist (51_percent,returns) and exist (51_percent,dividends) "}, {"_id": 1110, "cause": "1110 exist it exist time exist (covered,it) and exist (covered,times) "}, {"_id": 1111, "cause": "1111 exist law exist storage exist (local,storage) and exist (make,law) and exist (make,storage) and exist (make,mandatory) and exist (mandatory,storage) and exist (weighing,delhi) and exist (weighing,law) "}, {"_id": 1112, "cause": "1112 exist $_0.12 exist (%,$_0.12) and exist (down,$_0.12) "}, {"_id": 1113, "cause": "1113 exist $_0.05 exist bbgi exist dividend exist (announced,$_0.05) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,22nd) and exist (declares,inc) and exist (declares,announced) and exist ($_0.05,inc) and exist (dividend,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,bbgi) and exist (nasdaq,bbgi) and exist (quarterly,inc) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,22nd) and exist (reports,22nd) and exist (zacks,22nd) "}, {"_id": 1114, "cause": "1114 exist $_0.05 exist bbgi exist dividend exist (announced,$_0.05) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,22nd) and exist (declares,inc) and exist (declares,announced) and exist ($_0.05,inc) and exist (dividend,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,inc) and exist (nasdaq,bbgi) and exist (nasdaq,bbgi) and exist (quarterly,inc) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,22nd) and exist (reports,22nd) and exist (zacks,22nd) "}, {"_id": 1115, "cause": "1115 exist Wednesday exist share exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,bbgi) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 1116, "cause": "1116 exist $_0.15 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist share exist ($_0.15,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.15) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1117, "cause": "1117 exist Wednesday_,_August_7th exist Mark_S._Fowler exist firm exist news exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (acquired,Mark_S._Fowler) and exist (acquired,shares) and exist (acquired,transaction) and exist (acquired,news) and exist (director,Mark_S._Fowler) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Wednesday_,_August_7th) and exist (related,news) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,firm) "}, {"_id": 1118, "cause": "1118 exist Diamond_Bank exist its exist merger exist (merger,its) and exist (merger,Diamond_Bank) "}, {"_id": 1119, "cause": "1119 exist n1 exist customer exist deposit exist n3 exist (n1,n3) and exist (deposits,customers) and exist (n1,deposits) "}, {"_id": 1120, "cause": "1120 exist n3 exist customer exist it exist period exist (able,it) and exist (able,garner) and exist (garner,it) and exist (garner,n3) and exist (garner,period) and exist (n3,customers) and exist (review,period) "}, {"_id": 1121, "cause": "1121 exist n5 exist base exist regard exist (assets,base) and exist (base,n5) and exist (regards,base) and exist (total,base) "}, {"_id": 1122, "cause": "1122 exist asset exist (assets,n5) and exist (recorded,bank) and exist (recorded,assets) and exist (total,assets) "}, {"_id": 1123, "cause": "1123 exist June_30_,_2019 exist n1 exist (as,n3) and exist (as,n1) and exist (as,June_30_,_2019) and exist (respectively,as) "}, {"_id": 1124, "cause": "1124 exist n1 exist asset exist deposit exist n1 exist (assets,n1) and exist (rising,deposits) and exist (rising,n1) and exist (rising,assets) and exist (total,assets) "}, {"_id": 1125, "cause": "1125 exist n563billion exist loan exist (loans,n563billion) and exist (standing,portfolio) "}, {"_id": 1126, "cause": "1126 exist n1 exist asset exist (clinched,assets) and exist (clinched,n1) and exist (total,assets) "}, {"_id": 1127, "cause": "1127 exist asset exist deposit exist n1 exist n823billion exist (deposits,hit) and exist (deposits,n823billion) and exist (hit,assets) and exist (hit,n1) and exist (total,assets) "}, {"_id": 1128, "cause": "1128 exist Friday_,_September_20th exist cag exist dividend exist report exist (announced,inc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (announced,Friday_,_September_20th) and exist (news,reports) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,cag) and exist (quarterly,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1129, "cause": "1129 exist Friday_,_September_20th exist cag exist dividend exist report exist (announced,inc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (announced,Friday_,_September_20th) and exist (news,reports) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,inc) and exist (nyse,cag) and exist (quarterly,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1130, "cause": "1130 exist analyst exist $_2.34 exist share exist year exist (earn,$_2.34) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_2.34,share) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 1131, "cause": "1131 exist Friday exist hour exist share exist stock exist (cag,stock) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Friday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 1132, "cause": "1132 exist $_0.36 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist ($_0.36,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.36) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1133, "cause": "1133 exist Monday_,_July_8th exist price exist rating exist rating exist report exist stock exist (29.00,price) and exist (finally,raised) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (raised,research) and exist (raised,brands) and exist (raised,rating) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (report,Monday_,_July_8th) and exist (set,research) and exist (set,price) and exist (set,report) and exist (set,stock) "}, {"_id": 1134, "cause": "1134 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (given,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (investment,analysts) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 1135, "cause": "1135 exist Friday_,_July_26th exist Ruth_Ann_Marshall exist business exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (also,sold) and exist (director,Ruth_Ann_Marshall) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Friday_,_July_26th) and exist (sold,Ruth_Ann_Marshall) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (stock,business) "}, {"_id": 1136, "cause": "1136 exist $_1,693,074 exist three_months exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (last,three_months) and exist ($_1,693,074,three_months) and exist (sold,insiders) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (shares,$_1,693,074) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (worth,shares) "}, {"_id": 1137, "cause": "1137 exist action exist alliance exist Canberra exist day exist Consumer_Action_Law_Centre exist law exist lender exist lessor exist parliament exist practice exist (business,practices) and exist (calling,parliament) and exist (calling,enact) and exist (combat,laws) and exist (combat,practices) and exist (consumer,lessors) and exist (descended,calling) and exist (descended,alliance) and exist (descended,day) and exist (descended,Canberra) and exist (enact,laws) and exist (federal,parliament) and exist (led,alliance) and exist (led,Consumer_Action_Law_Centre) and exist (national,day) and exist (day,action) and exist (payday,lenders) and exist (practices,lenders) and exist (practices,lessors) and exist (recently,descended) "}, {"_id": 1138, "cause": "1138 exist 3.4_% exist China exist assets exist development exist role exist this exist (development,China) and exist (fell,assets) and exist (fell,China) and exist (fell,3.4_%) and exist (key,role) and exist (played,development) and exist (played,role) and exist (played,this) and exist (weak,development) and exist (where,fell) "}, {"_id": 1139, "cause": "1139 exist 22_% exist they exist (increased,they) and exist (increased,22_%) "}, {"_id": 1140, "cause": "1140 exist growth exist (economic,growth) and exist (robust,growth) and exist (still,growth) "}, {"_id": 1141, "cause": "1141 exist (percentage,china) and exist (points,china) and exist (points,china) "}, {"_id": 1142, "cause": "1142 exist 1.9_% exist 2018 exist asset exist asset exist close exist debt exist difference exist growth exist liabilities exist (assets,difference) and exist (close,2018) and exist (difference,assets) and exist (difference,debt) and exist (fell,assets) and exist (fell,close) and exist (fell,growth) and exist (fell,1.9_%) and exist (financial,assets) and exist (financial,assets) and exist (gross,assets) and exist (growth,liability) and exist (net,assets) and exist (strong,growth) "}, {"_id": 1143, "cause": "1143 exist June_2019 exist 11.5 exist fund exist fund exist performance exist return exist year exist (cent,return) and exist (delivered,eclipsing) and exist (delivered,fund) and exist (delivered,11.5) and exist (eclipsing,performance) and exist (future,fund) and exist (most,funds) and exist (11.5,return) and exist (performance,funds) and exist (return,year) and exist (return,June_2019) and exist (stunning,11.5) and exist (super,funds) and exist (top,funds) "}, {"_id": 1144, "cause": "1144 QUESTION(when) exist bank exist $ exist when exist (bank,one) and exist (places,when) and exist (places,john) and exist (places,$) and exist (places,bank) "}, {"_id": 1145, "cause": "1145 QUESTION(when) exist Bank_One exist $ exist deposit exist he exist when exist (likewise,places) and exist ($,deposit) and exist (places,when) and exist (places,he) and exist (places,$) and exist (places,Bank_One) "}, {"_id": 1146, "cause": "1146 exist $_50 exist ($_50,mike) and exist (lending,$_50) "}, {"_id": 1147, "cause": "1147 exist 10_% exist bank exist deposit exist economy exist reserve exist their exist way exist (deposits,their) and exist (have,banks) and exist (have,hold) and exist (hold,banks) and exist (hold,10_%) and exist (hold,reserves) and exist (injects,economy) and exist (only,10_%) and exist (popular,way) and exist (reserves,deposits) "}, {"_id": 1148, "cause": "1148 exist 90_% exist $ exist $ exist million exist million exist bank exist turn exist (810,million) and exist (810,million) and exist (end,$) and exist (end,bank) and exist (lend,bank) and exist (lend,90_%) and exist (lend,turn) and exist (90_%,$) and exist ($,million) and exist ($,million) and exist (third,bank) "}, {"_id": 1149, "cause": "1149 QUESTION(which) exist $_1_billion exist 10_% exist banks exist injection exist requirement exist which exist (coupled,which) and exist (coupled,requirements) and exist (fed,which) and exist (initial,injection) and exist (injection,which) and exist (injection,$_1_billion) and exist (legal,requirements) and exist (observe,respond) and exist (requirements,10_%) and exist (reserve,requirements) and exist (respond,banks) and exist (respond,injection) "}, {"_id": 1150, "cause": "1150 QUESTION(when) exist Mike exist $_50 exist Bank_One exist his exist when exist (lends,when) and exist (lends,john) and exist (lends,$_50) and exist (lends,Mike) and exist (lends,Bank_One) and exist ($_50,his) "}, {"_id": 1151, "cause": "1151 exist air exist $_50 exist Mike exist banking exist practice exist (banking,practices) and exist (fractional-reserve,banking) and exist (however,banking) and exist (lends,$_50) and exist (lends,air) and exist (lends,Mike) and exist (one,practices) and exist (thin,air) "}, {"_id": 1152, "cause": "1152 exist CAA exist Wednesday exist flight exist (operated,flights) and exist (operated,Wednesday) and exist (said,CAA) and exist (said,operated) "}, {"_id": 1153, "cause": "1153 "}, {"_id": 1154, "cause": "1154 exist it exist (keep,operating) and exist (operating,it) "}, {"_id": 1155, "cause": "1155 exist Monday exist deal exist hour exist trading exist (ceased,failing) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (early,hours) and exist (failing,secure) and exist (hours,Monday) and exist (last-ditch,deal) and exist (rescue,deal) and exist (secure,deal) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 1156, "cause": "1156 exist $_30.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,technologies) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_30.00) "}, {"_id": 1157, "cause": "1157 exist U.S._Federal_Reserve exist earnings exist expectation exist investors exist rate exist way exist (as,much) and exist (deliver,expecting) and exist (expecting,investors) and exist (fails,deliver) and exist (fall,earnings) and exist (fall,fails) and exist (interest,rates) and exist (lower,rates) and exist (much,way) and exist (short,expectations) and exist (short,U.S._Federal_Reserve) and exist (way,rates) "}, {"_id": 1158, "cause": "1158 exist 65_year exist (old,65_year) "}, {"_id": 1159, "cause": "1159 exist Congressional_Budget_Office exist legislation exist legislation exist piece exist (handing,piece) and exist (piece,Congressional_Budget_Office) and exist (piece,legislation) and exist (saying,legislation) "}, {"_id": 1160, "cause": "1160 exist architect exist Hubbard exist George_W._Bush exist cut exist danger exist debt exist who exist (also,architect) and exist (architect,Hubbard) and exist (architect,cuts) and exist (cuts,George_W._Bush) and exist (dangers,debt) and exist (tax,cuts) and exist (warned,who) and exist (warned,Hubbard) and exist (warned,dangers) "}, {"_id": 1161, "cause": "1161 exist classroom exist need exist students exist (needs,classroom) and exist (needs,students) and exist (support,classroom) "}, {"_id": 1162, "cause": "1162 exist divisor exist size exist teacher exist (class,size) and exist (correlated,size) and exist (directly,correlated) and exist (lower,divisors) and exist (lowers,teachers) and exist (mean,correlated) and exist (mean,divisors) and exist (mean,teachers) and exist (more,teachers) and exist (said,mackey) and exist (said,mean) and exist (ultimately,lowers) and exist (not,directly) "}, {"_id": 1163, "cause": "1163 exist amount exist classrooms exist increase exist material exist money exist student exist support exist teacher exist (amount,increase) and exist (amount,money) and exist (big,increase) and exist (called,support) and exist (given,support) and exist (given,teachers) and exist (instructional,support) and exist (materials,students) and exist (materials,classrooms) and exist (money,support) and exist (support,classroom) and exist (teachers,materials) and exist (wants,mackey) and exist (wants,increase) "}, {"_id": 1164, "cause": "1164 exist act exist (act,alabama) and exist (implement,act) and exist (literacy,act) and exist (said,mackey) and exist (said,implement) "}, {"_id": 1165, "cause": "1165 exist allocation exist $_6.5_million exist increase exist (increase,$_6.5_million) and exist (increase,allocation) "}, {"_id": 1166, "cause": "1166 exist Mackey exist funding exist half exist jobs exist program exist program exist proposal exist student exist (additional,funding) and exist (expand,programs) and exist (expand,jobs) and exist (funding,proposal) and exist (get,half) and exist (graduates,program) and exist (half,funding) and exist (jobs,program) and exist (proposal,Mackey) and exist (working,programs) and exist (working,students) "}, {"_id": 1167, "cause": "1167 exist child exist education exist (children,education) and exist (children,english) and exist (language,english) and exist (learners,english) and exist (learners,english) and exist (special,education) "}, {"_id": 1168, "cause": "1168 exist care exist challenge exist district exist school exist student exist those exist who exist (attending,school) and exist (districts,students) and exist (education,students) and exist (exceptional,challenges) and exist (have,those) and exist (have,who) and exist (have,challenges) and exist (high-need,students) and exist (medical,challenges) and exist (provide,those) and exist (provide,districts) and exist (require,attending) and exist (require,challenges) and exist (require,care) and exist (school,districts) and exist (special,care) and exist (special,students) "}, {"_id": 1169, "cause": "1169 exist child exist cost exist district exist education exist (board,districts) and exist (bulk,cost) and exist (local,districts) and exist (members,districts) and exist (preschool,children) and exist (preschool,education) and exist (school,districts) and exist (special,education) and exist (telling,districts) and exist (too,preschool) "}, {"_id": 1170, "cause": "1170 exist area exist school exist transportation exist (chronically,area) and exist (said,mackey) and exist (school,area) and exist (school,transportation) and exist (school,said) and exist (underfunded,area) "}, {"_id": 1171, "cause": "1171 exist NYSE exist dividend exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NYSE) and exist (dividend,8th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,8th) and exist (reports,8th) and exist (zacks,8th) "}, {"_id": 1172, "cause": "1172 exist NYSE exist dividend exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NYSE) and exist (dividend,8th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (reports,8th) and exist (reports,8th) and exist (zacks,8th) "}, {"_id": 1173, "cause": "1173 exist analyst exist Aaron exist $_4.48 exist share exist year exist (earn,Aaron) and exist (earn,$_4.48) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Aaron) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_4.48,share) "}, {"_id": 1174, "cause": "1174 exist $_0.93 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist share exist ($_0.93,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.93) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1175, "cause": "1175 exist Tuesday_,_July_30th exist John_W._Robinson exist news exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (ceo,John_W._Robinson) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Tuesday_,_July_30th) and exist (related,news) and exist (sold,John_W._Robinson) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,news) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 1176, "cause": "1176 exist last_90_days exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (sold,insiders) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,last_90_days) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (worth,shares) "}, {"_id": 1177, "cause": "1177 exist $_75.00 exist $_80.00 exist Friday_,_July_26th exist Aaron exist note exist price exist rating exist stock exist their exist (finally,increased) and exist (gave,Aaron) and exist (gave,rating) and exist (gave,stock) and exist (gave,Friday_,_July_26th) and exist (increased,gave) and exist (increased,keycorp) and exist (increased,price) and exist (Aaron,$_75.00) and exist ($_75.00,$_80.00) and exist (overweight,rating) and exist (price,their) and exist (rating,note) and exist (research,note) and exist (target,price) "}, {"_id": 1178, "cause": "1178 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 1179, "cause": "1179 exist break-out exist we exist (clean,break-out) and exist (have,we) and exist (have,break-out) "}, {"_id": 1180, "cause": "1180 exist 2014 exist HeartlandNews exist $_8.43 exist 0 exist he exist unit exist (2,0) and exist (HeartlandNews,digg) and exist (owned,he) and exist (owned,unit) and exist (owned,$_8.43) and exist (property,digg) and exist (rental,unit) and exist (resident,digg) and exist (taxes,digg) and exist (taxes,michigan) and exist (taxes,rafaeli) and exist (taxes,2014) and exist (taxes,unit) and exist (taxes,0) and exist (taxes,digg) and exist (underpaid,digg) "}, {"_id": 1181, "cause": "1181 exist debt exist (50-SPL-000,debt) and exist (tax,debt) "}, {"_id": 1182, "cause": "1182 QUESTION(when) QUESTION(steps) exist foreclosure exist he exist remedy exist step exist when exist (asked,when) and exist (asked,recommend) and exist (recommend,he) and exist (recommend,steps) and exist (recommend,remedy) and exist (recommend,remedy) and exist (remedy,steps) and exist (remedy,foreclosures) and exist (tax,foreclosures) and exist (what,steps) "}, {"_id": 1183, "cause": "1183 exist $_0.03 exist eps exist provider exist quarter exist (business,provider) and exist (eps,$_0.03) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,eps) and exist (services,provider) "}, {"_id": 1184, "cause": "1184 exist Tuesday_,_September_3rd exist company exist dividend exist (also,announced) and exist (announced,company) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Tuesday_,_September_3rd) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (recently,announced) "}, {"_id": 1185, "cause": "1185 exist Tuesday_,_September_3rd exist company exist dividend exist (also,announced) and exist (announced,company) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Tuesday_,_September_3rd) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (recently,announced) "}, {"_id": 1186, "cause": "1186 exist RR_Donnelley_&_Sons exist 18.4_% exist second_quarter exist its exist stake exist (increased,inc.) and exist (increased,stake) and exist (increased,18.4_%) and exist (increased,second_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,RR_Donnelley_&_Sons) "}, {"_id": 1187, "cause": "1187 exist 258.6_% exist second_quarter exist RR_Donnelley_&_Sons exist its exist stake exist (increased,inc.) and exist (increased,stake) and exist (increased,258.6_%) and exist (increased,second_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,RR_Donnelley_&_Sons) "}, {"_id": 1188, "cause": "1188 exist RR_Donnelley_&_Sons exist 242.3_% exist second_quarter exist its exist stake exist (finally,increased) and exist (increased,stake) and exist (increased,242.3_%) and exist (increased,second_quarter) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,RR_Donnelley_&_Sons) "}, {"_id": 1189, "cause": "1189 exist agreement exist Castle_Creek_Pharmaceuticals exist cell exist company exist disease exist skin exist treatment exist (acquire,agreement) and exist (acquire,cell) and exist (acquire,company) and exist (castle,2019) and exist (cell,company) and exist (cell,treatments) and exist (company,cell) and exist (company,treatments) and exist (connective,diseases) and exist (creek,2019) and exist (daily,2019) and exist (developing,treatments) and exist (gene,company) and exist (holdings,2019) and exist (parent,2019) and exist (parent,2019) and exist (parent,Castle_Creek_Pharmaceuticals) and exist (pharmaceutical,2019) and exist (rare,2019) and exist (reached,agreement) and exist (science,cell) and exist (science,company) and exist (share,2019) and exist (staff,2019) and exist (therapy,company) and exist (tissue,diseases) and exist (treatments,skin) and exist (treatments,diseases) "}, {"_id": 1190, "cause": "1190 exist $_81.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,heska) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_81.00) "}, {"_id": 1191, "cause": "1191 exist centre exist masterplan exist offer exist positioning exist (improve,masterplan) and exist (improve,offer) and exist (improve,positioning) and exist (offer,centre) and exist (overall,masterplan) "}, {"_id": 1192, "cause": "1192 exist Chloe exist fiance exist her exist relation exist (even,have) and exist (fiance,her) and exist (flying,relations) and exist (have,Chloe) and exist (have,fiance) and exist (have,flying) "}, {"_id": 1193, "cause": "1193 exist 12_months exist August exist Fosun exist deal exist difficulties exist its exist settlement exist (culminating,settlement) and exist (financial,difficulty) and exist (greatest,Fosun) and exist (led,deal) and exist (led,Fosun) and exist (mounted,culminating) and exist (mounted,difficulty) and exist (mounted,12_months) and exist (Fosun,its) and exist (August,deal) and exist (previous,12_months) and exist (rescue,deal) and exist (settlement,August) and exist (shareholder,Fosun) "}, {"_id": 1194, "cause": "1194 exist Twitter exist Civil_Aviation_Authority exist Britain exist booking exist company exist effect exist flight exist post exist trading exist vacations exist we exist (announce,we) and exist (announce,ceased) and exist (bookings,flights) and exist (bookings,vacations) and exist (canceled,bookings) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (immediate,effect) and exist (Civil_Aviation_Authority,Britain) and exist (post,Twitter) and exist (said,company) and exist (said,Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (said,sorry) and exist (said,canceled) and exist (said,post) and exist (sorry,we) and exist (sorry,announce) and exist (trading,effect) "}, {"_id": 1195, "cause": "1195 exist accommodation exist 60 exist company exist destination exist flight exist history exist liquidation exist motion exist repatriation exist vacation exist what exist world exist world exist (biggest,repatriation) and exist (british,history) and exist (company,world) and exist (described,what) and exist (described,repatriation) and exist (destinations,60) and exist (flights,world) and exist (flights,destinations) and exist (included,vacations) and exist (included,flights) and exist (included,accommodation) and exist (liquidation,company) and exist (low-cost,vacations) and exist (more,60) and exist (oldest,company) and exist (package,vacations) and exist (peacetime,repatriation) and exist (repatriation,history) and exist (set,company) and exist (set,described) and exist (set,motion) and exist (specialized,vacations) and exist (travel,company) "}, {"_id": 1196, "cause": "1196 exist debt exist (approaching,debts) and exist (struggling,debts) "}, {"_id": 1197, "cause": "1197 exist air exist collapse exist company exist government exist help exist it exist its exist plane exist subsidiary exist (airline,condor) and exist (airline,condor) and exist (collapse,company) and exist (financial,help) and exist (german,government) and exist (help,government) and exist (keep,help) and exist (keep,planes) and exist (keep,collapse) and exist (keep,air) and exist (planes,its) and exist (said,condor) and exist (said,seeking) and exist (seeking,it) and exist (seeking,help) and exist (subsidiary,condor) "}, {"_id": 1198, "cause": "1198 "}, {"_id": 1199, "cause": "1199 exist Crete exist Layton_Roche exist Manchester exist Heraklion_Airport exist chaos exist collapse exist counter exist flight exist island exist plan exist their exist their exist they exist they exist wedding exist year exist (booked,counters) and exist (booked,flights) and exist (booked,wedding) and exist (counters,Heraklion_Airport) and exist (counters,Layton_Roche) and exist (counters,wells) and exist (counters,island) and exist (flights,year) and exist (flights,Manchester) and exist (forced,they) and exist (forced,improvise) and exist (greek,kos) and exist (greek,island) and exist (image,counters) and exist (improvise,turned) and exist (island,kos) and exist (island,kos) and exist (island,Crete) and exist (monday.creditstefanos,Layton_Roche) and exist (more,year) and exist (Manchester,kos) and exist (plans,their) and exist (rapanis/reuters,Layton_Roche) and exist (said,counters) and exist (said,they) and exist (said,forced) and exist (turned,collapse) and exist (turned,plans) and exist (turned,chaos) and exist (wedding,friday) and exist (wedding,their) "}, {"_id": 1200, "cause": "1200 exist cost exist (extra,costs) "}, {"_id": 1201, "cause": "1201 exist years exist carrier exist operator exist (british,carrier) and exist (carrier,operator) and exist (collapsed,operator) and exist (collapsed,carrier) and exist (collapsed,years) and exist (monarch,operator) and exist (monarch,carrier) and exist (operator,carrier) and exist (tour,operator) "}, {"_id": 1202, "cause": "1202 exist $_13.58 exist networks exist price exist (cambium,networks) and exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,networks) and exist (has,price) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,$_13.58) "}, {"_id": 1203, "cause": "1203 exist $_15.36 exist price exist telocation exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,telocation) and exist (has,price) and exist (pointer,telocation) and exist (price,$_15.36) "}, {"_id": 1204, "cause": "1204 exist those exist (spreads,wrote) and exist (there,wrote) and exist (wrote,chappatta) "}, {"_id": 1205, "cause": "1205 exist Monday exist he exist spread exist (replied,he) and exist (replied,widened) and exist (widened,spreads) and exist (widened,Monday) "}, {"_id": 1206, "cause": "1206 exist late_March exist 10_% exist Friday exist cap exist close exist cost exist hedge exist mo exist share exist this exist upside exist you exist your exist (>,%) and exist (capped,cost) and exist (cap,you) and exist (cap,upside) and exist (cap,10_%) and exist (close,cost) and exist (close,Friday) and exist (collar,cost) and exist (cost,willing) and exist (decline,%) and exist (decline,%) and exist (decline,late_March) and exist (hedge,cost) and exist (hedge,shares) and exist (hedge,%) and exist (least,optimal) and exist (negative,cost) and exist (optimal,this) and exist (optimal,cost) and exist (possible,upside) and exist (shares,mo) and exist (upside,cost) and exist (upside,your) and exist (willing,you) and exist (willing,cap) and exist (willing,cap) "}, {"_id": 1207, "cause": "1207 exist Axel_Heinrich exist batteries exist drive exist generation exist key exist range exist safety exist time exist we exist (charging,range) and exist (charging,times) and exist (charging,safety) and exist (convinced,we) and exist (convinced,key) and exist (dr.,Axel_Heinrich) and exist (electric,drives) and exist (evident,safety) and exist (generation,drives) and exist (key,range) and exist (key,generation) and exist (key,says) and exist (longer,range) and exist (next,generation) and exist (safety,battery) and exist (says,Axel_Heinrich) and exist (shorter,range) and exist (solid-state,battery) and exist (times,battery) "}, {"_id": 1208, "cause": "1208 exist analyst exist $_0.17 exist Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc exist fd exist Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc exist Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc exist dividend exist dividend exist form exist headline exist newsletter exist nyse exist our exist psf exist psf exist recommendation exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,fd) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,fd) and exist (complete,form) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,inc) and exist (daily,newsletter) and exist (declared,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (declared,fd) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.17,inc) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,fd) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,psf) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,nyse) and exist (dividend,$_0.17) and exist (dividend,11th) and exist (email,newsletter) and exist (form,receive) and exist (form,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (form,fd) and exist (form,fd) and exist (form,dividend) and exist (free,newsletter) and exist (inc,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (inc,fd) and exist (latest,headlines) and exist (nasdaq,11th) and exist (newsletter,our) and exist (fd,newsletter) and exist (nyse,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (nyse,fd) and exist (nyse,psf) and exist (plans,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (plans,fd) and exist (receive,headlines) and exist (receive,recommendations) and exist (recommendations,analysts) and exist (recommendations,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (reports,11th) and exist (reports,11th) "}, {"_id": 1209, "cause": "1209 exist Friday exist Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc exist stock exist trading exist (stock,fd) and exist (traded,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 1210, "cause": "1210 exist skepticism exist (investor,skepticism) "}, {"_id": 1211, "cause": "1211 exist collateral exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (using,stock) and exist (using,collateral) "}, {"_id": 1212, "cause": "1212 exist bid exist market exist stability exist (ensure,bid) and exist (ensure,stability) and exist (exchange,market) and exist (foreign,market) and exist (stability,market) "}, {"_id": 1213, "cause": "1213 exist 0.7_per_cent exist $_283.2_m exist reserve exist (declined,reserves) and exist (declined,0.7_per_cent) and exist (0.7_per_cent,$_283.2_m) and exist (external,reserves) and exist (further,declined) and exist (however,declined) "}, {"_id": 1214, "cause": "1214 exist I&E_Window exist 1.8 exist cent exist level exist (activity,level) and exist (fell,level) and exist (fell,1.8) and exist (level,I&E_Window) and exist (1.8,cent) "}, {"_id": 1215, "cause": "1215 exist $_70.0_million exist n365 exist instrument exist interest exist subscription exist week exist (additional,subscription) and exist (buying,interest) and exist (contract,instrument) and exist (instrument,sep) and exist (instrument,n365) and exist (most,buying) and exist (price,instrument) and exist (received,instrument) and exist (received,interest) and exist (received,week) and exist (received,subscription) and exist (subscription,$_70.0_million) "}, {"_id": 1216, "cause": "1216 exist n364 exist $_5.0_million exist hand exist instrument exist subscription exist (additional,subscription) and exist (contract,instrument) and exist (instrument,may) and exist (instrument,n364) and exist (other,hand) and exist (price,instrument) and exist (subscribed,instrument) and exist (subscribed,hand) and exist (subscribed,subscription) and exist (subscription,$_5.0_million) "}, {"_id": 1217, "cause": "1217 exist n354 exist liquidity exist (remained,liquidity) and exist (remained,n354) and exist (remained,robust) and exist (robust,liquidity) and exist (system,liquidity) "}, {"_id": 1218, "cause": "1218 exist maturities exist omo exist (maturity,omo) and exist (maturity,operations) and exist (worth,maturity) "}, {"_id": 1219, "cause": "1219 exist inflow exist maturities exist (huge,inflows) and exist (inflows,maturity) "}, {"_id": 1220, "cause": "1220 exist $_0.01 exist November exist Friday_,_September_13th exist dividend exist dividend exist kkt exist report exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (announced,Friday_,_September_13th) and exist (asx,29th) and exist (asx,29th) and exist (November,29th) and exist (asx,kkt) and exist (dividend,$_0.01) and exist (final,dividend) and exist (final,dividend) and exist (konekt,29th) and exist (limited,29th) and exist (limited,November) and exist (limited,dividend) and exist (reports,marketindexau) "}, {"_id": 1221, "cause": "1221 exist $_0.01 exist November exist Friday_,_September_13th exist dividend exist dividend exist kkt exist report exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,reports) and exist (announced,Friday_,_September_13th) and exist (asx,29th) and exist (asx,29th) and exist (November,29th) and exist (asx,kkt) and exist (dividend,$_0.01) and exist (final,dividend) and exist (final,dividend) and exist (konekt,29th) and exist (limited,29th) and exist (limited,November) and exist (limited,dividend) and exist (reports,marketindexau) "}, {"_id": 1222, "cause": "1222 exist bonus exist (earn,bonus) "}, {"_id": 1223, "cause": "1223 QUESTION(when) exist demonetisation exist economy exist he exist rate exist u-curve exist when exist (coming,when) and exist (coming,economy) and exist (coming,u-curve) and exist (growth,rate) and exist (hit,coming) and exist (hit,rate) and exist (hit,demonetisation) and exist (rising,rate) and exist (said,he) and exist (said,hit) "}, {"_id": 1224, "cause": "1224 exist 17.3 exist cent exist exist (budgetary,) and exist (meet,) and exist (,17.3) and exist (,cent) "}, {"_id": 1225, "cause": "1225 exist Tata_Metaliks exist Kharagpur exist West_Bengal exist cabinet exist company exist he exist plan exist proposal exist this exist (cleared,cabinet) and exist (cleared,proposal) and exist (expansion,plan) and exist (invest,this) and exist (plan,Tata_Metaliks) and exist (plan,Kharagpur) and exist (plan,company) and exist (proposal,plan) and exist (said,talking) and exist (said,he) and exist (said,invest) and exist (state,cabinet) and exist (talking,West_Bengal) "}, {"_id": 1226, "cause": "1226 exist return exist (failing,submit) and exist (failing,pay) and exist (pay,return) and exist (submit,return) and exist (vat,return) "}, {"_id": 1227, "cause": "1227 exist $_98.38 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,international) and exist (has,) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_98.38) "}, {"_id": 1228, "cause": "1228 exist Education_Department exist one exist bank exist college exist government exist lender exist nation exist those exist who exist (one,Education_Department) and exist (banks,nation) and exist (become,Education_Department) and exist (become,one) and exist (biggest,banks) and exist (borrow,who) and exist (borrow,those) and exist (borrow,college) and exist (effectively,become) and exist (federal,government) and exist (lender,government) and exist (lender,those) and exist (one,banks) and exist (primary,lender) "}, {"_id": 1229, "cause": "1229 exist 3.1_% exist 22.92_billion_pounds exist revenue exist (3.1_%,22.92_billion_pounds) and exist (revenue,3.1_%) "}, {"_id": 1230, "cause": "1230 exist $_25.50 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,services) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_25.50) "}, {"_id": 1231, "cause": "1231 exist regime exist they exist (migrated,they) and exist (migrated,regime) and exist (new,regime) "}, {"_id": 1232, "cause": "1232 exist sensex exist firm exist (excluding,firms) and exist (financial,firms) and exist (firms,sensex) and exist (sector,firms) "}, {"_id": 1233, "cause": "1233 exist future exist exemptions exist they exist (availed,they) and exist (availed,future) and exist (given,exemptions) and exist (given,availed) and exist (not,availed) "}, {"_id": 1234, "cause": "1234 exist 20_% exist etr exist incentive exist liability exist list exist sector exist tax exist (barely,20_%) and exist (company,industries) and exist (company,industries) and exist (current,liability) and exist (etr,20_%) and exist (given,incentives) and exist (given,sector) and exist (highest,taxes) and exist (incentives,industries) and exist (looks,one) and exist (looks,liability) and exist (paying,taxes) and exist (paying,etr) and exist (paying,list) and exist (tax,incentives) and exist (tax,liability) "}, {"_id": 1235, "cause": "1235 exist National_Savings_and_Investments exist one exist Ryan_Kenny exist 13_September_2019_Last_week exist bond exist effect exist growth exist its exist sale exist three-year exist (bonds,its) and exist (bonds,one) and exist (one,three-year) and exist (Ryan_Kenny,13_September_2019_Last_week) and exist (13_September_2019_Last_week,National_Savings_and_Investments) and exist (growth,its) and exist (growth,one) and exist (guaranteed,growth) and exist (immediate,effect) and exist (income,bonds) and exist (ns&i,National_Savings_and_Investments) and exist (sale,effect) and exist (withdrew,Ryan_Kenny) and exist (withdrew,growth) and exist (withdrew,bonds) and exist (withdrew,sale) "}, {"_id": 1236, "cause": "1236 exist fscs "}, {"_id": 1237, "cause": "1237 exist collapse exist it exist (feared,it) and exist (feared,collapse) "}, {"_id": 1238, "cause": "1238 exist company exist (now,save) and exist (save,company) "}, {"_id": 1239, "cause": "1239 exist (holidaymakers,uk) and exist (holidaymakers,uk) and exist (repatriate,uk) "}, {"_id": 1240, "cause": "1240 exist Washington exist 1989 exist dream exist it exist mile exist plant exist renewal exist time exist town exist (closed,plant) and exist (closed,1989) and exist (dream,it) and exist (dream,renewal) and exist (fell,closed) and exist (fell,miles) and exist (fell,times) and exist (hard,times) and exist (manufacturing,plant) and exist (miles,Washington) and exist (rayon,plant) and exist (renewal,town) and exist (town,miles) "}, {"_id": 1241, "cause": "1241 exist royal exist years exist center exist complex exist dweller exist land exist officials exist plan exist retail exist tourist exist (announced,officials) and exist (announced,complex) and exist (announced,years) and exist (announced,land) and exist (attractive,tourists) and exist (attractive,dwellers) and exist (city,dwellers) and exist (cleaned,land) and exist (cleaned,royal) and exist (cleaned,attractive) and exist (complex,plans) and exist (data,center) and exist (former,dwellers) and exist (front,royal) and exist (increasingly,attractive) and exist (plans,center) and exist (plans,retail) "}, {"_id": 1242, "cause": "1242 exist 2008 exist director exist she exist (became,she) and exist (became,director) and exist (became,2008) and exist (became,director) and exist (director,she) "}, {"_id": 1243, "cause": "1243 exist investments exist it exist program exist they exist (allowed,it) and exist (allowed,solicit) and exist (eb-5.program,program) and exist (found,they) and exist (found,allowed) and exist (solicit,investments) and exist (solicit,program) and exist (yet,allowed) and exist(not,allowed) "}, {"_id": 1244, "cause": "1244 exist its exist portion exist project exist service exist site exist (debt,service) and exist (improvement,project) and exist (portion,its) and exist (portion,service) and exist (related,portion) and exist (related,project) and exist (related,site) and exist (road,project) and exist (site,avtex) "}, {"_id": 1245, "cause": "1245 exist job exist (canceled,job) "}, {"_id": 1246, "cause": "1246 exist attorney exist aunt exist authority exist her exist her exist lawsuit exist project exist relative exist they exist uncle exist (allegedly,convinced) and exist (attorneys,lawsuit) and exist (aunt,her) and exist (were,they) and exist (were,relatives) and exist (buy,disclosing) and exist (buy,authority) and exist (buy,land) and exist (buy,project) and exist (buy,aunt) and exist (buy,uncle) and exist (civil,lawsuit) and exist (convinced,mcdonald) and exist (convinced,authority) and exist (disclosing,were) and exist (housing,project) and exist (relatives,her) and exist (say,attorneys) and exist (say,convinced) and exist (workforce,project) "}, {"_id": 1247, "cause": "1247 exist properties exist review exist (buy,property) and exist (found,review) and exist (found,buy) and exist (independent,review) "}, {"_id": 1248, "cause": "1248 exist crime exist (implicated,crimes) and exist (phony,crimes) "}, {"_id": 1249, "cause": "1249 exist one exist lawsuit exist (one,lawsuit) "}, {"_id": 1250, "cause": "1250 exist authority exist bathroom exist repair exist (fix,bathroom) and exist (refused,authority) and exist (refused,bathroom) and exist (refused,repair) and exist (refused,repair) and exist (repair,authority) "}, {"_id": 1251, "cause": "1251 QUESTION(what) exist its exist layoff exist profit exist share exist their exist they exist what exist (fair,share) and exist (further,layoffs) and exist (get,stop) and exist (get,see) and exist (profits,its) and exist (see,they) and exist (see,what) and exist (see,share) and exist (share,their) and exist (share,profits) and exist (stop,they) and exist (stop,layoffs) "}, {"_id": 1252, "cause": "1252 exist company exist (save,company) "}, {"_id": 1253, "cause": "1253 exist inequality exist price exist profit exist (executive,higher) and exist (fueled,buybacks) and exist (generating,resulting) and exist (generating,profits) and exist (generating,prices) and exist (higher,prices) and exist (prices,higher) and exist (resulting,inequality) and exist (share,buybacks) and exist (share,prices) and exist (wider,inequality) "}, {"_id": 1254, "cause": "1254 exist compensation exist increase exist rent exist shareholder exist value exist (come,rents) and exist (come,compensation) and exist (compensation,labor) and exist (increase,values) and exist (most,increase) and exist (reallocated,rents) and exist (rents,shareholders) and exist (share,values) "}, {"_id": 1255, "cause": "1255 exist $_13.58 exist networks exist exist (cambium,networks) and exist (consensus,) and exist (has,networks) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_13.58) "}, {"_id": 1256, "cause": "1256 exist accordance exist agreement exist NGL_Energy_Partners_LP exist NGL exist board exist director exist distribution exist holder exist its exist ngl exist partner exist partnership exist quarter exist term exist today exist unit exist units exist (%,units) and exist (accordance,terms) and exist (agreement,NGL) and exist (announced,tulsa) and exist (announced,declared) and exist (announced,today) and exist (b,units) and exist (b,units) and exist (board,directors) and exist (business,tulsa) and exist (c,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (class,units) and exist (cumulative,units) and exist (cumulative,units) and exist (declared,paid) and exist (declared,board) and exist (declared,distribution) and exist (NGL_Energy_Partners_LP,ngl) and exist (directors,partner) and exist (distribution,quarter) and exist (ending,quarter) and exist (fixed-to-floating,units) and exist (fixed-to-floating,units) and exist (general,partner) and exist (holders,units) and exist (holders,units) and exist (nyse,NGL_Energy_Partners_LP) and exist (okla.,tulsa) and exist (outlined,terms) and exist (outlined,agreement) and exist (partner,its) and exist (partnership,agreement) and exist (paid,holders) and exist (perpetual,units) and exist (perpetual,units) and exist (preferred,units) and exist (rate,units) and exist (redeemable,units) and exist (redeemable,units) and exist (units,partnership) and exist (units,units) and exist (units,units) and exist (units,c) and exist (units,partnership) and exist (units,accordance) and exist (wire,tulsa) and exist (wire,tulsa) and exist (wire,NGL_Energy_Partners_LP) "}, {"_id": 1257, "cause": "1257 exist level exist (high,levels) and exist (water,levels) "}, {"_id": 1258, "cause": "1258 exist Billabong_Creek exist centre exist source exist time exist (allow,centre) and exist (aquatic,centre) and exist (filled,centre) and exist (filled,times) and exist (present,source) and exist (source,Billabong_Creek) and exist (source,lake) and exist (times,zero) and exist (water,source) "}, {"_id": 1259, "cause": "1259 exist interest exist it exist statement exist (10,interest) and exist (said,prevent) and exist (said,it) and exist (said,statement) and exist (short-term,interest) and exist (spike,interest) "}, {"_id": 1260, "cause": "1260 exist Texas_Instruments_-_Texas_Instruments exist 17_% exist alphabet exist bell exist companies exist dividend exist headlines exist its exist rubie exist (bell,Texas_Instruments_-_Texas_Instruments) and exist (check,instruments) and exist (check,alphabet) and exist (check,company) and exist (dividend,its) and exist (making,company) and exist (making,headlines) and exist (making,bell) and exist (meat,instruments) and exist (meat,instruments) and exist (alphabet,rubie) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (raised,Texas_Instruments_-_Texas_Instruments) and exist (raised,dividend) and exist (raised,17_%) "}, {"_id": 1261, "cause": "1261 exist center exist its exist (centers,its) and exist (data,centers) and exist (european,centers) and exist (expand,centers) "}, {"_id": 1262, "cause": "1262 exist operator exist (warehouse,operator) "}, {"_id": 1263, "cause": "1263 exist application exist Gloucester_County exist center exist hour exist misclassification exist their exist (application,their) and exist (center,Gloucester_County) and exist (disclose,hour) and exist (distribution,center) and exist (failed,disclose) and exist (new,center) and exist (open,center) and exist (resulting,hour) and exist (resulting,misclassification) and exist (resulting,application) and exist (subsidy,application) and exist (violations,hour) and exist (warehouse,center) and exist (worker,misclassification) "}, {"_id": 1264, "cause": "1264 exist $_11.38 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,petroleum) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_11.38) "}, {"_id": 1265, "cause": "1265 exist cloud exist growth exist its exist segment exist (cloud,its) and exist (driven,growth) and exist (growth,cloud) and exist (growth,segments) and exist (laptop,segments) and exist (segments,its) and exist (surface,segments) "}, {"_id": 1266, "cause": "1266 exist live exist Dublin exist benefit exist child exist couple exist range exist who exist (claim,couple) and exist (claim,range) and exist (have,couple) and exist (have,who) and exist (have,children) and exist (have,live) and exist (married,couple) and exist (live,Dublin) and exist (range,benefits) and exist (social,benefits) and exist (unemployed,couple) and exist (welfare,benefits) "}, {"_id": 1267, "cause": "1267 exist account exist rts exist OFAC exist RUSAL exist clarification exist companies exist companies exist dashboard exist detail exist follow exist inbox exist insight exist investor exist its exist losses exist provider exist rally exist report exist sanction exist series exist trim exist you exist your exist your exist (access,reports) and exist (agency,OFAC) and exist (announced,OFAC) and exist (announced,series) and exist (comment,2018) and exist (comment,2018) and exist (comment,rally) and exist (OFAC,us) and exist (continue,your) and exist (create,account) and exist (financial,insights) and exist (first,insights) and exist (follow,providers) and exist (follow,companies) and exist (free,account) and exist (full,reports) and exist (get,dashboard) and exist (get,follow) and exist (inbox,your) and exist (insights,inbox) and exist (late,rally) and exist (losses,trading) and exist (market,2018) and exist (nameget,insights) and exist (namelast,insights) and exist (newsthe,rts) and exist (other,company) and exist (personalised,dashboard) and exist (providers,insights) and exist (researchpool,account) and exist (sanction,rts) and exist (sanctions,its) and exist (sanctions,RUSAL) and exist (sanctions,company) and exist (scrutinize,investors) and exist (scrutinize,rts) and exist (series,clarifications) and exist (series,sanctions) and exist (trading,investors) and exist (trims,rally) and exist (use,details) and exist (want,you) and exist (want,use) and exist (when,announced) "}, {"_id": 1268, "cause": "1268 exist crisis exist (financial,crisis) and exist (great,crisis) "}, {"_id": 1269, "cause": "1269 exist LSE exist HKEX exist it exist its exist objective exist offer exist regulator exist risk exist (blocked,risk) and exist (blocked,regulators) and exist (came,it) and exist (came,risk) and exist (described,LSE) and exist (described,offer) and exist (described,saying) and exist (high,risk) and exist (meet,it) and exist (meet,objectives) and exist (objectives,its) and exist (offer,HKEX) and exist (saying,offer) and exist (saying,meet) and exist (saying,came) and exist (strategic,objectives) and exist (not,meet) "}, {"_id": 1270, "cause": "1270 exist $_26.00 exist price exist services exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (financial,services) and exist (has,services) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_26.00) and exist (provident,services) "}, {"_id": 1271, "cause": "1271 exist U.S._Department_of_Education exist grant exist (grant,U.S._Department_of_Education) "}, {"_id": 1272, "cause": "1272 exist Monday exist deal exist hour exist trading exist (ceased,failing) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (early,hours) and exist (failing,secure) and exist (hours,Monday) and exist (last-ditch,deal) and exist (rescue,deal) and exist (secure,deal) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 1273, "cause": "1273 exist Sierra_Leone exist case exist gold exist he exist he exist his exist investment exist plan exist (failed,plan) and exist (filed,he) and exist (filed,case) and exist (filed,recover) and exist (import,plan) and exist (import,gold) and exist (import,Sierra_Leone) and exist (invested,he) and exist (invested,plan) and exist (investment,his) and exist (lost,case) and exist (recover,he) and exist (recover,investment) "}, {"_id": 1274, "cause": "1274 exist Portelli exist (convincing,Portelli) "}, {"_id": 1275, "cause": "1275 exist expense exist (export,expenses) "}, {"_id": 1276, "cause": "1276 exist deal "}, {"_id": 1277, "cause": "1277 QUESTION(which) exist $_52,800 exist debt exist repayment exist time exist which exist (later,repaid) and exist (outstanding,debt) and exist (partly,repaid) and exist (repaid,which) and exist (repayment,debt) and exist (took,cortis) and exist (took,portelli) and exist (took,time) and exist (took,repayment) and exist (time,$_52,800) "}, {"_id": 1278, "cause": "1278 exist Company_'s_Board_of_Directors exist $_0.156 exist third_quarter_of_2019 exist dividend exist nyse exist share exist today exist (announced,declared) and exist (announced,nyse) and exist (announced,today) and exist (common,dividends) and exist (declared,Company_'s_Board_of_Directors) and exist (declared,dividends) and exist (dividends,third_quarter_of_2019) and exist (dividends,$_0.156) and exist ($_0.156,share) and exist (stock,dividends) "}, {"_id": 1279, "cause": "1279 exist completion exist development exist properties exist (completion,property) and exist (completion,development) and exist (currently,development) "}, {"_id": 1280, "cause": "1280 exist credit exist dividend exist owner exist player exist prosecutors exist scheme exist state exist stock exist who exist (allege,prosecutors) and exist (allege,misled) and exist (cum-ex,scheme) and exist (had,stock) and exist (had,owners) and exist (misled,thinking) and exist (misled,players) and exist (misled,state) and exist (multiple,owners) and exist (owed,owners) and exist (owed,who) and exist (owed,dividend) and exist (owed,credit) and exist (players,scheme) and exist (so-called,scheme) and exist (tax,credit) and exist (thinking,had) "}, {"_id": 1281, "cause": "1281 QUESTION(when) exist HVB exist bank exist contact exist firm exist it exist man exist network exist profit exist she exist tap exist trade exist when exist (arrange,contacts) and exist (arrange,trades) and exist (bank,HVB) and exist (german,HVB) and exist (investment,firm) and exist (made,profit) and exist (made,banks) and exist (moving,tapping) and exist (moving,firm) and exist (moving,tapping) and exist (network,contacts) and exist (said,she) and exist (said,started) and exist (small,firm) and exist (sometimes,splitting) and exist (splitting,profit) and exist (started,moving) and exist (started,working) and exist (started,men) and exist (started,it) and exist (tapping,network) and exist (wide,network) and exist (working,when) and exist (working,HVB) "}, {"_id": 1282, "cause": "1282 exist decision exist environment exist government exist his exist (big,decisions) and exist (business,environment) and exist (decisions,government) and exist (government,his) and exist (improve,decisions) and exist (improve,environment) and exist (said,modi) and exist (said,decisions) and exist (tough,decisions) "}, {"_id": 1283, "cause": "1283 exist $_30.00 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,radware) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_30.00) "}, {"_id": 1284, "cause": "1284 exist $_26.20 exist exist vertical exist (consensus,) and exist (has,verticals) and exist (has,) and exist (i3.verticals,verticals) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_26.20) "}, {"_id": 1285, "cause": "1285 exist action exist Oasmia_Pharmaceutical_AB exist filing exist firm exist notice exist (action,Oasmia_Pharmaceutical_AB) and exist (announces,firm) and exist (announces,filing) and exist (class,action) and exist (deadline,notice) and exist (filing,action) and exist (firm,schall) and exist (law,firm) and exist (lawsuit,action) and exist (news,notice) and exist (notice,announces) and exist (upcoming,notice) "}, {"_id": 1286, "cause": "1286 exist 9/11 exist month exist tragedy exist we exist (national,tragedy) and exist (saw,we) and exist (saw,9/11) and exist (saw,tragedy) and exist (saw,months) "}, {"_id": 1287, "cause": "1287 exist everyone exist it exist (better,manageable) and exist (easier,learn) and exist (learn,everyone) and exist (manageable,it) and exist (more,manageable) "}, {"_id": 1288, "cause": "1288 exist cost exist customer exist it exist our exist (customers,our) and exist (easier,manage) and exist (easier,use) and exist (hopefully,easier) and exist (lower,cost) and exist (manage,cost) and exist (probably,lower) and exist (use,customers) "}, {"_id": 1289, "cause": "1289 exist $_400,000 exist rad exist you exist ($_400,000,rad) and exist (market,rad) and exist (pay,you) and exist (price,rad) "}, {"_id": 1290, "cause": "1290 exist rad exist (pay,no_rad) "}, {"_id": 1291, "cause": "1291 exist rad exist you exist (full,rad) and exist (pay,you) and exist (pay,rad) "}, {"_id": 1292, "cause": "1292 exist rate exist (new,rate) "}, {"_id": 1293, "cause": "1293 exist $_400,000 exist facility exist rad exist ($_400,000,rad) and exist (market,rad) and exist (price,rad) and exist (rad,facility) and exist (suppose,$_400,000) "}, {"_id": 1294, "cause": "1294 exist today exist she exist (moved,she) and exist (moved,today) "}, {"_id": 1295, "cause": "1295 exist 1_October exist option exist (is,option) and exist (is,move) and exist (move,option) and exist (move,1_October) "}, {"_id": 1296, "cause": "1296 exist 's exist $_10,000 exist $_15,000 exist $_165,000 exist asset exist expense exist gift exist her exist her exist (assets,her) and exist (assets,$_165,000) and exist (expenses,her) and exist (funeral,expenses) and exist (gift,$_10,000) and exist (let,say) and exist (pre-paying,shirley) and exist (pre-paying,expenses) and exist (pre-paying,$_15,000) and exist (reduced,shirley) and exist (reduced,assets) and exist (reduced,gift) and exist (say,'s) and exist (say,pre-paying) and exist (say,reduced) "}, {"_id": 1297, "cause": "1297 exist 's exist $_10,000 exist $_15,000 exist $_165,000 exist asset exist expense exist gift exist her exist her exist (assets,her) and exist (assets,$_165,000) and exist (expenses,her) and exist (funeral,expenses) and exist (gift,$_10,000) and exist (let,say) and exist (pre-paying,shirley) and exist (pre-paying,expenses) and exist (pre-paying,$_15,000) and exist (reduced,shirley) and exist (reduced,assets) and exist (reduced,gift) and exist (say,'s) and exist (say,pre-paying) and exist (say,reduced) "}, {"_id": 1298, "cause": "1298 exist $_250,000 exist earn exist (earning,$_250,000) "}, {"_id": 1299, "cause": "1299 exist fund exist interest exist its exist share exist (hold,funds) and exist (hold,interest) and exist (interest,shares) and exist (investment,funds) and exist (shares,its) and exist (not,hold) "}, {"_id": 1300, "cause": "1300 exist accounting exist companies exist loss exist they exist (caused,losses) and exist (caused,accounting) and exist (claiming,company) and exist (claiming,suffered) and exist (false,accounting) and exist (investment,company) and exist (major,losses) and exist (suffered,they) and exist (suffered,losses) "}, {"_id": 1301, "cause": "1301 exist dividend exist (etf,invesco) and exist (cap,invesco) and exist (declared,invesco) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (etf,pwv) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (dynamic,invesco) and exist (etf,invesco) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (large,invesco) and exist (nysearca,invesco) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (value,invesco) "}, {"_id": 1302, "cause": "1302 exist dividend exist (etf,invesco) and exist (cap,invesco) and exist (declared,invesco) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (etf,pwv) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (dynamic,invesco) and exist (etf,invesco) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (large,invesco) and exist (nysearca,invesco) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (value,invesco) "}, {"_id": 1303, "cause": "1303 exist nysearca exist Monday exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,pwv) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 1304, "cause": "1304 QUESTION(when) exist Medicare exist he exist when exist (enrolled,he) and exist (enrolled,Medicare) and exist (turned,when) and exist (turned,he) "}, {"_id": 1305, "cause": "1305 exist deposit exist exploration exist (bam,deposit) and exist (exploration,deposit) and exist (fund,exploration) "}, {"_id": 1306, "cause": "1306 exist Ontario exist deposit exist exploration exist its exist (bam,deposit) and exist (canada,Ontario) and exist (deposit,its) and exist (deposit,Ontario) and exist (exploration,deposit) and exist (fund,exploration) and exist (gold,deposit) "}, {"_id": 1307, "cause": "1307 exist announcement exist its exist market exist rate exist tomorrow exist (announcement,its) and exist (announcement,tomorrow) and exist (announcement,rates) and exist (announcement,market) and exist (crunch,announcement) and exist (debates,announcement) and exist (liquidity,announcement) and exist (next,announcement) and exist (overnight,rates) and exist (rate,announcement) and exist (repo,market) "}, {"_id": 1308, "cause": "1308 exist Medikabazaar exist its exist position exist staff exist team exist (additional,staff) and exist (ramp,Medikabazaar) and exist (ramp,team) and exist (ramp,staff) and exist (staff,positions) and exist (team,its) and exist (various,positions) and exist (wants,Medikabazaar) and exist (wants,ramp) "}, {"_id": 1309, "cause": "1309 exist age exist withdrawal exist (made,withdrawal) and exist (made,age) "}, {"_id": 1310, "cause": "1310 exist age exist component exist income exist withdrawal exist (component,withdrawal) and exist (earnings,component) and exist (ordinary,income) and exist (taken,component) and exist (taken,income) and exist (taken,age) and exist (taxed,component) and exist (taxed,income) and exist (withdrawal,annuity) "}, {"_id": 1311, "cause": "1311 exist aqn exist $_0.14 exist Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp exist dividend exist (declares,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp) and exist (declares,dividend) and exist (Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp,aqn) and exist (dividend,$_0.14) and exist (nyse,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp) and exist (quarterly,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1312, "cause": "1312 exist aqn exist $_0.14 exist Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp exist dividend exist (declares,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp) and exist (declares,dividend) and exist (Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp,aqn) and exist (dividend,$_0.14) and exist (nyse,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp) and exist (quarterly,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1313, "cause": "1313 exist analysts exist Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities exist $_0.66 exist share exist year exist (earn,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities) and exist (earn,$_0.66) and exist (earn,year) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_0.66,share) "}, {"_id": 1314, "cause": "1314 exist aqn exist NYSE exist Wednesday exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,aqn) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 1315, "cause": "1315 exist eps exist provider exist quarter exist (0.11,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,eps) and exist (utilities,provider) "}, {"_id": 1316, "cause": "1316 exist Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities exist $_14.00 exist $_14.50 exist Monday_,_August_12th exist rating exist report exist share exist stock exist exist their exist (boosted,securities) and exist (boosted,) and exist (boosted,$_14.00) and exist (boosted,shares) and exist (finally,boosted) and exist (gave,securities) and exist (gave,rating) and exist (gave,stock) and exist ($_14.00,$_14.50) and exist (price,) and exist (rating,report) and exist (report,Monday_,_August_12th) and exist (research,report) and exist (shares,Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities) and exist (,their) "}, {"_id": 1317, "cause": "1317 exist analyst exist give exist rating exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (given,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,one) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (issued,given) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (research,analyst) "}, {"_id": 1318, "cause": "1318 exist Tuesday exist Supreme_Court exist Sept_24 exist Boris_Johnson exist Brexit exist decision exist parliament exist run-up exist stock exist (british,Boris_Johnson) and exist (decision,Boris_Johnson) and exist (minister,Boris_Johnson) and exist (prime,Boris_Johnson) and exist (reuters,Sept_24) and exist (ruled,Supreme_Court) and exist (ruled,unlawful) and exist (run-up,Brexit) and exist (shut,decision) and exist (shut,parliament) and exist (shut,run-up) and exist (stocks,uk) and exist (stumbled,ruled) and exist (stumbled,stocks) and exist (stumbled,Sept_24) and exist (stumbled,Tuesday) and exist (unlawful,decision) "}, {"_id": 1319, "cause": "1319 QUESTION(how) exist how exist participant exist process exist (already,process) and exist (brexit,process) and exist (chaotic,process) and exist (market,participants) and exist (most,participants) and exist (now,play) and exist (play,how) and exist (play,process) and exist (still,unsure) and exist (unsure,play) and exist (unsure,participants) "}, {"_id": 1320, "cause": "1320 exist collapse exist its exist rival exist (collapse,rival) and exist (cook,its) "}, {"_id": 1321, "cause": "1321 exist Congress exist disease exist hearing exist week exist (began,Congress) and exist (began,hearings) and exist (hearings,week) and exist (hearings,disease) and exist (lung,disease) and exist (mystery,disease) and exist (u.s.,Congress) and exist (vaping-related,disease) "}, {"_id": 1322, "cause": "1322 exist a. exist dividend exist result exist (announcing,results) and exist (announcing,dividend) and exist (announcing,a.) and exist (special,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1323, "cause": "1323 exist investors exist (attract,investors) and exist (failing,attract) "}, {"_id": 1324, "cause": "1324 exist flight exist it exist quarrels exist step exist strike exist union exist valuation exist (almost,years) and exist (back,take) and exist (cancelled,flights) and exist (hurt,strikes) and exist (hurt,quarrels) and exist (hurt,valuation) and exist (remember,years) and exist (strikes,unions) and exist (take,step) and exist (though,take) and exist (years,two) and exist (years,it) and exist (years,flights) and exist (years,two) "}, {"_id": 1325, "cause": "1325 exist account exist expenses exist mortgage exist (taken,mortgage) and exist (taken,expenses) and exist (taken,account) "}, {"_id": 1326, "cause": "1326 exist 's exist 401k exist amount exist Smiths exist bit exist their exist (401ks,their) and exist (assume,'s) and exist (assume,contribute) and exist (contribute,Smiths) and exist (contribute,amount) and exist (contribute,401ks) and exist (decent,amount) and exist (enough,meet) and exist (let,assume) and exist (more,bit) and exist (respective,401ks) "}, {"_id": 1327, "cause": "1327 exist circumstance exist expense exist (circumstances,expenses) and exist (common,expenses) "}, {"_id": 1328, "cause": "1328 exist businesses exist career exist control exist expense exist our exist our exist (careers,our) and exist (control,expenses) and exist (expenses,our) and exist (growing,careers) and exist (taking,growing) and exist (taking,control) and exist (taking,businesses) "}, {"_id": 1329, "cause": "1329 exist $_30,000 exist college exist i exist year exist year exist you exist (did,i) and exist (did,years) and exist (few,years) and exist (make,did) and exist (make,you) and exist (make,$_30,000) and exist ($_30,000,year) and exist (years,college) "}, {"_id": 1330, "cause": "1330 exist income exist you exist (approach,you) and exist (approach,income) and exist (fortunate,you) and exist (fortunate,approach) and exist (six-figure,income) "}, {"_id": 1331, "cause": "1331 exist holding exist BB&T_Securities_LLC_BB&T_Securities_LLC exist (boe,holding) and exist (decreased,holding) and exist (decreased,BB&T_Securities_LLC_BB&T_Securities_LLC) and exist (enhanced,blackrock) and exist (enhanced,global) and exist (lessened,holding) and exist (trust,global) and exist (trust,global) and exist (trust,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1332, "cause": "1332 exist holding exist BB&T_Securities_LLC_BB&T_Securities_LLC exist (boe,holding) and exist (decreased,holding) and exist (decreased,BB&T_Securities_LLC_BB&T_Securities_LLC) and exist (enhanced,blackrock) and exist (enhanced,global) and exist (lessened,holding) and exist (trust,global) and exist (trust,global) and exist (trust,dividend) "}, {"_id": 1333, "cause": "1333 exist BlackRock exist 77.7_% exist second_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,position) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,77.7_%) and exist (enhanced,second_quarter) and exist (global,trust) and exist (increased,llc) and exist (increased,enhanced) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 1334, "cause": "1334 exist BlackRock exist 2.6_% exist 2nd_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,2.6_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (increased,enhanced) and exist (increased,mn) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (2.6_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 1335, "cause": "1335 exist BlackRock exist 17.2_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Seizert_Capital_Partners_LLC exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,Seizert_Capital_Partners_LLC) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,17.2_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,Seizert_Capital_Partners_LLC) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,shares) and exist (17.2_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 1336, "cause": "1336 exist BlackRock exist 17.9_% exist 2nd_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,17.9_%) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,enhanced) and exist (increased,inc.) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,shares) and exist (17.9_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 1337, "cause": "1337 exist BlackRock exist 11.9_% exist 2nd_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist trust exist (dividend,trust) and exist (enhanced,trust) and exist (enhanced,11.9_%) and exist (finally,increased) and exist (global,trust) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,llc) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,shares) and exist (11.9_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (shares,BlackRock) "}, {"_id": 1338, "cause": "1338 exist Friday exist share exist stock exist (boe,stock) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 1339, "cause": "1339 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist company exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,company) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 1340, "cause": "1340 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist company exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,company) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 1341, "cause": "1341 exist $_13,549.52 exist 1.53_% exist 1999 exist 09/27/1999 exist $_10,000 exist $_13,549 exist 09/24/2019 exist $_18.43 exist $_37.30 exist 35.58_% exist 1.53_% exist $_10,000.00 exist date exist date exist detail exist investment exist investment exist investment exist investment exist outcome exist price/share exist price/share exist rate exist reinvested/share exist result exist return exist return exist share exist share exist stock exist today exist we exist (20-year.details,details) and exist (above,shown) and exist (annual,return) and exist (annualized,rate) and exist (average,return) and exist ($_13,549.52,investment) and exist (09/27/1999,$_13,549.52) and exist (09/27/1999,$_10,000) and exist (09/27/1999,shares) and exist (09/27/1999,shares) and exist (09/27/1999,reinvested/share) and exist (09/27/1999,$_37.30) and exist (09/27/1999,1.53_%) and exist (09/27/1999,$_10,000.00) and exist ($_10,000,$_13,549) and exist ($_10,000,date) and exist (09/24/2019,price/share) and exist (09/24/2019,price/share) and exist ($_37.30,return) and exist (35.58_%,return) and exist (1.53_%,35.58_%) and exist (1.53_%,investment) and exist ($_10,000.00,investment) and exist (details,date) and exist (details,09/27/1999) and exist (dividends,reinvested/share) and exist (ending,investment) and exist (end,date) and exist (end,price/share) and exist (ending,shares) and exist (examine,we) and exist (examine,details) and exist (examine,outcome) and exist (examine,today) and exist (follows,rate) and exist (investment,result) and exist (investment,1999) and exist (investment,stock) and exist (lb,details) and exist (outcome,investment) and exist (return,details) and exist (return,1.53_%) and exist (shares,09/24/2019) and exist (shares,$_18.43) and exist (shown,$_13,549.52) and exist (starting,investment) and exist (start,date) and exist (start,price/share) and exist (starting,shares) and exist (total,return) and exist (two-decade,investment) and exist (two-decade,investment) and exist (worked,follows) and exist (worked,result) "}, {"_id": 1342, "cause": "1342 exist $ exist gold exist price exist (price,gold) "}, {"_id": 1343, "cause": "1343 exist eps exist company exist quarter exist (0.78,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,eps) "}, {"_id": 1344, "cause": "1344 exist $_14.50 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,therapeutics) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_14.50) "}, {"_id": 1345, "cause": "1345 exist analyst exist Enerplus_Corp exist Enerplus exist dividend exist erf exist erf exist form exist headline exist news exist newsletter exist nyse exist our exist rating exist recommendation exist (0.01,ratings) and exist (announced,corp) and exist (announces,Enerplus_Corp) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,ratings) and exist (announces,news) and exist (announces,recommendations) and exist (announced,20th) and exist (complete,ratings) and exist (complete,news) and exist (complete,receive) and exist (complete,enerplus) and exist (complete,form) and exist (daily,ratings) and exist (daily,newsletter) and exist (Enerplus_Corp,erf) and exist (dividend,ratings) and exist (email,newsletter) and exist (free,newsletter) and exist (latest,headlines) and exist (monthly,ratings) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (nasdaq,20th) and exist (newsletter,our) and exist (Enerplus,newsletter) and exist (nyse,Enerplus_Corp) and exist (receive,headlines) and exist (recommendations,analysts) and exist (recommendations,Enerplus) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,nyse) and exist (tse,erf) "}, {"_id": 1346, "cause": "1346 exist analyst exist Enerplus_Corp exist Enerplus exist dividend exist erf exist erf exist form exist headline exist news exist newsletter exist nyse exist our exist rating exist recommendation exist (0.01,ratings) and exist (announced,corp) and exist (announces,Enerplus_Corp) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,ratings) and exist (announces,news) and exist (announces,recommendations) and exist (announced,20th) and exist (complete,ratings) and exist (complete,news) and exist (complete,receive) and exist (complete,enerplus) and exist (complete,form) and exist (daily,ratings) and exist (daily,newsletter) and exist (Enerplus_Corp,erf) and exist (dividend,ratings) and exist (email,newsletter) and exist (free,newsletter) and exist (latest,headlines) and exist (monthly,ratings) and exist (monthly,dividend) and exist (nasdaq,20th) and exist (newsletter,our) and exist (Enerplus,newsletter) and exist (nyse,Enerplus_Corp) and exist (receive,headlines) and exist (recommendations,analysts) and exist (recommendations,Enerplus) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (reports,20th) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,corp) and exist (tse,nyse) and exist (tse,erf) "}, {"_id": 1347, "cause": "1347 exist Friday exist NYSE exist share exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (shares,NYSE) and exist (traded,erf) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 1348, "cause": "1348 exist $_0.27 exist company exist earnings exist oil exist quarter exist ($_0.27,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (gas,company) and exist (natural,company) and exist (reported,oil) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.27) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1349, "cause": "1349 exist Monday exist upgrade exist Enerplus exist rating exist rating exist report exist (upgrade,research) and exist (upgrade,Enerplus) and exist (finally,upgrade) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (Enerplus,rating) and exist (rating,report) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (report,Monday) and exist (research,report) and exist (strong,rating) "}, {"_id": 1350, "cause": "1350 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (issued,stock) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,rating) "}, {"_id": 1351, "cause": "1351 exist last_decade exist b exist dividend exist shareholder exist (16.11,b) and exist (dividends,shareholders) and exist (paid,b) and exist (paid,dividends) and exist (paid,last_decade) "}, {"_id": 1352, "cause": "1352 exist last_decade exist b exist management exist repurchase exist (20.05,b) and exist (share,repurchases) and exist (spent,management) and exist (spent,b) and exist (spent,repurchases) and exist (spent,last_decade) and exist (unfortunately,spent) "}, {"_id": 1353, "cause": "1353 exist b exist buyback exist filings exist image exist source exist (20.05,b) and exist (author,source) and exist (data,source) and exist (filings,sec) and exist (filings,b) and exist (image,filings) and exist (image,source) and exist (spent,b) and exist (spent,buybacks) "}, {"_id": 1354, "cause": "1354 exist analysts exist $_21.21 exist eps exist $_25.36 exist Lockheed_Martin exist eps exist report exist (come,eps) and exist (come,$_25.36) and exist (eps,$_21.21) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Lockheed_Martin) and exist (expect,report) and exist (expect,report) and exist (fy,eps) and exist (eps,$_21.21) and exist (report,Lockheed_Martin) and exist (report,eps) and exist (report,eps) "}, {"_id": 1355, "cause": "1355 exist analysts exist 5_years exist Lockheed exist growth exist (%,growth) and exist (annual,growth) and exist (earnings,growth) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Lockheed) and exist (expect,5_years) and exist (expect,show) and exist (next,5_years) and exist (show,Lockheed) and exist (show,growth) "}, {"_id": 1356, "cause": "1356 exist + exist Lockheed_Martin exist $ exist $ exist band exist business exist case exist i exist question exist range exist theory exist (+,band) and exist ($,question) and exist (business,question) and exist (case,Lockheed_Martin) and exist (consider,i) and exist (consider,+) and exist (consider,theory) and exist ($,$) and exist (dividend,theory) and exist (fair,range) and exist ($,case) and exist (range,band) and exist (range,business) and exist (value,range) "}, {"_id": 1357, "cause": "1357 exist earnings exist growth exist part exist that exist (forecast,growth) and exist (growth,earnings) and exist (impressive,that) and exist (impressive,part) and exist (large,part) and exist (part,growth) and exist (pretty,impressive) "}, {"_id": 1358, "cause": "1358 exist Island_Institute exist government exist USDA exist credit exist grant exist grant exist we exist (%,credit) and exist (credit,government) and exist (federal,government) and exist (get,we) and exist (get,credit) and exist (grant,USDA) and exist (grant,Island_Institute) and exist (grant,USDA) and exist (tax,credit) "}, {"_id": 1359, "cause": "1359 exist Abqaiq exist September_18_,_2019 exist Saturday exist it exist likes exist market exist ramification exist shock exist strike exist year exist (September_18_,_2019,strikes) and exist (drone,strikes) and exist (facilities,aramco) and exist (facilities,aramco) and exist (facilities,Abqaiq) and exist (facilities,khurais) and exist (given,shock) and exist (given,market) and exist (heavy,ramifications) and exist (oil,aramco) and exist (oil,market) and exist (seen,it) and exist (seen,likes) and exist (seen,years) and exist (shock,likes) and exist (strikes,israel) and exist (strikes,Saturday) and exist (strikes,aramco) and exist (not,seen) "}, {"_id": 1360, "cause": "1360 exist Saudi_Arabia exist half exist production exist (half,production) and exist (offline,half) and exist (oil,production) and exist (production,Saudi_Arabia) "}, {"_id": 1361, "cause": "1361 exist six_weeks exist production exist (down,remained) and exist (estimated,sachs) and exist (estimated,remained) and exist (more,six_weeks) and exist (oil,production) and exist (remained,production) and exist (remained,six_weeks) "}, {"_id": 1362, "cause": "1362 exist advice exist Financial_Ombudsman_Service exist group exist its exist representative exist (found,Financial_Ombudsman_Service) and exist (found,given) and exist (given,representatives) and exist (given,advice) and exist (investing,group) and exist (mortgage,advice) and exist (overseas,group) and exist (property,group) and exist (representatives,its) and exist (troubled,group) and exist (unsuitable,advice) "}, {"_id": 1363, "cause": "1363 exist 10 exist 2016 exist cent exist company exist consumer exist insolvency exist villa exist year exist (cent,year) and exist (came,entered) and exist (came,went) and exist (came,villas) and exist (entered,company) and exist (entered,insolvency) and exist (entered,2016) and exist (went,company) and exist (hoping,consumers) and exist (luxury,villas) and exist (returns,villas) and exist (returns,10) and exist (returns,cent) and exist (subsequently,went) and exist (such,consumers) and exist (never,came) "}, {"_id": 1364, "cause": "1364 exist adviser exist mr exist harlequin exist investment exist mortgage exist nature exist ombudsman exist reason exist (aware,adviser) and exist (aware,reason) and exist (known,nature) and exist (known,investment) and exist (new,mortgage) and exist (reason,harlequin) and exist (reason,sought) and exist (reason,known) and exist (risky,investment) and exist (said,ombudsman) and exist (said,aware) and exist (sought,mortgage) "}, {"_id": 1365, "cause": "1365 exist Medicare exist Department_of_Human_Services exist 90,000 exist fraud exist investigation exist public exist tip exist welfare exist year exist (child,fraud) and exist (financial,year) and exist (fraud,year) and exist (led,year) and exist (led,investigations) and exist (more,90,000) and exist (Medicare,year) and exist (offs,tip) and exist (public,welfare) and exist (received,Department_of_Human_Services) and exist (received,tip) and exist (received,Medicare) and exist (received,fraud) and exist (support,fraud) and exist (tip,public) and exist (tip,90,000) "}, {"_id": 1366, "cause": "1366 exist $_0.14 exist earnings exist share exist year exist (earnings,$_0.14) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (last,year) and exist (posted,earnings) and exist (posted,year) "}, {"_id": 1367, "cause": "1367 exist $_0.25 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist share exist (biotechnology,company) and exist (earnings,share) and exist ($_0.25,earnings) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.25) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1368, "cause": "1368 exist Intrexon exist $_7.00 exist $_6.00 exist Friday_,_August_9th exist company exist rating exist report exist exist their exist (finally,reduced) and exist ($_7.00,$_6.00) and exist (price,) and exist (reduced,america) and exist (reduced,) and exist (reduced,$_7.00) and exist (reduced,Intrexon) and exist (report,Friday_,_August_9th) and exist (research,report) and exist (set,america) and exist (set,rating) and exist (set,company) and exist (set,report) and exist (,their) and exist (underperform,rating) "}, {"_id": 1369, "cause": "1369 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (assigned,rating) and exist (given,stock) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,given) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (research,analyst) "}, {"_id": 1370, "cause": "1370 exist Tuesday exist NASDAQ exist share exist (shares,NASDAQ) and exist (traded,xon) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 1371, "cause": "1371 exist Helen_Sabzevari exist news exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (dated,transaction) and exist (insider,Helen_Sabzevari) and exist (intrexon,stock) and exist (other,news) and exist (sold,Helen_Sabzevari) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,news) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 1372, "cause": "1372 exist Donald_P._Lehr exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (also,sold) and exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,1st) and exist (insider,Donald_P._Lehr) and exist (intrexon,stock) and exist (sold,Donald_P._Lehr) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 1373, "cause": "1373 exist $_173,474 exist ninety_days exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (last,ninety_days) and exist (sold,insiders) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (valued,stock) and exist (valued,$_173,474) and exist (valued,ninety_days) "}, {"_id": 1374, "cause": "1374 exist 4.6_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Intrexon exist holding exist its exist (holdings,its) and exist (increased,inc.) and exist (increased,holdings) and exist (increased,4.6_%) and exist (increased,Intrexon) and exist (4.6_%,2nd_quarter) "}, {"_id": 1375, "cause": "1375 "}, {"_id": 1376, "cause": "1376 exist -0.25_% exist negative exist rate exist they exist (borrow,they) and exist (borrow,-0.25_%) and exist (interest,rates) and exist (negative,paying) and exist (negative,rates) and exist (suppose,negative) "}, {"_id": 1377, "cause": "1377 exist negative exist rates exist (negative,rates) "}, {"_id": 1378, "cause": "1378 exist recession exist we exist (hit,we) and exist (hit,recession) "}, {"_id": 1379, "cause": "1379 exist SEC exist Wednesday exist 10_% exist company exist purchases exist sale exist share exist shareholder exist shares exist stock exist their exist (disclose,sales) and exist (disclose,purchases) and exist (disclose,SEC) and exist (major,shareholders) and exist (10_%,shares) and exist (own,shareholders) and exist (own,10_%) and exist (required,shareholders) and exist (required,traded) and exist (required,disclose) and exist (sales,their) and exist (shares,company) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 1380, "cause": "1380 exist $_0.64 exist eps exist quarter exist retailer exist (eps,$_0.64) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,retailer) and exist (reported,eps) and exist (specialty,retailer) "}, {"_id": 1381, "cause": "1381 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 108.5_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,sa) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,108.5_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (grew,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 1382, "cause": "1382 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 40.2_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,40.2_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 1383, "cause": "1383 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 154.4_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,system) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,154.4_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (grew,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 1384, "cause": "1384 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 27,914.9_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (grew,co.) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,27,914.9_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 1385, "cause": "1385 exist Barnes_&_Noble_Education exist 92.2_% exist 1st_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (finally,grew) and exist (grew,p) and exist (grew,holdings) and exist (grew,92.2_%) and exist (grew,1st_quarter) and exist (grew,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (shares,Barnes_&_Noble_Education) "}, {"_id": 1386, "cause": "1386 exist $_4.14 exist exist (consensus,) and exist (has,j.jill) and exist (has,) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,) and exist (,$_4.14) "}, {"_id": 1387, "cause": "1387 exist 1990s exist billion exist chip exist companies exist design exist dollar exist effort exist its exist (billions,dollars) and exist (chips,its) and exist (design,efforts) and exist (design,chips) and exist (investing,chips) and exist (investing,billions) and exist (investing,company) and exist (made,china) and exist (made,efforts) and exist (made,1990s) and exist (mostly,succeeded) and exist (numerous,efforts) and exist (own,chips) and exist (several,company) and exist (not,succeeded) "}, {"_id": 1388, "cause": "1388 exist 1990s exist billion exist chip exist companies exist design exist dollar exist effort exist its exist (billions,dollars) and exist (chips,its) and exist (design,efforts) and exist (design,chips) and exist (investing,chips) and exist (investing,billions) and exist (investing,company) and exist (made,china) and exist (made,efforts) and exist (made,1990s) and exist (mostly,succeeded) and exist (numerous,efforts) and exist (own,chips) and exist (several,company) and exist (not,succeeded) "}, {"_id": 1389, "cause": "1389 exist factories exist label exist war exist (biggest,labels) and exist (chinese,factory) and exist (pushes,war) and exist (pushes,labels) and exist (pushes,factory) and exist (trade,war) "}, {"_id": 1390, "cause": "1390 exist exodus "}, {"_id": 1391, "cause": "1391 exist six_months exist forecast exist tariff exist (american,tariffs) and exist (conditional,forecast) and exist (conditional,tariffs) and exist (four,six_months) and exist (implemented,tariffs) and exist (lasting,tariffs) and exist (lasting,six_months) and exist (new,tariffs) "}, {"_id": 1392, "cause": "1392 exist China exist c exist ease exist impact exist item exist pork exist soybean exist war exist (agricultural,items) and exist (c,items) and exist (ease,lifting) and exist (ease,China) and exist (ease,impact) and exist (impact,war) and exist (items,soybeans) and exist (items,pork) and exist (lifting,c) and exist (major,items) and exist (seeks,China) and exist (seeks,ease) and exist (seeks,ease) and exist (trade,war) "}, {"_id": 1393, "cause": "1393 exist C-suite exist crisis exist growth exist it exist j.crew exist popularity exist sale exist shopper exist time exist turnover exist year exist (brand,crisis) and exist (breakneck,growth) and exist (declining,sales) and exist (enjoyed,it) and exist (enjoyed,popularity) and exist (enjoyed,growth) and exist (enjoyed,time) and exist (enjoyed,years) and exist (female,shoppers) and exist (growth,shoppers) and exist (identity,crisis) and exist (recent,years) and exist (struggled,j.crew) and exist (struggled,time) and exist (struggled,turnover) and exist (struggled,sales) and exist (struggled,turnover) and exist (turnover,j.crew) and exist (turnover,C-suite) and exist (turnover,crisis) and exist (when,struggled) and exist (young,shoppers) "}, {"_id": 1394, "cause": "1394 exist C-suite exist crisis exist growth exist it exist j.crew exist popularity exist sale exist shopper exist time exist turnover exist year exist (brand,crisis) and exist (breakneck,growth) and exist (declining,sales) and exist (enjoyed,it) and exist (enjoyed,popularity) and exist (enjoyed,growth) and exist (enjoyed,time) and exist (enjoyed,years) and exist (female,shoppers) and exist (growth,shoppers) and exist (identity,crisis) and exist (recent,years) and exist (struggled,j.crew) and exist (struggled,time) and exist (struggled,turnover) and exist (struggled,sales) and exist (struggled,turnover) and exist (turnover,j.crew) and exist (turnover,C-suite) and exist (turnover,crisis) and exist (when,struggled) and exist (young,shoppers) "}, {"_id": 1395, "cause": "1395 exist Sunday exist Surrey exist (Sunday,Surrey) "}, {"_id": 1396, "cause": "1396 exist Sunday exist Surrey exist (Sunday,Surrey) "}, {"_id": 1397, "cause": "1397 exist $_0.11 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist ($_0.11,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (information,provider) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_0.11) and exist (services,provider) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1398, "cause": "1398 exist 95.5_% exist Travelzoo exist holding exist its exist quarter exist (boosted,system) and exist (boosted,holdings) and exist (boosted,95.5_%) and exist (boosted,quarter) and exist (first,quarter) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,Travelzoo) "}, {"_id": 1399, "cause": "1399 exist 39.7_% exist first_quarter exist Travelzoo exist its exist share exist stake exist (lifted,lp) and exist (lifted,stake) and exist (lifted,39.7_%) and exist (lifted,first_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelzoo) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1400, "cause": "1400 exist Travelzoo exist 25.6_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (lifted,llc) and exist (lifted,stake) and exist (lifted,25.6_%) and exist (lifted,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelzoo) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1401, "cause": "1401 exist Travelzoo exist 2,934.4_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (lifted,co.) and exist (lifted,stake) and exist (lifted,2,934.4_%) and exist (lifted,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelzoo) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1402, "cause": "1402 exist Travelzoo exist 9.2_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (finally,lifted) and exist (lifted,llc) and exist (lifted,stake) and exist (lifted,9.2_%) and exist (lifted,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelzoo) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1403, "cause": "1403 exist Toyota exist 2021 exist its exist operation exist plan exist (invest,plan) and exist (invest,operations) and exist (invest,2021) and exist (larger,plan) and exist (operations,u.s.) and exist (operations,its) and exist (plan,Toyota) "}, {"_id": 1404, "cause": "1404 exist c exist (benefit,c) and exist (child,c) and exist (high,c) and exist (income,c) "}, {"_id": 1405, "cause": "1405 exist Thomas_Stuemmler exist Jens_Reckendorf exist board exist member exist share exist (acquired,primepulse) and exist (acquired,shares) and exist (acquired,members) and exist (board,Thomas_Stuemmler) and exist (management,Thomas_Stuemmler) and exist (members,Jens_Reckendorf) and exist (members,board) and exist (shares,vectron) and exist (und,Jens_Reckendorf) "}, {"_id": 1406, "cause": "1406 exist $_0.30 exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist etf exist nysearca exist plan exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.30,etf) and exist (dividend,$_0.30) and exist (dividend,16th) and exist (etf,mid-cap) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (etf,mid-cap) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (growth,etf) and exist (growth,etf) and exist (journal,16th) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (nysearca,plans) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (vot,plans) "}, {"_id": 1407, "cause": "1407 exist $_0.30 exist dividend exist dividend exist etf exist etf exist nysearca exist plan exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.30,etf) and exist (dividend,$_0.30) and exist (dividend,16th) and exist (etf,mid-cap) and exist (etf,vanguard) and exist (etf,mid-cap) and exist (etf,nysearca) and exist (growth,etf) and exist (growth,etf) and exist (journal,16th) and exist (nysearca,etf) and exist (nysearca,plans) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (reports,16th) and exist (vot,plans) "}, {"_id": 1408, "cause": "1408 exist Monday exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 1409, "cause": "1409 exist remuneration exist year exist (board,remuneration) and exist (ended,remuneration) and exist (fiscal,year) and exist (remuneration,year) "}, {"_id": 1410, "cause": "1410 exist $_9.25 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,adecoagro) and exist (has,price) and exist (presently,has) and exist (price,$_9.25) "}, {"_id": 1411, "cause": "1411 exist $_29.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,international) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_29.00) "}, {"_id": 1412, "cause": "1412 exist World_Bank exist International_Monetary_Fund exist Germany exist Bundesbank exist 2000s exist crises exist economies exist group exist market exist (asian,crisis) and exist (bond,markets) and exist (currency,markets) and exist (early,2000s) and exist (economy,8) and exist (financial,crisis) and exist (g8,8) and exist (g8,8) and exist (group,economy) and exist (imf,International_Monetary_Fund) and exist (local,markets) and exist (major,economy) and exist (Bundesbank,Germany) and exist (promoted,group) and exist (promoted,markets) and exist (promoted,crisis) and exist (promoted,2000s) and exist (supported,group) and exist (supported,World_Bank) and exist (supported,International_Monetary_Fund) and exist (supported,Bundesbank) "}, {"_id": 1413, "cause": "1413 exist $_0.08 exist dividend exist dividend exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,global) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (etf,global) and exist (etf,global) and exist ($_0.08,global) and exist ($_0.08,pio) and exist (etf,pio) and exist (dividend,$_0.08) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (etf,global) and exist (etf,global) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nasdaq,$_0.08) and exist (nasdaq,global) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (water,global) and exist (water,global) "}, {"_id": 1414, "cause": "1414 exist $_0.08 exist dividend exist dividend exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announces,global) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (etf,global) and exist (etf,global) and exist ($_0.08,global) and exist ($_0.08,pio) and exist (etf,pio) and exist (dividend,$_0.08) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (etf,global) and exist (etf,global) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (nasdaq,$_0.08) and exist (nasdaq,global) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (water,global) and exist (water,global) "}, {"_id": 1415, "cause": "1415 exist Tuesday exist stock exist (stock,pio) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 1416, "cause": "1416 exist you exist (file,you) and exist (jointly,married) and exist (jointly,file) and exist (married,you) "}, {"_id": 1417, "cause": "1417 exist dividend exist ita exist (bats,etf) and exist (bats,ita) and exist (bats,etf) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,ishares) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 1418, "cause": "1418 exist dividend exist ita exist (bats,etf) and exist (bats,ita) and exist (bats,etf) and exist (declared,etf) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,ishares) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) "}, {"_id": 1419, "cause": "1419 exist Tuesday exist stock exist trading exist (stock,ishares) and exist (stock,etf) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 1420, "cause": "1420 exist asset exist investor exist tax exist (avoid,taxed) and exist (capital-gains,tax) and exist (high,tax) and exist (hold,investors) and exist (hold,assets) and exist (hold,avoid) and exist (tend,high) and exist (tend,investors) and exist (tend,hold) and exist (too,high) "}, {"_id": 1421, "cause": "1421 exist ... exist May_2003 exist 15_% exist 20_% exist chance exist gain exist rate exist theory exist (...,chance) and exist (capital,gains) and exist (came,theory) and exist (came,May_2003) and exist (long-term,gains) and exist (lowered,May_2003) and exist (lowered,congress) and exist (lowered,rate) and exist (lowered,20_%) and exist (lowered,15_%) and exist (rate,gains) and exist (test,chance) and exist (test,came) and exist (top,rate) and exist (when,lowered) "}, {"_id": 1422, "cause": "1422 exist ... exist May_2003 exist 15_% exist 20_% exist chance exist gain exist rate exist theory exist (...,chance) and exist (capital,gains) and exist (came,theory) and exist (came,May_2003) and exist (long-term,gains) and exist (lowered,May_2003) and exist (lowered,congress) and exist (lowered,rate) and exist (lowered,20_%) and exist (lowered,15_%) and exist (rate,gains) and exist (test,chance) and exist (test,came) and exist (top,rate) and exist (when,lowered) "}, {"_id": 1423, "cause": "1423 exist 49_% exist tax exist (49_%,tax) and exist (capital-gains,tax) and exist (effective,tax) and exist (federal,tax) and exist (maximum,tax) and exist (then,49_%) "}, {"_id": 1424, "cause": "1424 exist 10:05_PM exist Sep_22_,_2019 exist 3:09_AM exist Monday exist funding exist | exist (2019,3:09_AM) and exist (ap,3:09_AM) and exist (collapsed,failing) and exist (collapsed,10:05_PM) and exist (collapsed,Sep_22_,_2019) and exist (collapsed,3:09_AM) and exist (collapsed,Monday) and exist (10:05_PM,sun) and exist (3:09_AM,mon) and exist (early,Monday) and exist (emergency,funding) and exist (failing,secure) and exist (london,3:09_AM) and exist (sohn,|) and exist (posted,collapsed) and exist (secure,funding) and exist (|,press) "}, {"_id": 1425, "cause": "1425 exist Civil_Aviation_Authority exist trading exist (ceased,trading) and exist (said,Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (said,ceased) "}, {"_id": 1426, "cause": "1426 exist creditors exist failure exist shareholder exist talk exist (avoid,talks) and exist (avoid,going) and exist (stave,talks) and exist (stave,failure) and exist (talks,creditors) and exist (talks,shareholders) and exist (weekend,talks) "}, {"_id": 1427, "cause": "1427 exist plan exist (describing,plan) and exist (repatriation,plan) "}, {"_id": 1428, "cause": "1428 exist $_17.00 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (currently,has) and exist (has,express) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_17.00) "}, {"_id": 1429, "cause": "1429 exist income exist my exist retirement exist time exist (achieve,income) and exist (achieve,time) and exist (dividend,income) and exist (retirement,my) and exist (time,retirement) "}, {"_id": 1430, "cause": "1430 exist balance exist i exist i exist i exist number exist reason exist today exist (were,i) and exist (were,balances) and exist (were,retire) and exist (current,balances) and exist (know,i) and exist (know,number) and exist (number,i) and exist (number,reasons) and exist (retire,i) and exist (retire,today) and exist (can,not) "}, {"_id": 1431, "cause": "1431 exist effect exist industry exist market exist (bear,market) and exist (effect,market) and exist (limit,effect) and exist (limit,industry) and exist (protracted,market) "}, {"_id": 1432, "cause": "1432 exist Gilead_Sciences exist NASDAQ exist companies exist space exist valuation exist (abbvie,nyse) and exist (abbvie,nyse) and exist (abbvie,abbv) and exist (amgen,NASDAQ) and exist (company,nyse) and exist (NASDAQ,amgn) and exist (development,company) and exist (drug,company) and exist (healthcare,space) and exist (low,valuations) and exist (namely,valuations) and exist (nasdaq,Gilead_Sciences) and exist (Gilead_Sciences,nyse) and exist (NASDAQ,nyse) and exist (relatively,valuations) and exist (valuations,company) and exist (valuations,Gilead_Sciences) and exist (valuations,NASDAQ) and exist (valuations,space) "}, {"_id": 1433, "cause": "1433 exist end exist (opposite,end) "}, {"_id": 1434, "cause": "1434 exist flow exist (cash,flow) and exist (materializes,flow) "}, {"_id": 1435, "cause": "1435 exist achievement exist (further,achievement) "}, {"_id": 1436, "cause": "1436 exist DGR exist 8_% exist my exist (8_%,DGR) and exist (organic,DGR) and exist (target,my) "}, {"_id": 1437, "cause": "1437 exist holding exist its exist reit exist (holding,its) and exist (holding,reits) "}, {"_id": 1438, "cause": "1438 exist Nasdaq exist its exist plan exist share exist weeks exist (list,plans) and exist (list,shares) and exist (list,weeks) and exist (list,Nasdaq) and exist (plans,company) and exist (shares,its) "}, {"_id": 1439, "cause": "1439 exist Thursday_,_September_5th exist Chart_Industries exist company exist rating exist rating exist report exist share exist exist (68.00,) and exist (finally,raised) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (price,) and exist (raised,research) and exist (raised,shares) and exist (raised,rating) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (report,Thursday_,_September_5th) and exist (research,report) and exist (set,research) and exist (set,) and exist (set,report) and exist (shares,Chart_Industries) and exist (,company) "}, {"_id": 1440, "cause": "1440 exist analyst exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (analyst,one) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rating,stock) and exist (research,analyst) "}, {"_id": 1441, "cause": "1441 exist Wednesday exist (traded,gtls) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 1442, "cause": "1442 exist $_0.68 exist company exist earnings exist quarter exist share exist ($_0.68,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (industrial,company) and exist (products,company) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,$_0.68) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1443, "cause": "1443 exist $_59.73 exist $_203,261.19 exist cost exist share exist stock exist value exist (average,cost) and exist (cost,$_59.73) and exist ($_59.73,share) and exist (purchased,stock) and exist (purchased,cost) and exist (purchased,value) and exist (total,value) and exist (value,$_203,261.19) "}, {"_id": 1444, "cause": "1444 exist 12.6_% exist 2nd_quarter exist Chart_Industries exist its exist position exist share exist (lifted,inc.) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,12.6_%) and exist (12.6_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Chart_Industries) "}, {"_id": 1445, "cause": "1445 exist Chart_Industries exist 7.7_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (grew,inc.) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,7.7_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Chart_Industries) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1446, "cause": "1446 exist Chart_Industries exist 6.8_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (grew,corp) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,6.8_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Chart_Industries) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1447, "cause": "1447 exist 791.7_% exist second_quarter exist Chart_Industries exist holding exist its exist share exist (boosted,ltd.) and exist (boosted,holdings) and exist (boosted,791.7_%) and exist (boosted,shares) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (791.7_%,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Chart_Industries) "}, {"_id": 1448, "cause": "1448 exist Chart_Industries exist 5,240.9_% exist second_quarter exist holding exist its exist share exist (boosted,co.) and exist (boosted,holdings) and exist (boosted,5,240.9_%) and exist (boosted,second_quarter) and exist (finally,boosted) and exist (holdings,its) and exist (holdings,shares) and exist (shares,Chart_Industries) "}, {"_id": 1449, "cause": "1449 exist collapse exist (news,collapse) "}, {"_id": 1450, "cause": "1450 exist collapse "}, {"_id": 1451, "cause": "1451 exist Operation_Matterhorn exist two_weeks exist it exist plan exist report exist tourist exist (affected,tourists) and exist (british,tourists) and exist (claimed,report) and exist (claimed,take) and exist (dubbed,Operation_Matterhorn) and exist (plan,Operation_Matterhorn) and exist (repatriate,tourists) and exist (repatriate,plan) and exist (repatriation,plan) and exist (take,repatriate) and exist (take,it) and exist (take,two_weeks) "}, {"_id": 1452, "cause": "1452 exist UK_Civil_Aviation_Authority exist collapse exist company exist customers exist employee exist news exist (chief,moriarty) and exist (deeply,saddening) and exist (employees,company) and exist (executive,moriarty) and exist (executive,moriarty) and exist (executive,UK_Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (news,collapse) and exist (saddening,news) and exist (saddening,employees) and exist (saddening,customers) and exist (said,moriarty) and exist (said,saddening) "}, {"_id": 1453, "cause": "1453 exist British_Airline_Pilots_Association exist Brian_Strutton exist hell exist idea exist job exist line exist livelihood exist staff exist their exist they exist they exist tomorrow exist (general,Brian_Strutton) and exist (going,put) and exist (going,staff) and exist (going,hell) and exist (have,line) and exist (have,wake) and exist (have,they) and exist (have,idea) and exist (livelihoods,their) and exist (Brian_Strutton,British_Airline_Pilots_Association) and exist (put,livelihoods) and exist (put,line) and exist (said,Brian_Strutton) and exist (said,going) and exist (secretary,Brian_Strutton) and exist (wake,they) and exist (wake,tomorrow) and exist (wake,job) "}, {"_id": 1454, "cause": "1454 exist Department_for_Transport_and_Civil_Aviation_Authority exist plan exist standby exist (called,plan) and exist (called,matterhorn) and exist (contingency,plan) and exist (repatriation,plan) and exist (standby,Department_for_Transport_and_Civil_Aviation_Authority) and exist (standby,plan) "}, {"_id": 1455, "cause": "1455 exist their exist wedding exist (weddings,their) "}, {"_id": 1456, "cause": "1456 exist $_0.17 exist America exist bat exist dividend exist etf exist issue exist (ftse,invesco) and exist ($_0.17,bats) and exist (developed,invesco) and exist (developed,etf) and exist (dividend,$_0.17) and exist (etf,America) and exist (etf,issue) and exist (ex-north,America) and exist (ftse,invesco) and exist (issue,dividend) and exist (purebeta,invesco) "}, {"_id": 1457, "cause": "1457 exist $_0.17 exist America exist bat exist dividend exist etf exist issue exist (ftse,invesco) and exist ($_0.17,bats) and exist (developed,invesco) and exist (developed,etf) and exist (dividend,$_0.17) and exist (etf,America) and exist (etf,issue) and exist (ex-north,America) and exist (ftse,invesco) and exist (issue,dividend) and exist (purebeta,invesco) "}, {"_id": 1458, "cause": "1458 exist Monday exist bat exist share exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (shares,bats) and exist (traded,pbdm) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 1459, "cause": "1459 exist credit exist it exist senior exist (age,credit) and exist (benefit,income-tested) and exist (benefit,it) and exist (benefit,low) and exist (income-tested,credit) and exist (income,seniors) and exist (low,it) and exist (low,seniors) and exist (middle,seniors) "}, {"_id": 1460, "cause": "1460 exist NASDAQ exist James_J._Filler exist business exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (dated,transaction) and exist (dated,24th) and exist (NASDAQ,cnbka) and exist (James_J._Filler,NASDAQ) and exist (major,James_J._Filler) and exist (purchased,James_J._Filler) and exist (purchased,shares) and exist (purchased,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (shareholder,James_J._Filler) and exist (stock,business) "}, {"_id": 1461, "cause": "1461 exist SEC exist NASDAQ exist Tuesday exist 10_% exist company exist purchases exist sale exist shareholder exist shares exist stock exist their exist trading exist (disclose,sales) and exist (disclose,purchases) and exist (disclose,SEC) and exist (major,shareholders) and exist (midday,trading) and exist (more,10_%) and exist (10_%,stock) and exist (own,shareholders) and exist (own,10_%) and exist (required,shareholders) and exist (required,shares) and exist (required,disclose) and exist (sales,their) and exist (shares,NASDAQ) and exist (stock,company) and exist (traded,cnbka) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 1462, "cause": "1462 exist Century_Bancorp exist 4.6_% exist second_quarter exist Bank_of_America_Corp exist its exist position exist share exist (grew,Bank_of_America_Corp) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,4.6_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (Bank_of_America_Corp,de) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Century_Bancorp) "}, {"_id": 1463, "cause": "1463 exist 17.9_% exist second_quarter exist Century_Bancorp exist its exist position exist share exist (grew,inc.) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,17.9_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Century_Bancorp) "}, {"_id": 1464, "cause": "1464 exist Century_Bancorp exist 6.8_% exist second_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,6.8_%) and exist (6.8_%,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Century_Bancorp) "}, {"_id": 1465, "cause": "1465 exist Century_Bancorp exist 3.0_% exist second_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist (grew,corp) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,3.0_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Century_Bancorp) "}, {"_id": 1466, "cause": "1466 exist Century_Bancorp exist 6.8_% exist second_quarter exist its exist position exist share exist (finally,grew) and exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,position) and exist (grew,6.8_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (position,its) and exist (position,shares) and exist (shares,Century_Bancorp) "}, {"_id": 1467, "cause": "1467 exist airline exist it exist number exist plane exist reason exist routes exist service exist (difficult,it) and exist (difficult,number) and exist (difficult,keep) and exist (insolvent,airline) and exist (keep,it) and exist (keep,servicing) and exist (keep,servicing) and exist (number,reasons) and exist (planes,airline) and exist (practical,reasons) and exist (servicing,planes) and exist (servicing,routes) and exist (very,difficult) "}, {"_id": 1468, "cause": "1468 exist airline exist event exist fund exist government exist repatriation exist review exist scheme exist (becoming,airline) and exist (event,airline) and exist (flight,review) and exist (flight,scheme) and exist (fps,scheme) and exist (fund,scheme) and exist (fund,repatriation) and exist (fund,event) and exist (introduce,government) and exist (passenger,repatriation) and exist (protection,review) and exist (protection,scheme) and exist (recommends,review) and exist (recommends,introduce) and exist (scheme,review) "}, {"_id": 1469, "cause": "1469 exist refinitiv exist Intel exist business exist majority exist (acquire,majority) and exist (acquire,refinitiv) and exist (business,Intel) and exist (majority,business) and exist (modem,business) and exist (smartphone,business) "}, {"_id": 1470, "cause": "1470 exist credit exist proposal exist user exist (conservative,revive) and exist (conservative,tom) and exist (credit,users) and exist (green,credit) and exist (conservative,proposal) and exist (revive,credit) and exist (tax,credit) and exist (transit,users) "}, {"_id": 1471, "cause": "1471 exist Bharti_Airtel exist contrast exist month exist number exist user exist (lost,Bharti_Airtel) and exist (lost,users) and exist (lost,month) and exist (lost,contrast) and exist (Bharti_Airtel,numbers) and exist (teleservices,numbers) "}, {"_id": 1472, "cause": "1472 exist million exist base exist its exist user exist (base,its) and exist (million,380) and exist (fell,base) and exist (fell,users) and exist (users,million) "}, {"_id": 1473, "cause": "1473 exist company exist number exist user exist (added,company) and exist (added,number) and exist (healthy,number) and exist (number,users) "}, {"_id": 1474, "cause": "1474 exist BSNL exist July exist user exist (added,BSNL) and exist (added,users) and exist (added,July) and exist (impressive,users) and exist (mobile,users) and exist (state-run,BSNL) "}, {"_id": 1475, "cause": "1475 exist Nirmala_Sitharaman exist 28_% exist 12_% exist 18_% exist PTI exist Goa exist Friday exist beverage exist cess exist gst exist reporter exist (additional,cess) and exist (agency,PTI) and exist (caffeinated,beverages) and exist (cess,12_%) and exist (compensation,cess) and exist (council,37th) and exist (current,18_%) and exist (finance,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (gst,37th) and exist (gst,beverages) and exist (increased,gst) and exist (increased,18_%) and exist (increased,28_%) and exist (increased,cess) and exist (meeting,37th) and exist (meeting,37th) and exist (meeting,Goa) and exist (meeting,Friday) and exist (minister,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (news,PTI) and exist (reported,PTI) and exist (reporters,increased) and exist (told,reported) and exist (told,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (told,reporters) and exist (told,37th) "}, {"_id": 1476, "cause": "1476 exist Nirmala_Sitharaman exist 28_% exist 12_% exist 18_% exist PTI exist Goa exist Friday exist beverage exist cess exist gst exist reporter exist (additional,cess) and exist (agency,PTI) and exist (caffeinated,beverages) and exist (cess,12_%) and exist (compensation,cess) and exist (council,37th) and exist (current,18_%) and exist (finance,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (gst,37th) and exist (gst,beverages) and exist (increased,gst) and exist (increased,18_%) and exist (increased,28_%) and exist (increased,cess) and exist (meeting,37th) and exist (meeting,37th) and exist (meeting,Goa) and exist (meeting,Friday) and exist (minister,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (news,PTI) and exist (reported,PTI) and exist (reporters,increased) and exist (told,reported) and exist (told,Nirmala_Sitharaman) and exist (told,reporters) and exist (told,37th) "}, {"_id": 1477, "cause": "1477 exist winter exist decline exist population exist (bee,populations) and exist (generally,see) and exist (honey,populations) and exist (see,populations) and exist (see,decline) and exist (see,winter) "}, {"_id": 1478, "cause": "1478 exist home exist staff exist their exist (airline,staff) and exist (final,home) and exist (home,their) and exist (journey,home) and exist (staff,home) and exist (stricken,staff) "}, {"_id": 1479, "cause": "1479 exist collapse exist giant exist (178-year-old,giant) and exist (collapse,giant) and exist (overnight,collapse) and exist (travel,giant) "}, {"_id": 1480, "cause": "1480 exist company exist creditor exist deal exist finances exist gap exist its exist shareholders exist (250m.gap,gap) and exist (deal,shareholders) and exist (deal,creditors) and exist (failed,company) and exist (failed,secure) and exist (finances,its) and exist (plug,deal) and exist (plug,gap) and exist (plug,finances) and exist (secure,company) and exist (secure,deal) "}, {"_id": 1481, "cause": "1481 exist first_quarter_2020 exist August_6_,_2019 exist its exist loss exist operation exist result exist (financial,results) and exist (gaap,loss) and exist (loss,operations) and exist (first_quarter_2020,its) and exist (released,inc) and exist (released,results) and exist (released,August_6_,_2019) and exist (reporting,results) and exist (reporting,loss) and exist (results,first_quarter_2020) "}, {"_id": 1482, "cause": "1482 exist mill exist metal exist mill exist demand exist demand exist it exist metal.credit exist photographer exist purchase exist their exist war exist (appeared,it) and exist (appeared,managing) and exist (appeared,reduced) and exist (asx-listed,metal) and exist (early,mill) and exist (escalating,wars) and exist (global,demand) and exist (hit,demand) and exist (hit,metal.credit) and exist (initially,appeared) and exist (lower,demand) and exist (managing,mill) and exist (managing,demand) and exist (materially,reduced) and exist (month,mill) and exist (purchases,their) and exist (reduced,mill) and exist (reduced,purchases) and exist (said,appeared) and exist (said,field) and exist (scrap,metal.credit) and exist (sims,metal) and exist (steel,mill) and exist (trade,wars) and exist (warned,metal) and exist (warned,hit) and exist (warned,photographer) "}, {"_id": 1483, "cause": "1483 exist demand exist fall exist price exist reduction exist scrap exist (demand,scrap) and exist (driven,reduction) and exist (driven,fall) and exist (fall,prices) and exist (reduction,demand) and exist (said,field) and exist (said,driven) and exist (steep,fall) "}, {"_id": 1484, "cause": "1484 exist year exist (up,cent) and exist (up,year) "}, {"_id": 1485, "cause": "1485 exist Contents_Finance exist profession exist top exist (especially,top) and exist (male-dominated,profession) and exist (profession,top) and exist (remains,profession) and exist (remains,2019) and exist (remains,profession) and exist (table,2019) and exist (updated,2019) and exist (updated,fontinelle) and exist (updated,Contents_Finance) "}, {"_id": 1486, "cause": "1486 QUESTION(where) exist family exist question exist she exist there exist today exist where exist (is,helped) and exist (is,there) and exist (born,question) and exist (born,family) and exist (get,today) and exist (get,johnson) and exist (helped,question) and exist (helped,get) and exist (right,family) and exist (today,where) and exist (today,she) and exist (no,question)"}, {"_id": 1487, "cause": "1487 QUESTION(when) exist church exist gym exist people exist shelter exist their exist weather exist when exist (allowed,church) and exist (allowed,people) and exist (allowed,sleep) and exist (church,maryland) and exist (extreme,weather) and exist (freezing,weather) and exist (full,when) and exist (full,shelters) and exist (gym,their) and exist (homeless,people) and exist (sleep,full) and exist (sleep,people) and exist (sleep,weather) and exist (sleep,gym) "}, {"_id": 1488, "cause": "1488 exist maximum exist properties exist unit exist (housing,units) and exist (maximum,units) and exist (zoned,francisco) and exist (zoned,property) and exist (zoned,maximum) "}, {"_id": 1489, "cause": "1489 exist address exist anything exist Yang exist candidacy exist crisis exist he exist it exist proceeds exist profit exist tax exist you exist (address,it) and exist (all,candidacy) and exist (candidacy,Yang) and exist (corporate,profits) and exist (know,you) and exist (know,anything) and exist (probably,proposes) and exist (proceeds,tax) and exist (proposes,know) and exist (proposes,it) and exist (proposes,he) and exist (proposes,address) and exist (proposes,address) and exist (quixotic,candidacy) and exist (tax,profits) and exist (using,crisis) and exist (using,proceeds) and exist (value-added,tax) "}, {"_id": 1490, "cause": "1490 exist $_56_billion exist asset exist liabilities exist that exist (estimated,liability) and exist (increase,trillion) and exist (increase,trillion) and exist (increase,that) and exist (increase,assets) and exist (increase,liability) and exist (increase,$_56_billion) and exist (more,trillion) and exist (now,increase) and exist (pension,assets) and exist (public,assets) and exist (recently-reported,assets) "}, {"_id": 1491, "cause": "1491 exist California exist $ exist billion exist $ exist billion exist asset exist downturn exist market exist today exist (700,billion) and exist (918,billion) and exist (assets,California) and exist (downturn,market) and exist (just,$) and exist (market,u.s.) and exist ($,today) and exist ($,$) and exist ($,billion) and exist ($,billion) and exist (pension,assets) and exist (public,assets) and exist (push,downturn) and exist (push,assets) and exist (push,$) and exist (recession-like,downturn) and exist (stock,market) and exist (system,assets) "}, {"_id": 1492, "cause": "1492 exist asset exist development exist mini-recession exist system exist (assets,systems) and exist (development,mini-recession) and exist (even,mini-recession) and exist (fall,assets) and exist (fall,mini-recession) and exist (fall,recession) and exist (horrible,development) and exist (levels,recession) and exist (levels,recession) and exist (one-half,levels) and exist (pension,systems) "}, {"_id": 1493, "cause": "1493 exist one exist beneficiaries exist company exist cost exist demand exist hypothesis exist our exist term exist utilisation exist (one,company) and exist (beneficiary,hypothesis) and exist (benign,cost) and exist (clinker,utilisation) and exist (demand,utilisation) and exist (demand,cost) and exist (demand,term) and exist (fuel,cost) and exist (hypothesis,demand) and exist (hypothesis,our) and exist (industry,utilisation) and exist (likely,company) and exist (likely,one) and exist (medium,term) and exist (one,beneficiary) and exist (positive,hypothesis) and exist (prime,beneficiary) and exist (rising,utilisation) and exist (sector,hypothesis) and exist (stable,demand) "}, {"_id": 1494, "cause": "1494 exist outlook exist fundamental exist tailwind exist beneficiary exist we exist (acc,pan-india) and exist (acc,pan-india) and exist (beneficiary,pan-india) and exist (beneficiary,fundamental) and exist (outlook,tailwind) and exist (expect,tailwind) and exist (expect,we) and exist (expect,beneficiary) and exist (expect,pan-india) and exist (expect,beneficiary) and exist (industry,fundamental) and exist (player,pan-india) and exist (positive,fundamental) and exist (prime,beneficiary) and exist (sector,tailwind) "}, {"_id": 1495, "cause": "1495 exist NYSE exist Dividend_Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc exist Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc exist dividend exist nyse exist psf exist (0.17,Dividend_Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (announced,Dividend_Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (announced,inc) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,11th) and exist (fd,inc) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,fd) and exist (fd,nyse) and exist (Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc,NYSE) and exist (fd,inc) and exist (inc,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (inc,fd) and exist (issue,Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (issue,fd) and exist (issue,Dividend_Cohen_&_Steers_Select_Pref_&_Inc) and exist (nasdaq,11th) and exist (nyse,psf) and exist (reports,11th) and exist (reports,11th) "}, {"_id": 1496, "cause": "1496 exist course exist half exist half exist it exist its exist output exist position exist exist year exist (cash,position) and exist (course,it) and exist (ending,half) and exist (first,half) and exist (first,half) and exist (half,output) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,plc) and exist (lon,aaz) and exist (meet,course) and exist (meet,) and exist (meet,half) and exist (meet,year) and exist (net,position) and exist (production,) and exist (said,plc) and exist (said,half) and exist (said,course) and exist (said,position) and exist (strong,half) and exist (stronger,position) and exist (,its) "}, {"_id": 1497, "cause": "1497 exist growth exist (production,first-half) and exist (growth,first-half) and exist (production,first-half) "}, {"_id": 1498, "cause": "1498 exist US$_2.7_mln exist cost exist mine exist ore exist volume exist (cash,costs) and exist (US$_2.7_mln,costs) and exist (extra,US$_2.7_mln) and exist (higher,volume) and exist (mining,costs) and exist (mining,volume) and exist (volume,ore) "}, {"_id": 1499, "cause": "1499 exist 1_January exist price exist (1_January,prices) and exist (metal,prices) "}, {"_id": 1500, "cause": "1500 exist 1_January_2019 exist copper exist decrease exist gold exist increase exist price exist price exist (decrease,price) and exist (decrease,price) and exist (decrease,1_January_2019) and exist (however,decrease) and exist (however,increase) and exist (increase,price) and exist (price,copper) and exist (price,gold) "}, {"_id": 1501, "cause": "1501 exist company exist its exist its exist position exist progression exist strategy exist (continue,position) and exist (continue,progression) and exist (deliver,position) and exist (deliver,strategy) and exist (enviable,position) and exist (growth,strategy) and exist (nevertheless,said) and exist (progression,its) and exist (remains,company) and exist (remains,position) and exist (said,zamani) and exist (said,remains) and exist (stated,strategy) and exist (strategy,its) "}, {"_id": 1502, "cause": "1502 exist accountant exist background exist recording exist reporting exist transaction exist you exist (accountant,you) and exist (accountant,background) and exist (finalist,accountant) and exist (ideally,accountant) and exist (recently,accountant) and exist (recording,transactions) and exist (solid,background) and exist (understanding,accountant) and exist (understanding,recording) and exist (understanding,reporting) "}, {"_id": 1503, "cause": "1503 exist file exist income exist income exist return exist source exist (annual,returns) and exist (declare,income) and exist (declare,income) and exist (file,returns) and exist (income,sources) and exist (income,returns) and exist (other,sources) and exist (rental,income) and exist (tax,returns) and exist (together,declare) "}, {"_id": 1504, "cause": "1504 exist filing exist filing exist mri exist penalty exist (filing,mri) and exist (late,filing) and exist (penalty,filing) and exist (returns,filing) and exist (returns,penalty) "}, {"_id": 1505, "cause": "1505 exist WASHINGTON exist construction exist feed exist financing exist fund exist its exist its exist news exist portfolio exist (announced,systems) and exist (announced,completed) and exist (announced,WASHINGTON) and exist (announced,today) and exist (business,WASHINGTON) and exist (completed,fund) and exist (completed,financing) and exist (completed,construction) and exist (feed,news) and exist (feed,announced) and exist (financing,portfolio) and exist (first,portfolio) and exist (fund,its) and exist (helios,fund) and exist (infrastructure,fund) and exist (joint,fund) and exist (portfolio,its) and exist (solar,portfolio) and exist (stocks,news) and exist (venture,fund) and exist (wire,WASHINGTON) "}, {"_id": 1506, "cause": "1506 exist communities exist development exist investment exist (capital,investment) and exist (community,carolina) and exist (investment,community) and exist (million,investment) and exist (represent,developments) and exist (represent,investment) and exist (rural,community) and exist (solar,developments) "}, {"_id": 1507, "cause": "1507 exist minister exist stakeholder exist (come,stakeholders) and exist (said,minister) and exist (said,come) and exist (said,work) and exist (together,work) and exist (work,stakeholders) "}, {"_id": 1508, "cause": "1508 exist $_0.05 exist September exist dividend exist dividend exist issue exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (etf,26th) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (dividend,$_0.05) and exist (dividend,September) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (etf,26th) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (fite,spdr) and exist (future,26th) and exist (future,spdr) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (kensho,spdr) and exist (kensho,26th) and exist (etf,issue) and exist (September,26th) and exist (nysearca,September) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (security,26th) and exist (security,spdr) and exist (spdr,26th) and exist (tweet,26th) "}, {"_id": 1509, "cause": "1509 exist $_0.05 exist September exist dividend exist dividend exist issue exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (etf,26th) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (dividend,$_0.05) and exist (dividend,September) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (etf,26th) and exist (etf,spdr) and exist (fite,spdr) and exist (future,26th) and exist (future,spdr) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (kensho,spdr) and exist (kensho,26th) and exist (etf,issue) and exist (September,26th) and exist (nysearca,September) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (security,26th) and exist (security,spdr) and exist (spdr,26th) and exist (tweet,26th) "}, {"_id": 1510, "cause": "1510 exist Wednesday exist FITE exist share exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (shares,FITE) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Wednesday) "}, {"_id": 1511, "cause": "1511 exist ECB exist everything exist investors exist today exist (actually,delivered) and exist (almost,everything) and exist (delivered,ECB) and exist (delivered,everything) and exist (delivered,today) and exist (wanted,investors) and exist (wanted,everything) "}, {"_id": 1512, "cause": "1512 exist issue exist issuers exist limit exist (changed,limits) and exist (individual,issues) and exist (limits,issues) and exist (limits,issuers) and exist (not,changed)"}, {"_id": 1513, "cause": "1513 exist company exist guidance exist (also,cut) and exist (cut,company) and exist (cut,guidance) and exist (earnings,guidance) "}, {"_id": 1514, "cause": "1514 exist third_quarter exist earnings exist (earnings,third_quarter) and exist (stronger,earnings) "}, {"_id": 1515, "cause": "1515 exist 2015 exist shares exist they exist (began,they) and exist (began,buying) and exist (buying,they) and exist (buying,shares) and exist (buying,2015) "}, {"_id": 1516, "cause": "1516 exist collapse "}, {"_id": 1517, "cause": "1517 exist #_1.50 exist May_2018 exist peak exist pence exist share exist (collapsed,shares) and exist (collapsed,peak) and exist (few,penny) and exist (peak,May_2018) and exist (peak,#_1.50) and exist (peak,penny) "}, {"_id": 1518, "cause": "1518 exist Fosun exist comment exist escape exist you exist (collapse,receive) and exist (logged,post) and exist (logged,escape) and exist (logged,you) and exist (lucky,escape) and exist (owners,Fosun) and exist (post,comment) and exist (receive,Fosun) and exist (receive,escape) "}, {"_id": 1519, "cause": "1519 exist country exist finance exist growth exist i exist inflation exist speaker exist (economic,growth) and exist (economic,speaker) and exist (generally,strengthened) and exist (growth,country) and exist (madam,speaker) and exist (moderated,inflation) and exist (now,moderated) and exist (proud,i) and exist (proud,finance) and exist (proud,report) and exist (report,i) and exist (report,strengthened) and exist (sector,speaker) and exist (strengthened,moderated) and exist (strengthened,growth) "}, {"_id": 1520, "cause": "1520 exist country exist finance exist growth exist i exist inflation exist speaker exist (economic,growth) and exist (economic,speaker) and exist (generally,strengthened) and exist (growth,country) and exist (madam,speaker) and exist (moderated,inflation) and exist (now,moderated) and exist (proud,i) and exist (proud,finance) and exist (proud,report) and exist (report,i) and exist (report,strengthened) and exist (sector,speaker) and exist (strengthened,moderated) and exist (strengthened,growth) "}, {"_id": 1521, "cause": "1521 exist dalasi exist confidence exist inflow exist inflow exist partner exist rate exist receipt exist remittance exist tourism exist (broadly,stable) and exist (development,partners) and exist (exchange,rate) and exist (higher,receipts) and exist (increased,inflows) and exist (inflows,remittances) and exist (inflows,remittances) and exist (inflows,partners) and exist (market,confidence) and exist (official,inflows) and exist (private,remittances) and exist (rate,dalasi) and exist (receipts,remittances) and exist (receipts,tourism) and exist (remains,rate) and exist (remains,inflows) and exist (remains,receipts) and exist (remains,inflows) and exist (remains,stable) and exist (stable,rate) and exist (supported,confidence) "}, {"_id": 1522, "cause": "1522 exist dalasi exist confidence exist inflow exist inflow exist partner exist rate exist receipt exist remittance exist tourism exist (broadly,stable) and exist (development,partners) and exist (exchange,rate) and exist (higher,receipts) and exist (increased,inflows) and exist (inflows,remittances) and exist (inflows,remittances) and exist (inflows,partners) and exist (market,confidence) and exist (official,inflows) and exist (private,remittances) and exist (rate,dalasi) and exist (receipts,remittances) and exist (receipts,tourism) and exist (remains,rate) and exist (remains,inflows) and exist (remains,receipts) and exist (remains,inflows) and exist (remains,stable) and exist (stable,rate) and exist (supported,confidence) "}, {"_id": 1523, "cause": "1523 exist indicator exist liquid exist remain exist sector exist (adequately,capitalized) and exist (banking,sector) and exist (capitalized,sector) and exist (capitalized,liquid) and exist (financial,indicators) and exist (highly,liquid) and exist (remains,sector) and exist (remains,indicators) and exist (remains,capitalized) and exist (soundness,indicators) "}, {"_id": 1524, "cause": "1524 exist indicator exist liquid exist remain exist sector exist (adequately,capitalized) and exist (banking,sector) and exist (capitalized,sector) and exist (capitalized,liquid) and exist (financial,indicators) and exist (highly,liquid) and exist (remains,sector) and exist (remains,indicators) and exist (remains,capitalized) and exist (soundness,indicators) "}, {"_id": 1525, "cause": "1525 exist 3 exist Gambia exist education exist goal exist programme exist research exist science exist speaker exist stock exist (building,goal) and exist (building,stock) and exist (capital,stock) and exist (continues,speaker) and exist (continues,education) and exist (continues,research) and exist (continues,science) and exist (continues,3) and exist (continues,implement) and exist (education,speaker) and exist (education,research) and exist (education,science) and exist (education,speaker) and exist (education,education) and exist (education,research) and exist (education,science) and exist (higher,speaker) and exist (higher,education) and exist (higher,research) and exist (higher,science) and exist (higher,education) and exist (honourable,speaker) and exist (honourable,education) and exist (honourable,research) and exist (honourable,science) and exist (human,stock) and exist (implement,education) and exist (implement,programmes) and exist (implement,goal) and exist (madam,speaker) and exist (members,speaker) and exist (members,education) and exist (members,research) and exist (members,science) and exist (primary,goal) and exist (sector,speaker) and exist (sector,education) and exist (sector,research) and exist (sector,science) and exist (speaker,education) and exist (speaker,research) and exist (speaker,science) and exist (stock,Gambia) and exist (technology,speaker) and exist (various,programmes) "}, {"_id": 1526, "cause": "1526 exist centre exist project exist (african,centres) and exist (centres,project) and exist (excellence,project) and exist (impact,project) "}, {"_id": 1527, "cause": "1527 exist university exist (gtti,institute) and exist (gtti,institute) and exist (transform,institute) and exist (transform,university) "}, {"_id": 1528, "cause": "1528 exist access exist education exist (access,education) and exist (attain,access) and exist (universal,access) "}, {"_id": 1529, "cause": "1529 exist reform exist European_Union exist process exist this exist (expanded,supporting) and exist (expanded,European_Union) and exist (expanded,this) and exist (expanded,process) and exist (sector,reform) and exist (security,reform) and exist (supporting,reform) "}, {"_id": 1530, "cause": "1530 exist 8 exist Ministry_of_Petroleum_and_Energy exist Petroleum_Oil_Blocks exist energy exist our exist round exist (completed,energy) and exist (completed,rounds) and exist (first,rounds) and exist (government,energy) and exist (madam,energy) and exist (Petroleum_Oil_Blocks,our) and exist (rounds,Petroleum_Oil_Blocks) and exist (speaker,energy) and exist (successful,rounds) "}, {"_id": 1531, "cause": "1531 exist country exist electricity exist government exist improvement exist initiative exist my exist policy exist speaker exist supply exist we exist (government,my) and exist (improvements,speaker) and exist (improvements,we) and exist (improvements,supply) and exist (improvements,policy) and exist (improvements,initiatives) and exist (introduced,policy) and exist (introduced,government) and exist (investment,initiatives) and exist (madam,speaker) and exist (noticed,improvements) and exist (supply,country) and exist (supply,electricity) "}, {"_id": 1532, "cause": "1532 exist $_141,000,000 exist Gambia exist March_of_this_year exist European_Union exist energy exist project exist (clean,energy) and exist (hundred,project) and exist (forty-one,euro) and exist (forty-one,$_141,000,000) and exist (launched,European_Union) and exist (launched,Gambia) and exist (launched,March_of_this_year) and exist (million,euro) and exist (hundred,energy) and exist (project,euro) "}, {"_id": 1533, "cause": "1533 exist Brikama exist electricity exist radius exist substation exist village exist (kilometre,radius) and exist (peri-urban,villages) and exist (provide,electricity) and exist (provide,villages) and exist (provide,radius) and exist (radius,Brikama) and exist (radius,substations) and exist (rural,villages) and exist (substations,omvg) "}, {"_id": 1534, "cause": "1534 exist Joint_Venture_Agreement exist TAF_Africa_Global exist Industrial_Park exist Banjul_International_Airport exist development exist industrialisation exist its exist management exist quest exist spur exist (development,Industrial_Park) and exist (entered,giepa) and exist (entered,quest) and exist (entered,Joint_Venture_Agreement) and exist (TAF_Africa_Global,Banjul_International_Airport) and exist (TAF_Africa_Global,development) and exist (TAF_Africa_Global,management) and exist (Joint_Venture_Agreement,TAF_Africa_Global) and exist (quest,its) and exist (spur,quest) and exist (spur,industrialisation) "}, {"_id": 1535, "cause": "1535 exist initiative exist investment exist this exist trade exist women exist (economically,empower) and exist (empower,initiative) and exist (empower,women) and exist (empower,trade) and exist (empower,investment) and exist (global,initiative) and exist (initiative,this) "}, {"_id": 1536, "cause": "1536 exist initiative exist investment exist this exist trade exist women exist (economically,empower) and exist (empower,initiative) and exist (empower,women) and exist (empower,trade) and exist (empower,investment) and exist (global,initiative) and exist (initiative,this) "}, {"_id": 1537, "cause": "1537 exist office exist coordination exist country exist effort exist president exist (efforts,country) and exist (established,office) and exist (established,coordination) and exist (mechanisms,coordination) and exist (office,president) and exist (protection,efforts) and exist (reinforce,coordination) and exist (reinforce,efforts) and exist (social,efforts) and exist (vice,president) "}, {"_id": 1538, "cause": "1538 exist National_Nutrition_Agency exist children exist development exist foster exist home exist issue exist livelihood exist woman exist (continues,National_Nutrition_Agency) and exist (continues,home) and exist (continues,work) and exist (especially,women) and exist (foster,livelihoods) and exist (foster,women) and exist (foster,children) and exist (healthy,livelihoods) and exist (home,developments) and exist (institutional,home) and exist (nutrition,issues) and exist (sustainable,livelihoods) and exist (work,National_Nutrition_Agency) and exist (work,foster) and exist (work,issues) and exist (work,foster) "}, {"_id": 1539, "cause": "1539 exist , exist one_thousand exist care exist child exist day exist diet exist it exist their exist their exist transfer exist woman exist (-SPL-,children) and exist (-SPL-,women) and exist (1-SPL-000,one_thousand) and exist (cash,transfer) and exist (children,their) and exist (children,one_thousand) and exist (days,transfer) and exist (one_thousand,days) and exist (diets,their) and exist (first,one_thousand) and exist (provides,it) and exist (provides,care) and exist (transfer,diets) and exist (women,one_thousand) "}, {"_id": 1540, "cause": "1540 exist agency exist partner exist (developed,agency) and exist (disaster,2019-30) and exist (ever,plan) and exist (first,2019-30) and exist (national,2019-30) and exist (now,developed) and exist (plan,2019-30) and exist (plan,2019-30) and exist (response,2019-30) and exist (validated,agency) and exist (validated,2019-30) and exist (working,2019-30) and exist (working,partner) "}, {"_id": 1541, "cause": "1541 exist air exist National_Transport_Policy exist transport exist building exist development exist government exist infrastructure exist infrastructure exist lot exist works exist (2018-2027,National_Transport_Policy) and exist (building,2018-2027) and exist (building,national) and exist (building,government) and exist (building,works) and exist (building,infrastructure) and exist (cut,building) and exist (cut,2018-2027) and exist (cut,air) and exist (cut,road) and exist (cut,transport) and exist (cut,lot) and exist (facilities,2018-2027) and exist (infrastructure,development) and exist (lot,development) and exist (madam,infrastructure) and exist (policy,2018-2027) and exist (policy,building) and exist (policy,2018-2027) and exist (policy,government) and exist (policy,works) and exist (policy,infrastructure) and exist (programs,building) and exist (programs,2018-2027) and exist (public,building) and exist (sea,transport) and exist (speaker,infrastructure) and exist (transport,infrastructure) and exist (transport,works) and exist (transport,infrastructure) and exist (works,infrastructure) "}, {"_id": 1542, "cause": "1542 exist construction exist development exist lot exist (infrastructure,development) and exist (lots,development) and exist (ongoing,lots) and exist (ongoing,construction) and exist (road,construction) "}, {"_id": 1543, "cause": "1543 exist construction exist development exist lot exist (infrastructure,development) and exist (lots,development) and exist (ongoing,lots) and exist (ongoing,construction) and exist (road,construction) "}, {"_id": 1544, "cause": "1544 exist Business_Plan exist guide exist Banjul exist Gambia_Port_Authority exist capacity exist development exist port exist reform exist transportation exist viability exist (guide,Business_Plan) and exist (guide,reforms) and exist (guide,developments) and exist (capacity,port) and exist (financial,viability) and exist (five-year,Business_Plan) and exist (formulated,Gambia_Port_Authority) and exist (formulated,2019-2038) and exist (formulated,Business_Plan) and exist (formulated,transportation) and exist (improve,reforms) and exist (improve,capacity) and exist (improve,viability) and exist (infrastructure,developments) and exist (institutional,reforms) and exist (master,2019-2038) and exist (new,2019-2038) and exist (operational,capacity) and exist (plan,2019-2038) and exist (plan,2019-2038) and exist (port,Banjul) and exist (recently,formulated) and exist (sustain,reforms) and exist (sustain,capacity) and exist (sustain,viability) and exist (viability,port) and exist (water,transportation) "}, {"_id": 1545, "cause": "1545 exist Banjul_International_Airport exist eighteen_months exist extension exist progress exist traffic exist (air,traffic) and exist (airport,extension) and exist (improvement,extension) and exist (last,eighteen_months) and exist (phase,extension) and exist (progress,Banjul_International_Airport) and exist (progress,traffic) and exist (project,extension) and exist (work,extension) "}, {"_id": 1546, "cause": "1546 exist centre exist construction exist this exist (conference,centre) and exist (construction,centre) and exist (international,centre) and exist (progressing,related) and exist (progressing,construction) and exist (related,this) and exist (steadily,progressing) "}, {"_id": 1547, "cause": "1547 exist April_2019 exist National_Broadband_Network exist project exist (nbn,National_Broadband_Network) and exist (phased,National_Broadband_Network) and exist (phased,project) and exist (phased,April_2019) and exist (successfully,phased) "}, {"_id": 1548, "cause": "1548 exist access exist condition exist government exist information exist nation exist resources exist speaker exist water exist weather exist (access,water) and exist (accurate,information) and exist (climatic,conditions) and exist (committed,government) and exist (committed,ensuring) and exist (ensuring,access) and exist (fisheries,speaker) and exist (information,weather) and exist (information,conditions) and exist (madam,speaker) and exist (providing,information) and exist (providing,nation) and exist (remains,government) and exist (remains,resources) and exist (remains,committed) and exist (safe,water) and exist (timely,information) and exist (water,resources) "}, {"_id": 1549, "cause": "1549 exist sixty-three exist 63 exist October_,_2018 exist bank exist finance exist fund exist improvement exist infrastructure exist months exist period exist project exist result exist we exist (about,sixty-three) and exist (african,bank) and exist (climate,project) and exist (sixty-three,63) and exist (development,bank) and exist (development,project) and exist (finance,funds) and exist (finance,project) and exist (finance,infrastructure) and exist (finance,improvement) and exist (finance,period) and exist (funds,bank) and exist (period,months) and exist (period,sixty-three) and exist (received,we) and exist (received,funds) and exist (received,result) and exist (received,October_,_2018) and exist (rural,project) and exist (service,improvement) and exist (smart,project) "}, {"_id": 1550, "cause": "1550 exist agreement exist Gambia exist October_2018 exist assembly exist fish exist republic exist vessel exist water exist (allow,agreement) and exist (allow,vessels) and exist (allow,fish) and exist (union,eu) and exist (discussed,assembly) and exist (european,eu) and exist (fish,waters) and exist (gambian,waters) and exist (republic,Gambia) and exist (signed,discussed) and exist (signed,eu) and exist (signed,republic) and exist (signed,agreement) and exist (signed,October_2018) and exist (six-year,agreement) and exist (union,eu) and exist (vessels,eu) "}, {"_id": 1551, "cause": "1551 exist agreement exist Gambia exist October_2018 exist assembly exist fish exist republic exist vessel exist water exist (allow,agreement) and exist (allow,vessels) and exist (allow,fish) and exist (union,eu) and exist (discussed,assembly) and exist (european,eu) and exist (fish,waters) and exist (gambian,waters) and exist (republic,Gambia) and exist (signed,discussed) and exist (signed,eu) and exist (signed,republic) and exist (signed,agreement) and exist (signed,October_2018) and exist (six-year,agreement) and exist (union,eu) and exist (vessels,eu) "}, {"_id": 1552, "cause": "1552 exist Fisheries_Regulations exist government exist process exist sector exist (amending,process) and exist (amending,Fisheries_Regulations) and exist (finally,process) and exist (process,government) and exist (process,sector) "}, {"_id": 1553, "cause": "1553 exist $_10.50 exist price exist (consensus,price) and exist (has,bancorp) and exist (has,price) and exist (price,$_10.50) "}, {"_id": 1554, "cause": "1554 exist company exist earnings exist future exist we exist yesterday exist (bright,future) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,earnings) and exist (reported,yesterday) and exist (think,reported) and exist (think,we) and exist (think,bright) "}, {"_id": 1555, "cause": "1555 exist result "}, {"_id": 1556, "cause": "1556 exist company exist growth exist line exist shop exist (also,continues) and exist (is,continues) and exist (boosting,line) and exist (continues,company) and exist (continues,open) and exist (fuel,growth) and exist (further,boosting) and exist (future,growth) and exist (new,shops) and exist (open,fuel) and exist (open,company) and exist (open,shops) and exist (strategically,open) and exist (top,line) "}, {"_id": 1557, "cause": "1557 exist exist exist mix exist quarter exist result exist we exist (due,) and exist (gross,) and exist (lower,) and exist (,result) and exist (merchandise,) and exist (mix,quarter) and exist (narrow,) and exist (result,mix) and exist (sales,mix) and exist (saw,we) and exist (saw,) "}, {"_id": 1558, "cause": "1558 exist $ exist 2020 exist million exist $_1,091 exist its exist price exist purchase exist q4 exist share exist streak exist we exist (692,million) and exist (average,price) and exist (continue,autozone) and exist (continue,streak) and exist (continue,invested) and exist (continue,q4) and exist (expect,we) and exist (expect,continue) and exist (expect,2020) and exist (invested,autozone) and exist (invested,$) and exist (new,purchases) and exist ($,price) and exist ($,purchases) and exist ($_1,091,share) and exist ($,million) and exist (price,$_1,091) and exist (streak,its) "}, {"_id": 1559, "cause": "1559 exist $_1,075 exist price exist (present,price) and exist (price,$_1,075) and exist (share,price) "}, {"_id": 1560, "cause": "1560 exist announcement exist $_478.6_million exist $_219.7_million exist company exist it exist loss exist revenue exist (came,announcement) and exist (came,company) and exist (loss,$_478.6_million) and exist (loss,revenue) and exist (net,loss) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,it) and exist (reported,loss) and exist (revenue,$_219.7_million) "}, {"_id": 1561, "cause": "1561 exist 3,553 exist 3,989 exist the_first_quarter exist June exist second_quarter exist company exist deliveries exist introduction exist its exist suv exist (crossover,suv) and exist (es6,suv) and exist (falling,delivery) and exist (falling,introduction) and exist (falling,3,989) and exist (falling,the_first_quarter) and exist (falling,3,553) and exist (introduction,company) and exist (introduction,June) and exist (introduction,suv) and exist (slowed,delivery) and exist (slowed,second_quarter) and exist (slowed,falling) and exist (suv,its) and exist (vehicle,delivery) "}, {"_id": 1562, "cause": "1562 exist NIO exist 12_% exist 1990 exist China exist auto-sale exist country exist decrease exist sale exist struggle exist world exist year exist (annual,auto-sales) and exist (auto-sales,country) and exist (auto,sales) and exist (come,struggles) and exist (come,sales) and exist (declined,decrease) and exist (declined,auto-sales) and exist (declined,12_%) and exist (decrease,1990) and exist (financial,struggles) and exist (first,auto-sales) and exist (largest,sales) and exist (market,sales) and exist (passenger-vehicle,sales) and exist (sales,world) and exist (sales,China) and exist (struggles,NIO) "}, {"_id": 1563, "cause": "1563 exist September_2018 exist Tuesday_morning exist exchange exist it exist its exist share exist (began,it) and exist (began,listing) and exist (exchanges,us) and exist (exchanges,September_2018) and exist (listing,it) and exist (listing,shares) and exist (listing,Tuesday_morning) and exist (shares,its) and exist (shares,exchanges) "}, {"_id": 1564, "cause": "1564 exist fire exist report exist vehicle exist (catching,vehicles) and exist (catching,fire) and exist (reports,vehicles) "}, {"_id": 1565, "cause": "1565 exist carmaker exist cut exist demand exist drop exist sale exist subsidies exist (blaming,cut) and exist (blaming,demand) and exist (chinese,carmaker) and exist (cut,subsidy) and exist (drop,sales) and exist (electric,carmaker) and exist (posted,blaming) and exist (posted,carmaker) and exist (posted,drop) and exist (quarterly,sales) and exist (vehicle,sales) and exist (weak,demand) "}, {"_id": 1566, "cause": "1566 exist bank exist bout exist market exist need exist street exist turbulence exist week exist (bout,markets) and exist (bout,turbulence) and exist (funding,needs) and exist (last,week) and exist (meet,needs) and exist (meet,week) and exist (meet,bout) and exist (money,markets) and exist (needs,banks) and exist (needs,street) and exist (wall,street) "}, {"_id": 1567, "cause": "1567 exist addition exist level exist (fibonacci,levels) and exist (levels,addition) "}, {"_id": 1568, "cause": "1568 exist Farmland_Assessment_Act exist break exist state exist (granted,break) and exist (granted,Farmland_Assessment_Act) and exist (Farmland_Assessment_Act,state) and exist (tax,break) "}, {"_id": 1569, "cause": "1569 exist fund exist funding exist individual exist (funding,individuals) and exist (high,individuals) and exist (more,funding) and exist (net,individuals) and exist (raised,funds) and exist (raised,funding) and exist (worth,individuals) "}, {"_id": 1570, "cause": "1570 exist addition exist area exist Asia_Pacific_region exist one exist class exist investor exist (one,Asia_Pacific_region) and exist (asset,classes) and exist (deep,area) and exist (eager,investors) and exist (eager,invest) and exist (invest,investors) and exist (invest,classes) and exist (most,area) and exist (one,area) and exist (pocketed,area) and exist (remains,eager) and exist (remains,Asia_Pacific_region) and exist (remains,addition) and exist (remains,one) "}, {"_id": 1571, "cause": "1571 exist approach exist change exist ocean exist brunt exist date exist it exist (approaches,it) and exist (approaches,bearing) and exist (bearing,ocean) and exist (bearing,brunt) and exist (bearing,date) and exist (clear,it) and exist (clear,bearing) and exist (climate,change) and exist (fighting,approaches) and exist (fighting,change) and exist (ocean-related,approaches) and exist (untapped,approaches) "}, {"_id": 1572, "cause": "1572 exist action exist (ocean-based,actions) "}, {"_id": 1573, "cause": "1573 exist address exist Kabwe exist 2003_and_2011 exist World_Bank-funded_Copperbelt_Environment_Project exist lack exist number exist pollution exist program exist result exist step exist this exist (achieved,World_Bank-funded_Copperbelt_Environment_Project) and exist (achieved,results) and exist (address,pollution) and exist (comprehensive,program) and exist (hampered,this) and exist (hampered,lack) and exist (lack,program) and exist (limited,results) and exist (number,steps) and exist (only,results) and exist (pollution,Kabwe) and exist (remediation,program) and exist (therefore,achieved) and exist (too,hampered) and exist (undertook,address) and exist (undertook,hampered) and exist (undertook,World_Bank-funded_Copperbelt_Environment_Project) and exist (undertook,number) and exist (undertook,2003_and_2011) "}, {"_id": 1574, "cause": "1574 exist award exist exchange exist it exist its exist owner exist shake-up exist shareholder exist (announced,owner) and exist (announced,award) and exist (award,it) and exist (coincheck,exchange) and exist (cryptocurrency,exchange) and exist (japanese,exchange) and exist (new,shake-up) and exist (bitcoin,shake-up) and exist (bitcoin,shareholders) and exist (owner,exchange) and exist (shareholders,its) "}, {"_id": 1575, "cause": "1575 exist aspiration exist assets exist build exist cryptocurrencies exist (building,assets) and exist (building,cryptocurrency) and exist (increasing,building) and exist (increasing,aspiration) and exist (responding,increasing) "}, {"_id": 1576, "cause": "1576 exist monex exist auspices exist coincheck exist integration exist move exist rejuvenation exist step exist (auspices,monex) and exist (commits,japan) and exist (commits,marks) and exist (commits,integration) and exist (latest,step) and exist (marks,move) and exist (marks,step) and exist (marks,auspices) and exist (rejuvenation,coincheck) and exist (step,rejuvenation) and exist (troubled,coincheck) "}, {"_id": 1577, "cause": "1577 exist levy exist $_1.99 exist $_1,000 exist board exist rate exist value exist voter exist (ask,board) and exist (ask,voters) and exist (ask,renew) and exist (assessed,value) and exist (current,rate) and exist (decided,board) and exist (decided,ask) and exist ($_1,000,value) and exist ($_1.99,$_1,000) and exist (property,value) and exist (rate,$_1.99) and exist (renew,voters) and exist (renew,levy) and exist (renew,rate) and exist (school,board) "}, {"_id": 1578, "cause": "1578 exist agreement exist amendment exist author exist city exist disaster exist event exist government exist measure exist municipalities exist resource exist statement exist (aid,agreements) and exist (allow,statement) and exist (allow,city) and exist (allow,assist) and exist (also,author) and exist (amendment,charter) and exist (amendment,agreements) and exist (assist,city) and exist (assist,municipality) and exist (assist,governments) and exist (assist,event) and exist (author,fritz) and exist (author,amendment) and exist (author,statement) and exist (drains,disaster) and exist (drains,resources) and exist (emergency,agreements) and exist (event,disaster) and exist (explanatory,statement) and exist (local,governments) and exist (local,resources) and exist (mutual,agreements) and exist (other,municipality) and exist (statement,measure) "}, {"_id": 1579, "cause": "1579 exist $_1,000 exist 26_cents exist bond exist cost exist value exist (assessed,value) and exist (bond,cost) and exist (bond,$_1,000) and exist (cost,26_cents) and exist ($_1,000,value) and exist (property,bond) and exist (tax,bond) "}, {"_id": 1580, "cause": "1580 exist area exist million exist bond exist entity exist past exist purchase exist restoration exist sunset exist voter exist water exist year exist (475,million) and exist (area,bond) and exist (asking,water) and exist (asking,bond) and exist (asking,voters) and exist (asking,renew) and exist (bond,$) and exist (bond,$) and exist (bond,entity) and exist (bond,million) and exist (government,entity) and exist (land,purchases) and exist (metro,water) and exist (natural,restoration) and exist (natural,bond) and exist (paid,$) and exist (paid,purchases) and exist (paid,restoration) and exist (paid,past) and exist (paid,area) and exist (regional,entity) and exist (renew,voters) and exist (renew,$) and exist (sunsets,$) and exist (sunsets,year) and exist (tri-county,area) and exist (water,entity) "}, {"_id": 1581, "cause": "1581 exist communities exist demand exist housing exist need exist (affordable,housing) and exist (family,housing) and exist (need,housing) and exist (strong,need) and exist (strong,demand) and exist (strong,community) "}, {"_id": 1582, "cause": "1582 exist design exist families exist housing exist mission exist need exist person exist their exist (affordable,housing) and exist (is,mission) and exist (is,design) and exist (is,design) and exist (design,mission) and exist (housing,family) and exist (housing,persons) and exist (manage,housing) and exist (mission,their) and exist (persons,needs) and exist (special,needs) "}, {"_id": 1583, "cause": "1583 QUESTION(what) exist $_78_billion exist 10 exist bond exist cash exist coincidence exist companies exist debt exist glut exist government exist market exist market exist tax exist week exist what exist (30-year,debt) and exist (appeared,withdrawing) and exist (appeared,glut) and exist (appeared,market) and exist (corporate,tax) and exist (debt,week) and exist (glut,bonds) and exist (government,u.s.) and exist (happened,what) and exist (just,withdrawing) and exist (last,week) and exist (money,markets) and exist (new,bonds) and exist ($_78_billion,10) and exist (pay,tax) and exist (sold,government) and exist (sold,$_78_billion) and exist (sold,debt) and exist (unfortunate,coincidence) and exist (withdrawing,pay) and exist (withdrawing,companies) and exist (withdrawing,cash) and exist (withdrawing,markets) "}, {"_id": 1584, "cause": "1584 exist agreement exist bank exist cash exist dollar exist glut exist investor exist scarcity exist there exist time exist treasuries exist (was,scarcity) and exist (was,there) and exist (glut,treasuries) and exist (investors,cash) and exist (lend,banks) and exist (lend,treasuries) and exist (lend,agreement) and exist (lend,investors) and exist (repurchase,agreement) and exist (same,time) and exist (scarcity,time) and exist (scarcity,dollars) and exist (spare,cash) and exist (suddenly,was) and exist (time,glut) and exist (typically,lend) "}, {"_id": 1585, "cause": "1585 exist Wednesday exist Getty_Images_The_Federal_Reserve exist photo exist point exist rate exist (cut,wilson) and exist (cut,rates) and exist (cut,point) and exist (cut,Wednesday) and exist (cut,Getty_Images_The_Federal_Reserve) and exist (interest,rates) and exist (quarter,point) "}, {"_id": 1586, "cause": "1586 exist absorption exist acquisition exist Romania exist UPC exist 18_September_2019 exist One_month exist UPC_Romania exist Tuesday_,_September_17 exist wed exist Vodafone exist client exist customer exist deal exist insider exist launch exist need exist package exist product exist romaniainsider exist (absorption,UPC) and exist (acquisition,UPC_Romania) and exist (address,launch) and exist (address,needs) and exist (announced,romania) and exist (announced,launch) and exist (announced,Tuesday_,_September_17) and exist (business,Romania) and exist (completing,acquisition) and exist (converged,packages) and exist (draw,clients) and exist (fixed-mobile,packages) and exist (global,deal) and exist (initiates,rolling) and exist (initiates,Romania) and exist (initiates,absorption) and exist (insider,romania) and exist (joint,products) and exist (launch,completing) and exist (launch,One_month) and exist (launch,packages) and exist (launch,deal) and exist (linkedin,One_month) and exist (needs,Vodafone) and exist (needs,customers) and exist (new,clients) and exist (18_September_2019,launch) and exist (products,18_September_2019) and exist (rolling,products) and exist (romaniainsider,wed) and exist (service,packages) and exist (submitted,insider) and exist (submitted,romaniainsider) and exist (upc,customers) and exist (vodafone,Romania) "}, {"_id": 1587, "cause": "1587 exist Romania exist 10_million exist companies exist household exist network exist subscriber exist (covers,network) and exist (covers,households) and exist (fixed,network) and exist (have,company) and exist (have,network) and exist (have,subscribers) and exist (households,Romania) and exist (network,10_million) and exist (subscribers,10_million) "}, {"_id": 1588, "cause": "1588 exist addition exist dividend exist forecast exist our exist pkr3/sh exist pkr5/sh exist (addition,pkr5/sh) and exist (also,announced) and exist (announced,dividend) and exist (announced,pso) and exist (announced,announced) and exist (dividend,addition) and exist (final,dividend) and exist (forecast,our) and exist (forecast,pkr3/sh) and exist (higher,forecast) and exist (previously,announced) "}, {"_id": 1589, "cause": "1589 exist gain exist income exist threshold exist (band,threshold) and exist (basic,threshold) and exist (income,threshold) and exist (net,gains) and exist (rate,threshold) and exist (tax,threshold) and exist (taxable,gains) and exist (threshold,gains) and exist (threshold,income) and exist (total,gains) "}, {"_id": 1590, "cause": "1590 exist disposal exist entrepreneur exist er exist relief exist (available,relief) and exist (available,er) and exist (available,disposals) and exist (business,disposals) and exist (certain,disposals) and exist (er,relief) and exist (relief,entrepreneurs) "}, {"_id": 1591, "cause": "1591 exist er exist rule exist shareholder exist (%,rule) and exist (company,shareholders) and exist (qualify,rule) and exist (qualify,er) and exist (rule,shareholders) "}, {"_id": 1592, "cause": "1592 exist 29_October_2018 exist disposal exist (disposals,29_October_2018) "}, {"_id": 1593, "cause": "1593 exist fund exist issue exist means exist purpose exist raise exist share exist (commercial,purposes) and exist (funds,purposes) and exist (issue,shares) and exist (means,issue) and exist (new,shares) and exist (obtain,er) and exist (obtain,raising) and exist (raising,funds) and exist (raising,means) and exist (still,obtain) "}, {"_id": 1594, "cause": "1594 exist 1000 exist January_1990_1500 exist March_2001_1500 exist July_2005 exist 15_April_2019 exist change exist example exist he exist his exist holding exist market exist plc exist share exist share exist (acquired,follows) and exist (acquired,he) and exist (acquired,shares) and exist (changes,1000) and exist (holding,his) and exist (holding,shares) and exist (1000,market) and exist (1000,January_1990_1500) and exist (1000,March_2001_1500) and exist (1000,July_2005) and exist (plc,holding) and exist (sold,jeff) and exist (sold,changes) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,example) and exist (sold,plc) and exist (sold,15_April_2019) and exist (significant,market) and exist (stock,market) "}, {"_id": 1595, "cause": "1595 exist gain exist interest exist property exist relief exist (carried,interest) and exist (carried,gains) and exist (chargeable,gains) and exist (gains,property) and exist (private,relief) and exist (qualify,gains) and exist (qualify,relief) and exist (residence,relief) and exist (residential,property) and exist (not,qualify) "}, {"_id": 1596, "cause": "1596 exist barrister exist behalf exist cost exist cost exist hearing exist solicitors exist they exist your exist (attend,barrister) and exist (attend,hearing) and exist (behalf,your) and exist (costs,solicitors) and exist (costs,costs) and exist (cover,need) and exist (cover,costs) and exist (further,costs) and exist (hearing,behalf) and exist (initial,costs) and exist (instruct,they) and exist (instruct,barrister) and exist (need,they) and exist (need,instruct) and exist (there,costs) "}, {"_id": 1597, "cause": "1597 exist Vision_Fund exist investor exist world exist (biggest,investor) and exist (investor,Vision_Fund) and exist (investor,world) and exist (tech,investor) "}, {"_id": 1598, "cause": "1598 exist acceleration exist fund exist fund exist purpose exist revolution exist (acceleration,revolution) and exist (is,purpose) and exist (is,facilitate) and exist (continued,acceleration) and exist (facilitate,purpose) and exist (facilitate,acceleration) and exist (first,fund) and exist (purpose,fund) and exist (says,softbank) and exist (says,is) and exist (says,fund) "}, {"_id": 1599, "cause": "1599 exist Son exist Japan exist SoftBank exist ascent exist impact exist internet exist its exist name exist result exist (ascent,SoftBank) and exist (became,Son) and exist (became,name) and exist (became,impact) and exist (became,result) and exist (became,name) and exist (burgeoning,internet) and exist (gradually,became) and exist (household,name) and exist (impact,its) and exist (impact,internet) and exist (japanese,internet) and exist (name,Son) and exist (name,Japan) and exist (particularly,impact) and exist (result,ascent) "}, {"_id": 1600, "cause": "1600 exist business exist exception exist fund exist images exist part exist there exist (are,exceptions) and exist (are,images) and exist (are,there) and exist (established,businesses) and exist (fairly,established) and exist (fast-growing,businesses) and exist (images,craig) and exist (images,barritt/getty) and exist (invests,fund) and exist (invests,part) and exist (invests,businesses) and exist (most,part) and exist (only,invests) and exist (vision,fund) "}, {"_id": 1601, "cause": "1601 exist meeting exist that exist (convincing,meeting) and exist (rushed,meeting) and exist (rushed,that) "}, {"_id": 1602, "cause": "1602 exist discount exist invoice exist their exist (invoices,their) and exist (post,invoices) and exist (post,discount) "}, {"_id": 1603, "cause": "1603 exist insurance exist it exist maker exist payment exist striker exist (auto,maker) and exist (health,insurance) and exist (insurance,strikers) and exist (payments,insurance) and exist (said,maker) and exist (said,suspend) and exist (suspend,it) and exist (suspend,payments) "}, {"_id": 1604, "cause": "1604 exist bill exist it exist (big,bill) and exist (had,it) and exist (had,bill) and exist (tax,bill) and exist (unusually,bill) "}, {"_id": 1605, "cause": "1605 exist earnings exist expenditure exist (capital,expenditures) and exist (deducted,expenditures) and exist (deducted,earnings) and exist (immediately,deducted) and exist (not,immediately)"}, {"_id": 1606, "cause": "1606 QUESTION(when) exist 2009 exist company exist company exist concession exist condition exist hand exist point exist rope exist sacrifice exist they exist when exist worker exist (back,claw) and exist (claw,normalized) and exist (condition,company) and exist (deserve,claw) and exist (have,workers) and exist (have,point) and exist (have,hand) and exist (have,sacrifice) and exist (normalized,condition) and exist (now,claw) and exist (other,hand) and exist (production,workers) and exist (ropes,when) and exist (ropes,company) and exist (ropes,2009) and exist (sacrifice,ropes) and exist (sacrifice,they) "}, {"_id": 1607, "cause": "1607 exist bailout exist bank exist his exist it exist its exist strategy exist time exist (bailout,its) and exist (delivered,strategy) and exist (go,time) and exist (go,having) and exist (having,delivered) and exist (post-crisis,bailout) and exist (right,time) and exist (stabilising,strategy) and exist (stabilising,bank) and exist (stabilising,bailout) and exist (strategy,his) and exist (time,it) "}, {"_id": 1608, "cause": "1608 exist agreement exist crisis exist height exist (46bn.agreement,agreement) and exist (agreement,height) and exist (bailout,agreement) and exist (financial,crisis) and exist (government,agreement) and exist (height,crisis) "}, {"_id": 1609, "cause": "1609 exist Office_for_Budget_Responsibility exist bank exist its exist offload exist plan exist share exist year exist (confirmed,Office_for_Budget_Responsibility) and exist (confirmed,plans) and exist (confirmed,year) and exist (last,year) and exist (offload,plans) and exist (offload,shares) and exist (offload,year) and exist (period,year) and exist (period,year) and exist (shares,its) and exist (shares,bank) and exist (treasury,plans) "}, {"_id": 1610, "cause": "1610 exist six_months exist #_2.69_bn exist #_2.04_bn exist $_2.46_bn exist increase exist period exist profit exist profits exist result exist year exist (%,increase) and exist (attributable,profits) and exist (bn,#_2.69_bn) and exist (#_2.04_bn,$_2.46_bn) and exist (financial,results) and exist (first,six_months) and exist (grew,profits) and exist (grew,#_2.69_bn) and exist (grew,#_2.04_bn) and exist (latest,results) and exist (#_2.04_bn,period) and exist (six_months,year) and exist (operating,increase) and exist (operating,profits) and exist (operating,six_months) and exist (operating,#_2.69_bn) and exist (results,rbs) and exist (revealed,results) and exist (revealed,increase) and exist (same,period) and exist (year-on-year,increase) "}, {"_id": 1611, "cause": "1611 exist decade exist our exist profit exist we exist (delivered,we) and exist (delivered,profit) and exist (delivered,decade) and exist (half,profit) and exist (largest,profit) and exist (more,decade) and exist (profit,our) and exist (year,profit) "}, {"_id": 1612, "cause": "1612 exist ordinance exist violation exist (data,ordinance) and exist (privacy,ordinance) and exist (violations,ordinance) "}, {"_id": 1613, "cause": "1613 exist EU_General_Data_Protection_Regulation exist violation exist (violations,EU_General_Data_Protection_Regulation) "}, {"_id": 1614, "cause": "1614 exist EU_General_Data_Protection_Regulation exist security exist (data,security) and exist (lacking,security) and exist (proper,security) and exist (security,EU_General_Data_Protection_Regulation) "}, {"_id": 1615, "cause": "1615 exist breach exist matter exist report exist (data,breach) and exist (related,matters) and exist (related,breach) and exist (reports,matters) and exist (zdnet,reports) "}, {"_id": 1616, "cause": "1616 QUESTION(what) exist Lee exist council exist example exist force exist it exist what exist what exist (follows,what) and exist (follows,example) and exist (fully,understand) and exist (goes,involved) and exist (goes,what) and exist (goes,example) and exist (goes,wrong) and exist (good,example) and exist (involved,council) and exist (involved,forces) and exist (local,council) and exist (market,forces) and exist (mr,Lee) and exist (says,Lee) and exist (says,follows) and exist (though,example) and exist (understand,it) and exist (understand,forces) and exist (when,involved) and exist (wrong,what) and exist (not,fully) "}, {"_id": 1617, "cause": "1617 exist #_141,000 exist flat exist refurbishment exist (#_141,000,flat) and exist (refurbishment,#_141,000) "}, {"_id": 1618, "cause": "1618 exist profit exist they exist year exist (1-SPL-971,profit) and exist (anticipate,they) and exist (anticipate,making) and exist (making,they) and exist (making,profit) and exist (only,profit) and exist (profit,year) "}, {"_id": 1619, "cause": "1619 exist distribution exist program exist project exist (fund,projects) and exist (needle,distribution) and exist (projects,distribution) and exist (projects,programs) and exist (recovery,programs) "}, {"_id": 1620, "cause": "1620 exist appointment exist 20_% exist 20_% exist 20 exist aep exist example exist policies exist policies exist rate exist you exist you exist your exist your exist (about,20_%) and exist (about,20_%) and exist (appointments,your) and exist (20_%,rate) and exist (close,rate) and exist (20_%,appointments) and exist (policy,20) and exist (rate,your) and exist (sell,you) and exist (sell,you) and exist (sell,policies) and exist (sell,policy) and exist (sell,aep) and exist (sell,20_%) and exist (want,20_%) and exist (want,you) and exist (want,example) and exist (want,sell) "}, {"_id": 1621, "cause": "1621 exist 20/09/2019 exist Friday exist boost exist conference exist economy exist measure exist minister exist series exist (addressed,announcing) and exist (addressed,minister) and exist (addressed,conference) and exist (addressed,Friday) and exist (announcing,boost) and exist (announcing,series) and exist (boost,economy) and exist (Friday,20/09/2019) and exist (finance,minister) and exist (press,conference) and exist (series,measures) "}, {"_id": 1622, "cause": "1622 exist 20/09/2019 exist Friday exist boost exist conference exist economy exist measure exist minister exist series exist (addressed,announcing) and exist (addressed,minister) and exist (addressed,conference) and exist (addressed,Friday) and exist (announcing,boost) and exist (announcing,series) and exist (boost,economy) and exist (Friday,20/09/2019) and exist (finance,minister) and exist (press,conference) and exist (series,measures) "}, {"_id": 1623, "cause": "1623 exist initiative exist investments exist (attract,investments) and exist (give,initiative) and exist (make-in-india,initiative) "}, {"_id": 1624, "cause": "1624 exist 25_% exist committee exist government exist rate exist report exist tax exist (corporate,rate) and exist (direct,tax) and exist (expert,committee) and exist (flat,rate) and exist (keeping,committee) and exist (keeping,rate) and exist (rate,25_%) and exist (submitted,committee) and exist (submitted,report) and exist (submitted,tax) and exist (suggested,committee) and exist (suggested,keeping) and exist (tax,government) and exist (tax,rate) "}, {"_id": 1625, "cause": "1625 exist act exist act exist amendment exist 2019 exist laws exist measure exist (amend,act) and exist (amend,act) and exist (2019,amendment) and exist (finance,act) and exist (income,act) and exist (laws,2019) and exist (made,measures) and exist (made,laws) and exist (ordinance,2019) and exist (seeks,laws) and exist (seeks,amend) and exist (tax,act) and exist (taxation,laws) "}, {"_id": 1626, "cause": "1626 exist Society_for_Human_Resource_Management exist employer exist leave exist maternity exist number exist paternity exist year exist (began,number) and exist (began,Society_for_Human_Resource_Management) and exist (began,years) and exist (began,employers) and exist (began,offering) and exist (increasing,number) and exist (offering,number) and exist (offering,maternity) and exist (offering,paternity) and exist (offering,leave) and exist (other,leave) and exist (parental,leave) and exist (recent,years) "}, {"_id": 1627, "cause": "1627 exist employers exist fact exist it exist leave exist mother exist term exist who exist (coming,employers) and exist (coming,terms) and exist (coming,fact) and exist (fact,mothers) and exist (just,mothers) and exist (legal,terms) and exist (mothers,it) and exist (need,mothers) and exist (need,who) and exist (need,leave) and exist (parental,leave) and exist (prodding,terms) and exist (sometimes,terms) and exist (not,just)"}, {"_id": 1628, "cause": "1628 exist JP_Morgan_Chase exist call exist policy exist settlement exist (calls,settlement) and exist (calls,JP_Morgan_Chase) and exist (calls,maintain) and exist (gender-neutral,policy) and exist (leave,policy) and exist (maintain,settlement) and exist (maintain,policy) and exist (parental,policy) "}, {"_id": 1629, "cause": "1629 exist Federal_Ministry_of_Petroleum_Resources exist 2010 exist contract exist p&id exist (contract,Federal_Ministry_of_Petroleum_Resources) and exist (contract,p&id) and exist (failed,contract) and exist (Federal_Ministry_of_Petroleum_Resources,2010) "}, {"_id": 1630, "cause": "1630 exist facebook exist instagram exist court exist permission exist scoop exist twitter exist www.bellanaija.com exist (@bellanaija,facebook) and exist (@bellanaija,instagram) and exist (@bellanaijaonline,court) and exist (catch,scoop) and exist (catch,www.bellanaija.com) and exist (facebook,instagram) and exist (engineering,permission) and exist (firm,permission) and exist (follow,twitter) and exist (follow,facebook) and exist (gives,court) and exist (gives,permission) and exist (us,twitter) "}, {"_id": 1631, "cause": "1631 exist Letter_of_Authority exist First_Division exist assessment exist court exist decision exist it exist notice exist notice exist (18-page,decision) and exist (accused,notices) and exist (accused,Letter_of_Authority) and exist (assesment,notices) and exist (dismissed,First_Division) and exist (dismissed,decision) and exist (final,notices) and exist (investigate,Letter_of_Authority) and exist (investigate,notices) and exist (mail,assessment) and exist (First_Division,court) and exist (registered,assessment) and exist (sent,it) and exist (sent,notices) and exist (sent,assessment) and exist (stand,sent) and exist (stand,bir) "}, {"_id": 1632, "cause": "1632 exist TgMedia exist Lagos exist Monday exist entrepreneur exist world exist (awe,entrepreneurs) and exist (awe,entrepreneurs) and exist (department-led,entrepreneurs) and exist (initiative,entrepreneurs) and exist (launched,entrepreneurs) and exist (launched,TgMedia) and exist (general,Lagos) and exist (general,Monday) and exist (supports,entrepreneurs) and exist (supports,entrepreneurs) and exist (supports,world) and exist (women,entrepreneurs) "}, {"_id": 1633, "cause": "1633 exist NEW_DELHI exist China exist US exist India exist country exist destination exist dispute exist experts exist government exist investment exist it exist its exist manufacturer exist multinationals exist obstacle exist rate exist (also,remove) and exist (alternative,destination) and exist (attract,government) and exist (attract,investment) and exist (consider,obstacles) and exist (consider,multinationals) and exist (consider,it) and exist (consider,destination) and exist (destination,country) and exist (dispute,its) and exist (dispute,US) and exist (flowing,investment) and exist (flowing,dispute) and exist (flowing,China) and exist (looking,government) and exist (looking,rate) and exist (looking,attract) and exist (lower,rate) and exist (major,obstacles) and exist (needs,India) and exist (needs,remove) and exist (neighbouring,country) and exist (new,manufacturers) and exist (other,obstacles) and exist (rate,manufacturers) and exist (remove,India) and exist (remove,obstacles) and exist (say,government) and exist (say,experts) and exist (say,needs) and exist (say,rate) and exist (say,attract) and exist (tax,rate) and exist (trade,dispute) "}, {"_id": 1634, "cause": "1634 exist China exist India exist DK_Joshi exist Crisil exist one exist base exist companies exist consideration exist it exist term exist (one,it) and exist (one,term) and exist (base,China) and exist (base,India) and exist (consideration,company) and exist (economist,DK_Joshi) and exist (major,consideration) and exist (medium,term) and exist (DK_Joshi,Crisil) and exist (one,consideration) and exist (principal,DK_Joshi) and exist (said,DK_Joshi) and exist (said,term) and exist (shift,company) and exist (shift,base) "}, {"_id": 1635, "cause": "1635 exist March_31_,_2023 exist avail exist exemption exist incentive exist it exist production exist (avail,it) and exist (avail,exemption) and exist (avail,incentive) and exist (commences,production) and exist (production,it) and exist (production,March_31_,_2023) and exist (production,exemption) and exist (production,incentive) and exist (not,avail) "}, {"_id": 1636, "cause": "1636 exist cess exist surc exist (adding,cess) and exist (adding,surc) "}, {"_id": 1637, "cause": "1637 exist equities exist evidence exist he exist (adjusted,shiller) and exist (chiefly,points) and exist (cyclically,measure) and exist (evidence,expensive) and exist (expensive,equity) and exist (expensive,using) and exist (measure,shiller) and exist (measure,shiller) and exist (points,he) and exist (points,evidence) and exist (popular,shiller) and exist (price-to-earnings,shiller) and exist (ratio,shiller) and exist (stock-valuation,shiller) and exist (using,equity) and exist (using,shiller) "}, {"_id": 1638, "cause": "1638 exist allocation exist S&P exist boomer exist he exist money exist stock exist yield exist (all-time,high) and exist (also,helped) and exist (baby,boomers) and exist (equity,allocation) and exist (helped,yields) and exist (helped,boomers) and exist (helped,keep) and exist (high,allocation) and exist (household,allocation) and exist (keep,moving) and exist (low,yields) and exist (moving,S&P) and exist (pouring,boomers) and exist (pouring,money) and exist (pouring,stocks) and exist (says,he) and exist (says,helped) "}, {"_id": 1639, "cause": "1639 exist buy exist household exist stocks exist (buying,households) and exist (buying,stocks) and exist (even,keep) and exist (keep,households) and exist (keep,buying) and exist (keep,buying) and exist (not,keep) "}, {"_id": 1640, "cause": "1640 exist attack exist case exist diplomat exist strike exist (attack,strike) and exist (case,attack) and exist (diplomat,case) and exist (drone,strike) and exist (iranian,diplomat) and exist (saudi,strike) and exist (weekend,strike) "}, {"_id": 1641, "cause": "1641 exist a exist Overstock exist Securities_and_Exchange_Commission exist ceo exist exit exist he exist pet exist regulator exist state exist (blaming,calls) and exist (blaming,byrne) and exist (blaming,Securities_and_Exchange_Commission) and exist (calls,he) and exist (calls,regulator) and exist (calls,pets) and exist (ceo,Overstock) and exist (deep,state) and exist (dramatic,exit) and exist (exit,ceo) and exist (news,byrne) and exist (news,byrne) and exist (news,exit) and exist (news,a) and exist (now,calls) and exist (pets,state) "}, {"_id": 1642, "cause": "1642 exist allotment exist lease exist centre exist certificate exist development exist government exist holder exist land exist land exist project exist their exist value exist (also,leased) and exist (lease,certificates) and exist (lease,lands) and exist (commercial,projects) and exist (community,land) and exist (created,leased) and exist (created,holders) and exist (government,westbank) and exist (holders,certificates) and exist (known,allotments) and exist (lands,their) and exist (leased,government) and exist (leased,land) and exist (leased,projects) and exist (most,value) and exist (lease,development) and exist (now,known) and exist (projects,centres) and exist (residential,development) and exist (shopping,centres) "}, {"_id": 1643, "cause": "1643 exist Sky_News exist company exist demand exist trading exist (revealed,demand) and exist (revealed,week) and exist (revealed,Sky_News) and exist (see,company) and exist (see,trading) and exist (tough,trading) and exist (trading,demand) and exist (winter,trading) "}, {"_id": 1644, "cause": "1644 exist UK exist 9,000 exist it exist job exist (collapses,it) and exist (collapses,9,000) and exist (jobs,UK) and exist (9,000,jobs) "}, {"_id": 1645, "cause": "1645 exist investor exist month exist share exist stock exist value exist (calculate,investors) and exist (calculate,retains) and exist (residual,value) and exist (retains,stock) and exist (retains,value) and exist (sought,investors) and exist (sought,calculate) and exist (whipsawed,sought) and exist (whipsawed,shares) and exist (whipsawed,months) "}, {"_id": 1646, "cause": "1646 exist % exist council exist growth exist head exist increase exist infrastructure exist level exist pressure exist storm exist (aging,infrastructure) and exist (come,infrastructure) and exist (come,form) and exist (continues,heads) and exist (continues,increase) and exist (continues,increase) and exist (debt,heads) and exist (debt,levels) and exist (form,infrastructure) and exist (form,storm) and exist (government,heads) and exist (heads,%) and exist (heads,councils) and exist (income,levels) and exist (increase,heads) and exist (increase,pressures) and exist (increase,growth) and exist (local,heads) and exist (%,levels) and exist (perfect,storm) and exist (population,pressures) and exist (together,come) and exist (tourism,growth) "}, {"_id": 1647, "cause": "1647 exist asset exist capacity exist councils exist decade exist growth exist level exist project exist (add,projects) and exist (add,capacity) and exist (cope,capacity) and exist (cope,growth) and exist (currently,expected) and exist (expected,councils) and exist (expected,projects) and exist (expected,decade) and exist (expected,replace) and exist (improve,projects) and exist (improve,levels) and exist (more,capacity) and exist (next,decade) and exist (replace,assets) and exist (rundown,assets) and exist (service,levels) "}, {"_id": 1648, "cause": "1648 exist area exist council exist New_Zealand exist asset exist bln exist decade exist graph exist spending exist stormwater exist supply exist wastewater exist (91,bln) and exist (allocate,replacing) and exist (allocate,council) and exist (bln,spending) and exist (bln,areas) and exist (bln,decade) and exist (capital,spending) and exist (existing,assets) and exist (infrastructure,areas) and exist (intending,council) and exist (intending,bln) and exist (intending,allocate) and exist (network,areas) and exist (next,decade) and exist (council,New_Zealand) and exist (replacing,assets) and exist (roading,supply) and exist (roading,stormwater) and exist (roading,wastewater) and exist (see,graph) and exist (water,supply) "}, {"_id": 1649, "cause": "1649 exist VF exist brand exist company exist dickies exist face exist platform exist timberland exist (business,platforms) and exist (direct-to-consumer,platforms) and exist (face,timberland) and exist (face,dickies) and exist (face,platforms) and exist (face,brand) and exist (international,platforms) and exist (largest,brand) and exist (brand,VF) and exist (north,face) and exist (platforms,timberland) and exist (platforms,dickies) and exist (platforms,face) and exist (platforms,brand) and exist (platforms,company) and exist (vans,timberland) and exist (vans,dickies) and exist (vans,platforms) and exist (vans,face) "}, {"_id": 1650, "cause": "1650 exist outlook exist clarity exist opportunities exist our exist plan exist we exist (ahead,clarity) and exist (clarity,opportunity) and exist (confidently,updating) and exist (financial,outlook) and exist (five-year,plan) and exist (greater,clarity) and exist (growth,plan) and exist (outlook,our) and exist (plan,our) and exist (strategic,plan) and exist (updating,we) and exist (updating,plan) and exist (updating,outlook) and exist (updating,clarity) "}, {"_id": 1651, "cause": "1651 exist outlook exist clarity exist opportunities exist our exist plan exist we exist (ahead,clarity) and exist (clarity,opportunity) and exist (confidently,updating) and exist (financial,outlook) and exist (five-year,plan) and exist (greater,clarity) and exist (growth,plan) and exist (outlook,our) and exist (plan,our) and exist (strategic,plan) and exist (updating,we) and exist (updating,plan) and exist (updating,outlook) and exist (updating,clarity) "}, {"_id": 1652, "cause": "1652 exist 2020 exist 8_billion_dollars exist basis exist company exist flow exist (approximately,8_billion_dollars) and exist (basis,2020) and exist (cash,flow) and exist (cumulative,basis) and exist (expects,company) and exist (expects,generate) and exist (fiscal,2020) and exist (free,flow) and exist (generate,company) and exist (generate,8_billion_dollars) and exist (generate,basis) and exist (8_billion_dollars,flow) "}, {"_id": 1653, "cause": "1653 exist profit exist reserve exist tax exist (corporation,tax) and exist (made,reserves) and exist (made,profits) and exist (paid,tax) and exist (paid,profits) and exist (retained,profits) "}, {"_id": 1654, "cause": "1654 exist audits exist firm exist it exist regulator exist year exist (accounting,regulators) and exist (audits,years) and exist (emerged,it) and exist (emerged,investigated) and exist (emerged,signed) and exist (however,emerged) and exist (investigated,firm) and exist (investigated,deloitte) and exist (investigated,regulators) and exist (investigated,audits) and exist (later,emerged) and exist (previous,years) and exist (signed,firm) and exist (signed,audits) "}, {"_id": 1655, "cause": "1655 exist approach exist feedback exist it exist market exist (feedback,approach) and exist (gather,feedback) and exist (held,it) and exist (held,gather) and exist (held,re-engage) and exist (new,approach) and exist (procurement,approach) and exist (re-engage,market) "}, {"_id": 1656, "cause": "1656 exist 2a exist hs2 exist Crewe exist package exist partner exist role exist (2a,hs2) and exist (be,role) and exist (be,manage) and exist (connect,2a) and exist (connect,birmingham) and exist (connect,Crewe) and exist (manage,role) and exist (manage,packages) and exist (manage,2a) and exist (packages,seven) and exist (phase,2a) and exist (role,partner) and exist (separate,packages) "}, {"_id": 1657, "cause": "1657 exist alliances exist country exist parties exist populism exist situation exist split exist (anti-establishment,populism) and exist (enduring,populism) and exist (fluid,situation) and exist (ongoing,split) and exist (political,situation) and exist (situation,country) and exist (split,country) and exist (split,party) and exist (split,alliances) and exist (traditional,party) "}, {"_id": 1658, "cause": "1658 exist Tunisia exist desire exist media exist news exist politics exist reliance exist (anti-establishment,politics) and exist (coupled,desire) and exist (coupled,reliance) and exist (desire,politics) and exist (heavy,reliance) and exist (news,Tunisia) and exist (reliance,news) and exist (reliance,media) and exist (social,media) "}, {"_id": 1659, "cause": "1659 exist $_0.22 exist dividend exist nysearca exist plans exist ($_0.22,nysearca) and exist (dividend,$_0.22) and exist (equal,plans) and exist (etf,plans) and exist (financials,plans) and exist (plans,s&p) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (weight,plans) "}, {"_id": 1660, "cause": "1660 exist $_0.22 exist dividend exist nysearca exist plans exist ($_0.22,nysearca) and exist (dividend,$_0.22) and exist (equal,plans) and exist (etf,plans) and exist (financials,plans) and exist (plans,s&p) and exist (plans,dividend) and exist (weight,plans) "}, {"_id": 1661, "cause": "1661 exist Wednesday exist NYSEARCA_RYF exist hour exist share exist (shares,NYSEARCA_RYF) and exist (traded,shares) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Wednesday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 1662, "cause": "1662 exist collapse "}, {"_id": 1663, "cause": "1663 exist company exist (now,save) and exist (save,company) "}, {"_id": 1664, "cause": "1664 exist (holidaymakers,uk) and exist (holidaymakers,uk) and exist (repatriate,uk) "}, {"_id": 1665, "cause": "1665 exist $_0.18 exist dividend exist ext exist ext exist fund exist fund exist issue exist nysearca exist (declared,$_0.18) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.18,fund) and exist (dividend,fund) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,ext) and exist (fund,nysearca) and exist (issue,fund) and exist (issue,declared) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (market,fund) and exist (market,fund) and exist (nysearca,fund) and exist (nysearca,ext) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (total,fund) and exist (total,fund) "}, {"_id": 1666, "cause": "1666 exist $_0.18 exist dividend exist ext exist ext exist fund exist fund exist issue exist nysearca exist (declared,$_0.18) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist ($_0.18,fund) and exist (dividend,fund) and exist (dividend,24th) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,wisdomtree) and exist (fund,u.s.) and exist (fund,ext) and exist (fund,nysearca) and exist (issue,fund) and exist (issue,declared) and exist (journal,24th) and exist (market,fund) and exist (market,fund) and exist (nysearca,fund) and exist (nysearca,ext) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (reports,24th) and exist (total,fund) and exist (total,fund) "}, {"_id": 1667, "cause": "1667 exist nysearca exist Tuesday exist ext exist hour exist (traded,ext) and exist (traded,hours) and exist (traded,Tuesday) and exist (trading,hours) "}, {"_id": 1668, "cause": "1668 exist 0.19432 exist growth exist stock exist year exist (growth,0.19432) and exist (sales,growth) and exist (seen,stock) and exist (seen,year) and exist (year,growth) and exist (year,growth) "}, {"_id": 1669, "cause": "1669 exist 2020-21 exist Penn_State_Board_of_Trustees_Committee_on_Finance exist business exist request exist today exist (appropriation,request) and exist (recommended,business) and exist (recommended,Penn_State_Board_of_Trustees_Committee_on_Finance) and exist (recommended,request) and exist (recommended,today) and exist (request,2020-21) and exist (state,request) "}, {"_id": 1670, "cause": "1670 exist communities exist date exist hub exist (campus,community) and exist (created,state) and exist (created,hubs) and exist (created,date) and exist (hubs,community) and exist (innovation,hubs) "}, {"_id": 1671, "cause": "1671 exist board exist request exist state exist support exist (additional,support) and exist (appropriation,request) and exist (approves,board) and exist (approves,request) and exist (provides,state) and exist (provides,support) "}, {"_id": 1672, "cause": "1672 exist communities exist growth exist hub exist initiative exist its exist network exist (continued,growth) and exist (growth,network) and exist (growth,initiative) and exist (initiative,community) and exist (innovation,hubs) and exist (network,its) and exist (network,community) and exist (network,hubs) and exist (state,initiative) and exist (statewide,community) "}, {"_id": 1673, "cause": "1673 exist age exist distribution exist income exist k exist plan exist plan exist (distributions,k) and exist (employer-sponsored,plans) and exist (k,plans) and exist (k,plans) and exist (most,plans) and exist (ordinary,income) and exist (other,plans) and exist (retirement,plans) and exist (taken,distributions) and exist (taken,income) and exist (taken,age) and exist (taxed,distributions) and exist (taxed,income) "}, {"_id": 1674, "cause": "1674 exist anyone exist house exist it exist leader exist letter exist proposal exist spending exist tax exist year exist (buying,year) and exist (buying,it) and exist (here,letter) and exist (leader,tory) and exist (letter,simple) and exist (more,taxes) and exist (out-of-control,spending) and exist (proposal,vaughan) and exist (selling,anyone) and exist (selling,house) and exist (selling,year) and exist (sending,leader) and exist (sending,letter) and exist (simple,taxes) and exist (simple,proposal) and exist (simple,selling) and exist (taxes,spending) "}, {"_id": 1675, "cause": "1675 exist plan exist (plan,caucus) "}, {"_id": 1676, "cause": "1676 exist 10_% exist avoidance exist curb exist decade exist effort exist investment exist study exist type exist (about,10_%) and exist (curb,efforts) and exist (curb,avoidance) and exist (global,efforts) and exist (past,decade) and exist (risen,types) and exist (risen,10_%) and exist (risen,study) and exist (risen,efforts) and exist (risen,decade) and exist (study,imf) and exist (tax,avoidance) and exist (types,investments) "}, {"_id": 1677, "cause": "1677 exist 10_% exist avoidance exist curb exist decade exist effort exist investment exist study exist type exist (about,10_%) and exist (curb,efforts) and exist (curb,avoidance) and exist (global,efforts) and exist (past,decade) and exist (risen,types) and exist (risen,10_%) and exist (risen,study) and exist (risen,efforts) and exist (risen,decade) and exist (study,imf) and exist (tax,avoidance) and exist (types,investments) "}, {"_id": 1678, "cause": "1678 exist distributor exist establishment exist favour exist form exist publisher exist (continuing,favour) and exist (continuing,form) and exist (continuing,metadata) and exist (declined,publisher) and exist (declined,distributor) and exist (declined,favour) and exist (distributor,uk) and exist (establishment,distributor) and exist (major,distributor) and exist (offer,distributor) and exist (onix,feed) and exist (type,metadata) and exist (web,form) "}, {"_id": 1679, "cause": "1679 exist UK_Plc exist control exist entities exist liquidation exist receiver exist statement exist (associated,entity) and exist ('s,statement) and exist (compulsory,liquidation) and exist (control,receiver) and exist (entered,entity) and exist (entered,UK_Plc) and exist (entered,liquidation) and exist (entered,control) and exist (entity,uk) and exist (here,'s) and exist (now,control) and exist (official,receiver) "}, {"_id": 1680, "cause": "1680 exist Insolvency_Service exist England exist claim exist compensation exist resident exist (above,claims) and exist (compensation,claims) and exist (handled,claims) and exist (handled,Insolvency_Service) and exist (handled,residents) and exist (residents,scotland) and exist (residents,wales) and exist (residents,England) "}, {"_id": 1681, "cause": "1681 exist account exist savings exist you exist (high-yield,savings) and exist (prefer,you) and exist (prefer,savings) and exist (prefer,account) "}, {"_id": 1682, "cause": "1682 exist 's exist account exist $_1,000 exist bank exist earn exist interest exist savings exist you exist your exist (account,$_1,000) and exist (account,bank) and exist (average,interest) and exist (brick-and-mortar,bank) and exist (earning,bank) and exist (earning,interest) and exist (have,you) and exist (have,account) and exist (let,say) and exist ($_1,000,savings) and exist (savings,your) and exist (say,'s) and exist (say,have) "}, {"_id": 1683, "cause": "1683 exist account exist apy exist 2_% exist money exist savings exist you exist your exist (2_%,apy) and exist (earned,2_%) and exist (just,2_%) and exist (money,your) and exist (online,savings) and exist (save,you) and exist (save,money) and exist (save,account) and exist (save,savings) "}, {"_id": 1684, "cause": "1684 "}, {"_id": 1685, "cause": "1685 exist collapse exist photograph exist talk exist (holding,talks) and exist (last-minute,talks) and exist (stave,talks) and exist (stave,collapse) "}, {"_id": 1686, "cause": "1686 exist company exist (collapse,company) "}, {"_id": 1687, "cause": "1687 exist Department_for_Transport exist CAA exist UK exist Operation_Matterhorn exist brink exist business exist deal exist passenger exist plan exist pound exist preparations exist (boosted,pound) and exist (boosted,deal) and exist (bring,passengers) and exist (bring,plan) and exist (bring,UK) and exist (deal,brexit) and exist (hopes,read) and exist (known,plan) and exist (known,Operation_Matterhorn) and exist (made,bring) and exist (made,Department_for_Transport) and exist (made,CAA) and exist (made,preparations) and exist (more,Department_for_Transport) and exist (cook,pound) and exist (cook,brink) and exist (read,business) and exist (read,made) and exist (stranded,passengers) "}, {"_id": 1688, "cause": "1688 exist company exist share exist (fell,shares) and exist (shares,company) "}, {"_id": 1689, "cause": "1689 exist 2017 exist repatriation exist (2017,repatriation) and exist (biggest,repatriation) and exist (collapsed,airlines) and exist (collapsed,2017) and exist (peacetime,repatriation) and exist (previous,repatriation) and exist (repatriation,uk) and exist (when,collapsed) "}, {"_id": 1690, "cause": "1690 exist agreement exist Sidney_Hometown_Investments exist city exist improvement exist its exist meeting exist resolution exist (9,meeting) and exist (abatement,agreement) and exist (adopted,council) and exist (adopted,resolution) and exist (adopted,meeting) and exist (agreement,Sidney_Hometown_Investments) and exist (allowing,meeting) and exist (allowing,city) and exist (allowing,enter) and exist (cra,agreement) and exist (enter,city) and exist (enter,agreement) and exist (investing,agreement) and exist (investing,improvements) and exist (meeting,its) and exist (property,improvements) and exist (real,improvements) and exist (tax,agreement) "}, {"_id": 1691, "cause": "1691 exist amount exist investment exist benefit exist Sidney exist community exist downtown exist (amount,investment) and exist (downtown,Sidney) and exist (benefit,investment) and exist (benefit,downtown) and exist (benefit,community) "}, {"_id": 1692, "cause": "1692 exist agreement exist Midwest_Regional_Educational_Service_Center exist specialist exist (agreement,specialist) and exist (agreement,Midwest_Regional_Educational_Service_Center) and exist (approved,agreement) and exist (childhood,specialist) and exist (early,specialist) and exist (intervention,specialist) "}, {"_id": 1693, "cause": "1693 exist 40-foot exist barn exist (40-foot,barn) and exist (64-foot,barn) and exist (approved,huelskamp) and exist (construction,huelskamp) and exist (construct,huelskamp) and exist (construct,40-foot) and exist (construction,huelskamp) "}, {"_id": 1694, "cause": "1694 exist $_2.54 exist earnings exist share exist year exist (earnings,share) and exist (last,year) and exist (posted,companies) and exist (posted,earnings) and exist (posted,year) and exist (share,$_2.54) "}, {"_id": 1695, "cause": "1695 exist $_2.02 exist earnings exist provider exist quarter exist share exist ($_2.02,earnings) and exist (earnings,share) and exist (insurance,provider) and exist (reported,provider) and exist (reported,$_2.02) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1696, "cause": "1696 exist Thursday_,_August_1st exist Travelers_Companies exist rating exist report exist share exist (finally,lowered) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (lowered,valuengine) and exist (lowered,shares) and exist (rating,report) and exist (rating,rating) and exist (report,Thursday_,_August_1st) and exist (research,report) and exist (shares,Travelers_Companies) "}, {"_id": 1697, "cause": "1697 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist stock exist (assigned,stock) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,ten) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (research,analysts) and exist (stock,company) "}, {"_id": 1698, "cause": "1698 exist Friday exist trading exist (midday,trading) and exist (traded,trv) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 1699, "cause": "1699 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist company exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,company) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 1700, "cause": "1700 exist Monday_,_September_30th exist company exist dividend exist (also,declared) and exist (declared,company) and exist (declared,dividend) and exist (paid,dividend) and exist (paid,Monday_,_September_30th) and exist (quarterly,dividend) and exist (recently,declared) "}, {"_id": 1701, "cause": "1701 exist Friday_,_August_23rd exist Jay_S._Benet exist news exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (chairman,Jay_S._Benet) and exist (companies,stock) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Friday_,_August_23rd) and exist (other,news) and exist (sold,Jay_S._Benet) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (sold,news) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (vice,Jay_S._Benet) "}, {"_id": 1702, "cause": "1702 exist Tuesday_,_August_20th exist Andy_F._Bessette exist share exist stock exist transaction exist (also,sold) and exist (companies,stock) and exist (evp,Andy_F._Bessette) and exist (occurred,transaction) and exist (occurred,Tuesday_,_August_20th) and exist (sold,Andy_F._Bessette) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,transaction) and exist (shares,stock) "}, {"_id": 1703, "cause": "1703 exist three_months exist insiders exist share exist stock exist (company,stock) and exist (last,three_months) and exist (sold,insiders) and exist (sold,shares) and exist (sold,three_months) and exist (shares,stock) and exist (worth,shares) "}, {"_id": 1704, "cause": "1704 exist 7.3_% exist first_quarter exist Travelers_Companies exist its exist share exist stake exist (grew,inc.) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,7.3_%) and exist (grew,first_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelers_Companies) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1705, "cause": "1705 exist Travelers_Companies exist 1.2_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (grew,inc.) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,1.2_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelers_Companies) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1706, "cause": "1706 exist 9.4_% exist first_quarter exist Travelers_Companies exist its exist share exist stake exist (grew,llc) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,9.4_%) and exist (grew,first_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelers_Companies) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1707, "cause": "1707 exist 133.3_% exist second_quarter exist Travelers_Companies exist its exist share exist stake exist (grew,partners) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,133.3_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelers_Companies) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1708, "cause": "1708 exist Travelers_Companies exist 1.4_% exist second_quarter exist its exist share exist stake exist (finally,grew) and exist (grew,corp) and exist (grew,stake) and exist (grew,1.4_%) and exist (grew,second_quarter) and exist (shares,Travelers_Companies) and exist (stake,its) and exist (stake,shares) "}, {"_id": 1709, "cause": "1709 exist $_16 exist Holdings_Ltd exist Tencent_Holdings_Ltd exist Hammer_Capital exist share exist shareholder exist (bitauto,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (buy,shareholders) and exist (buy,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (car,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (chinese,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (comparison,Holdings_Ltd) and exist (equity,Hammer_Capital) and exist ($_16,share) and exist (offered,buy) and exist (offered,Tencent_Holdings_Ltd) and exist (offered,Hammer_Capital) and exist (offered,$_16) and exist (other,shareholders) and exist (partner,Hammer_Capital) and exist (private,Hammer_Capital) and exist (website,Holdings_Ltd) "}, {"_id": 1710, "cause": "1710 exist companies exist firm exist growth exist (coming,suffered) and exist (coming,growth) and exist (coming,company) and exist (foreign-facing,firms) and exist (suffered,firms) and exist (uk-focused,company) "}, {"_id": 1711, "cause": "1711 exist DUP exist Parliament exist backstop exist data exist it exist job exist prorogation exist report exist (bill,benn) and exist (assent,royal) and exist (assent,royal) and exist (assent,benn) and exist (backstop,campbell) and exist (benefited,it) and exist (benefited,report) and exist (benefited,royal) and exist (benefited,jobs) and exist (benefited,datum) and exist (benefited,prorogation) and exist (bill,benn) and exist (even,prorogation) and exist (factored,prorogation) and exist (forecast,jobs) and exist (gdp,datum) and exist (irish,backstop) and exist (lines,red) and exist (lines,backstop) and exist (lines,red) and exist (now,report) and exist (prorogation,Parliament) and exist (ready,DUP) and exist (ready,red) and exist (report,ready) "}, {"_id": 1712, "cause": "1712 exist ratchet exist rhetoric exist shareholder exist (appeared,shareholders) and exist (appeared,enjoy) and exist (enjoy,shareholders) and exist (enjoy,ratchet) and exist (ratchet,rhetoric) and exist (up,ratchet) "}, {"_id": 1713, "cause": "1713 exist Wetherspoons exist cost exist market exist profit exist rise exist sale exist (%,rise) and exist (continued,weighed) and exist (continued,Wetherspoons) and exist (continued,outperform) and exist (full-year,profits) and exist (like-for-like,sales) and exist (outperform,Wetherspoons) and exist (outperform,market) and exist (outperform,rise) and exist (rising,costs) and exist (rise,sales) and exist (underlying,profits) and exist (weighed,costs) and exist (weighed,profits) "}, {"_id": 1714, "cause": "1714 "}, {"_id": 1715, "cause": "1715 exist administration exist airline exist (went,airline) and exist (went,administration) "}, {"_id": 1716, "cause": "1716 exist company exist liquidation exist trading exist (178-year-old,company) and exist (ceased,company) and exist (ceased,trading) and exist (compulsory,liquidation) and exist (went,company) and exist (went,morning) and exist (went,liquidation) "}, {"_id": 1717, "cause": "1717 exist NYSE exist dividend exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NYSE) and exist (NYSE,vtr) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) "}, {"_id": 1718, "cause": "1718 exist NYSE exist dividend exist (declared,dividend) and exist (declared,NYSE) and exist (NYSE,vtr) and exist (dividend,23rd) and exist (journal,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) and exist (reports,23rd) "}, {"_id": 1719, "cause": "1719 exist analyst exist Ventas exist $_3.93 exist share exist year exist (earn,Ventas) and exist (earn,$_3.93) and exist (earn,year) and exist (equities,analysts) and exist (expect,analysts) and exist (expect,Ventas) and exist (expect,earn) and exist (next,year) and exist ($_3.93,share) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 1720, "cause": "1720 exist Monday exist stock exist trading exist (mid-day,trading) and exist (stock,ventas) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,trading) and exist (traded,Monday) "}, {"_id": 1721, "cause": "1721 exist $_0.58 exist earnings exist quarter exist trust exist ($_0.58,earnings) and exist (earnings,eps) and exist (estate,trust) and exist (investment,trust) and exist (real,trust) and exist (reported,trust) and exist (reported,$_0.58) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,eps) and exist (share,quarter) "}, {"_id": 1722, "cause": "1722 exist price exist rating exist stock exist they exist (74.00,price) and exist (equal,rating) and exist (issued,they) and exist (issued,price) and exist (issued,rating) and exist (price,stock) and exist (weight,rating) "}, {"_id": 1723, "cause": "1723 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist (given,twelve) and exist (given,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,company) and exist (rated,analysts) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,given) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,rating) and exist (research,analysts) "}, {"_id": 1724, "cause": "1724 exist Tuesday exist NASDAQ exist share exist (shares,NASDAQ) and exist (shares,traded) and exist (traded,ccne) and exist (traded,Tuesday) "}, {"_id": 1725, "cause": "1725 exist eps exist bank exist quarter exist (0.64,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,bank) and exist (reported,eps) "}, {"_id": 1726, "cause": "1726 exist 72.3_% exist 2nd_quarter exist its exist position exist (lifted,llc) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,72.3_%) and exist (72.3_%,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) "}, {"_id": 1727, "cause": "1727 exist 5.3_% exist 4th_quarter exist its exist position exist (lifted,lp) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,5.3_%) and exist (5.3_%,4th_quarter) and exist (position,its) "}, {"_id": 1728, "cause": "1728 exist 1.6_% exist 1st_quarter exist its exist position exist (lifted,lp) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,1.6_%) and exist (lifted,1st_quarter) and exist (position,its) "}, {"_id": 1729, "cause": "1729 exist 1.4_% exist 2nd_quarter exist its exist position exist (finally,lifted) and exist (lifted,inc.) and exist (lifted,position) and exist (lifted,1.4_%) and exist (lifted,2nd_quarter) and exist (position,its) "}, {"_id": 1730, "cause": "1730 exist scheme exist (14m.schemes,schemes) and exist (pension,schemes) and exist (shut,schemes) "}, {"_id": 1731, "cause": "1731 exist investigation exist investment exist member exist money exist they exist (invested,they) and exist (invested,money) and exist (invested,investments) and exist (money,members) and exist (revealed,investigation) and exist (revealed,invested) and exist (unsuitable,investments) "}, {"_id": 1732, "cause": "1732 exist officials exist scheme exist (high-risk,schemes) and exist (investing,schemes) and exist (pensions,schemes) and exist (said,officials) and exist (said,investing) "}, {"_id": 1733, "cause": "1733 exist daughter exist he exist his exist house exist money exist (buy,house) and exist (buy,daughter) and exist (daughter,his) and exist (help,money) and exist (help,buy) and exist (used,he) and exist (used,money) and exist (used,help) "}, {"_id": 1734, "cause": "1734 exist exposure exist it exist its exist its exist strategy exist (companies,nordic) and exist (companies,nordic) and exist (exposure,its) and exist (exposure,nordic) and exist (increase,it) and exist (increase,exposure) and exist (presses,it) and exist (presses,strategy) and exist (presses,increase) and exist (private,nordic) and exist (strategy,its) "}, {"_id": 1735, "cause": "1735 exist 36x exist 38x exist exist we exist (multiple,36x) and exist (multiple,38x) and exist (raise,we) and exist (raise,) and exist (roll,we) "}, {"_id": 1736, "cause": "1736 exist analysts exist forecasts exist exist (cut,analysts) and exist (cut,forecasts) and exist (lowered,analysts) and exist (lowered,) and exist (price,) "}, {"_id": 1737, "cause": "1737 exist Friday exist stock exist (beauty,stock) and exist (traded,stock) and exist (traded,Friday) "}, {"_id": 1738, "cause": "1738 exist eps exist company exist quarter exist (0.08,eps) and exist (eps,quarter) and exist (reported,company) and exist (reported,eps) "}, {"_id": 1739, "cause": "1739 exist analyst exist company exist rating exist rating exist stock exist (assigned,rating) and exist (hold,rating) and exist (issued,company) and exist (rated,analyst) and exist (rated,stock) and exist (rated,assigned) and exist (rated,issued) and exist (rated,rating) "}, {"_id": 1740, "cause": "1740 exist period exist share exist (additional,shares) and exist (buying,shares) and exist (buying,period) "}, {"_id": 1741, "cause": "1741 exist group exist it exist session exist (discussion,sessions) and exist (involve,it) and exist (involve,sessions) and exist (sessions,groups) and exist (smaller,groups) "}, {"_id": 1742, "cause": "1742 exist attack exist discounting exist facilities exist impact exist investors exist it exist its exist rival exist warning exist (arabian,facility) and exist (attacks,facility) and exist (impact,attacks) and exist (issued,it) and exist (issued,warning) and exist (processing,facility) and exist (profit,warning) and exist (rivals,its) and exist (unprecedented,discounting) and exist (warning,rivals) and exist (warning,discounting) and exist (weighed,investors) and exist (weighed,impact) "}, {"_id": 1743, "cause": "1743 exist (increase,percent) and exist (increase,percent) and exist (increase,second-quarter) and exist (reporting,percent) and exist (sales,second-quarter) and exist (sales,second-quarter) "}, {"_id": 1744, "cause": "1744 exist 12.5_cents exist dividend exist rights exist (12.5_cents,dividends) and exist (shedding,rights) and exist (shedding,12.5_cents) "}, {"_id": 1745, "cause": "1745 exist rights exist (ceding,rights) and exist (dividend,cent) and exist (dividend,cent) and exist (rights,cent) "}, {"_id": 1746, "cause": "1746 exist Kate_Rankin exist its exist officer exist (appointing,Kate_Rankin) and exist (appointing,officer) and exist (chief,officer) and exist (edge,Kate_Rankin) and exist (executive,Kate_Rankin) and exist (financial,officer) and exist (new,officer) and exist (officer,its) "}, {"_id": 1747, "cause": "1747 exist appetite exist demand exist it exist powder exist shareholders exist supply exist (appetite,powder) and exist (chinese,appetite) and exist (continues,demand) and exist (continues,powder) and exist (continues,outstrip) and exist (milk,powder) and exist (outstrip,demand) and exist (outstrip,supply) and exist (remains,it) and exist (remains,upbeat) and exist (telling,shareholders) and exist (telling,remains) and exist (upbeat,it) and exist (upbeat,appetite) and exist (where,continues) "}, {"_id": 1748, "cause": "1748 exist last_September exist effect exist price exist word exist (effect,prices) and exist (effect,words) and exist (other,words) and exist (prices,last_September) and exist (same,prices) and exist (still,effect) "}, {"_id": 1749, "cause": "1749 exist $_80 exist demand exist he exist price exist producer exist ticket exist (explained,he) and exist (explained,lower) and exist (lower,raise) and exist (lower,producers) and exist (lower,price) and exist (lower,$_80) and exist (raise,demand) and exist (raise,tickets) "}, {"_id": 1750, "cause": "1750 exist Manhattan exist attraction exist content exist fan exist franchise exist its exist opening exist there exist tour exist way exist (are,ways) and exist (are,there) and exist (are,opening) and exist (are,tour) and exist (are,attractions) and exist (consume,franchise) and exist (consume,content) and exist (content,its) and exist (exhibit,opening) and exist (fans,franchise) and exist (film,tour) and exist (multiple,attractions) and exist (new,opening) and exist (opening,Manhattan) and exist (other,ways) and exist (park,attractions) and exist (studio,tour) and exist (theme,attractions) and exist (ways,fans) "}]