- 2020-06-16 - Fix issue #19 - collapse problem with hidden sections.
- 2019-11-17 - Rebuild amd module with new transpiler
- 2019-11-17 - Fix wrong behaviour of section collapsing with bootstrap in moodle 3.8.
- 2019-10-09 - Transfer toggle state persistance from db to browser storage.
- 2019-08-21 - Add section progress bar feature (initiated by Chris Kenniburg)
- 2019-08-23 - Fix display of section 0 title to be consistent with core topics format (issue #1)
- 2019-05-20 - Remove support for legacy themes.
- 2019-08-20 - Add toggle icon for rtl languages.
- 2019-08-20 - Fix issue #12 Wrong item labels in drop targets list.