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⚠️ Under construction / Work in progress...


Chainables is a set of fluent interface-style sub types of Iterable with a large selection of methods facilitating the use of the functional programming, the iterator pattern and lazy evaluation, intended for achieving code that is more succinct, readable, simpler to implement and sometimes faster than its non-lazy/non-functional equivalent.

It includes support for data structures such as:

  • tree (or trie) - (ChainableTree) enabling a number of lazy operations on trees defined in a functional-programming manner (including infinite trees)
  • 2-dimensional (2 key) map (Map2D, Map2DMultiValued)
  • list -- see ChainableList
  • queue -- see ChainableQueue
  • and the Chainable interface itself, which is intended to be a rich, Iterable-based alternative to Java's Stream and Google's guava.

The implementation is lightweight, based on Java 8, self-contained, i.e. it has no external dependencies, so as not to contribute to any sub-dependency versioning challenges.

Simple example

        import static com.github.chainables.chainable.Chainable.chain;
        // ...

        Chainable<String> chain =
                chain(0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7, 0, 1, 8, 3, 13, 14, 0, 2)   // Integers
                    .notAsLongAs(i -> i == 0)                       // Ignore leading sub chain of 0s
                    .notAfter(i -> i == 13)                         // Stop after finding 13
                    .whereEither(                                   // Choose only those that...
                        i -> i % 2 == 0,                            // ...are even
                        i -> i > 6)                                 // ...or greater than 6
                    .transform(i -> Character.toString((char) (i + 65)));   // Transform into letters

        String text = chain.join();                                 // Merge into a string
        String textBackwards = chain.reverse().join();              // Reverse and merge into a string

        assertEquals("CHAIN", text);
        assertEquals("NIAHC", textBackwards);

System requirements

GitHub top language

  • Java 8+

Usage (Maven)

Maven Central

Add this to your POM's <depedencies>:


Also, for easier access, it is a good idea to add the following static import to the Java file:

        import static com.github.chainables.chainable.Chainable.chain;

Getting Started

A simple starting chain can be created using one of the factory methods on Chainable, such as from() or empty().

      // From pre-defined values
      Chainable<String> chain1 = chain("a", "b", "c");

      // Empty but expecting String items
      Chainable<String> chain2 = chain(String.class);

      // From an existing Iterable<Foo>
      Chainable<Foo> chain3 = chain(existingIterable);

      // From an existing Stream<Foo>
      Chainable<Foo> chain4 = chain(existingStream);

A simple tree can be created using the withRoot() factory method.

      // Example tree of String values
      ChainableTree<String> tree = ChainableTree.withRoot("root");

and then child sub-trees can be assigned to it either:

  • as explicitly pre-defined trees or values:
                  .withChildValues("1.1", "1.2"),
                  .withChildValues("2.1", "2.2"));



In general, some of the current key highlights of the Chainables project include:

Tree processing

⚠️ Section under construction as the API is under active development/at pre-release stage.

Tightly integrated with Chainable chains, the functional programming-based tree (trie) support ChainableTree is a particularly distinguishing feature of the Chainables library. A chainable tree can be defined using a lazily-evaluated lambda in the withChildValueExtractor() method, which does not evaluate/traverse the children of a given parent until necessary. A number of capabilities stem from this:

  • infinite trees, or trees of infinite depth, can be easily defined in terms of children-generating lambdas. For example, the code below defines a lazily evaluated infinite tree made of all the possible permutations of the letters a, b and c, where each layer of the tree consists of nodes of increasingly longer strings:
        char[] alphabet = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };                // Define alphabet to take letters from
        ChainableTree<String> permutations = ChainableTree
                .withRoot("")                               // Blank string at the root
                .withChildValueExtractor(p -> Chainable
                        .empty(String.class)                // Start with an empty chain of strings
                        .chainIndexed((s, i) -> p + alphabet[i.intValue()]) // Append each alphabet item to the parent
                        .first(alphabet.length));           // Limit the children chain to the size of the alphabet

If you were to begin to traverse this infinite tree, its initial few layers would look like this:

- (blank root)
- a
- aa
 - aaa
- ab
 - aba
- ac
 - aca
- b
- ba
- c
- ca
      String text = permutations
              .notBelowWhere(t -> t.value().length() >= 3) // Limit permutation length to 3 letters
              .breadthFirst()                              // Create chain from breadth-first traversal
              .afterFirst()                                // Skip the empty root
              .join(", ");


The beginning of the output text, which lists all the permutations of a, b, and c, up to 3 letters in length, will be: a, b, c, aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, ca, cb, cc, aaa, aab, ...

  • sub-tree "transparency" - 🚩 To do

  • breadth/depth-first traversals - 🚩 To do

🚩 To do...

Sequence processing

⚠️ Section under construction as the API is under active development/at pre-release stage.

  • single pass caching - By default, each re-iteration over a given chain re-evaluates the specified lambdas. But using the cached() method, you can create a chain that is lazily evaluated only on the first complete pass, when it is iterated all the way to the end, assuming it is not infinite. From then on, subsequent iterations over the same chain would only navigate through the internally cached outputs of that initial pass, no longer evaluating the provided lambdas. This means the cached chain, upon subsequent traversals, starts behaving de-facto like a List.

  • interleaving - Two or more chains that have their own evaluation logic can be interleaved using the interleave() method, so that a subsequent chain can apply its logic to their outputs in a quasi-parallel (or sequential round-robin) fashion, while still not actually being concurrent.


  • breadth-first / depth-first traversal - You can achieve a tree-like traversal of a chain, where children of each item extracted by the child-extracting lambda are inserted immediately ahead depthFirst() or appended to the end of the chain breadthFirst(), thereby resulting in a pre-order/depth-first or breadth-first traversal respectively.

  • crossing - Using the cross() method, you can cross two chains to create one chain that iterates through all the pairs of the members of the two input chains, in a lazily evaluated fashion.

  • disjunctive filtering - Using the whereEither() method, you can specify one or more filter predicates at the same time, with disjunctive (logical-OR) semantics. This means you can define specific filtering predicates for specific purposes and then just supply them all as parameters, rather than having to create yet another predicate that's an OR of the others.

  • skipping of the leading sub-chain of items under various scenarios, e.g.:

  • trimming of the trailing sub-chain of items under various scenario, e.g.:

    • stop right before the specified condition is satisfied using before()
    • or as soon as it is no longer satisfied using asLongAs()
  • equality and sub-array containment checks, evaluated lazily. Chain comparison using the equality equals() test or the sub-array containment containsSubarray() tests return quickly, without traversing/evaluating the rest of the chain.

  • chainable string joining/splitting operations - You can get a chain of tokens or characters out of a string with Chainable's split() method, process it using various Chainable APIs and go back to a string using join().

Two-dimensional Maps

⚠️ To do

Chainable vs Java Stream

Although Chainable overlaps with Java's Stream in some areas of functionality, the design of Chainable is optimized for a somewhat different set of goals, manifested in a number of design and functional differences:

  • Unlike streams, Chainable derives from Iterable to simplify usage inside the for-each flavor of the for loop.

  • By virtue of deriving from Iterable, chains are "re-entrant" in the sense that multiple iterators can be instantiated against the same chain.

  • Unlike Java's streams, the Chainables library also provides functional programming-based API for trees (or more specifically, tries), seamlessly integrated with the Chainable sequence processing API (see ChainableTree), as well as other (future) basic data structures.

  • Chainable supports caching of the already evaluated items in the chain, if that is what the programmer chooses to enable (see cached()). This can be especially useful if the underlying sequence is not expected to change before subsequent traversals, or if it is wrapping a Java Stream (which itself by definition is not re-entrant.)

  • Chainable exposes various additional convenience methods for sequential processing with functional programming that are not present in streams.

  • While some of the overlapping APIs in Java's Stream are only available starting with Java 9, Chainable is fully functional starting with Java 8.

  • Chainable is not (currently) oriented toward the parallelism that was a key guiding design principle behind Java's Stream.

Functional and design differences with streams aside, a level of interoperability between Stream and Chainable exists: a chain can be created from a stream using from(Stream), and vice-versa using stream(). A chain wrapping a stream makes the stream appear reentrant, even though in reality it is traversed only once under the hood. That is because the chain wrapper for the stream automatically caches the already evaluated stream items and only accesses the underlying stream for not yet visited items.


Tree Examples

Breadth-first traversal

🚩 To do...

Finding an item matching some criteria

🚩 To do...

Infinite tree of permutations of 3 letters

In this example, an infinite tree is defined with a child extracting lambda that generates strings as permutations of letters from the specified alphabet (a, b, c) of increasingly greater length. Then, a "view" of the tree is defined, limiting its depth to 4 layers (including the empty root). Finally, it is transformed into a string listing of all the permutations:

      char[] alphabet = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };                // Define alphabet to take letters from
      ChainableTree<String> permutations = ChainableTree
              .withRoot("")                               // Blank string at the root
              .withChildValueExtractor(p -> Chainable
                      .empty(String.class)                // Start with an empty chain of strings
                      .chainIndexed((s, i) -> p + alphabet[i.intValue()]) // Append each alphabet item to the parent
                      .first(alphabet.length));           // Limit the children chain to the size of the alphabet

      String text = permutations
              .notBelowWhere(t -> t.value().length() >= 3) // Limit permutation length to 3 letters
              .breadthFirst()                              // Create chain from breadth-first traversal
              .afterFirst()                                // Skip the empty root
              .join(", ");


The beginning of the output text here, which lists all the permutations of a, b, and c up to 3 letters in length, will be: a, b, c, aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, ca, cb, cc, aaa, aab, ...

🚩 To do...

Chain Examples

Fibonacci Sequence

In this example, each next item is the sum of the previous two preceding it in the chain:

      String fibonacciFirst8 = chain(0l, 1l)  // Starting values for Fibonacci
              .chain((i0, i1) -> i0 + i1)     // Generate next Fibonacci number
              .first(8)                       // Take first 8 items
              .join(", ");                    // Merge into a string

      assertEquals("0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13", fibonacciFirst8);        

The flavor of the chain() method used above feeds the user-specified lambda with the two preceding items.

Interleaving two chains

In this examples, a chain of odd numbers is interleaved with a chain of even numbers to produce a chain of natural numbers:

  // Define infinite chain of odd numbers starting with 1
  final Chainable<Long> odds = chain(1l).chain(o -> o + 2);

  // Define infinite chain of even numbers starting with 2
  final Chainable<Long> evens = chain(2l).chain(o -> o + 2);

  String naturals = odds
      .interleave(evens) // Interleave odds with evens
      .first(10)         // Take the first 10 items 
      .join(", ");       // Merge into a string

  assertEquals("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10", naturals);

🚩 To do...

Two-dimensional Map Examples

🚩 To do...

Traversing all permutations of items from two chains

🚩 To do...